Oatmeal cookies weigh 1 piece. How many calories are in oatmeal cookies?

Updated: December 12, 2021, at 12:50
  • 5 What oatmeal cookies contain
  • 6 Proteins, fats, carbohydrates
  • 7 What are the benefits of oatmeal cookies?
  • 8 Recipes for dietary desserts (video)
      8.1 Author of the publication
  • 8.2 Julia
  • In this article we will tell you how many calories are in one oatmeal cookie , and whether it can be consumed while on a diet. You will learn the benefits of this product and what vitamins and microelements you can get from it.

    With the help of detailed step-by-step recipes, you can prepare a healthy treat at home. We have also prepared a video with a simple recipe for a dietary version of oatmeal cookies with bananas.

    How many cookies can you eat?

    Considering the many varieties of oatmeal cookies that are available to us for purchase or preparation, the average calorie content per 100 grams of product is 437 kcal.

    This figure can vary significantly depending on the ingredients used in it. The dietary version contains only about 200 kcal.

    But very often we are faced with the question, how many calories are contained in oatmeal cookies per 1 piece? But this is still useful to know, because we don’t take a whole pack for tea, but just a couple of things. On average, the weight of one such store-bought cookie is 20 g. Based on this value, you can easily calculate the number of calories in it, which is approximately equal to 87.4 kcal.

    Please note that the highest calorie content for one of the most popular types - oatmeal cookies with chocolate and nuts - 460 kcal and 469, respectively. The energy value of this product is approximately 1745 kJ, that is, approximately 20% of the daily value for those following a diet that requires consumption of 2000 kcal/day.

    How to choose cookies in a store?

    If you don’t have the opportunity or desire to cook yourself, when buying store-bought cookies, pay attention to the ingredients listed on the package. Avoid products with high amounts of starch, fat, eggs and sugar.

    If cookies are sold open, by weight, and the necessary information is missing, this indicates that the product may contain prohibited additives. Cookies must be packaged in transparent, hermetically sealed packaging.

    If the shape of the cookie is damaged or it is brittle, this means a violation of the manufacturing technology. Scrap is allowed in the amount of 1 piece. for packaging 250 g, 4 pcs. – for 1 kg.

    Pay attention to the deadline. If the shelf life exceeds one month, such cookies are not worth buying.

    Preference should be given to cookies with cracks on the surface and roughness, light brown or brown color, and medium hardness. This speaks volumes about the quality of the product.

    Summary table

    Product typeCalories
    on kefir131 kcal
    cookies with chocolate460 kcal
    homemade388 kcal
    dietary202 kcal
    with raisins417 kcal
    with nuts442 kcal
    store-bought434 kcal
    with cereals430 kcal
    with seeds469 kcal

    What nutritionists say

    This product contains many useful microelements and vitamins, and therefore can become an indispensable assistant in the fight against extra pounds.

    Since the calorie content of one oatmeal cookie is significantly lower than other sweets, you can indulge yourself a little, thereby reducing the risk of failure, but without risking the results achieved. It's no secret that any flour product contains carbohydrates, but in oatmeal cookies they are long, as nutritionists sometimes call them.

    Their main beauty is that they burn rather slowly, due to this the body receives a certain amount of energy, and the feeling of hunger does not occur for a longer time. In addition, there is an opinion that oat dishes can suppress depression. If you prepare such cookies at home, you can control the amount of sugar and also add other ingredients that are very useful for weight loss, such as cocoa, nuts, prunes, dried apricots or other dried fruits.

    By the way, in this case, you can completely abandon sweeteners. If you are on a diet with the goal of losing excess weight, then you can safely introduce this delicacy into your diet, but homemade, not store-bought.

    This way you can accurately control its calorie content, and also avoid excessive consumption of sugar or its substitutes. And if you figure it out, preparing it is not so difficult. Especially if you have step-by-step recipes at hand.

    Calorie content of cookies

    Oatmeal cookies are high in calories due to the huge amount of sugar and fat in the product. To reduce the number of calories, it is recommended to purchase dietary or diabetic cookies, where only natural ingredients are used, and sugar is replaced with honey or fructose. In addition, making your own baked goods at home can reduce the number of calories and increase the nutritional value of the product.

    You will find the recipe for dietary oatmeal cookies without added sugar and flour in the following video:

    Oatmeal cookies are a healthy and tasty food product that supply many useful substances, toning and saturating the human body. According to nutritionists, eating a couple of oatmeal cookies can replace a portion of porridge. In order to eliminate all the negative properties of cookies, it is recommended to carefully choose the product in the store or prepare it yourself, and then the baked goods will delight both you and your body.

    Oatmeal cookies are rightfully one of the healthiest foods. “But what are the benefits of oatmeal cookies?” - you ask. The main ingredient that imparts beneficial properties to this product is oatmeal. It contains a large amount of proteins, which include valuable vegetable fats, provitamins A, vitamins PP and B, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, amino acids and trace elements. It is also worth noting that all of them are almost 100% absorbed by the human body.

    Oatmeal cookies, the benefits of which are very high, are simply a necessary product for normal human life. However, like any food product, oatmeal cookies have some contraindications for their use in food. So, for example, if the product was produced using margarine, then the chances of gaining a few extra pounds double. Moreover, oatmeal cookies may also contain ingredients such as raisins, chocolate, vanilla and many other foods high in valuable nutrients.

    How to make delicious and healthy cookies

    Classic recipe

    List of required products

    Cereals2 full glasses (but without a slide)
    Butter100 g
    Sugar1/2 cup
    Egg2 pieces
    Wheat flour1 tbsp. l.

    Step by step recipe

    1. Mix butter with sugar.
    2. Add eggs and grind the resulting mixture until white.
    3. After the sugar has completely dissolved, add oatmeal, previously mixed with flour, and mix.
    4. Grease a baking sheet with a small amount of vegetable oil.
    5. Using a tablespoon, place the resulting dough onto a baking sheet.
    6. Preheat the oven to 185-200 degrees.
    7. Bake for approximately 10-15 minutes.

    From 100 g of this product you will get 5.6 g of protein and 24.6 g of fat. 55.4 g carbohydrates. Calorie content of the dish: 430 kcal.

    Cookies with raisins and apple

    List of required products

    Cereals200 g
    Wheat flour1/2 cup
    Egg2 pcs.
    Butter100 g
    Brown sugar5 tbsp. l.
    Honey2 tbsp. l.
    Baking powder1 tsp.

    Step by step recipe

    1. Place the softened butter in a deep bowl and gradually stir in the sugar.
    2. Add sifted flour, honey, eggs and baking powder.
    3. Mix thoroughly using a mixer.
    4. Add oatmeal, apples, raisins or chopped nuts to the resulting mixture.
    5. Mix.
    6. Roll the dough into small balls and place on a baking sheet previously lined with baking paper.
    7. Bake for 15-20 minutes in the oven.

    From 100 g of this product you will get 7 g of protein, 15.9 g of fat. 53.4 g carbohydrates. Calorie content of the dish: 366 kcal.

    Cookies with chocolate

    List of required products

    Wheat flour200 g
    Cereals100 g
    Butter200 g
    Sugar150 g
    Egg2 pcs.
    Milk chocolate50 g
    Baking powder2 tsp.

    Step by step recipe

    1. Grind the softened butter with sugar until smooth, then add the eggs and mix.
    2. Add some of the flakes and mix thoroughly again.
    3. Add chopped chocolate, baking powder and remaining flakes to the mixture and knead the dough.
    4. Cover the bowl and place in the refrigerator for an hour.
    5. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
    6. Form small cakes and place on a baking sheet.
    7. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, place a baking sheet in it and bake for 15-20 minutes.

    From 100 g of this product you will get 5.6 g of protein, 24.6 g of fat, 48.7 g of carbohydrates. Calorie content of the dish: 430 kcal.

    Calorie content of oat dessert

    How many calories are in oatmeal cookies? There is no clear answer to this question. The calorie content of a treat is directly related to its composition.

    The classic recipe includes margarine or butter. Eggs, sugar and some other ingredients are added. Therefore, its calorie content is high. 430 kcal contain 100 grams of product

    . The calorie content of one piece of product is 90 kcal.

    If you do not abuse it, you can eat it while losing weight. But you can prepare an oatmeal treat yourself, reducing its calorie content. When baking, do not add eggs, butter or sugar. These components can be replaced with nuts, candied fruits and dried fruits. You need to take as much as your taste requires.

    Manufacturers today, to increase the popularity of cookies, include various additives to the main ingredients. These include:

    • nuts;
    • dried fruits;
    • cottage cheese;
    • chocolate;
    • raisin.

    Lenten and dietary oatmeal cookies are in demand among customers. The benefits are due to the ingredients it contains. 50 grams of cookies eaten in the morning can provide the body with energy for the whole day.

    How many calories should be in the product depends on the recipe chosen. Not only the number of calories, but also the taste of baked goods depends on the ingredients.

    Cookies with bran or seeds

    In baked goods with the addition of bran, the number of calories in 1 piece. – 75 units

    . When adding sunflower seeds, the picture changes. One piece will already contain 105 calories. This means that 100 grams of the product will contain 460 kcal. But the number of calories can be reduced if you use a dietary recipe:

    1. Oatmeal – 200 g.
    2. Low-fat kefir – 200 g.
    3. Eggs – 2 pcs.
    4. Honey – 50 g.
    5. Sunflower seed – 70 g.

    The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and placed on a baking sheet covered with parchment. Baking in the oven lasts 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

    The calorie content of 100 grams of such a delicious delicacy will be about 200 kcal.

    Cookies with chocolate

    Chocolate added to the dough will add a few calories, but the beneficial effect of the treat on the body will also increase. The joy hormone contained in chocolate will lift the mood of every sweet tooth. 1 piece – 95 calories


    Cookies with raisins

    Eating cookies with raisins is beneficial. It helps overcome insomnia and depression, increases vitality, and has a calming effect on the nervous system. The body is saturated with magnesium and most B vitamins.

    One cookie with raisins contains 90 calories.

    The calorie content of such baked goods is low, but the benefits for the body are great. Therefore, it can be consumed daily and as much as you like.

    By changing the cooking recipe, you can constantly enjoy a new taste.

    Oatmeal cookies in a frying pan

    The baking time for this delicacy in the oven ranges from 15 to 30 minutes.

    . If you bake it in a frying pan, you can get the finished product even faster. You will need cereal, sesame seeds, sugar and salt, and egg white. All components of the dough are thoroughly mixed. You don't have to beat the whites. Salt and sugar, as well as sesame seeds - to taste.

    The finished dough is laid out in a frying pan. There is no need to lubricate it with oil. Cooking time – until the crust is golden brown. She says that the treat is ready.

    What do oatmeal cookies contain?

    As we mentioned above, the calorie content of this product can vary significantly depending on its type and composition. The same applies to nutritional value and the beneficial microelements and vitamins it contains. But based on the basic ingredients of the classic treat, we can still identify most of them. To begin with, we note that oatmeal cookies are a valuable source of amino acids. In total, it contains more than 20 different amino acids. Here are the most important of them:

    • tryptophan – affects the production of serotonin (the hormone of joy), improves a person’s emotional state;
    • arginine – helps normalize blood pressure, is involved in metabolism, and is necessary for removing protein breakdown products;
    • isoleucine – indispensable for the body, participates in the production of proteins, as well as metabolism at the cellular level; promotes muscle tissue restoration and increases endurance.

    Oatmeal cookies also contain a number of vitamins:

    • fat-soluble – A, E and K;
    • water-soluble - C, B1, B2, B3 (PP), B4, B5, B6 and B9.

    In addition, this product is a valuable source of sodium, magnesium and phosphorus, as well as calcium, magnesium, iron and selenium. All these substances are necessary for the body for normal metabolism and the proper functioning of all organ systems.

    Cookie composition

    You can buy oatmeal cookies at the store, or you can bake them yourself. The latter option is much preferable because it eliminates the addition of harmful flavors and stabilizers.

    The recipe for oatmeal cookies includes two types of flour: oatmeal and wheat. And also granulated sugar. That's probably all. A little butter is added, and vegetable oil is better suited for dietary cookies.

    If desired, you can add raisins, pieces of dried apricots, nuts, vanilla or cinnamon.

    Proteins fats carbohydrates

    Product TypesSquirrelsFatsCarbohydrates
    cookies with chocolate5 g19 g60 g
    with seeds7 g23 g30 g
    with raisins7 g15 g58 g
    with cereals7 g19 g60 g
    with nuts6 g17 g66 g
    homemade6 g20 g46 g
    store-bought5.6 g15 g74 g
    dietary3.8 g5.5 g35 g
    on kefir4.6 g2.2 g24 g

    Calorie content of homemade oatmeal cookies per 100 grams

    The calorie content of dietary oatmeal cookies per 100 grams is 170 kcal. 100 g of sweets contain 9 g of protein, 5.2 g of fat, 21 g of carbohydrates.

    To make cookies you need the following ingredients:

    • 0.2 kg of rolled oats;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 0.2 kg cottage cheese;
    • 0.2 kg apples;
    • 1 banana;
    • 2 g cinnamon.


    • oatmeal is fried without oil;
    • finely grate apples and banana;
    • cottage cheese, eggs, bananas, apples, cinnamon are thoroughly mixed;
    • Cookies are made from the resulting dough;
    • The liver is placed on baking paper and baked at 150° C until ready.

    What are the benefits of oatmeal cookies?

    According to nutritionists, a few oatmeal cookies can easily replace a serving of oatmeal in terms of their nutritional properties. It is no secret that many people do not like to have oatmeal for breakfast, trying in every possible way to avoid it. This is especially true for children.

    But it can be easily replaced with oatmeal cookies and a glass of milk, juice or tea. This product saturates the body with the necessary energy and perfectly helps cope with hunger, so it is often used as a snack. Oatmeal in any of its manifestations is useful for normalizing intestinal function, helping to cleanse it, and also has a beneficial effect on the digestion process itself. Homemade cookies are especially helpful because this way you can control the quality and quantity of ingredients used.

    This delicacy helps remove cholesterol from the body, thereby helping to normalize the functioning of the circulatory system.

    It also contains many different minerals that strengthen the musculoskeletal system and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of muscle tissue. Also, do not forget that the antioxidants present in oat fiber significantly reduce the effects of free radicals on the body.

    But all these positive qualities are inherent, first of all, in homemade cookies made from whole oatmeal. Store-bought flour often adds not only wheat flour, but also all sorts of harmful substances, such as flavorings, dyes or preservatives, which increase the shelf life of baked goods.

    When purchasing a finished product, be sure to carefully read the ingredients and expiration date on the label. Another advantage of homemade cookies is that you can avoid using sugar by replacing it with honey or dried fruits. Such a product will be many times more beneficial for your health.

    Harm of oatmeal baking: pitfalls of a healthy product

    The main contraindication to consuming oatmeal cookies is the tendency to become overweight. This product is very high in calories, since the store-bought version is loaded with sugar and can become a serious problem for people with diabetes or skin problems. The way out of the situation is to eat homemade cookies or a product where sucrose is replaced by fructose.

    All the benefits of cookies are negated due to the excessive enrichment of baked goods with simple sugars and unsaturated fats during the production cycle at the manufacturing plant. You can purchase high-quality cookies based on the price category and appearance of the product:

    • Baked goods should be fresh, have a slight crunch on the outside and be soft on the inside;
    • The finished product should have a distinctive oatmeal cookie smell;
    • The taste of the product should not be too sweet or fatty, and should have a distinct taste of oatmeal;
    • The candied fruits or cereals used in cookies should not have excess sugar and be rough in taste;
    • When reading the composition, it is recommended to give preference to cookies made from eggs and butter, but not from egg powder, margarine or vegetable oil;
    • The long shelf life indicates a huge amount of preservatives.

    Recipes for dietary desserts (video)

    Those who want to lose weight will find simple recipes for preparing dietary desserts useful.


    If you are on a diet to lose weight or simply watch your diet, you may also be interested in our other publications on healthy eating rules. You will find out how many calories are in canned corn, and whether it is worth adding it to dietary dishes, how soy sauce is beneficial for the body, and what dishes can be prepared with it.

    Those who love sweets should definitely pay attention to the article about the calorie content of chocolate, because different types of this delicacy have different effects on our body, and not all of them are prohibited when following a diet. And we should separately note the publication on the number of calories in cocoa, because this valuable product is often used in the preparation of all kinds of dishes.

    So, now you know how many calories are in oatmeal cookies, and how to calculate the calorie content of 1 piece. And also, what is the energy value of this product, and whether it can be consumed while following a diet. What do you think about this product?

    Do you like to eat, or will you never eat? Do you buy store-bought, or do you prefer to bake your own? And maybe you even have a couple of excellent recipes in stock? Share your stories in the comments.

    Author of the publication

    Energy value of oatmeal raisin cookies

    Knowledge about the beneficial properties of raisins has come to us from ancient times, but is still relevant today. It calms the nervous system, increases vitality, helps fight depression and insomnia

    , and also saturates the body with B vitamins and magnesium.

    1 piece of oatmeal raisin cookies contains 90 kcal.

    The benefits of oatmeal cookies are great, but the calorie content is not so high, so you can include them in your daily diet, periodically changing the recipe and delighting yourself and your loved ones with a new taste every time.

    Oatmeal cookies are rightfully one of the healthiest foods. “But what are the benefits of oatmeal cookies?” - you ask. The main ingredient that imparts beneficial properties to this product is oatmeal. It contains a large amount of proteins, which include valuable vegetable fats, provitamins A, vitamins PP and B, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, amino acids and trace elements. It is also worth noting that all of them are almost 100% absorbed by the human body.

    Oatmeal cookies, the benefits of which are very high, are simply a necessary product for normal human life. However, like any food product, oatmeal cookies have some contraindications for their use in food. So, for example, if the product was produced using margarine, then the chances of gaining a few extra pounds double. Moreover, oatmeal cookies may also contain ingredients such as raisins, chocolate, vanilla and many other foods high in valuable nutrients.

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