Foods for gaining muscle mass

Rules necessary for organizing proper nutrition for gaining muscle mass

In order for proper nutrition to gain muscle mass to produce results, you must follow the following rules:

  • the body must receive more calories than it expends during training;
  • after training, you should consume a protein-carbon mixture;
  • During the first hour after training, you should eat a hearty meal in accordance with the previously thought out diet;
  • you should eat often, but in small portions;
  • You should drink a lot of water, more than two and a half liters per day;
  • it is worth calculating the correct amount of BJU;
  • it is worth correctly distributing nutrients throughout the day;
  • You should definitely eat protein foods before bed, for example, casein protein or low-fat cottage cheese.

Recommended Products

Depending on the training scheme and the task set for yourself, products are also selected. To lose weight during a sports diet, it is recommended to eat:

  • Lean sources of animal protein. Poultry, egg whites, fish dishes;
  • Unsweetened fermented milk products;
  • Fresh vegetables, herbs;
  • Porridges prepared without the use of sugar and salt.

For men whose goal is to gain muscle mass, it is recommended to create a menu for the week with the following products:

  • Buckwheat and rice (slow carbohydrates);
  • Pasta, honey, dried fruits, potatoes (fast carbohydrates);
  • Fish and meat dishes;
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Eggs.

Diet for gaining muscle mass

A healthy diet should include the following foods:

  • protein - lean meat of various varieties, not only dietary, poultry, low-fat cottage cheese, milk, eggs, lean fish and other seafood;
  • carbohydrates - cereals, durum wheat pasta, brown bread, fruits, potatoes no more than twice a week, other vegetables and dried fruits;
  • fatty – vegetable oils, nuts, avocados, seeds, fatty fish.

From all the products you can make a varied diet for the whole day.
If you are short on imagination, you can search the Internet for an approximate menu for every day. For example, it is recommended to eat oatmeal, a few bananas and egg whites for breakfast. The next meal includes buckwheat porridge, steamed pink salmon, several eggs and vegetables. For lunch, it is advisable to cook buckwheat, steamed beef and vegetables. The fourth meal again involves pink salmon and buckwheat with vegetables. Half an hour after strength training, you should eat oatmeal, a few bananas and egg whites. For dinner, it is advisable to have chicken fillet and vegetables, and before bed you should eat low-fat cottage cheese. The indicated menu is good only for one day, the next one should be composed of other products. To make it easier to maintain proper nutrition during training, it is worth thinking through the menu for the whole week in advance, so that if necessary, you can take food prepared in advance with you.

Nutrition and training rules

It is noteworthy that the sports diet finds followers among both men and girls. Moreover, women adhere to a sports diet to get rid of excess weight, and men, to gain muscle mass. Therefore, the menu for them will be different.

To burn fat deposits:

  • Training should be extremely intense, in which case excess calories will be burned faster;
  • A sports diet allows you to reduce the intake of new calories into your body.

To increase muscle mass:

  • Adding foods high in calories to your diet;
  • Inclusion of special physical exercises in the training plan.

For a sports diet, regardless of the goal pursued (gain muscle mass or lose weight), a number of mandatory rules should be followed:

  1. You need to eat often. Five to six times a day. In this case, the digestive organs are not overloaded, and the blood will contain all the elements necessary for building muscles. If meals are reduced to three times a day, then beneficial elements will be supplied to the body in excessive quantities, and therefore will be deposited in fatty tissues.
  2. Intake of fast carbohydrates and proteins should be limited. You should eat foods containing carbohydrates after training, in which case they will bring the greatest benefit. In particular, the level of insulin, an anabolic hormone, will increase.
  3. The body must not be dehydrated. An athlete should drink at least three liters of water per day. This requirement is due to the fact that metabolic processes occur in the body of athletes.

A sports diet is about reducing excess weight correctly, while avoiding negative factors, which also reduces the number of calories consumed. A properly composed menu will not harm the body of an ectomorph, mesomorph or endomorph. Those. the number of calories entered into the athlete’s body cannot exceed the number burned.


Foods prohibited when gaining muscle mass

When organizing proper nutrition for muscle growth, you should exclude the following foods from your diet:

  • fatty varieties of pork and lamb;
  • chips, crackers and other similar dishes;
  • instant porridge;
  • pasta and mashed potatoes, as well as soups that can be prepared in 3 minutes.

If you feel a lack of carbohydrates, you can snack on whole grain bread, bananas, grain bread or low-fat dairy products.
You should not rely on canned, pickled products, as well as smoked and salty foods. Salted dried fish should also be excluded from the athlete's diet. Proper nutrition during muscle growth is a protective mechanism for the body. He experiences great stress during physical training and loses not only calories, but also nutrients. For this reason, in order to support the body, nutrition must be balanced and meet the standards.


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Principles of creating a nutrition program for weight gain

Most athletes know which foods are healthy and effective. The first things that immediately come to mind are meat, eggs and protein mixtures. However, you should strive for as much variety in your diet as possible. It is necessary to provide the body with all important nutrients, carbohydrates, plant fibers and animal protein compounds.


Exercising on its own cannot ensure weight loss, a beautiful figure, or sculpted muscles. You can achieve the desired result only with proper correction of your daily diet. Gaining mass, specifically muscle mass and not fat mass, can be much more difficult than simply losing weight, and only proper nutrition for gaining muscle mass .

There are entire lists of healthy foods, and many people have often heard which foods are most effective for gaining muscle mass. Meat, eggs, cottage cheese, protein shakes, but you cannot limit this menu to gain muscle mass. A nutrition program for weight gain should be balanced in all respects, while being very varied.

The body should have enough slow carbohydrates, healthy fiber, and animal protein. The latter is especially often neglected by girls and women, trying to simultaneously remove excess fat and build beautiful muscles. Proper nutrition for gaining muscle mass should focus on calorie content relative to the degree of physical activity and total actual weight.

content menu for weight gain can be calculated with a simple formula: multiply the number of kilograms by thirty, and then add 500 if the body is large, dense, or 1000 if the body is thin and the metabolism is very fast. The resulting number of kilojoules of food energy should consist of thirty percent protein, sixty percent complex carbohydrates, and ten percent fat.

This is the universal proper nutrition for gaining muscle mass. Standard muscle-building foods can be surprisingly varied. Dishes from the menu for weight gain can be very tasty, and not only healthy. You can use the simplest recipes if you don’t want to create your own or spend too much time cooking. This article will present several simple recipes that help build muscle .

So, the first recipe is chicken meat with a side dish. The recipe contains products for gaining muscle mass that contain both healthy protein and complex healthy carbohydrates. Thus, by eating such a dish, you achieve two goals at once: you give your muscles building material and your body energy for a long time.

Chicken meat with side dish for weight gain

To prepare you will need:

  • lean chicken meat, preferably chilled fillet or breast
  • a couple of tomatoes
  • some rice or pasta of your choice for garnish
  • two pieces of onions
  • olive oil

To begin, boil the side dish until fully cooked. Then cut the onion into thin rings, the tomatoes into small pieces, and the meat into very small cubes. First, add the onion to the hot frying pan, and after a short frying, add the chicken pieces.

Fry everything until golden brown, which is literally a couple of minutes, and then add the tomatoes. Leave everything on medium heat for another ten minutes and then add the side dish there. Fry everything together for another five minutes. The dish can be prepared so quickly thanks to finely chopped chicken.

diversify this menu for weight gain by adding various additives to the dish: sesame seeds, lemon juice, peppers and spices, garlic, various herbs. Instead of chicken, you can just as well use shrimp and then you can reduce the cooking time to just ten minutes.

Several simple salad plans for gaining muscle mass

A nutrition program for gaining weight must include salads. It is an excellent source of energy, vitamins and microelements. Salad is indispensable for snacks, lunch and evening meals. The nutrition program for weight gain involves the use of a special salad preparation scheme.

First, choose a base that is high in protein: squid or shrimp, chicken or turkey, lean beef or rabbit meat. This is the main “hearty” ingredient in the salad. Now choose vitamins in the form of vegetables, the optimal amount is two or three vegetables. It is better to give preference not to canned, but to fresh vegetables, and best of all, seasonal ones, rather than greenhouse ones from distant tropical countries.

For additional benefits and beauty, choose one or three types of greens. Parsley and green onions are very useful, dill will add a special aroma, and different types of salad will be an excellent “filling” for a dish, increasing its volume without increasing calorie content.

Now choose a dressing: in addition to olive oil, you can use natural, unsweetened yogurt or kefir, lemon juice. If salad should become the main dish on your table, choose an addition: boiled eggs or cheeses.

Examples of salads for weight gain:

  • Cut the squid into rings, add a couple of spoons of corn, two finely chopped eggs, a couple of large tomatoes and any greens to taste. Season with olive or pumpkin oil.
  • You mix tuna in its “own juice” from canned food with corn, tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, and if you wish, you can add fresh cucumbers. Season with salt and olive oil.

Schemes of curd desserts for gaining muscle mass

The last recipe is a healthy dessert. Cottage cheese goes well with fruits and berries. You can leave the cottage cheese as grains or grind it in a blender until smooth.

Add everything you like: from apples and pears to strawberries, dried apricots and tangerines. It's better to choose one and then add a little honey to enhance the taste. You need to cut the fruits finely so that they quickly release their juice, then you won’t need dressing in the form of sour cream or kefir.

Examples of desserts for weight gain:

  • Mix cottage cheese with finely chopped strawberries and sprinkle grated chocolate or coconut on top of your dessert.
  • Mix the cottage cheese with slices of peeled and seeded apples and pears, and add a spoon or two of sour cream or kefir if necessary.
  • You mix cottage cheese with any wild berries (strawberries, blueberries, lingonberries) with one handful of berries per two hundred grams of cottage cheese (you can mix them). If desired, you can add condensed milk or honey to the curd masses.

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  • How to make a protein shake from cottage cheese
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