Mantras for weight loss - ancient Tibetan magic

06/15/2021 2,862 Mantras

Author: Anastasia

Mantras for weight loss can help a person adjust their figure if they have a firm intention to lose weight. To achieve maximum effect, you must clearly formulate your desire and pronounce the magic words correctly.


What is the effect of a mantra for weight loss?

Sanskrit phrases affect the mind and soul. At a subconscious level, a life-affirming program is launched that helps balance vital energy. Direct the positive flows of universal Joy and Grace to help a person.

The texts cannot be changed at will: rearrange syllables, pronounce sounds incorrectly. Only following clear rules for reading mantras will achieve the effect.

There are mantras for wealth, beauty, success. There are texts that help set the body to get rid of fat ballast, speed up metabolism and lose weight.

Mantras for weight loss have a lasting therapeutic effect. They help to keep yourself in control and not break down during the diet:

  • develop resistance to gastronomic temptations;
  • increase motivation for success;
  • distracts you from thoughts about junk food.

Listening to and saying mantras for weight loss is a complement to physical activity and strict calorie counting. Yogis recommend combining practice with a visit to the gym or swimming pool. Don't exhaust yourself with hours of training: they are not for everyone. It is wise to include light exercises in your daily routine.

The video contains a powerful mantra for weight loss:

Changing the usual pattern of rhythm is stressful for the body. If you've spent most of your life eating poorly, your body will resist the new rhythm.

Beauty and health are in your hands

Another useful property of the mantra for weight loss is psychological support. It is not necessary to read special words in Sanskrit: any positive mantra will fill you with determination and restore the balance of energy.

There are many techniques for losing weight, including magical ones. Simoron, for example, suggests a humorous form of weight loss: write the word “diet” on paper and go on it. This way you will make the figurative expression “go on a diet” a reality.

Tibetan and Indian healers believe that excess weight is formed in the body due to energy imbalance and disruption of the interaction between the elements. An overweight person suffers from psychological discomfort and physical illness. High blood pressure, problems with veins and heart - this is not a complete list of ailments caused by lifestyle and excess weight.

The effect of mantras on the process of losing weight

A mantra is a prayer for weight loss, which contains a high level of energy that influences a person on a subconscious level, “programming” him for spiritual development. With the help of mantras, a person gets rid of bad thoughts and stress, which uncontrollably force him to “eat up” problems and experiences with a large amount of food.

If you clear your thoughts and come into harmony with yourself, your nutrition will normalize, food addiction will disappear, and your overall well-being will improve.

The effect of mantras on losing weight will occur only if you say all the prayers out loud, concentrating as much as possible on the process. The main purpose of spells is to get rid of negative factors in thoughts and subconscious, cleanse the aura, and increase positive energy. It is all these factors that are responsible for a person’s appetite, which sometimes reaches uncontrollable heights.

Rules for reading a mantra for weight loss

In the practice of Indian and Tibetan sages, there are general rules that apply to reading the mantra. They also apply to sacred syllables for weight loss.

  1. The number of times words are pronounced is 108.
  2. To meditate with mantras, choose a secluded place where no one will disturb you.
  3. The best time to read mantras is in the morning, before sunrise. If you are a night owl, practice late at night.
  4. Don’t try to keep up with yoga masters: when reading, take a relaxed position so that your body does not protest against the unusual position.
  5. Don’t try to master all the texts at once: work with one.

Reciting mantras requires patience and solitude

Mantras can be read or sung; listening to sacred texts gives a lasting positive result. Whether you are working out in the gym, traveling in public transport, or preparing food, turn on the sounds of sacred texts in your headphones.

It’s good if the words are “recorded in the subcortex” and you remember them like the melody of a popular song.

Remember the main rule for all spells, including mantras. If you want to increase something, such as money or happiness, read them on the rising Moon. If you want to get rid of problems or excess weight, start practicing in the second half of the cycle.

How to read Tibetan mantras for weight loss

Indian spells, including Tibetan mantras for weight loss, should be read 108 times. You need to be in a place where no one will disturb the person or distract you from the process. You should take a comfortable position and first listen to how the vocalization sounds to avoid mistakes. To make it easier to count how many times a mantra is said, you need to get a rosary.

You can listen to online mantras for weight loss when a person plays sports. This will set you up for success in weight loss and distract you from fatigue and laziness. Listening goes especially well with yoga, because the processes have a similar effect, promoting not only weight loss, but also achieving harmony.

Some people prefer to listen to mantras using a player, for example, on the road. It’s good if harmonious sounds “get stuck” in your head like popular songs - this way their effect will be more noticeable. Videos with mantras for weight loss are also popular, which contain images that help you get into the right frame of mind and create the right atmosphere.

It is best to read mantras in the morning and evening, devoting 10-15 minutes to prayers. You should definitely repeat mantras when you feel the urge to eat something that violates your weight loss diet or skip a workout. Prayers work best if a person has a strong desire to change his life, achieve harmony and believes in the power of mantras.

Tibetan mantras for weight loss and body beauty can be recited over water. To do this, before you start reading, you need to put 1–1.5 liters of water in front of you, read the mantra 108 times, and then drink the charmed water throughout the day.

If you resort to reading mantras as a way to get rid of excess weight, you will not only lose weight, but also normalize energy exchange.

Useful tips for working with mantras for weight loss

Let's start with the video. It contains mantras for weight loss and beauty.

Recommended for listening and viewing every day.

  • read or listen to mantras for weight loss as soon as you feel hungry;
  • pronounce the syllables mentally when you eat: satiety will come faster;
  • mantras will help you take your mind off thoughts about junk food: every time you have a desire to eat a hamburger, say the cherished words - your brain will switch to other thoughts;
  • watch videos with positive pictures that evoke associations with a beautiful and healthy body - this is an excellent motivation for success;
  • Don't get upset or despair if you don't see immediate results.

Mantras for weight loss and body beauty

Look at the Tibetan monks and the Hindus practicing yoga: you will not see a single obese person among them. They follow strict diets and work hard physically. These are the three components of a healthy lifestyle and the path to weight loss. There is also a fourth - psychological attitude and reading special mantras for weight loss. Here are texts that will help you restructure your thinking.

This mantra, according to user reviews, is one of the most powerful:


These words help you lose weight and harmonize your consciousness. Eliminate breakdowns and make it easier to give up harmful products. By reading this mantra, you will avoid the main dangers that await someone losing weight - bad mood and anger.

Combine the mantra with another powerful text:


Excess weight is not only shortness of breath, problems with the heart and joints. Overweight people look older than their fit and slender peers.

Say the above texts with mantras for beauty and freshness of the body. The mantra for renewing the body helps you look younger than your biological age.


Working on your appearance involves both putting your body in order and accepting yourself. The following text will help you get rid of complexes, clamps and blocks.


Diet is not a one-time event, it is a way of thinking and a lifestyle. One-time efforts devoted to the fight against excess weight give short-term results. The body, deprived of its usual food, accumulates fat for future use. As soon as you stop eating right, the lost pounds come back twice as much.

How to improve the effectiveness of texts?

The effectiveness of ancient eastern techniques depends on many factors. The most important of them is faith in the effectiveness of the mantra; for quick weight loss, sincerely reciting the memorized texts may not be enough. To enhance the energetic impact that vibrations produce in the human body, it is wise to combine chanting verbal formulas in Sanskrit with classical meditation.

Choose the right time and place: for at least 15 minutes no one should disturb or distract you. If you yourself are unable to concentrate on meditation and not look at the clock, set a timer on your smartphone. Turn off artificial light sources, sit cross-legged or in another position that is comfortable for you. Relax your muscles, but try to keep your back straight, chest open, and shoulders straight. You can lie down if sitting like this for a long time turns out to be difficult and uncomfortable.

Under no circumstances should you be angry with yourself for not being able to clear your consciousness. Even if you try your best to focus on losing weight and chanting mantras, your mind will wander. It's normal when you catch yourself doing this, just notice without negative emotions that you got distracted again. Powerful impulses of anger at oneself, self-criticism and guilt can destroy all the positive effects of reading mantras.

Breathe deeply. When you breathe with your belly, you passively pump your abs and stimulate your intestines, which promotes physical and, with it, energetic cleansing of the body. If you find it difficult to understand whether you are breathing from your stomach, diaphragm or chest, place your palm on your stomach in the navel area, the front abdominal wall will rise with each deep breath.

Tibetan mantra

The Tibetan mantra, proven over thousands of years, is considered the most effective for weight loss and body beauty. It goes like this: “san sia chii nah pai tun dou.” There are some other ancient Sanskrit texts that can help: “ma nos ku sa si mon u”, “om nama bhagavate rukmini vallabhaya svaaha”, “gate gate poro gate poro som gate bodhi svaha”.

“Om ma ni pad me hum” are the words of a mantra familiar to the whole world. The sound “ommm” or “aum” calms and relaxes, helps you concentrate and enter a state of meditation. This mantra is considered primordial and symbolizes the main deities of Hinduism - Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. The universe itself originated from the vibration of this sound; it permeates the entire universe. Humming this sound is a very effective practice for achieving harmony and happiness.

Mantras work even if a person does not know the meaning of each spoken word, and even if he is not familiar with Eastern culture. The word “mantra” comes from two roots of the ancient Sanskrit language: “man” - mind and “trayate” - liberation. The main goal of meditation using verbal formulas is to cleanse consciousness and energy from everything unnecessary, negative, and superficial.

There are also verbal formulas created specifically for opening each chakra. The lowest of them, Muladhara, is responsible for strengthening the physical body. If you want to visualize it during meditation, imagine a burning ball of energy in the tailbone area.

Tibetan monks meditate and recite mantras for rejuvenation at dawn, soaking up the first rays of the sun on their skin. The state of harmony with oneself and the cosmos, into which monks immerse themselves, can be felt simply by listening to audio recordings of choral singing of mantras. If you keep the text before your eyes, very soon you will remember all the words of the mantra along with the correct pronunciation.

Many adherents of Eastern practices, when traveling, bring special rosaries from Tibet. They are needed to mark the number of times without holding these numbers in memory and without being distracted by thoughts about whether you have lost count. In design, Buddhist rosaries are no different from any other, but often they contain exactly 108 beads. This is a sacred number in Buddhism because the collection of Buddha's sayings consists of 108 volumes. In addition, the number 108 symbolizes the number of human passions counted by Buddhists.

Mantras for food and water

Mantras for weight loss can be recited over water - drinking or for washing. Water and food are saturated with the energy of spoken words, after which they begin to influence your body, strengthening it and protecting it from negativity. For the same purpose, adherents of other religions say prayers before starting to eat. This is a very strong energy protection.

When you drink charmed water or eat charmed food, visualize sunlight penetrating your body. This is the energy of health and harmony absorbed by molecules of water or food. Experiments have been repeatedly conducted that confirm that people's emotions affect the water and plants near them. Even when you are at work and cannot chant the syllables of the mantra out loud, pre-prepared water, charged with your energy by reading special formulas in Sanskrit over it, will enhance the effect on fat deposits.

It is believed that it is best to say a mantra over spring water. Eastern culture has always paid great attention to the quality of water consumed every day. And in the old days, they could even go to a spring in another province of the country to get water for preparing medicines, if it was considered healing.

Mantras from Natalia Pravdina

Audio option:

Natalya Pravdina is the founder of the Center for Positive Thinking and the Higher School of Eastern Metaphysics, both located in Moscow. These institutions train specialists in feng shui, eastern astrology, physiognomy and other esoteric practices of consciousness transformation. Natalya also writes books on these topics and sells original audio and video materials from her seminars. Since her school of metaphysics also offers distance learning, people from all over the world have the opportunity to learn how to pronounce mantras correctly and meditate by following the instructions recorded on video.

Meditation Perfection

The text that you hear in the recording helps you focus on meditation and also increases self-esteem. While listening to it, try to relax, breathe slowly and deeply, clear your mind without concentrating on anything, let thoughts flash through your mind and disappear, like light interference on the radio. Once you're in this mood, visualize the warmth spreading through your body, rising from your toes and up. It turns into heat, and under its influence, fatty deposits melt and melt, becoming pure energy.

Audio and video mantras

The rhythm of life of many women does not allow them to sit and meditate for hours, and in such a situation, a mantra for losing weight and being slim will help out, which is convenient to listen to both in transport and during physical work or cleaning the house. Thanks to modern technologies, you don’t even have to download these audio recordings: you can listen online to a variety of versions of Tibetan sacred formulas from specialists in the field of esotericism.

Mahanta Das
Tibetan monks
Tibetskaya 2

Water charged with mantras

Water can accumulate information. The principle of the consecration of water on Epiphany Eve for Christians is based on these beneficial properties of the liquid. Prayer changes the crystalline grid and makes it life-giving and beneficial.

You can do the same with mantras:

  • take a liter of clean water: preferably spring water or from a bottle;
  • Use tap water only after it has settled or passed through a filter;
  • wait for the phase of the waning moon;
  • read the weight loss mantra 108 times;
  • Take 7 sips of charged water before meals.

You can also program special therapeutic and cosmetic products that burn fat.

It is recommended to pronounce mantras for beauty over medicinal cosmetics for the face. And washing with such water will bring more benefits than traditional lotions and tonics.

Additional positive effects of mantras for weight loss

Excess weight occurs not only due to poor nutrition or lack of physical activity. Disturbed energy exchange is reflected at the mental and physical level.

By reading mantras for weight loss, we restore the natural flow of strength, reprogram the consciousness, and generate positive emotions.

Working on yourself is a process that lasts a lifetime, no matter how trivial it may sound. Mantras help strengthen your intention to change.

The video contains a mantra that promotes rejuvenation at the cellular level. The beauty mantra will give you confidence and charge you with positivity.

For your endeavors to be successful, do not talk about them until you achieve lasting results. A carelessly dropped word or ridicule will spoil the mood and discourage further work.

Yoga is good because it helps you find friends and like-minded people. Share successes and seek advice from those who support your interests.

Do not forget that active weight loss should be under the supervision of doctors. Before you start working on your body, consult with specialists. This will help avoid health problems and enhance the effect of the healing sounds of mantras.

Tags: Mantras, Enlightenment

About the author: Evgeniy Tukubaev

The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

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