Two grandiose projects with Irina Turchinskaya about weight loss

Brief biography of Irina Turchinskaya

The famous TV presenter and model Irina Turchinskaya was born into a Soviet military family. Parents taught their brother and sister discipline from childhood. In elementary school, Irina attended the gymnastics section. Participation in local competitions and championships did not bring prizes or titles, but allowed me to develop flexibility, strength and endurance.

After classes and activities, Irina loved to run at the school stadium. Running helped maintain physical fitness and satisfied the need for movement.

After graduating from school, Turchinskaya entered the Russian State University for the Humanities to major in computer information protection. However, the athlete soon decided that she did not want to connect her future life with technology, and submitted documents to the Institute of Physical Education.

While studying at the university, Turchinskaya became interested in bodybuilding and fitness and began visiting the gym. Irina took part in competitions and championships and won the title of Moscow vice-champion in body fitness (2002).

In addition to participating in filming for magazines and talk shows, the athlete oversees her own fitness room, works as a personal trainer and nutritionist. Turchinskaya is fond of traveling and has visited the USA, Thailand, and India more than once. Irina is the director of the Liner restaurant.

Turchinskaya collaborates with the brand of dietary supplements Farmaplant, which produces weight loss products.

Love story

Irina first saw her husband Vladimir Turchinsky when she was twenty. She was watching the international show “Gladiator Fights” on TV. Russia was represented in it by a participant nicknamed Dynamite. He took first place and made an indelible impression on the girl: a real hero, a superman, charming and wildly charismatic.

Three years later, Irina accidentally met this same Dynamite at the Marcus Aurelius fitness club. In life he seemed to her even brighter, stronger and more beautiful than on the screen. Vladimir Turchinsky at that time was already a film and television star, and was a champion in various strength sports. During training, the girl caught his interested gaze. As Dynamite later admitted, he was impressed by Irina’s figure. They met and talked a little.

Then Turchinskaya went to America for two months to learn the language. Being on the other side of the ocean, she kept thinking about Vladimir and dreamed of seeing him again. Upon arrival, they met again at the club and from that moment they never parted. We started dating, and six months later we started living together.

Training program: exercises for weight loss

Irina Turchinskaya is the author of a method for reducing body weight. In addition to physical exercises, the technique includes dietary recommendations, elements of yoga and psychological techniques. Each Turchinskaya program takes into account the physiological characteristics of different ages.

To lose weight, the fitness trainer suggests combining static and dynamic loads. The complex is performed 3 times a week. The number of approaches starts with the maximum possible and is increased to 3, static loads are performed for a minute. Warm-up includes swings, stretching and boxing.

Examples of training by Irina Turchinskaya:

Day 1:

» Static squats. » Push-ups from the wall or floors with wide arms. » "Boat". » Reverse plank. "Penknife." "Lumberjack"

Day 2:

» Classic plank. » Sana “Downward Facing Dog” with support on one hand. » Hold dumbbells in front of you with bent arms. » Gluteal bridge. » Swing your leg to the side from a lying position. " "Bike".

Day 3:

» Burpee. » Push-ups from the knees with a narrow position of the hands. » Stepping onto the platform. » “Corner” on the floor. » Push-ups from the floor or bench with wide arms. "Penknife."

Turchinskaya herself works out every day for 1.5-2 hours to stay in shape. The model works on simulators, and also often uses additional equipment: fitness balls, dumbbells and elastic bands. Turchinskaya also enjoys yoga and boxing.

After the death of her husband

After the tragedy, Irina Aleksandrovna Turchinskaya could not come to her senses for a long time. And then I realized that I needed to live on for the sake of my daughter. In 2013-2016, she was a nutritionist at the Wellnessdaily beauty and health center. In 2015, she became one of the trainers of the “Weighted People” project (STS channel). Since 2021, he has been hosting the “Morning Sports” section in the “New Morning” program on NTV.

Now Irina Aleksandrovna Turchinskaya is 44 years old. But she looks much younger than her age. This is the case when the appearance of a fitness trainer clearly proves his professionalism!

Nutrition program

Irina Trchinskaya advises eating no more than 3 times a day. Of these, only breakfast or lunch should be plentiful and satisfying. For breakfast, the fitness model prefers oatmeal or pearl barley with sesame seeds and raisins. For lunch – a portion of complex carbohydrates and meat. And for dinner, which should be no more than an hour and a half before bedtime, there is some meat and vegetables.

Every day the TV presenter eats 250 g of fruits and 500 g of vegetables. All products are fresh and environmentally friendly. Portion sizes are small, around 200g for carbohydrates and proteins. Turchinskaya monitors the calorie content of the food she eats. To lose weight, the model recommends reducing the daily energy value of the diet by 50%.

As a snack, Turchinskaya prefers 30 g of marmalade, meringue or marshmallows. The fitness star does not exclude sweets from her diet, but strictly limits their quantity.

Irina Turchinskaya: “There is a feeling that Volodya still protects my daughter and me”

She saw him when she was twenty on TV. I admired him and remembered him - so strong, handsome, charismatic! Three years later, fate brought them together in a fitness club. As it turned out, forever. Vladimir was already a television and film star, a champion in strength sports. Irina, although she graduated from a technical university, was still deciding on her choice of life path. The girl was attracted to fitness, serving beauty and health. This later became her profession. When the novel began, Vladimir was thirty-four years old, Irina was twenty-three. A year later they already became parents... Fate gave twelve years of happiness to this beautiful couple. The daughter grew up, a large house was built in the Moscow region, Vladimir’s career gained momentum. Irina not only guarded her home, but also studied, slowly but surely moving towards realizing her professional dream. There were no signs of trouble... Then the doctors stated that the cause of Vladimir’s sudden death was a heart attack.

...Five years have passed since that terrible day. Today Irina is the owner and chief specialist of the beauty and health center. Her life is full of bright, interesting events. Among them is participation as a trainer in the project of the STS TV channel “Weighted People”. Irina helps very overweight people regain normal weight, self-confidence, joy of life... In a word, she does what has become her calling.

Irina, have you ever had to tell a plump person or woman: don’t lose weight, fatness suits you? Irina Turchinskaya: “Women who know that being fat suits them don’t come to me. Those who want to lose weight come to me. And the result largely depends on how strong this desire is. If a person does not have an internal need to become different, it is always visible. Let’s say he read some article that excess weight is an excessive load on the joints, he doesn’t feel it himself, but he began to feel slightly uneasy, so he turned to a trainer. I don’t even put much pressure on such superficial people. I know: they will come, talk, and leave in the same state. In a doctor-patient or trainer-student connection, the second one is always active. His desire is eighty percent of success.”

Have you ever had to change yourself? If yes, what was the impetus? Irina: “Sometimes a phrase is enough to radically change your perception of life. For me, one of these phrases was the following: “People have two directional vectors. Some people live expecting something from the world around them. This is a vector towards itself: let such and such come. And there are people who live with a vector from themselves - into life: I bring health, beauty, harmony. Accordingly, if I want to do this, I must create it in myself.”

Philosophy smacks of the East! Irina: “Oh, yes. I recently returned from India and I can talk about these topics endlessly. (Laughs.) So, if your vector is “from yourself,” you yourself change internally. This process is complex, slow, with doubts, but all the more interesting! And as soon as you see for the first time that your internal changes have changed the outside world, you become convinced that you can do anything! I have been living with this concept for ten years now. You could say that I then had a midlife crisis, under seemingly excellent external conditions. I had a wonderful husband, a wonderful child, work, sports, beauty, health... And so, being with all these assets, I felt not only deeply unhappy, but some kind of... empty person. My life was not interesting. And I suspected that it was probably me who was uninteresting, and not the world around me.”

“I had a wonderful husband, a wonderful child, beauty, health. And at the same time, I felt not only unhappy, but an empty person,” says Irina Turchinskaya. Photo: personal archive of Irina Turchinskaya.

Did your husband play any role in this conclusion? Irina: “My husband greatly influenced my personal growth. Volodya, due to his powerful creativity, showed himself very generously in the world around him. And I was just one of the elements of his big life. I was endlessly proud of him. But, on the other hand, I couldn’t shake the feeling: who am I? My husband is great, he’s wonderful, he’s smart. Being next to such a person is already an achievement. But am I just the wife of this extraordinary man? You start asking yourself this question. Compare. As a result, you stop valuing yourself. And I had such a period of searching for my inner weight.”

Did the search consist of certain stages? Irina: “Yes. By the age of thirty, I had perfected my body. According to my feelings. But this did not make me happy. As a result, training began, my own internal work. Personal growth trainings are, as a rule, four-five-day seminars of a fairly deep immersion in the process. Classes begin at nine in the morning and end at ten or eleven in the evening. And they are so dense that you have no opportunity to call your loved ones or talk to your child. I can’t say that Volodya was happy when I left him and my daughter. But he never bothered me, didn’t say: “Ira, what nonsense are you doing?”

Was he himself not inclined to such searches? Irina: “Volodya had other tasks - creative ones. He did not ask the question: who am I - a zero without a stick or a self-realized person? There was no need. But my changes were probably for his benefit. When we met, I was twenty-three years old; at thirty, in any case, some changes had to happen to me. I've grown up. It’s like with a child: first he crawls, then he walks, then he runs, then he brings you an essay: “My mother is the best in the world.” Of course, you think: oh, how well my cub has changed!” (Laughs.)

Was there an essay? Irina: “Yes, it was... My search helped me not only to understand myself. The benefit was that now I can harmonize relationships with loved ones. Let's say, I can give my daughter a happy mother. And this is probably the most important thing for a child. If I am in an unhappy state, then I know how not to cover with my negativity a person who does not meet my minor. You need to be able to do this: in any situation, still give, and not take, not absorb, not pull on yourself: give me, people, attention, comfort me - it’s difficult for me! The latter is the most uncomfortable state for me.”

It is also important that the world accepts your gift! You, as a coach, are now leading the participants of the show on the STS channel “Weighted People” to an important goal - losing weight. Are your efforts producing the expected results? Irina: “The show is a tremendous experience. It seems to me that this is the culmination of everything that life has taught me over the thirty-nine years I have lived. When I was studying psychology, it sometimes occurred to me: why am I, a nutritionist, a trainer, getting involved in this, why am I reading these books? And then they offer me to participate in a project where without such knowledge there is no way! The deeper I delved into the situation of my guys, the more convinced I became that it was not just a matter of “physics”: not dumbbells, barbells, apples and cucumbers. The biggest problem of these people is connected with the psyche, with experiences, with some situation that they could not overcome, so they stalled, closed the truth from themselves - in this way. We fell into a disease called obesity.”

“At the time we met, I was twenty-three years old. Volodya honestly admitted what attracted him to me: the figure, especially one part of it.”

Liliya Sharlovskaya

Did they all really go through something serious? Irina: “Can a person who weighs two hundred and twenty kilograms have something frivolous?”

Vladimir said that at the first meeting he paid attention to your figure... Irina: “Yes, he admitted what attracted him to me. (Laughs.) The figure, especially one part of it. (Laughs.)

Did Vladimir also strike you with his extraordinary appearance? Irina: “Can you imagine your ideal man? Will he be pot-bellied, bald, short-legged? You see, man is a creature striving for perfection. Therefore, there is art, stylish clothes, beautiful buildings... And there is harmony of the body. Here in love: you can give yourself to a dear person beautiful and healthy, or you can - well, whatever you are. So which gift is nicer - and more profitable! - do? “More profitable” in the best sense. It is beneficial for me, for example, for my child to be such a mother. I get tremendous pleasure from this! And my daughter is proud of me. I feel this when Ksyusha introduces me to her friends. For her, at fifteen years old, this is important: they say, that’s what my mother is like! And I will do everything so that she gets joy from this too. Is it hard for me to go to work out three times a week and pump up my quads? (Laughs.)

Does your daughter go to the gym too? Irina: “Ksyusha has been involved in modern dancing for a long time. When she was still little, of course, she went with me to competitions. Then I started driving on my own. And when I asked: “Ksyusha, can I come with you?” - I heard in response: “No need, I’ll be nervous, knowing that you’re sitting on the podium.” But recently she invited me! To the hip-hop championship in St. Petersburg. Of course, five minutes later I was already booking tickets and flying there with the feeling that this was the greatest gift I had received from a child in recent times. She invited me to her team, to her peers! All without mothers, and Ksyusha called me! I ignored my parents at the age of fifteen, I can honestly admit.”

According to Irina, her daughter Ksenia’s character reminds her of her husband: she is very punctual, calm and responsible.

Alexander Kornyushchenko

Are daddy's features visible in Ksyusha? Irina: “Oh-ho-ho! I remember my beloved Bulgakov: blood is a great thing! Volodya left when Ksyushka was ten. Dad has been no longer with us for five years. This means that my daughter has no living example before her eyes and no opportunity to adopt anything. But I see so many of Volodya’s traits in her! And this is definitely not from me, and not my upbringing. This is blood. For example, always be on time. So that Ksyusha will be late somewhere! I don’t have this in me a priori. Me and being late are synonymous. Ksyusha is hyper-responsible and super mentally stable. Which has nothing to do with me either. I'm an emotional person. Ksyukha does not have sudden mood swings in either direction. She cannot be seen wallowing in depression. Although there were also events in her life that for another teenager could have ended with a visit to a psychologist. She began listening to Vysotsky at the age of eight, and reading Brodsky at the age of ten. These are her interests, definitely not from me. Therefore - dad and dad again. And yet, for example, Ksyusha never lived a day with her grandmother, my mother-in-law. We, of course, came to Nina Nikolaevna and made joint outings, but she did not raise her. However, I see my mother-in-law, my second mother, in Ksyukha very often.”

Does she remember dad? Irina: “Yes, she doesn’t part with him. Our dad is next to both Ksyusha and me. Even if the feeling that the departed person is protecting you and helping you in life is just a figment of the imagination, it works! I know that Ksyusha often turns to her father. She is talking to him. She has a very correct attitude towards Volodya’s care. And it was not formed by me either. There is some kind of wisdom in this that is incomprehensible to me. I would say that Ksyusha has some kind of Eastern, Indian attitude towards death. She says: “I don’t understand why at the funeral everyone is crying and wringing their hands?” She has no tears, no feeling that she was betrayed, abandoned, that she is some kind of orphan. And she knows that dad is always there for her.”

However, with such a father, it will be difficult for her to find a life partner... Irina: “This is more like a given bar. But... I think everything will happen for her. Now, on the contrary, we have more than enough boy friends. Ksyushka is very sociable, some of her friends come to competitions from other cities and stay with us. Recently two boys spent the night. When they left, Ksyushka said to me: “I wonder if daddy saw them, would he immediately bring them down the stairs or would he say hello first?” (Laughs.) That is, the daughter understands that she now has much more freedom than she had before. Dad said in all seriousness: “It’s okay, it’s okay, when you grow up, I’ll quickly take the guys away, no one will get through - there’s a gun standing at the entrance!” (Laughs.)

You are still alone. Because you haven’t met someone like Vladimir? Irina: “Perhaps this is a temporary condition, but now I can’t even imagine myself in marriage. The good thing about human life is that you can express and know yourself in different ways. The common concept that a married woman is happy and a single woman is unhappy has somehow blurred in my mind. I met a huge number of married and unhappy people and a huge number of unmarried and happy ones. Stop trusting these strange installations already! Personally, I’ve moved away from funny female illusions: I’ll meet the man of my dreams, I’ll find happiness, and my life will become incredibly interesting. But even without this, my life is interesting, and I feel great in this world. So don’t advertise me on the bride market!” (Laughs.)

Personal life: husband and daughter

Turchinskaya married the popular radio and television presenter Vladimir Turchinsky. Volodya was also interested in bodybuilding and fitness and set records in strength sports. For Irina, her husband was an ideal and an angel.

In December 2009, Turchinsky died of a heart attack. For four years after the death of her husband, Irina tried to come to her senses and even turned to psychologists to overcome depression. For Irina, her husband was an ideal and an angel, so the fitness guru does not consider the possibility of remarriage.

Irina is raising their common daughter, Ksenia. Mom and daughter often play sports together, visit the gym and pool. Ksenia has been doing hip-hop since she was seven years old. The girl and her group often perform at European and World Championships. Oksana also participates in filming as a fitness model and dreams of becoming a journalist.

Career development

The next step in development was working as the general director at the MISS women's fitness club, which was part of the Marcus Aurelius network. Irina received this position in 2004. As CEO, the woman gained experience in operational management of the team and the entire range of sports services. She became increasingly interested in issues of interpersonal private and business relationships, so she actively participated in various personal growth trainings, studied the basics of psychology and worked to improve her own effectiveness.

Irina Aleksandrovna Turchinskaya began to understand that a person’s appearance is inextricably linked with his internal emotional state, and the problem of excess weight cannot be considered only in the context of changes in diet. To get lasting results, you need to start with deep psychological work.

A new stage in the biography of Irina Turchinskaya was the development of the restaurant business. In 2006, she opened the Liner cafe in Moscow. Here the woman had to look at nutrition issues from a different angle: she studied the technologies for preparing various dishes, the recipes of European, Eastern and other cuisines of the world, and the rules for preparing diets. It was during this period that Turchinskaya began to develop nutritional plans taking into account the presence and intensity of physical activity.

Irina Turchinskaya's rules for losing weight - the path to slimness

  • The most important thing is attitude

Your thoughts play a determining role in how successful your fight against excess weight will be. Don’t look for excuses, don’t put off losing weight “until tomorrow, Monday,” don’t make excuses for lack of time, money, “big bones,” or heredity.

Don't look for a reason, as weak people do. Just make a decision and believe in yourself. And you will see how not only your body, but also your life changes for the better.

  • Three whales

For the normal functioning of the body and obtaining lasting results, all three components must be involved: movement, measure and discipline.

  • Don't expect quick results

You cannot lose 30 kg in a month. Deal with it. The average rate of weight loss is 1 kg per week. Slowly, smoothly, evenly, and most importantly - forever, this is the only way to lose weight.

Also, set realistic goals. Do not overestimate your efforts and the efforts of your body.

  • Voice your intentions

Yes, at least tell your family about them - this will be additionally motivating, because now you will have to keep your word. Record a video of your new self.

  • Keep a diary

Record in it what you think and what you do to lose weight,

what do you eat? Write down the desired weight figure in it and enter intermediate results twice a week.

  • Analyze your diet
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