Will grapefruit help you lose weight if you eat it at night?

Does grapefruit help you lose weight and what are the benefits?

It cannot be said unequivocally that grapefruit helps everyone lose weight without exception. Citrus fruits can have different effects on people: for some they are useful, for others they are contraindicated, for the third category they are neutral, since they do not bring benefit or harm. Each body is unique, so before starting a citrus diet, it is better to consult a nutritionist.

Beneficial properties of grapefruit:

  • Reduces the amount of cholesterol . Grapefruit pulp contains pectin, which serves as a cholesterol sweeper, thereby reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis.
  • Grapefruit is an effective preventative against cancer . Lycopene contained in citrus acts as an antioxidant and can prevent the proliferation of tumor cells. This substance removes estrogens from the body. Grapefruit neutralizes an enzyme produced in smokers that stimulates lung cancer.
  • Improves metabolic processes and digestion . The fruit is a rich source of fiber, which is effective in relieving constipation.
  • Strengthens the immune system . Grapefruit contains vitamin C, which protects the body against infections, viruses and parasites. ½ of the fruit contains 80% of the daily value of ascorbic acid.
  • It is a remedy for insomnia . The fruit helps to relax, relieves fatigue, and serves as an antidepressant. A glass of grapefruit juice at night normalizes sleep.
  • Starts the weight loss process . Grapefruit contains sodium, which suppresses hunger. If you regularly eat citrus, you will stay full longer and, as a result, consume fewer calories. Sodium has a diuretic effect, due to which excess fluid is removed, and with it cellulite. Reviews of people losing weight and the results of taking grapefruit are proof of the listed properties of the fruit.

A healing fruit can bring both benefit and harm. Despite all the positive properties, grapefruit should not be consumed in large quantities. It has been proven that citrus puts a strong strain on the liver, so it should not be eaten in kilograms. A sufficient dose will be 1 fruit per day, with a diet lasting no more than a month. After a weight loss course, you should take a break for 2-3 weeks, after which you are allowed to go on a diet again.

Beneficial properties of grapefruit

The fruit has a number of useful elements in its composition and is characterized by a unique healing effect on the human body. Depending on when grapefruit is consumed—at night or at another time of day—its effect manifests itself differently.

Use in the morning:

  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • grapefruit suppresses hunger;
  • the fruit removes excess fluid from the body, sodium plays a diuretic function.

Consumption at lunch:

  • juice components reduce the amount of insulin in the blood, which regulates the process of transferring dietary fats into subcutaneous reserves;
  • The high content of vitamin C helps strengthen the immune system, increasing the ability to resist viruses and various diseases.

Use at night:

  • pectin in the pulp regulates cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • lycopene is an antioxidant, the fruit is used in the prevention of cancer diseases;
  • 200 ml of juice helps provide the body with a healthy and restful sleep, relieves nervous system tone and fatigue.

When and how to eat grapefruit to lose weight

How to eat citrus to start losing excess weight? Some people prefer to go on a special mono-diet with grapefruits, others simply include this fruit in their diet. Regardless of its use, the fruit helps reduce appetite, remove accumulated fluid in the body, and burn fat. How much weight can you lose on grapefruits? Depending on the duration and diet of the diet, this figure can vary from 4 to 10 kg.

Before or after meals

Nutritionists recommend eating grapefruit 20-30 minutes before meals, not the whole fruit, but half. Since citrus suppresses appetite, you will eat less than your usual portion after it. With a reduced acidity level, it is better to eat grapefruit after meals or divide its intake into two times, that is, ¼ before and after the main meal. The acids and enzymes that make up the fruit will enhance the digestion process, which is often sluggish and lengthy (this often leads to dysbiosis).

What time of day - morning, evening or night

Fruit can be used as a substitute for breakfast. Then you feel full until lunch time. The intestines will be grateful to you after such a breakfast, because grapefruit helps cleanse it. At night or in the evening, 2-3 hours after eating, you can eat ½ grapefruit if you are hungry. Some active people who move a lot during the day feel a lack of calories when following a diet. Half a fruit can dull your hunger and help you fall asleep.

How much should you eat

The essence of grapefruit for weight loss is simple - consume ½ citrus fruit daily before your main meal. However, this does not mean that you can abandon the rules of healthy eating and allow yourself to eat as much food as you want. The diet will bring positive results if you follow the correct diet. Consume exclusively lean meat and fish, honey, cereals, fresh fruits, herbs, dairy products, and green tea. Eliminate sugar, coffee, baked goods, desserts, and black tea from the menu.

Where did the fashion come from to eat grapefruit for weight loss at night?

The trend appeared after Inna Volovicheva’s book about losing weight was published. The reality star literally advised “not to eat anything after 6 except fresh grapefruits and fresh juice from these fruits.” The explanation followed a rather vague logical chain:

  • grapefruit contains few calories;
  • “special biologically active substances of grapefruit burn fat and prevent it from being absorbed from food”;
  • half a grapefruit speeds up metabolism.

If it is difficult to argue with the first statement - grapefruit pulp really contains only 35 kcal per 100 g, then the second and third “theses” have big problems with reliability. Fruit acids and biologically active substances of grapefruit improve protein absorption, but do not burn fat. The effectiveness of the “eat half a grapefruit throughout your meal and you’ll lose weight” recipe has not been clinically proven, and most nutritionists simply recommend this fruit as a low-calorie source of vitamins and fiber, nothing more.

Only tannins and cahetin in green tea, pure caffeine, and ephedrine, which is prohibited in most EU countries, can speed up metabolic processes “from the food world.” And these “green friends” can’t do much if you constantly overeat beyond your body’s needs. Drinking fresh grapefruit or eating the fruit at night can really help with weight loss, but not in the way you imagine.

Are there any contraindications for use?

Grapefruit contains active enzymes, so exclude the fruit from your diet in certain situations. Contraindications to consuming citrus are:

  • Taking medications . Grapefruit juice often reacts chemically with various drugs, including statins, birth control pills, antihistamines, and heart drops. The fruit enhances the effect of medications, which can lead to side effects.
  • Diseases of the digestive system . Gastritis, colitis, ulcers and other diseases do not tolerate the consumption of large amounts of acid, so grapefruit can stimulate their aggravation.
  • During pregnancy . Despite the fact that the fruit helps cope with toxicosis in the early stages, in the second half of pregnancy citrus can cause an allergic reaction in the child.
  • Chronic kidney and liver diseases . Grapefruit is contraindicated for people with chronic diseases such as hepatitis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, etc.

Grapefruit diet for weight loss: contraindications

Grapefruit diet for weight loss
Grapefruit is a citrus fruit that contains acids. Therefore, for diseases that require abstinence from sour foods, such a diet is contraindicated. Citrus fruits provoke allergic reactions in some people. Therefore, people with allergies are not recommended to resort to such a diet. With caution and after consultation with a specialist, you should start a grapefruit diet for weight loss in such cases - contraindications:

  • Taking hormonal medications
  • Kidney diseases
  • Liver problems
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Adolescence
  • Below normal weight
  • Exacerbation of any chronic diseases

Consultation with a doctor is necessary in all of these cases. And only after the approval of a medical specialist should you start a diet. Such recommendations will help you maintain your health and make your figure attractive.

Grapefruit diet menu for 3-7 days

The grapefruit diet can last from 3 to 7 days, depending on how many kilograms of excess weight you want to lose. By following nutritional rules, you can lose 3-4 kg in a week. The grapefruit diet can be repeated once every 3-5 months.

Menu for the week


  • In the morning, eat ½ grapefruit, 50 g of boiled meat, drink green tea.
  • During the day, eat half a citrus fruit, a vegetable salad dressed with vegetable oil, and drink a cup of coffee/tea.
  • For the evening, prepare grilled meat, salad with herbs and vegetables, an hour with honey.


  • For breakfast, eat ½ grapefruit, a couple of hard-boiled eggs, and drink a cup of green tea.
  • For lunch, 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese or a couple of slices of hard cheese with half a grapefruit are allowed.
  • Dinner consists of 200 g of boiled/stewed fish, a slice of bran bread, vegetable salad with vegetable oil.


  • For breakfast, eat a couple of spoons of oatmeal brewed with milk, 3-5 nuts, but not peanuts, ½ grapefruit.
  • At lunch, you can eat half a citrus fruit (grapefruit or orange), a couple of crackers, and vegetable broth.
  • Dinner consists of 0.2 kg of boiled chicken, green tea, and a couple of baked apples.


  • In the morning, drink a glass of tomato juice, eat a hard-boiled egg and ½ grapefruit.
  • At lunch, eat a slice of bran bread, a couple of pieces of pineapple, a vegetable salad with butter, half a grapefruit.
  • For dinner, prepare a glass of fresh citrus juice and 0.4 kg of boiled/stewed vegetables.


  • For breakfast, you can eat half a grapefruit or an orange (an alternative would be fruit salad), and drink tea.
  • During the day, eat a vegetable salad with cabbage and 2-3 baked potatoes.
  • For dinner, 0.2 kg of beef steak, a glass of tomato juice, and ½ grapefruit are allowed.


  • Repeat your favorite days.


Egg-grapefruit diet

No less effective is a diet with grapefruit and eggs. The egg suppresses the feeling of hunger, and the protein in combination with grapefruit allows you to fight toxins and remove excess fluid from the body. This diet has several variations.

4 week diet

Can be used for a long time. Food can be taken twice a day: for breakfast and lunch. During the day you can snack on grapefruit or dried fruits.

4 day diet

Food can be taken three times a day. The dishes contain more potatoes than the usual, traditional grapefruit diet. For breakfast and dinner you should definitely eat 1 grapefruit and 1 soft-boiled egg. Try to drink more fluids.

Kefir-grapefruit diet

The limited diet lasts for 4 days. Every day you need to eat 500 grams of grapefruit and drink 1.5 liters of kefir. The use of the diet in persons with diseases of the digestive tract is unacceptable. The diet promises to get rid of 4-7 kg.

Grapefruit diet for 14 days

In 14 days you can get rid of 5 extra pounds. You should start your day by eating two boiled eggs. If desired, you can add 2 pieces of boiled chicken. Your morning meal should be completed with half a grapefruit.

For lunch you can eat whatever you want, but not more than 250 grams. The meal should be completed traditionally with half of a ripe citrus grapefruit. For dinner - only a cup of green tea or 1 glass of milk.

Express diet for 3 days

A limited diet promises to get rid of 1.5-2.0 extra pounds. In three days, the body is saturated with vitamin C , and the centimeters on the waist melt every day. You should add half a fresh grapefruit to every meal. Snacks are not allowed.

  • boiled egg;
  • black tea/coffee.
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs;
  • 1 orange fruit (peaches, orange, apricots, persimmons).
  • 1-2 boiled eggs.

Fasting day on grapefruit

On this day you can eat only boiled breast and grapefruits. You need to cook the breast without salt, after removing the skin, pieces of fat and bones. On the day of unloading you will need three large ripe grapefruits.

The nutrition system on this day is simple: every 2 hours you need to eat 1/6 of a chicken breast and 1/2 of a grapefruit. Drinking during meals and immediately after is prohibited, otherwise digestion will be slow due to the dilution of gastric juice with water. 3 hours after your meal you can drink a glass of water.

Egg-grapefruit diet menu for 4 weeks

The egg-grapefruit diet is characterized by a menu with a low amount of fat, which allows you to achieve impressive results in weight loss in a short period of time. This diet is designed for 4 weeks and involves the combined use of a fat burner in the role of grapefruit with proteins for muscle building (eggs). Sample diet menu for weight loss for a week:


  • Morning – a couple of boiled eggs, grapefruit, a cup of unsweetened tea.
  • Lunch – citrus, steamed chicken fillet (small piece), hard-boiled egg.
  • Evening – a glass of low-fat kefir, 0.2 kg of chicken fillet.


  • Morning – freshly squeezed grapefruit juice, a couple of boiled eggs.
  • Lunch – stewed chicken, two oranges, a glass of water.
  • Evening – grapefruit, glass of milk, a couple of hard-boiled eggs.


  • Morning – boiled egg, a cup of unsweetened tea or water.
  • Lunch – 0.2 kg of boiled meat, grapefruit.
  • Evening – a couple of hard-boiled eggs, a glass of water with lemon juice.


  • Morning - omelette of two steamed eggs, greens.
  • Lunch – boiled chicken fillet, green salad.
  • Evening – grapefruit, boiled egg.


  • Morning – a couple of hard-boiled eggs, salad with carrots and herbs.
  • Lunch – a glass of grapefruit juice, carrot salad.
  • Evening – boiled meat, steamed fish, acidified water.


  • Morning – 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of grapefruit juice.
  • Lunch – a couple of hard-boiled eggs, citrus.
  • Evening – a glass of acidified water.


  • Morning – half a citrus fruit, a couple of hard-boiled eggs.
  • Lunch – 0.2 kg of dietary meat, orange.
  • Evening – a glass of acidified water.

Reviews about the grapefruit diet

The opinions of those who have tried the grapefruit weight loss method are mostly positive. They note that this nutritional system really promotes weight loss, gives a quick desired result, is not a fasting way to lose weight, and does not require much time to prepare dietary meals. Among the disadvantages, people highlight the impressive cost of the grapefruit diet, the unfavorable effect of bitter citrus fruits on the state of the gastrointestinal tract, and the impossibility of following this method for allergy sufferers.

Thus, this weight loss program has more supporters than opponents. Perhaps you will like it too!

Grapefruit-Based Fat Burning Recipes

The essential oils and acids of organic origin that make up citrus play an important role in digestion. They activate the formation of gastric juice, stimulate metabolic processes, improve the digestion of food and burn fat. Below are recipes for effective grapefruit-based weight loss products.

Grapefruit drink with honey and ginger

Those who want to lose weight and feel energetic at the same time should have a grapefruit drink with ginger and honey for breakfast. A couple of minutes spent on preparing a cocktail and you will be in good shape all day long. How to make a weight loss drink:

  1. Finely chop the ginger root (3-4 cm), a piece of lime and a couple of grapefruit slices.
  2. Pour boiling water over all products and let steep for 8-10 minutes.
  3. Add 2 tbsp. honey and a drink with citrus is ready.

Diet salad with apple

It will take no more than 15 minutes to prepare a fruit salad for weight loss. The presented recipe for a dietary dish with apple is designed for 2 servings. You need to eat chopped fruit quickly so that it doesn't turn into mush. How to make a salad for weight loss:

  1. Peel 2 kiwis and cut into thin slices.
  2. Cut one ripe persimmon into 4-5 slices.
  3. Peel two apples from seeds, cut into slices and sprinkle with lemon juice so that the cut fruit does not darken.
  4. Remove the core from the pear and cut it thinly.
  5. Mix all the fruits, adding more lemon juice. Place the salad on a plate.
  6. Remove the peel and white veins from the grapefruit and add to the plate.
  7. Sprinkle the finished salad for weight loss with powdered sugar (1 dessert spoon is enough).

Fat burning cocktail with grapefruit juice

Grapefruit juice has a positive effect on metabolism, accelerating the process of fat breakdown at the cellular level. Thanks to this, a fat-burning cocktail with citrus is considered one of the most effective means of combating excess weight.

How to make a weight loss cocktail:

  1. Place 0.2 kg strawberries, 2 bananas, 50 ml milk, 1 tsp into a blender. grated ginger and freshly squeezed juice from 4 citrus fruits.
  2. Beat the ingredients until smooth. Drink a cocktail for breakfast or dinner, replacing your usual food.

Grapefruit tea with peels

Grapefruit is often added to tea for weight loss. The drink is useful for weight loss, it helps normalize intestinal function. Grapefruit tea is brewed with the peel, which contains a larger amount of healing essential oils.

How to make citrus tea for weight loss:

  1. Brew black tea (400 ml), cool the drink.
  2. Mix 400 ml of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice with cooled tea, add 4 tbsp. honey
  3. Cut one lemon into rings and add to the mixture.
  4. Place the weight loss drink in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes, after which it will be ready to drink.

Fruit smoothie

This thick, delicious drink is made from whipped fruits and freshly squeezed juices. Fruit smoothies have gained popularity all over the world among people who are losing weight and those who prefer to adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

How to make a smoothie with citrus for weight loss:

  1. Wash and peel 5 carrots, cut 3 grapefruits into slices.
  2. Pass them through a juicer.
  3. Pour the resulting juice into a blender bowl, add half a cup of blueberries and blend until smooth.

Baked grapefruit with cinnamon

It rarely happens that a dietary dish is distinguished by its bright taste and piquancy. A delicacy like grapefruit baked with cinnamon will be a healthy, and most importantly, delicious dessert for people losing weight.

  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  2. Cut a couple of citrus fruits into 2 parts. Make them stable by cutting off the “butts.”
  3. Place the fruit on a baking sheet, sprinkle ground cinnamon and granulated sugar (to taste) on top.
  4. Bake grapefruit for weight loss for 10-12 minutes.

Exit from the grapefruit diet: rules

Products allowed when leaving the grapefruit diet
You need to leave any diet, including the grapefruit diet, correctly. After all, during this time the body has become accustomed to limited food consumption, so it is not worth overloading it. Here are some rules:

  • Every day you should add to your diet foods that you had to give up during the diet.
  • This should be done gradually and in small portions.
  • It's better to start with low-calorie, dietary foods.
  • It is recommended to choose those that are necessary for normal life.
  • Ideally, the amount of calories should not exceed 2000 calories per day .
  • And if you arrange a grapefruit-based fasting day once a week, the results from the diet will last for a long time.

Moderate food intake, reasonable exercise and optimism will make your life comfortable.

Cellulite wraps

Grapefruit has been used against cellulite for a long time. People who do not want to severely restrict their diet and go on diets use wraps with aromatic citrus essential oil. Its composition is filled with organic acids, vitamins, minerals, essential substances, which together improve metabolism. The wrapping mixture can be prepared by mixing the nourishing cream with 5-6 drops of grapefruit oil. The resulting mixture should be thoroughly rubbed into problem areas of the skin, then wrap the body with cling film and leave for half an hour. Reviews of grapefruit essential oil for cellulite prove the high effectiveness of this product.

Reviews of those losing weight and results

Nina, 29 years old : “I like a protein diet with daily consumption of grapefruit (not juice, but fruit). However, I adjusted its classic version, replacing eggs with chicken fillet, and bread with crispbread. I almost never feel hungry. In 10 days I lost 4.5 kg. I took a break, and then I plan to take a second course of the diet.”

Yana, 18 years old : “For a week, I drank citrus juice every morning on an empty stomach. After this, I often suffered from heartburn, and sometimes my stomach hurt. When I went to the doctor, he said that the interval between taking the juice and the main meal should not be longer than 20 minutes. The result of the diet was 3 kg lost.”

Lilya, 24 years old : “I like wraps with grapefruit essential oil. I won’t say that this is an effective means for losing weight, but regular treatments with citrus remove cellulite. To achieve maximum results, you should combine body wraps with trips to the gym.”

After the posts about grapefruit came out, I was bombarded with all sorts of questions: how to eat grapefruit; with skin or not; what time; in what quantity...

In general, I decided to collect all the questions on one page to make it easier for readers to find the answer.

How to eat grapefruit correctly

  • How many calories are in grapefruit?

Every 100 g of pulp contains approximately 42 calories.

  • How many grams are in one grapefruit?

One ripe fruit (depending on size, degree of ripeness and variety) weighs from 450 to 650 grams. After peeling, the fruit can lose 30 - 80 grams. As a result, we get the net weight of grapefruit without peel - from 400 to 600 grams.

  • How many calories are in 1 grapefruit?

We multiply the weight of already peeled citrus (which is 400 - 600 g) by 42 cal/g and get 168 - 252 cal. As a result, having devoured one juicy fruit, we add an average of another 200 calories to our diet.

  • How much sugar is in grapefruit?

Every 100 grams of pulp stores about 7 g of sugar. We multiply the weight (400-600 g) by 7. According to mathematical calculations, one ripe fruit contains only 28 to 42 grams of sugar.

  • Can you eat grapefruit every day?

It's possible, but why? Even with a healthy gastrointestinal tract, citrus can harm the stomach. Any product is beneficial only when used in moderation. Anything extra is harmful.

You can consume citrus for weight loss every day for three weeks. Then pause for ten days.

  • Can you have grapefruit on an empty stomach?

Ask your stomach, if it doesn’t mind, then it’s okay. But seriously, it’s not advisable. Since the fruit contains a lot of acid, which harms the gastric mucosa. Especially citrus is prohibited with high acidity.

  • Grapefruit after or before meals?

During a diet, it is recommended to consume the fruit before meals. But not everyone can do this! The effect of losing weight is to increase the sensitivity of body tissues to the hormone insulin. With increased sensitivity, the liver burns fats rather than storing them.

  • What time of day is best to eat grapefruit for weight loss?

If there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract - in the morning before breakfast. If there are problems, take it between meals. It is better to have a snack with a glass of grapefruit drink than a sandwich with fatty sausage.

And you can take it in the evening instead of a hearty dinner (diet salad with slices of fruit) or before bed (baked citrus with honey) - to improve the quality of sleep. I fell asleep faster and ate less.

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