How many calories are in oatmeal?

One of the healthiest grains is an annual plant called oats. Its grains are used to produce cereals, cereals and flour. In cooking, tasty and healthy food is prepared from this product. You can make oatmeal or oatmeal porridge from oatmeal, drinks and dietary soups from cereals, pancakes, pancakes and other baked goods from flour. Oatmeal has a special energy value, which makes it a suitable product for weight loss and treatment. Let's consider what the calorie content of oatmeal is, what its benefits and harms are for human health.

Composition and nutritional value of oatmeal

If we talk about the nutritional value of oatmeal itself, then first of all we should note its high carbohydrate content. In total, 100 g of product contains more than 67 g. But there is very little fat - about 6.5 g. Protein - just over 13 g.

How many calories are in oatmeal?</p>

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