The best summer diet on kefir with herbs and cucumber for weight loss

What happens if you eat kefir and cucumbers for weight loss?

The kefir-cucumber diet is considered effective because both products are dietary, contain few calories, and this forces the body to burn fat deposits in order to function. Apart from kefir and cucumbers, no other foods should be consumed during the fasting period.

What are the “advantages” of losing weight on cucumbers and kefir:

  1. The feeling of hunger is reduced due to the presence of protein in fermented milk drinks and fiber in cucumbers.
  2. Dietary fiber from green fruits and beneficial microorganisms in kefir improve intestinal function and help cleanse the body of toxins.
  3. Both ingredients have a mild laxative effect, which helps you lose weight faster.
  4. Due to the high water content in cucumbers, they eliminate swelling and remove salts.
  5. Both products are inexpensive, especially if you practice losing weight in the summer.

With this diet, weight loss is achieved primarily by removing excess fluid and cleansing the intestines. In addition, the total daily caloric content of incoming food is significantly lower than normal, so the body actively consumes everything it previously stored - fat tissue. However, you cannot use this diet for more than a week, otherwise protein burning - muscle mass - will begin.

How much weight can you lose on the kefir-cucumber diet?

With this method you can lose up to 6 kg in 5-7 days. If you arrange 1 fasting day, you will lose up to 2 kg.

Description of preparation:

I am sharing with you a simple and quick recipe for making cold kefir soup with cucumbers and herbs.
The soup is ready in literally 5 minutes. Take chilled kefir, chop all the vegetables and mix. You can serve it to the table! I recommend not neglecting the addition of garlic. Garlic is a natural antioxidant and helps cleanse the body. But, if the pungent smell bothers you, then try adding fresh chopped ginger. Cook with pleasure! Purpose: For lunch / For dinner / In a hurry Main ingredient: Vegetables / Cucumber / Dairy products / Kefir Dish: Soups / Cold soups Geography of cuisine: Bulgarian / European Diet: Diet food / Vegetarian food / Recipes for weight loss

Are kefir and cucumbers compatible?

There are different opinions on this matter. Some nutrition experts do not recommend mixing kefir with anything at all, but drinking it separately between meals. The second point of view supports the possibility of consuming these products together to get rid of extra centimeters on the waist and hips.

But not all people tolerate this combination well, since it can cause diarrhea. Therefore, it is worth taking into account the individual reaction of the body; in case of negative symptoms, do not practice such fasting days, so as not to harm your health.

Which foods are actually incompatible for human consumption at the same time?

What can't you eat with?

Everyone knows about the fun result that can happen if you eat a pickled cucumber and drink milk. But doctors do not yet know exactly why these products in such a combination contradict each other. For many, the combination of herring and milk is not a fiery mixture. And they are sure that this taboo is just a habit. We grew up with this knowledge about the incompatibility of products and rational explanations are not needed. Each nation has its own prohibitions on what foods cannot be mixed.

Some scientists believe that such knowledge came to us from ancient beliefs. Not all nations have the same prohibitions on food combinations. This can be called food culture and compared to the fact that in our country there are a lot of snails and frogs, but they are not used to make signature dishes, as in France, although we have a lot of these animals.

So, here is a list of anticombinations:

  1. starch with acidic foods such as tomato, orange. A chemical reaction will occur. And the products will lose all their beneficial qualities, that is, fruits and vegetables will fall into the stomach as an extra useless load.
  2. An interesting reaction will occur if you first drink sparkling water and then drink milk . A small mini chemical plant will explode in your stomach. You can see in the picture what happens to cola when you mix it with milk.
  3. A not so interesting, but also harmful effect occurs if you eat fruit after a grand meal , as we are used to. First salad, then hot, then sweet and for dessert - fruit. The first hot dishes take much longer to digest, and it will take half an hour before it’s time to get to the fruit. And the fruit begins to rot in the stomach after the first 15 minutes. An unpleasant picture appears before your eyes if you imagine what is happening in your stomach at this moment.
  4. Delicious apples, ripe pears, grapes, juicy plums, apricots and watermelons are not recommended to be eaten after protein foods : meat, fish, mushrooms, eggs. For the same reason as in the previous paragraph - the difference in the speed of digestion.
  5. And who doesn’t like to drink a cup of coffee in the morning and eat rye bread , say, with butter? If you are an amateur, then know that all this was done in vain. Simply filler products without nutrients entered the body. Because caffeine interferes with the absorption of essential elements for the body, in particular calcium.
  6. The next taboo for the stomach is cosmic mixture, a rocket. Lovers of fun parties prefer to fly on this rocket. This is a mix of cola and alcohol - this drink is for those who want to quickly get drunk and have a strong hangover in the morning.
  7. Beer and peanuts are a classic combination. But very destructive. Peanuts do not belong to the nut family, as is commonly thought, but to legumes. And in combination with alcohol, legumes lose all their beneficial properties and simply become a heavy product for the body.
  8. To get a true laxative, eat melon and drink alcohol , and you will run to the toilet like a marathon runner. Or you can drink the melon with cold water, kefir, or yogurt - the effect is the same.
  9. And to get a swollen face and swelling, eat more watermelon, filling it with various salty foods . Then the liquid will be retained in the body, and you will get “beauty” on your face.
  10. And in last place was the classic combination of cucumbers with milk and herring . In fact, everything depends individually on the person. For some, this combination can cause fermentation in the stomach, and sometimes poisoning. Pickled cucumbers or herring that enter the stomach oxidize the milk, and it immediately curdles. Despite this fact, in the food culture there are dishes that combine this mixture. The most common is forshmak (a classic combination of milk and herring).

No matter what experiments are carried out with products. It is important to provide yourself with first aid in a timely and correct manner. If you like to mix soda with milk, then do not deny yourself to have sorbents on hand. It is better to drink, say, activated carbon or polysorb before such experiments. To get rid of severe intoxication of activated carbon, you need to crush 60 tablets or polysorb, dissolve 2 tablespoons in water, drink these medications until you feel better. And, if after mixing herring and soda and cucumber a “party” has started in your stomach, sorbents will help.

Now, all the secrets of how to “bomb” your stomach are known, and there is even a defensive weapon in this war - an antidote in the form of sorbents. And in conclusion to the information about strange combinations in food, two paragraphs that will definitely change your mind about the “friendship” of foods.

A salad of cucumbers with tomatoes is the most summer and healthy... although, no, only summer, the usefulness in it disappears as soon as tomatoes and cucumbers are combined. Academician Pokrovsky A.A. In the course of his research, he concluded that the combination of cucumbers and tomatoes leads to the destruction of vitamin C in the salad.

But, for example, sorrel soup would be good to eat with milk. The combination, of course, is disgusting, but with such friendship between sorrel and milk, harmful oxalic acids are destroyed.

Well, now everyone enjoy your meal and keep your trusty sorbent on hand!

Who is this diet suitable for?

A diet based on fermented milk drink and cucumbers is a good option if you need to lose a few extra pounds before a vacation or after a long holiday. It is useful only for those who are slightly overweight.

You can determine how strong the excess is by calculating your body mass index. If it is too high, then the reasons need to be looked deeper - contact specialists and undergo an examination. Obesity can be caused by various factors: hormonal imbalances, psychological problems, unhealthy eating behavior, diabetes and other diseases. Only the appropriate doctor, endocrinologist, often together with a psychologist, should detect them and prescribe treatment.

How to prepare “Cold kefir soup with cucumbers and herbs”

Prepare the necessary products. Cool the kefir thoroughly in the refrigerator.

Wash the vegetables under cool water. Peel the garlic and cucumber. If you use a summer cucumber, do not peel it. Chop all the vegetables.

Add chopped vegetables to kefir, salt and pepper to taste. Serve to the table. Bon appetit!

Basic rules of the kefir-cucumber diet


The cucumber and kefir diet is quite strict, so it cannot be long-term. It is allowed to practice such a fasting day or “sit” on it for no more than 5-7 days.

This is a good option to get yourself in order in the summer, because during this period vegetables are not only tasty and aromatic, inexpensive, but also contain the most nutrients.

It is advisable a week before you start losing weight, start accustoming your body to large portions of kefir - consume 0.5 liters of the drink daily in 2 doses (as a snack, at night). Thus, you need to smoothly and gradually exit the diet.

What is allowed and what is prohibited?

This type of diet in terms of rules is quite simple, since there are few of them, but they are very strict:

  1. You need to drink 1.5-2 liters of kefir per day, preferably low-fat (up to 1% fat).
  2. Eat no more than 1.5 kg of cucumbers. They must be fresh. If the vegetables are early, in spring, then be sure to peel them, since the skins contain nitrates and other harmful substances.
  3. Cucumbers and kefir can be mixed or consumed separately.
  4. You can add any greens to a fermented milk drink with vegetables to improve the taste: celery, dill, parsley, spinach, onions, mint, basil. They have a beneficial effect on digestion processes and accelerate metabolism.
  5. Cocktails and other dishes cannot be prepared in advance (for future use); they must be fresh, mixed immediately before use.
  6. You are allowed to drink water (up to 2 liters) and some tea.
  7. Meals should be fractional, without skipping, at least 5 times a day in small portions.
  8. Heavy physical work and strength sports are contraindicated during this period. A meager menu can only be supplemented with light training, warm-up exercises, and walking.

Salting food and using other products is prohibited. An exception is a diet designed for 7 days, which includes lean fish or meat. To adjust the taste, you can add a little lemon juice and natural spices. As for the variety of dishes, they can be anything: salads, smoothies, soups, cocktails.

Cucumbers for weight loss

They contain an important element of digestion - fiber, which has a good effect on the digestive process; in addition, cucumbers have the property of absorbing toxins and waste. Few people know, but these green vegetables contain tartronic acid, which blocks the addition of carbohydrates to fats, reducing body fat.

Cucumbers contain vitamins B and C, trace elements - copper, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium and manganese, and the diuretic effect removes some of the salts from the joints, reducing their swelling and inflammation.

Recommendations for use. Menu for 3-5-7 days

A diet using cucumbers, a drink made with kefir grains, can be practiced for 3, 5 or 7 days. The shorter the cleaning period, the harsher it can be:

  • If the course is designed for 3 days, then you cannot eat anything else except kefir, greens and cucumbers. Smoothies and cocktails should be prepared from these ingredients and consumed 1 glass 5-6 times a day.
  • For a 5-day diet, it is better to prepare different dishes from permitted products, add Chinese cabbage, bell peppers, and radishes to salads. They are also low in calories and rich in fiber.
  • If you plan to go on a diet for 7 days, then be sure to eat a portion of boiled meat, fish, a couple of eggs at one of your meals (lunch or dinner), and add them to soups or salads. Without protein, you cannot practice a mono-diet for a long time. Also, eat fruit (apple, pear, orange) with one of your snacks.

Such a meager nutritional system cannot be used for more than 7 days. A week is the maximum, otherwise your health will deteriorate from a lack of carbohydrates and proteins, vitamins and mineral compounds, and there will be more harm than good.

There is another gentle option to lose weight gradually and without stress. It consists in the fact that with a normal diet at night you should drink a glass of cucumber smoothie with kefir and fresh herbs to cleanse the intestines of toxins and waste.

But still, to get long-term results, you need to completely reconsider your diet. Give up sweets and starchy foods, and eat more foods rich in protein and fiber. Plus control of daily calorie intake.

Tips and tricks

Kefir soup, despite the simplicity of its preparation, has some subtleties that make the dish even more healthy and tasty. By following simple tips from experienced chefs, you can prepare a real masterpiece:

  1. Add more fresh herbs. It will add aroma and summer taste to the dish.
  2. To make the taste milder, dilute kefir with mineral water.
  3. For those who are not on a diet, you can add boiled potatoes and an egg. Finely chop the products and mix with the main composition. This way, kefir soup will become more like everyone’s favorite okroshka.
  4. For the dish, choose fresh kefir.
  5. Serve kefir soup with ice. It will make the dish lighter and more liquid.
  6. To suit your taste, you can add salad spices or any type of pepper to the dish.

Kefir soup with cucumber for weight loss is suitable for a full lunch or dinner. The light dish does not contain any ingredients that are harmful to your figure. You can prepare the soup in 15 minutes.



Like any strict diet, this one has many limitations:

  • It is contraindicated for any problems with the kidneys, since it significantly increases the load on them.
  • It should not be practiced by those who have serious gastrointestinal diseases: ulcers, colitis, gastritis, acid reflux.
  • It is not suitable during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as it can cause a deficiency of important nutrients for the body of the mother and child.

The best option is to consult with your doctor before starting this type of fasting.

Mechanisms of fasting diet

The first ingredient is kefir. If you do not have allergies or gastrointestinal diseases, it is easily digestible and will not lead to irritation of the stomach walls. Kefir contains lactic acid, which helps food pass through the intestines faster and not be deposited in fat depots.

The second ingredient is fresh cucumbers. It should be noted that it is not without reason that many nutritionists call them the “illusion” of food. In fact, a cucumber is a natural analogue of a barrel of water, of which it consists of 95%. Moreover, this is not simple, but structured water, “living”. Fresh cucumber also contains beneficial tartronic acid, which prevents carbohydrates from turning into fats. In addition, cucumbers contain a set of special enzymes that promote the absorption of animal proteins. In view of this, fresh cucumbers are ideally combined with kefir.

A diet based on kefir and cucumbers allows you to drink green tea without sugar and purified still water. If you don’t want to gain weight again, after cleansing your body, stick to a diet and engage in recreational sports. You can repeat 1-3 day fasts every two months. It is not worth using a longer course, as some forums advise, because the body will begin to burn muscle tissue from protein starvation.

This diet should not be used for kidney disease, gastritis with high acidity, ulcers and colitis.

Cleansing with kefir and cucumbers is contraindicated for pregnant and breastfeeding women. It is also undesirable to start this diet during menstruation, especially if you have a hard time with “critical” days. After all, the body is already exhausted during this period. Allergic reactions to kefir and cucumbers are also contraindications. Even if you did not initially experience them, but in the process of saturating your body with these products, a characteristic allergic rash, asthma attacks, irritation of the mucous membranes or other symptoms began to appear - it is better to stop the diet and consult a doctor.

Opinion and advice from nutritionists

Nutritionists have a rather negative attitude towards any strict diet, although both ingredients themselves are considered very healthy products and recommend including them in the menu for proper nutrition.

The problem is that due to the small amount of calories, there is a risk of feeling weak, dizzy, and loss of attention. With a long period of food restriction, this is fraught with metabolic disorders, loss of muscle rather than fat mass, and deterioration of the condition of hair and skin.

Moreover, if you do not change your lifestyle, then after leaving the diet, all the extra pounds will return very quickly .

Therefore, the right way, according to doctors, is to undergo a full examination to determine the cause of excess weight, and then choose a balanced menu and suitable physical activity for yourself.

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