How did Irina Dubtsova lose weight? Features, diet and recommendations

Fans of the singer Dubtsova are accustomed to seeing the star either gaining weight or losing a fair amount of weight. According to Irina herself, unstable weight is associated with hormonal imbalance, so it is quite difficult for her to consciously lose weight. Although nothing is impossible. After the birth of her child, the singer took her figure seriously - and the result was not long in coming: Irina Dubtsova lost more than 20 kilograms.


Irina belongs to the type of so-called endomorphs. The body of such a person is prone to obesity. People with this type of constitution can lose weight and lose weight, but this is not easy and with the slightest relaxation in diet or exercise, the weight comes back again, often even with a “slide.” Of course, some of the blame for excess weight lies with bad habits, stress and lifestyle. And Irina is a public figure who is constantly on the move, and stress, lack of sleep, and poor nutrition take their toll.

Fitness and boxing had their effect

Irina Dubtsova, who has lost weight, believes that only by combining diet and sports can you achieve the desired result. She experienced this herself, and now fans can daily admire the selfies that Dubtsova posts after each workout.

But Irina Dubtsova decided to go further in her desire to have a thinner and slimmer body - she began to practice boxing. A short time later, Irina appeared before crowds of fans in a new, chic guise, a thinner, sexy Diva who confidently demonstrates the beauty of her body. Boxing is a means of relaxation that helps the singer feel renewed.

Return point

Of course, the singer periodically lost weight by going on diets, but everything returned to normal. Fans both modestly and openly hinted to Irina that it was time to moderate her ardor in food and start getting in shape, because the photos that appeared on the Internet at that time of the 30-year-old singer did not at all correspond to her actual age.

Fans were completely outraged by tight dresses and revealing outfits on a not entirely ideal figure. As the thinner Irina Dubtsova admits, one day she decided to change herself once and for all for the sake of her son, her own health, career and personal life.

Why did Irina Dubtsova start losing weight?

Like most women, Irina Dubtsova changed dramatically after giving birth and her sexually plump forms began to resemble more solid layers of fat, the appearance of which her ex-husband Roman could not tolerate and left his wife. After this, the singer was bombarded with mocking comments from fans and her inner circle. Fans came out with demands to return their idol, who stubbornly did not want to notice all the ugliness of her new appearance.

But in the end, Irina Dubtsova had to give up tight-fitting sexy dresses and outfits that not only did not hide, but rather emphasized her spoiled figure.

As a result, the star made a difficult decision - she decided to go on a diet and after a couple of months she provided her fans with a new look of sexuality and a thinner body.

Media versions about the transformation

In 2014, photos of Dubtsova in a swimsuit appeared online. To say that the singer has lost weight is to say nothing. The media found out how much weight Irina Dubtsova lost. The singer lost almost 20 kg. Such a significant transformation gave rise to a lot of versions and arguments in the media about the recipe for slimness. Irina Dubtsova lost weight, as the tabloids claimed, with the help of diet, boxing, a certain nutritional system compiled by a nutritionist, and with the help of medications. It’s hard to believe that the singer, who doesn’t hide her gastronomic preferences, went on a diet. Just like the likelihood of “registration” in the gym for a lazy girl, in her words, is perceived with skepticism.

Incentive for losing weight by Irina Dubtsova

It is difficult to get rid of excess 18 kilograms - the singer did not lose weight right away. At some point, the woman came to terms with the new forms, because there was no time to take care of her figure. The growing baby occupied his free time - lack of sleep and lack of exercise affected his well-being and appearance. Against this background, the young mother experienced permanent stress - her husband was not ready to put up with the fact that his wife recovered after giving birth.

When her son was 2 years old, Irina separated from her husband and realized that she had to change for the sake of her child. She dove headfirst into work - she began preparing a new program and began working on her body. A different life had begun for her, and a slender body was part of it. It turned out that obesity is a consequence of excess production of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for breast milk. After finishing breastfeeding, the singer decided that she would prove to the whole world and her ex-husband that she could lose weight.


One of the favorite versions is Irina Dubtsova’s salt-free diet. The “star” allegedly lost weight with her help.

As experts explain, a complete refusal of salt brings good results; for many, this is a truly effective way of drying the body. But such a diet is carried out no longer than a month and no more than once a year. It is quite aggressive due to the lack of necessary minerals and salts, and should be prescribed after a complete examination of the body. In addition, you need to support the body with frequent meals and avoidance of sweets, fried foods and fatty foods.

Proper nutrition from Dubtsova - diet secrets

Surely every representative of the fair sex is familiar first-hand with desperate attempts to lose weight and the condition that arises during hunger strikes. But none of these diets gives long-term results, and as a result, the female body is depleted and health problems arise.

Irina Dubtsova, as a person with a busy work schedule, could not afford to exhaust her body in this way and turned to a professional nutritionist for help, who selected an individual salt-free diet program for her. Its essence was the complete exclusion of foods containing salt.

From the very beginning, it was very difficult to adapt to the diet, because the most favorite dishes became bland and not tasty, but after noticing the first results, Irina Dubtsova not only happily continued to eat on a special regimen, but also began to recommend it to all her friends and acquaintances.

The main products in the diet are vegetables and fruits, with the lowest content of salt crystals.

The singer's revelations

Not long ago Irina Dubtsova celebrated her birthday. In her new appearance, the singer charmed all the guests, but what aroused the most interest was how the thinner Irina Dubtsova, without a twinge of conscience, treated herself to high-calorie dishes and cake along with the guests. After the video of this event, the singer finally decided to openly declare: she had liposuction.

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery that removes subcutaneous fat from various problem areas of the body. This is an extreme measure and may not always have good consequences, like any operation. In addition, those who think that liposuction solves the problem of excess weight once and for all are deeply mistaken.

After liposuction, it is simply necessary, regardless of the obvious results, to eat according to a certain plan and exercise. Moreover, you need to make it a way of life.

Recipes from the star

Like every person, Irina Dubtsova was able to adapt her favorite dishes to her diet and now in her arsenal of recipes there are several that helped her lose weight.

  • Buckwheat porridge for a hearty breakfast. 1 liter of low-fat milk, put on medium heat, immediately after the milk starts to boil, you need to add pre-washed buckwheat. The heat must be set to low and continue cooking, stirring constantly, for 20 minutes.
  • Soup with vegetables for a hearty lunch. Cut potatoes, onions, bell peppers and small carrots into medium pieces. Then add one ingredient into boiled water every 10 minutes. At the very end, add coarsely chopped greens and let it brew under a closed lid for 5 minutes.
  • Steamed cod fillet. Salt the cod pulp (only a little), add black pepper and place in a double boiler. Cook for 10 minutes over very high heat, then turn over and steam on the other side. The fish can be topped with a sauce based on egg yolk, mustard and white wine.

Basic recommendations from Irina Dubtsova

In this whole story there is a place for a salt-free diet, since the first point of proper nutrition for the singer is an almost complete abstinence from salt. Salt retains fluid in the body, which leads to swelling and excess weight.

  • Water. Irina tries to drink up to two liters of water a day in addition to coffee and tea. Water participates in metabolic processes and enhances metabolism. And now that there is no salt on the menu, water will be able to cleanse and remove poisons and toxins from the body without lingering in the tissues
  • Multiple meals. The singer made it a rule to eat about 5-6 times a day, that is, every 3 hours. The body does not feel hungry, and the regular supply of energy immediately gives a signal to burn calories.
  • Small portions. Frequent meals are compensated by small portions - about the size of the palm of your hand (200 grams). Thanks to this, there is no load on the pancreas and no feeling of heaviness after eating.
  • Avoiding simple carbohydrates. These include flour, baked goods, sweets, carbonated water, deep fat, and sugar. Instead - dried fruits, fruits and vegetables, cereals, dairy products, as well as lean poultry, beef and seafood.
  • Regular exercise. Irina has a busy work schedule, but she tries to jog or go to the gym in the morning. What helps her cope with stress is not chocolates and cookies, but boxing, which not only tones her muscles, but also promotes emotional relief.
  • Rejection of bad habits. Irina quit smoking and has not drunk alcohol for a long time, since it is quite high in calories and negatively affects the female body.

  • Acceptance of yourself and the situation. When it comes to losing weight, Irina strongly advises loving yourself and your body. However, you need to understand that there are no quick results; for this, it is advisable to study the patterns of work and behavior of the body during weight loss.
  • Be consistent. Irina believes that any desire will come true if you clearly formulate it in your head and figuratively “hang it” before your eyes. A hasty or unconsciously made decision to lose weight in the vast majority of cases leads to breakdowns, returns to the previous lifestyle and doubts about the success of the matter. And if you doubt a positive outcome, then it will never happen.

Daily menu

The singer, poetess and composer, who has lost a lot of weight, shares her daily menu, which leaves no room for the feeling of hunger, but at the same time maintains a constant weight loss effect.

The resulting effect directly depends on how strictly a person is able to adhere to the chosen diet, for example, it is allowed to eat no more than 200 grams of bread per day. But if those who decide to lose weight are determined to get quick results, they may well skip this point and not take dough products.

Regarding the portions allowed at one time, Dubtsova says that the size of the food should not exceed the size of the palm. But, it is strictly recommended to eat 6 times a day.

Also, the diet excludes eating after 6 pm, regardless of whether the main dinner was missed or not.

Irina Dubtsova provided a list of sample menus for every day that helped her effectively lose weight.

In the morningOat flakes and a little low-fat cottage cheese
During the dayChicken fillet, lean fish, vegetable salads
In the eveningAny type (only one) of dairy products
Light snackFruits are the same color, you can eat them in any quantity, the main thing is to get enough

As with any diet, you should pay special attention to the amount of pure non-carbonated water you drink; it should be at least 2 liters per day.

The singer notes that with a properly organized exit from the diet, you can lose 13 kg or more in a month. Despite the absence of a ban on eating sweets, the singer strongly recommends giving up sweetened foods, which will give the best effect.

Diet of Irina Dubtsova - menu

To understand how Irina lost weight, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a one-day menu, based on which you can, adhering to the basic rules, change the ingredients and develop it for yourself.

  • breakfast – buckwheat porridge cooked in water, a slice of cheese, and a glass of green tea;
  • second breakfast – one apple, grapefruit or orange;
  • lunch – lean soup or borscht, boiled chicken breast (100 g);
  • afternoon snack – a glass of kefir with 1% fat content;
  • dinner - baked fish and stewed vegetables.

By the way: Diet of Larisa Dolina 7 kg per week - reviews and results

Nutritionists believe that the weight loss system followed by Irina Dubtsova is not only not harmful, but, on the contrary, is good for health. It contains only natural products that do not contain carcinogens and are maximally enriched with useful substances, and the weight disappears gradually, without causing nervous and nutritional stress, and generally without causing harm to the body.

Most likely, you will say that Irina Dubtsova’s diet is not particularly original. She doesn’t pretend to be, but simply proves once again that healthy eating, moderation and the right approach give amazing results. This is reflected in Vera Brezhneva’s diet, whose beauty and grace are the envy of all fans of her talent.

The main thing is that the singer managed to effectively lose weight and look great. What’s stopping you from using this weight loss method?

Interesting facts about Irina Dubtsova

She grew up in a musical family . The parents (famous jazz musician Viktor Dubtsov in Volgograd and the head of the musical group Natalya Dubtsova) immediately realized that their daughter would become a singer: she screamed so loudly in the maternity hospital, drowning out other newborns. Already at the age of 11, Irina Dubtsova was a soloist in a children's pop group. We can say that it was a family affair: the group called “Jem” was led by the mother, produced by the father, and the daughter sang, mostly her own songs.

Popularity did not fall from the sky. Dad took Igor Matvienko a disc with Irina’s songs: after listening to it, the producer invited the girl to become a soloist in the newly created group “Girls”. The project “didn’t take off,” so two years later the group was disbanded, and Dubtsova went to “Star Factory 4.” She became the winner of the project, and her song “About Him” was recognized as the most popular in the history of “Factory”.

A spectacular wedding and a quick separation . Right at the Star Factory project, Irina announced that she was marrying the lead singer of the Plazma group, Roman Chernitsyn, whom she had known for more than 6 years. The PR move of the project's producers was a success - the whole country looked with emotion at the legally married musicians. Two years later, the couple had a son, and soon after this event the young people separated. According to unconfirmed reports, one of the reasons for the breakup was Irina’s obesity, which Roman did not want to put up with.

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