Why is psychology important for losing weight?


Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is known primarily as a psychological technique for modeling individual success. But the paradigm of the technique is much broader; it covers the spheres of subjective experience, mental and behavioral processes, as well as deep subconscious structures.

Neurolinguistic programming has also been adopted by those who want to adjust their weight. NLP for weight loss allows you to build the correct behavioral model for an individual, reduce appetite, eliminate the tendency to overeat and mobilize internal strength to fight excess weight.

Visual NLP methods for weight loss

TV Snowball

The essence of this NLP method for losing weight is that for 8 seconds you need to look at the flickering TV (snowball) when you have a desire to snack on something sweet and high-calorie.

Australian scientists from Flinders University have found that when a person looks at something sweet, his body releases the pleasure hormone dopamine. And the sight of a flickering television screen causes anxiety in a person, which suppresses this hormone. And the desire to eat sweets simply disappears.

To get a flickering snowball on the screen of a working TV, unplug the antenna cord from it. You can record this flickering on the video camera of your smartphone or tablet, and even when you are far from home, use this NLP technique.

Videos of the shimmering snowball can also be found on Youtube.

Food Photography

The following weight loss technique with NLP will reduce your appetite and also get rid of the problem of overeating.

Its beauty is that you don’t need to change your usual diet, but rather take a photo of what you are going to eat, and then look at the photo taken for 10-15 minutes and only then start the meal itself.

When a person looks at a picture of food, visual signals are triggered and transmitted to the brain. In this way, the psychological process of saturation occurs. A person loses interest in food and, as a result, eats less, due to which he loses weight.

In order to get the maximum effect from this NLP technique in losing weight, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. When looking at the photo, avoid food smells.
    You need to put food on a plate, take a photo of it and go to another room.

    Next, you need to look at the photo for 10-15 minutes.

  2. The photograph taken should not be embellished using various filters.
    She must remain as she is.
  3. When returning to the plate, do not rush to start eating right away.
    First you need to perceive its aroma (for 5 minutes) so that the brain fully accepts this information, that is, gets used to the smell, and only then can you eat.
  4. This NLP method for weight loss should be used intermittently, since the brain gets used to this course of things, and you will not be able to achieve the desired results in losing weight (especially if you want to get rid of an impressive amount of extra pounds).
    After 2 weeks of using it, you need to take a break of 1 month, and then you can repeat it again.

Strict male gaze

According to British scientists, a stern male gaze can stop a person before taking any action or, on the contrary, encourage him to take it (depending on the situation).

And for a person who wants to lose weight, such a look can stop him from overeating and even help him reduce the portion of food on his plate.

What kind of look are we talking about, and how to use it to program yourself to lose weight?

It's simple!

Print out a photo of any man's face that looks serious and stern. You should feel as if this man is watching you closely.

Attach this photo to the refrigerator or place it on the kitchen table where you eat. You will be surprised, but under such a stern gaze you will actually eat less!

Your portions are guaranteed to decrease by 20-25%.

But such a photo will need to be periodically changed to a new one, with a different man, but with the same stern expression on his face, so that the brain does not have time to get used to the constant monitoring of you by the same person.

Interesting book

French scientists from the University of Toulouse claim that reading a book while eating will help you eat less by about 25% of your usual serving size.

The main condition for those who want to eat less and thus lose weight is to choose a book that is interesting and exciting just for you.

The fact is that when combining the processes of eating and reading, a person gets carried away by what is written in the book, so he eats much more slowly and does not notice how fullness comes with the still uneaten portion.

But this should be a full meal, and not a snack. In this case, the effect of this NLP method will be the opposite.

You should also pay attention to the fact that the position of the book must be stable, and in the place where you eat and read at the same time, there must certainly be good lighting, so as not to have vision problems in the future.

Bright lighting

Scientists from Chicago have concluded that lighting directly affects how much a person can eat.

It turns out that in dim lighting a person usually eats 30% more than his usual portion. And all because he simply does not see the plate of food well in this light, and accordingly, visual signals of satiety do not enter the brain.

By the way, many restaurateurs know about this fact and actively use it in their business.

So, if you want to lose weight, forget about a romantic candlelit dinner. Move the romance into the bedroom or bathroom. ????

And in the place where you usually eat, turn on all the lights while eating so that your vision can clearly transmit a signal to the cerebral cortex about the volume of the portion, and it no longer requires supplements.

Psychology of weight loss

Once the causes of excess weight have been investigated and goals have been determined, you can begin to take active steps that will help you lose weight. NLP weight loss involves the use of visual, audio and olfactory stimuli. Knowing the reaction of the psyche to one or another type of irritating factor, one can achieve significant psychological and physiological results.

Visual techniques

  1. Bright lighting. It has been proven that in low light a person tends to eat more food than in bright light. Therefore, in the place where breakfast, dinner or lunch is planned, it is necessary to take care of intense lighting. When you perceive well-lit food and realize the amount of food eaten, a clear image of satiety will be formed in the brain.
  2. Interesting book. The combination of a meal and reading an exciting novel helps you eat a quarter less than your usual portion. Being carried away by an interesting story will allow you to take your mind off eating food; food is eaten much more slowly, and satiation occurs faster. But this technique only works for full meals, and not frequent snacks, otherwise the result will be the opposite.
  3. Strict male gaze. According to scientists, such a look from a man can motivate a person to give up an undesirable act (in this case, overeating). You should find and print a photograph of a man whose gaze will be perceived as especially stern and reprimanding. This photo should be placed in a visible place in the kitchen or on the dining table. In a company with such a companion, it will actually be possible to reduce the portion size by at least 25%.
  4. Photo of the dish. The technique is to admire the food before you start eating it. When someone losing weight looks at a picture of a tasty dish, certain neural connections are triggered, creating a feeling of fullness. After such a 10-minute admiration, you manage to eat a quarter less than usual. To achieve the desired result, the method should be applied periodically - for two weeks with a break of 1 month.
  5. TV. Another interesting observation: the sight of a flickering television screen or television interference promotes the production of anxiety hormones, which suppress the opposite hormones of pleasure. When you feel hungry or want to snack, it is recommended to look at the interference for 8 seconds. This will form a connection between images of food and anxiety, which is guaranteed to affect the amount of food consumed.

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Olfactory techniques

  1. Vanilla sugar. This technique will help those with a sweet tooth give up candy, candy bars and cakes. The aroma of vanilla activates the production of serotonin, which gives a person peace of mind and at the same time suppresses appetite. At the moment when you are unbearably craving something sweet, it will be enough to inhale the aroma of vanilla sugar to block the craving for goodies.
  2. Scented candle. This technique uses a complex of aromas that can deceive the appetite. Smells affect certain areas of the brain, creating a feeling of satiety or pleasure from the food eaten. For this purpose, the aromas of mint, banana, vanilla and apple are used. For the technique to work, you need to light a scented candle before each meal and extinguish it after the meal. The session ends with three deep breaths.

Using sounds

NLP sound techniques for weight loss are indicated for auditory individuals who most actively perceive signals through the hearing organs.

The most effective method is considered to be one that uses melodic compositions in a “sweet” style. These musical styles include jazz, soul and blues. When listening to this kind of melodies, a pleasure hormone will be released in the body, which will drown out the craving for sweets and prevent stress from eating away.

NLP techniques for weight loss using the sense of smell

Scented candle

Dr. Alan Hirsch has identified scents that can deceive a person's appetite. These are primarily aromas of apple, banana, vanilla and mint.

The smells of these foods affect the brain in such a way that a person feels as if he has already eaten something tasty and sweet. Therefore, he can easily refuse dessert.

For this NLP weight loss technique to work, you need to light a candle with the above scents during the main meal and place it next to you.

Immediately after eating, you need to take 3 deep breaths and 3 deep exhalations, first through one nostril, and then through the other.

You can make such a fragrant candle yourself. To do this you will need:

  • Melt 100 grams of paraffin and 7 grams of stearin in a water bath.
  • Add 3 drops each of apple, banana, vanilla and mint food flavors.
  • Tie the tip of the thread to the stick and place it across the edges of the jar (in which you will melt the paraffin and stearin) so that the thread remains in the center.
  • Leave the resulting mixture for 6 hours in a cool place to harden.

Vanilla sugar

This weight loss technique with NLP will also help control the desire to eat sweets.

When your hand next reaches for candy, smell the pre-prepared vanilla sugar.

You can put a little of it on the tip of your tongue, thus reinforcing the belief in your brain that you have eaten something.

Vanilla aroma promotes the production of serotonin, a natural appetite suppressant. It gives a person peace, serenity and stable energy. It is produced when eating sweets and starchy foods.

If you have a bad habit of eating candies in large quantities, then you can make improvised candies by pouring vanilla sugar into old candy wrappers and forming them into the desired shape.

And even if you want to eat such a candy, there will be little pleasure in it, since vanilla sugar has a bitter aftertaste. But the aroma is amazing!

Ways to lose weight by influencing the sense of smell

Many people know that aroma can both suppress appetite and excite it. A technique has been developed that allows you to lose weight using different scents.

Candles with different scents

Aroma candles allow you to deceive a person’s sense of smell. For this purpose, it is advisable to use scents such as apple, mint, vanilla, etc. These scents create the impression that a person has already eaten some kind of dessert, so he will easily refuse it.

For the effect of this technique to be noticeable, it is necessary to light a candle when eating. After eating, it is recommended to take 3 deep breaths. If you really want, you can make such a candle yourself.

Vanilla technique

The essence of this technique is this: when a person wants to eat, he needs to enjoy the smell of vanilla sugar. You can also place a small part of it on the tip of your tongue.

The smell of vanilla leads to the production of serotonin, a natural substance that suppresses appetite. It allows you to calm and relax the body.

NLP technique for losing weight using hearing

This section will present only one, but truly effective NLP technique for losing weight with an effect on hearing.

It lies in the fact that if you have a desire to eat another sweet and unhealthy delicacy, you will need to listen to musical compositions that are figuratively called “sweet”.

Such musical works include lyrical compositions in the style of jazz, blues and soul.

When a person hears notes of “sweet music,” a pleasure hormone is released in the cerebral cortex, which gives a feeling of sweetness.

Add songs by Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong to your playlist and enjoy listening to them instead of eating high-calorie sweets.

You will get no less pleasure!

Do you want to quickly get rid of the “life preserver” around your waist without resorting to diets? Then the article “What and how to eat to lose belly fat?” it will come in handy.

Temperament and diet

Before using one or another method of losing weight, you need to understand your temperament. Many have known him since an early age, and some need help to determine their psychotype.

Many scientific institutes have conducted research on human temperament and its impact on life. Temperaments differ in their personalities, reactions to different situations, etc. It has also been proven that it is possible to determine how and what a particular person eats.

If you don't know what type of temperament you have, you can find a test that will help you determine it. There are 4 known psychotypes:

  1. It is very difficult for a choleric person to maintain a daily routine. He likes to snack often, but does not notice it due to the frantic pace of life. The scheme for losing excess weight is to leave the table before you feel full.
  2. A phlegmatic person does not pay attention to the fact that he eats a lot. He believes that he is doing absolutely everything right. Such people should reduce their time at the table. This will help you avoid overeating.
  3. The sanguine person enjoys eating. He is encouraged to decorate his dishes in unusual ways.
  4. A melancholic person is constantly in an upset state. Even the slightest conflict can make him angry. To lose weight, he needs to switch to something positive at a negative moment.

Knowing your temperament, you can quickly and effortlessly lose a few kilograms. In addition to following the basic rules of NLP, it is recommended to maintain your physical condition. To do this, you should sign up for a gym or choose an individual system.

How to lose weight using NLP, knowing your temperament?

The Mechegan Institute conducted a study on how a person’s temperament affects how and what he eats, and why it can be difficult for him to adhere to the right diet.

After all, temperament determines not only a person’s reaction to a particular situation, but also reflects the degree of his activity and energy, and indicates the rhythm of life.

There are 4 types of temperament - choleric, phlegmatic, sanguine and melancholic.

We will not describe in detail the features of each of these species; we will only dwell on their characteristics and differences in eating habits.

If you don’t know your temperament type, you can find many tests on the Internet to determine it.

Choleric people often eat on the go and too quickly; they are extremely restless. He is characterized by frequent snacks, which he does not even notice due to his frantic pace of life. It is difficult for him to follow a diet, which causes breakdowns and overeating.

The NLP technique for losing weight for a choleric person is to leave him at the table for 20 minutes (it is after this period of time that the signal of saturation is sent to the brain), while captivating him with something other than food for this time.

Solving a crossword puzzle, reading the news or an interesting book will help him here.

Being carried away by something else, the choleric person will chew food more slowly and will not eat too much (at the same time, the portion of food should be normal for him), maybe even leave something on the plate.

It is also recommended for choleric people to set a timer for 20 minutes while eating, so as not to leave the table ahead of time.

A phlegmatic person does not notice when he overeats. He believes that he eats right and follows the regime, but in fact he eats the same healthy food in larger quantities than he should.

A phlegmatic person can stay at the table for more than 30 minutes, sometimes for a whole hour. By stretching out the process of eating, a phlegmatic person escapes from his problematic state, turning a meal into a moment of pleasure.

A phlegmatic person can lose weight with the help of NLP if he reduces the time he spends at the dinner table to 20 minutes (a timer will also help here), and also if he keeps a food diary.

A phlegmatic person is capable of adequate self-analysis, so such a diary with records of what, in what quantity and at what time he ate will help him control his food intake, avoiding overeating.

A sanguine person is a real gourmet; he gets real pleasure from food, which is also fraught with disruptions in his diet.

To lose weight with NLP, a sanguine person needs to decorate their dishes. For example, make a smiling face out of fried eggs or make a turtle out of buckwheat and cutlets. There is no limit to imagination here.

And in order for a sanguine person to receive double the aesthetic pleasure of a gourmet, while preparing or decorating his dish, he is recommended to listen to his favorite music. And the process of eating will go calmly and slowly.

A melancholic person gets very upset when he finds himself in even the slightest stressful situation, and food seems to muffle his inner pain.

In order not to reach for candy every time in order to suppress stress, a melancholic person needs to switch his attention to the positive moments in his life. This is exactly what the NLP weight loss technique is for him.

An excellent solution for a quick change of emotions in a melancholic person is to look at a selection of photographs that capture pleasant moments of his life, loved ones and close people, and pets.

Such photos can be downloaded to a smartphone, which is always at hand.

And instead of eating away stress with absolutely unnecessary sweets, a melancholic person only needs to open a folder with photos and enjoy looking at them.

As you can see, NLP methods for weight loss are very easy to use and give excellent results without much effort.

Which of them have you noted for yourself or have already tried? Or maybe you know some other secrets?

Share them in the comments, everyone will be interested.


Principles of NLP for weight loss

When using the neurolinguistic programming technique, a change in consciousness occurs due to the instillation of certain thoughts in a person, provoking the manifestation of emotions. When dealing with the problem of excess weight, the main idea is: having a slim figure is great, a slim person achieves more success at a faster pace, others are drawn to him.

Negative emotions are contraindicated at the beginning of weight loss work using NLP: a positive psychological attitude is important. You can’t scold yourself for being overweight or allow other people to humiliate you.

It is necessary to set a goal for yourself, it should not be narrow - to lose weight, it is better to get a slim figure. But this is a visible goal, and you need to see all the hidden benefits from such a state, visualize them. Among them can be both small ones - to buy a fashionable dress, and global ones - to get married. The desire to achieve them will inspire you to quickly become slimmer. It wouldn’t hurt to start implementing these goals even before completing the NLP weight loss course.

Another important component is a relaxed state; the whole body and brain must be ready for changes. You should forget about problems. If possible, then temporarily reduce the number of contacts with the outside world so that your attention does not wander.

Self-talk is a useful tool for those wanting to lose weight.

You need to try to look into the very depths of your subconscious to understand what pushes you to eat an extra piece. Possible reasons include:

  • stress, worries are a reaction to certain events that cause negative emotions, you want to eat them faster;
  • the presence of free time and the inability to organize one’s leisure time lead to increased absorption of food;
  • food for company, when, while spending time with family or friends, there is a desire to eat more than necessary;
  • a daily routine in which a lot of time is spent at work, which is why there is no normal nutrition, instead of which there are snacks on the go, a person learns to eat this way at home.

You should be prepared to completely change your lifestyle: the success of the NLP technique does not negate the need to maintain an appropriate lifestyle:

  • compliance with the daily routine;
  • exercises to maintain physical fitness;
  • proper organization of meals.

A well-developed imagination helps in the fight against overeating: just imagine a piece of meat in detail, what it is made from, and a plate of salad. In most cases, preference will be given to the latter.

Description of the method

A person’s perception of the surrounding reality influences his behavior. Therefore, by changing your attitude, thinking and emotional attitudes, you can change your behavior. This method develops the right psychological attitude, which will definitely improve eating behavior.

Losing weight with the help of NLP is much easier than using diets, because this method reduces emotional discomfort when refusing high-calorie foods. True, programming does not exclude a reduction in diet and an increase in physical activity.

It is important to know that NLP helps to increase self-esteem, get rid of complexes, and also get rid of addictions, and not just overeating. The advantage of the method is its simplicity and safety: it is effectively used at home.

The methods used to achieve weight loss should be selected individually, depending on temperament, health, and free time. It is necessary to ensure that the settings for self-hypnosis are useful and adequate to the real needs and capabilities of a person.

NLP techniques in the treatment of excess weight The seminar will be held remotely

The seminar is designed for specialists both working with addictions and those wishing to work in this direction.

It is desirable for the participation of students who have completed the first “NLP Practitioner” seminar or completed the entire “NLP Practitioner” certification course.

In the seminar program:

  • Construction of the initial reception with the inclusion of NLP techniques.
  • Creating effective rapport.
  • Five essential ingredients for success in therapy.
  • SMART criteria and well-formed results.
  • Motivation to get rid of addiction and the possibility of increasing it.
  • Obtaining the necessary resources using “circles of power”.
  • Working with parts of the personality. Creation of the part responsible for recovery.
  • “New behavior generator” for modeling the desired self-image.
  • Using the “Museum of Old Beliefs” technique to get rid of limiting beliefs.
  • Transformation of inadequate eating patterns into adequate ones.
  • Building an “inevitable future” for healthy eating patterns.
  • M. Hall’s “frame games” method for those who want to lose weight.
  • Use of food-related games.
  • Identifying ineffective frame games for weight control.
  • Frame games for a healthy relationship with food.
  • Hypnotic methods for treating excess weight.
  • Classical and non-directive suggestive approaches – indications for use.
  • Directive techniques when working with obesity.
  • Milton model in nutrition. Using health metaphors in therapy.
  • Demonstrations and exercises with practical skills development on the topic of the lesson.

You will be able to apply the acquired skills, knowledge and skills in working with eating disorders both in specialized medical institutions, preventive institutions, rehabilitation centers, and in private practice.

In addition to the necessary minimum of theoretical knowledge when teaching NLP, which you receive through lecture material, the following methods are used to a greater extent in classes:

  • demonstration of NLP techniques,
  • practical training of NLP techniques, as well as various exercises that allow the most effective use of NLP in the treatment of excess weight in a group and individually,
  • discussion and analysis of clinical cases from the practice of the presenter and participants.

And all this in a supportive atmosphere of professional cooperation and knowledge enrichment.

Learning outcome:

  • Seminar participants have the opportunity to study and practice techniques for deep reprogramming of the behavior and reactions of addicts.

Methods and techniques for working with the specifics of dependencies are also widely studied.

List of recommended literature:

  1. Joseph O'Connor, John Seymour "Introduction to NLP".
  2. Joseph O'Connor, NLP and Health.
  3. Joseph O'Connor, The Art of Systems Thinking.
  4. Richard Bandler, John Grinder "The Structure of Magic".
  5. Richard Bandler, John Grinder “Hypnotic patterns of M. Erickson.”
  6. Robert Dilts, Changing Beliefs.
  7. Robert Dilts "Language Tricks"
  8. Steve and Connirae Andreas “Change your thinking and reap the benefits.”
  9. Connirae and Tamara Andreas “Essential Transformation.”
  10. Steve Andreas, Transforming the Self.
  11. Leslie Cameron-Bandler “They lived happily ever after.”
  12. Michael Hall and Bob Bodenhamer “51 NLP Meta-Programs.”
  13. “The Psychology of Addictive Behavior,” edited by Steve Dowling.


NLP and excess weight

They say that weak willpower prevents you from getting rid of any addiction. There is an inaccuracy in this statement. Often a person who is unable to cope with addiction shows remarkable willpower in other areas of life. The fact is that a person trying to get rid of a bad habit, for example, overeating, struggles with himself. He confronts his own destructive habits, so he fails to achieve results.

Neurolinguistic programming allows you to literally program yourself to lose weight by weakening or destroying harmful programs of the conscious and subconscious. To successfully adjust your weight, you need a goal that is meaningful and achievable for a specific individual. That is, it is wrong to set destructive tasks for yourself, for example:

  • lose weight below the norms recommended by physiologists;
  • strive to lose weight very quickly;
  • achieve proportions that do not correspond to the structure of the skeleton.

It is also important that the goal evokes positive emotions. For one person it is a beautiful reflection in the mirror, for another it is a newfound ease of movement, for a third it is improved health.

Program yourself to lose weight

To solve the problem of weight loss, which worries many overweight people, modern intellectual forces have joined in, using the latest techniques in their research.

The psychological manipulation programs being created, based on the principles of suggestion and persuasion, are aimed at solving many problems associated with disorders of psychological mood. Neurolinguistic programming develops methods of psychological influence to solve physiological problems, including in the struggle for a slim figure. The psychology of losing weight is based on a deep belief in the possibility of achieving results and on the conviction that you are right and that your decisions are the only correct ones.

Psychology of managing emotions

Thoughts, feelings, and the general emotional state of a person create a psychological aura around him that influences both himself and those around him. We can say that his subconscious creates a certain microclimate around him.

That’s why the psychological attitude is so important in any business. It should only be positive. You should not allow negative thoughts and negative characteristics towards yourself when you decide to lose weight. After all, very often thoughts materialize, especially if they are bad. Sad thoughts can become reality. They simply work as self-hypnosis. Drive them away, don't criticize yourself. After all, your subconscious, your inner attitude is a kind of auto-training. Therefore, you should not fall into criticism, so that it does not interfere with the achievement of positive results.

Of course, the other extreme is also undesirable - excessive praise, groundless admiration of one’s far from ideal forms. It is best when the instructions are given, expressed in the present tense: “I am losing weight,” “My figure is becoming slimmer,” etc. Such affirmations for weight loss are the best evidence that psychologically you have already begun to work on yourself.

Psychology of self-knowledge

Self-knowledge plays a vital role in the life of every person. Only by knowing himself will a person correctly determine his life path and his true needs.

In relation to weight loss, psychology also distinguishes the need for introspection and internal dialogue. Having looked into himself, a person must analyze his actions, his inner feelings, evaluate his life credo, etc.

Think about why you began to gain excess weight, discover the true reasons for your condition. Perhaps your obesity is associated with constant nervous tension or frequently experienced stressful situations. But it is stress that can provoke the body to respond. Sensing danger, he begins to stock up on subcutaneous fat to obtain additional energy necessary to combat the threat from the outside. Extra pounds, of course, are added by snacking, eating, nervous breakdowns and stress.

Once you are convinced that this is the main reason for the appearance of overly rounded shapes of your figure, you must take appropriate measures. And you need to start the process of losing weight by mastering the technique of relaxation, that is, meditation.

Defining the Goal

To achieve effective results in the fight against extra pounds, it is not enough to say: “I want to be slim.” It is necessary to clearly define the goal and methods for achieving it.

Using the NLP technique for weight loss, you should connect the imagination and subconscious to this process. The main goal should be the following: the body needs to be cleansed of everything unnecessary - get rid of excess fat, waste and toxins.

The imagination should also work while eating. Delving into the meaning of the Hippocratic aphorism that we are what we eat, you are more likely to give preference to a salad of fresh cucumbers rather than cutlets.

Psychologists say that any external changes are a manifestation of internal emotions. Most often, the most effective results in the process of losing weight were achieved by those people who experienced important life changes during the diet: moving to a new apartment, an upcoming wedding, a change of job, etc. A psychological attitude towards change (and positive ones) gives confidence that your figure will definitely change for the better. That’s why always tune in to a good wave!

Eating disorders

The application of the technique begins with identifying the causes of overeating. The main factors influencing eating behavior include the following:

  1. Need for security. If a person does not feel protected, he usually seeks to compensate for the lack of self-confidence by overeating. The connection between safety and food is formed in infancy, remaining one of the most powerful psychological attitudes until the end of life.
  2. Lack of positive emotions and impressions. Food is needed not only to provide the body with useful substances. It is also a way to gain pleasure and new emotions. In general, this is not bad if it does not lead to the absorption of large amounts of high-calorie food. You need to get positivity from communication, hobbies, movement, walks: this is better for your figure and health.
  3. Incorrect settings. Children are often forced to finish all the food on their plate. Later, as an adult, a person continues to feel guilty if he doesn’t finish something. The only real reason to finish eating everything is hunger, and not false attitudes from childhood.
  4. Business lunches. The habit of combining meetings and negotiations with eating food has a bad effect on your figure. People at this moment are busy with production and financial issues, so they cannot control the amount of food they eat, which leads to overeating.

Of course, there are other factors that cause food addiction and to determine them you need the help of a good psychologist. He always takes a personal approach, so he will determine the main problem and act according to the instructions that are most effective in a particular case. NLP techniques for weight loss affect the cause of overeating, therefore they are much more effective than other weight loss methods. Let's look at ways to lose weight.

Causes of overeating

The NLP technique must begin with deep introspection and identification of the reasons leading to excessive food consumption. Psychological studies have shown that the most significant are 4 factors.

  • Need for love. Since childhood, a strong association has been formed in the subconscious of every person, linking food consumption with love. Over time, this connection weakens, but continues to be stored in the subconscious. If in everyday life a person does not receive enough positive emotions associated with close relationships, he begins to overeat, thereby trying to make up for the lack of love.
  • Substitution. An association associated with the effects of stress or negative emotions. Sweets, hearty salads and any other tasty food in large quantities allow you to drown out negativity and gain temporary satisfaction.
  • Business meetings or get-togethers. When gathering in a company of at least two people, people find no other activity other than eating food together. Even business negotiations are often held over lunch or dinner. In the process of communication, a person does not pay attention to the amount of food consumed, which means overeating is inevitable.
  • Guilt. The reason, which also lies in deep childhood, when the child was taught that it was impossible to leave a dish uneaten. Already at a conscious age, a person continues to follow this rule without noticing the consequences. As a result, excess food ends up in the stomach, and excess calories are deposited on the waist and hips.

Be sure to read: What is better to choose for weight loss - running or walking?

Only a clear understanding of the reasons for overeating and excess weight will allow you to move on to the next stage - goal setting.

Visual techniques

Vision is one of the main sources of information, as well as an excellent channel of influence for NLP. To lose weight, do the following:

  1. Provide bright light in the dining room. People tend to eat more in semi-darkness than in good light. This happens because food is hard to see, therefore, the brain does not receive a signal from the visual system about the amount of food, and satiety occurs later.
  2. They read interesting books during lunch. A captivating storyline helps reduce the rate at which food is absorbed, which will reduce the amount of food needed to satisfy you. True, this technique is productive for full meals, and useless for snacks.
  3. Taking pictures of food. With this method, 10 minutes before lunch or dinner you need to look at a photo of the dish. The image of delicious food creates a feeling of fullness in the brain, so without effort it is possible to reduce the amount of food eaten by 25%. This advice is good for people who get new emotions and impressions from food.
  4. They use a TV screen. The white noise of TV causes irritation and the production of anxiety hormones for many. Therefore, if you feel hungry, it is useful to look at such interference for 8 seconds. This is how a person forms an association between anxiety and food. You need to use this method regularly to develop a strong connection between negative emotions and food, which will later reduce the amount of calories consumed.

Olfactory NLP techniques for weight loss

The aromas of vanilla, banana, apple, mint reduce appetite. These smells evoke joy, a carefree mood, and reduce anxiety.

Here are two good ways to influence eating behavior:

  1. When you want something sweet, you need to put a little vanilla sugar on your tongue and inhale the aroma of this product.
  2. During lunch or just to lift your spirits, you need to light scented candles with the scent of mint, banana, or apple. It is also good to use cosmetics with such scents.

Auditory techniques

Sound techniques are useful for auditory learners. These techniques also work on other people, but to a lesser extent. To reduce cravings for sweets, as well as replace positive emotions with positive impressions, you need to listen to music in a “sweet” style. Reduces appetite: jazz, soul, blues.

Listening to such music causes an increase in the production of the happiness hormone, which reduces the need for calories and promotes weight loss. Other lyrical compositions also often have this effect. Therefore, those who want to lose weight should create a special playlist that will improve their mood.

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