How can you replace mayonnaise in a salad: the most detailed reminder

How to cook PP herring under a fur coat

Since the salad includes only boiled vegetables and fish, it is worth paying attention to these products, namely the preparation of vegetables and the choice of herring.

As you know, if you cook vegetables in a pan, they lose half of their vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, in order for the salad to have a higher nutritional value, it is preferable to prepare carrots, beets (potatoes, if you add them) in other ways. For example:

  • In the oven , thoroughly rinse the root vegetables first. Wipe with a paper towel and wrap each vegetable in foil. Bake at 200 degrees for 30 minutes to 1.3 hours (depending on the size of the tubers). Check readiness with a wooden skewer or toothpick. The advantage of this method is that the dishes are clean, since after cooking the vegetables, a dark residue remains in the pan.
  • Steamed in a slow cooker : we also wash the vegetables well beforehand. Pour ⅓ of water into the multicooker bowl, turn on the “cook/steam” mode and wait for the sound signal when the water boils. Then place the vegetables on the steaming insert and insert it into the bowl. Cook until done (about 1-1.3 hours).

Afterwards, we cool the vegetables, clean and chop them in a convenient way; more often, vegetables for fur coats are grated on a coarse grater.

We choose lightly salted herring, preferably fattier. You can cook it from Iwasi or Norwegian herring. If you are tired of this type of fish, you can make a vegetable coat with lightly salted salmon, mackerel or caviar. You can also prepare the salad from canned tuna in its own juice, but the taste will be slightly different.

The benefits and harms of herring under a fur coat when dieting

The desire to be slim, fit and healthy forces a person to resort to diets from time to time. The most popular dietary options:

  • refusal to eat after 18-00;
  • diet without carbohydrates;
  • Kremlin protein diet;
  • eating only raw vegetables;
  • Japanese diet;
  • separate, fractional meals.

Almost all diets are based on limiting carbohydrates, fat, and calories.

If the diet does not prohibit salt, then you can eat a small portion of dietary “fur coat”. Even 200 g of salad will benefit:

  • the mood will rise;
  • the body will be charged with energy.

The recipe for a low-calorie snack is simple. Layer the four ingredients:

  • First: fish fillet;
  • Second: apple;
  • Third: boiled carrots;
  • Fourth: boiled beets.

If desired, the ingredients can be cut into cubes or grated. Each layer is topped with yogurt and decorated with herbs. This salad has half the calorie content and is called the “French version.”

Recipe for herring under a fur coat with avocado

Many adherents of healthy eating do not eat potatoes. In a salad, you can make do with traditional ingredients, removing only the starchy root vegetable from the composition. But the dish will be much tastier and healthier if you add avocado to it. You will like this “new way” of herring under a fur coat even more than the usual classic version.



  • Lightly salted herring (or 250 g fillet of any other fresh fish);
  • 2 beets;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 2 eggs + 2 whites (the yolks go into the sauce);
  • 2 ripe small or 1 large avocado (I used haas).

For the sauce:

  • 250 g sour cream or natural yoghurt;
  • ½ teaspoon mustard;
  • ⅓ teaspoon salt;
  • 2 boiled yolks.

Or choose one of the PP mayonnaise options.

Step by step method:

  1. We prepare vegetables in a way convenient for you. I wrapped each root vegetable in foil and baked for 1-1.3 hours in the oven at 200 degrees.

  2. Cool the beets and carrots, peel them and grate them on a coarse grater.

  3. Boil the eggs hard, and also grate them.
  4. We clean the onion. Chop finely with a knife. You can pour boiling water for 15 minutes so that the onion gives off its bitterness.

  5. We clean the herring and fillet it. Cut into cubes.
  6. Cut the avocado in half and remove the pit. Using a teaspoon, scoop out the pulp. Cut into thin slices.
  7. Prepare the sauce. Place sour cream, mustard, two boiled yolks and salt in a bowl (blender). Beat with a blender or by hand with a whisk.
  8. We collect the salad. I decorated it in the form of a round cake in a ring - it turns out to be a very impressive presentation, especially for a festive table. But herring under a fur coat also looks great in a small oval herring bowl or dish. The sequence of layers is as follows: Lay out the avocado as the first layer, then 2 tablespoons of sauce.
  9. The second layer is herring, grease with sauce.
  10. The third layer is onion, cover with sauce.
  11. The fourth layer is carrots, cover with sauce.
  12. Fifth layer - eggs, also saturate the layer with sauce.
  13. Sixth, last layer - lay out the beets.

It is not necessary to soak the top with sauce, this will give the salad a brighter, more festive look, but I had some sauce left, so I brushed the top.

We leave the salad to soak for a couple of hours, or better yet, overnight in the refrigerator.

Herring under a fur coat with avocado is ready. Decorate with herbs, red caviar (if possible) and serve. Bon appetit!

If you still make herring under a fur coat with potatoes and without avocado, start the first layer with onions. Then fish, potatoes, carrots, eggs and beets. You can also prepare a lazy salad without laying it out in layers: cut all the ingredients into pieces, mixing them in a dish along with the dressing.

Calorie comparison table for mayonnaise with homemade dressings

The calorie content of the dressing is calculated per 100 grams of product.

See also: How and how long to cook jacket potatoes for salad

  • drinking water
  • deodorized oil
  • dry egg products
  • stabilizers
  • preservatives
  • potassium sorbate
  • sodium benzoate, etc.
615 kcal
Sauce No. 1
  • 1 tbsp sour cream 25%
  • 1 tbsp. mustard
  • Apple vinegar
162 kcal
Sauce No. 2
  • 10% low-fat sour cream
  • 1 tsp mustard
  • 1 yolk
195 kcal
Sauce No. 3
  • 200 ml low-fat yogurt
  • 200 g low-fat cottage cheese
  • 2 boiled yolks
  • 2 tsp lemon juice
  • 2 tsp. mustard
286 kcal
Sauce No. 4
  • 150 ml sunflower oil
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice
  • 0.5 tsp
1315 kcal
Sauce No. 5
  • 50 ml olive oil
  • 50 ml sunflower oil
  • 1 tsp mustard
  • 2 tbsp. lemon juice
875 kcal

Homemade sauce with sour cream can be stored for no more than 14 days, and dressing with cottage cheese and yogurt – up to 5 days.

Salad options

  • with an apple instead of potatoes;
  • with white cheese (ricotta, mozzarella or processed cheese) - an excellent combination with lightly salted fish;
  • With cucumber (fresh or salted, it is better not to use pickled ones during PP);
  • With fried champignons;
  • With nuts - also instead of potatoes.

The ingredients can be interchanged or used in the form of additional layers. In the second case, the herring salad under a fur coat will become taller and have an even more festive look.

Tuna "under a fur coat"

We've been making a lot of delicious tuna salads recently. But from this canned food you can also prepare a fitness version similar to a regular fur coat. Here's a good video recipe. I only advise you to take fresh or frozen corn, not canned:

This tasty and satisfying salad is prepared not only for the New Year. Culinary masters sometimes add apples, canned cucumbers, and pickled onions to the classic recipe. The dish is often made “light” when sour cream or yogurt is added instead of mayonnaise.

  1. The benefits and harms of herring under a fur coat when dieting
  2. The benefits and harms of herring under a fur coat for breakfast
  3. The benefits and harms of herring under a fur coat at night

The benefits and harms of herring under a fur coat for breakfast

The morning meal should be healthy, tasty and high enough in calories so that you don’t want to snack until lunch. Nutritionists have still not come to a consensus on the ideal breakfast. But everyone unanimously believes that it should be more nutritious than dinner food.

For breakfast, you can prepare herring under a fur coat according to a new recipe. To taste a piece of the dish you don’t need a fork, but you do need an additional ingredient - pita bread.

The recipe is very simple:

  • Prepare and chop the layers of the classic “fur coat”.
  • Cut the pita bread into pieces. Grease each sheet with mayonnaise and apply a layer of filling.
  • Place the sheets one on top of the other and roll the roll.
  • Cut the roll into 3-4 cm portions, put a piece of fish on top. It turns out delicious, and most importantly, healthy.

Herring contains protein, which will give you a feeling of fullness. Fatty acids, in particular Omega 3, have a beneficial effect on brain cells, protect the body from disease, and strengthen blood vessels. Vitamins and microelements (iron and selenium) will ensure the coordinated functioning of all organs.

There will be no harm to the body from such a breakfast if you replace mayonnaise with a sauce made from sour cream, boiled egg yolks and Russian mustard.

Healthy herring under a fur coat cannot be harmful

We can safely say that not a single big holiday is complete without the queen of the table - spicy salted herring, neatly hidden under a multi-layer “coat” of boiled vegetables and mayonnaise sauce. Most nutritionists of the classical school say with confidence that such a dish is a direct threat to a slim figure, causing problems with weight loss, and for the whole body it is simply a fat “bomb” leading to serious diseases.

Fortunately, not all nutrition experts share this orthodox point of view and allow the use of herring under a fur coat when losing weight and following any plant-based, popular or designer diets. In defense of everyone’s favorite salad, nutritionists give the following arguments:

  • Lightly salted or spicy salted herring holds the record for the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • vegetables contain fiber, which promotes weight loss;
  • The dish represents a harmonious dietary tandem - fish and vegetables.

The only thing that slightly spoils the perfect picture is mayonnaise. But firstly, you can choose this product with low calorie content. And secondly, it can be mixed in certain proportions with low-fat store-bought sour cream. This combination will significantly reduce the total calorie content of the popular dish.

The benefits and harms of herring under a fur coat: reviews from nutritionists

When selecting products to follow any diet you like, weight correction experts recommend paying attention to their GI - glycemic index. The higher this indicator, the faster your blood sugar level rises and falls sharply, which provokes uncontrollable appetite and leaves no chance of losing weight. The weight loss method of the famous Hollywood nutrition guru Harley Pasternak is based on foods with low and medium GI - 5 factors.

“Dangerous” foods start with a GI of 60. For classic herring under a fur coat, this indicator is average and equal to 42, which allows the use of salad in small quantities while following most diets. Reviews of some authoritative nutrition experts also testify to the undoubted benefits of the dish.

Known for his loyal views on weight loss, nutritionist Mikhail Moiseevich Ginzburg recommends including 50 g of lightly salted or spicy salted herring in the daily menu for everyone without exception: those who are losing weight, those who are happy with their weight, and those who are experiencing health problems. The doctor's arguments are as follows:

It is herring, and not some expensive salmon, trout or halibut, that occupies absolute primacy in the content of Omega acids, vitamin D and easily digestible proteins.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are found in abundance in this fish, actively prevent the accumulation of bad cholesterol and reduce the likelihood of serious diseases such as stroke, malignant tumors, and atherosclerosis.

Famous Kiev nutritionist Lyudmila Denisenko votes for herring under a fur coat in the diet. Here's what the doctor says:

The polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in herring reduce the size and number of adipocytes - fat storage cells, which promotes proper weight loss and reduction of adipose tissue.

The antioxidants that make up fish, high-quality protein, and vitamins make it an invaluable product in the diet, even if it is part of herring under a fur coat. As for the salinity of the product, you can reduce the salt concentration in the fish by soaking it in milk for one or two hours.

The boiled vegetables that make up the salad are a natural source of not only a complex of vitamins and minerals, but also dietary fiber, which is well known for its “weight loss” abilities. Thanks to them, quick and long-lasting satiety occurs with small amounts of food eaten, and the intestines are effectively cleansed.

If the recipe calls for the use of eggs, then the herring under the fur coat is enriched with important amino acids and protein in an easily digestible form.

You can harm yourself with salad only in limited cases:

  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • for pathologies of the pancreas;
  • for liver diseases;
  • in case of exacerbation of any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

This is due to the fact that in addition to mayonnaise, which in the classic version contains a lot of fat, the salad includes boiled vegetables. It is worth noting that the glycemic index of potatoes, carrots and beets increases sharply when boiled. Therefore, in order to make healthy herring under a fur coat, vegetables for salad should be baked.

Products that are not very fresh can also cause problems. Therefore, herring for a holiday dish should be chosen in bulk form so that you can properly examine the fish, and when purchasing mayonnaise, you should check the expiration date of the sauce and observe its storage conditions.

How to reduce the calorie content of herring under a fur coat

Using ordinary traditional mayonnaise to coat the vegetable layers brings the calorie content of the herring salad under a fur coat to approximately 150 kcal per 100-gram serving. Just 200 g of natural bio-yogurt has exactly the same calorie content.

However, this figure can be reduced to 100 kcal if you use the following tips:

  • use a mixture of 2 tbsp for salad dressing. l. mayonnaise and 4 tbsp. l. low-fat sour cream;
  • replace half of the recommended amount of potatoes with boiled grated zucchini or zucchini;
  • Do not boil vegetables for salad according to tradition, but bake them in the oven, wrapped in foil;
  • increase the total amount of carrots and beets;
  • choose Pacific herring instead of very fatty willow herring.

Additional low-calorie ingredients such as chicken eggs, green apples, daikon or green radish will help to “lighten” the classic salad recipe.

Healthy herring under a fur coat: recipe

To prepare tasty, not too high-calorie and very healthy herring under a fur coat, you will need:

  • 2 small herrings or 1 large fish;
  • 2 small onions;
  • 200 g of potatoes baked in their skins or 100 g of potatoes and zucchini;
  • 250 g baked carrots;
  • 250 – 300 g baked beets.

If desired, you can add to the ingredients of the classic recipe: either 2 boiled chicken egg whites, or 1 large sweet and sour apple, or 1 grated green radish, or daikon.

According to the traditional recipe, the salad is prepared as follows.

  1. Vegetables (except onions) are baked in the oven and peeled.
  2. Prepared vegetables are grated on a coarse grater and mixed separately with mayonnaise.
  3. The fish is cleaned of skin, entrails and bones.
  4. The prepared fillet is cut into small pieces and mixed with one part of the onion and mayonnaise.
  5. On a base of half of grated potatoes (or grated potatoes and zucchini), mixed with finely chopped onions and mayonnaise, prepared herring fillet with onions and mayonnaise is laid out.
  6. The fish layer is covered with the second part of grated potatoes with mayonnaise.
  7. This is followed by a layer of grated carrots and mayonnaise and the last top layer of beets.

Due to the fact that all vegetables are mixed with mayonnaise separately and only then laid out in layers, the salad is soaked very quickly and acquires a special delicate taste.

If you intend to use eggs in cooking, they are laid out in a layer between carrots and beets. Grated apple or radish, on the contrary, are laid out on the herring with onions under the second layer of potatoes.

Herring under a fur coat on a diet

Even very healthy herring under a fur coat, prepared in accordance with the recommendations of nutritionists, can become a harmful product if you do not adhere to moderation in its consumption.

To get the most out of a salad without harming your figure and enjoy it, you should remember a couple of rules.

  1. One serving of salad will be enough for a complete lunch.
  2. Herring under a fur coat is not an everyday food, but rather a light indulgence or encouragement for the body that is on a diet.

On New Year's Eve, many housewives are concerned about one difficult question:

How to organize a traditional New Year's holiday, set an amazingly delicious table with classic New Year's dishes, but at the same time not harm your health and not gain weight during the long-awaited winter holidays? The “Herring under a Fur Coat” salad tops the list of traditional New Year’s dishes and competes only with the “Olivier” salad. Which of them is more important in the New Year is up to you to decide.

To help you cope with this difficult task, we have made for you a selection of simplified recipes for the most popular classic dishes on the New Year's table.

The salad is rightfully considered “winter”, since it contains vegetables and salted herring, available in winter; it is not for nothing that the fish was put under the “fur coat” and not under something else.

In spring and summer, people forget a little about “Herring under a fur coat” and give preference to seasonal vegetables: fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant, pumpkin and other vegetables. But in winter, and especially on New Year’s, “Herring under a fur coat” is the decoration and richness of the festive table.

An indispensable attribute of the traditional New Year's table is “Herring under a fur coat.” The most harmful product included in its composition is mayonnaise. You can replace it, for example, with natural low-fat yogurt.

Herring under a fur coat without mayonnaise


  • 1 lightly salted herring
  • 2 medium or large beets
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 medium potatoes
  • 3 eggs (1 for decoration, 2 for layer)
  • 1 lemon
  • 0.5 onions
  • Greens to taste

For the sauce:

  • 200 g natural yoghurt
  • 1 tsp. mustard
  • 1 tsp lemon juice


  • It is advisable to steam vegetables in a slow cooker or double boiler. In this case, they will retain their bright taste, freshness and vitamin and mineral composition.
  • Boil the eggs.
  • Cut the herring. Remove as many bones as possible, remove the skin, and wash the fillets. Cut the fillet into small pieces.
  • Grate the boiled vegetables on a medium grater or use a food processor. Each vegetable is placed on a separate plate.
  • Place the herring on the bottom of the salad bowl, sprinkle onions on top. Sprinkle the onions with lemon. This will remove excess bitterness from the onion and marinate it a little.
  • Next, lay out potatoes, carrots, grated eggs, and beets in even layers. Spread each layer with sauce and add a little salt if desired. Sprinkle a layer of carrots and beets with lemon juice.
  • Grate the boiled egg on top for decoration. It is advisable to do this before serving so that the salad looks fresh.
  • Decorate the salad with herbs

To prepare the sauce: Mix yogurt, mustard and lemon juice, add salt to taste.

To prepare the “Herring under a Fur Coat” salad, one of the most important ingredients is the queen of the dish – herring. Choose your fish carefully: the herring should be whole, not cut into pieces in oil, but in vacuum packaging or a tin can. The fillets should not be doughy or have a strange color. Buy lightly salted classic herring without additives or spices.

The benefits and harms of herring under a fur coat at night

Amazing results were shown by studies conducted by scientists from Israel. People who eat shortly before bed get rid of extra pounds faster than those who eat a big breakfast and ignore dinner. Having an evening snack also increases your level of cheerfulness.

Israeli nutritionists have proven that the body benefits from eating foods rich in slow carbohydrates and tryptophan before bedtime. A short list of these products includes:

  • cereals;
  • green apples;
  • soy;
  • dairy products;
  • nuts;
  • bananas.

There are no such products in the composition of herring under a fur coat. The salad is saturated with salt, which retains water in the body and causes swelling. Mayonnaise used in a traditional recipe for dressing, being a fatty sauce, contributes to the gain of extra pounds.

If you want to have a snack 30 minutes before bedtime, it is better to drink a glass of fermented milk product with a slice of whole grain bread, eat a small bowl of porridge or cottage cheese with dried apricots and prunes.

Having summarized the information about your favorite herring under a fur coat, we can recommend consuming it in small quantities during your diet, cooking it for breakfast and not eating it at night.

This salad has long become a good and kind tradition for celebrating the New Year, Christmas and the most important official and unofficial celebrations. Tender, tasty and healthy herring under a fur coat can become not only a decoration for the holiday table, but also an excellent option for anyone losing weight who suddenly decides to arrange a small cheat meal for themselves for the holidays. And many nutritionists also vote “for” this salad, although there are also those who consider it a calorie “bomb” and prohibit it on a diet.

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