How Marina Afrikantova actually lost weight: features, diet and reviews

Fans of the well-known talk show “Dom-2” are tormenting themselves with the question of how Marina Afrikantova, one of the brightest participants in the project, lost weight. In her life, the girl had to go through many quarrels with her loved one and friends, which is why her excess weight began to grow rapidly. Within the project, she did not have the opportunity to again become a beautiful blonde, attracting the attention of many guys, but after meeting Alla Dukhova, everything changed dramatically.


Few people know that Alla studied ballet, but her excessive obesity prevented her from achieving the desired results, so she had to give up her favorite activity. The strong-willed athlete couldn’t just give up; she was ready to do anything for her dream. Alla Dukhova quickly lost weight for the sake of her cherished goal, which attracted the attention of Marina Afrikantova. Having met at one of the presentations, the girls discussed all the shortcomings of the Dom-2 participant, and Marina received a couple of practical tips from the dancer. From that moment on, the girl took care of herself and achieved truly wonderful results. Now many young talk show viewers dream of learning the secret and achieving the same results for themselves.

Who is Marina Afrikantova from House 2?

Marina is a native Muscovite. She was born on October 14, 1987. Afrikantova weighs 55 kg and is 169 cm tall. The reality show star graduated from two higher educational institutions.

Professions that Marina Afrikantova has:

At the same time, her element is beauty. Marina is a talented model and winner of prizes in beauty contests.

The spectacular blonde has long loved the show “House 2” and is friends with one of its most popular participants. This is Rustam Solntsev. She came to Andrei Cherkasov for the project.

She identified the attractive participant based on the following qualities:

  • He is handsome and masculine;
  • Suitable for Marina's horoscope;
  • He is a strong and popular participant.

In addition to her activities in the show, Marina Afrikantova has the following hobbies:

  1. Swimming;
  2. Photographing;
  3. Dance Sport.

In her dreams, Marina sees herself as a TV presenter and the owner of her own beauty salon. Despite the fact that Marina is a beautiful blonde, she is very smart and developed. The House 2 star speaks two languages: English and French. She also has achievements in sports dancing and modeling.

She visited the TV project at home 2 on June 6, 2014 and is still one of its popular participants.

From 2014 to 2021, Marina built relationships with the following personalities:

  • Andrey Cherkasov;
  • Bogdan Lenchuk;
  • Egor Kholyavin;
  • Andrey Chuev.

During this period, Marina Afrikantova left the project for health reasons. In 2015, she returned to House 2 and began building a relationship with famous participant Andrei Chuev. Their couple immediately became bright and rated.

In 2021, Andrey made Marina a

Marriage marriage. Afrikantova's future husband became man of the year and won an apartment. He promised to build houses for the participants of the reality show.

The project he conceived required Marina’s funds. She, in turn, refused Chuev financial assistance, after which the couple broke up.

However, such a beautiful girl cannot remain without male attention. During the period of discord with Andrei, Ivan Barzikov looked after Marina. She did not get to the point of having a relationship with Ivan, since her feelings for Chuev had not yet cooled down. As a result, the guys got back together and are delighting their TV viewers.

How Afrikantova Marina really lost weight

Fans of the Dom-2 participant and the project itself have already come up with several versions regarding the star’s weight loss. Some say with complete confidence that they had plastic surgery, while others are more inclined to believe that a special diet helped the girl.

In fact, the opinion about diet is correct. Marina ate right and regularly visited the gym, where sympathetic people helped her create the right program that accelerated the process of losing weight. It is worth considering the important fact that her height is 177 centimeters, and she managed to lose weight from 78 to 53 kilograms.

The diet that Afrikantova used, of course, has certain advantages. First of all, it is necessary to note its high efficiency - in an extremely short period of time it is possible to get rid of quite a lot of weight. In addition, the menu includes food products that not only burn fat, but also improve health. Cleansing the body with natural ingredients is a really important benefit that many diets do not have.

Before this diet, as well as before using other weight loss methods, you should consult a doctor. This diet is strictly prohibited for people suffering from chronic diseases, and it is also not recommended for pregnant or lactating women to go on any diet. A consultation with a doctor will prevent any unpleasant consequences from occurring.

Advantages and disadvantages of the diet

Inspired by how Marina Afrikantova looked before losing weight and how slender she became after, many decide to switch to this lifestyle. This has its advantages. Thus, Afrikantova’s diet is highly effective. How much you lose depends on your starting weight, but in a short period of time you will lose a noticeable amount of extra pounds.

Since the diet involves consuming only natural products, with this diet the body will become healthier, cleansed, and its normal functioning will improve. However, it should not be used by pregnant, lactating women, or people suffering from chronic diseases. If you really want to try the diet, you should consult your doctor.

But if you switch to such a diet, you should strictly adhere to it, otherwise all your work will be in vain.

Marina recommends keeping a special diary, writing down your menu every day, the number of calories and kilos lost for each week. There you can celebrate your successes and praise yourself. This will motivate you to take further steps and help you stay in shape.

Secrets of losing weight

Based on all the previous facts, it is impossible to understand exactly how Marina Afrikantova from “House-2” lost weight. What exactly should be present or absent in the diet?

You should start with what you should not eat during the diet, even in minimal quantities:

  1. Bakery products (with additives).
  2. Confectionery (even dark chocolate is prohibited).
  3. Carbonated drinks.
  4. Fried foods.
  5. Flour products.

If you cross out all these foods from the menu, weight loss will be noticeable within a week. But Marina herself recommends buying must-have products specifically for the diet period:

  1. Vegetables.
  2. Fresh juices.
  3. Eggs (exclusively boiled).
  4. Natural honey.
  5. Protein products.
  6. Herbal teas.

Diet of Marina Afrikantova

The diet that Marina offers is designed for a twenty-day period, during which high-calorie foods are prohibited. For a faster process of burning calories and toning your body, you should also run or walk very quickly for 20-25 minutes every day. That’s the whole secret that allowed Marina to cope with almost three dozen kilograms of excess weight.

Light cardio exercises allowed Marina to gain a toned body

Among the products that are prohibited for consumption, Marina lists:

  • bakery products, sweet pastries, noodles, pasta and confectionery products;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • potatoes of any type and method of preparation;
  • any foods high in fat;
  • sweet sparkling water.

Afrikantova warns that after three weeks of a low-calorie diet, the body will not receive many important microelements, so it is important to take fortified complexes. Taking multivitamin supplements is a must, otherwise you may end up with unpleasant health problems or, at the very least, find that your hair has become dull, your skin has become dry, and your nails have become brittle.

How to eat?

Marina’s diet is a cyclical diet, that is, a certain set of foods will be repeated sooner or later. In this case, the products recommended by Afrikantova are distributed over 6 days, after which the cycle is repeated two more times.

Girls who find such a low-calorie diet too difficult can add several snacks to their daily routine, consisting of a portion of vegetables or light fruits (for example, apples). However, Marina warns that the effectiveness of the diet may suffer from this, although it will be much easier for you to tolerate. The most difficult, according to Afrikantova’s reviews, are the first few days.

Low-calorie cyclical diet - Afrikantova’s secret to losing weight

How much can you lose?

Young girls want to find out how much weight Marina Afrikantova has lost in order to achieve the same result themselves. In this case, you should pay attention to the fact that the number of kilograms lost will depend on the height and weight of each person. For example, for Marina herself, the ideal weight lost was that hated 25 kilograms, but with a fairly tall height. Nutritionists recommend that before starting any diet, examine your parameters and calculate how much weight you need to lose so as not to harm your health.

The calorie content of the diet does not go beyond 600-1000 Kcal per day. In order to maintain such a diet, you must have willpower and a great desire to achieve your goal. In general, in a week, any person can lose from 3 to 5 kilograms if all the rules are followed.

What really happened

Excess weight was not usual for Marina. When she worked as a model, she was a slender girl. But an unsuccessful relationship threw her into the abyss of gluttony, which led to rounded, curvy figures. This is how the participants and viewers of “Home” remembered her, and this is how she left the project.

Sitting at home, the former model decided to pull herself together. She tried a lot of different diets and mono-diets. I consumed proteins, fats, carbohydrates separately, sat only on buckwheat or only on kefir - all this did not bring the desired result. The turning point was the advice from Alla Dukhova to try a low-fat diet. And here is the first result - minus 5 kg in just a week!

The weight loss method involved reducing the caloric content of the diet to the level of 600-1000 kcal. Of course, Marina could not sit on such strict restrictions for a long time, but for the next weeks she also adhered to a certain way of eating.

But after the first 5 kg, the weight began to come off less readily. Then Marina began to think about additional ways. As a result, Afrikantova’s weight loss included fitness classes.

She settled on daily walks and dance classes. This turned out to be the right decision. After all, the main problem of those losing weight is sagging skin. If you do exercises every day, this can be avoided.

Diet menu

Of course, there was also a clear menu. There are no simple tips on what foods to eat at a particular meal, but only specific dishes.

MondayA glass of low-fat kefir and a slice of black breadA glass of milk and a slice of stale black breadHalf a glass of kefir and a fresh apple
TuesdayA glass of tomato juiceTomato juice and black breadLiter of natural tomato juice
WednesdayA small sandwich of black bread and a thin slice of cheeseBoiled fish (100 grams) and brothBoiled chicken meat (100 grams)
ThursdayOatmeal with honeyChicken bouillonA couple of boiled eggs
Friday2 apples and fresh juiceLight vegetable soupVegetable salad
SaturdayA couple of small oranges and teaVinaigrette and fresh fruit juiceFruit salad and two glasses of low-fat kefir

After the 6-day diet has expired, it should be repeated again. It is not recommended to adhere to such a diet for more than 20 days.

Without this diet, it will be difficult to achieve the ideal result of a star. Therefore, you will have to limit yourself to some products, but the result is shocking, as the Dom-2 participant herself says. A photo of how Marina Afrikantova lost weight (before and after) is shown below.

Mono-diets are not a solution to the situation

Afrikantova before and after her transformation are two different people. Marina admits that she had to work hard to achieve such stunning results. In 4 weeks the girl managed to lose about 25 kg! If earlier her weight was approaching 90 kg, now it is stably maintained at 56 kg.

Attempts to lose weight were made more than once, but ended in complete failure. The mono-diets that Marina used to lose weight caused a rapid loss of fluid and muscle mass, and a protective reaction was triggered in the body: it saved the energy obtained from foods for future use in cases of such stressful situations.

Returning favorite foods to the daily diet led to the addition of lost kilograms in a short time. Apart from worries and wasted nerves, nothing could be taken from the experience of the past. Before and after losing weight, Afrikantova’s figure did not change.


Reviews from nutritionists say that the girl’s method of losing weight is not harmful to health and is quite effective for any weight. Not only the 6-day menu, but also cooking recipes will tell you how Afrikantova Marina actually lost weight.

How to prepare the salad:

  1. The cabbage is thoroughly chopped.
  2. The apple is passed through a fine grater.
  3. All this is mixed and seasoned with lemon juice.

Preparation of monastery tea:

  1. It is necessary to mix together the inflorescences of linden, dandelion and black elderberry with peppermint.
  2. Then fennel fruits are added.
  3. All together pour boiling water and infuse for about 20 minutes.

Vegetable soup recipe:

  1. Finely chop carrots, onions, herbs and, if desired, bell peppers.
  2. Everything is boiled in one pan.
  3. After 15 minutes of cooking, sprinkle with herbs and spices.

Dish recipes

You know how Marina Afrikantova lost weight and what menu she followed. Let's look at a few dish recipes. The cooking process is simple, so you definitely won’t leave hungry.

Cabbage salad


  • Cabbage – 100 g.
  • Apple – 1 pc.
  • Lemon juice - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Using a sharp knife, chop the cabbage. Mash the straw with your hands to release the juice and place in a salad bowl.
  2. Rinse the apple with water and chop it using any grater.
  3. Add apple to cabbage. Pour over lemon juice, stir and serve.

NOTE: instead of an apple, you can add chopped carrots, radishes, or cucumber. A lower-calorie salad is made with orange root vegetables.

Dietary vinaigrette


  • Beets – 1 pc.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Green peas – 2 tbsp.
  • Sauerkraut – 60 g.
  • Olive oil – 1 tbsp.
  • Sea salt – 0.15 tsp.
  • Lemon juice - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the boiled root vegetables and cut into cubes.
  2. Add peas and sauerkraut.
  3. Season the salad with oil and juice, add salt to taste.

Vegetable soup


  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Bell pepper – 1 pc.
  • Water – 1 l.
  • Dill - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse all vegetables and herbs under water. Peel and grind.
  2. Place vegetables in a pot of water.
  3. Boil until tender and add fresh herbs at the end. After 15 minutes, serve.

Vegetable salad with yogurt


  • Cucumber – 1 pc.
  • Cabbage – 80 g.
  • Radishes – 3 pcs.
  • Yogurt – 50 ml.
  • Dill - to taste.
  • Parsley - to taste.
  • Small tomatoes - for serving.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the greens under water and chop.
  2. Pour natural yoghurt into the bowl with the herbs, stir and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Then add chopped vegetables. Garnish the salad with small tomatoes, you can cut them into halves.

Boiled fish


  • Hake – 200 g.
  • Water – 1 l.
  • Bay leaf – 1 pc.
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut whole fish or fillets into pieces.
  2. Fill with water and bring to a boil, skim off the foam.
  3. Add salt and bay leaf, simmer for approximately 20 minutes.

Monastic tea


  • Water
  • Dandelion
  • Linden
  • Black elderberry
  • Peppermint
  • Fennel

Cooking method:

  1. Combine linden, black elderberry and dandelion flowers with mint.
  2. Sprinkle in fennel fruit.
  3. Pour boiling water over the collection and cover with a lid. Leave for 25-30 minutes, then strain.

Reviews about the diet

Undoubtedly, there are different reviews about how Marina Afrikantova lost weight. It is almost impossible to convince people who are confident in plastic surgery, so they don’t even think about diet.

But those who from the very beginning believed in the girl’s success speak only from the positive side. This diet is suitable for many girls, because it provides excellent results.

Knowing how much weight Marina Afrikantova lost, it’s no longer scary to go on a diet yourself. The girl shows everyone that fortitude and the desire for a goal are the most important traits in the character of any person.

The path to losing weight

Like any girl who strives to lose dozens of kilograms, Marina has tried many popular methods that promise miraculous weight loss. At one time, Afrikantova adhered to the following rules:

  • Hollywood weight loss, excluding sugar and flour;
  • ate only cabbage and seafood according to the precepts of Japanese models;
  • followed the Brazilian diet based on vegetable soups;
  • arranged unloading, drinking only non-carbonated mineral water;
  • I ate buckwheat without salt or butter.

Doctors' opinions

Nutritionists are confident that the diet Marina tried is not only effective, but also healthy. Limiting calorie intake is considered the safest, most effective method of losing weight today. But we must understand that a decrease in the intake of vitamins and fats into the body, which is what Marina’s diet is different from, is dangerous to health if you follow this regimen for more than two weeks.

After this period, you should return to a balanced diet, but stick to a reasonable amount of calories per day. Don't forget about physical activity.

It is important to correctly and slowly exit Afrikantova’s strict diet. To do this, you need to gradually increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables every day. After a week of enriching the diet with fruits, they gradually begin to introduce lean meat and fish into the menu.

Judging by the reviews, such a diet has already helped thousands of women lose 10-20 extra pounds and normalize metabolism. If you use it wisely, following the recommendations, you can get a pleasant long-term result.

Looking at the youthful and fit Andrei Averin, it is difficult to doubt the effectiveness of his technique! For several years now, the artist has been performing in front of the public in a new guise, and fans never cease to admire his willpower and perseverance in working on himself. Moreover, the showman willingly shares the secrets of his weight loss, which is why there are plenty of followers of his diet regimen.

At the same time, having studied Averin’s diet, we can conclude that the popular Comedy Club resident did not discover America, but only used the simplest and most effective principles of losing weight, including: fractional low-calorie meals, refusal to eat before bed, exclusion of sweet and starchy foods, regular light physical activity.

His stunning weight loss results are watched by millions of television viewers, which only once again proves the effectiveness of this simple, but most effective technique. Moreover, it is absolutely safe for health, since it does not set strict restrictions on vital food products.

The artist assures that regular meals without overeating and moderate physical activity will help remove excess ballast from the body, as well as further maintain the weight at the current level.

Averin’s first results were visible after about 3 months from the start of weight loss. Now Andrei’s weight balances at plus or minus 90 kg, the showman is more than satisfied with his results, but he is not going to stop there, because the new, correct way of life has long become a habit for him.

Golden rules for losing weight from Afrikantova

In any case, Afrikantova’s diet also gave visible results. Now the Muscovite’s weight is 53 kilograms. The girl posted her weight loss rules on her Instagram:

  • Calorie control, where daily caloric intake is 1000-1300.
  • An iron “no” to fat, baked goods, and sweets.
  • To prevent the lost kilos from returning as meaty legs, active training is necessary.

In Marishka’s case, an ideal figure did not become synonymous with vulgarity. Her page is an example of chastity, compared to the profiles of other participants in the TV show. It is unlikely that you will be able to find photos in which the girl is naked or in an explicit pose.

Despite her lost form, our heroine managed to put herself in perfect order. Now the renewed Muscovite is full of strength and energy, and once again hopes to build an ideal relationship.

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