Why metabolic training is the most effective for weight loss

What is metabolic strength training?

Let's first look at what this type of training actually is.

So, metabolic training for weight loss is a scheme that includes several types of exercises performed at very high intensity with minimal rest breaks. This is done in order to create a feeling of oxygen starvation.

After performing several metabolic exercises on different muscle groups, you can take a short break and then begin again on another muscle group.

This type of training combines several other types at once, for example, high-intensity strength and aerobic.

Ideally, you will work so intensely that your body goes into a state of oxygen starvation from intense exertion. And this state will allow you to burn calories even after training.

What is metabolic training

“Metabolic training” is a very fashionable expression now, but people don’t always understand what it means. This training does not affect the speed of chemical reactions, but the amount of energy the body spends on certain needs.

Training can be called metabolic if it focuses on parameters other than intensity. Heart rate, feeling of difficulty of the load, shortness of breath, sweating, loss of strength - these are not universal indicators of any physical activity. Based on these parameters, one cannot draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of the load - they are subjective and are rather associated with the reaction of the sympathoadrenal system, depletion of energy sources, inhibition in the motor parts of the nervous system, etc. Dmitry Kalashnikov writes very well about this in his blog. Training with a high oxygen debt and high heart rate cannot be automatically considered useful. So what is possible?

The following exercises are effective for weight loss:

  • High-intensity strength training in a medium-rep mode
  • Low intensity continuous cardio
  • High intensity interval cardio

MRT (Metabolic Resistance Training) is a metabolic resistance training that increases strength endurance and burns subcutaneous fat.

Energy expenditure after an MRT course can easily exceed 600 kcal, depending on the exercises chosen. In addition, the oxygen debt increases significantly - the amount of oxygen necessary to oxidize the under-oxidized metabolic products accumulated in the body during intense muscular work. Oxygen debt is measured as the amount of energy required to return the body to its normal state after exercise. The body needs energy to transform from Mr. Jock to Mr. Breathe Normal. Depending on the intensity of the training for 38 hours or more, the number of calories burned will be high.

Metabolic training can be the foundation of your fat loss efforts as opposed to low-intensity, long-duration cardio. Each muscle group must be worked hard, frequently, and at an intensity that will create significant metabolic disruption, causing the metabolism to accelerate for several hours after the workout.

This means doing full body workouts in supersets, trisets, with dumbbells or kettlebells, or in a circuit training format, which would create a high metabolic demand. But they need to be done in such a number of repetitions that lactic acid is produced. Leg, back and chest workouts burn a lot of calories and increase metabolism more effectively than isolated exercises on one muscle group. The best number of approaches is 8-12.

The idea behind MRT is to get more exercise done in less time. This is best achieved by implementing a high number of repetitions (15-20 per set) with a minimum amount of rest between sets. The key to optimal results is to train at or close to your maximum capacity. So do as many sets as you need to get close to muscle failure. If you find yourself unable to complete a set, your metabolic effect and your performance will suffer.

MRT is always a full-body workout that engages all major muscle groups during each session. Since the metabolic weight of each exercise depends on how many muscles are involved, incorporate multi-joint exercises whenever possible. By using more muscles, you expend more energy. Complex exercises are optimal: squats, presses, rows to work the muscles of the torso and thighs. You need to train three times a week for normal recovery.

Aerobic and anaerobic exercise

So, when you exercise too intensely, your body experiences an “excess” of oxygen consumption.

This brings us to the part about the difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

Aerobic exercise is usually performed in the presence of normal oxygen levels and gets you moving but does not greatly increase your heart rate.

Anaerobic exercise, on the other hand, is performed in a state of oxygen deprivation, this happens because you are training so intensely that your body needs more and more air to cope with the workout. This is how the effect of oxygen starvation occurs.

This causes the body to begin consuming excess amounts of oxygen in an attempt to recover.

This process helps boost your metabolism to a high level, hence the term “metabolic training.”

For a workout to be considered metabolic it must meet three criteria:

  1. Engage all parts of the body
  2. Run at maximum intensity level
  3. Cause a burning sensation, which means the production of lactic acid in muscle tissue

A little deeper into the essence of the approach

So, MCTs include parts of strength training and metabolic training. In other words, this means you perform complex strength workouts back to back with little or no breaks.

These factors satisfy all of the above criteria. You're engaging multiple muscle groups, working close to your limits, and thanks to the high intensity, you're definitely promoting lactic acid production.

How is this workout different from others?

You can see a little comparison here

Working against resistanceYESYESNONOSOMETIMESNO
Includes both strength and cardio

So, from the table above you can see that MCT gives the maximum result.
Unlike other types of training, it not only improves your strength and cardiovascular system, but also gets you in shape in a fairly short period. Proper metabolic strength training lasts 20 to 30 minutes on average.

Let's compare this to a regular workout (strength or cardio), which lasts about 45 minutes. Or even training in the gym, yes, they are all effective, but most people with today’s pace of life simply don’t have time, so MCT is the best option for them.

Metabolic training[edit | edit code]

Metabolic training is a fusion of anaerobic strength training and aerobic cardio exercise.
This is the best training style to get rid of excess fat the fastest. The goal of this type of training is to dramatically accelerate metabolic processes and cause the so-called excess post-workout oxygen consumption, which is reflected in the acceleration of metabolic processes within 48 hours after completion of the workout. Thus, you burn a large number of calories both during training and for a long time after it - already in the process of recovery. It's important to note that this "afterburn" phenomenon is not observed after normal aerobic exercise, such as a long, slow 45-minute jog in the park. For this phenomenon to take effect, the workout must have the qualities of intensity (you have to work very hard) and density (you have to do a lot of work in the allotted time).

There are two main types of metabolic training that activate excess post-workout oxygen consumption, accompanied by the burning of fat tissue.

  • Metabolic strength training
    : strength-type interval training. Choose a few strength exercises that work different muscles in your body and do them one at a time with very little rest. As a rule, the work interval is from 30 to 60 seconds, and the break lasts no more than 30 seconds. A good example of this type of training is the fat-burning program presented in Chapter 13. These workouts will allow you to burn fat and build muscle at the same time.
  • Interval cardio training
    . They are also called high-intensity interval training and are usually performed using a treadmill, stationary bike or elliptical machine. You can also run in the fresh air. An example of such a workout: alternating 30 seconds of sprinting and 1 minute of active rest in the form of running at a moderate pace. For the purposes of this book, we will use non-weight-bearing cardio exercises instead of running and machines. One option is to choose one cardio exercise that targets all the muscles in the body (say, burpees) and alternate periods of intense work and rest. You can also choose two (or more) non-competing cardio exercises, such as the Jumper and Mountain Climber, and alternate them for a high-intensity workout.

Posted by BJ Gaddour

Who is MST suitable for?

Now you already have at least some idea about metabolic training, now let's discuss who it is suitable for.

Honestly, they are suitable for everyone, but they should definitely be preferred by those who want:

  • not long but effective workouts
  • burn fat and develop muscle as quickly as possible
  • have developed muscles, but at the same time remain slim
  • improve the cardiovascular system
  • don't waste time on long workouts
  • look athletic and attractive
  • expose yourself and your body to new tests

From all this it is clear that such training can improve everyone's life.

There are only a few types of people who should avoid MCTs

People recovering from injury should not start MCT. Firstly, metabolic training requires high intensity and if you do it half-heartedly, there will be no result. Secondly, such high intensity can damage the injury and worsen your current condition. Thus, it is better to wait for complete recovery and only then start training.

The next people who should avoid MCT are beginners. If you are just starting your sports “path”, then it is better to start with something else. The fact is that your body is not prepared for such high intensity. Therefore, for now it is better to prepare the body for such loads, it will take about 6 months (maybe longer, it all depends on you)

Well, the third group is people with certain diseases. For example, if you have heart problems, then MCT is simply contraindicated for you and it is better to give preference to moderate-intensity training.

Pregnancy is also a stop sign for MCT. If you still have questions, it is best to discuss them with your coach.

Before we dive into what metabolic training actually looks like, let's first talk about its benefits.

So here are some key points:

Accelerated fat burning process

It is an indisputable fact that compared to conventional strength training, metabolic training is significantly superior.

During several studies, scientists found that, unlike training at a moderate pace, training at a high intensity showed simply crazy results.

The second type burned much more fat than the first.

Moreover, we all know that excess fat can lead to very disastrous consequences, so MCT not only makes you slimmer, but also saves you from various diseases.

Improves fitness and your cardiovascular endurance

As mentioned above, metabolic training makes the heart work faster, due to the high intensity, your heart rate increases, and very short breaks do not allow it to calm down. What

That is why this type of training is not suitable for people with heart problems.

MCT develops muscles and strength

Since MCT also includes strength training, you will also get great results in the muscle area.

And this is another advantage of metabolic strength training, because most other workouts that are aimed at accelerating metabolism do not pay attention to muscles and muscle mass.

Doesn't take much time

As mentioned above, MCT is the fastest and most convenient type of training. You can be at home or in the gym, it doesn’t matter, all you need is 30 minutes of time. And this is very convenient, especially for people with a busy schedule.

Moreover, MCT includes a variety of compound exercises that work the entire body, so 3 workouts per week (one day apart) will make a great workout regimen.

Yes, yes, you don’t have to go to the gym 5 times a week, training individual parts of the body, or include additional cardio exercises in your schedule, because MCT is the best part of both workouts.

Improves insulin sensitivity

Sensitivity is an important factor that not only helps your body control weight, but also prevents the risk of diabetes.

And here MST also managed to succeed. After each workout, your body begins to respond better and better to insulin.

In one experiment conducted by a group of researchers, it was noticed that volunteers who did high-intensity workouts literally showed better insulin sensitivity after a couple of weeks.

Reduces stress levels

Intense exercise also reduces stress levels and improves your mood.

Once you start doing MCTs, you will immediately notice how positively they affect your mood.

With each workout you will feel calmer and more relaxed.

Improves sleep quality

Last but not least, MCT, like any workout, improves the quality of your sleep.

BUT! It is important to choose the right time for your workout, because if you do it too early, you may fall asleep at the wrong time, or, conversely, if you practice too late, you will have more problems falling asleep than usual.

And these are all just the main advantages of this training, so you really should pay attention to this type of training.

What is metabolism

Metabolism is the biochemical process during which the body converts food into energy.
Nutrients from food and drinks are oxidized and provide energy to the body to carry out its activities.

Even during rest, when you do nothing, your body continues to work - breathe, circulate blood through the vessels, maintain hormonal levels and renew cells.

This value depends on several factors:

  • Current weight and body shape. People who are heavier and have more muscle mass burn more calories, even while at rest.
  • Floor. Men burn calories more efficiently because they have less fat mass and more muscle compared to women of the same age and weight.
  • Age. As you age, the amount of muscle decreases, resulting in a slower ability to burn calories. After 40 years, metabolism slows down by 5% every decade.

Metabolic Workout Example

So how do you properly structure all of your exercises? Yes, and in general, what is MST?

Below you will find one possible example for your training. The training cycle can be up to three times, it all depends on your qualifications and athletic training.

The exercises are performed one after another. But for beginners, it is better to choose a couple of exercises from this list, adding them as their abilities develop.

Well, or you can change and rearrange these exercises to make it more comfortable for you.

Rest should be minimal. For beginners, about 1-2 minutes, but for more advanced athletes, the break should be no more than 20 seconds.

For exercises that require weight, choose the heaviest possible object to keep you toned. So here are some rules that may help you:

  • First lap: 70% of your maximum ability
  • Second circle: 80%-90% of maximum
  • Third lap: 90%+ of maximum

Set of exercises

  • Squats, 10-20 times
  • Lunges 10 times on each leg
  • Jumping lunges 10 times on each leg
  • Squats with jumps 10 times
  • Single toe touches, 8-15 reps
  • Fitball crunches 10-15 reps
  • Leg raises using a fitball 10-15 reps
  • Press 10-12 times
  • Press using a fitball 10-20 reps
  • Push-ups on the ball 10-20 times
  • Pull-ups (until exhaustion)
  • Lifting dumbbells (butterfly) 10-20
  • Raising dumbbells forward 10-20 reps
  • Triceps exercise with weight (cable rope), 10-20 repetitions

How to Add Metabolic Circuitry to Your Training Process?

So, how to properly plan such a workout?

You should remember that this approach to exercise forces the whole body to work, which is why it is better that both before and after training you have a day off from other types of training.

Yes, of course, you can do some cardio exercises, but they should be light enough so as not to overtax the body. After all, doing two intense workouts in a row can lead to injury or other unpleasant consequences.

REMEMBER! The body must have enough time to recover.

If you don't want to exclude strength training from your sports regimen, then it's worth adding MCT so that you have rest before and after it.

Don’t forget, this workout puts a lot of stress on your body, so don’t forget about the rest that your body will need so much.

And running is not the best way to relax and get away from MST, it’s better to take care of yourself, watch movies, take a relaxing bath. Whatever, just let your body recover and only then proceed to the next workout.

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