What are the benefits of salmon milt and how to prepare it?

What kind of product is milk?

The valuable product milt is nothing more than sperm, or the testes of male fish, covered with a thin film. The name refers to their milky white color when ripe. The size and volume of milt differs among different species of fish. In carp, you may not even notice the testes, and the milt of sturgeon fish weighs 500 grams. The sperm of one shark fills 2 buckets.

By the way! People learned about their benefits from wild animals. Watching bears fishing before hibernation, people began to notice that the predators first eat the testes or eggs.

In Finland, where there is a lot of fish, the seeds are valued on a par with caviar. Both components are always added to the fish soup for fat and to give better taste. Sometimes they cook it without fish at all. The most delicious testes are those of red fish. Due to affordability, herring milk is most often used, which is salted.

What you need to know before purchasing a product

Before you cook something from the healthy part of salmon, there are several important points to consider:

  • Buy fish in stores with certified goods, and under no circumstances take products from open markets;
  • Don't be embarrassed to find out where the fish came from;
  • The appearance of the milk is smooth, without damage, its density is not mushy, but dense;
  • A pinkish tint to the milk indicates young salmon; if the milk is white, the fish was mature.
  • Do not consume fresh milk under any circumstances; it may contain parasites.
  • It is not recommended to freeze fresh salmon seminal glands, as this will lose their beneficial properties.

You can also find milk in stores in canned form. Personally, I have never bought them in this form, but they are for sale.

So if you want to try them in this form, look on the shelves of your nearest supermarket.

Composition and calorie content

Fish milk is a nutritious seafood product. Their uniqueness lies in the absence of carbohydrates. The energy value varies slightly among different fish. The composition of 100 grams of testes includes the following components:

  • 17.0 g proteins;
  • 3.0 g fat;
  • The caloric content of milk is 100 kcal.

The ratio of proteins and fats is 71%: 28/%. As you can see, the main source of energy is the protein component. The low fat content allows milk to be classified as a dietary product.

Testes are a storehouse of useful substances. They contain amino acids, vitamins , , C, PP, as well as a complex of group B. Milk is rich in microelements necessary for life:

  • phosphorus (281 mg);
  • potassium (137 mg);
  • magnesium (11 mg);
  • iron (3 mg);
  • sodium (27 mg).

Red fish milk contains 10% of high-value unsaturated fatty acids - omega-3 and 6. Fish milk contains special proteins - protamines.

These substances are low molecular weight proteins that form the nucleus of fish sperm. They have a healing effect on the human body.

In addition, protamines are used in some medications. By interacting with their ingredients, they prolong the effect of the active substance. They are especially necessary for diabetics. As part of injectable insulin, they inhibit the rate of absorption. Therefore, salmon milk should be consumed by patients suffering from diabetes.

The sodium salt of DNA is obtained from fish testes in the laboratory. Its solution, Derinat, is used in medicine. The product stimulates human defenses against microbes, fungi and viruses.

The essential amino acid glycine has been isolated from protamines. This substance helps improve neuronal function and is therefore used to treat neurological diseases.

Nutritional value and composition

The calorie content of carp depends on how it is cooked. The nutritional value of raw fish is 111 kcal per 100 g.

Boiled carp loses its calorie content up to 100 kilocalories, while stewed carp remains almost unchanged - 109 kcal, but fried carp almost doubles - up to 195 kcal per 100 grams. fish. This fish is rich in minerals and vitamins.

Carp contains a lot of iron, molybdenum, iodine, nickel, selenium, fluorine, zinc and copper. Fish contains a lot of vitamins A, E, D and B vitamins.

Beneficial properties of milk

Fish milk is a valuable seafood product for people. It is especially difficult to overestimate the benefits of salmon milk. They have properties important for the human body:

  • help stimulate hematopoiesis (due to the presence of iron);
  • give elasticity to the skin and strength to nails and hair;
  • increase protein formation in tissues;
  • unsaturated fats are involved in the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • increase protective forces;
  • potassium and phosphorus form bone tissue;
  • prevents the increase in bad cholesterol;
  • have antiseptic, antiviral and antimycotic effects;
  • the glycine present increases intellectual abilities and helps to concentrate;
  • reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

Valuable fats have important effects on the heart and blood vessels. By stopping the deposition of cholesterol on the inner walls, they make arteries and veins smooth and elastic. Prevents the development of heart attack and stroke.

Nutritionists give advice to all people.

Important! To maintain health, you need to consume 150 grams of salmon milk per day. It is useful to include it in the menu three times a week.

For men

Fish milk has long been considered a male aphrodisiac. The phosphorus found in them has a stimulating sexual power. Doctors recommend including milk in the diet of patients with impotence.

Men who regularly consume fish milk rarely suffer from diseases of the reproductive system. The amino acids in the product support the sexual health of men. Based on them, dietary supplements are produced - food additives to increase potency.

Milk is often taken by men involved in sports such as barbells and wrestling. Protein helps bodybuilders build muscle. In “muscle” cuisine, the benefits of fish milk are assessed by the content of a significant amount of pure protein and a reduced level of fat. The milk of pink salmon or chum salmon, as well as other red-fleshed fish, is included in the menu by bodybuilders.

For women

In recent years, seafood has become popular among Americans. Research in the USA has discovered the rejuvenating effect of salmon milk on human skin. Amino acids increase the ability of the epidermis to produce collagen. This property served as the basis for their use in cosmetic skin care products.

Dermatological scientists have discovered nucleotides in salmon milk that can rejuvenate the dermis. In the human body, they synthesize new DNA structures, due to which obsolete cells are renewed.

Cosmetics with polynucleotides obtained from milk reduce the number of wrinkles and effectively correct rosacea. Fights gravitational ptosis. Protects skin from harmful solar radiation.

Consumption of fish milk during pregnancy prevents the development of anemia in a woman.

For overweight women, fish milk helps to lose extra pounds. The high energy value and lack of carbohydrates allows nutritionists to include milk in the menu when losing weight. They stabilize fat metabolism and bind free radicals released during the breakdown of substances.

For children

Fish milk is not recommended for children under three years of age. This is due to their allergenic properties. Older children prone to food allergies should also avoid eating them.

Salmon milk for weight loss

Many people who are trying to get rid of extra pounds do not add fish milk to their diet, because they are convinced that their benefits will not compensate for the damage done to their figure. However, these fears are unfounded. Milk is considered a low-calorie product due to the small amount of fat and carbohydrates and is often recommended for dietary nutrition. In addition, they contain useful B vitamins, the property of which is the regulation of human metabolism. With their help, the body's metabolism is normalized, harmful toxins are eliminated more efficiently, and, as a result, the body quickly uses up internal fat reserves. And being an excellent source of protein, salmon milt relieves hunger for a long time, allowing you to do without additional snacks.

How to select and prepare fish milk?

When purchasing, try to choose whole large milts that belong to salmon fish. The color of mature testes is milky white. They have a fresh smell without foreign impurities.

Dishes made from them are popular in Finland, Norway, and also in the East. Methods for preparing fish milk differ in different countries. In Italy, housewives mix raw testes with minced meat for fish balls. Stewed in its juice, put in risotto, salads, pasta.

The Japanese make a tender steamed omelette. Korean women fry it in boiling fat and serve it with red pepper or pickled vegetables. Recipes for preparing fish milk in Russia are also varied.

Milk in batter

Most often, milk is fried in batter. Cooking method:

  1. The washed testes are laid out on paper to dry.
  2. Then salt, pepper, and leave for a few minutes to soak.
  3. For the batter, beat 2 eggs with salt and 4 tablespoons of flour.

The pieces are dipped in batter and fried until cooked on both sides.


The recipe is simple:

  1. Divide the washed and dried slices into small pieces.
  2. Lightly fry with onions and carrots. Place in an ovenproof dish.
  3. Pour in three eggs beaten with salt and a little milk.
  4. Place in the oven, cover with a lid.

A nutritious and tasty dish can be served in 10 minutes.

Salmon milk for children

Despite its soft consistency and a lot of useful properties, salmon milk is not suitable as the first fish food for a child. It will not be easy for a baby’s developing digestive system to cope with such nutritious food, so parents should wait to introduce salmon milk into the child’s diet until the age of 2.5 – 3 years. Once you reach this age, you can try adding a small amount of milk to the menu, after consulting with your pediatrician. After eating a new seafood for the first time, you should wait 24 hours to determine if your child has allergy symptoms. If these are not observed, you can gradually increase the dosage.

As for slightly older children, salmon milk will not cause harm for them, but on the contrary, it will only be beneficial. Growing organisms need protein foods for the normal development of muscles and bones, and schoolchildren and preschoolers will need magnesium and phosphorus to enhance brain activity and improve concentration.

Harm of milk and contraindications

Fish milk itself does not harm people. It's all about individual people's tolerance to food. Contraindications include individual sensitivity to fish protein.

The harm of salmon milk is associated with the method of consumption. Do not eat raw meat and fish, including fish milk. Otherwise, you may become infected with helminthiasis. Food must be heat treated.

The health hazards of fish milk are associated with both the method of their preparation and the amount eaten. Overweight people are not recommended to fry the product in oil. Otherwise, the calorie content of the dish will increase. You should not consume more than 150 grams per day: there is a risk of gaining extra pounds.

It is useful to include milk in the menu for all people to maintain health. In those regions where there is no access to seafood, even frozen milk replaces expensive salmon fish. Budget seeds are available to people of any income.

Is milk suitable for pregnant and lactating women?

The beneficial properties of salmon milk make this seafood safe for women during pregnancy. In small quantities, it will benefit not only the body of the expectant mother, but will also have a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus. Thus, Omega-3 acids will take part in the formation of the nervous system and blood vessels of the fetus, calcium will affect the strength of bones and teeth, and magnesium will help a woman cope with stress during this important period of life. You can also consume milk without harm to your health during breastfeeding. However, this should only be done after consulting a doctor, strictly adhering to the recommended dosage.

Photo of carp

Read here - Benefits of shark: composition, benefits, taste, cooking options and properties of shark meat (145 photos and videos)

How to store milk

It is recommended to store salmon milt fresh or frozen to preserve the beneficial properties of the product. Fresh milk should be consumed within 8 days from the date of purchase if it was stored at a temperature not exceeding 5°C. The shelf life of frozen or pickled fish glands is 3 to 4 months at the same temperature range.

Important! Thawed milk should not be re-frozen to avoid the appearance of harmful microorganisms in it.

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