How can you replace chicken breast when dieting?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, but we know for sure that with its help you will get rid of extra pounds. Eggs are rich in protein, so you lose weight without constantly feeling hungry.

By adding citrus fruits to your diet, you will lose the hated weight even faster. And if you do physical exercise at the same time, the effect will not keep you waiting long. The main rule is to create a menu for the week and strictly adhere to it.

Below is a sample menu that you should follow to get results in losing weight. It is not necessary to strictly consume these foods, the chicken diet involves making small changes that suit your body; all foods must be healthy and properly processed, eat often, in small portions.

Basic principles

Throughout the week, remember to drink as much purified water or green tea without added sugar as possible. If circumstances force you, you can afford gr. Do not overuse, alcoholic drinks do not allow fluid to leave the body. Eliminate or significantly reduce the amount of salt and sugar you consume.

You can eat deliciously and at the same time lose weight, just know how to deliciously cook chicken breast for your diet. Cut the fillet into pieces, add salt to taste and pour in kefir.

Mechanism of weight loss

Add the onion and leave to marinate for an hour. Then place in the oven for 40 minutes.

If you are overweight, but do not want to give up meat, then chicken recipes for weight loss will come in handy. Protein food in small quantities is necessary for the body, and many microelements included in chicken meat will be beneficial. In this article you will learn how to cook chicken breast correctly and what dishes help you lose weight. This universal product helps you eat nourishingly and affordably. Chicken is a source of protein, especially the breast.

Rinse and pat dry the chicken. Make a cut in the middle and put tomato rings and basil inside. Seal the edges with toothpicks. Place in a preheated oven for 30 minutes. We will need: fillet 1 pc. Cut the meat into cubes, and cut the carrots and potatoes in the same way. Place the meat into the boiling broth and cook for 10 minutes, then add the vegetables and cook for the same amount.

Add the cheese, stirring well so that it melts and does not form lumps. Spices and salt to taste. Make minced meat from the breast, add the remaining ingredients, finely chop the onion first. Mix everything well, add salt and spices to taste. Next, we form small cutlets, put them in a pan and fill them with milk.

Lean pork

Caesar salad has a classic recipe and taste that everyone is used to. To replace chicken, it is best to use lean pork, fried in small pieces in a frying pan. When tasting, it will become clear that the taste of the salad is far from the original, but it’s worth trying this alternative replacement.

Eggs are rich in protein necessary for the body. They should be included in the diet if you need to replace chicken for a while. Before use, the product must undergo heat treatment.

Regular consumption of eggs allows you to speed up metabolic processes in the body and energize you. This product contains:

This product is very popular among athletes. Eggs help speed up muscle growth. It is important to remember that each product is healthy when consumed in moderation; you should not make it the basis of your entire diet, so as not to harm your health.

Is the chicken breast diet effective - reviews and results of those losing weight + menu options

It is necessary to simmer in a sealed container for 10 minutes. Of course, the chicken breast diet has a large number of positive qualities.

But despite this, there are also disadvantages. There are no special contraindications to eating meat, the exception being a serious illness that requires a special diet. There are cases of allergic reactions to chicken.

If you have personal intolerance, it is not recommended to adhere to such a diet. The chicken diet really helped a large number of women who dreamed of losing excess weight and getting their appearance in order.

Based on positive reviews, it works. You must be logged in to post a comment. The content of the article:. Flax seeds for weight loss photo Show more. Green coffee for weight loss and how to drink it to lose weight Show more.

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Ziganshina weight loss methods Show more. During the day you need to eat no more than kcal, that is, you consume approximately 1 kg of boiled meat. This portion should be divided into meals. Since in this mode the amount of protein exceeds the usual levels, a mono-diet can have a bad effect on your health.

Allowed and prohibited products of the chicken diet

During the chicken diet, the following products may be present on the menu:

  • Vegetables and greens. It is important that they do not contain large amounts of starch.
  • Cereals with low starch content.
  • Fruits and berries.
  • Fermented milk and dairy products with a low fat content.
  • Drinks: tea, water, fresh juices, herbal infusions.
  • Seafood, low-fat sea fish.

Products that are not eaten during the diet:

  • Fruits and berries high in sugar.
  • Vegetables and grains with a high starch content.
  • Bread and other baked goods.
  • Any sweets.
  • Ketchup, mayonnaise and any other sauces.
  • Salted and canned foods.
  • Fatty, spicy and fried foods.
  • Fast food and semi-finished products.
  • Alcoholic drinks, cocoa, sparkling water, coffee, factory-made juices.
  • Salt, flavor enhancer, gelatin, starch, sugar and its substitutes, stabilizers and other chemical additives.
  • Meat and fish of fatty varieties.


Eating seafood instead of meat is completely justified. They saturate the body with useful substances and are low in calories.

The most useful fish for those who are constantly on a diet and struggling with excess weight is tuna.

Experts consider it not only a complete replacement for chicken, but also healthier than meat. You can buy canned tuna, but it is important that they do not contain oil - this significantly increases the calorie content of the product.


Viktor Konyshev, Doctor of Medical Sciences, nutritionist: — The undoubted advantage of chicken over cattle meat is its easier digestibility. This property is used in dietary nutrition for a number of diseases. In addition, the ratio of calcium and phosphorus in chicken meat is slightly more favorable for the absorption of calcium than, for example, in beef. However, the latter contains more iron. Waterfowl meat (goose, duck) is somewhat richer in essential linolenic acid than chicken and cattle meat. When comparing poultry and mammalian meat, it is important to consider the age of the animal, the category of the product, and what parts of the body we are talking about. Chicken breasts contain less animal fat (and this is healthy) than legs, but the legs contain more iron that is beneficial to us than the breasts.

The Mystery of Bush's Legs*
Chicken piece Total fat Cholesterol Protein, g Calories, kcal
G % DN** mg % DN
Breast without skin 1 2 55 19 23 110
Breast fillet (white meat) 0 1 65 21 21 90
Thighs without bones and skin 6 9 80 27 19 120
Wings 18 28 85 29 21 250
Bush legs (tibia with thigh) 15 23 75 26 16 200
* contents are indicated for one serving of 110 g. ** DN - daily intake

Do you want to lose weight quickly? Try chicken breast

We have been eating apples for the last three days. Preferably green. Their quantity should be no more than .5 kg. If desired, you can bake the fruit in the oven, adding a little cinnamon for taste. During all 9 days, do not forget to drink a lot: water, unsweetened tea, black coffee without sugar. Instead of fruit, the additional ingredient is vegetables. The principle of the diet is the same, only for the last three days you eat not apples, but fresh and steamed white or green vegetables. The list of allowed ones includes: zucchini, cabbage, cucumbers, green onions.

The chicken diet is a quick, inexpensive, simple and quite satisfying method of losing excess weight and getting your figure into proper shape. The chicken diet is classified as a fast protein diet regimen for weight loss, the effectiveness of which is based on eating mainly poultry meat with a minimum fat content and a high concentration of proteins. Thanks to the precise implementation of all the rules of the chicken diet diet, you can lose a kilogram of excess body fat within 7 days of following it. The effectiveness of the method of losing weight using chicken meat, like other protein diets, is based on limiting the intake of carbohydrates and saturating it with proteins.

Since this diet involves serious dietary restrictions, it has many contraindications. Avoid this method of losing weight if you have:. The buckwheat diet itself has a right to exist, since this cereal is a record holder for the content of nutrients and minerals. It contains a huge amount of carbohydrates, but almost no fat and protein. Thanks to this, the body receives only what is useful and necessary. Breast in this nutrition system acts as a low-calorie source of protein.

Meat allows you to maintain muscle tone and makes weight loss easy and effective. The duration of the diet should not exceed two weeks. The result of losing weight will be more noticeable and sustainable if, in addition to a changed diet, you exercise.

Chicken diet menu

There are many options for chicken diets. The basic ones are considered to be a chicken diet for 3 days and a chicken diet for a week. The first option refers to strict weight loss systems, since at this time they eat only chicken meat. The seven-day chicken diet allows you to eat not only chicken fillet, but also vegetables.

Mono-diet menu for 3 days

In three days on a mono-diet you can lose about 3 kg of excess weight. During this period, it is permissible to eat only boiled chicken meat, and also drink enough water. Eat 100 g of chicken meat at a time. The number of approaches to the table is equal to 5-6.

Menu for 7 days

Day of the week What can you eat during the day? What can you drink throughout the day?
1 0.5 kg of boiled chicken fillet, salad with vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, greens with yogurt dressing), boiled buckwheat – 0.35 kg Unsweetened fruit compote
2 0.7 kg chicken fillet, 0.5 kg fresh pineapple Green and black tea
3 0.5 kg steamed chicken fillet, fresh vegetable salad (apple, cabbage, carrots with lemon juice and olive oil dressing), boiled rice without salt Natural juice
4 0.5 kg vegetable salad from baked vegetables, 0.25 chicken fillet A glass of kefir and still mineral water
5 0.7 kg boiled chicken fillet, lettuce leaves, any vegetables in the salad with olive oil dressing Sugar-free fruit drink and mineral water
6 0.25 boiled chicken fillet, steamed vegetables A glass of kefir, tea with herbs
7 0.5 kg boiled chicken fillet, salad with vegetables and olive oil Mineral water and homemade juice

Soy meat

Vegetarians who do not eat chicken should definitely introduce soy meat into their diet. It will saturate the body with protein, since half of it consists of it. This is a low-calorie product that promotes weight loss.

Soy meat can improve the body's condition with:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • ischemia;
  • cholecystitis;
  • obesity;
  • arthritis.

It slows down the aging process, removes heavy metals and radionuclides. Lecithin helps restore brain cells and increases concentration.

I don't feel sorry for the bird

In addition to turkey fillet, worthy substitutes for lean chicken breasts are:

Duck breast meat. Many people think that duck meat is very fatty. In fact, if you remove the skin and fat from a duck breast, 100 g will contain 140 kcal, 28 g of protein and 3 g of fat. Duck breast meat contains even more protein than chicken, so it can be recommended for fitness enthusiasts who require an increased amount of protein (for muscle recovery after training)

Quail fillet. In 100 g - 134 kcal, 22 proteins and 4.5 g of fat. Yes, quail fillet is fattier than chicken fillet, but it contains more microelements - phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron and zinc, as well as B vitamins. This type of meat is especially useful in the cold season - when there are not so many vitamins and minerals in fruits and vegetables. minerals.

Rabbit meat. In 100 g - 114 kcal, 22 g of protein and 2.3 grams of fat. In terms of vitamin and mineral composition, this type of meat is not inferior to poultry, and its low sodium content makes it especially attractive for those losing weight who are prone to fluid retention in the body.

Lean veal and pork tenderloin are also white meats—they contain almost the same amount of calories, protein, and fat as lean poultry.

34 g of protein contained in a serving (150 g) of chicken breasts satisfies the body's need for animal protein by 100%.

Calorie content of chicken meat

Calorie content of different parts of chicken, calorie content of offal:

Chicken piece Number of kilocalories per 100 g of product
Chicken breast 115
Ham 190
Hip 210
Wing 190
Ventricle 130
Liver 140
Heart 160

Calorie content of chicken meat depending on the cooking method:

Method of processing chicken meat Calorie content per 100 g
Boiled meat 200
Canned stewed meat 210
Grilled meat 240
Smoked meat 250
Grilled chicken 260


You can replace chicken with turkey. It's much healthier. Such a product has a higher cost, but it is considered an excellent alternative to chicken meat.

When considering options for replacing chicken, everyone chooses the appropriate solution for themselves. Such a product should supply the body with necessary substances and help improve health.

The non-profit organization Roskontrol has again scared lovers of dietary protein. Judging by the results of an examination of chicken thighs from six popular brands, it is not recommended to buy, let alone eat, any of the samples. Laboratory anal?

What can replace chicken?

If you want to replace chicken on your diet with another high-protein product, feel free to choose from this list what you like:

  • fish;
  • seafood;
  • offal;
  • beef;
  • pork;
  • eggs.

You can also add nuts and mushrooms here as high-protein foods, but if you want to replace chicken as a nutritious meat product, meat or fish are best. Lean pork, veal and rabbit are the most delicious substitutes for chicken fillet, especially since in most recipes they can easily replace even chicken breast. On a diet, you want to eat nourishing, but at the same time tasty, and therefore popular chicken meat should be replaced exclusively with the same protein products.

If you need to replace chicken in soups and broths, you can cook them from lean pork, for example from the pork chop. The broth will turn out clear and aromatic, and you will get not only an excellent base for your favorite puree soups, but also magnificent juicy boiled meat. After all, boiled pork does not contain cholesterol or carbohydrates, and is a good basis for dietary nutrition.

How can you replace chicken in salads, especially popular ones like Caesar or other chicken salads? The easiest way is to take boiled beef or veal, and salads with salmon or trout will also look and taste great. Also, a variety of seafood are suitable as an excellent substitute for chicken in salads, because they are rich in protein and, unlike boiled chicken, have a pleasant, unique taste and aroma. A magnificent warm salad with mussels and oranges, onions, seasoned with a drop of oil and soy sauce - a great dish for every day. And a simple fish soup, if you replace chicken with seafood, will turn into an exquisite bouillabaisse soup. Many recipes can also be found on websites for those on the Dukan diet, since chicken meat on this diet is a key product for weight loss.

And finally, to completely replace chicken in your diet and switch to a vegetarian diet, you can simply eat more boiled eggs, omelettes, drink milk and eat cottage cheese. These products are rich in proteins and are similar in composition to chicken meat. But still, before replacing chicken in your diet with other types of meat, remember that protein from fillet is absorbed many times faster and more efficiently than from other types of meat.

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