How to make kiwi smoothies and why they are healthy - the most delicious recipes

Kiwi Spinach Banana Smoothie

To make a nutritional smoothie with a detoxifying effect, take:

  • one ripe banana;
  • one fruit of “Chinese gooseberry”;
  • a glass of natural apple juice;
  • a few spinach leaves according to taste.


  1. Wash the fruit. Remove the skins from them. Cut into small pieces.
  2. Wash the spinach too, then dry it.
  3. Place the chopped fruit into the blender. Pour in the juice.
  4. Process at high speed until smooth.
  5. Chop the spinach leaves, removing any thick veins. Place the greens in a blender.
  6. Scroll the contents a second time. Turn off the blender only after the drink becomes a uniform green color.
  7. Pour the prepared cocktail into a glass. Drink immediately while it is fresh.

Kiwi and apple smoothie

A refreshing, pleasant-smelling drink fills the body with vitamins and minerals.

To prepare it you need:

  • medium-sized sweet apple;
  • 3 fruits of Chinese actinidia;
  • young mint branch;
  • half a glass of crushed ice.

Prepare the smoothie as follows:

  1. Chop the washed and peeled fruits and place them in a blender.
  2. Add ice there and throw in mint leaves torn from the branch.
  3. Swirl the contents until it turns into a homogeneous mass.

Benefits of kiwi drink

Kiwi helps break down fat

A kiwi cocktail has a number of positive properties: its regular use during a diet helps you get rid of extra pounds faster and triggers processes in the body that affect the speed and quality of fat burning. The fruit drink is delicious, it will especially appeal to people who want to lose weight but cannot go without sweets for a long time.

A kiwi cocktail, which also contains other low-calorie foods, such as kefir, reduces the concentration of “bad” cholesterol in the blood and prevents the accumulation of fat cells in the subcutaneous layer. Due to the fact that the fruit has a positive effect on the digestive system, it helps speed up metabolism.

Smoothies are also effective because they cleanse the intestines of toxic substances, promote the removal of excess fluid, and this makes it possible to reduce volumes, especially the waist, abdomen and hips, in a short period of time.

Smoothie with avocado and kiwi

The drink has an interesting taste, which makes it difficult to recognize the ingredient composition. The cocktail is not dessert-like; there is almost no sweetness in it. But this is a wonderful hearty afternoon snack.


  • one ripe avocado;
  • 3 kiwi fruits;
  • 300 ml of kefir or natural yogurt without flavoring, for example, Greek.

Wash the fruits, remove the peel. Place all ingredients in a blender and beat well.

This cocktail is usually eaten with a spoon. But you can drink through a large diameter straw.

Advantages and disadvantages

A smoothie made from kiwi and other healthy ingredients saturates the body with vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain normal and smooth functioning of the body. If the cocktail includes kefir or yogurt, this will also have a positive effect on the digestive organs. In addition, the presence of fermented milk products in smoothies helps to saturate the body with a sufficient amount of calcium necessary for bone and cartilage tissue.

During the preparation of the drink, the ingredients are not subjected to heat treatment, which means that the products do not lose their beneficial properties and all vitamins and minerals are retained. Smoothies fill you up well, so if you replace 1 meal with it, you can achieve quick and effective weight loss.

But smoothies also have disadvantages:

  1. Despite all the benefits of kiwi, it is not recommended to consume smoothies from this fruit in large quantities. The norm is 1–2 glasses per day. If you drink the drink in larger quantities, it can negatively affect the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, provoke prolonged diarrhea.
  2. Kiwi-based smoothies have contraindications. It should not be abused by people who have diseases of the kidneys and other organs of the urinary system, because When eating juicy fruits, the load on the excretory system increases.
  3. The fruit is one of the most powerful allergens. It must be introduced into the diet slowly and carefully, starting with a small piece. Allergies can also occur if a large amount of fruit is eaten in a short period. In most cases, allergies manifest themselves in reactions on the skin - rashes, itching and hives, but there may be more severe consequences (for example, swelling of the soft tissues of the larynx and nasopharynx).

Strawberry and kiwi smoothie

To make a vitamin drink, prepare:

  • one fruit of “Chinese gooseberry”;
  • 5 large and well-ripened strawberries;
  • a few spinach leaves;
  • 50 ml boiled water.

Prepare the smoothie like this:

  1. Peel the fruits and chop into small pieces.
  2. Place the slices and spinach leaves into a blender, pour in the cooled water.
  3. Beat until the mixture reaches a homogeneous consistency.
  4. Pour into a cocktail glass.

Banana, kiwi, milk smoothie

A very interesting and unusual combination of products, which ultimately gives an incredibly tasty result.

No one will refuse such a smoothie. You can serve it to both your household and guests at home.

You will need:

  • 1 PC. – kiwi
  • 1 PC. - Yellow banana
  • 250 ml. – fresh milk

How to cook:

1. The method for preparing this refreshing smoothie is very simple. Place kiwi and banana cut into slices into a jar or blender bowl (peel the products first), beat at low speed until a paste forms, add cold milk, beat again until the mass becomes homogeneous and slightly viscous.

2. As a sweetener, you can add any syrup (a teaspoon) or the same amount of natural honey to this smoothie.

3. Everything is ready, you can serve by inserting a straw into the glass.

Helpful advice! If you are watching your weight, it is better not to add sugar, syrups and other sweeteners to the drink!

Calorie content of kiwi, banana and milk smoothie per 100 g. – 65.6 kcal

Bon appetit!

Smoothie spinach, kiwi

Kiwi and orange smoothie


  • 4 fruits of Chinese actinidia;
  • one medium orange;
  • 300 ml natural yoghurt;
  • 2 large spoons of natural flower honey.


  1. Remove the skin from the kiwi and cut into small pieces.
  2. Squeeze the juice from the citrus.
  3. Place the fruit slices and juice in a blender. Add the rest of the ingredients there.
  4. Scroll thoroughly until the mixture becomes homogeneous.

Smoothie with pineapple and kiwi

Like all kiwi smoothie recipes, this one saturates the body with vitamins, and it also has an amazing taste.

To make the drink, take:

  • 3 medium-thick ripe pineapple rings;
  • one green and juicy apple;
  • one fruit of Chinese actinidia;
  • celery stalk;
  • a small piece of ginger root.


  1. Chop the pineapple rings.
  2. Cut the remaining peeled fruits into cubes.
  3. Chop the celery stalk into circles.
  4. Place all the cuttings into a blender. Shake to obtain a homogeneous mass.

The drink may turn out thick. Then pour some natural pineapple juice into it.

Smoothie with kiwi and milk

In some cases, “monkey nut” goes well with milk. To do this, in addition to it, strawberries, banana and milk are added to the cocktail. The soft creamy taste and creamy consistency of the drink creates the effect of light saturation and does not burden the stomach. Cocktail ingredients:

  • a couple of “Chinese gooseberries” fruits;
  • banana;
  • 3 strawberries;
  • half a glass of milk.

At home, a nice smoothie with kiwi and milk is prepared like this:

  1. Peel the fruit. Cut into cubes, leaving an emerald circle for decoration.
  2. Pour the “plants” into a blender, pour in milk and blend to the desired condition.

The drink is ready. Decorate with a kiwi ring, as in the photo. If you can't persuade your child to drink a glass of milk, offer him this smoothie. Be sure that the child will ask for more.

Smoothie with celery and kiwi

This is a great option for a kiwi smoothie for weight loss. Celery not only has fat-burning properties, but also saturates the body with vitamins, amino acids, mineral elements, and antioxidants.


  • 2 fruits of “Chinese gooseberry”;
  • celery stalk;
  • several sprigs of parsley;
  • 150 ml boiled water.

Prepare the cocktail as follows:

  1. Remove the skin from the celery stalk and kiwi. Chop finely.
  2. Wash the parsley and dry it. Separate the leaves from the thick stems.
  3. Place the ingredients in a blender. Shake until smooth.


It is advisable to discuss any changes in your usual diet with a specialist, which will help avoid health problems in the future. Pregnant and lactating women are strictly prohibited from abusing the drink and going on a strict diet. Kiwi smoothies for weight loss are contraindicated for:

  • allergies to cocktail components;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the mixture;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • the presence of gastritis, ulcers, high acidity and other stomach diseases;
  • dysfunction of the kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system.

Smoothie with mango and kiwi

Making this cocktail is as easy as shelling pears, and it looks beautiful and interesting; it can be a wonderful sweet treat for a children's party or a beach holiday.

To make a smoothie, prepare:

  • one large and well-ripened mango;
  • 5 pieces of kiwi;
  • granulated sugar (optional ingredient only if the fruit is sour).


  1. Wash and peel the fruits.
  2. First, blend the kiwi in a blender. Add sweetener if necessary.
  3. Lay out the resulting green mass.
  4. Then beat in the mango. Place in another bowl.
  5. Take a short cocktail glass. First put mango pulp in it. Carefully add the green mass on top.

The result is a bright two-layer drink: yellow at the bottom, green at the top. A tall cocktail glass is also suitable for serving, then you can make several layers.

The best and proven fruit combinations for making smoothies

  • Banana (base fruit)+strawberry
  • Mango (base fruit) + pineapple
  • Pear (base fruit) + orange
  • Apple (base fruit)+blueberry

Watch the video and repeat! You will need kiwi, banana, yogurt, honey.

To improve the taste, you can add vanilla, cloves, cinnamon, cayenne pepper to the smoothie - it goes well with cocoa when preparing a chocolate smoothie, protein supplements, and ground oatmeal. Adding green lettuce to smoothies is a great idea, especially for those who don't like salad.

You simply won't notice the taste of greens, even if they are not very bitter. It’s best to start making green smoothies with baby spinach, and then, after practice, add chard, dandelion leaves, kale, parsley, arugula, and romaine lettuce to your diet.

  • Don't forget the “golden” formula for making smoothies: 60% fruits and 40% greens.
  • Before placing any greens in a blender, chop them with a knife.

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Smoothie with cucumber and kiwi


  • 2 fruits of Chinese actinidia;
  • one ripe banana;
  • one medium sized cucumber;
  • 150 g broccoli;
  • 50 ml boiled water.

Prepare the smoothie like this:

  1. Cut the ingredients into small pieces. Cabbage can be cooked or left raw.
  2. First, throw the fruit slices into the blender. Process until a paste forms.
  3. Then add the rest of the ingredients. Shake thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous mass.

Kiwi and lemon smoothie

Citrus fruits make smoothies incredibly healthy. They saturate the body with ascorbic acid, normalize digestion and metabolism, support the functioning of the heart and nervous system, strengthen vascular walls, cleanse the blood of bad cholesterol, have an antioxidant effect, and have a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

To make a healthy cocktail, take:

  • 2 kiwi fruits;
  • a circle of lemon;
  • a circle of lime;
  • a teaspoon of natural honey;
  • a glass of boiled water.


  1. Remove the peel from the kiwi, chop and place in a blender.
  2. Peel the citrus fruits and remove the seeds. Place the pulp in a blender.
  3. Send honey there too. Pour in cooled water.
  4. Shake the contents thoroughly.

Kiwi smoothie - beneficial properties and recipes for use

A smoothie is tasty and healthy for weight loss and simply a filling drink.

Now it is at the peak of popularity and is prepared almost all over the world. In appearance, it may resemble the consistency of drinking yogurt, but it is thicker.

Smoothies were prepared in a blender and at first they drank it only immediately after preparation, and then they began to sell it in stores in the same way as ordinary perishable foods.

Quite often you can see photos of celebrities holding jars of smoothies in their hands, as they are considered a healthy food and a newfangled drink.

As I already wrote, in this article we will look at kiwi smoothies.

Kiwi smoothie - beneficial properties of a tropical fruit drink

The berry is the fruit of a liana-like plant with a very pleasant taste, beneficial properties and enormous popularity around the world due to the fact that it is low in calories and contains many vitamins.

This type of berry is unusual and loved by both girls and men, and some call it Chinese gooseberry for its similar internal appearance.

The product is mainly in demand due to its unusual original taste, and confectioners like its aesthetics in cut, which allows it to be used as a decoration for cakes and desserts.

This berry can be safely called a basket of useful gifts of nature, as it contains many vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins, microelements and fiber.

In almost all respects, the fruit is a record holder compared to the rest.

The kiwi smoothie recipe is not only simple, but also very useful if you learn how to prepare it.

Consumption of such a product will only have a beneficial effect on the state of the immune system of any person, as it enhances its functioning, strengthens it, and also restores the natural functioning of the body and increases stress resistance.

Nutritionists boldly call this berry a medicinal fruit, since if you consume a smoothie with the addition of kiwi, you can have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, as well as activate the process of cellular metabolism, which helps rejuvenate the body both inside and outside.

In addition, regular consumption of smoothies with this product allows you to:

  • improve digestion;
  • reduce to a minimum the risk of cancer;
  • carry out prevention of viral diseases;
  • exclude the formation of rheumatic disease;
  • prevent the formation of bladder stones;
  • improve the functioning of the respiratory system.

A smoothie made from celery and kiwi or from kiwi and apple is especially useful for the fair sex, since a cocktail with a magical healing berry can prevent premature graying of hair, and also affect:

  • improvement of lipid metabolism;
  • the process of burning fat, significantly accelerating it;
  • acceleration of the figure correction process.

Experts have proven that by consuming at least 1 healing berry per day, you can avoid the formation of heaviness in the stomach cavity, as well as eliminate the formation of such problems as:

  • heartburn;
  • accumulation of sodium in the body;
  • dry skin.

This product is a popular component for creating masks for the face and other areas of the body.

And some representatives of the fair sex simply make a cocktail from kiwi and banana or a smoothie from kefir and kiwi and use them both internally and externally.

Consuming cocktails with kiwi or in its pure form will cleanse the body of cholesterol, as well as significantly strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, help normalize blood composition and reduce the risk of blood clots.


Fruit and berry smoothie

To make a hearty afternoon snack with an original taste, take:

  • one ripe banana;
  • 2 fruits of Chinese actinidia;
  • 3 well-ripened strawberries;
  • half a glass of boiled milk.

Peel all the fruits, chop them, and place them in a blender. Pour in the milk. Process until smooth.

To beautifully serve any of the listed cocktails, attach a piece of fruit that was used to make the smoothie to the edge of the glass.

Cooking tips

  • If you want to replace any fruit in a smoothie, be sure to replace it with something similar in sweetness. For example, a banana can be easily replaced with a pear or peach.
  • To prepare the right smoothie, you need a stationary blender glass.
  • To add sweetness to the drink, you can add maple syrup or honey .

How to serve this dish

  • Kiwi smoothies can be served with crackers , grain toast, or as a substitute for juice or tea for breakfast .

Helpful information

  • Vegetable smoothies are a great alternative to seasonal salads or store-bought juices.
  • For those who want to get rid of extra pounds, we recommend making yourself a smoothie with celery.
  • There are many different smoothie recipes for blenders, so there is something for everyone's taste.
  • To maintain immunity during the cold season, we recommend drinking pumpkin juice. It can be combined in various proportions with other vegetable or fruit juices.

Well, friends, we have shared with you popular recipes for making kiwi smoothies.

Tell us in the comments which option you liked best. Bon appetit to you all!

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