10 Great Dumbbell Exercises for a Toned Butt

Due to the latest fashion trends, many people have a desire to pump up appetizing gluteal muscles. Pumped up buttocks look at us from TV screens, computer monitors and social network pages. “I want those too!” - a completely healthy reaction in response to what you watched. How to get a? Dexterity of feet and no cheating!

Long-proven, basic exercises will be an excellent help for the butt of your dreams. But your own weight will not be enough for pumping. That's why we've collected the best dumbbell exercises for your thighs and buttocks.

The gluteal muscles consist of three parts (major, middle and small) and are responsible for the elementary operations we perform: turns, bends, bends. Difficulty in performing them indicates insufficient development of your buttocks. This happens due to sedentary work and a sedentary lifestyle. How to fix? There is only one way out - to strengthen it. Only regular weight training will help both strengthen and tighten your buttocks.

The exercises below are suitable for both women and girls as well as men.
Carefully! Never start training WITHOUT STRETCHING! This is not only ineffective and unpleasant, but also dangerous! We remember the basic warm-up from school physical education, carefully warm up our joints and only then pick up weights!

Regular squats

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Starting position: standing, feet approximately shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells lowered along the body.

Do some deep squats. Keep your back straight. Make sure that at the lowest point your knees do not go out to the sides, but are above your toes.

3 more exercises for the buttocks with dumbbells

In addition to squats, there are several other very effective movements designed to tighten and pump up the muscles of the “fifth point”.

Here you can see PHOTOS of the buttocks before and after regular training.

Lunges with dumbbells for buttocks

The difficulty of performing this load is high . Lunges for the fifth point perfectly give relief to the gluteal muscle, hamstrings and quadriceps, and also help to increase elasticity.

How to do it:

  1. Starting position: stand straight and hold dumbbells in your hands
  2. When performing a lunge, inhale and take a step forward with your right foot, leaving your left in the same place.
  3. Watch your knee, it should not go beyond the toe of the supporting foot and should be strictly perpendicular to the floor.
  4. Then you should push off and, as you exhale, return to the initial state.

You should perform 15-20 lunges on each side in 3 approaches.

The following lunge options :

  • You can perform them alternately by changing legs, and not first on one and then on the other;
  • You can also lunge from a position where one leg is already in front;
  • Another type of lunge is when one knee is placed on some kind of support (chair, sofa, bench).

More details in the video:

Bend forward with dumbbells

This type of load involves both the hamstrings and buttocks, as well as the spinal erectors. The difficulty level is very high. Be prepared for pain not only in your butt, your whole body will hurt. See 3 more types of inclines with dumbbells for girls here.

If you are a beginner, we recommend that you pay attention to hyperextension, which has a similar effect on the gluteal muscles.

How to do it:

  1. Starting position: take weights in both hands and place your arms at your sides along your body. The back is straight, the shoulder blades are brought together.
  2. When performing, tilt your straight back forward, while at the same time moving your pelvis back. Hands slide down along the body. Keep your legs slightly bent, but if you can, straighten them completely. Smoothness and concentration are the basis for proper execution.
  3. We return to the starting position.
  4. The main thing here is to feel the stretch in the hamstrings.

We repeat the deadlift in 3-5 sets of 12-15 times.

Be sure to watch the video before doing this:

Components of the workout

The body sculpt complex is interval and is carried out in an aerobic mode. Three main types of exercises are used in the training process:

  • aerobic exercise – to prepare muscles for the strength part of the training;
  • resistance training – to develop muscle strength, increase the volume of muscle groups worked (performed with additional sports equipment);
  • stretching complex - stretching - to strengthen muscles, reduce pain after strength training.

All these stages must be carried out efficiently, in accordance with the established order of execution.

Aerobic exercise

Aerobics is the most enjoyable component of this program, as it allows you to enter the training process completely naturally. At the same time, it is not an entertainment event, but rather puts a fairly high load on the legs, hips, buttocks, and also allows you to work out the muscles of the arms, chest, and abdomen.

Aerobic dancing, which is perceived as entertainment, is great not only for losing weight and building an athletic body, but also for improving mood and increasing motivation for further action.

Resistance training

The second component of body sculpt involves the use of sports aids and can be used to target a specific area of ​​the body. Resistance training is a strength training program that allows you to develop muscle strength in all parts of the body.

This stage of the program is performed only after aerobic exercise and stretching. It is considered the main component of the entire training process and is associated with the greatest energy expenditure.

Stretching exercises

Stretching is designed to strengthen muscles and improve your figure. It is used throughout the entire training process - as a warm-up, during execution and at the end of the complex (for cool-down).

Stretching exercises provide ease of movement, help overworked muscles cope with the load, and also reduce the likelihood of soreness after exercise. Thanks to stretching, the muscles become stronger and react more calmly to the load they receive.

Balanced diet

An important component of the body sculpt program is proper nutrition.

Dietary nutrition in this case is intended not so much to obtain a fat-burning effect, but to maintain health and supply a sufficient amount of “building material” for muscle tissue. The best option is protein foods combined with complex carbohydrates, which are rich in sufficient nutrients with a minimum of calories.

Squats with dumbbells - an exercise for stunning forms

This exercise is indispensable for those who want to have a beautiful, toned butt.

Squats for stunning curves

Squats will give you the body of your dreams!

The big advantage of this exercise is the ability to gradually increase the load, guided by your own feelings. You can perform the exercises at any time of the day, both in combination with other exercises and separately.

Squats with dumbbells are most useful for girls: for the buttocks, it is enough to use a relatively light weight, but at the same time perform the exercise correctly technically to get a noticeable result.

Squats are performed with light dumbbell weights.

Thus, the girl does not require special physical strength - she can pump up her buttocks and thighs with the help of 6-8 kilogram dumbbells.

Small dumbbells for pumping the buttocks

The girl does not require special physical strength; she can pump up her buttocks and thighs with the help of small dumbbells!

To complicate the exercise, various options for positioning the legs, as well as weights, are used. A barbell is used as a weight, which is placed on the shoulders, or only the bar from it. Dumbbells of various weights are also used.

The best exercises at home to tone your butt and thighs

At home, it is better to pay attention to exercises that will be completely accessible without the help of a belayer and in the absence of exercise equipment and equipment. The most popular exercises for increasing women’s hips at home include:

Squats Stand up straight, back straight, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Squat as deeply as possible. Used in the first stages of training and as a warm-up.
Single leg squats It is performed in the same way, only the support is on one leg, the second moves forward. It is better to make the movement with support on a wall or piece of furniture.
Lunges The legs should be approximately shoulder-width apart, maybe a little narrower, and the back should be straight. After taking a step forward, bend your leg at the knee as far and as low as possible.
Plie squats Regular squats are performed, but the legs are placed wide, and a dumbbell or kettlebell is held in the hands, with outstretched arms below.
Stepping onto a bench A bench or stand will be required. Stand straight in front of her, rise on one leg, and take half a step up with the other. To increase efficiency, any weighting agents are used.
Pelvic lifts You can do it while lying on the floor or bench. Lie down, rest your hands on your sides or place them on your stomach, fulcrum in the back and knees. The knees are bent. Raise your pelvis as high as possible.
Lateral leg raises Lie on the floor, on your side. The back is straight. Raise the leg that is at the top as high as possible and lower it down.
Straight-legged row with dumbbells Stand up straight, back almost straight, slightly arched in the lower back. Hold an apparatus in each hand; it is better to use dumbbells. Lower yourself down, arching your back, slightly bending your knees. The load should be shifted to the back of the thigh.

These are just the basic exercises; in practice there are many more.

There are many varieties of squats, lunges, bends, and jumps that will allow you to work your legs and hips.

Training at home should also follow general training principles.

You can increase the volume only with an increased caloric intake and performing heavy exercises, that is, the emphasis should be on basic movements with a number of repetitions of up to 15.

A set of 7 best exercises

Leg exercises with dumbbells for women and men at home are much more effective than the same types of exercises without weights. This complex is selected in such a way as to work the main muscle groups of the legs. It will help pump up and enlarge your legs. But to burn extra muscles, completely different loads are needed.

Classic squats with dumbbells

We perform the movement by loading the calf muscles, hamstrings, and secondarily the quadriceps. Girls and women can use a barbell or bodybar.

Let us remind you that in the ranking of the TOP 10 exercises for the buttocks, squats take 1st place .

  1. We stand straight, holding dumbbells in our lowered hands. The chin is slightly raised. Feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, maintaining natural anatomical curves - lumbar, thoracic and cervical.
  2. While performing the exercise, we constantly monitor our posture. Bend your knees, moving your pelvis back, and squat. The maximum point of a squat is when the thighs are parallel to the floor . We linger in it for a few seconds.
  3. Extending our legs at the knees, we stand up.

The pace of execution is average. The number of squats is ten, three approaches. Let us remind you that there are several more types of squats with dumbbells, as well as an effective program for 30 days.

Carefully! Using dumbbells involves a serious increase in load on muscles and joints, so it is very important to follow the exercise technique. Experienced instructors recommend first working out all stages of the exercise without using weights.

Lunge walking

We load the quadriceps, hamstrings, calf muscles, gluteus maximus and calf muscle. Lunges perfectly lift the buttocks (PHOTO before and after).

  1. We place our feet hip-width apart. When walking, they should not stand on the same line, as it is difficult to maintain balance in this position.
  2. Hands with dumbbells are located along the body. The back is straight, the shoulders are straightened.
  3. We lean forward slightly and take a wider step than during normal walking. Bend both knees at right angles. The thigh of the forward leg and the shin of the supporting leg should be parallel to the floor.
  4. At the maximum point, hold the body position for three seconds. The weight of the body falls on the leg in front. We straighten it and take steps alternately.

7 more different types of lunges and the differences between them here.

We walk in lunges for several minutes. Rest time between sets is thirty seconds. Increase the number of approaches gradually.

Attention! We make sure that the knee of the leg in front maintains a right angle and does not extend beyond the line of the toe.

Standing calf raise

We load the calf muscles, hamstrings and quadriceps.

There are 7 more effective exercises for the calf muscles without leaving home.

  1. We stand straight, hold dumbbells on straight lowered arms. The toes to the middle of the foot should be placed on a raised platform, for example, a wooden beam five centimeters high (or another stable hill). Heels are on the floor. We slowly rise on our toes using the strength of our lower leg muscles.
  2. We hold the maximum position for three seconds and slowly lower.

The rest time between sets is thirty seconds. The required number of exercises is ten to twelve with several approaches. If you feel pain in your calves after training, you can find out the reason here.

Plie squats

We work the leg muscles, the main load is focused on the inner thigh. Not many movements can work this area well enough. The plie is a great dumbbell exercise for the inner thighs and will therefore help create a gap between the thighs. It is these muscles that are often flaccid and deprive the legs of their slender outline.

“Plie” is one of the 5 best exercises for the buttocks with weights.

  1. Place the dumbbell on the floor opposite your feet. We place our feet wider than our shoulders, with our toes turned outward.
  2. We squat until a right angle is formed in our knees, take a dumbbell and rise, straightening our legs.
  3. Lifting is carried out by pushing with the feet with emphasis on the heels. In this case, you cannot pull the dumbbell with your hands - we lift it using the strength of the leg muscles.

The number of exercises is ten to twelve with several approaches.

Stepping onto the platform

This movement is performed in several variations. The most common is the “classic version”, which works the buttocks, front, back and inner thighs, as well as the lower back. “Stepping” is an extremely effective exercise with dumbbells for losing weight in your legs.

about 3 different types of “Steps” and the difference between them here.

  1. We place dumbbells near the toes. We squat with a straight back and take dumbbells. We hold them on our arms extended along the body.
  2. should remain straight throughout the exercise .
  3. We take a step onto the platform with our right foot, which forms a ninety-degree angle when bending the knee. We straighten our right leg at the knee and rise with muscle effort onto the platform.
  4. We raise our left leg to the level of the platform, stay in this position for a few seconds and lower first the right, then the left leg to the floor.

We perform ten to twelve repetitions at an average pace. Don't rush, keep your balance! Let's move on to working on the left leg. We do several approaches. Rest time between sets is approximately thirty seconds.

Bulgarian lunges

The quadriceps, hamstrings, and calf muscles receive the greatest load. The secondary load falls on the gluteus maximus muscle and the cabalus muscle of the leg. The exercise develops a sense of balance, strengthens the main muscle groups of the legs and the knee joint.

  1. Take dumbbells in your hands and stand with your back to a low bench.
  2. Throw your leg over and rest your leg on the bench.
  3. With your other foot, step forward a distance approximately equal to your shin. The back is straightened, the head is slightly raised.
  4. As you exhale, slowly squat, bending your supporting leg at the knee until a right angle is formed. At this time, the knee of the leg that rests on the bench should touch the floor. We hold this position for three seconds.

We begin the ascent by lunging using the strength of the leg muscles, leaning on the entire foot.

Important! Before performing the exercise with dumbbells, you need to work out all the stages without weights.

Glute bridge with dumbbells

Works the gluteal muscles, thigh muscles, calf muscles

About 6 types of “Gluteal bridge” and their effect on the “fifth point”, see here.

  1. Place the dumbbells on the floor, lie down, bend your knees at a right angle, and let your feet rest comfortably on the floor.
  2. We take dumbbells lying on the floor in the area of ​​​​the hip joints. We bend our arms with dumbbells at the elbows and press them to the chest. Hands can also be placed on the front of the thigh
  3. Raise your pelvis, resting on the top of your shoulder blades. We linger for a few seconds at the maximum point and lower the pelvis to the floor.

Repeat ten times in several approaches. To begin with, we do the exercise without weights, then we connect two-kilogram dumbbells.

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