How to pump up your abs correctly - basic tips for serious results

Beautiful, toned and sculpted abs are the dream of many, both men and women. Obtaining it, of course, is not so easy - you will have to try, you will have to exercise regularly and limit yourself in food, but if you really want to get the coveted “abs”, you will have to go to the end. It is also very important to know how to pump up the press correctly, since the results will also largely depend on this. Let's look at what you need to know if you decide to work on your abdominal muscles.

Features of pumping up the press

To understand how to properly pump up abs for beginners, you need to know about the existence of three body types:

  • Ectomorphs are naturally thin people who have minimal subcutaneous fat.
  • Mesomorph - people who have a good, harmonious physique and are quite physically strong
  • Endomorph - people who tend to be overweight and have a large amount of subcutaneous fat.

The first two types will take less time than the third to build beautiful abs. In principle, this is possible for a person with any body type, the only question is how much time it will take and what efforts will have to be made.

Regular complex exercises and proper balanced nutrition in combination will help to properly remove the belly and pump up the abs. Please note that first the volume goes away, the muscles become toned, and only then the cubes begin to appear. They are the result of long-term training.

There are many ways to properly start pumping up your abs. However, before choosing a specific program, you need to determine your goal. Girls most often just want a flat and toned stomach, but men also dream of sculpted, brutal abs. In both cases, the importance of diet is great, only in the first option it will be more aimed at burning fat and ensuring a calorie deficit, and in the second, at maximizing the supply of protein to the muscles so that they can build normally.

the motivation factor plays almost the main role in how to properly and effectively pump up the press . Many people who encounter difficulties at the initial stage and do not see immediate results immediately give up and stop exercising. But this is not true. Yes, nothing happens right away, and you will have to work hard to notice changes for the better, but the result will be worth it. It is very important to motivate yourself and not give up.


I annoyed everyone at home with my “press pumping”: “Well, you can already see the PRESS???”

They ALL laugh, yeah you can see...FAT((

Here's what I found on the internet today:


What time to pump abs at home.

Of course, you should never pump up your abs after eating! You should pump up your abs before dinner or breakfast. We have determined that you can pump up your abs at any time of the day , except at night, until about 22-00.

At this time, the body is preparing for rest and trying to restore energy reserves. But it is not recommended to exercise on an empty stomach. Eat a small fruit, such as a banana or an apple.

On the subject: How to pump up your abs and muscles

At lunchtime, you should also not engage in sports or pumping your abs. According to doctors, at lunchtime the body is in a relaxed state. This means that you will not be able to perform the exercises efficiently, the consequence of these actions is wasted time, abuse of your body, zero (or very weak) results.

Conclusion: if you work out in the gym, then you should pump up your abs after the main set of exercises. You can’t exercise on an empty stomach, but you shouldn’t overeat either. It is better to pump up your abs at home in the morning or in the evening, but no later than 22-00.


I think it will now become clear that you can pump up your abs either in the morning or in the evening...


When and how often is it better to pump your abs?

Experts recommend training in the morning , before you have breakfast. Before this, on an empty stomach, drink a glass of water. Water is generally extremely important for those who play sports; train yourself to drink at least one and a half liters of clean liquid per day.

However, not everyone manages to study in the morning. If it is more convenient for you to pump up your abs in the evening, do it 1-1.5 hours after eating a couple of hours before bed.

How often to exercise your abdominal muscles correctly is another pressing question. The abdominal muscles recover quite quickly, but there is simply no point in pumping them up every day - they should get at least 24 hours a day to rest. It is optimal to pump your abs 3-4 times a week. Rest days can be devoted to cardio exercises or working out other muscle groups.

The optimal duration of training is about an hour. A smaller one may not allow the muscles to be fully worked out, and a large one will lead to their exhaustion, due to which they will not be able to grow as actively as you want. If you are a beginner, you don’t need to overload yourself right away - start with small loads and increase them gradually.

After training, it is recommended to eat something protein to replenish protein reserves.

Why is this so important?

The right approach is necessary, because without it, heavy exercise will cause serious harm to your health. Any session should begin with a light warm-up, first with some cardio warming up, then some stretching work. This will prepare the muscular system for the upcoming loads.

Girls should not strain their stomach during menstruation and for two more days after it ends. It must be performed on a flat floor, so that the surface is not very hard, you will need a fitness mat. Jerks are unacceptable, movements must be smooth, sharpness leads to damage to joints and muscles. The neck especially suffers from improper execution, and the arteries that supply the brain pass through it. In part, the ban on holding your breath is also related to the needs of the brain and the whole body; it is unacceptable to provoke oxygen starvation. The head should be in line with the spine, then the neck will be safe.

Now you know what time is best to pump up your abs, all that remains is to decide on the frequency. It is optimal to train 2-3 times a week; you should not do this more often, otherwise the muscles will not have time to recover. Full recovery is a prerequisite for muscle growth.

How to breathe correctly when pumping your abs?

When it comes to how to properly pump up your abs, proper breathing technique is very important. A mistake many novice athletes make is holding their breath almost to complete the entire approach. This is fundamentally wrong, because the muscles, without receiving enough oxygen, suffer, which negatively affects the effectiveness of your workouts.

Correct breathing technique maintains the normal functioning of the muscles, it helps us get tired less, and accordingly, the effectiveness of the workout increases. Also, correct breathing prevents hellish muscle pain, leaving only a pleasant, characteristic burning sensation. The breathing technique is always identical regardless of the exercise being performed: inhalation is done when you relax, that is, returning to the starting position, and exhalation is done during the actual exercise, when the muscles are as tense as possible. For example, during normal lifting, you exhale when you lift your body, and inhale when you lower it back.

Is it possible to pump abs in the morning, evening or at night?

The question of when is the best time to train has been discussed by experts for a very long time. Due to different occupations, people find free time for sports in different ways. a clear answer to the question whether you can pump up your abs in the morning or in the evening ; everything requires an individual approach.

How to choose a time to workout

Everyone understands perfectly well that people are divided into “night owls” and “larks”. It’s clear that a night owl won’t want to get up at seven in the morning to work out his abs in the morning or go for a run. But this regime is just right for early risers. Always take into account your bio rhythm of life.

Also, you will choose a schedule of classes depending on the type of your activity. If you are engaged in mental work, the best option for training would be in the morning, so you will cheer up and start your work day in a good physical and emotional state. If you are running around the city all day, it is unlikely that you will have the strength and desire to spend the remaining energy on training after work.

Your training time will also depend on what results you are achieving. Experts say that morning workouts are more effective in helping you lose weight. This is due to the fact that in the morning, there is less sugar in the blood, which means that the strength for training will be drawn not from carbohydrates, but from fat. If your goal is to gain muscle mass, train during the day or evening.


It’s good when you have a choice, and studying at the right time is not a problem for you. But still, in most cases, people study in their free time from work. As practice shows, most often it is evening.

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In this regard, the question often arises: is it possible to pump up the press at night? Absolutely not. So, you will completely disrupt your regime, but this is an integral part of successful training.

After training, for about two hours, the body will be in an excited state, after pumping the press at night, all vital processes in the body will work in full swing, and you will not be able to sleep.

Bottom line

If you decide to pump up your abs in the evening, do not forget:

  • you can't exercise on a full stomach
  • you need to alternate strength exercises correctly
  • fully concentrate on doing the exercises
  • adhere to proper nutrition, sleep and rest patterns
  • training should take place at least two hours before bedtime


Warm-up and cool-down

In the question of how to properly pump up the abs for girls and men, the importance of warming up is great. You need to devote 10-15 minutes to it before resorting to the main exercise. Some experts consider the warm-up to be more important than the workout itself. It allows you to prepare your muscles for stress, fills them with blood, which has a positive effect on the effectiveness of your workouts.

A good option for warming up is jumping rope , jogging or jogging in place, squats, and bends. It is recommended to start the warm-up with the upper body and finish with the legs. Pay enough attention to the ligaments and joints - you can stretch them a little. It is also recommended to stretch for a few minutes after physical activity - this is called a cool-down. Cooling down will help relieve excessive muscle tension and restore breathing.

To pump up your abs correctly, you must maintain smoothness and the same pace. Try not to make sudden jerks or twitch, and concentrate as much as possible on the muscle you are working. It is important that the exercises are performed technically correctly. Otherwise, you may not only not get results, but also injure your joints or ligaments. If you no longer have the strength to perform an exercise, rest a little or move on to the next one. The body must be given time to recover.

When training your abs at home, it is recommended to start with basic exercises for the upper and lower muscles, and also work the external and internal oblique muscles. It is recommended to distribute the exercises that you will perform over several days and create a program so that you can always get your bearings. Also don't forget about other exercises. If you are interested in how to properly pump up your abs to lose belly fat, be sure to include cardio training , which will help you burn fat faster.

What should you do to get a flat stomach and pump up your abs?

1. Eat in a calorie deficit. In 90% of cases, the problem of a flat stomach is solved by proper nutrition with reasonable restrictions. If you don't have abs with regular workouts, then you're not eating right.

2. Do cardio exercises. Cardio exercise helps speed up your metabolism and burn extra calories.

3. Perform strength training on other muscle groups. Not only are they more effective in terms of fat burning, but most of them also indirectly pump up the abs.

4. Train your back, lumbar, gluteal and postural muscles. You should also definitely devote time to static exercises and yoga, which will help you not only pump up your abs, but also avoid unpleasant back injuries.

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So, what are the main points from the answer to the question “Why shouldn’t you pump up your abs?” it is worth noting?

  • Even if you pump up your abs every day, belly fat will not be removed and your waist will not decrease.
  • Fat is lost only with a calorie deficit, and not locally in the stomach, but throughout the body.
  • Diet for any workout will help you lose fat and get a flat stomach.
  • A significant part of strength exercises already involves the abdominal muscles , so there is no particular point in crunches and similar exercises.
  • Instead of pumping up your abs, spend this time on strength or cardio training - it will be more effective.
  • Don't forget about static exercises and yoga, they not only engage your abs, but also strengthen your spine.

Whether you need to pump up your abs and how often to do it is up to you. If you are looking for programs to create a flat stomach, we recommend checking out:

How to pump up your abs correctly: tips

There are many more recommendations on how to pump up the press correctly. Here's what else you should know:

  • First of all, it is important to remember about health. You should not exercise if you feel back pain, simply feel unwell, suffer from an exacerbation of diseases of the internal organs, or have recently undergone surgery or surgery.
  • Your good mood is important. If you work out indoors, it is advisable to ensure a sufficient flow of fresh air there - then you will breathe easily, and the body cells will be actively saturated with oxygen.
  • Prepare the water . During physical activity, you will feel thirsty. In addition, in order for cells to separate fats faster, they need a sufficient amount of fluid.
  • Do not exercise on a full stomach - let at least an hour pass after eating, preferably two.
  • At home, it is important to choose the right surface . A soft sofa will not work - the surface must be hard. You can simply do the exercises on the floor with a small rug.
  • Avoid jerking and sudden movements. Otherwise, you can damage your back and shoulders, reducing the effectiveness of your training.
  • The load should be smooth and uniform, but at the same time active and intense.
  • While pumping your abs, keep your lower back on the floor. You need to lower yourself smoothly, laying your torso on the floor vertebra by vertebra.
  • Even if the workout is very short, do not forget about the cool-down and warm-up.
  • To properly pump up your abs - for a girl or a guy, it doesn’t matter - you need to feel the abdominal muscles contracting during each workout. This is just a sign that you are doing everything right.
  • Try not to allow large intervals. For the loads to be effective, do not stop, but periodically change one exercise to another.
  • The keys to success are regularity and consistency . Pump up your abs regularly, according to the scheme, gradually increasing the load.
  • Don't limit yourself to exercises in a lying position. The press also swings under a number of other loads, for example, when running. In addition, cardio exercises help burn fat.
  • When pumping your abs, it is recommended to pull in your stomach. It's not easy, but it significantly increases the effectiveness of your training.

If, while pumping up your abs, you feel pain in your back, stop the workout and consult a specialist.

Some people prefer to exercise at home, while others prefer to go to the gym. This is a good option because it has everything you need for an effective workout - cardio, strength, and equipment to increase the load. In addition, there you can consult with instructors who can show you how to pump up your abs correctly.

A good tool for the press is an inclined article, which works all the abdominal muscles and speeds up the fat burning process. You can do the same exercises with it as without it, but there is a separate technique that you need to familiarize yourself with first. The upper abs can be effectively worked on the horizontal bar - this is a more male version, which requires strength, endurance and certain preparation.

The lower abs can be worked out using a fitball . It is also convenient to use a simulator such as a roller - it is ideal for home use.

In principle, there is nothing complicated about pumping the press correctly. Even if you don’t succeed at something right away, it’s a matter of time and constant practice. It is important to be motivated and listen to your body. Also, finding out how to properly pump up the press, photos on this topic will help everyone who is interested. In addition, you can find hundreds of videos online that clearly demonstrate the correct process of pumping the abdominal muscles.

When is the best time to do abs after eating?

Every person who wants to look good has probably wondered when is the best time to pump up the abs. And this is correct, because sometimes, by choosing the wrong time to exercise, you can significantly harm your health.

The difference between men and women is not only different gender characteristics and psychology, there are also physiological differences. It is always better and easier for representatives of the stronger sex to pump up Hollywood abs on their stomach.

Women have to make considerable efforts to ensure the relief of their abdominal muscles. It's all about body structure. Women have more subcutaneous fat around the waist than men.

It is he who protects and warms the internal organs necessary for the body to bear and give birth to children. Therefore, cubes on the stomach in women are more of a deviation than the norm.

In any case, before pumping up your abdominal muscles, you need to remove excess fat with the help of proper nutrition, because otherwise, body weight and volume will not go away, but increase.

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Separately, I would like to talk about the risks for women when pumping the press. According to statistics, the majority of female athletes and ballerinas who train intensively have gynecological problems.

This can be explained by the fact that when the abdominal muscles pump, the pressure inside the abdominal cavity increases sharply, and it affects the female genital organs, trying to push them out. This is counteracted by contraction of the pelvic floor muscles.

Many trainers even now attach little importance to this fact, so a significant part of women are not even aware of the possible risks and methods of preventing them.


Every person who decides to play sports asks the question of when is the best time to pump up the abs and do other exercises. Some people look for answers from specialists and sign up for gyms, while others try to do it on their own using the Internet or books.

Fortunately, in the modern world there are many ways to find out how and what needs to be done correctly, if you wish. Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to this question. Each person is individual in his own way.

Some people get up vigorously early in the morning, while others only feel a surge of energy in the evening. What is good for one may be harmful for another. Therefore, what time of day you should exercise should be decided based on the characteristics of your body, habits, method of employment, etc.

The main thing is to have the mood, health and time to practice.

Most experts believe that the optimal time for exercise, including abdominal exercises, is the morning. By doing this before breakfast, on an empty stomach, the body will use energy from fat reserves. In addition, it is generally accepted that other times of day are more suitable for building abdominal muscles.

But in no case is it recommended to do exercises at night, because the body, which is preparing for sleep, must be in a calm state. Otherwise, it may lead to its depletion.

The body, invigorated after training, will not be able to switch from active to passive mode for a long time, which will provoke insomnia, which, in turn, causes fatigue and subsequently stress.

One of the important issues when pumping up abdominal muscles is the choice of time before or after meals. It is also important to know whether you can start exercising immediately after eating or whether you need to wait a little.

And if you wait, how long after that can you start training. Food plays one of the main roles in a person’s life, and often a lot depends on it. For example, poor nutrition can not only lead to obesity, but also develop many different diseases.

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On the other hand, fasting together with intense sports also has a detrimental effect on the body. Therefore, it is very important to find a balance between concepts such as nutrition and sports.


In any case, you should pump up your abs or do any exercises before eating or 2-3 hours after eating. Because you can’t train on a full stomach.

In order to pump up your abdominal muscles, you need to adhere to a certain diet. It is necessary to exclude from the diet some types of foods, such as smoked meats, pickles, sausages, mayonnaise (even the lowest calorie ones), sparkling water, sweets, and alcohol.

Fat will not go away without a diet, even with regular abdominal exercises. The abdominal muscles will grow, but under the fat layer. This will make your body look even bigger.

So you can make your figure more attractive only through a properly selected diet and time for exercise.

Abdominal pumping, like performing any other exercise, requires correct execution. Otherwise, you can harm your health. So, the first thing you need to remember is that you can’t train on a full stomach.

You should start with a light warm-up and move on to stretching exercises. As for girls, under no circumstances should you pump up your abs during your period and for 2 more days after it ends. All exercises must be performed on a flat and hard surface. Do everything rhythmically, without jerking.

You should not hold your breath, as oxygen helps burn fat deposits. There is no need to throw your head back or lean forward, pushing with your hands. This can damage the neck muscles and joints. The correct thing to do is to keep your head in line with your spine.

At the top point, it is recommended to linger for a few seconds.

You don’t need to pump your abs every day, twice a week will be enough, and you need to start with light loads. Abdominal muscles will not become visible only from daily exercise; you also need to adhere to proper nutrition and lifestyle.

In addition, the abs will not become stronger from a large number of twisting exercises and turns. What is much more important here is how long you keep your abdominal muscles tense.

If, for example, you pump your abs by lifting your legs, then what is important is not the speed and number of repetitions performed, but the duration of holding them at the most difficult point. And the main thing is that everything needs to be done slowly, without jerking.


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