Diet of Svetlana Akhtarova: description, features, recommendations, results, photos and reviews

  • September 12, 2018
  • Celebrity Diets
  • Ivan Gresko

It is not always possible to regard extra pounds as a purely aesthetic defect. Experts consider a slight change in weight (in any direction) to be an absolutely normal phenomenon, the origin of which depends on many different factors.

You can ignore the few kilograms you gain if they do not threaten human health. But it happens that excess weight becomes the reason why your whole life goes downhill. It is known that every second on Earth one of the planet’s inhabitants decides to lose weight. But, alas! Very often, things do not progress beyond a “firm” promise to start following a diet, for example, on Monday.

This article talks about the wonderful transformation of Svetlana Akhtarova, whose diet brought her fame after a series of publications in Komsomolskaya Pravda and the participation of this amazing woman on television. For a year and a half, her wonderful transformation was watched with bated breath by RuNet users who were not indifferent to the problem. The secret of her fantastic weight loss is not difficult to formulate: it has three main components - real motivation, active sports and strict adherence to a strict diet.


Svetlana Akhtarova, an economist and young mother from Almetyevsk, managed to lose 70 kg on her own, without resorting to the expensive services of nutritionists or plastic surgery. In her posts on the weight-loss forum, the woman described in detail her difficult path to slimness.

Akhtarova's diet was born as a result of tireless trial and error. The special diet it provided (about 1000 kcal per day), as well as a strict training regimen, helped the woman lose significant excess weight in a short time.

Experts position Svetlana Akhtarova’s diet as “not burdensome,” and yet her future followers will have to stock up on remarkable willpower. The key to success is a complete abstinence from sweets (with the exception of dark chocolate and honey) and most familiar foods. In addition, you will have to decide to eat fairly monotonously and strictly control portion sizes. Thanks to Svetlana Akhtarova’s diet, you can completely change your life by relatively quickly losing from 30 to 50 kg without causing harm to your health.

Svetlana Akhtarova's weight loss story menu. How Svetlana Akhtarova lost weight

Svetlana Akhtarova is an ordinary woman economist from the city of Almetyevsk, who once set out to lose weight in order to regain health, vigor and beauty.

This woman did not turn to nutritionists, since this requires a lot of expense, but was able to create her own weight loss method through numerous trials and errors. This weight loss program is designed for those ladies who want to lose 50 kilograms or more.

Svetlana Akhtarova's weight loss is simply amazing. Being slim and physically active in her youth, Svetlana already weighed 90 kilograms during her marriage, and after the birth of a child, she weighed all 127. This weight is very burdensome and the girl was not happy with the fact that she could not live life to the fullest, constantly experiencing fatigue, drowsiness and heaviness .

And when the woman became motivated to lose weight, she began a new life, which included low-calorie portioned meals and exercise. So, in a year and a half she was able to lose as much as 70 kilograms.

How can you lose weight effectively?

The key to effective weight loss is, first of all, creating the necessary mood for a new life, understanding the need to adjust weight not only to gain beauty, but also to restore health and vitality. Secondly, it is the support of relatives.

Their help will be needed so that the woman has free time for physical exercise, her diet and daily routine. Thirdly, losing weight involves a complete overhaul of your eating habits.

That is, the first thing you need to lose weight is strong willpower and a clear intention. And all other issues are secondary. The diet is made up of the lowest-calorie foods, and physical activity should gradually increase as the body gets used to the new daily routine and diet.

Is it possible to lose 50-70 kilograms?

In order to significantly lose weight, you need to pay attention to your diet and physical activity. So, with the right approach to these issues, you can lose up to 50 kg in a year, and all 70 kg in a year and a half.

Her story

According to Svetlana, in her youth she was quite slender and did aerobics and rhythmic gymnastics. After the girl left the sport, her weight began to increase. She got married when the scales already showed more than 90 kg.

Numerous attempts to lose weight did not bring the desired result. Surgical removal of the fat layer in the abdominal area was also unsuccessful. During pregnancy, Svetlana weighed 145 kg; after the birth of her daughter, the woman continued to gain weight. She could no longer live normally, raise a child and work. In addition, the woman realized that her huge mass posed a serious threat not only to her own health and life, but was also burdensome and dangerous for her loved ones. It’s not easy for Svetlana to remember those days when she was afraid to sleep with her little daughter in the same bed, because she understood that she could crush her with her huge weight. When the woman felt that she was unable to put on her shoes on her own, she came to the realization that she no longer wanted to live like this. Svetlana realized that she was unable to show herself to her acquaintances without shame, and this became an additional impetus for the beginning of her decisive transformation.

Svetlana Akhtarova's weight loss

For the first time, Svetlana Akhtarova shared her weight loss story in an interview for the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. She claimed that in her youth she was a slender girl who did rhythmic gymnastics and aerobics. The weight began to grow after Svetlana left the sport, and by the time she got married it was already more than 90 kilograms.

Several times Svetlana made attempts to lose weight, but they were unsuccessful, as was surgery to remove fat from the abdomen. During pregnancy, the mark on the scale reached 145 kilograms, and after the birth of my daughter, the situation did not improve at all.

Huge weight not only interfered with a normal life, work and raising a child, but also posed a serious threat to the health and life of a woman. Svetlana recalls with horror the days when she avoided sleeping with her daughter, afraid of crushing her with her weight, and thought with despair about the moment when she would have to go out with the baby. One day a woman realized that she could hardly put on her shoes and no longer wanted to live like that. An additional impetus for starting to lose weight was the realization that she was no longer able to show herself to friends and acquaintances.

Svetlana Akhtarova did not put off losing weight until tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, Monday and the new moon, but refused dinner right on the day of making the decision. The next day she changed her diet dramatically and walked several kilometers. Thus began a process that took a year and a half and required unbending willpower.

The first time losing weight was a real nightmare, but the results of the efforts were evident a month later, when Svetlana discovered that she had lost 13 kilograms. Inspired, she signed up for personal training at the gym and gradually increased the load, following a strict diet.

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A year and a half later, even her relatives did not recognize Svetlana, because she managed to lose more than 70 kilograms from an initial weight of more than 125 kilograms. Evil tongues claimed that the woman had sold her soul to the devil, and manufacturers used her success to advertise miracle pills that Svetlana allegedly took. This continued until Komsomolskaya Pravda published Svetlana Akhtarova’s diet - the author’s weight loss method, with which you can get rid of the hated weight and change your life for the better.

Start of a new life

The young woman did not postpone her transformation until the near or distant future. Already on the day when she made this fateful decision, Svetlana refused dinner. The next day she dramatically changed her diet and walked several kilometers on foot for the first time in many days. This was the beginning of a process that took about a year and a half and required her to demonstrate unbending willpower.

According to the woman who shared her story with reporters, the first time she lost weight became a real nightmare for her. And yet, the efforts made yielded results: after a month it became clear that Svetlana had lost 13 kg. This inspired her, and the woman decided to enroll in the gym, where she began to gradually increase the load in individual training. At the same time, she continued to comply with the conditions of her own strict diet.

The results of her efforts

After a year and a half, Svetlana was unrecognizable. With an initial weight of 125 kg, in the course of tireless work on herself, the woman lost more than 70 kg. Envious people claimed that she sold her soul to the devil, and producers tried to use her success to advertise some “miracle” drugs that supposedly helped Svetlana lose weight.

But Komsomolskaya Pravda published Svetlana Akhtarova’s diet - and thousands of readers became acquainted with her author’s weight loss method, which helps to get rid of hated kilograms and change their lives for the better.

General rules

Svetlana's diet is based on:

  • on a complete rejection of any unhealthy food, as well as harmful methods of preparing it;
  • excluding salt, sugar, sauces and all kinds of additives from the diet, as well as semi-finished products and alcohol;
  • daily consumption of oat bran with water (1-2 tablespoons) to ensure normal bowel function;
  • taking a vitamin-mineral complex recommended by a doctor;
  • reducing the consumption of carbohydrates and fats to a reasonable minimum, as well as completely avoiding evening meals (dinner).

The last condition, as evidenced by reviews of those losing weight, is the most difficult to achieve.

Svetlana Akhtarova's diet menu

Those who are determined to lose weight quickly and seriously will have to forget about their favorite unhealthy foods. Certain restrictions should be adhered to even after the desired result is achieved, otherwise the excess weight will happily return to the owner. Despite the fact that the restrictions of such a diet are quite strict, those losing weight can create their own diet by combining the following permitted products:

  • turkey or chicken (fillet);
  • lean beef (veal);
  • sea ​​fish, seafood;
  • eggs (quail and chicken);
  • cheese (hard, unsalted, low-fat), cottage cheese;
  • fermented milk products (low-fat): yogurt, kefir, yogurt (drinking) without additives;
  • oatmeal, buckwheat, rice and other porridges (whole), cooked in water;
  • vegetables containing a small amount of starch, herbs, mushrooms;
  • fruits (low-calorie, unsweetened), citrus fruits;
  • seeds and nuts (in limited quantities).

Diet on the Akhtarova diet

The menu on Svetlana Akhtarova’s food system consists of simple and affordable products. The exception is junk food and certain restrictions on the consumption of calories per day. The diet is designed for a period of one to one and a half years. If you managed to lose 10 kilograms in a short time, you don’t need to stop and quit the program. Otherwise, the lost weight will return.

Allowed foods on Svetlana Akhtarova’s diet:

  1. Turkey, chicken. You only need to select fillet for cooking, other parts are not suitable,
  2. Lean veal and beef,
  3. Sea fish. You need to eat only white fillet,
  4. Quail eggs, chicken eggs are also allowed,
  5. Cheese of the lowest fat content, hard cheese without salt,
  6. Sour-fermented dairy products without fat. The group includes kefir, yogurt, and yogurt. Fermented milk products must be without additional additives,
  7. Buckwheat, legumes, rice, oatmeal. They are boiled only in water,
  8. Any vegetables, but only those with low starch content,
  9. Greens, mushrooms regularly,
  10. Low calorie fruits
  11. Seeds and nuts all the time.

As can be seen from the list, Akhtarova’s diet does not include exotic foods. They can be bought at any store, they are affordable and are in the budget price segment.

Akhtarova's diet: menu for one day


  • For breakfast you can eat two boiled eggs, cheese (slice) and a portion of porridge cooked without salt in water.
  • During lunch, drink a cup of warm tea (green) and eat half a grapefruit.
  • For lunch, eat a portion of fish (boiled), salad (vegetable), dressed with olive oil or lemon juice.
  • An afternoon snack can be represented by a handful of seeds, an apple (green).
  • There is no full dinner. You are allowed to drink a cup of tea or a glass of kefir before going to bed.

Allowed products and menus

The list of permitted foods is small. These are some fruits and vegetables, lean meats, green tea, olive oil, seeds, low-calorie cheese, eggs, cereals. Based on this list, the menu is built. It is stingy and monotonous. We can say that the daily diet is the same.

  • Breakfast: 2 eggs, or a slice of cheese, or a small portion of porridge with water.
  • Second breakfast: green or herbal tea, half a grapefruit or pomegranate.
  • Lunch: a piece of boiled fish, chicken or lean meat with a salad of fresh vegetables and a drop of oil, green tea.
  • Afternoon snack: you can choose from a handful of seeds, half a pomegranate, an apple or a grapefruit.
  • There is no dinner. From 16.00 until bedtime you can only drink green tea. If the feeling of hunger is not dulled, it is recommended to drink a glass of low-fat yogurt.

By following this menu, you can lose 5-7 kg in a week.

Notes and comments

According to reviews, in Svetlana Akhtarova’s diet menu, even at the first meeting, the complete absence of dinner is striking. The woman really did not eat after 16:00, so the afternoon snack was considered one of her meals. In the evening, she allowed herself to drink a cup of green tea, a glass of kefir (0%) or low-fat yogurt.

In the morning, the woman allowed herself to drink a cup of natural black coffee (without additives), during other meals, and between them she drank only empty tea, herbal decoctions and clean water in the required quantity (an important part of any diet is maintaining fluid balance in the body) .

To somehow distract herself from the constant feeling of hunger, Svetlana first took 5 km walks, and then started doing fitness. Her sports past made itself felt - the woman persistently attended individual classes and abstained from dinner.

Svetlana notes that she overcame the difficulties largely thanks to the support of her husband Ravil, who himself prepared food for himself and his daughter, and nursed the child while his wife was doing fitness.

To ensure skin tightness, Akhtarova had to additionally massage and self-massage her chin. In addition, she did not forget about facial care.

Diet author's recommendations

People who are losing weight ask for more information about the conditions and rules of the system compiled by a woman. Svetlana Akhtarova recommends that followers of her diet prepare the body in advance for weight loss, since sharply limiting the amount of food consumed and reducing its calorie content can become stressful for the body. To avoid breakdowns while following a diet, it is necessary to exclude unhealthy foods from the diet in advance, reduce the portion size and systematically carry out fasting days.

The diet menu, thanks to which the woman lost weight, consists of the most simple food and simple dishes. To boil a chicken breast or make a salad, there is no need to scour the Internet for recipes. Svetlana believes that the time saved on cooking is much more appropriate to use for sports activities or useful procedures.

According to Akhtarova, the type of physical activity should be chosen according to the individual characteristics of the body and state of health. Svetlana’s figure was transformed beyond recognition thanks to fitness and cardio exercises (at first she walked, and later ran). The woman believes that those who go to the gym should consult a personal trainer and create an optimal training program for losing weight.

Svetlana strongly recommends that those losing weight carefully take care of their face and body. She herself, despite the fact that she lost significant weight as a result of the diet, managed to maintain the tightness and elasticity of her skin thanks to the fact that she diligently took care of herself every day, used nourishing masks, and practiced self-massage.

Svetlana Akhtarova now. Belly Festival

This is war. We carry it out with our own body. We torture ourselves with diets, fasting and pills, special creams and patches for weight loss. We want to lose weight at any cost. But the price of such a victory could be life!

More recently, Svetlana Akhtarova weighed 130 kilograms. Now she weighs 55. Svetlana gained weight after the birth of her daughter. I tried everything - pills, plastic surgery, creams, fasting. Nothing helped. The husband looked at others; his 130-kilogram wife did not interest him as a woman. And then Svetlana decided - now or never... She did not know what she would have to go through...

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We bought Lida tablets at the pharmacy and submitted them for examination. Sibutramine was found in the capsules. This is a narcotic substance. It is prohibited in Russia.

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Lose weight without difficulty. This is the dream of everyone who wants to lose weight. They came up with patches, computer programs, earrings and other means “for the lazy.” And also psychotraining for weight loss. One session - and you will forget about excess weight. There are a lot of clients. Everyone wants to lose weight “in one go, simply and quickly.” We conducted our own psychotraining and found out: people are ready to give money to charlatans for the promise of “losing weight without difficulty.”

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About the results of the technique: its advantages and disadvantages

According to reviews, Svetlana Akhtarova’s diet is very effective. The kilograms lost during the weight loss period do not return, subcutaneous fats are burned, the water-salt balance is normalized, and the skin becomes elastic and firm. The technique is extremely popular. Based on reviews of the results of Svetlana Akhtarova’s diet and observations of specialists, the main advantages of the system are highlighted:

  • the ability to use accessible and inexpensive products,
  • no need to spend time and effort preparing food;
  • the possibility of combining dieting for several months and playing sports;
  • ensuring the preservation of muscle mass and acquiring a toned figure due to the fact that during weight loss the fat layer is burned;
  • one of the results of Akhtarova’s diet (according to reviews) is healthy, glowing skin, excellent condition of hair and nails.

The diet has no special contraindications and is quite balanced. With its help, you can lose 30-50 kg in 2-3 months.

The disadvantages of Akhtarova’s nutrition system are that it belongs to strict low-calorie diets. Its regime can only be followed by people with great willpower (not everyone who is losing weight can do without dinner). The disadvantage of the diet is also some contraindications:

  • the presence of acute or chronic gastrointestinal diseases, kidney diseases, liver diseases, dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • individual intolerance to certain components;
  • pregnancy and feeding;
  • elderly age.

Following the diet is strongly not recommended for persons under the age of majority. Before you start losing weight using Akhtarova’s system, experts recommend consulting with your doctor.

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