How to pump up your legs and buttocks at home. Effective exercises

How to swing your legs correctly

The hips, legs, and feet bear a large load, which consists of body weight, efforts when moving, standing, and carrying heavy objects. The higher the excess weight, the greater the pressure and the risk of displacement in the joints of the legs and arches of the feet. Progressive curvatures, multiplied by age-related arthritic diseases, can immobilize and place a person in a wheelchair.

“Strengthening your legs at home” is a program for strengthening muscles, which consists of regularity, proper distribution and a gradual increase in physical effort. The schedule is based on 3-4 workouts per week, which are carried out 1-1.5 hours after meals.

It is necessary to follow the recommended technique for performing each exercise to avoid severe soreness, poor health, sprains and more serious injuries.

Leg exercises at home

Self-training helps correct figure flaws. A man's torso with excellent relief, resting on thin, limp legs, looks ridiculous. A woman with a well-groomed appearance, in a beautiful tight-fitting dress, simply does not have the right to show saggy buttocks, flabby contours of the hips, or a heavy gait.

What settings should you start with:

  • choose the appropriate duration, pace of classes, load;
  • work all muscles sequentially;
  • increase the load evenly by adding the number of repetitions, approaches, and later weights;
  • be sure to do a warm-up (10 minutes) to warm up the leg, heart, and respiratory muscles;
  • end the workout with deep breathing exercises, restoring the normal functioning of the lungs and heart.

Squats for legs and buttocks

The exercise allows you to work the gluteal muscles, medial (middle) and inner thigh muscles.

Squats are the simplest and most effective exercises at home in the “pump up your legs and buttocks” program.

Starting position – feet shoulder-width apart, turned outward by 35°, resting on the floor with their entire surface; back straight, abs tense; arms extended forward.

Squat technique:

  1. As you lower yourself down while inhaling, lean forward a little with your back straight.
  2. At the lowest point, keep your knees above your feet, resting on your heels and holding for 1-2 seconds.
  3. Exhale and rise up without bending your knees.

Repeat until you feel a burning sensation in your legs.

Side lunges

The exercise uses the thigh, gluteal, and calves muscles. The abs and lower back are involved. The breeches zone is corrected.

Initial stance – back straight, abs tucked in, hands on the belt, feet apart, slightly turned to the sides.


  1. Inhaling, gently take a step to the left, moving the center of gravity there. Move your straight back slightly forward.
  2. Squat down to a right angle at the knee, right leg straight.
  3. Exhaling, straighten your knee. Push off slightly and return to a straight stance.

Repeat everything to the right.

Cross lunges

The stance is the same as for side lunges.


  1. As you inhale, step your right foot back, bringing it behind your left as if in a curtsy.
  2. The knee of the back leg drops slightly short of the floor. Support on the toe, which together with the knee joint looks straight. At the lowest point, tension on the gluteal surface is felt. The knee of the front leg is bent, does not extend beyond the line of the toes and is turned outward along with them. The front heel keeps the body from falling over.
  3. As you exhale, rise up. Perform a series of lunges from the same position, or changing legs.


High-amplitude lifts strengthen muscles, hip joints, and break down cellulite. Swings forward, backward, and to the side are performed in separate series or in combination. First, they hold onto a support or sit on the floor.

For standing swings, you need your head, back, and legs to be on the same vertical line. Each rise is accompanied by an exhalation. Pulling your fingers towards you increases muscle stretching. The back does not bend, the body does not deviate. The lifting height increases gradually.

Swings on the floor are done in 2 ways from one position - emphasis on the knees and elbows. From head to buttocks - a horizontal line.


  1. Bring your working leg back onto your toes. Raise it straight or bent, pointing the heel up. Before subsequent swings, do not lower it to the floor. There is no need to raise your head or bend your lower back.
  2. Without straightening, move your working leg to the side. As you exhale, swing your knee forward. As you inhale, take your leg back, straightening it slightly. Put force into moving the knee forward. Do not tilt the body to the side.

Jumping rope

In adulthood, skipping puts a lot of stress on the heart, so you should start with 1 minute. jumping, inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Increase the duration of skipping when breathing becomes confidently rhythmic and heart rate is kept within 120.

How to do it:

  • Exercise with a skipping rope in 3-4 approaches for 7-10 minutes.
  • During jumps, the elbows are pressed to the body, the back is straight.
  • The rotation of the rope is created only by the hands.
  • It is easier to practice while listening to rhythmic music, replacing bouncing with both legs with left-right jumps or moving forward.

Gluteal bridge

Lying face up on the mat, place your bent legs on the floor. Raise 1 leg strictly vertically, rest the heel of the other on the floor. Using the force of the gluteal muscles, lift the body up to the shoulders. After a delay of 2-4 seconds, gently lower. Repeat the same in mirror image.

Variants, technique for performing the “gluteal bridge” exercise:

Exercises with dumbbells

“Pumping up your legs at home with weights” is a section of the program that involves the use of sports or homemade equipment.

These are the following devices:

  • dumbbells;
  • small discs from the bar;
  • metal balls;
  • plastic bottles with water or sand.

Weights are used when the following exercises become easy to perform:

  1. Plie – legs are spread wide apart, toes are turned outward as much as possible, arms with dumbbells are lowered. Slowly squat, hold for 2-3 seconds, rise to the starting position.

  2. Lunges – hands with dumbbells constantly down, step forward, back knee down, lift.

  3. Deadlift – with 2 dumbbells or a barbell, tilt your body down towards your feet. At the same time, the pelvis is pulled back, and the strength of the buttocks is used to lift.

  4. Jumping – hands with dumbbells at your sides, squat and, pushing off your heels, jump up.

Calf exercises

Regular exercise will make your legs not only strong and resilient, but also more beautiful due to symmetrically convex calf muscles. Girls shouldn't pump them too much.


  1. Pistol – lifting a straight leg forward (“barrel”) and squatting on the other. The same with the load.

  2. Walking on straight, pointed toes.
  3. Skipping.
  4. Run.

Calf raise

These exercises tighten the core muscles (abdomen, back, buttocks, hips), which provide stability to the spine.

Performing exercises:

  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Move the center of gravity to your toes, with a slight tilt of the body forward and sit on your toes. By moving the tailbone back at this moment, body balance is achieved. The hands lie on the hips. Squat depth is half.

  2. Toes are spread out, looking forward. Lifting your heels off the floor, rise on your toes as high as possible. Fix in this position for 2-3 seconds, lower your entire foot.
  3. Balance on 1 toe. Raise the other leg, bending the knee. Alternate lifts on both limbs.

  4. Press your back and arms against the wall, stand on your toes. Perform a series of pendulum (cross) swings with one, then the other leg.
  5. Stand with your fingers on the edge of the step, steps. On the shoulders is a barbell or a bar from it. Rise up and down with your heels in the air. Perform smoothly, freezing at the top point for 2-3 seconds.

Exercises while lying on the floor

For horizontal training, you will need a thin rolled or thick mat made up of “puzzle” segments.

Exercise technique:

  1. The face looks up, hands along the body on the floor, legs on the feet. Move your right foot to your left knee and do a series of glute raises. Repeat on the other side.

  2. Lying on your side, legs straight, hand supporting your head. Raise the upper leg smoothly by 90° using the force of the gluteal and thigh muscles (without straining the lower back). Repeat in series on each side.
  3. In the same position, place your upper foot on the mat in front of your knee. Raise and lower your lower leg while maintaining core stability.

Don't miss the most popular article in the section: Morning exercises for those over 40, 50. Gymnastics exercises for weight loss, video lessons.

Effective exercises on how to pump up a girl’s buttocks

We have selected for you the most effective exercises on how to pump up a girl’s buttocks. The complex will not require special exercise equipment, the only thing you will need is two dumbbells of 1-1.5 kg each. It is better to buy professional women's dumbbells, but, in extreme cases, you can also use improvised devices, for example, water bottles.

Women's dumbbells for fitness ORDER NOW


Squats, familiar to us from childhood (which we didn’t like so much in physical education classes at school), are one of the most effective exercises for the buttocks and legs. You can't get a bigger butt without a leg lift. And as a whole, because it looks more attractive...

To keep your back straight and not fall to one side, it is better to squat with a stick on your shoulders. Try not to let your knees protrude past your toes; it’s better not to squat all the way down; your buttocks should not fall below your knees. Stick your butt out as far back as possible during squats.

If you have injured knees, it is better to wear a knee brace before training. This is a special bandage that fixes the composition in a strictly anatomical position. Such safety measures will allow you to quickly pump up your buttocks at home and at the same time prevent joints.

Lunges on one leg

The “Lunge” exercise helps not only pump up your buttocks, but will make them bigger. This exercise is also suitable for women whose butt has spread a little. The technique helps to work out the inner thighs and makes the legs sculpted.

When you do the exercise, do not fall back, the weight should be distributed on the front leg, keep your back straight. You can do lunges with or without dumbbells. You can pick up two bottles and fix the weight on your shoulders.

One of the variations of the exercise is to hold your hands with dumbbells raised up. Include lunges in your daily routine, starting with one to three sets of 10 reps on each leg.

Swing your legs

Another effective exercise is how to pump up a girl’s buttocks at home. When performing this exercise, make sure that the leg you are lifting does not “fly” back with a jerk. You need to lift your leg smoothly to the maximum limit, while your back should be straight, do not bend down.

The starting position can be with emphasis on your palms or with emphasis on your elbows, as is convenient for you. Place your palms straight, do not turn them towards each other. Leg swings are an effective exercise for tightening the muscles of the buttocks and upper thighs. Start with two sets of 10 reps.

If your buttocks “burn”, it means you are doing everything right.

Butt lift

This is a very effective exercise for women who not only want to pump up their buttocks. By stimulating the blood circulation of the pelvic organs, you simultaneously prevent yourself from many gynecological diseases.

We recommend that when lifting, linger at the highest point for 5 seconds and tense all the pelvic muscles. Whatever you can. This way you will also perform one of the main wumbling exercises.

Standing and sitting calf raises

A very simple exercise that can be done systematically throughout the day. For example, when you are working at a computer or sitting at a bus stop waiting for transport.

The first thing this exercise affects is the formation of beautiful calves, an elastic butt is a “bonus”.

It is better to perform standing calf raises not on a flat surface, but by placing some kind of elevation. With your toes you stand on the stand and lift your torso with your toes. Be sure to keep your back straight and do not lean forward or backward.

How to build calf muscles without squats

One of the most effective workouts - squats - is not available to everyone due to existing injuries, hemorrhoids, and heavy weight.

You can strengthen your shins in other ways:

  • walking up and down slopes, stairs, including stepping up one step at a time, using weights in the form of 2 bags or a backpack;
  • cycling routes;
  • swimming with emphasis on the legs.

In the “boat” exercise, not only the calf muscles, but the whole body actively work. Lying on your stomach, stretch and raise your arms and legs. After 2-3 seconds of tension, relax. Alternatively, you can swing longitudinally on your stomach.

Training program

1. Squats with weight. You can place the weight in different ways: holding it in your freely lowered hands or placing it on your upper back (trapezium). In any of the options, you squat so that your butt drops below knee level. Not by much, but lower.

The weight should not touch the floor if it is gallons and you are holding them in your hands. The back is straight, the gaze is directed forward and upward. Feet shoulder-width apart and facing forward. Over time, you can change the width of your legs and also increase the weight of the weights to make progress.

2. Wall squats. I warn you in advance, the exercise is difficult, and its implementation may cause difficulties. You need to find a section of the wall where it will be more or less “slippery” so that you can move your back along it. So, stand with your back close to the wall, and bring your legs 30 - 40 cm forward. Place your feet together. Start squatting without taking your back off the wall. Return to the starting position in the same way. The exercise is difficult, but it perfectly develops the buttocks.

If there is no such wall, take a ball and lean it against the wall and squat so that it rolls on your back.

3. Weighted lunges. Hold the weight in your hands and take a deep lunge forward with either leg. The second one should not touch the floor with the knee when lunging. Bring your leg back. Do the same with the other leg.

Lunges can be performed in place or while moving around the room. In the second option, you do not return the front leg, but substitute the back leg to it. Over time, increase the intensity of this exercise (do it faster).

4. Jumping from a place. Do a squat, lowering your hips until they are parallel to the floor. Then push strongly off the floor, straightening your legs at all joints, and jump to a height of 25–30 cm. If in the future the load is no longer enough, then perform the same jumping out of rolls from your back. You'll see, you'll like it.

5. Romanian deadlifts with weights or forward bends. You have weights in your freely hanging hands. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, toes straight. The back is arched, the knees are slightly bent and fixed, and the head is directed forward. Extend your torso until it is completely straight, and then return to the starting position. You can vary the width of your feet. Experiment to see which one works best.

6. Jumping rope. Jump rope for at least 5 minutes per workout. But not on straight legs, but on slightly bent ones. Over time, you can bend your legs lower and lower, almost reaching a squat. Have you tried squatting? It's difficult, but how effective.

If that doesn't work, try jumping back and forth, side to side on both feet, or from one to the other. On two in a circle or square. Also try doing alternating lunges while jumping rope. They won't turn out to be too wide, but you will be able to surprise your muscles.

7. Squats on one leg. Stand with one foot on a solid hill of at least 25 cm. Let the second one be above the “abyss”. Do squats on one leg. Then change the position of your legs. While performing, you can hold on to something with one hand, but do not help yourself in this way. Do the exercise without weights - and it will be so hard.

Perform all exercises from the complex no less than 8 and no more than 12 times (if you get more, increase the weight of the weights). In total, each exercise should have 4 sets (more, less). Finish your workout with abdominal exercises.

Sets of exercises for different muscle groups of the legs

At home, if necessary, you can selectively pump your legs in order, for example, to correct the contour in their problem areas.

For the vastus anterior muscles (quadriceps)

Sit on a stool, a hard chair. Raise the toes of your flattened legs and place a heavy backpack and barbell on them. Grasping your hands on the sides of the seat, raise the lower part of your limbs to a straight line with your knees.

Don't fall back, don't jerk. At first, 10 lifts in 3 approaches with intervals depending on how you feel is enough.

For the back of the thighs, calves

Lie on your stomach with your legs hanging from your knees. Place the weight closer to your feet. Lift it by bending your knees. Perform the same number of times as in the previous exercise.

For the lateral thighs

Lying sideways on the mat, straighten your legs, toes pointing towards you, hand under your head. Bring your leg up so far that the second leg can join it. Lower the limbs one after another.

Burpees for the buttocks, front and back muscles of the legs

The following are executed sequentially, without stopping:

  • deep squat;
  • bar;
  • push-ups;
  • deep squat
  • jumping up.

Climber variations for all muscles.

  1. Standing in a high plank on straight arms (later on 1 arm) or in a low plank (on arms bent at the elbows), pull your knee forward and move back, imitating climbing mountains in series on each side. In the starting position, legs are together.

  2. Leaning in a side position on the palm of a straight hand, place your feet on the floor sideways and one after another. Raise your upper and lower knees in front of you alternately.
  3. In a high plank, your feet are spread apart. “Step” with your knees forward along the sides of the same name from the body, in the next block - along opposite sides (diagonal). Another option is to return the leg not to the starting point, but by stepping back 3-4 steps to the left each time, then to the right as well.
  4. Leaning in the plank on outstretched arms, jump with bent legs back and forth, sideways, and back to the starting point.

  5. With support on your hands, place your toes on a raised platform behind you so that your head and heels are at the same level. Without bending, pull your knees up one by one.

Universal exercise - Lunges

Another great and most versatile exercise for the buttocks, which will help you quickly and precisely model your shape. There are several types of lunges:

  • lunges in place
  • walking lunges
  • lunges with alternating legs
  • side lunges

Forward lunges and dumbbell walks

To perform standing lunges, start by standing up straight. Take dumbbells and hold them in straight arms at the sides of your body. Step forward with one foot. Make sure you keep your balance. Bend both legs, allowing the dumbbells to pull you down. The knee of the front leg does not extend beyond the foot, and the knee of the back leg almost touches the floor.

Push off with the heel of your front foot and return to the starting position. Perform the required number of repetitions with one leg, then the other.

Lunges forward

Lunges with dumbbells

Lunges back into scissors or to the side

You can add cross lunges (Cross Lunges, Scissors, Curtsy) and side lunges. Thanks to the crossed position of the legs, similar in technique to a curtsey, the gluteal muscle receives an excellent stretch in the lower phase of the movement. Performing this exercise with dumbbells, a barbell, or even no weight at all allows you to create rounded, toned buttocks, visually lifting them and separating them from the hamstrings.

Back lunges into scissors

Lunges with barbell to the side

Walking lunges with a barbell on the shoulders or back from an elevation

If you have a barbell, you can do even more interesting versions of the exercise:

Walking lunges with a barbell on the shoulders

Lunges with a barbell back from an elevation

Kettlebell Lunges

And for special fans - try doing lunges with a weight thrown under your foot 3 to 15 ;)

Lunges with weights under the foot

If you get bored while doing this exercise, girls can alternate lunges in place with walking, which will be equally effective on your gluteal muscles, pumping them up.

Lesson plan for the week

“Strengthening your legs at home” may seem like a monotonous program. But it is not at all necessary to do the same movements every time. It is necessary to distribute them into 3-4 groups according to training days, select stimulating music, and involve family members and friends in the training.

An example of grouping exercises during the week:

Day of the weekMovementNumber of repetitions
MondayWarm up joints from neck to ankles10 rubles each
Jumping – legs to the sides, clapping hands above head30 s.
Running without moving
Skipping100 rub.
Regular squats20 rub. x 3 approaches
Bridge for the buttocks10 rubles each x 3
Simple plank30 s x 3
Final leg stretch30 s each
TuesdayWarm-up10 rubles each
Squats15 rub. x 6
Squats20 s., 10 s. – rest, total – 3 min.
Burpee10 rub. x 3
Jump Squat
Stretching30 s each
ThursdayWarm-up10 rubles each
Running without moving30 s.
Skipping100 rub.
Jumping onto the step straight, sideways; quickly touching the edge of the step with the toes of each foot 7-10 min.
Lunges10 rubles each x 3
Raising the buttocks with hands supporting the back on the bench10 rub. x 3
Planks: regular, side30 s each
FridayWarm-up10 rubles each
Jump Squat10 rub. x 6
Plank30 s. after 30 s. rest, 6 approaches in total

Climber Variations


30 s each after 30 s. rest, first do 2 cycles until the end
Stretching30 s each

How to quickly pump up your butt at home in a week?

By approaching your exercises with all responsibility, you can ensure that the first result becomes noticeable within a week. How to quickly pump up your butt at home in a week?

On a note! First of all, it is worth noting that people who lead a sedentary lifestyle especially need physical activity.

If you move little, the muscles weaken and lose their elasticity, which undoubtedly affects your appearance. It should be noted that it is easier to pump up your butt in the gym, since there is special equipment there. However, it is quite possible to strengthen the gluteal muscle at home. True, you will have to prepare for grueling training, especially if you need to get results in a short time.

Important! To quickly pump up your butt, in addition to physical activity, you need to exclude certain foods from your diet.

These include:

  • sausages,
  • sauces,
  • sweets,
  • bakery,
  • fatty food,
  • fried foods.

It is also advisable to give up coffee.

You should pay attention to steamed dishes, eat more protein (meat, fish, dairy products), vegetables and fruits. Proper nutrition combined with exercise helps you quickly lose extra pounds and gain muscle mass.

If a girl has not played sports before, she should not immediately load herself to the maximum. You need to start with a little warm-up, despite the fact that you need to pump up your butt in just a week.

If you immediately work on your muscles with heavy exercises, you simply won’t be able to get out of bed the next day, let alone continue your workout routine. Thus, trying to pump up your butt in a week will not be successful.

Important! Even when doing exercises for several months, warming up is necessary. It helps warm up the muscles and prepare them for the upcoming loads.

Advice from professionals

  • Training should take place in a well-ventilated room, since fat burning, active heart function, and lungs need oxygen;
  • It is important to correctly assess the adequacy of the load - not to spare effort, but also not to bring yourself to overwork;
  • To a large extent, the success of training depends on a balanced diet of proteins, carbohydrates, fats. During exercise, you should periodically drink good quality water.

Beautiful posture, muscular strong legs, easy gait, endurance - all this can be obtained at home if you take a break from the TV, computer, beer and start pumping up your muscles regularly.

Article design: Svetlana Ovsyanikova


Pumping up the legs and buttocks must be completed correctly. This is explained by anatomical features: blood rushes to the feet and hips, since they need oxygen most of all. You should not end your workout abruptly, as you may feel dizzy.

In order for blood circulation to return to normal, you need to walk in place for 5-10 minutes. The blood will be distributed evenly, and the muscle temperature will become normal (during exercise it increases to approximately 37.5 degrees).

Thanks to walking, after the first workouts you will feel almost no pain. To cool down your muscles, take a hot bath with sea salt. After training, you need to quench your thirst. You are allowed to drink up to half a liter of tea or water, especially if the sweating was very intense.

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