Will a 1300 calorie per day diet help you lose weight?

A diet of 1300 calories per day allows you to lose weight by about 10% of your initial body weight in 12 days. If you adhere to the nutrition system constantly (proper nutrition), over time the plumb lines will become smaller, but you will be able to consolidate the results achieved. Otherwise, everything is simple - you need to lose a lot, go on a diet for a long time, a little, 7-10 days is enough.

The main advantages of eating 1300 calories are a gentle effect on the body, good health, and slow but sure weight loss. The menu can be alternated every day or week - it all depends on your taste preferences and personal preferences. Read more about the rules of a balanced diet to achieve slimness without extra effort.

Diet Basics

The minimum daily caloric intake for an adult is exactly 1200 calories. If you play sports or work involves increased physical activity, this figure will be higher – 1500 calories. It follows that a diet of 1300 calories a day is the optimal compromise between being slim and strict restrictions - you won’t starve yourself. The main thing is to maintain a balance between carbohydrates, fats, proteins - the body must receive all the necessary microelements. During the 1300 calorie diet, the body works in its normal, comfortable mode, and you lose weight. The menu can be used for radical weight loss or staying in shape.

The average duration of the diet is 5-14 days, but many stick to it longer - up to 30 days. If you have any doubts about whether this diet is right for you, whether you can stick to it for a long time, etc., consult your doctor.

The essence of the diet

There are many erroneous diets and articles; following them will cause harm and cause weight gain in the future. This is due to the fact that with a sharp reduction in calories and incorrect menu planning, muscle fibers and glycogen will be burned. Poor weight loss, slowdown of metabolism, subsequent sharp weight gain, deterioration in well-being and health - this is what awaits you if you chase quick results.

It is important to get enough sleep, limit physical activity during a low-calorie diet, and think through the menu.

After quitting the diet, continue to eat five times a day. Add one hundred to two hundred calories per week to your daily diet. Each main meal should consist of half protein - low-fat dairy products, chicken, fish, seafood. The rest is vegetables and fruits.

Do not overuse, monitor your health, consult a doctor or nutritionist. This diet is recommended for adults. Your metabolism will be normalized and your well-being will improve, but only with the right approach.

It is extremely difficult to safely get rid of more extra pounds in a week.

The basis of the diet is a balanced combination of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins and dietary fiber. Refusing one of the elements in favor of another is fraught with deficiency, for example, of vitamins, and disruption of the stomach.

A low-calorie diet, especially in the cold season, must be supplemented with vitamin and mineral complexes to improve well-being, ability to work and immunity. This is especially true for diets, because the main principle of any diet is to eat less than we spend.

With low physical activity, the body spends one thousand three hundred to one thousand six hundred calories per day. At high levels - from one thousand seven hundred. You should select a menu according to your lifestyle. Also consider your dietary needs.

Advantages and disadvantages

A diet of 1300 calories per day, as we wrote above, is comfortable and not hungry. Its other advantages:

  1. Acceleration of metabolism,
  2. Cleansing the skin, improving the condition of nails, hair,
  3. General good health, lightness.


  • The first few days you will feel hungry - after all, most people consume more than 1300 calories a day, and the body will require the “old diet”
  • With prolonged weight loss according to the system, weakness, dizziness, fainting, deterioration in activity,
  • If you exit the diet incorrectly, the lost pounds will quickly come back.

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Grocery list

  • Slow carbohydrates are important - they take a long time to digest. Buckwheat and rice, unpolished grains, porridge, whole grain bread, potatoes. These foods will keep you feeling full throughout the day.
  • Protein foods - lean meat: chicken, turkey, beef, fish, low-fat dairy products. The main amount of protein occurs at lunch and dinner, and carbohydrates - at breakfast and lunch.
  • Fats are one of the components of a healthy diet. It is recommended to consume two tablespoons of olive oil per day and a handful of nuts.
  • Fruits are mainly fast carbohydrates, vitamins and fiber.

Long-term weight loss: pros and cons

The 1300 calorie menu is not designed for regular use. The main side effects of a long-term poor diet:

  1. Weakness,
  2. dizziness,
  3. Fainting,
  4. Decreased diet effectiveness
  5. Slowing metabolism.



Metabolic slowdown

That is, within a couple of weeks the body adapts to the new calorie intake and begins to perceive it as normal. The result is that at 1300 calories per day the weight loss stops, and in the future, with a sharp increase in calorie intake, the weight sharply returns, sometimes in excess.

What results can you expect?

A diet of 1300 calories per day menu for 7 days will help you lose 4-6 kg of excess weight. If you include active physical exercise, the efficiency of the nutrition system will increase. Just don’t be overzealous - sitting on such a diet for too long is harmful, as is leaning on sports, subject to limited energy supply. You need to do sports no more than 3 times a week for 30-120 minutes, depending on the type of exercise, stick to the diet for no more than a month, and do not eat less than 1300 calories.

Useful tips

  • Eat five times a day;
  • Drink clean water from two liters;
  • Eliminate alcohol and carbonated drinks from the menu;
  • Prohibited: flour products, sweet and smoked foods;
  • Steam cook;
  • Avoid sugar and salt;
  • Not suitable for people with gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Consult your doctor;
  • The diet is not recommended during heavy physical activity.


Weekly menu

Most often, a 1300 calorie diet is followed for 1-2 weeks, so we will give an example of a weekly menu. If you plan to “sit” on the system for 14 days, after the first round you will need to repeat it. Days can be alternated.

1 day

  • Barley, fresh fruit,
  • Baked apple,
  • 100 g of boiled meat and stewed vegetables, tea,
  • Cabbage salad + cucumbers,
  • Okroshka with chicken, half a glass of kefir.

2 days

  1. 200 g cottage cheese, tea,
  2. Mandarin or orange
  3. Stewed cabbage, turkey, egg,
  4. Pumpkin and carrot juice,
  5. Casserole with cottage cheese, grapefruit.

3 days

  • Buttered toast
  • Fresh apple,
  • Potatoes with ham, vegetables,
  • Orange or pear
  • Fish, pasta, compote.

4 days

  1. Omelet 150 g, a glass of kefir,
  2. Apple juice,
  3. Steamed chop, rice porridge, coffee,
  4. Banana or grapes
  5. Beets, a block of cheese 50 g, tea.

5 days

  • Tea with honey, cottage cheese 100 g,
  • Toast with a glass of milk,
  • Vegetable soup, boiled chicken, tomato juice,
  • cucumbers,
  • Casserole with cottage cheese 200 g, grapefruit.

Be sure to read: How to effectively lose weight while breastfeeding without harming your baby?

6 days

  1. Coffee, honey, oatmeal,
  2. A piece of cheese, 200 g of kefir,
  3. Cabbage, beef cutlet, tea,
  4. Toast, freshly squeezed orange juice,
  5. Stewed vegetables, compote.

7 days

  • Buckwheat, tea with milk,
  • Grapefruit or a couple of handfuls of cherries,
  • Asparagus with fish, coffee,
  • Yogurt 200 g,
  • Radish, tomato, pepper (you can make a salad), slice of cheese, glass of juice.

As you can see, the menu is balanced and varied - you won’t have to eat the same thing every day. Alcohol and any foods that are not in the diet should not be consumed.

1300 calorie diet from simple foods

Any diet is not a cheap pleasure , especially when it involves the consumption of low-calorie foods.

In order not to hit your wallet too hard and achieve the desired shape, you can stick to the menu of available products

1300 calorie diet for men and women:

  1. Day 1: any porridge, fresh fruit, baked apple, vegetable salad without dressing, black tea with lemon, boiled beef, kefir (preferably low-fat).
  2. Day 2: low-fat cottage cheese, orange, herbal tea, stewed vegetables, boiled or steamed chicken breast, cottage cheese casserole with dried fruits.
  3. Day 3: pasta, pear, apple, boiled potatoes, vegetable salad with cabbage, ham, fish baked in foil, rye bread with butter, a glass of compote.
  4. Day 4: green tea with honey, cucumbers, cottage cheese casserole, creamy vegetable soup, milk, grapefruit toast, boiled brisket, tomato juice.
  5. Day 5: fresh fruit, rice, steamed chops, omelet, boiled beets, low-fat kefir, green tea, banana, cheese.
  6. Day 6: cherries, low-fat yogurt, buckwheat, milk, baked fish with asparagus, grapefruit, strong coffee, vegetable salad without dressing.
  7. Day 7: toast, any compote, stewed vegetables, steamed cutlets, hard cheese, kefir (preferably low-fat), oatmeal.

Diet for 1300 kcal
If there is a desire to stretch the diet for 2 weeks, then the presented diet will be relevant for the entire time .

Diet 1300 calories per day: nutrition rules

Eating 1300 calories a day requires certain features:

  1. There should be 5 meals a day,
  2. The volume of each serving is about 200 g, more is not advisable,
  3. The consumption rate of pure water without gas is 1.5-3 liters per day, juices (natural), herbal infusions can also be drunk, but they should not replace water,
  4. Consume slow carbohydrates (porridge, grain bread, potatoes) strictly before lunch - they are digested slowly, give the body a feeling of fullness for a long time,
  5. Proteins - more easily digestible than slow carbohydrates - can be eaten at any time of the day, including in the evening,
  6. Use nuts and olive oil as a source of healthy fats.
  7. Fruits will give you vitamins and fiber.

Menu for 1300 calories per day: creating a diet

  1. Limit yourself to salty, sweet, flour and fatty foods. This includes chips, candies, baked goods, soda, mayonnaise, ketchup, and chocolate spread.
  2. Avoid fried foods in favor of boiled, stewed, and baked foods. During the frying process, beneficial microelements are destroyed, and the food becomes greasy due to the addition of oil.
  3. Limit the amount of bread you consume or buy whole grain bread.
  4. The last meal should be 3-4 hours before bedtime so that the food has time to digest.
  5. Breakfast should be your highest calorie meal. In the morning, eat slow carbohydrates and some protein. During the day - proteins and carbohydrates. In the evening - squirrels. Combine proteins with fiber so that they are better absorbed.
  6. Engage in any type of physical activity: running, gym, dancing, group fitness classes or training at home.
  7. Give preference to cardio workouts: running, high-intensity group classes and cardio exercises.
  8. Drink more plain water (at least 30 ml per 1 kilogram of weight).
  9. Alcohol and carbonated drinks must be completely eliminated from the diet.

Quitting the diet

Everyone who is losing weight knows that it is not enough to lose weight - you still need to keep it in place. A diet of 1300 calories per day is limited and requires a slow recovery. Calorie intake will need to be increased gradually - in the first days after the diet, add 100 calories, then 200, 300 and so on until you reach the usual 2200-2500. It is possible to remain at around 1300, but there is little point in this - the body will get used to the restrictions and will begin to spend energy less actively.

The result is that you will eat less, but you will stop losing weight, and with a sharp increase in caloric intake, you will also gain.

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