How to lose 7 kg in a week - effective methods at home

  • The most effective weekly diets for weight loss.
      How to lose 3 kg in a week on a fast Estonian diet.
  • How to lose 10 kg in a week on an egg diet.
  • How to lose 2 kg in a week on the Japanese diet.
  • How much weight can you lose in a week?
  • Sooner or later, every girl faces the question of losing weight quickly. Weddings, anniversaries, children's birthdays, first romantic dates with a young man, a trip to the sea - there are a lot of reasons to quickly adjust your body parameters, and the list goes on and on. How to lose 7 kg in a week? Is it possible to bring your body to the ideal in such a short time?

    The answer is definitely positive, but you will have to put in a lot of effort to be happy with the result. In this article you will learn about the most popular and effective ways to quickly lose extra pounds. Stay with us, start losing weight correctly and for the benefit of your body.

    Tips and tricks for those who want to lose 5 kg in a week

    A sharp weight loss is a colossal stress for the body of anyone, even the most prepared person. Modern nutritionists give some useful tips that will help you lose unnecessary pounds and not damage your health:

    • Among dozens of different dietary systems, choose options with a balanced diet. Monoprograms such as the buckwheat diet or a fasting day on fruits are not suitable, as they create a deficiency of many beneficial substances in the body.
    • Reducing the amount of food consumed. It is necessary to reduce the volume of each meal to 200-250 grams. One meal should fit in the palm of your hand and then you will definitely achieve the desired results. Overeating is strictly prohibited.
    • Meals are fractional - we divide the diet into 5-6 servings, of which 3 are allocated for main meals, and the remaining are light snacks.
    • To avoid dehydration, which is inevitable on strict diets, we follow the drinking regime. You need to drink at least one and a half liters of clean drinking water per day. Don’t forget that the liquid the body needs so much is also contained in the foods we eat, for example, vegetables and fruits.
    • When compiling a diet, we completely exclude from the possible list foods with fast carbohydrates or empty calories, which immediately purposefully pass into the fat layer. This includes pasta, baked goods, candies, and alcoholic beverages.
    • We completely refuse sausages, sausages, smoked, pickled and other foods high in fat.
    • Last meal at least 3-4 hours before bedtime. Before you fall asleep, your digestive system will have time to digest the incoming food and begin to rest.
    • We refuse heavy, intense physical activity. We give preference to light, leisurely walks, morning exercises, yoga classes and gentle workouts at home.
    • Additional procedures are welcome - massages, wraps, rubdowns and other activities aimed at improving the condition of the skin and getting rid of the cellulite layer.

    Allowed foods for the diet for a week

    So how to quickly lose those hated pounds? What's the secret? Any diet provides its own, clearly thought-out diet developed by specialists, consisting of certain products. It turns out that the process of losing weight depends primarily on what items and in what quantity we consume daily. The “allowed” list includes the following products:

    • Containing a lot of protein - fermented milk, cheeses, low-fat meat and poultry, fish, legumes.
    • With long-term carbohydrates - all kinds of cereals, for example, brown rice, spelt, couscous, bulgur.
    • With healthy fats - fish oil, flaxseed oil, olive oil, various dietary supplements.
    • Water is a complete component of any diet. Pure drinking liquid starts metabolic processes and cleanses the body of harmful decay products. For this reason, it is important to drink the prescribed amount per day.
    • Low GI fruits and vegetables are fruits with a minimum amount of sugar in their composition, which help you lose weight much more effectively.

    Basic rules of nutrition when losing weight

    When losing weight, you need to switch to a healthy diet. Basic principles must be followed:

    1. Fractional diet. This means that you need to eat often (up to 6 times a day), but keep your portions small.
    2. Drinking regime. You are supposed to drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day, but in hot weather or with increased physical activity (sports training, long walks), the volume is also increased, but to a maximum of 3 liters.
    3. Varied menu. You should prepare new dishes every day if possible.
    4. Dietary methods of cooking. Frying is strictly prohibited. But you can boil, stew, steam, or bake in the oven or grill. It is not recommended to add oil or use it in small quantities if necessary.
    5. Limit salt intake.
    6. Vegetables and fruits can be eaten fresh, prepared in salads, baked, or boiled. It is recommended to choose non-starchy vegetables, and unsweetened fruits.
    7. Fasting day. Do it at least once every 2 weeks. At this time, only water, herbal infusions and kefir are allowed.
    8. A smooth exit from the diet. The first few days you are only allowed to slightly increase the portions. Previously prohibited foods should be introduced gradually - one every 1-3 days. Be sure to look at the body's reaction. But harmful products are still prohibited.

    The following foods should be excluded from the diet:

    • fat meat;
    • smoked meats, sausages, canned food;
    • store-bought sauces, mayonnaise, ketchup;
    • fatty milk, cream and fermented milk products;
    • salty and fatty cheese;
    • fast food, semi-finished products;
    • sugar, sweets, chocolate, ice cream, confectionery;
    • bakery products, pastries;
    • alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

    The basis of the diet should be cereals, vegetables, herbs, fruits, berries, lean meat and fish. Eggs are allowed, but no more than 2 per day. Fermented milk products will also be beneficial. It is best to consume kefir, natural yogurt without additives, and cottage cheese. The amount of vegetable oil per day is up to 1 tbsp. l.

    But diets are not always allowed. Contraindications include:

    • diseases of the digestive tract (gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines, pancreatitis, etc.), cardiovascular, endocrine and urinary systems, liver;
    • period of pregnancy and lactation.

    When losing weight, you must take into account the characteristics of the body and hormonal levels. In women, fat reserves usually accumulate in the lower abdomen, on the sides and hips (thighs), and in men - in the upper part ("beer belly"). Moreover, it is much easier for men to lose belly fat than for women.

    When losing weight, you need to take into account your daily calorie intake. For men, the minimum is 1500 kcal, for women – 1200 kcal. If you have additional training, the norm can be increased to 2000 and 1700 kcal, respectively.

    Unlike adults, children (both girls and boys) cannot be subject to food restrictions. You just need to eliminate junk food. A growing body needs a varied and nutritious diet. Additionally, you need to take vitamin and mineral complexes.


    You will have to give up the task of quickly losing at least 3 kilograms if you have at least one contraindication from the following list:

    • Pregnancy. In anticipation of adding to the family, the body must receive the maximum amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. A lack of necessary components can lead to negative consequences in the development of the fetus and adversely affect the health of the expectant mother.
    • Lactation period. During it, a young mother should always be in a good mood and not be in a state of stress, so you should give up any diets while breastfeeding your baby.
    • Disruption of the menstrual cycle. Well-established hormonal levels are very important for any woman. During emergency weight loss, violations are possible, which over time often lead to more serious, unpleasant consequences.
    • The presence of diseases in the chronic stage. During a weekly weight loss, any chronic diseases, regardless of etiology, can worsen, which inevitably leads to a general deterioration in health.
    • Rehabilitation after operations, long-term therapy. During the rehabilitation period, the body needs a constant supply of nutrients, which you definitely won’t get on a diet.

    The main thing is motivation

    In order not to relapse in the future and not to send all the weight loss away, you need to clearly set a goal for yourself and answer an important question: why do I want to achieve it? Coming to the right conclusion is not everything. You need to wake up every morning with the desire to achieve your goal. If you constantly repeat to yourself the phrase “I want to lose 7 kg in a month,” your dreams will definitely come true. You just need to put in some effort.

    To do this, hang a poster above your bed depicting the ideal body of your dreams. Also, a great way not to lose your spirit would be a notebook created specifically for organizing training and proper nutrition, as well as for counting your successes. Contemplation of visible results is the best motivation for any person losing weight.

    If you don’t train your willpower, you can easily succumb to laziness and abandon what you started much earlier than a month has passed. In addition to laziness, you have to overcome your love of sweets, bad mood, and a lot of other factors that can interfere with weight loss. But if everything works out, your reward will be a reflection in the mirror that will be pleasant to look at.

    Realistic goals will help you achieve success much faster than exaggerated ones. Having set the goal of finding an ideal body in the shortest possible time, you will achieve nothing, and after undesirable results and slow progress, you will give up this idea altogether. The most important thing is to start taking action. Instead of thinking and wondering whether it is possible to lose 7 kg in a month, you need to pick up your feet and work on yourself.

    The most effective weekly diets for weight loss

    Numerous nutritionists have developed a wide variety of dietary methods and programs that allow you to lose several hated kilograms in just one week. Every woman and even a man can choose the most suitable option for himself, which will suit him with the diet and possible results. We offer several interesting and effective options.

    Reviews and results

    In order not to be unfounded and to show that losing weight in a week is really possible, I will give a few reviews from my clients . I gave them all recommendations for quick weight loss and a sample menu:

    Maria, 43 years old, education worker: I needed to lose weight for one important event where I was supposed to be awarded a medal. But I couldn’t fit into the formal dress. The award was in exactly a week, so I turned to a nutritionist to figure out how to lose 7 kg in a week. After a long conversation, I changed my approach to nutrition and began to eat small portions. I ate one egg and a cup of tea in the morning. About two hours later - half an apple, for lunch a chicken wing and a tomato. Around 4 days I drank half a cup of kefir. And dinner is very light - a spoonful of cottage cheese, or two or three balls of mozzarella with a fresh cucumber. In a week I lost 6.5 kg. In addition to nutritional recommendations, I was advised to exercise, and I started walking to and from work at a brisk pace of 5 stops. And at home, instead of a late dinner, exercise for 40-50 minutes. I did both cardio and aerobics, and if I was tired, I did yoga or Pilates. In the end, I fit into the dress, everything went well, but I don’t stop losing weight, so I want to bring my weight back to normal.

    Dinara, 35 years old, taxi dispatcher: My friend lost 7 kg in a week, so I decided why I’m worse. I started eating different foods, but little by little. I didn’t particularly count calories, but I tried to eat no more than what fit on one small coffee saucer. And, of course, I didn’t eat fatty foods, cookies, sweets, cakes, I gave up sugar and bread. I made dinner very light, just a carrot or an apple. I started running around my neighborhood in the morning because I had no time to go to the gym. In 7 days I lost 7kg 200g, I was very happy and believed that it was possible. But now I want to eat a little more so that my skin doesn’t sag, so I signed up for a course of special tightening massages.

    Lidia Aleksandrovna, 54 years old, financier: I lost 7 kg in 2 weeks, I think I could have lost more, but I didn’t want to lose weight too quickly, because at my age I no longer have such elastic skin that quickly recovers and tightens itself . It was difficult for me only at the beginning, because I was used to eating a lot, I got up from the table with a distended stomach. And then I decided to try to shrink my stomach. I didn’t have a goal to lose weight quickly, but I needed to change something, because shortness of breath appeared, my blood pressure became erratic, it was difficult to walk and I felt very old. And you know, I liked to eat little by little. Lightness all the time, I began to move faster, I just fly into transport, I live on the 4th floor, so I can walk up without shortness of breath. I’m very happy with this nutrition program, I eat two or three tablespoons at a time, but that’s all I want. In the morning I can even eat candy or a piece of pie. I will continue, especially since it helps my health.

    Valentina, 29 years old, fashion designer: My profession often requires me to be in shape in order to participate in fashion shows. But after holidays or vacations I often can’t get back to normal, so I have to urgently lose weight. I use a seven-day diet, but I don’t eat anything special, I take everything I have and eat it very little. It turns out to be about 600-700 kcal per day, I know that this is quite little, but I can quickly lose up to 5-7 kg in a week. What I eat: boiled beets, grated carrots, some boiled skinless chicken, apples, oranges. Instead of dinner, I drink kefir or bifido drinks. Every day 1-2 eggs, cucumber or tomato salad. I reduce all portions as much as possible. But I can’t stop eating at all and I think that this is not necessary. I was taught that you need fiber for digestion. Therefore, only protein dishes will stagnate and remain inside for a very long time; you won’t be able to lose weight quickly. And of course, at this time I begin to actively visit the fitness room, I have a subscription, and sometimes spend 2-3 hours there, if twice a week. If more often, then 30-40 minutes is enough.

    Here is another video review on how to lose 7 kg in a week:

    How to lose 3 kg in a week on a fast Estonian diet

    The Estonian diet is one of the effective methods for losing weight, but it has some peculiarities. It is popular not only due to its excellent results, but also to its original approach to implementation. Of course, there is no exotic food on the menu, but the diet is quite strict and requires a specific composition.

    The main feature of the Estonian weight loss program is the combination of the classic mono-system and a strict low-calorie diet with a minimum amount of calories. This “tandem” provides truly rapid weight loss:

    • The diet consists of a whole list of monoprograms, during which a person consumes only one permitted product without adding salt, sugar and herbs. This way you will quickly cleanse your body of excess water and undigested food.
    • Duration - one week or six days, with a guaranteed result of 3 to 5 kilograms. But it is worth noting that it is stagnant water that is removed first, not fat deposits. To ensure that the results are maintained, after finishing the diet you will need to continue to adhere to proper nutrition.
    • During a diet program, experts recommend consuming only high-protein foods, which not only fill you up, but also help in the weight loss process.

    A sample menu for this diet is as follows:

    • Day one – boiled chicken eggs. We eat one piece for each meal - 6 meals a day.
    • Day two – low-fat cottage cheese in a volume of 200-300 grams. We divide into three main meals at equal intervals.
    • Day three – half a kilo of chicken breast, divided into 6 servings.
    • Day four – 200 grams of boiled brown rice without adding salt/sugar. Divide into four meals.
    • Day five – we eat 5-6 boiled potatoes in their jackets during the day. Each meal includes one potato.
    • Day six – eat sour and sweet and sour apples in unlimited quantities.

    Low calorie diet

    A good option for losing weight is a low-calorie diet. Thanks to it, you can get rid of up to 3 kg per week, and sometimes 4.5 kg. The main rule is to reduce the number of calories consumed - for women to 1200, for men - to 1500 kcal. Other rules must also be followed:

    1. Make low-calorie, high-protein meals your main focus. Fats on the stomach, sides and other parts of the body will go away, but muscle mass will not decrease.
    2. Consume no more than 100 g of carbohydrates per day, and up to 80 g of fats.
    3. Make portions small: 150-300 g. Eat 5 times a day.
    4. Reduce the amount of salt.
    5. Avoid alcohol.
    6. Drink at least 2 liters per day.

    Authorized products include:

    • bakery products made from wholemeal flour;
    • lean meat and fish;
    • dairy products;
    • buckwheat, pearl barley and barley;
    • fruits, berries, vegetables and herbs, nuts.

    Vegetable oil is used only for salad dressing. You will have to completely abandon:

    • sugar and sweets;
    • fried;
    • acute;
    • smoked meats;
    • sausages;
    • fat;
    • canned food;
    • sauces;
    • pasta.

    Menu example:

    Time of receipt Menu
    Breakfast 200 g porridge, 1 apple
    Snack 200 g vegetable salad
    Dinner Vegetable soup and 100 g of boiled meat
    Snack 50 g curd mass
    Dinner 150 g boiled fish and stewed vegetables

    How to lose 10 kg in a week on the egg diet

    Do you want to lose weight in a balanced way? Don't want to be constantly stressed? The egg diet is exactly what you need. This is one of the most effective and interesting dietary programs with a thoughtful, fully balanced diet that allows you to never feel hungry. The basis of the menu is chicken eggs. This product has a low calorie content, a lot of useful substances in its composition and helps the body fight extra pounds easier and faster.

    There are several diet rules:

    • Eating food in three main meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner. No snacking or late-night binge eating.
    • We completely exclude from the diet store-bought sauces, sausages and other high-calorie items with unhealthy fats.
    • It is strictly forbidden to eat dates, bananas, grapes and mangoes. These fruits contain a lot of calories and are not suitable as a dietary food.
    • Boil the chicken meat without salt, discard the skin. You can replace chicken with other low-fat varieties.
    • If necessary, eggs can be replaced with low-fat cottage cheese.
    • We eat eggs only boiled without adding salt.
    • If the menu includes vegetable salads, we prepare them without vegetable oils. Replace the fatty dressing with lemon juice.
    • When exiting the diet, we limit the consumption of foods containing refined sugar in the future diet.

    In the table you can see a sample menu


    Let's start with him. Because if you continue to eat Olivier with mayonnaise, we won’t get far. You'll have to reconsider your diet. We remove everything fatty, sweet, fried, smoked and, most importantly, salt . It is advisable to remove all dairy products. I'll explain why.

    Our goal is to lose a few kilograms in a short period. I can tell you a terrible secret. By removing all fermented milk products from your diet, you can see within a week that your body has changed by two kilograms. Interesting? It seems very much. The fact is that dairy products retain water in the body, thereby adding volume to you.

    If we take into account the lack of salt in the diet, water will circulate throughout the body much faster, which means that nutrients will be instantly delivered to our cells.

    Accordingly, we drink more water . The daily norm of 1.5-2 liters must be covered so that the metabolism in your body accelerates and the fat burning process goes much faster.

    Next, we calculate daily caloric intake . There are a lot of calculators on the Internet, we won’t focus on that. Let me just say that we need to maintain a calorie deficit. That is, consume less than we spend daily . Then the body will turn on the process of burning fat from its reserves on the hips and sides.

    We remember that all products should be prepared without salt, but you can use spices to vary the taste.

    How to lose 2 kg in a week on the Japanese diet

    If you want quick but long-lasting results, the Japanese diet is a great way to lose weight. The main feature of this weight loss program is a sharp reduction in daily caloric intake; no more than 500-800 kcal can be eaten during the day. The main advantages of the “Japanese”:

    • Long term. The resulting effect lasts for a long time. If you strictly follow all the rules of the diet and correctly exit the system, then in the future you will not only increase the result, but also maintain it for at least two to three years.
    • Thoughtful diet. There is no need to invent anything. Nutritionists have long developed a special plan, which a person losing weight can only strictly follow, getting excellent results and a beautiful, slender figure.
    • Lightness and simplicity of dishes. The menu is made up of basic dishes. Just half an hour and a delicious lunch, breakfast or dinner is ready.

    The Japanese diet gives truly noticeable results, but it not only has numerous advantages, but also some disadvantages that you may experience during the implementation:

    • Strict restrictions on the products consumed - not everyone can withstand the proposed menu for the entire week.
    • You can drink not only water, green tea, but also coffee, frequent consumption of which leads to disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract and blood pressure levels.
    • Only people in good health, without pathologies at the chronic stage, can adhere to the diet.
    • If you do not exit the diet correctly, the lost kilograms will quickly return. After the “Japanese” you need to rebuild your daily diet.

    The table shows a sample menu.

    How much weight can you lose in a week?

    How many kilograms can you lose in 7 days? In at least a week of following the principles and rules of most modern diets, you can lose an average of 2 to 3 kg of excess weight, while the standard norm for the body is no more than one and a half kilograms. All other amounts of weight loss depend on the initial weight: the fatter the person, the faster and more noticeably he loses weight. Curvy beauties, as a rule, lose up to 6 kilos on a weekly diet, but slender women will be able to get rid of a maximum of 1-2.

    Such results are provided with a balanced diet, when there are no strict restrictions on the foods consumed. In the case of “hunger” diets, more significant results are possible. Of course, you will lose 10 kilograms, but in the process you will experience discomfort and numerous side effects.

    Which is better is up to you to choose. But it is best to consult with a specialist in advance, and we will help you choose the appropriate option.

    Important tips for losing weight

    On the Internet you can find hundreds of competent advice from nutritionists that allow you to quickly lose weight in a short time. Here are the most important of them:

    • You need to calculate your daily calorie intake. To do this, you should use a special calculator. By sticking to a low figure, you can lose up to 10 kg in 7 days.
    • You need to eat less salt.
    • It is better to protect yourself from stress and nervous strain.
    • The most effective exercises for losing weight are the treadmill and walking.
    • Chew food thoroughly so that it is better absorbed.
    • It is important to enlist the support of family and friends.
    • To take your mind off thoughts about food, you need to take up your favorite hobby.
    • We need to give up bad habits.

    Motivation for losing weight largely depends on the goal, the desire to achieve results and one’s own determination. It is best to make a plan in advance and record daily results, even if they seem insignificant.

    What is the maximum kg you lost in 7 days?

    Chocolate diet

    Chocolate speeds up metabolism and supports health. High-quality dark chocolate with a high content of antioxidants protects the body from diseases of civilization and heart disease. If you are interested in how to lose 7 kg in 2 weeks, also pay attention to this delicacy.

    Buy only chocolate with a high cocoa percentage. Chocolate desserts and filled bars are not suitable. Dark chocolate will also reduce your appetite and quench your hunger.

    The chocolate diet allows for the consumption of all healthy foods. The only caveat is the daily consumption of dark chocolate with at least 60% cocoa.

    The menu does not include red meat, dairy products, sweets, or fried foods.

    Chocolate diet menu


    • Breakfast: fruit salad + piece of chocolate.
    • Snack: popcorn.
    • Lunch: pasta with vegetables + a piece of chocolate.
    • Afternoon snack: tomatoes.
    • Dinner: vegetable risotto + piece of chocolate.


    • Breakfast: whole grain bread + fish + piece of chocolate.
    • Snack: apple.
    • Lunch: cod + potatoes + piece of chocolate.
    • Afternoon snack: carrots.
    • Dinner: tuna + piece of chocolate.


    • Breakfast: yogurt + whole grain bread + piece of chocolate.
    • Snack: orange.
    • Lunch: chicken + potatoes + piece of chocolate.
    • Afternoon snack: popcorn.
    • Dinner: baked trout + mashed potatoes + piece of chocolate.


    • Breakfast: fruit muesli + piece of chocolate.
    • Snack: yogurt.
    • Lunch: turkey stew + piece of chocolate.
    • Afternoon snack: pear.
    • Dinner: chicken soup + a piece of chocolate.


    • Breakfast: black bread + ham + piece of chocolate.
    • Snack: a piece of chocolate.
    • Lunch: salmon + potatoes
    • Afternoon snack: acidophilus milk.
    • Dinner: lentil soup + a piece of chocolate.

    For the next 2 days, repeat menu 1-2 days.

    Video about the most restrictive diets for quick weight loss

    If you dream of losing weight, but are still undecided on how best to do it, watch the following videos and it will be easier for you to make a decision. Thanks to the video, you can learn the features of the most popular strict diets, their advantages, disadvantages and secrets. Remember that in order to have a beautiful figure, you need to put in some effort, but the end result is definitely worth it.

    Grapefruit diet

    Grapefruit diet. MENU of grapefruit diet for weight loss

    Carrot diet for quick weight loss

    Carrot diet. MENU carrot diet

    Salad diet

    The salad diet, as the name suggests, is based on salads. The principle of the diet, with which you can lose 7 kg in 2 weeks, is to supply the body with important nutritional components. Minerals and vitamins support the immune system, fiber fills you up and prevents the feeling of hunger after eating.

    Example of a diet menu


    • Breakfast: salad + egg + herbal tea.
    • Appetizer: tomatoes with mozzarella.
    • Lunch: baked cod + tomato and pepper salad.
    • Afternoon snack: salad.
    • Dinner: beef + salad of boiled root vegetables.


    • Breakfast: chicory salad + Gouda cheese + whole grain bread + mineral water.
    • Appetizer: melon + ham.
    • Lunch: potato salad + yogurt + tuna.
    • Afternoon snack: dried fruits + hazelnuts.
    • Dinner: chicken + broccoli + cauliflower salad.


    • Breakfast: assorted different types of salad + cottage cheese.
    • Appetizer: salad with arugula + walnuts.
    • Lunch: risotto (rice + boiled carrots + peas + corn).
    • Afternoon snack: yogurt + tomato salad.
    • Dinner: salad of stewed beets, cabbage, apples.


    • Breakfast: salad of tomatoes, peppers with yogurt dressing + fruit tea.
    • Snack: yogurt + fruit.
    • Lunch: turkey steak + salad + olives + tomatoes.
    • Afternoon snack: cucumber salad.
    • Dinner: rabbit + boiled root vegetable puree.


    • Breakfast: salad (banana + orange + tangerine) + mineral water.
    • Appetizer: salad of peppers, nuts.
    • Lunch: turkey stew + fruit salad (tangerine + orange + kiwi).
    • Afternoon snack: spinach.
    • Dinner: fish salad + yogurt.

    For the next 2 days, choose any daily menu from the example above or create your own variation.

    Hercules diet

    One of the ways to lose weight and cleanse the body is the Hercules diet. Oatmeal is an important source of energy and other valuable substances.

    Example of a Hercules diet menu

    Breakfast is the same for all days: oatmeal porridge + fruit + honey, nuts or cocoa.


    • Snack: fruit.
    • Lunch: potatoes.
    • Afternoon snack: yogurt.
    • Dinner: oatmeal pancakes.


    • Snack: fruit.
    • Lunch: pasta with chicken + vegetables + rolled oats.
    • Afternoon snack: kefir.
    • Dinner: pork + oatmeal.


    • Snack: fruit.
    • Lunch: oatmeal pancakes.
    • Afternoon snack: kefir.
    • Dinner: tomatoes + peppers.

    Repeat the menu over the next few days or create your own variations.

    Fruit diet

    This is a type of diet popular among celebrities, a relatively healthy way to lose 7 kg in a week. The diet is based on a special diet consisting only of fruits, which ensures rapid weight loss.

    Example of a fruit diet menu


    • Breakfast: 3 kiwis.
    • Snack: 150 g of grapes.
    • Lunch: 5 kiwis.
    • Afternoon snack: 100 g of grapes.
    • Dinner: 3 kiwis.


    • Breakfast: 300 g of fresh pineapple.
    • Snack: 250 g pineapple.
    • Lunch: banana.
    • Afternoon snack: 250 g pineapple.
    • Dinner: banana.


    • Breakfast: 250 g of grapes.
    • Snack: 200 g pineapple.
    • Lunch: 5 kiwis.
    • Afternoon snack: 150 g pineapple.
    • Dinner: 100 g grapes + 2 kiwis.

    On other days, follow the example menu above.

    Diet for 7 days menu

    So that you don’t have to think about what is possible and what is not, I have put together a seven-day diet for you that will help you lose 5-7 kg. Of course, provided that you follow all 10 tips that I gave you earlier. Don’t forget, all portions should not weigh more than 200-250g, in the evening you eat only before 6 and do any available sports for at least 40-50 minutes three times a week.

    So, the menu for 7 days:

    The first day:

    • Breakfast: boiled egg, tea without sugar;
    • Second breakfast: two tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese;
    • Lunch: 100g boiled chicken, tomato;
    • Afternoon snack: apple;
    • Dinner: a glass of kefir.

    Second day:

    • Breakfast: omelet -1 egg with milk, coffee without sugar;
    • Second breakfast: grated carrots;
    • Lunch: 100g stewed cabbage with minced chicken, 1 cucumber;
    • Afternoon snack: 150 ml tomato juice;
    • Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese 100g and natural yogurt 100g.

    Day three:

    • Breakfast: soft-boiled egg, tea without sugar;
    • Second breakfast: baked apple;
    • Lunch: 100g baked fish, 100g cabbage salad;
    • Afternoon snack: 150 ml apple juice;
    • Dinner: stewed chicken wing, fresh cucumber and herb salad.

    Day four:

    • Breakfast: soft-boiled egg, tea without sugar;
    • Second breakfast: baked apple;
    • Lunch: 100g baked fish, 100g cabbage salad;
    • Afternoon snack: 150 ml apple juice;
    • Dinner: stewed chicken wing, fresh cucumber and herb salad.

    Day five:

    • Breakfast: pour two tablespoons of oatmeal with hot milk, coffee without sugar;
    • Second breakfast: orange;
    • Lunch: 150g of stewed vegetables, except potatoes, one cucumber;
    • Afternoon snack: 150 ml kefir;
    • Dinner: cottage cheese casserole: 100g cottage cheese, 1 raw egg, one chopped peach or apple, mix everything, bake.

    Day six:

    • Breakfast: two tablespoons of boiled buckwheat, coffee without sugar;
    • Second breakfast: grated apple;
    • Lunch: 150g stewed chicken, tomato;
    • Afternoon snack: 150 ml tomato juice;
    • Dinner: grilled fish with vegetables 200g.

    Day seven:

    • Breakfast: boiled egg, tea without sugar;
    • Second breakfast: grated carrots;
    • Lunch: 150g stewed veal, cabbage salad 100g;
    • Afternoon snack: 150 ml of natural drinking yoghurt;
    • Dinner: 200g of stewed vegetables except potatoes with pieces of minced veal.

    Menu for 2 weeks of a strict diet

    Days Eating What to drink
    1 and 8 Breakfast Cocoa
    First snack Apricot juice
    Second snack Berry jelly
    Dinner Tomato puree soup
    First afternoon tea Yogurt
    Second afternoon tea Dried fruits compote
    Dinner Broth based on chicken meat
    2 and 9 Breakfast Green tea
    First snack Tomato juice
    Second snack Oatmeal jelly
    Dinner Puree Spinach Soup
    First afternoon tea Kefir
    Second afternoon tea Berry compote
    Dinner Beetroot broth
    3 and 10 Breakfast Black tea
    First snack Plum juice
    Second snack Fruit-based jelly
    Dinner Cheese cream soup
    First afternoon tea Milk
    Second afternoon tea Uzvar
    Dinner Beef broth
    4 and 11 Breakfast Cocoa
    First snack Carrot juice
    Second snack Milk jelly
    Dinner Cream of mushroom soup
    First afternoon tea Ryazhenka
    Second afternoon tea Apple compote
    Dinner Potato based broth
    5 and 12 Breakfast Green tea
    First snack Orange juice
    Second snack Berry jelly
    Dinner Puree soup based on celery
    First afternoon tea Varenets
    Second afternoon tea Uzvar
    Dinner Turkey based broth
    6 and 13 Breakfast Black tea
    First snack Pumpkin juice
    Second snack Fruit-based jelly
    Dinner Pumpkin puree soup
    First afternoon tea Curdled milk
    Second afternoon tea Fruit compote
    Dinner Mushroom broth
    7 and 14 Breakfast Cocoa
    First snack Pomegranate juice
    Second snack Oatmeal jelly
    Dinner Potato soup
    First afternoon tea Snowball
    Second afternoon tea Apple compote
    Dinner Veal broth

    Diet "Week"

    Another very popular way to lose weight is the “Week” diet, which lasts exactly 7 days . First, I will write you her menu, and then I will give you my tips and recommendations for each day.

    Week diet menu

    The first day:

    Only drinks, for example, tea, coffee without sugar, fermented milk products, broths without salt and fat, vegetable and herbal decoctions, freshly squeezed juices, etc.

    Advice: the drinking rate should not exceed 1 liter, except for clean water. If you drink excessively, you can easily gain a lot of unnecessary calories. You cannot drink sweet carbonated drinks, compotes with sugar, or store-bought juices. Even freshly squeezed juices have a high glycemic index, so you may gain even more weight than with a regular diet. (Here read about the glycemic index of foods

    Second day:

    Only raw vegetables, for example, carrots, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, broccoli, zucchini, radishes, pumpkin. You can grate them and make salads, but you can only season them with lemon juice.

    Tip: After making the salad, wait until the vegetables release their juice. Drink additional water, tea without sugar, and herbal infusions.

    Day three:

    You will again find drinks of all kinds, but non-calorie ones, and those that do not contain excess sugar or fat.

    Tip: to make it easier to survive drinking days, make smoothies from vegetables and fruits, puree them in a blender and add mineral water.

    Day four:

    Fruit day, allowing you to eat any fruit.

    Advice: do not eat more than 1-1.5 kg per day, because many fruits are so sweet that you can exceed the daily calorie intake of even a person who is not losing weight. Avoid bananas, grapes and figs, which contain too much sugar.

    Day five:

    A protein day will be the most satisfying. You can eat boiled meat, eggs, cottage cheese, fish, mushrooms.

    Advice: I recommend eating no more than 350g of meat products, about 150g of cottage cheese with a fat content of up to 2%, 1-2 eggs. Also, be sure to include at least two or three cucumbers or tomatoes in your menu so as not to cause constipation.

    Day six:

    And again drinks, we drink kefir, fermented milk products containing bifidobacteria, vegetable and fruit juices. You can cook the broth, but remove all the fat and add light salt.

    Day seven:

    This day will prepare you to return to normal eating. But all portions are very small and extremely dietary.

    • Breakfast: omelet, tea;
    • Second breakfast: low-fat yogurt;
    • Lunch: chicken soup;
    • Afternoon snack: 1 any fruit;
    • Dinner: vegetable salad, maybe “Greek” with pieces of unsalted cheese or Mozzarella cheese.

    The “Week” diet, according to reviews, gives good results. You can lose 5-7 kg, because small portions make it possible to:

    • contract stomach;
    • empty the entire digestive tract;
    • dry the body;
    • remove excess fluid and toxins.

    I think another undoubted advantage is that after such a diet you will already be able to control your appetite. The body gets used to eating much less, and you will be satisfied with even a small amount of food that is not too high in calories.

    Reviews from doctors and specialists

    Malofeev Igor, nutritionist

    As a doctor, I don't really approve of crash diets. Many of them are based on significant dietary restrictions. After following such a diet, a woman feels dissatisfied. And when it finally ends, she breaks down and eats in a row everything that she has denied herself for so long. A yo-yo effect occurs: the lost kilograms not only return, but also take on new ones.

    The body is experiencing a lack of vitamins and minerals; even pharmacy complexes will not save you. Synthetic vitamin supplements are not able to replenish all the important substances necessary for the human body.

    Why mock yourself so much - eat only buckwheat or oranges? After all, it’s enough to stick to the basics of a healthy diet and move more. Many subsequently spend their entire lives treating gastritis, ulcers, metabolic disorders, etc.

    Swedish diet

    The Scandinavian (Swedish) diet was introduced to the world only in 2004 in Northern Europe. It includes whole grains, omega-3 seafood, nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits. Of the oils, preference is given to rapeseed, which has a better ratio of nutrients than olive.

    Sample Swedish diet menu

    Breakfast is the same for all days - coffee without additives.


    • Lunch: 2 eggs + tomatoes + spinach or broccoli.
    • Dinner: beef stew + salad with a drop of oil, lemon.


    • Lunch: beef + salad with butter, lemon.
    • Dinner: ham + yogurt.


    • Lunch: spinach or broccoli + tomato + fruit.
    • Dinner: ham + 2 eggs + salad with butter, lemon.


    • Lunch: carrots + butter + egg + cottage cheese.
    • Dinner: fruit salad + kefir.


    • Lunch: beef + salad + steamed broccoli.
    • Dinner: fish.


    • Lunch: chicken salad with butter, lemon.
    • Dinner: 2 eggs + carrots + butter.


    • Lunch: meat.
    • Dinner: nothing.

    The Swedish diet program is also known as the Victoria's Secret Angels Diet.

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