In just a few months, Eva Polna got rid of 15 kg!

Former member of the popular musical group “Guests from the Future” Eva Polna has been at the peak of popularity for a long time and regularly gives the public reasons for conversation. And they talk not only about her vocal talent, but also about her unusual and extravagant appearance.

The girl loves to change her images, which pleases fans and listeners. But now the singer’s appearance deserves applause. The popular singer has lost 15 kilograms !


Incentive for weight loss

The 40-year-old singer has always been curvy. But the girl rapidly gained weight after the birth of her daughters. After the second birth, the singer lost her seductive female forms. Eva was not going to give up the stage because of family troubles. Therefore, six months after giving birth, I decided to get rid of unnecessary pounds.

Eva Polna does not strive to become skinny, because she believes that it is appetizing forms that give a woman sexuality. A toned, trained body and elastic muscles are a hundred times better than skin-covered bones.

And the artist’s work on the path to perfection was crowned with success! She recently appeared before the public with a renewed body. Eva has become slimmer and prettier. The singer herself admits that she now feels attractive and sexy.

Eva notes that in losing weight, good results require discipline and willpower. According to the star, any woman can push herself to lose weight if she buys herself a beautiful tight dress. As soon as the dress is put on, all the excess weight will be reflected in the mirror.

The singer names the following as the main aspects on which the weight loss course is based:

  • Limiting the caloric content of food consumed during the day;
  • Fractionality of food;
  • Active lifestyle (sports and dancing);
  • Positive psychological attitude.

“They’ve been writing tall tales about me all my life.”

Eva Polna began her debut on a network talk show by responding to spiteful critics and media workers worried about her excess weight. The artist recalled an incident that happened a month ago: the press spread the news that she had “lost incredible weight,” although before that everyone was discussing how she had “put on weight.” The singer decided to respond to journalists in a rather harsh manner.

“I'm always like this. This is the look I am now, I [exist] for the last 10 years. This is my figure. <…> I’m unhappy with my shape, but I love myself in any form,” said Polna.

She admitted that she has been observing such “sensations” in the media throughout her public life. She even tried to sue one of the publications: after a year of proceedings, the artist never achieved a court verdict in her favor. And when the lawyer suggested that she go to the Supreme Court, Eva, having come to terms with the situation, replied: “I’m not trying to deal with a case of international importance.”

Speaking about her shape, Polna notes that she likes to be able to lose weight, but diets are unacceptable for her. Fluctuations on the scales occur only as a result of hard work in the musical field.

Eight Principles of Nutrition

Due to a busy work schedule, sticking to a diet in the traditional sense is quite difficult. Therefore, Eva adheres to some nutritional principles that helped her achieve this result.

  1. Not to starve! The human body is designed in such a way that when the amount of food consumed sharply decreases, it goes into “accumulation” mode. Therefore, you should eat in portions that could easily fit into a glass). It is important to eat often - five to six times a day. This way you can control your appetite and train your body to eat less food without causing hunger stress.
  2. Count calories. By counting calories, you abstract away from thoughts about snacking. It is difficult to lose weight without knowing the energy and calorie value of the foods you consume. The optimal daily amount of calories is 1200 per day. And this is not just one meal, but a complete, and most importantly, varied menu!
  3. Chew food thoroughly. This way you will feel the taste of food, while avoiding overeating, which will significantly facilitate the further work of the stomach. Nutritionists recommend chewing food at least 18 times.
  4. Maintain water balance. Water fills the stomach well, has zero calories and can satisfy hunger. In the process of losing weight, water improves metabolic rate, removes toxins, and promotes normal intestinal function. Eva Polna drinks 10 glasses of purified still water per day, the first of which is on an empty stomach immediately after waking up.
  5. Reduce carbohydrates. Eating sweets has a bad effect on your shape, so buns and sweets need to be urgently replaced with more dietary dishes.
  6. Limit consumption of foods containing visible fat and choose low-fat dairy products. Avoid butter, sugar and salt.
  7. Protein for lunch is the rule! As the main dish, prepare lean meat, but always boiled or steamed. Thanks to proteins vital for the body, you are not at risk of muscle dystrophy, which “accompanies” those who lose weight.
  8. Regular fasting days . You can spend such days eating rice, buckwheat, apples, cucumbers.

Eva Polna's weight loss methods

The first thing the singer did was go on a diet. The role of nutritionist was played by the famous doctor and TV presenter Elena Malysheva, who compiled a personal diet for Eva. Harmful fatty, fried, smoked, sweet foods and baked goods made from white flour were completely excluded from the menu.

Daily caloric intake was limited to 1200 Kcal. This included proteins, some carbohydrates and a minimum of fat. The daily menu was divided into 5 meals at regular intervals. According to the singer, it is very difficult to maintain such a regime, because it is not always possible to find an extra half hour for eating, especially during tours. Ready-made meal kits came to the rescue, which the star could take with her to work.

But the most tangible results of losing weight were given to the artist by dancing. Having accidentally found herself and her daughter in the dance studio of a famous choreographer, Eva got into the rhythm so much that she began to attend lessons herself. According to the star, lively dancing allowed her to better feel her body, and active physical activity, which sometimes brought her to exhaustion, helped speed up the process of losing weight many times over.

By the way, with the increase in physical activity, the singer increased her daily calorie intake to 1600, otherwise the body would not be able to cope with the stress. Now the artist studies with a choreographer four times a week for several hours. During this time, she lost more than twenty kilograms and toned her muscles.

To lose weight, the singer had to make friends with diet and dancing!

Let's start dancing!

“I owe my transformation to dancing,” admits the thin singer, “which I became seriously interested in during the process of losing weight. The dance direction that I chose for myself can be described as a kind of mix of Pilates and ballet exercise.”

Pilates is a series of physical exercises aimed at strengthening all muscle groups, training coordination and stress relief.

Ballet exercise is a set of classes originally intended for ballerinas; it is aimed at increasing the level of muscle mass and elasticity, as well as the body’s overall endurance to physical activity.

Sport is a simple method of losing weight!

Excess weight can be overcome with increased physical activity quite quickly if you exercise regularly. All summer, Eva Polna played sports in the fresh air and encouraged everyone on her blog to follow her example:

“I’m reporting on the work done! Just 50 minutes of brisk walking and basic exercises on the playground! That's all! Post passed! If anything, this is not a post for fitness gurus! This is for sloths, koalas and pandas!”

With the onset of cold weather, Eva literally joined the fitness room. But she didn’t limit herself to exercise equipment alone – now she regularly plays squash and does race walking with weights on her legs.

The right mental attitude

By her example, the singer proved that sports, healthy eating and psychological balance help to remove extra pounds, even if they have been “enough” for years. Eva Polna’s weight loss method is used not only by celebrities, but also by ordinary women. Only a woman who respects her body can rightfully respect herself.

“My figure has improved and I’m glad about it. Every time I eat, I mentally talk to my body and wish it a bon appetit. Thus, the psychological attitude influences the absorption of food, says Eva Polna.

After careful “treatment,” the body stops “saving” calories in reserve and learns to enjoy food. And the extra calories are distributed into a boost of energy and cheerfulness, reciprocating the figure.

Singer Eva Polna lost 15 kilograms - but what, you can’t do it?!


“I’m not the fattest on earth, hello!”: Eva Polna threw a tantrum due to excess weight

Singer Eva Polna

Photo: Boris KUDRYAVOV

Instagram is rocked by “fat” scandals: Anna Semenovich, Anfisa Chekhova, and now Eva Polna are forced to make excuses to their subscribers for their own weight. First, the ex-“Brilliant” was scolded for the photo-enhanced frame in which the singer worked on her legs, forgetting about the reflection in the mirror window: this is how the picture turned out to be two completely different Ani. Chekhova found herself in a similar situation, who turned out to be much larger on the cards of her friend Stanislav Sadalsky than on her own social networks. To prove the bad angle, the TV presenter even had to conduct a master class on posing.

And now it’s the turn of the “guest from the future” to answer. Eva Polna was fed up with comments about her weight, and the star decided to dot the i’s once and for all.

- We're sick of it! Gained weight, lost weight, lost weight, shriveled up! Are you yourself? — the artist was indignant. — If you don’t know, I’ll explain: being so actively interested in someone else’s weight is a perversion — a sexual perversion. The same as sniffing someone else's stale underwear, licking heels, and so on. Usually this is not advertised. We work nervously for a week and forget to eat, then we relax and enjoy life - our cheeks turn pink and round. It happens! A person can be sick, fall in love, be sad, or be very happy. He is alive. I'm a woman too! Not a phenomenon! Not the fattest on Earth, hello! And there are also very unfortunate unfavorable photo and video angles, our wide-format television. It pulls you apart in all directions!

The artist compiled a comic collage, where she appeared in three different weight categories.

Photo: Personal page of the hero of the publication on the social network

The offended star noted that she is not Kim Kardashian, with whom the cameraman, lighting designer and makeup artist live. And she’s not going to be perfect for everyone.

“And I tell everyone who is really worried about me: everything is fine.” I'm still the same as I have been for the last few years! Height 165, domestic clothing size 48-50! Gas mask size 2! - Polna shut down the overly curious.

By the way, even Denis Klyaver, from whom the singer gave birth to a daughter, Evelyn, 16 years ago (Klyaver himself was married at that time) commented on his ex-beloved.

- Darling, you are beautiful! — the artist supported Eva. However, there was enough hate for him: Klyaver was immediately reminded of not the most flattering interviews and smirks addressed to his former mistress...

It is curious that Polna’s anger was not caused by the reviews that she had gained weight. Quite the opposite: in one of the last photo shoots of the 45-year-old star, fans saw that Eva had become slimmer. Apparently, these expectations turned out to be unjustified.

The same photo shoot after which there was talk about losing weight.

Photo: Personal page of the hero of the publication on the social network


Sizes 48-50 are considered one of the most popular and are intended for women of average build, although many brands in recent years have limited the size range to a slimmer 46.

With size 48, the chest measurements are 94-97 cm, waist - 78-81 cm, hips - 102-104 cm.

At 50, respectively: 98-102, 82-85 and 105-108 cm.

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