We pump our arms and wrists correctly: intense loads

Toned and sculpted arms are one of the indicators of a good figure.

Also, strong and powerful muscles help to more effectively perform basic exercises for the back, abs, legs, etc.

In this article we will analyze a set of effective exercises, a training program and features of classes for pumping up arm muscles.

We quickly build large muscles from scratch by exercising every day: in a week, a month

The process of muscle growth is a complex biological mechanism. It is based on the regeneration of muscle microdamages after each workout (amino acid molecules are built into small breaks in the fibers, thereby helping to increase the final volume of muscles).

For this reason, to properly build muscle mass, an optimal training regimen is necessary: ​​alternating intense strength training and periods of rest, regardless of your body type (ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph). Daily training simply will not be able to increase muscles in a week or month if they are carried out on the same muscle groups (there will be no period of rest and recovery, without which pumping is impossible).

Be sure to check out: Getting rid of imbalances: exercises for arms with dumbbells Pumping up arms with dumbbells: exercises for men for arm muscles and strong shoulders Effective arm exercises for women at home All the ways to quickly pump up arms for girls and women after 40 years and strengthen muscles at home

How to properly pump up your biceps in a week - the best biceps exercises

Many people ask how to properly pump up their biceps in a week and what are the best biceps exercises , how to put them into practice correctly and monitor the results. Because in order to build beautiful and big biceps, you need to work on your body constantly, follow a specific exercise and nutrition regimen and never give up.

Many people cannot build up their biceps because they give up after the first 2-3 weeks of training, since they do not see big results, which should not happen during such a period.

Therefore, in this article you will learn the best exercises for biceps and how to properly pump up your biceps at home in a week or month.

The most important thing: just follow and apply the advice given here in the article in the boxes and videos in practice, then everything will work out. Find out: how to get the perfect body.

How to properly pump up your biceps in a week

To properly pump up your biceps in a week, you need to create motivation for yourself for what you are training for, since without motivation you will work half-strength. And with motivation, you will work, achieving 120% greater results.

Interesting: How to pump up biceps on the horizontal bar

Also, in order to properly pump up your biceps in a week, you need to train regularly, every other day or even every day in the morning and evening for 1 hour or more. You also need to eat right, do not overeat and eat meat, fish, eggs, milk, cereals, legumes, fruits, vegetables.

The best biceps exercises

Dumbbell press, sitting or standing

To build up your biceps, perform the best biceps exercises - presses and dumbbell curls while standing or sitting. This is the best exercise for biceps. Find out: how to choose or make dumbbells.

Pull-ups and push-ups

To pump up your biceps with the best exercises, do pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a reverse grip, different types of push-ups at home, and on parallel bars.

SportSovety.ru Sports exercises in pictures and videos

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Number of workouts per week

When asking the question how many times you can train per week, you should take into account your main regimen, age characteristics and level of training. Here “often” does not mean “better and more productive”. The average recommendation is 3 sessions per week per muscle group.

Important rules:

  1. There is no need to go to another lesson if you feel weak, unwell or very tired (just don’t confuse these conditions with banal laziness).
  2. Try to maintain a healthy diet and sleep at least 7-8 hours daily - this can improve the recovery process and build muscle faster.
  3. If you feel normal, try to vary the pace of exercise, using cycles of acceleration and deceleration. This mode of exercise acts on the body like a contrast shower, activating the activity of all systems.
  4. If you have a fairly busy schedule with work late, there is no need to postpone training until “better” times. Exercise for a short amount of time and at a slow pace - even such training is better than inactivity (of course, you won’t be able to achieve huge muscles, but tone will appear).
  5. When drawing up a training plan, be realistic - increase the load gradually, focusing on your own capabilities, health status, etc.

Note! The number of workouts often increases with the level of training - professional athletes can train almost every day during preparation for competitions (but it is unlikely that beginners who are training from scratch will maintain such a pace without harm to their own health).

Pumping exercises to strengthen your wrist and achieve powerful, defined muscles

Exercises with barbells and dumbbells

How to properly pump up your arm muscles with weights:

  1. Lifting the barbell while standing. This is one of the best exercises for building muscle mass. Stand as straight as possible and begin lifting the barbell, smoothly bending your elbows. During this, it is worth monitoring the stationary position of the body - various swings can reduce the overall efficiency of your movements, redirecting almost the entire load to the lower back and pectoral muscles. Also keep your forearms well pressed to your body. Perform 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.
  2. Lifting dumbbells with rotation. Stand up straight with dumbbells of appropriate weight. Then, rotating your hands, smoothly lift the weight up to your jawline. Your elbow joints should be pressed to your body, and your shoulders should be straightened as much as possible. You need to do 3 sets of 10 repetitions. This muscle-building exercise can be performed on a bench, choosing an incline of 60° - this will expand the range of motion, building up the muscles of the arms and wrists faster.
  3. Close grip press (lying). Grab the bar with your hands at about shoulder width or slightly narrower. As you inhale, smoothly lower the barbell towards your chest, and as you exhale, lift it up. During this exercise, your forearms and elbows should be close to your torso. Do 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions.

Training without equipment

What exercises to do without dumbbells to strengthen your arms:

  1. T-variation of push-ups . Starting position: Take a classic push-up position. Your hands should be approximately shoulder-width apart, your elbows slightly bent, and your legs straight. While inhaling, gently push up, bending your arms and almost touching your chest to the floor. Return to the starting position and rotate your torso to the left, pointing one arm up. Repeat the exercise on the right side. Frequency of repetitions: 3 sets of 10 times. This exercise for pumping muscles requires a developed sense of balance; perform the movements slowly and confidently.
  2. Reverse push-ups . Starting position – sit on the edge of a stable chair/sofa/bench. Hands should be placed at the side of the buttocks, slightly bent at the elbows. Move your body forward, lowering your hips down (shoulders should be straight). Next, bend your elbows and push up until a 90° angle is formed in the forearms and shoulders. Do 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions.

Training program for pumping using push-ups:

  1. Warm-up: cardio exercises for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Push-ups: 3 sets of 8-12 reps. With each approach, increase the number of push-ups by 1-2 times.
  3. The frequency of classes is about 3-4 times a week.
  4. Starting from workout 3-4, you can use weights (place a barbell plate or backpack with a suitable weight on your back), gradually increasing the additional weight.
  5. The duration of such a program is 1-3 months, depending on your level of athletic training.

With the help of push-ups, you can effectively strengthen your body and get bigger arm muscles, for this, follow the best tips during your workout:

  1. Rest . Don’t forget to take a break between sets for 1-2 minutes; during rest, try to move and breathe deeply (take large inhales and exhales).
  2. Speed ​​. When doing push-ups, correct technique is important, not high speed. Make all movements smoothly and consciously - this is a great chance to pump up your arms, shoulders and chest in one day.
  3. Breath. Follow regular inhalations and exhalations, try not to hold your breath even at moments of peak load (when lifting, exhale, when lowering the body, inhale).
  4. Position of the hands . If during classic push-ups you feel pain in your hands, and the load is felt only on the inside of your arms, you should change the direction and placement of your fingers (for some, it is most comfortable to use special racks for push-ups).

How to pump up your biceps?

This question was probably asked by every novice bodybuilder who is seriously concerned about his appearance, his figure, the one who decided to create an attractive body for himself. We will look at several ways to achieve the desired result.

To achieve our goal, you will have to take your training as seriously and collected as possible; muscles are not so easy to build. Our exercises to pump up your biceps will be very intense. It is important to take care of your preparation and morale in this matter.

Interesting: How to pump up your upper abs

Remember that to achieve your goal you will spend a lot of time, effort and patience, because according to statistics, most of us want biceps of 45-55 centimeters.

Building biceps at home

How to properly pump up your biceps at home?

You will practice effectively if you focus as much as possible on the result. At first it will be especially difficult to get used to it. I strongly advise you to get yourself a notebook or notebook in which you need to keep statistics, make notes and record all sorts of changes or unusual things. For example, the weight used, the number of repetitions and sets.

Let me draw your attention to the fact that during the execution of the approach, under no circumstances should sudden throws/jerks of the weight be allowed! Try to perform the exercises smoothly, this will minimize the risk of injury and increase the efficiency of muscle development. Safety precautions must be observed always and everywhere, especially if you don’t know how to pump up your biceps at home.

Method of how to pump up biceps with dumbbells

If you are wondering how to build biceps quickly, this is the way for you. The exercise is below:

  • We take a lying position (in no case on the stomach), and on an inclined plane, a bench can play its role. Watch the angle of inclination, preferably about 45 degrees to the horizon.
  • We lower our hands down and relax. Naturally, we already hold dumbbells in them, the grip is free, at your discretion. I’ll just note one thing: if you choose a palms-down grip, then along with your biceps, you’ll pump up your forearms quite well. In general, it doesn’t matter, hold the dumbbells in a way that is comfortable for you, it doesn’t matter.
  • Raise the dumbbells up, do it evenly (!) and as smoothly as possible.
  • We watch the back of our head - it must be pressed against the bench.
  • The same with the pelvis - pressed against the bench. This and the previous measures serve to control the work of certain muscle groups, that is, they will not allow the weight to be overloaded from the biceps to other parts of the body and muscle groups.
  • At the top point of the dumbbells’ trajectory (at shoulder level), we begin to smoothly lower our arms to their original position.
  • We perform the required number of repetitions. We try to maximize their number.

I'll add a small note. Many pro bodybuilders additionally tense their muscles at the top of the lift. At first, I would not recommend doing this, there is a danger of injury. And in general, limit the number of repetitions to your pain levels. My hands “ache” - it’s time to stop, not all at once.

A way to pump up your biceps with a barbell

You shouldn’t look for ways to pump up your biceps in a week. Free cheese is only in a mousetrap, remember. Let's move on to one of the most famous methods of pumping up the biceps - exercises with a barbell.

Algorithm for how to pump up your biceps:

  • We hold the barbell by its neck with both hands with an underhand grip, hands shoulder-width apart.
  • We fix our back in a vertical position; an ordinary wall will help with this.
  • We press ourselves against the wall, at the same time we press our elbows to the sides of the body.
  • We strain our back as hard as we can, and with the most powerful force of our biceps we begin to lift the weight up. Make sure to keep your body still and your elbows close to your body. At the same time, do not try to lift the barbell higher than your elbows allow, and do not repeat the mistakes of others.
  • Having decided on the upper point of lifting the barbell, we return it to its initial position. At the same time, make sure that the muscles are slightly tense, and do not allow your arms with the barbell to dangle freely. We perform breathing like this: rise - exhale, lower - inhale.

Option on how to pump up your biceps on the horizontal bar

As a rule, the horizontal bar (or crossbar) has been familiar to us since childhood. Almost everyone tried to do pull-ups on it.

Do you remember how in physical education lessons they forced us to do pull-ups? No, we don’t curse the evil physical education teacher, I had something else in mind - exactly HOW were we forced to do pull-ups? With a normal grip, palms away from you. And everyone noticed that it is much easier to pull up with a reverse grip.

It’s no wonder, with a reverse grip the biceps work, whereas with a regular grip the main load falls on the triceps. The important thing is that with a reverse grip we also train the forearms.

Read how to pump up your biceps on the horizontal bar correctly. The following information is very important! Well, we have decided on the grip - good. What about the number of pull-ups?

Let’s agree that we do at least three repetitions every day. Each repetition will count five approaches. Let's start with the first week:

  • 1 approach – 7 pull-ups
  • 2nd set – 5 pull-ups
  • 3rd set – 5 pull-ups
  • 4 set – 3 pull-ups
  • 5th approach, finishing with 3 pull-ups.

Isn't it a lot for beginners? No. The first day may seem difficult, but it will get easier. Every week we add 1 pull-up to each approach, no more. And within three to four months, your biceps and forearms will delight you with their beauty.

Detailed weight program

The arm weight training program should include the following load elements:

  1. Warm-up: cardio (running, jumping, cycling) – 15-20 minutes.
  2. Reverse grip pull-ups: 3 sets of 12 reps.
  3. Bench press (close grip): 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.
  4. Hammers with dumbbells: 3-4 rounds of 8-10 reps.
  5. Push-ups from the floor surface (you can use weights): 3 sets of 8 times.

Important! You should not increase the number of repetitions of each exercise in the hope of faster results. Mass exercises involve a small repetition range: 8-12 times. Also, progress does not depend on how many times a week you exercise additionally; you only need to do 3 basic arm workouts in 7 days.

An effective complex for athletes over 50 years of age

Let's figure out what exercises you need to do after 50 years to pump up your arms:

  1. Warm-up : cardio exercises for at least 20-30 minutes + warm-up for joints and ligaments (high-quality warm-up for athletes after 50 is most important to protect against injuries).
  2. Lifting dumbbells : 2-3 sets of 8-10 reps.
  3. French press : 2-3 sets of 8-10 reps.
  4. Dumbbell curls : 3 sets of 8 reps.
  5. Push-ups : 3 sets of 8 times.

Increasing the load from activity to activity should occur as smoothly as possible, since joints and bone tissue become more fragile with age (such athletes are more susceptible to injury).

Tips from the professionals

A. Lutsenko, star fitness trainer, TV presenter of the “Weighted and Happy” project

The best exercise for working out the arms for men and women is push-ups. There are a lot of variations of any complexity - from the knees, from the side, on the fists, with weights, etc. Therefore, you can easily choose an option that suits your level of physical fitness.

And you don’t need to strive to train too often, you simply won’t be able to build muscle if you exercise every day (it has been proven that muscle growth is affected by increased load, not frequency and repetitions).

R. Bezditny, personal trainer, instructor of the BodyArt fitness network

Quite often you can see the following in the exercise machine: during arm exercises, many (especially new ones) can sway like restless pendulums. Thus, they shift the load on the back muscles. They still stand on their toes - the lower leg is involved. To work your muscles, you need to adhere to the correct technique, body position, etc.

It is also easy to notice those who work with the wrong weight (for example, very heavy dumbbells or barbells), in which case the person literally throws the projectile upward. The spine bends in the lumbar region, which is one of the main mistakes when pumping up biceps.

T. Agayev, bodybuilder, experienced fitness trainer

When building arm muscles, diet (a slight excess of calories from protein foods) and active strength training are especially important. I always advise my clients to use basic exercises and not get carried away with isolating loads.

A very important point is progress in working weights - regular and gradual, it is due to this that muscle volumes will grow. Also, many beginners like to copy training programs from their idols - do not forget, each athlete has his own characteristics and works out lagging muscle groups. It is for this reason that consultations with a trainer and personal training are so important in the initial stages of training.


Regarding specific exercises on how to pump up your biceps at home, we can recommend the following:  Push-ups. The most affordable houses, no additional equipment or equipment is needed. It is important to find the “golden” hand position. More specifically, the width of their placement and the position of the fingers, so that push-ups load the biceps as correctly as possible. There is no need to do push-ups too quickly, at least in the initial stages, until a clear technique has been developed.  Pull-ups. Also an extremely affordable projectile. The crossbar can be installed even at home or you can use the one that is on the street in almost every yard. In this case, the grip is also very important. At home, you can independently determine experimentally the quantity and quality of the elements being worked on. It is very important to warm up when exercising, including at home. And give yourself time to rest and recover, both between approaches and between classes.

Main conclusions

Pumped up and sculpted arm muscles can be obtained by following these rules:

  1. Emphasis on basic exercises and constant progress in working weights.
  2. Workouts 3 times a week, which include warm-up and strength exercises for biceps, triceps, and shoulder muscles.
  3. The correct recovery mode is full sleep (about 7-8 hours a day) and a balanced menu.

Before starting any active muscle building exercises, you should consult an experienced trainer!

Optimal training frequency for arms

Once upon a time, scientists gave an exact answer to the question of how often you need to pump your biceps and triceps.

Based on laboratory studies, it was found that after a power load, the hands recover in about 2-3 days.

Accordingly, the recommendations to pump your arms 2-3 times a week are logical.

But it turned out that these restoration dates were wrong.

There are several factors that influence the number of classes per week:

  1. Complex restoration of the body

Our body is not only muscles, but also the osseous-ligamentous apparatus, cardiovascular, circulatory, respiratory, digestive and excretory systems.

Physical activity even puts stress on the human psyche. The central nervous system also needs restoration.

  1. Indirect load

Hands are actively involved during pumping of large muscle groups.

The biceps are loaded when training the back, and the triceps help to work the muscles of the chest and shoulders.

This indirect load is very significant for the arm muscles, and even stimulates their growth.

  1. Strength training

This is another factor that affects the speed of recovery.

Different working weights imply different recovery rates.

That is, the heavier the weight, the longer the rest between classes.

For example, when working to develop mass and strength, weights of 70-85% of one repetition maximum (1RM) are used, and when working on relief - 50-65%.

Accordingly, classes to achieve relief can be carried out more often than mass-building training.

  1. Fitness level

The greater the muscle mass and volume of the arm, the less often the biceps and triceps are trained.

As a result, we get the following optimal frequency of arm training in a weekly cycle:

First level

  • To increase muscle mass and strength, it is optimal to train biceps and triceps once every 3-4 days.

The result is a “floating” schedule: in the first week - 2 manual lessons, in the second - 1. Then the scheme is repeated.

  • When working on terrain, the frequency of training is 3 times a week

The weights used are small, as is the volume of the arm. Therefore, muscle recovery occurs quickly.

Average level

  • When training for mass and strength, the frequency of pumping the arms is once every 4-5 days

Ideally, it is also possible to use a floating load schedule, but at an average level this is no longer very convenient. Therefore, they switch to 1 lesson per week

  • Relief work involves 2 arm workouts per week

Advanced level

Athletes with large muscle mass, muscle volume and impressive working weights need long-term recovery of arm muscles.

  • Mass and strength training is carried out only once a week
  • For relief – 1-2 times a week
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