An effective phyto-diet for accelerating metabolism and losing weight, its rules and results

It's a pity that there is no magic pill that would allow you to quickly get rid of excess weight, but there are useful herbs and plants that will help you get to your goal faster. Some plants work as diuretics, some cause a thermogenic effect, and others speed up metabolism. There are even herbs that can dull the feeling of hunger. This is what the phyto diet for weight loss is based on. With its help, you will not only lose about 5 kg in 5 days, but also cleanse your body, and you won’t have to starve.

Like everything else in the world, herbs must be used wisely to be effective. When combined with diet, these herbs will help you lose unwanted weight quickly and safely.

Lose 5 kg in 5 days with five herbs

Sometimes situations arise in life when you need to lose five to seven kilograms in a few days. The information below will be very useful to you, especially if you want to lose excess weight quickly and naturally. If you are interested in phyto-weight loss, the program will take only 5 days.

It turns out that some of the herbs we consume every day may be more effective for weight loss than we thought. The 5 herbs diet is based on their beneficial properties. Parsley, mint, rosemary and other herbs that are always in the kitchen help restore healthy hormonal balance, which improves digestion, speeds up metabolism and significantly speeds up weight loss.

A popular herbal diet will provide you with minus 5 kg in 5 days. Many people have tried it and it really works.

Advantages and disadvantages

Any experienced nutritionist will confirm that there are no methods without drawbacks. This also applies to the 5-herb diet.


  • cleansing the body;
  • improved kidney function;
  • skin rejuvenates;
  • herbal decoctions normalize digestion and calm the nervous system;
  • the components contained in herbs saturate the body with useful microelements;
  • protection against pathogens;
  • immunity is strengthened.


  • fast weight loss process. Because of this, many stretch marks may appear on the skin;
  • general weakness due to lack of carbohydrates;
  • Bad mood;
  • stressful state of the body;
  • In order not to harm the body, the course duration should not exceed 5 days.

Features of the phytodiet with 5 herbs

So, the phyto diet for weight loss, like all other diets, is based on minimizing calories consumed. After all, the rule of mathematics works here: if the daily intake of calories is less than the expenditure, a person loses weight. If the income is greater than the expense, the person, unfortunately, gets fat. Well, if complete balance is maintained, that is, income is equal to expense, our weight stays the same.

And in this diet the key word is phyto. You should drink herbal tea. And herbs help the body break down fat and remove toxins.

Herbal diet menu for 5 days

Let's tell you more about the diet for every day.

First day

Take a glass of dry rice or weigh 200 grams of dry rice on a scale and boil it in water. The entire serving of rice you cooked contains approximately 700 calories. You can eat all this rice in three servings or five, as you wish. The most important thing is not to eat anything else during the day. You can drink water and tea without sugar, but with ginger, lemon and cinnamon. You can add half a teaspoon of honey to a cup of tea.

You can take green tea, or any herbal decoction, the list of which is given below. Yes, you can take any rice, but brown is better. You yourself know that it is healthier for the body than purified white, especially during phyto for weight loss.

Green tea is a magical drink, and as for ginger, it has miraculous properties. This root is not a simple seasoning for dishes. It is a natural remedy for weight loss suggested in Ayurveda and Chinese medicine. Ginger has anti-inflammatory and sedative effects, balances cholesterol levels and burns fat.

It is often used to minimize fat deposits specifically on the abdomen, where women have fat deposits.

How to prepare herbal tea with ginger: grate the root, you can add a little lemon and honey. Add the mixture to tea, green or black, a teaspoon per cup.

That's all for the first day. Thus, you will eat only 700 kilocalories in the first day. Well, you will burn more, that is, you will provide yourself with a calorie deficit.

Second day

On the second day we eat cottage cheese. It contains a lot of protein, and our muscles need it. You can take cottage cheese with 5% fat content. We supplement it with milk and calendula decoction. Everything is the same as on the first day: divide 500 grams of cottage cheese (this is about 750 kcal) into portions and eat it throughout the day. Mix the pre-prepared calendula decoction 1:1 with low-fat milk and wash it down with cottage cheese. The rest of the time between meals, you can drink water in any quantity and teas with herbs. A diet for weight loss based on 5 healthy herbs allows the use of different types of herbal tea.

How to prepare a decoction of calendula: pour one tablespoon of dried inflorescences into 400 ml of boiling water, let it brew. Mix the broth with milk in equal parts.

The third day

Today we eat oatmeal. It’s better to take whole grains rather than flakes. Everyone knows the difference between fast and slow carbohydrates. So, take 250 grams of oatmeal. Boil it in water, add salt to taste. Divide into several doses and eat throughout the day. For the whole day you will consume 750 Kcal. You will ensure a calorie deficit. Drink chamomile tea. It will help normalize metabolism, cleanse the intestines and speed up metabolism.

Fourth day

On this day, the phytodiet offers sports cereals - buckwheat. Boil 200 grams of buckwheat in water, add salt, divide into portions and eat. Wash it down with peppermint tea. This diet will provide 700 kilocalories.

Peppermint enhances and improves the taste of drinks such as tea. But did you know that she still has the ability to reduce her appetite? And this reduces the feeling of hunger, you will consume fewer calories, which will have a positive effect on losing excess weight.

Peppermint also facilitates digestion, reduces gas formation and normalizes acidity levels. And healthy digestion is essential for weight loss.

If desired, you can replace the mint with a decoction of St. John's wort. This herb also has a beneficial effect on the body: it cleanses blood vessels and reduces the level of bad cholesterol.

Fifth day

On this day, apples and rosehip decoction are offered. Take 1 kg of apples, this is about 6-7 apples, and one medium apple has about 100 calories. That is, the calorie intake on this day will be only 700 kcal. Again there is a shortage.

Apples have a lot of fiber, they satisfy hunger well and are a powerful antioxidant. Rosehip is rich in vitamin C; rosehip drink stimulates the oxidation of fat cells.

How to prepare a rose hip decoction: take a tablespoon of rose hips and pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew. Drink warm.

Phyto-program - 4 effective recipes

Name of ingredients Recipe Admission rules Contraindications
Senna with dandelion, nettle and fennel seeds Take 1 tsp. nettle, fennel fruit, dandelion and 3 tsp. ground buckthorn bark. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over the collection and leave to steep for 1 hour.

It is recommended to drink the finished infusion 3-4 times a day immediately before meals, 200 ml.

You need to drink 200 ml 3-4 times before meals. Age up to 12 years, pregnancy and breastfeeding, allergic reaction to the components of the product
Elderflowers, fennel, peppermint, linden and chamomile Take 20 g of each herb for weight loss. Pour 400 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes in a water bath. Drink 1 glass 2-3 times a day. Age up to 12 years, pregnancy and breastfeeding, allergic reaction to the components of the product.
Ginger tea with lemon and honey Peel the ginger root, cut 405 rounds and place in a cup. Pour 300 ml of boiling water over them. For taste, you can add a little honey and a slice of lemon. Let the product sit for 1 hour. Drink 1 cup in the morning with food. Age up to 12 years, pregnancy and breastfeeding, allergic reaction to the components of the product.
Oregano infusion with lemon balm and lemon Take 0.5 teaspoon of grated lemon peel, and 1 tsp. lemon balm with oregano. Pour a glass of boiling water. Cool the broth to 40-50 degrees Celsius. For taste, you can add a slice of lemon or a little honey (but not sugar). Drink weight loss tea in the morning on an empty stomach to start your metabolic processes. Cleanse the intestines of toxins. Not recommended for children under 12 years of age during pregnancy. You should not drink the product if you have an individual intolerance to the components.

Quitting the diet

The phyto weight loss program is over. For five days of the diet, you had a calorie deficit that your body had to cover. He got the missing calories from subcutaneous fat, which melted on the stomach and thighs.

Now that the 5 herbs diet is finished, you need to return to the previous rhythm of the digestive system. You need to get out of the diet gradually, under no circumstances organizing a belly festival with fried, smoked and salty delicacies and sweet cakes. For the first days, stick to steamed, boiled or baked foods, and introduce vegetables.

Herbs are the best helpers for improving health

What other herbs can be used for decoctions and herbal teas? Drinking tea with herbs is necessary and beneficial not only during a diet, but also at other times. Why not introduce such teas into your regular diet.

Oregano or oregano

Everyone loves pizzas with oregano. But this fragrant herb is also a source of bioactive compounds: polyphenols and flavonoids. They are important for the healthy functioning of the hormone insulin - they control its release and influence its activity in the blood.

Studies have shown that oregano is excellent for controlling diabetes. And faster metabolism and improved glucose regulation help you lose weight. Add a teaspoon of oregano to a pot of regular tea, green or black, and drink to your health.

If you are pregnant, hold off on drinking oregano tea until after your pregnancy. Oregano in large quantities can provoke increased uterine tone.


Rosemary is rich in antioxidants. Such antioxidants minimize damage from free radicals and regulate blood glucose levels. All the combined beneficial properties of rosemary make it an excellent weight loss aid. This herb can easily be supplemented with the 5 herbs diet for five days; reviews from those who have lost weight will prove this.

Rosemary also protects against many diseases associated with metabolic disorders. For example, carnosic acid, which rosemary is rich in, has been shown to be effective against obesity.


If excess weight appears as a result of hormonal imbalance, then mint can help. The herb will increase your estrogen levels. Low levels of this hormone are associated with weight gain.

Mint for herbal weight loss and not only will help you get rid of extra pounds.

Hibiscus tea

Hibiscus has diuretic properties that prevent fluid retention in tissues. It also contains the enzyme phaseolamine. It inhibits the release of amylase. Amylase breaks down carbohydrates, turning them into sugar molecules. Thus, by inhibiting the release of amylase, phaseolamine reduces the amount of carbohydrates absorbed by the body.

Green tea

Green tea has always been the best tea for weight loss, both on regular days and during a phytodiet. It is rich in antioxidants - catechins, metabolism boosters. Green tea contains caffeine, but in smaller quantities than coffee. Caffeine helps stimulate fat burning. Green tea is also an excellent appetite suppressant, and if you drink it 30 minutes before a meal, you will eat less.

Weight loss herbs that burn fat

Herbal medicine is a method of losing excess weight, which is characterized by the absence of strict restrictions and prohibitions. Herbs for weight loss that burn fat have an effect on the entire body as a whole, cleansing it of waste and toxins. As a result, you can not only lose weight, but also improve your well-being.

Herbs for weight loss that burn fat
Which herbs help you lose weight without harm to your health is a question that concerns many women. All these funds are divided into several types:

  • removing dangerous components from the body;
  • preventing liquid stagnation;
  • have a positive effect on metabolism;
  • suppressing the constant feeling of hunger.

It is better to use herbs for weight loss that burn fat, combining different types with each other. Thanks to this, you can not only cope with extra pounds, but also improve your health.

But how effective is herbal weight loss? You can lose 25 kg per month only if you follow the basic rules for taking them. It is necessary to choose those fees that correspond to the characteristics of your body. This will improve the functioning of internal organs, stabilize metabolic processes and strengthen the immune system.

Herbal teas for weight loss

We present interesting recipes for making herbal teas.

Hibiscus Flower Tea Recipe

A herbal diet is a great opportunity to get acquainted with new herbal tea recipes.


  • 2 teaspoons dried hibiscus flowers;
  • 2 cups of water;
  • 1 teaspoon honey.

This tea prevents stomach irritation, has diuretic properties, and lowers cholesterol levels.

Cinnamon Green Tea Recipe

Boil water, add ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon and boil for another two minutes. Turn off the stove and add tea leaves. We wait 5-7 minutes. Pour into a cup and mix thoroughly.

Green tea speeds up metabolism and literally melts fat. Cinnamon regulates blood sugar and insulin levels, lowers cholesterol and reduces appetite. Moreover, it is healthy and tasty. This is why the phyto program is good for losing weight and accelerating metabolism.

Phyto weight loss quickly loses weight, the program is short, and reviews show that it works. But in order not to gain back the lost kilograms, minimize fast carbohydrates after finishing the diet. This is sugar, all products containing it, flour, pastries, cakes, pies, cookies and similar high-calorie foods that are deposited directly on the thighs immediately after you swallow them.

Do not exceed the diet period, this will not only provoke stress and depression. Eating a poor diet over a long period of time can slow down your metabolism. The body will decide that dark days have arrived and will try to store every possible calorie as fat. So five days is enough for phyto weight loss. If you have ever had results with the 5 Herb Diet, your feedback would be greatly appreciated.

IMPORTANT! Informational article! Before use, you should consult a specialist.

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