How to quickly lose weight in your face so that your cheekbones appear and your cheeks fall in?

How to quickly lose weight in your face at home so that your cheekbones appear and your cheeks fall in? Let's look at the most effective weight loss techniques that will help you target your face, cheekbones and cheeks!

Almost every young lady dreams of beautiful cheekbones and neat cheeks. This can be achieved by paying special attention to your diet and physical activity, and special exercises for the face. It remains to be seen what methods help achieve an attractive appearance.

Causes of chubby cheeks

Before you start getting rid of facial fat, it is worth finding out the reasons for the rounding of contours. These include:

  • Increased swelling . Caused by delayed removal of water from the skin due to problems with the kidneys, liver or blood vessels. Often swelling is a consequence of eating fatty and salty foods. The problem can be eliminated with the help of diet and treatment of concomitant diseases.
  • Excess weight . Rounding of the oval face is the result of overeating and a sedentary lifestyle. This is how fat accumulates on the face, a double chin appears, and graceful cheekbones disappear. In this case, diet, facial massage and exercise will help. Obesity will require complex treatment, which should be prescribed by a doctor. After losing weight, cosmetic procedures will help correct the situation with sagging facial skin.
  • Individual structure of the skull . The contour of the face determines physiological characteristics, which can be corrected with regular exercise.
  • Age-related changes . This is where exercise, proper nutrition and anti-aging creams come to the rescue.

Thus, the main ways to combat facial fat are diet, special exercises, massage treatments and cosmetics. A correct lifestyle plays a special role.

Pros of expressive cheekbones and relationship with other facial features

Before we start training to increase cheekbones, let's first understand why it's so important in the first place. Then you will have a great incentive to study!

Everyone knows the simple truth that high cheekbones add beauty and charm to the face. But why? Experts have found that, it turns out, the secret lies in our subconscious instincts.

The moment of formation of expressive cheekbones coincides with human puberty. That is, children's swollen cheeks disappear when the growth of facial bones begins, and this happens with the onset of puberty. That’s why sculpted cheekbones are so sexually attractive, because they signal readiness for procreation.

Psychologists have discovered a pattern that both men and women, when studying portrait photographs, found those people who had a clear oval face and high, prominent cheekbones more charming.

Women like men with prominent, sharp cheekbones and a wide chin. Therefore, it is no less important for men to think about forming a beautiful facial contour.

What to do if your cheekbones are not expressive enough, and is it possible to pump them up at home? Of course yes. A person has 57 muscles on his face, which are divided into two main groups: chewing and facial muscles. Like any other muscles in our body that we strengthen and pump in the gym, the muscles of the face will become more toned, elastic and prominent due to regular physical activity.

Face building is useful not only for forming a beautiful oval face, but is also an excellent way to combat facial wrinkles and slow down the overall aging process. After all, during exercise and massage, blood circulation will increase, which will allow the facial skin to receive more oxygen and nutrients.

Girls are most often concerned about the question of what exercises need to be performed to make their cheeks more sunken and their cheekbones more expressive. Men are wondering what workouts will not only sharpen their cheekbones, but also pump up their jaw and make their chin more strong-willed.

We will definitely look at which exercises are most effective for achieving these goals. But do not forget that if the skin of your face has already lost its elasticity, revealing sagging cheeks, nasolabial wrinkles and a double chin, then no matter how much you pump up your cheekbones, you will not be able to achieve a serious positive effect. In this case, you should also pay attention to how to pump up the muscles of the entire face.

Proper nutrition

The very first condition for the appearance of cheekbones on the face is following a diet. Along with excess weight, plump cheeks and a double chin will go away. You can lose weight by reducing the number of daily calories. You should consume 400-1000 fewer kcal per day than usual. It is necessary to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions.

Acceptable and prohibited products

Low-calorie foods do not have much effect on the face. It can be consumed without fear. These include:

  • Chinese cabbage;
  • grapefruit;
  • melon;
  • celery;
  • chicken fillet;
  • cucumber;
  • plum;
  • radish;
  • zucchini;
  • wheat bran;
  • blueberry;
  • strawberry.

The daily diet should consist of cereals and legumes, greens, fresh vegetables and fruits. Half an hour before meals you should drink a glass of water.

It is recommended to eat more low-fat dairy products. It is necessary to eat nuts, tuna and other foods rich in Omega-3 acids, as well as foods high in calcium. This includes herbs, beans, spinach, orange, apples, and low-fat cheeses.

To lose weight in your face, you need to avoid the following foods:

  • sweets (cakes, pastries, cookies, chocolate);
  • eggs;
  • fatty fish;
  • prunes
  • avocado;
  • processed cheese;
  • fat meat;
  • pickles;
  • pizza;
  • jam;
  • sausage;
  • smoked meats;
  • soy sauce.

It is important to limit the consumption of buns, mayonnaise and ketchup. Fast food and fast food are prohibited. Preference should be given to boiled food. Fried foods should be excluded.

The important role of water

When dehydrated, the body focuses on retaining fluid. Excess moisture remains in the face. It swells, the cheeks and chin swell. The same goes for drinking plenty of water. Edema often occurs in people with chronic diseases and impaired water-salt metabolism.

Thus, drinking eight glasses of liquid per day is enough. It is worth giving up salt, it retains water. Alcohol intake should be limited. Its excessive consumption provokes swelling of the face. Sodas and sweet juices from packages are also prohibited.

Contrast procedures for cheek reduction

Washing alternately with warm and cold water helps stimulate metabolic processes, improve blood circulation, and charge the skin with vigor and energy.

To quickly remove the cheeks on your face, use a contrast washing procedure:

  • Start with the warm phase. Rinse your face for 5-10 seconds.
  • Transition to the cold phase. Turn on the tap with cold, but not ice-cold, water and rinse your face for 5-10 seconds.
  • Repeat the procedure 3-5 times.
  • You need to complete the contrast wash in the cold phase. During the last wash, it is better to enhance the contrast effect by slightly increasing the temperature of hot water and lowering the temperature of cold water. It is better to extend the final wash for a few seconds, and then rub your face with a soft towel without stretching the skin. The skin is then treated with moisturizer.

An alternative to contrast washing can be rubbing your cheeks and face in the morning with ice from decoctions of chamomile, mint, green tea, and parsley. After a short procedure, in order not to overcool the skin, the face is blotted with a towel or napkin.

To remove cheeks, you will definitely need facial exercises. After the obligatory warming up of the muscles with massage:

  1. Hold as much air as possible in your mouth by puffing out your cheeks. Count to 10-50 times, release the air and relax the muscles. Gradually increase the “inflation” time to 3 minutes.
  2. Take a little air into your mouth and roll it from the right cheek to the left and vice versa, then roll the balloon from the lower lip to the upper.
  3. Again, take more air into your mouth and release it in portions. Use your palms to lightly press your cheeks so that the muscle resistance forces them to work.
  4. Fold your lips into a bow or fish shape. Turn them in this position left and right.
  5. Press your cheeks with your hands and smile, resisting with your cheek muscles.
  6. Holding a pencil between your teeth, draw letters of the alphabet, words or numbers in the air.
  7. Pursing your lips into a tube, slowly sing the vowels - “o”, “u”, “and”.
  8. Form a tube with your lips, as when pronouncing the sound “o”. Use your tongue to massage the inside of either the left or the right cheek, pressing for 3 seconds on each.
  9. Perform 100 or more kisses. This exercise not only gives a great workout to your cheeks, but also lifts your mood!

To remove cheeks, exercises for cheekbones are repeated at least 25–50 times.

Special exercises for the face

There are several effective techniques to get a sculpted face. It's better to do them in the morning. The following exercises are worth trying:


By inflating them, fat leaves the cheeks and the face becomes slimmer. You just need to slowly fill the balloon with air, release it and repeat the action again. There should be ten approaches in total. After just a week of daily exercise, you can see the results.

From chubby cheeks

This is a simple exercise that can get rid of fat on your cheeks. It is carried out as follows:

  • close your mouth;
  • slowly puff out their cheeks;
  • hold the air for about five seconds;
  • move it to the left cheek and hold for five seconds;
  • do the same with the other side;
  • exhale.

Perform the exercise ten times a day.


Place a pencil or pen in your mouth. Then they draw a figure eight or other symbols in the air. In this case, you need to tense your facial muscles and move your lips vigorously.

Pronunciation of vowels

In order for beautiful cheekbones to appear, it is necessary to pronounce vowels, while enhancing facial expressions and straining the facial muscles. They stretch out their lips and say: “aaaa”, “oooo”, “yyyy”.


Chewing gum reduces fat and bulging cheeks. It is enough to chew it for 15 minutes a day, or you can imitate jaw movements, as if there was gum in your mouth.

Jaw movements for beautiful cheekbones

Moving your jaw back and forth will help improve your facial contour. Perform the exercise with your head thrown back.

Exercises for facial muscles

Exercises will help you make your face more prominent. Facial muscles, like any other, can and should be trained. Alternating tension and relaxation stimulates metabolism and will relieve you of subcutaneous fat.

  1. Take air into your mouth and collect it under your right cheek. Now move to the left side, puffing out the other cheek. Repeat this 20 times. Take a break. Do the exercise 5 more times.
  1. Open your mouth as wide as possible and hold in this position for 1 minute. Now close your mouth and relax your jaw. Repeat the exercise 10-20 times.
  1. Part your lips and stretch them to the sides, as if you were saying the sound I, then round them and pull them forward, imitating the pronunciation of the sound O. Do this with effort, tensing your facial muscles, as if something is bothering you. Alternate the position at least 20 times, pause and repeat the exercise 5 more times.
  1. Open your mouth wider, at the same time place your fingertips on your cheekbones and pull the skin upward. Hold this pose for 20 seconds, then relax. After a short pause, repeat. Do the exercise 10 times.
  1. Close your lips. Pull your cheeks in as deep as possible. Hold the position for 20 seconds, then relax your muscles. Repeat 20 times.
  1. Tilt your head back as far as possible. Open and close your mouth, imitating chewing movements. This exercise will strengthen your cheeks and neck muscles. It is also useful for getting rid of double chin and for prevention purposes.

  1. Pour water into a plastic half-liter bottle, close the lid and place it on the table. Take the bottle with your lips and lift it above the table. Hold for 30 seconds, then lower. Repeat 10 times.
  1. Close your lips and stretch them into a smile. This positive exercise will lift your spirits and those around you. Do it as many times as you like and don’t worry about what others will think about it. Believe me, most will start smiling too. And don’t let the opinion of bores bother you.

This workout tightens the facial muscles, strengthens them, and helps get rid of fat in the cheeks.

Facial massage

A proven method is massage. It improves blood circulation, reduces moisture retention and makes facial muscles more elastic. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • apply essential oil or special cream to the skin;
  • starting from the cheeks, carefully move your palms up, repeating circular movements;
  • They do this for about six minutes.

You cannot move in a downward direction.

Before the massage, it is necessary to improve blood circulation. To do this, pat the cheeks with your fingertips. In this case, do not apply much effort, but only lightly press on the skin.

Emphasize cheekbones with hair and makeup

Women's cheekbones can be emphasized and visually made more expressive with the help of properly selected hairstyles and makeup.

Suitable haircuts to highlight the cheekbones:

  1. Hairstyles in which straight, long bangs cover the eyebrows.
  2. A very popular and current haircut “ladder”, which suits almost everyone. But in order to make the cheekbones more prominent, the “ladder” should start from the middle of the cheek.
  3. Hairstyles in which straight hair is tied at the back of the head with a hairpin or elastic band, and a few loose strands fall onto the face.
  4. Straight hair with curled ends will also give your face a more oval shape and highlight your cheekbones.

To choose the right makeup, you need to start from the shape of your face. Depending on this, the principle of selecting and applying blush will vary significantly.

If your face is square-shaped, it is better to opt for blush in terracotta tones. They should be applied from the bottom up, slightly not bringing the brush to the temples. A little higher, you can apply highlighter or blush with reflective particles.

To visually elongate a round face, it is better to use blush in two tones: dark and lighter. However, you should not use blush with glitter. A more saturated shade should be applied below the cheekbone, and a lighter shade should be applied above.

To soften the angularity of a triangular face, it is recommended to use a highlighter or shimmering blush in natural cream shades. They should be applied to the upper cheek area in the shape of a boomerang.

An oval face does not require any special tricks, since this shape is considered the most optimal. Therefore, you need to choose blush based only on the shade of your skin, hair and your personal taste preferences. To make your cheekbones more expressive, apply blush to the central area of ​​your cheeks, bringing the brush to the temple area.

So you can achieve beautiful wide cheekbones without resorting to plastic surgery. However, no haircut or make-up can replace face-building, which strengthens the facial muscles and prevents the aging process.

Cosmetical tools

You can tighten your cheeks and define your cheekbones without the use of injections or endoscopic lifting. The following cosmetics will help correct the situation:

  • face masks with a lifting effect;
  • skin tightening cream;
  • compresses based on herbal infusions;
  • rubbing with ice cubes.

At home, you can make a mask based on avocado, aloe and yogurt. It is applied to the skin and washed off after twenty minutes. This product activates the production of collagen and has a sipping effect. Masks made from gelatin, oatmeal, honey and blue clay are also popular.

How to get rid of unnecessary cheeks and get the desired cheekbones?

There are several ways to remove cheeks and create cheekbones. Here are some of them:

  • special gymnastics for the face (face building)
  • removal of Bisha lumps
  • hyaluronic acid for cheekbones
  • proper nutrition and exercise
  • makeup

Sports in the fight for the perfect face

Face building is a special set of exercises, the goal of which is to tighten all the muscles of the face. Thanks to this, the facial muscles become toned, unnecessary swelling on the cheeks disappears, and the desired cheekbones become clearer and sharper.

  • The easiest way to remove cheeks at home with the help of exercises is to remember your childhood and grimace in front of the mirror, making different faces.
  • At this time, forget that you are an adult, respectable girl or the director of a serious enterprise, and have a blast.
  • The more sophisticated the faces are, the more deep facial muscles will be involved.
  • As an option, you can simply train the expressions of different emotions, which will also bring practical benefits.
  • The face before and after correction of the cheekbones with the help of such exercises will noticeably change for the better.

Eating right and exercising will help get rid of chubby cheeks if you are overweight. When the whole body becomes more toned, the face will transform along with it. With frequent swelling, you need to monitor your water balance: lack or excess of water is the most common cause of swelling, due to which the cheekbones are not so noticeable.

Cosmetic procedures for correcting cheekbones

Bisha's lumps are fatty deposits located in the area below the cheekbones. Their main purpose is to facilitate the sucking process in infants. This is why all babies are so chubby. Usually, over time, the fat layer becomes smaller, and the face acquires a clear outline.

But there are cases when Bish’s lumps do not disappear with age. This phenomenon is not considered a pathology, but can cause aesthetic discomfort. You can get rid of them through surgery, but before doing this you must consult with specialists.

Another cosmetic procedure that will help in the fight against sharp cheekbones is hyaluronic acid. Its task is no different from the previous ones - to tone the face and highlight the cheekbones. You can use hyaluronic acid at home in the form of masks or injections. But there is a chance of making a mistake with the proportions and getting an allergic reaction. Therefore, again, it is advisable to consult a doctor before use.

You can create cheekbones on your face using the right makeup. Of course, this is only a visual trick, but sometimes such “machinations” are the only option. You can find many options on how to properly highlight your cheekbones using concealers and blush. The easiest method is to apply a concealer slightly darker in tone than your skin along the cheekbones.


Since there are many reasons why acne appears on the face of women, before taking any action for treatment, it is necessary to find out exactly the cause and start by eliminating it.

First of all, you need to consult a doctor, this can be one of the specialists: a dermatologist, an endocrinologist, a gynecologist. A specialist will be able to assess the condition of the skin, suggest the causes of the appearance and prescribe the necessary studies. Standard diagnostic methods if a woman has acne are:

  • blood donation for sex hormones and thyroid hormones;
  • ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs and thyroid gland;
  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • Analysis of urine.

Based on the data obtained, treatment will be prescribed, or a consultation with a specialist in another field, or additional examination will be recommended, for example, MRI of the adrenal glands or others.

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