How to remove cheeks and make cheekbones: exercises and massage

Useful tips for losing weight in the face

First you need to familiarize yourself with exercise techniques and recommendations on how to quickly lose weight in your face without harm to the body. There are no methods that will help correct an oval in a short period of time. The principle of these techniques is based on fasting. They can cause deterioration in well-being and changes in complexion. After fasting, the weight returns quickly. Pigment spots may appear on the face.

Principles and methods on how to lose weight in the face and cheeks without harm to health:

1. You need to maintain your posture, align your shoulders and back. A curved spine leads to disruption of natural blood circulation in the body, in particular in the cervical region. As a result, swelling of the face occurs.

2. It is necessary to refuse to sleep on a soft pillow. It needs to be replaced with an orthopedic and thin product. You can purchase a cushion that fits under the neck, will not press on the veins, and will not interfere with blood circulation.

3. Regular exercise. The loads should be complex, intended for the body and face.

4. Compliance with a special diet. Fried and fatty foods should be excluded from the diet. It is important to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.

Every day you need to massage your facial skin using cosmetics. They will help restore the elasticity of the epidermis.

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Is it possible to try to do without surgery?

Of course, if a young woman comes in and has no problems with her neck, she can be compensated for some time through cosmetology. But there is an operation, namely, Prima-lifting, aimed at correcting the lower third of the face and jowls. Its fundamental difference is that despite the relatively small volume of the operation compared to standard SMAS lifting, this is precisely SMAS lifting, i.e. the lifting occurs due to the muscle layer. In this case, an extremely short suture is used, which goes from the earlobe, behind the tragus, and rises 1.5 - 2 cm to the temporal region. This allows you to get the effect of sharpening the lower third of the face and removing jowls.

Those. Is it possible to remove jowls in isolation?

Yes. Many nuances need to be taken into account. If your face is full, you may have to work with Bish's lumps. Bish's thin face cannot be touched. If there are problems in the neck area, you also need to use a more extensive operation.

This zone (jowls) can be expressed due to some problems with the bite, with the chin?

This can have an indirect effect. But jowls are, first of all, soft tissue. On a full face, if a woman loses a lot of weight, they will appear early. If you have a face with a square jaw, jowls will not appear for very long. Just like the paint bags, due to the structure of the bones, practically do not appear in Asians and Yakuts until very old age.

Therefore, there are many nuances here, depending on the anatomical features. In some cases, injections of hyaluronic acid are sufficient. In some cases, you need a combination of cosmetic measures. In some cases, surgery. Then it is either Prima-lifting or SMAS-lifting.

Do young people have jowls due to anatomical features?

Most often this is due to a sudden change in weight. When a plump girl lost many kilograms, and the stretched skin did not shrink completely. For example, for some reason a girl was forced to take hormonal medications. This certainly affects the tone of the skin and the shape of the face as a whole. And then I stopped taking it and lost weight sharply. This will manifest itself as drooping of the lower third of the face.

Dietary recommendations

Proper nutrition accelerates weight loss and allows you to remove excess fluid from the body. A balanced diet means eating small portions. During the day there should be three main meals and snacks between them.

Food does not need to be salted or added sugar. These substances help retain excess fluid in the body, so the face remains swollen throughout the day. The following foods are removed from the diet:

· first courses on broths;

· grilled meat;

· sausages;

· candies, cookies;

· bread and homemade pastries.

You need to give up tea and coffee drinks. They increase your daily calorie intake. Harmful foods are replaced with vegetables and fruits. They can be eaten fresh, made into salads, or cut into cubes.

It is recommended to use vegetable oil for stewing. In order not to overuse salt and pepper, you need to add more fresh herbs to vegetable dishes. Fiber helps cleanse the intestines and reduce the calorie content of the dish. The food will not lose its satiety, so the weight and swelling will begin to gradually go away.

It is important to give up all alcoholic drinks. Wine increases swelling of the face. A person experiences symptoms of toxicosis, which worsens skin tone.

How to make a man's cheekbones using fillers

You can make a man's cheekbones using fillers - special viscous preparations based on hyaluronic acid, which are intended for contouring.

The essence of the procedure is the targeted injection of compounds, thanks to which the face will become more attractive and facial features outstanding. This technique is considered one of the easiest, since there are almost no side effects after it. It is painless, so you do not have to use an anesthetic, and the results can last up to several years.

Sequence of actions when performing contour plastic surgery:

  1. consultation with a doctor, collection of health information and selection of a suitable drug;
  2. treatment with an antiseptic before the manipulation itself;
  3. introduction of hyaluronic compounds;
  4. repeated disinfection;
  5. issuing recommendations for the duration of the rehabilitation period.

Before and after contouring
The cost of a session depends on the choice of filler and clinic, but on average it is about 10-15 thousand rubles.

Benefits of water

It is wrong to refuse water and liquid intake to remove swelling. It allows you to maintain skin tone and improves the body's hydration processes. An adult should drink about 2 liters of fluid every day. In the hot season, the daily norm increases by 1.5 times.

Drinking clean water does not replace tea, coffee, or broths. To improve your well-being, you need to pay attention to the quality of the liquid. It is recommended to drink spring, mineral water, herbal infusions or green tea.

Description of the operation and result

The intervention can take place under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. The choice is made by the doctor together with the patient, based on indications and contraindications. Surgical access is made through the oral mucosa, so no external scars are left. After surgery, you need to wear a compression bandage for 3 days.

The procedure for performing a bishectomy is as follows:

  1. The patient is sedated or given local anesthesia.
  2. The surgical field is disinfected with an antiseptic composition.
  3. An incision up to 2 cm long is made on each cheek, on the inside.
  4. Through the incisions, the surgeon removes the lumps in whole or in part. In some cases, they are not removed, but moved higher to make the cheekbones even more expressive.
  5. Stitches and a compression bandage are applied.

The access can also be external if the bishectomy is part of a larger surgical intervention.

The first result can be seen when the swelling goes down - after 7-14 days. The final effect after removing Bisha's lumps appears after a few months, when the muscles finally adapt and the skin tightens.

! More information about the operation and prices for bishectomy

Performing facial massages

A person needs complex treatment. Massage allows you to quickly remove excess fluid from soft tissues. You need to take a towel soaked in a decoction of chamomile herbs and work your face with patting movements. This massage technique improves blood circulation and improves the tone of soft tissues. The procedure is done after waking up.

Nourishing masks will help maintain the tone of the dermis. Their benefits:

· improving the elasticity of the dermis;

· additional skin nutrition;

· saturation with vitamins and nutrients.

You can use professional cosmetics or make your own at home. Skin nourishing masks are made from crushed oatmeal, fresh cucumber juice, strawberry pulp, and raspberries. Before use, it is important to check the body's reaction. Some foods may cause a severe allergic reaction or irritation.

To choose a professional cosmetic product, you need to consult a cosmetologist. He will select a mask and tell you how to use it and how to lose weight in your face. When choosing, the characteristics of the body, skin type, and condition are taken into account.

Gymnastics for the face and cheeks

Facebuilding instructors have developed methods for strengthening facial muscles that allow you to restore shape. Gymnastics consists of a set of exercises that can be performed at home.

Gymnastics for the cheeks of Evgenia Baglyk

Watch this video in which Evgenia Baglyk shows simple facial exercises. The complex will help tighten the central part of the face and cheekbones. This part of the face is the most important. With age, first of all, it begins to lose its shape and float.

Exercise for the cheek muscles

First of all, you need to lower your lower jaw, stretch your mouth into the letter O. The lower jaw should not rise, it remains in the position in which it was taken at the beginning of the exercise.

We place the index fingers in the mouth above the lower teeth. Next, we try to press our fingers to the center by tensioning our cheeks. It should feel as if your palms are squeezing a ball.

Important. It is necessary to perform the exercise correctly; it is the cheeks that should squeeze the fingers, not the lips. When performing it, it is important not to strain the upper lip and nose areas, otherwise you can provoke the occurrence of additional creases.

At the end of the complex, you need to relax your cheeks. To do this, you need to perform inflation.

Tightening the cheekbones

This exercise will help tighten your cheekbones. We extend the mouth into an oval, placing our fingers under the upper lip at 45 degrees. You need to press on your fingers with your upper lip. This action helps to lift the central part of the face. A relaxing movement for the lips is to puff out the top part.

The following exercise is very effective for tightening the zygomatic muscles. They are the ones who hold the frame of the face. We lower our chin and stretch our mouth into an oval. Then you need to pronounce the short letter O.

Very important. When you lower your chin down, make sure that everything around your nose is smooth. To do this, we pull the upper lip down.

This action helps to sculpt the central part of the face.

With the help of this complex you can maintain the oval of the face, smooth out nasolabial folds or avoid their appearance.

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