How to make cheekbones on your face and remove cheeks. Exercises, massage, diet, makeup and hairstyle

Reasons why cheekbones lose shape

There are many reasons that lead to loss of cheekbone shape.

These include:

  • natural age-related changes associated with insufficient amounts of collagen and elastin in the muscles and skin.
  • sudden weight gain or loss, which leads to sagging skin in the lower part of the face and the appearance of a double chin;
  • hormonal imbalances leading to an uncontrolled increase in the subcutaneous fat layer;
  • eating poor diet and drinking too much fluid;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • abuse of natural and artificial tanning, as ultraviolet rays lead to loss of firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  • low quality cosmetics and perfumes that do not provide complete skin care.

Why do you need facial exercises?

There are many muscles on the human face that are responsible for facial expressions, closing and opening of the eyes and mouth. In order for them to work actively, they need to be trained, just like the muscles of the body. Special exercises are used to work the facial muscles.

After classes, the following positive changes appear:

  1. The content of elastin and collagen in muscle tissue increases, which makes the skin taut and elastic.
  2. Blood microcirculation and oxygen supply to tissues improves. This improves complexion, internal and external skin condition.

  3. A beautiful and clear facial contour is formed.
  4. Small wrinkles disappear.
  5. The circles gradually lighten and the swelling under the eyes decreases.
  6. Strengthening muscle tissue in the T-zone.

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General recommendations for performing exercises

Before starting to master facial gymnastics, get acquainted with the contraindications and rules for its implementation. Correct actions will allow you to achieve the maximum effect from the exercises.

Absolute contraindications for facial gymnastics include:

  • the presence of Botox and subcutaneous fillers;
  • problems in the functioning of the facial nerve;
  • rehabilitation period after plastic surgery (it is necessary to conduct a preliminary consultation with a plastic surgeon);
  • the presence of malignant tumors.

Perform exercises with caution in the following cases:

  1. Hypertension, since increased blood flow may increase blood pressure.

  2. Inflammatory processes of the nasopharynx and ears, accompanied by elevated temperature.
  3. Head and neck injuries.
  4. Acute stage of chronic diseases.
  5. Poor physical and psychological well-being.

General rules for performing facial exercises are as follows:

  1. It is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin of the face, neck and hands. Increased blood flow helps to expand pores and saturate the skin with oxygen. To ensure this process, the face and neck are cleaned of dirt and decorative cosmetics (if possible, eye makeup is removed). Some exercises require touching your fingers to the oral mucosa, so your hands must be clean (you can treat them with a disinfectant solution).
  2. To avoid unwanted stretching of the skin, it should be moisturized during training with plain water. The area around the eyes is covered with a rich cream.
  3. Training should be carried out regularly, gradually increasing the load. This leads to an increase in the amount of elastin in muscle tissue, giving it elasticity.
  4. Exercises can be performed at any time of the day, but the most effective are evening workouts, taking place 2-2.5 hours before bedtime. At this time, you can completely cleanse the skin and complete the complex without haste.
  5. After completing the gymnastics, rinse your face with clean cool water, apply a nourishing mask, and then a moisturizer.

Recommendations for selecting and performing exercises:

  1. The choice of exercises depends on the level of training. Begin practicing with simple exercises, gradually moving on to more complex options. After proper, effective training, a burning sensation should appear in the muscles.
  2. The complex consists of 7-10 exercises, which are updated every three months. The main condition is their variety, which prevents the muscle from getting used to the load.
  3. To control the correctness of the exercises, training is carried out in front of a mirror.

  4. It is necessary to control the position of the back and neck. Poor posture leads to disruption of blood supply to the tissues and organs of the head, as well as disruption of muscle function.
  5. Each exercise targets a specific muscle or muscle group. The rest of the face should be relaxed.
  6. Gymnastics begins with a warming massage, then exercises consisting of two parts (tension and relaxation) are performed, and finally a light massage is performed, aimed at general relaxation of all facial muscles.

Do facial exercises and self-massage help clear up your cheeks and make your cheekbones sharper?

Self-massage and facial gymnastics are a very good practice that only brings benefits, especially if these procedures are performed taking into account its anatomical structure, massage lines, and lifting points. If you do everything according to the rules, then this will, first of all, stimulate blood circulation and the facial ligaments, and also provide lymphatic drainage, that is, the removal of swelling. Due to this, the woman works on certain muscle attachment points or areas most prone to swelling (the area of ​​jowl formation - sagging skin near the mouth, or the cheek area), and prevents the appearance of folds.

In addition, with age, the face changes - for example, fat “packets” increase. Moreover, these are no longer the charming chubby cheeks, as in youth - the contours seem to be swollen, drooping, the face takes on a sad, tired expression. With regular self-massage and exercises for the cheekbones of the face, a woman improves lymphatic drainage, and this, in turn, reduces swelling, which leads to a decrease in fat “packets” for some time.

But you can’t “pump up” your cheekbones forever with exercise alone—cosmetic procedures or plastic surgery are used for permanent correction. However, if you do self-massage every day for 15 minutes, your cheeks will become smaller and your cheekbones will become clearer due to the removal of puffiness.

But there is an important point here - if a face is naturally thin, then it initially has clearer, more pronounced cheekbones. If from birth it is round, with full cheeks, then the effect will be less, and therefore the question of how to pump up a woman’s cheekbones with exercises is also related to the individual characteristics of the facial structure.

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How to remove cheeks with exercises

Simple exercises will help you form a beautiful oval face and shrink your cheeks.

Among them are:

  1. "Chin forward." Tilt your head back a little and push your lower jaw forward. Cover the upper lip with your lower lip, lift the corners of your lips, and press your tongue onto the roof of your mouth. The muscles of the cheeks, neck and lower face should be tense. Hold this state for 10 seconds, then relax the affected parts of the face for 20 seconds. The number of repetitions in the first lesson is 5-7. For a month of daily training, this figure doubles.
  2. Horizontal movements of the jaw strengthen the chewing muscles, which prevent cheeks from sagging. Lips and teeth clenched tightly. Then, without opening the mouth, they unclench the jaws and push the lower part forward as much as possible. Stay in this position for 5 seconds and relax the working muscles for 10 seconds.

  3. "Try to smile." Press on the cheeks with the index, middle and ring fingers, placing the last of them on the corners of the lips. You must try to smile, overcoming the resistance of your fingers. In a tense state, the muscles are held for 5-10 seconds, after which they take a break of 10-20 seconds.
  4. "Fish". The lips are folded into a bow and the cheeks are drawn in. Then they try to smile, tensing their muscles as much as possible. Stay in a static state for 10 seconds.
  5. "Astonishment". Open your mouth slightly and form your lips into an “O” shape, pressing your lips tightly against your teeth. Stay in this position for 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times.
  6. "Surprised Letter" The starting position and number of repetitions are the same as in the previous version. But within 10 seconds, figure eights are drawn on the inside of the cheeks with the tongue.

Exercises for cheekbones and cheeks

There are other exercises for the cheekbones and cheeks.

To correct the shape of the face and to remove signs of fatigue

Take a deep breath, puff out your cheeks, close your lips. Press your hands to your cheeks so that your fingers are on your ears. Press down on your cheeks while resisting the pressure. Relax your face and stay in this position for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times.

To work the cheek muscles

Stand in front of the mirror. Round your lips in the shape of the letter O. Press your tongue against the inner surface of your cheek and begin to move it to the right, then to the left. Do the exercise 20 times on each side.

For training facial muscles

Imagine that you have a tennis ball in your mouth. Move it across your upper lip, over the other cheek, and back through your lower lip.

For facial slimming

  1. Open your mouth, roll your lips inward over your teeth. Tighten the muscles of your lips and cheeks. Place your hands at the sides of your cheeks. Move them upward and imagine how your face is tightened. Perform the exercise until your facial muscles become tired.
  2. Lower your head so that your chin touches the hollow between your collarbones. Place your hands behind your head and lock them at the back of your head. Try to raise your head while resisting with your hands.

Remove cheeks and create cheekbones

These exercises for 2 - 3 weeks will help improve muscle tone, highlight cheekbones, and remove swelling.

  • Take a pencil or pen in your mouth and draw a figure eight or an infinity sign in the air. Lip movements should be energetic and all facial muscles should be tense. The exercise must be repeated 10–15 times;
  • Pull your lips into a tube and pronounce the vowels a – e – i – o – u-yu;
  • Squeeze your hands and place them on your cheeks in the cheekbone area, pressing lightly on them. Try to smile as widely as possible, overcoming the resistance of your hands;
  • Turn your head in different directions, lingering at different points for 5 - 10 seconds;
  • Take air into your mouth and roll it from one cheek to the other for five minutes. You need to feel tension in the cheek area;
  • Throw your head back and in this position move your jaw, pushing it first forward and then back.

How to shape cheekbones

How to make cheekbones on your face: exercises for beginners are as follows:

  1. "Circles with lips." The lips are drawn out and folded into a bow. With lips folded in this way, a horizontal circle is drawn. You should start with 10 seconds in each direction, increasing this time to 30-40 seconds.

  2. "Scream." The mouth is opened and the teeth pressed to the lips are rounded. Use your hands to gently lift the sides of your face. Stay in this position for 15 seconds. It is necessary to do 10-15 repetitions with relaxation between them for 20 seconds.
  3. "Mustache". A pencil or pen is clamped between the nose and upper lip and held with muscle effort for as long as possible (for the first time, you need to hold it for at least 20 seconds). This exercise is repeated 5-7 times.
  4. "Alphabet". You need to sit in front of a mirror, straighten your shoulders and repeat consonant sounds, while clearly recording muscle movements. The exercise is performed for 5 minutes.
  5. "Thoughtfulness." The lips are folded into a tube and moved in different directions, tensing the muscles of the cheeks as much as possible. The movements are performed for 2-3 minutes.

Special exercises for the face

There are several effective techniques to get a sculpted face. It's better to do them in the morning. The following exercises are worth trying:


By inflating them, fat leaves the cheeks and the face becomes slimmer. You just need to slowly fill the balloon with air, release it and repeat the action again. There should be ten approaches in total. After just a week of daily exercise, you can see the results.

From chubby cheeks

This is a simple exercise that can get rid of fat on your cheeks. It is carried out as follows:

  • close your mouth;
  • slowly puff out their cheeks;
  • hold the air for about five seconds;
  • move it to the left cheek and hold for five seconds;
  • do the same with the other side;
  • exhale.

Perform the exercise ten times a day.


Place a pencil or pen in your mouth. Then they draw a figure eight or other symbols in the air. In this case, you need to tense your facial muscles and move your lips vigorously.

Pronunciation of vowels

In order for beautiful cheekbones to appear, it is necessary to pronounce vowels, while enhancing facial expressions and straining the facial muscles. They stretch out their lips and say: “aaaa”, “oooo”, “yyyy”.


Chewing gum reduces fat and bulging cheeks. It is enough to chew it for 15 minutes a day, or you can imitate jaw movements, as if there was gum in your mouth.

Jaw movements for beautiful cheekbones

Moving your jaw back and forth will help improve your facial contour. Perform the exercise with your head thrown back.

How to lift your cheekbones

How to make cheekbones on the face: exercises for raising the cheekbones, aimed at activating the work of the zygomatic muscle:

  1. Place four fingers in one line from the corner of your lips to the bottom of your ears. Apply light pressure and make small movements along the cheekbone line. During the exercise, folds should not form on the skin. The movements are performed for 1 minute.

  2. Open your mouth slightly and curl your teeth into your lips. Close your curled lips and insert a spoon or pencil between them. Holding the object with your lips, their corners are raised using the zygomatic muscles. The tension is fixed for 15-20 seconds, then the muscles are relaxed for the same time. Perform 20 repetitions.
  3. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Using a clamped pencil, write small words in the air (for example: your name).
  4. Using the zygomatic muscles, raise and lower the corners of the lips. The exercise is performed until a burning sensation appears in the muscles.
  5. Open your mouth slightly and for 5 minutes. repeat the sound “O”, strongly tensing the muscles in the middle part of the face.

Exercises for cheeks and cheekbones from Evgenia Baglyk

Evgenia Baglyk is the author of a method of performing facial gymnastics, based on many years of practice and study of the anatomy of the human muscles and skull. The author's course of a famous trainer consists of a set of balanced exercises for different groups of facial muscles.

How to make cheekbones on your face: exercises from Evgenia Baglyk:

  1. Open your mouth in the shape of the letter “o”. Insert straight index fingers into your mouth and place them over your upper teeth. Using muscle effort, try to move your fingers. Perform 7-10 repetitions. Attention! The mouth does not close during the exercise. You should also try not to strain the muscles in the nasolabial area.
  2. The mouth is opened and rounded. The index fingers are inserted under the upper lip at a slight angle to the line of the nose. Tightening the muscles above the upper lip and the zygomatic minor muscles, try to connect the fingers.

  3. Exercise to strengthen the zygomatic major muscle. The mouth opens into an oval. They try to lift the upper part of the cheeks by tensing the zygomaticus major muscle. Attention! If this exercise cannot be done and the muscle does not contract, then it is necessary to perform a simpler version. To do this, open your mouth slightly and abruptly repeat the sound “o”. At the same time, the necessary zone will be developed.

After each exercise, stretch and relax the muscles involved, puffing out the cheeks several times.

Exercises to highlight cheekbones

To make your cheekbones expressive and remove your cheeks, you need to regularly perform a set of exercises. It consists of a warm-up, “strength” exercises and muscle stretching. Before gymnastics, remove makeup (if any) and apply nourishing cream to your skin.


  • Puff out your cheeks one at a time. First the right, then the left. So 5 times. After 10 times they inflate together. The main secret is to take in as much air as possible and apply force when releasing it.

    How to roll air

  • Now pout your upper and lower lips. Repeat the movement 5 to 10 times.
  • Last exercise: scroll the air in a circle through both cheeks, nasolabial area and release it. The movements should be the same as when rinsing your mouth. Repeat 5 times.
  • After this, run your tongue inside your mouth in the same way. Do it 10 times.

The strength complex includes several exercises for the cheek muscles, nasolabial area and temporal area.

  • Open your mouth in an oval shape. Place the tips of your index fingers on the inner side above the lower teeth. They will serve as simulators. Use your fingers to stretch your cheeks in different directions. At the same time, your task is to try to bring them together using muscles. Tighten your cheeks as if you were sucking in air. Repeat 10 times.
  • Place your fingers on the wings of your nose, covering the nasolabial fold. Open your mouth and lift your upper lip as if you were showing your teeth. Repeat 10 times.

    Exercises for cheekbones

  • Now open your mouth again in an oval shape. Place your fingertips under your upper lip, just above your teeth. Use your lip to try to push them out of your mouth. This will relieve the spasm from the muscle and relax the cheeks. Repeat for 1 minute (after each exercise, increase the duration by 10 seconds).
  • Open your mouth and press the nasolabial fold with your fingers, as if to fix it. Then tense the upper part of your face, causing your cheekbones to “bounce.” To make it easier, try imitating blinking. Repeat 15 times.
  • To make your cheekbones more expressive, you need to lift the lower part of your face. To do this, place your fingers under the corners of your mouth and, as it were, slightly pull your lips down. So pronounce the letter “Y” 10 times. This exercise will not only tighten the skin on the oval of the face, but also remove the double chin.

    Exercises for drawing an oval

To stretch the muscles, massage is necessary. Gently wipe your cheeks from the nose to the temples, from the chin to the neck and from the nasolabial fold to the cheekbone. You need to repeat face building twice a day until the desired results are achieved.

Gymnastics di Maggio

Carol DiMaggio is the developer of a popular set of facial exercises called “Aerobics for the skin and muscles of the face.” As a result of daily training, the oval of the face is tightened, the number of shallow expression wrinkles is reduced, and the condition of the skin improves.

The technique is not designed for a quick effect, since the first results will appear only after 6 months. But the results achieved will be sustainable.

The facial gymnastics complex of an American cosmetologist includes three courses:

  1. The basic course is intended for beginners. His exercises activate facial muscles that are little used in everyday life. It includes 14 exercises, the effects of which are aimed at different areas of the face.
  2. The main course, consisting of 9 exercises, strengthens and pumps facial muscles that have already received some stress. Some exercises repeat the entry-level exercises, but have a more complex method of execution.
  3. A set of adapted exercises is designed for outdoor activities that do not require careful preparation.

The author of the technique advises moving from the basic level to the main one after 6 months of training.

How to make cheekbones on your face: exercises using Carol DiMaggio’s method:

  1. A basic exercise for shaping cheekbones and improving facial contours. Open your mouth slightly and press your lips tightly to your teeth. Then try to smile broadly, raising the corners of your lips. Fix the position with maximum muscle tension for 10 seconds. and relax your face. You need to do 20 repetitions.

    When considering the question of how to make cheekbones on your face, you should pay attention to the exercises, photos of which are presented.

  2. The starting position repeats the beginning of the previous exercise. The index fingers are placed in the middle of the chin and press lightly on it. The mouth is closed and opened, raising the chin. Perform 5-6 sets of 20 repetitions for the basic level and 30 for the main level.
  3. An exercise from the basic course aimed at reducing the volume of the cheeks. Open your mouth, press your lips tightly to your teeth and look up. Place your hands on your cheeks at the junction of the jaw and, with little effort, move your palms from your cheeks to your temples until a burning sensation appears. After this, hold your palms at the top point for 30 seconds.
  4. Basic level exercise for lifting cheekbones and shaping the contour of the face. The face is pulled forward, the shoulders are lowered and pulled back. The mouth is opened slightly and the upper lip pressed to the teeth is stretched into a smile. The cheeks and lower eyelids rise. The movement is repeated 40 times.

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Effective exercises to pump up your cheekbones

  • Exercise No. 1: train the facial muscles.

To perform it, you need to imagine as if there is a ball in your mouth, behind your cheek. You need to roll it in a circle: through the upper lip to the second cheek, and then back through the lower one.

  • Exercise No. 2: correcting the oval of the face and getting rid of the shadow of fatigue on the face.

It is necessary to inhale air and inflate your cheeks as much as possible. Next, we place our palms on our cheeks and begin to press them on our cheeks. There should be resistance inside; to do this, you need to close your lips tightly and not let out the air. The pressure must be held for five seconds and the exercise repeated ten times.

  • Exercise No. 3: tighten the lower cheek muscles.

For both cheeks, you need to do the following exercise: place your finger at the very bottom of the cheek and move it away from the teeth; use your muscles to try to bring your cheek back to your teeth.

  • Exercise No. 4: we train all the muscles of the cheeks.

Pull your lips out to form an “O” shape. We press the tongue to the inside of the cheek. The main thing in this process is to try to press your tongue to your cheek as tightly as possible, and then vice versa.

  • Exercise No. 5: helping your face lose weight.

Open your mouth and cover your upper and lower teeth with your lips. Now you need to put your palms on your cheeks and then lift them up, then lower them down, while imagining as if your face is stretching and changing its shape. You need to do this exercise until the muscles get tired. Very useful gymnastics for the whole face, not only for beautiful cheekbones.

  • Exercise No. 6: straining the muscles.

This is a very simple exercise, to perform which you just need to stretch your lips and wrinkle them. Remain in this position for ten seconds, and repeat ten times in one “session”.

This set of exercises must be performed daily, every morning, and if you have the opportunity to do facial gymnastics more often, it will be even better. However, do not overdo it, otherwise it will be impossible to smile due to excessive fatigue.


The effectiveness of facial exercises is increased by massage sessions.

It has the following effects on the face:

  • relaxes facial muscles;
  • removes excess liquid;
  • lifts cheekbones;
  • models the oval of the face.

How to make cheekbones on your face using special massage movements that complement the exercises:

  1. The face cleansed after exercise is covered with base oil (olive, sesame, apricot, jojoba).
  2. The skin is warmed up in a circular motion, moving along the massage lines.
  3. At the first stage of the massage, the cheekbone line is raised. The index, middle and ring fingers are placed to the middle of the chin. Pressing, outline the lips and rise to the inner corners of the eyes. Stop the movement at this point for a few seconds and, without ceasing to press, spread your arms in the direction of your temples, and then return to the starting point.

  4. To strengthen the zygomatic major muscle, place your palms on your cheeks, touching the wings of your nose with your fingertips. By pressing your fingers on the skin, they are moved to the temples and lowered along the neck to the collarbones.
  5. To smooth out the muscles of the cheekbones, you need to connect the tips of three fingers in the center of the chin and forcefully point them towards the tips of the ears. To the starting point through the lateral lines of the cheekbones.

Important! You should not massage your cheekbones in the following cases:

  • poor physical health;
  • skin rashes;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the facial nerve.

How to quickly and safely pump up your cheekbones at home

To look like a Hollywood star, it’s enough to know how to pump up a man’s cheekbones at home.

This can be done with the help of special gymnastics.

It will tone the facial muscles, making the contour of the cheeks more defined and expressive.

However, in addition to gymnastics, there are a number of other ways that will help not only transform your cheekbones, but also get rid of small facial wrinkles, as well as tone your facial muscles.

Method number 1 – Gymnastics

This is one of the most effective and safest methods. By following a simple algorithm of actions, you can highlight the contour of your cheeks, get rid of a double chin and facial wrinkles.

The most important thing is to follow the technique.

To do this, use the instructions on how to pump up a man’s cheekbones at home:

  1. Open your mouth, trying to lower your lower jaw as low as possible. Pull it forward as far as possible. Stay in this position for 0.5-1 minute. Relax.
  2. Roll the air between your cheeks (from one to the other). Try to stretch your cheek as much as possible, drawing in more air.
  3. Clench your jaw tightly. Place your index fingers on the cheek area. Create additional pressure with them, trying to overpower it with your facial muscles.
  4. Take a breath into your mouth, puffing out your cheeks. Stay in this position for 10 seconds. Release the air slowly.

You need to do 15-20 repetitions. It is recommended to perform this complex every day.

Method No. 2 – Exercises

The peculiarity of this technique is that during the exercises all areas of the face are worked out. That is, in the end it will look harmonious and natural.

Exercise #1 – Muscle training

Imagine as if there is a ball in your mouth behind your cheek. Roll it in a circle: over the upper lip behind the second cheek, and through the lower one, return it to its original position.

Exercise No. 2 – tighten the lower cheek muscles

Place your index finger on the very bottom of your cheek. Move it in the direction opposite to the teeth.

At the same time, try to bring your cheek closer to your jaw with your facial muscles.

Exercise No. 3 – Working all the muscles of the cheeks

Extend your lips so that the letter “O” is formed. Press your tongue as tightly as possible against the inside of your cheek. Relax.

Repeat the exercise with the other cheek.

Special diet for the face

Exercises may not help to make cheekbones on the face, since most often the muscles are hidden under a layer of subcutaneous fat and swelling. To get rid of them, you need to review your daily diet.

The basic principles of its formation are as follows:

  • reducing salt intake;
  • regulation of kidney function;
  • the presence of calcium-containing foods in the diet;
  • refusal of street food and processed foods;
  • half the amount of food eaten per day should be fruits and vegetables.

During a diet aimed at losing weight, it is recommended to consume the following foods:

  • fruits and vegetables;

  • lean types of meat, fish and poultry;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • pure still water;
  • juices, fruit drinks and compotes;
  • herbal and green tea;
  • yeast-free baked goods.

During the diet, to form cheekbones and a clear oval face, it is strictly forbidden to eat:

  • fast food;
  • yeast baked goods;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • semi-finished products;
  • sausages.

How to highlight cheekbones with makeup

You can quickly add cheekbones to your face using makeup that takes into account your face type and its individual features. Using the sculpting method, with the help of various shades of foundation, they draw attention to the advantages and mask the imperfections of the face.

Round face

Chubby women need to darken the following areas:

  • extreme points of the lower jaw;
  • whiskey;
  • lateral parts of the cheeks and cheekbones.

Use light-colored products to emphasize the cheekbones, applying the product in the form of a sharp triangle with vertices at the temple, corner of the lips and chin. They also highlight the T-zone. Lips are covered with neutral shade lipstick or transparent gloss.

Oval face

Cheekbones on an oval-shaped face are emphasized as follows:

  1. Use a dark foundation to darken the area along the hairline and the lower part of the chin.
  2. Using blush, highlight the cheekbones, shading them from the lip area to the temple.
  3. Light shades highlight the forehead area, the top of the nose and the chin.

Triangular face

In women with a triangular face type, the cheekbones initially stand out very strongly, so they need to be softened.

This is done as follows:

  • darken the area from the sides of the forehead to the extreme points of the cheekbones, shading the product from top to bottom;
  • the protruding part of the chin is highlighted in the same tone;
  • a light product is applied to the central part of the face and the middle of the chin;
  • blush that matches the color is shaded along the upper line of the cheekbones;
  • A bright shade of lipstick is applied to the lips.

Square face

Cheekbones stand out quite strongly on a square face type. Proper makeup with a bright accent on the eyes will help to highlight them.

Before eye makeup, face sculpting is done:

  1. A dark foundation is applied to the prominent points of the cheekbones, side lines of the forehead and temples.
  2. Blush in the shape of an elongated triangle is shaded towards the temples.
  3. Brighten the T-zone.

To perform high-quality, long-lasting makeup, use products suitable for a specific skin type and time of day.

Modeling hairstyle

A correctly chosen hairstyle can not only emphasize the cheekbones, but also visually reduce the volume of the face. You should choose a suitable hairstyle or haircut with the help of an experienced specialist who will help you avoid mistakes. Since the wrong haircut shape or bang length can highlight facial imperfections.

For those with long hair and extra volume on the face, a cascade haircut with long bangs is suitable.

To highlight the cheekbones, the hair is parted in the middle, leaving the elongated bangs to fall freely on both sides of the face. The rest of the hair is collected in a bun at the back or simply pinned with pins at the back of the head.


You can emphasize your cheekbones using modern cosmetology methods.

These include:

  1. Injection of hyaluronic acid under the skin. This method is the most budget-friendly. But its significant drawback is its rather short-lived effect. After 1.5 years, the substance is completely eliminated from the body. Using a syringe, a special gel is injected under the skin, from which the desired shape of the cheekbones is formed.
  2. Lifting involves injecting patients' own fat into the cheekbone area. The main disadvantage is the possibility of the formation of unwanted subcutaneous lumps of fat.
  3. Fillers - special substances injected under the skin to model the cheekbone line. They practically do not form lumps and dissolve within 2.5-3 years.

  4. Implants are usually introduced after age 40. This method is a surgical intervention, after which scars remain. Typically, implants are inserted through the mouth, making incisions in the upper gum area. They are quite durable and do not require periodic correction.

Surgical methods for cheekbone augmentation have a number of contraindications:

  • blood diseases, especially poor blood clotting;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • infectious and viral diseases accompanied by high fever;
  • diabetes;
  • fungus on the skin.

How to make a man's cheekbones

Beautiful, toned cheekbones attract looks not only to women, but also to men.

You can make your cheekbones more pronounced using several methods:

  1. Chewing gum, used daily to freshen breath, helps increase the elasticity of the skin and muscles on the cheeks and strengthen the oval of the face.
  2. A Hollywood smile not only melts women's hearts, but also helps tighten many facial muscles. To smile correctly, you need to clench your teeth tightly and stretch your lips in a wide smile. This position must be held for a few seconds and then the muscles relaxed. Do 10-15 repetitions daily 3 times a day.
  3. Yawning widely also strengthens the muscles around the cheekbones. To perform this exercise, you need to sit down, raise your head slightly and move your lower jaw down as low as possible. During this movement, a quiet crunch may be heard, followed by no pain. To achieve sustainable results, you need to do 25-30 repetitions daily.

There are many ways to create cheekbones on the face for men and women. To do this, you can use exercises, massage and various cosmetic procedures. Their combination contributes to achieving positive, sustainable results.

Author: Rudneva Anna.

Article design: Oksana Grivina

Exercise sets

It is enough to perform the listed exercises at home for a couple of weeks to get beautifully defined cheekbones.
They also promote weight loss in the facial area. Gymnastics is performed comprehensively, but if it is possible to perform individual exercises throughout the day, this will only be beneficial and will speed up the appearance of results. In addition, it is believed that regular chewing of gum can quickly contour the cheekbones. Before starting the exercises, it is recommended to warm up the facial muscles. To do this, you can take air into your mouth and roll it up, down, from side to side. A light massage will also help tone your face.

Raise your cheekbones

To create clear cheekbones, you should perform the following exercises daily in 2-3 approaches:

  1. Open your mouth as much as possible, forcefully pulling your lips over your teeth (they should be visible). The muscles should be tense. This position must be held until slight pain appears.
  2. Place your finger into the open oral cavity so that it rests firmly on your cheek. At the same time, use the force of your cheek muscles to push your finger out of your mouth.
  3. The spoon exercise helps make the cheekbones more pronounced. To do this, you need to apply pressure with a tablespoon to your cheekbones and make circular movements, heading towards your temples.
  4. Sitting and holding your head straight, move your chin forward and pull it back.
  5. Place your lips in a kiss. Squeezing them as tightly as possible, move them in one direction, then in the other.
  6. Open your mouth slightly and place two fingers inside. They need to rest against the inside of the cheeks, while at the same time trying to push out the fingers using the force of the facial muscles.


Often the goal is exactly the opposite - many people want their cheekbones to appear and become bigger. You can also pump up this part of the face with special exercises.

  1. Slightly parted lips tightly fit the teeth above and below. Place your index finger and thumb on your chin and press your head up and down.
  2. Smile without opening your mouth. The corners are lowered downwards. Using your hands, gently pull back the skin adjacent to the cheekbones. It needs to be directed downwards, while at the same time gradually raising your head.
  3. Take a deep breath while puffing out your cheeks. Roll the air bubble from side to side.
  4. Rest your elbows on the surface of the table, clench your palm into a fist, press on the corners of your lips, while trying to smile.
  5. Take a lying position. Support your head from behind with your hands, spreading your elbows to the sides. Raise your head up without lifting the rest of your body from the floor. In this case, lifting should be done with the help of the neck muscles, and not with the hands.
  6. Move the lower jaw forward without changing the position of the upper jaw. Hold the position.

For weight loss

A special set of exercises will help reduce fat deposits on the face. It is also performed by those who want to gain expressive cheekbones and form a clear oval face.

  1. Straighten your back, throwing your head back. Point your chin up, and try to pull your shoulders and neck down.
  2. Form your lips into a ring, pressing your tongue against your cheek. Release the pressure. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times and move to the other cheekbone.
  3. Find a selection of words that are difficult to pronounce. Pronounce syllable by syllable, focusing on vowels. In this case, you should tense the muscles of the face, neck and especially cheekbones.
  4. Sit with a straight back, the top of your head stretching upward. Move your lower lip forward, holding in this position.
  5. Curl your lips into a bow. This exercise is performed by holding the position for 1-2 minutes.
  6. Make circular movements with your head clockwise and counterclockwise. In this case, you should not make sudden jerks and do not throw your head back too far.

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