Omelette on a diet: possible or not, benefits and harms, how to prepare a delicious diet dish

Nutritionists say that if you consume egg whites at night to lose weight, you can get rid of excess weight quite quickly. At first glance, this may seem strange, but reviews from those who have lost weight indicate the effectiveness of this method. Egg white is an important component of the diet. It contains useful components, and the body spends a lot of energy to digest the product. This is where its fat-burning properties lie.

On a note! Unlike protein, the yolk of a chicken egg is high in calories, so when losing weight they try not to use it.

The role of egg whites in the process of losing weight

Egg whites contain proteins that are actively involved in the production of the growth hormone somatotropin and the joy hormone serotonin. They accelerate cell renewal processes, keep muscles toned and lift your spirits. However, not all high protein foods can be used for dinner. Some of them are quite high in calories, so there can be no talk of any weight loss. As for egg whites, 100 g contains only 44 kcal.

Despite its low calorie content, egg whites make you feel full for a long time. In addition, it restores metabolism, which also promotes weight loss. It is enough to replace dinner with it to start the fat burning process.

Beneficial features

Since egg whites are considered nutritious foods that contain a minimum of calories, they are often included in diet menus. It is useful for athletes. They drink it raw or make a protein shake out of it to build muscle mass.

Important beneficial properties of chicken egg white are:

  • reducing cholesterol levels;
  • rich in vitamins from group B;
  • improves metabolism;
  • builds muscle mass, which is useful not only for athletes, but also for those losing weight;
  • accelerates the process of decomposition of fat cells;
  • restores the acid-base balance in the body;
  • removes harmful substances from the body;
  • has a mild diuretic effect;
  • normalizes blood glucose levels;
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system;
  • provides satiety for a long time and does not harm the figure;
  • source of protein.

On a note! Unlike fermented milk products, which are also a source of protein, chicken egg white does not cause swelling. Therefore, it is not contraindicated for people who have a tendency to edema.

In addition to oral administration, this product is used externally. Nourishing and cleansing face masks are made on its basis.


Despite the fact that the benefits of egg whites are significant, they cannot always be consumed at night.

It is not recommended to drink raw or eat boiled protein before bed during pregnancy and lactation. Losing weight during these periods is, in principle, prohibited.

It is also prohibited to use it for certain diseases. Therefore, before using it for weight loss, you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo certain studies.

Egg whites before bedtime for weight loss are contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • serious diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • allergies to chicken eggs.

It is important to note that the cause of undesirable effects can be not only the presence of contraindications, but also the use of the product in excess. It is important to adhere to established standards so as not to cause harm.

Eggs are present in many dishes, both raw and after heat treatment. But the most harmless way to prepare them is boiling. This heat treatment helps to eliminate harmful bacteria such as salmonellosis, and also promotes the uniform separation of the product parts - the white and the yolk. The white is famous for its lightness, and the yolk contains the maximum amount of vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Eggs are a dietary product, and since they contain healthy protein masses, they are often prescribed in therapeutic diets and for weight loss. It all depends on the recommendations of your doctor or nutritionist - if a diet is prescribed or you are prone to allergic reactions, then the consumption of eggs should be limited to 2-3 eggs per week. If you follow a proper nutrition regimen, and also for those who are interested in maintaining their good health, you can safely eat 2-3 pieces a day. It is not necessary to eat them in their original form - boiled eggs will perfectly complement salads, pates and other delicious daily dishes.

Despite recent protests from scientists, it has been proven that cholesterol from eggs is not deposited on the walls of blood vessels, so their consumption should be limited only to prevent allergies.

Do not forget that the egg diet for weight loss is now very popular - if you follow it, you will have to eat eggs every day for 6-7 days. Naturally, the diet includes other healthy ingredients (citrus fruits, tea without sugar, fresh vegetables, apples, melon, etc.) that help better breakdown and absorption of the main product - chicken eggs.

Another option of the same name way to lose weight is tougher, but more effective. With such a diet, your body will receive everything it needs to maintain immunity and health in good condition, but will limit the consumption of all other foods for a week. 6 boiled eggs in one day is the only rule for those who want to lose weight using this technology. 10/12/2020 Sohu 10/04/2020 Huanqiu shibao 10/10/2020

A boiled egg is distinguished by the property that it satisfies quickly and for a long time - those who consume the product in the morning do not want to have lunch longer, and by eating boiled white and yolk at night, you don’t have to worry about adding extra grams to your weight. And according to one of the latest versions of egg diet supporters, if you eat only whites at night (we’re not afraid to say this, but even with mayonnaise and, which is much better, garlic!), this will lead to more rapid weight loss: egg whites eaten at night activate the production of somatotropic hormone, due to which fat is burned in the body. Those who, as a result of medical research, ate two egg whites every night before bed experienced consistent weight loss.

However, there is another opinion: they say, eggs are harmful... So which option is worth joining, everyone decides for themselves.

Bon appetit!

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial staff.

Proper consumption of egg whites at night when losing weight

Raw egg whites are not used at night for weight loss, since they take a relatively long time to digest. Nutritionists recommend eating boiled food at night to lose weight. In their opinion, if you drink it, the fat burning process will not start.

When choosing the amount of protein consumed at night when losing weight, you should take into account your weight and health status. In general, the following recipes are used:

  • two boiled proteins at night - eat before bed or instead of dinner, this method is suitable for a person weighing more than 80 kg, the diet lasts 1 week, then you need to take a break for a month and repeat again;
  • one boiled egg white - if the weight does not reach 80 kg, the duration of the diet is 7 days;
  • egg white with kefir - 2 hours before going to bed you need to eat boiled egg white and drink a glass of kefir with a small percentage of fat content, the course lasts from 7 days or longer;
  • protein omelet - during the week at night there is an omelet steamed from two proteins.

When is it healthier to eat eggs: in the morning or at night

Eggs are extremely healthy if they have not been produced with antibiotics. The natural product contains vitamins B, E, D, A, PP, K, H, minerals cobalt, selenium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, zinc, sodium, chromium, calcium, chlorine, molybdenum, magnesium, copper, potassium, manganese and fluorine.

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The calorie content of chicken eggs is 158 kcal per 100 g. This product is ideal for a morning meal, as it saturates the body with energy for a long time, promotes weight loss, improves vision and strengthens the immune system.

It is recommended to eat only protein at night. Egg yolk takes a long time to digest, so it should not be included in your diet before bed. Eating yolk at night can cause stagnation and fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract.

It should be taken into account that it is necessary to eat protein no later than 3.5 hours before going to bed. This type of food increases the production of growth hormone, which leads to rapid weight loss.

Regular, moderate consumption of chicken eggs in the morning and evening (whites only and not just before bed) has the following positive health effects:

  • improves blood circulation in the brain;
  • strengthens teeth and bones;
  • increases the body's resistance to viral diseases;
  • prevents vitamin deficiency;
  • helps with depression, irritability and chronic fatigue;
  • satisfies hunger for a long time;
  • prevents rickets;
  • strengthens the heart and blood vessels;
  • increases visual acuity;
  • supports normal metabolism;
  • improves memory;
  • promotes mental and physical activity;
  • minimizes the risk of stroke;
  • supports healthy hair, nails and skin;
  • prevents diseases of the organs of vision;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • slows down the aging process of cells;
  • prevents the occurrence and development of cancerous tumors;
  • improves potency;
  • helps with insomnia;
  • prevents anemia;
  • supports liver health;
  • helps build muscle mass.

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Please note that this product often causes allergic reactions. Also, you should not eat raw eggs, as in this case there is a high probability of infection with salmonellosis.

Abuse of this product can lead to the development of atherosclerosis, varicose veins and other dangerous pathologies. Chicken eggs are characterized by the following contraindications:

  • diabetes;
  • individual intolerance;
  • liver diseases;
  • psoriasis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • broken stool;
  • cholecystitis.

Thus, it is useful to eat eggs both for breakfast and before bed. However, you should not eat yolks at night, as they take a long time to digest and can cause problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, to avoid harm to health, contraindications for this product should be taken into account.



Nutritionists confirm the benefits of egg whites for weight loss. In addition to getting rid of extra pounds, this product is known for other beneficial properties. First of all, it enriches the human body with valuable substances and makes it work correctly. If you combine such a diet with physical activity, you can lose weight in a short time.

Doctors recommend that those losing weight adhere to the following rules when eating egg whites at night:

  • drink plenty of water throughout the day (up to 2 liters);
  • eat right, eating only healthy foods;
  • eliminate high-calorie foods from the diet;
  • After finishing the egg white diet, you need to stick to a low-calorie diet for some time to consolidate the results, otherwise the lost weight will quickly return.

Since the process of fat deposition occurs in the evening, and egg whites can stop it, when losing weight it is recommended to consume them at night. You can enhance the effect with citrus fruits. If you additionally eat an orange or grapefruit, you will become thin and slender faster. In general, you need to monitor your health. If you feel worse after eating egg whites at night, you should stop the diet. If the symptoms do not go away, you should consult a doctor.

How to lose weight on eggs

There are many options for protein diets, the main permitted product of which is eggs. Such nutrition systems limit the consumption of carbohydrates. It turns out that the diet contains a lot of proteins, which is why the body begins to convert its own fat reserves into energy. In addition, you can eat not only chicken. Quails have earned good reviews due to their hypoallergenicity. Duck eggs on a diet, on the contrary, are poorly absorbed by the body.

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Egg diet

Options for egg diets can be listed for a long time, but the kefir mono-diet is considered one of the most effective. It is very simple, easy to carry and gives good results. In a week you can lose up to 5-7 extra pounds. The main condition is to eat 2 eggs for breakfast every day, and drink up to 1.5 liters of kefir per day. It is necessary to add other products to them depending on the day of the diet:

  • first - 4 boiled potatoes;
  • second – 150-200 g chicken breast;
  • third - up to 150-200 g of lean beef;
  • fourth – 150-200 g of lean fish;
  • fifth – up to 1 kg of apples or vegetable salads;
  • sixth and seventh - only kefir, water and 2 eggs.

Another effective diet option is based on the effective combination of eggs and citrus fruits. According to some reviews, you can lose up to 9 kg in one week in the process. Diet for each day of the diet in the table:

Day of the week Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Monday 2 boiled eggs + Orange Boiled chicken (150 g) 200 g chicken, a glass of low-fat kefir
Tuesday A glass of freshly squeezed juice 150 g chicken orange, glass of milk
Wednesday Green tea Boiled meat portion, grapefruit Boiled chicken
Thursday Omelette About 200 g chicken with vegetable salad Orange (2 pcs.)
Friday Boiled carrot salad Glass of citrus juice 200 g stewed fish
Saturday Orange, 150 g cottage cheese Orange (2 pcs.) Still mineral water
Sunday Orange 200 g meat, grapefruit

Losing weight with yolk

Although protein is used more often when losing weight, yolk is considered no less effective in this area. For this reason, the yolk diet is very popular today. It helps not only to get rid of excess weight, but also to cleanse the body. The unique chemical composition of the yolk with a complete absence of carbohydrates ensures normalization of digestion and prevents the deposition of fats. But the yolk diet also has a number of contraindications:

  • due to the content of bad cholesterol, it is not suitable for atherosclerosis;
  • with individual intolerance;
  • cardiovascular pathologies and urolithiasis.

You should not overuse yolks - their daily norm is 1-2 pieces. One chicken is equal to two quail. You can eat the yolks boiled or fried, but only in olive oil or steamed and preferably for breakfast. Cooking should take 7-10 minutes. This way the yolk will acquire a structure that is most suitable for absorption by the body. Their combination with citrus fruits is optimal. It is also important to drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day. Other allowed foods on the yolk diet are:

  • fish, sea or river;
  • low-fat fermented milk products and milk;
  • vegetables;
  • lean meat;
  • clean water, mineral water, green tea, herbal infusions;
  • fruits, but not grapes or bananas.
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