How to pump up your butt at home in a few days, a week. Effective exercises for beginners

Today, a large number of different techniques are known that can be used to tidy up a woman’s figure. The main place is occupied by exercises that allow you to pump up your gluteal muscles. After all, every girl dreams of a beautiful butt, and this is not always possible without intensive training. Many people ask the question: how to pump up your butt in a week at home? It is worth noting that this is not easy to do quickly. More precisely, full effectiveness will not be achieved in such a short period of time, but the forms can be slightly adjusted.

Principles of Effective Training

It is impossible to radically change your figure in 1 day. To become the owner of attractive round shapes, working out in the gym, you will have to spend at least 5-6 months. This period will increase significantly if you do the exercises at home. But even in a week of such exercises you can achieve tangible results: correct the shape of your buttocks, tighten your muscles.

As practice shows, pumping up the butt at home is easier for girls who do not suffer from excess body weight. Those with extra pounds will need more effort and time to achieve the desired result.

You can increase the effectiveness of home workouts by remembering the following:

  1. Exercises designed for the buttocks must be performed regularly. Any aerobic activity will help enhance their effect: running, jumping rope, cycling.
  2. To ensure that the body can quickly recover after exercise, you should drink enough clean water (350 ml per kilogram of weight).
  3. Nutrition plays an important role in the formation of a beautiful muscle frame, so it is recommended to include more protein foods (eggs, chicken, fish, cottage cheese, lentils) in the menu and at the same time limit the consumption of flour products, sweets, and fruits. At the same time, the total calorie content of the daily diet should correspond to the norm, since it will not be possible to pump up the buttocks if the weight decreases.
  4. An integral part of any workout is a preliminary warm-up. The session should end with stretching exercises.

Those who want to pump up their butt at home should not give up such a simple joy as a good night's sleep. The body requires at least 7 hours of rest.

Is it possible to pump up your buttocks in 1 week?

Forming an ideal body requires months of training and constant efforts to stay in shape. For ladies with cellulite and a significant layer of fat on the butt, 7 days of exercise will not bring the desired result. Girls without problems with excess weight, who only need to tone their muscles and restore elasticity, can improve the visual appearance of their buttocks in a week. This doesn't mean that training is useless for everyone else.

Starting exercise will put an end to fluid stagnation in the subcutaneous layer and stimulate metabolism in muscle tissue. It doesn’t matter why you started training – for the sake of visiting the pool or going on a beach holiday. Swimming, playing in the sand, and diving will continue the effects of the exercises you have started and will gradually increase the results achieved in improving your butt and strengthening your muscles.

Intense training in the gym with a trainer who will professionally create a program is most effective. But a girl’s exercises at home, with proper selection of exercises and perseverance, will lead to obvious results.

Therefore, one should not assume that the period is too short and the efforts will not be justified. Patience and work work wonders in the form of a round, firm, appetizing butt.


Squats are an exercise that everyone has been familiar with since childhood. Not a single workout aimed at improving the shape of the buttocks can be done without them, as they help connect muscles of different groups to work.

Classic squats

Classic squats are the basis for those who want to become the owner of a beautiful butt. It strengthens the gluteal muscles of all types, while simultaneously making the thighs and calves toned and slender.

  • The starting position for performing the exercise is with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms pressed tightly to your body. Your back should be kept straight.
  • During the process of exhalation, the buttocks are pulled back and slowly lowered until a right angle is formed. Your thighs should be parallel to the floor.
  • They return to the starting position when they inhale. To keep your hands out of the way, place them behind your back or cross them over your chest.

Deep squats

Deep squats are a more complicated version of the classic ones. They are more effective, but place high stress on the knee joints. The technique is the same as classic squats. The difference is that your hips need to be lower than your knees.

This exercise is not recommended for those who are afraid to develop their quadriceps.

With narrow feet

This type of squat allows you to pay more attention to working the gluteus maximus muscle.

  • To take the starting position, put your legs together, lower your arms along your body or clasp them in front of your chest, and keep your back straight.
  • As you exhale, the hips are pulled back and slowly lowered at an angle of 90°, then returned to the starting position.

Jump Squats

Best for completing a workout. They help to form buttocks that are harmonious in relation to the rest of the body due to the fact that the entire muscular frame is involved.

The starting position is standard. The essence of the exercise is that you need to quickly perform a deep squat and then jump sharply.

Is it possible to pump up your butt with squats?

Do squats help build bigger buttocks? Is it possible to form a beautiful butt with just squats? Theoretically, this is possible.

You can often come across the opinion that nothing can be achieved with squats alone, especially from those training with little experience.

It seems like they are doing everything right, but there is no result? There is only one conclusion - there is a mistake somewhere!

With the help of squats, you can shape not only your buttocks, but also your legs!

To pump up your buttocks with squats alone, you need to give them the maximum possible load. But the classic variation, which involves the quadriceps to a greater extent, is not suitable for this.

One more thing, the load should be varied. Muscles quickly adapt to the same type of movements, adapting to them, which is why the muscle response decreases. Therefore, it is recommended to constantly make changes to achieve the desired result.

Not only for girls, but also for men, squats are beneficial for the buttocks.

Before figuring out how to squat correctly to pump up your butt, let's consider several important factors that affect the shape of the buttocks and training progress

It is very important! After all, there are no miracles in life, and these factors contribute to the appearance of the gluteal muscles

No. 1 Anatomical structure of the buttocks

No matter how much we want it, it all starts with the anatomical structure. That is why all people are different, as they have different muscle shapes.

Knowledge of anatomy will help you properly load the gluteal muscles and quickly achieve progress.

The buttocks are made up of the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and minimus muscles. The main function of the gluteus maximus is to extend the hip.

If you fix the lower limbs, the pelvis extends along with the torso. The gluteus medius and minimus allow hip abduction. Thus, in order for the gluteal muscles to grow proportionally, they need to be loaded correctly.

No. 2 Genetic predisposition

Genetics is the primary and decisive factor in any sport. Nature initially endowed some with voluminous muscles, while others did not. And when ordinary people try to focus on the “gifted” and want exactly the same figure, then this is impossible.

Most representatives of the Negroid race have very good genetics. Nature itself has rewarded them with an excellent joint shape and voluminous muscles.

If, with a non-athletic hip, there are pronounced raised buttocks, there is definitely a genetic predisposition.

Over the centuries, nature has been forming a genetic predisposition to make it easier for people to survive in the conditions they find themselves in. Using the example of the Negroid race, the formation of just such a butt allowed them to better adapt to the environment.

And at that time, in the territory inhabited by Caucasians, a round butt was not an important factor for survival. That is, nature has been shaping the anthropometric data of people for centuries, depending on their living conditions.

But don't be upset! If you are not among the “especially gifted,” then you can still achieve good success with the help of squats. And even if the butt doesn’t look like a fitness girl from the cover of a magazine, it will be fit and slender, compared to most ordinary girls.


Swing back and to the sides

Leg swings work the muscular frame of the hips and butt area. The level of load on different zones changes depending on which exercise technique is chosen:

  • swings forward and backward involve the muscles of the central part of the buttock, the front and back of the thigh;
  • Lateral swings also work the central part of the buttocks, but additionally strengthen the inner thighs.

Load distribution also depends on the starting position. If you start the exercise from a standing position, your hips will be more involved. From emphasis on elbows and knees - buttocks. The highest results can be achieved by combining all possible variations.

Swing back

They take the leg back and try to raise it as high as possible. This position is fixed for 3-4 seconds, then smoothly returns to its original position.

You can perform the exercise in two ways: standing on your feet or leaning on your elbows and knees. In the process, it is necessary to control the position of the heel (it should stretch upward) and the back (it should always remain straight).

Swing to the sides

To pump up your butt at home in a short period of time by doing this exercise, experts recommend starting it from a position such as “standing on all fours.”

The technique of swinging from the knee-elbow position is as follows: straining the foot, the leg is taken to the side, then lowered. To give stability to the position, the supporting leg is slightly bent at the knee.

How to pump up a beautiful elastic butt in 7 days

To achieve maximum results, it is not necessary to visit special gyms. The main thing is to firmly and clearly formulate the goal and set achievable tasks.

The main factors that allow you to set up a gym at home are the following:

  • patience and assertiveness;
  • knowledge of the basics of pumping muscle mass;
  • creative thinking;
  • steadfastness in actions and desires.

You don’t have to buy expensive exercise equipment, and you can use ordinary dumbbells or household items as simple sports equipment.

The principles for implementing any set of exercises are:

  • regularity of physical training;
  • strict adherence to the temporary regime;
  • increased load on muscles depending on addiction;
  • correct breathing.

It is important to know! If it is not possible to conduct classes at the same time every day, then it is necessary to create a weekly regimen, where sports will be allocated from 3 to 5 days a week.

Let's look at the basic recommendations and rules for training at home:

  1. First of all, you need to do a warm-up, warming up and preparing the muscles for further work.
  2. At the initial stage, each exercise must be performed 1-3 times. After getting used to it, the number of approaches increases from 15 to 20 per workout.
  3. It is important to pay attention to breathing exercises. Inhale - full concentration on performing the exercise, and exhale - you need to take the starting position and relax. Holding your breath is strictly prohibited.
  4. All exercises must be performed strictly according to the instructions. Otherwise, you can get seriously injured and harm your health. During training, only the muscles being trained should be felt working, and not others.

Experts say that the result of classes to correct the shape of the buttocks will be noticeable if there are few subcutaneous fat deposits.

Otherwise, you must first reduce weight: use the method of regular general training, swimming and jogging (if there is not a lot of fat and there are no contraindications to these sports).

Bridge (pelvic lift)

The bridge uses the muscles of the abdomen, thighs, butt, and back. It is performed simply: a person lies on his back and assumes the “rest on bent legs” position, the arms are placed along the body, the lumbar region is pressed to the floor.

The pelvis is lifted up during a deep exhalation until the back becomes straight. At the highest point, the pelvic muscles tense. During inhalation, they return to the starting position.

The bridge is considered ideal for those who want to work only on the gluteal area, as it directly engages the desired muscles without resorting to the help of the hamstrings and quadriceps.

Nutritional Features

To solve the problem of how to pump up your butt at home in the shortest possible time, you should pay special attention to nutrition. The diet should contain the required amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, macro- and microelements, and create a slight excess of energy.

When creating a menu, it is important to observe the proportion in which nutrients enter the body. Ideally it should look like this:

  • proteins - 30%;
  • fats - 15%;
  • carbohydrates - 55%.

It is prohibited to eat sausages, cheeses, fatty meats, sweets and baked goods. This approach will help you gain high-quality muscle mass in your buttocks without leading to obesity.

The menu should be based on products containing:

  • protein - chicken, beef, turkey, low-fat cottage cheese, eggs, legumes;
  • fats - red fish, avocado, nuts, seeds, olive and flaxseed oil;
  • complex carbohydrates - oatmeal, buckwheat, brown rice, barley.

The diet must include fresh fruits and vegetables (non-starchy). Candies and other sweets will replace dried fruits and honey.

We recommend reading: Pulse zone for fat burning

In addition to three main meals, there should be 2-3 more light snacks with dairy products, nuts, and fruits during the day. You can also effectively use sports nutrition: protein, creatine and amino acids.

I'll have to give up black tea. In the first half of the day you can drink a cup of coffee or green tea. In the second half, it is not recommended to drink drinks containing caffeine. It is better to drink warm water or herbal tea.

It is not recommended to include soups in the menu, as they contain quickly digestible carbohydrates, the regular intake of which can lead to obesity and deterioration in the shape and elasticity of the buttocks.

One day a week you are allowed to do a so-called cheat meal (the opportunity to eat 1-2 meals of tasty and unhealthy food). It will allow the psyche to take a little break from the relatively monotonous menu and recover more quickly after a hard training week. There will be no harm to your figure from such a short-term relaxation of the diet.

This approach to nutrition will not only allow you to create a beautiful, inflated butt, but also maintain good health for many years.

Table: daily menu option

BreakfastLunchDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
Oatmeal with milk or water, a cup of green tea1 boiled chicken egg, fresh vegetable saladBoiled rice with herbs, fish (baked or steamed)Boiled chicken breast and vegetables with fresh herbsLow-fat cottage cheese or kefir

Table: sample menu for the week

Day of the weekBreakfastSnackDinnerSnackDinner
MondayOmelette with herbs, fresh berries, yogurt1 apple or pearBoiled chicken fillet, vegetable stewNutsSteamed red fish with broccoli
TuesdayCheesecakes, oatmeal, a little honey1 bananaBaked turkey with vegetablesFruit salad (orange, kiwi, grapefruit)Fish cutlets, fresh vegetables
WednesdayOatmeal with berries, a little honeyLow-fat yogurtGrilled chicken fillet, bulgur1 fruit of your choiceBoiled beef, grilled or steamed vegetables
ThursdayBuckwheat porridge, pumpkin seeds1 appleFish soup, boiled rice, fishNuts or avocadoTurkey fillet in the oven, vegetables
FridayBroccoli omelette, yogurt1 pearBeef meatballs, vegetable stew1 fruit of your choiceGrilled chicken fillet, vegetable stew
SaturdayOatmeal, 1 orange, a little honeyLow-fat cottage cheeseBulgur, baked chicken fillet1 bananaBoiled chicken fillet, Greek salad
SundayCheesecakes, 1 boiled eggLow-fat yogurtBoiled rice, fish cutletsOrange juiceGrilled beef, fresh vegetables

The serving size is set individually based on body weight, profession, age, gender and other factors (for personal calculation of calories, it is recommended to consult a fitness instructor).

Calculate your ideal sports weight!

Lunges forward

Forward lunges are a key exercise in creating a round body.

Classic option:

  • The feet are placed hip-width apart, the arms are kept pressed to the body, the knees are slightly bent. The body and head are kept level.
  • Take a wide step forward with your right foot, take your left foot slightly back and place it on your toes.
  • The weight is transferred to the right, they begin to sit down smoothly, bending it.
  • Return to the starting position. Repeat starting with the left leg.

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Swing lying on your side

To perform swings, lying on your side, support your head with one hand and place the other in front of you. The leg is lifted and returned to its original position without relaxing the feet.

The exercise is similar in action to swings with support on the elbow and knee caps. It helps make the thighs and buttocks strong and elastic. Ideal for people with bad knees, as it does not injure the joints.

Leg Raise

Leg raise exercises work the same muscles as various types of swings. The methodology for their implementation is also similar. The difference is that the leg is raised up and fixed in the air for 4-5 seconds. This helps create additional stress on the muscles.

The exercise is done while lying on your side. Leaning on the elbow, the upper leg is raised, held in the air for 5-10 seconds and lowered.

To figure out how to pump up your butt at home in a short time, you need to remember that the body gets used to a certain level of physical activity over time. For this reason, the number of repetitions of each exercise should be gradually increased. You can start with 4-6 times.

Effective exercises for quickly pumping up your butt

To achieve a quick improvement in the appearance of the buttocks, you should perform a well-thought-out set of exercises, and not limit yourself to two or three hastily selected.


When squats, the entire muscle group of the butt and thighs is used. These exercises are the basis for improving the appearance of your buttocks. Let us note an important detail - several approaches are required (up to 5), 15-20 exercises each. It’s not worth increasing the number of executions to the point of complete exhaustion. Weights are used to increase the load.

Simple squats are performed according to the following rules:

  • legs spread to shoulder level, feet standing straight, without turning;
  • the abs and pectoral muscles are tense, hands are at the chest;
  • Squat down smoothly while inhaling to a right angle between the thigh and lower leg, the foot is motionless;
  • stand up while exhaling.

If the load on the butt is not felt, the muscles are sufficiently developed, squats are performed with dumbbells or other weights.

Exercise "Curtsy"

Imitating a curtsy strengthens the butt, the muscles of the buttocks stretch and strengthen, becoming more prominent. The technique of execution corresponds to the bow of girls accepted in ancient times - putting the leg back with a cross with the front leg.

We do:

  • stand with legs wider than shoulder-width apart;
  • While inhaling, we take a step back with one leg, at the same time moving it crosswise behind the front one;
  • Squat down with your front leg so that your thigh is parallel to the floor;
  • Do not touch the floor with your back knee;
  • The body should spring back and you should feel the stretching and tension of the muscles during the exercise.

Stand up as you exhale, repeat, changing the position of your legs.

Important: it is necessary to use all the muscles of the buttocks during exercise. The large muscle is responsible for the volume and convexity of the butt, the middle one provides a beautiful shape. The small muscle forms a beautiful step and posture.

Plie squats

The ballet plie squat shifts the load from the thigh muscles to the gluteal muscles. Rules for performing the exercise to pump up your butt:

  • legs spread shoulder-width apart, feet turned outward, arms in front of the chest;
  • when inhaling, smoothly squat down with your knees spread wide to the sides - the body is straight, without bending forward;
  • As you exhale, rise quickly.

After 15-20 exercises, take a 2-minute break, then another 3-4 approaches.

Sumo squats

This exercise differs from plie by spreading the legs as wide as possible during a squat - much wider than the shoulders. The socks are turned outward. During inhalation, the body is smoothly lowered to a right angle between the thigh and lower leg. They get up slowly. For maximum effect, keep the body straight and do not lean forward. Perform 3-4 sets of 15-18 squats.


This pose strengthens all muscle groups of the body, ideal for the hips, buttocks, lower back, and posture formation:

  • lie on your stomach on the floor;
  • as you exhale, move into emphasis on your elbows and toes - your elbows are strictly under your shoulders;
  • give the body an even board (plank) position - without sagging the body or bending the knees.

This position is fixed for the maximum possible time, until the muscles are completely tired - from 10 seconds to a minute or more.

Walking on your buttocks

Such walking, in addition to strengthening the butt, will improve intestinal motility and help improve digestion, which is important for stimulating metabolism and cleansing the body of toxins. Technique:

  • we sit on the floor, legs extended forward and shoulder-width apart - a smooth floor under the butt will make it easier, a fleecy rug will require additional effort;
  • arms bent, elbows near chest;
  • We move our left leg forward 5-7 centimeters, straining our gluteal muscles, then we step with our right leg in the same way.

The role of the foot when walking is performed by the lower part of the entire leg and buttocks. Having reached the wall, we begin to move backwards backwards, constantly maintaining the muscles in a state of tension.

Jumping from a sitting position

Squat jumps help increase the impact on the leg and gluteal muscles. At the same time, the heart muscle is also trained, which experiences increased stress during such exercises for the butt. Jumping rules:

  • basic stance – legs at shoulder level, arms crossed in front of the chest, body straight;
  • perform a deep squat with the thigh touching the shin - the back is straight;
  • while exhaling, we make a sharp jerk upward (jump) - the body is straight;
  • When landing, the legs are spread and sprung, the knees are slightly bent.

When we touch the floor, we continue to move downwards - we squat slightly. Perform 8-10 times, 2-3 approaches.

Swing your legs

With the help of swings, they strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks and straighten their posture. Swings are performed from several starting positions. During the day, do 3-4 sets of 20 exercises.


It is performed with hands resting on the table or the back of a chair. The distance to the support is 20-40 centimeters. The body is held straight, the legs in turn are lifted back and up with force (swing) to the maximum height to a right angle with the second leg. To pump up your butt in a week, you will need at least 3-4 classes a day with 2-3 approaches (30 swings each).

Lying down

Lying swings are done from different positions:

  1. On the stomach. Hands bent at the elbows create emphasis. One by one, they lift their legs with force, stretching until the muscles hurt.
  2. On the side - head on the arm bent at the elbow, the other hand at the chest. Raise your straight leg up, keeping your body straight, at an angle of up to 90°.

The spine and knees do not bend. For those looking for how to get a firm butt in the shortest possible time, it is better to do weighted swings rather than increase the number of approaches.

On knees

Swinging on all fours helps strengthen the muscles of the back, buttocks, and legs. The legs are pulled back one by one, raising them to their maximum height. They don’t bend their back, they don’t raise their head up - they look straight or at the floor. The frequency of swings is 30 times with each leg in paired approaches, with an interval of 2-3 minutes, 3 times a day.

Butt exercises at home with equipment

Using additional equipment during classes allows you to increase the load on certain muscle groups, as well as shorten the time it takes to achieve the desired results. Exercises with a barbell, dumbbells, fitball, expander are not suitable for beginners, but can be the second step on the path to a beautiful and elastic butt.

Glute bridge with barbell

A gluteal bridge with a barbell is performed with your shoulder blades resting on a surface about 40 cm high (this figure may vary depending on your height). The bar is placed in the fold between the legs and the upper body. The butt is left on the floor, the feet are placed so that the leg is at a right angle.

During a deep breath, while the abdominal muscles are tense, the pelvis is lifted off the floor, resting on the heels. The weight is transferred to the gluteal muscles. After reaching the highest point, they return to the starting position, continuing to maintain tension in the muscles.

Deadlift with a kettlebell on one leg

For those who want to more thoroughly work the large muscles of the buttocks, experts recommend using single-leg deadlifts.

It helps to correct the shape and get rid of excess fat deposits.

  • Take the weight in your left hand and stand on your right leg.
  • The knee is slightly bent and tilted forward.
  • To maintain balance, the free leg is pulled back.
  • The torso is lowered until it becomes parallel to the floor. Return to the starting position.

Steps on the steppe with knee lift

Steps with knee raises are a basic exercise for those training on a step platform. You can use it at the beginning of a workout to warm up your muscles before more serious exercise.

Starting position: back straight, arms bent at the elbows and pressed to the body. The steps are performed while standing on a step platform for 5-7 minutes. The knees are raised to waist level. The legs should spring a little.

Curtsy squats

Curtsy squats are used to tighten muscles and create a visible transition between the thigh and butt. You can use dumbbells as weights.

  • Feet are placed slightly wider than shoulders, toes pointed in different directions.
  • The weight is transferred to one leg, the other is taken a wide step back diagonally from the support.
  • Sit down so that the knee of the working leg drops to the floor.
  • The second leg, without changing its original position, is pulled down until it feels like the muscles are very tense. Return to the starting position.

Lunges with a barbell

Using a barbell while performing lunges allows you to create an even load on the muscles of different parts of the body. As a result, inflated buttocks will not look foreign against the general background.

The technique of execution is similar to the classical one. The body is kept straight. Fix the barbell on your shoulders, take a step forward with your right leg, bending your hip, and sit down until a right angle is formed. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Plie squats

Plie squats will help you get rid of excess fat on your inner thighs and develop your gluteus maximus muscle. They are performed as follows:

  • The legs are spread as wide as possible, the toes are pointed in different directions.
  • As you inhale, begin to slowly lower your hips at a right angle to the floor. Fix your legs in this position for 3-4 seconds.
  • As you exhale, take the starting position. The torso is kept straight during execution.

You can increase the level of difficulty of your workout in order to pump up your butt faster while working out at home if you use weights such as dumbbells and kettlebells. The technique remains the same, but a projectile weighing 2.5-3 kg is taken into hand.

Exercises with an expander

To train the gluteal muscles, basic exercises are supplemented with a band expander. You can use it by performing various swings or lifting your legs from the starting position “lying on your side.” The execution technique does not change.

The butterfly expander perfectly helps to train the inner thighs, small and medium gluteal muscles. The exercise machine is fixed between the knees, lying on your back or sitting, gently compressing it, applying maximum effort, then releasing it. The duration of compressions during repetitions should be the same to ensure even distribution of the load.

Exercises with fitball

During training on a fitball, all the muscles responsible for the beautiful shape of the butt are worked out. At the same time, the muscles of the thighs, abs, and lumbar region are strengthened.

The radius of an ideal size fitball should be 100 cm less than the height of the person who is going to exercise on it. If the ball is chosen correctly, you can sit on it so that your thighs are parallel to the floor and your knees are at right angles.

One of the simplest exercises is jumping. You need to sit on the fitball, pressing your feet firmly to the floor, and start jumping intensely. During the execution, you cannot lift your butt off the apparatus and your legs off the floor.

A fitball is used as additional equipment during the basic “glute bridge” exercise. The technique remains the same, but the feet are placed on the ball. During the process, you should control the position of the lower back; you should not allow it to bend too much.

Romanian deadlift

The Romanian deadlift is one of the basic exercises for training the buttocks. It got its name in honor of the famous weightlifter Nicu Vlad, who was born in Romania.

To perform this type of row correctly, you should stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Place your hands on the barbell at the same distance. The exercise is done with completely straight legs, the apparatus is lowered only to the middle of the shin. This technique allows you to reduce the load on your back and lower back and minimize the risk of injury.

Experts recommend not fully extending during the return to the starting position in order to maintain tension in the gluteal muscles throughout all stages.

Jumping to higher ground

To begin this exercise, you will need an object that can be used instead of a platform: several thick books, a box. The podium must be stable.

They jump onto the projectile from a distance of 35-40 cm. Hands are held along the body. They return to the starting position in the usual way. Dumbbells are used for weighting. You can diversify the exercise if you jump onto the platform first on your left leg, then on your right.

Walking on a treadmill uphill

A treadmill is not the most affordable piece of equipment for home workouts. But it can be used to work with muscles of different groups, including the gluteal ones. The most effective mode for those who want to get a beautiful butt and thighs is walking at an incline.

This exercise is equivalent in its action to full running . By increasing the effects of gravity, walking uphill helps strengthen the muscles in your legs, buttocks, and thighs. Classes should begin on a track whose elevation angle does not exceed 10%. Every 5-7 minutes add another 5 degrees.

Walking at an incline is contraindicated for people suffering from back problems, since under the influence of gravity the spine receives a very large load.

Exercise Split

When looking for information on how to pump up your butt at home, girls often come across the word “Split”. This term does not mean a specific exercise, but a special training system.

The essence of a split is that a separate day is allocated to work on each part of the body. For example, Monday - abs, Wednesday - legs, Friday - buttocks. This means that in the allotted time, exercises intended for a specific zone are performed.

This approach has its advantages:

  • all muscle groups are gradually worked out;
  • It is impossible to bring the body to a state of overtraining, since the muscles have time to recover while they are not being worked.

Split training is not suitable for beginners as it requires daily training. Those who want to pump up only one specific area will not like them either, because they require an integrated approach.

The fastest way to pump up your buttocks

So, let's look at the exercises that are recognized as the most effective in shaping beautiful buttocks:

  1. Squats with dumbbells with the buttocks pulled back, 3 sets of 15 times.
  2. Plie or Sumo squats with legs wide apart, 3 sets of 15 reps.
  3. Raising a straight leg up from a position “on all fours”, 3 sets of 15 times.
  4. Raising the leg bent at the knee up from the “on all fours” position, 3 sets of 15 times.
  5. From the “lying on your back with bent knees” position, lift your buttocks off the floor - first with your knees apart, then with your knees together. A total of 2 sets of 15 times in both versions.
  6. Smith machine exercise, 3 sets of 15 reps.
  7. Hack machine exercise, 3 sets of 15 reps.
  8. Classic lunges with dumbbells, 3 sets of 15 reps.
  9. Deep lunges with dumbbells, 3 sets of 15 reps.
  10. Pulling the leg back in the simulator, 4 sets of 12 times on each leg.
  11. Of these exercises, you should take at least half of these exercises in each workout. The more actively you work your muscles, the faster you will see results.

How to pump up your buttocks, remove the riding breeches and not weaken your quadriceps

Regular training helps to make your hips and buttocks beautiful. The best results can be achieved if you exercise at least 3 times a week. The workout begins with a warm-up, which usually takes 15-20 minutes.

The training plan should consist of combinations of exercises of different types: squats, bridges, swings and lunges. This approach will allow you to most effectively work the muscles of the buttocks and thighs.

With a low level of physical fitness, during training, do an average of 4-6 repetitions of each exercise. Gradually the load is increased. When the number of repetitions reaches 20-25, you can start using additional equipment. Butt training helps to simultaneously correct the shape of the hips and get rid of riding breeches, because it works the muscles in all key areas.

Many girls are puzzled by how to quickly pump up their butt at home, but not get massive hips as an addition. A sensible approach to your training program will help you avoid this.

If the quadriceps begin to develop faster than other muscles, professionals advise temporarily abandoning exercises aimed at working the outer thighs: deep squats, lunges forward and backward.

Swollen quadriceps can also be the result of an incorrect approach to nutrition, so during periods of intense training it is important to monitor the amount of calories consumed and the nutritional value of the diet. The permissible norm is calculated individually for each person.

To get a beautiful and firm butt while working out at home, you will have to be patient. But regular intensive training will soon yield results: your shape will become more rounded and your muscles will become toned.

A few important rules

If the question is how to pump up a girl’s butt without resorting to the help of professional trainers, you need to remember several important rules:

You need to eat right. Even with a serious approach to planning training, there will be no result until you switch to a suitable diet, taking into account BZH (proteins, fats, carbohydrates). If you prefer to follow certain diets, then it is with the balance of nutrients that problems may arise. Herbalife products will help you avoid this. “Formula 2 for women” is a great way to keep your body in good shape. The vitamin-mineral complex contains more than two dozen active ingredients necessary for the health of the body. The daily dose is contained in only two tablets. And for better results, it is recommended to combine this drug with “Formula 1” - protein shakes of ten different flavors. You can kill two birds with one stone: get a full breakfast, lunch or dinner with a high protein content and at the same time saturate your body with essential vitamins and minerals.

You need to train properly. If you have already switched to proper nutrition, this will not solve the issue with muscle development. You may not gain weight, but your muscles won’t become toned either. So the right training plan is the key to success.

Need to rest. You cannot spend several hours on exercise machines in the hope of quick results. Yes, the muscles will tone up pretty soon, but the more you hammer them, the more they will hurt. This means that there will be no talk of any further training. Consequently, the next few classes will be disrupted, the muscles will begin to ache, and there will be no benefit from it

Therefore, it is very important to follow the regime and give yourself rest. Eight hours of sleep is your best friend, don't forget about it!

Great, we figured out the rules. What's next? How to pump up your buttocks without heavy physical exercise, lifting heavy weights and a huge investment of time? To do this, you need to buy a pair of leg weights and develop a home workout program for yourself.

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