Irina Krug: They cut off my leg and inserted a prosthesis


Weight loss

In recent years, Irina Krug’s popularity has increased greatly and almost every second chanson fan has heard about the singer. Many publications wrote about the difficult fate of the widow, and Irina herself could not recover for a long time after her bereavement.

But grief only made her stronger and gave her the impetus to start a solo career, despite all the excuses and discontent of her family and friends. After appearing on the big stage, Irina decided that everything in a singer should be beautiful: both her voice and her appearance. Thanks to 3 simple nutritional rules, the artist managed to turn into an incredible beauty in a fairly short period of time. Today our editors will tell you in more detail about how Irina Krug lost weight .

Menu for the day

Taking into account all the rules, Irina Krug’s daily menu looks something like this:

  • breakfast - omelette with steamed greens, 2 eggs and 200 ml of green tea
  • lunch - salad of 3 different fruits with lemon juice dressing
  • lunch - 250 ml of dietary vegetable soup and a slice of whole grain bread
  • afternoon snack - 200 ml freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice
  • dinner - 200 g of stewed vegetables and 150 g of oven-baked meat.

The ingredients for the dishes can be varied, but use only those that are allowed to be eaten during the weight loss period. It is also important not to skip a single meal so as not to remain hungry for a long time.

Thanks to these simple tips, you will be able to achieve visible results that will delight you for a long time: the effect lasts for about six months. Do not forget that before any diet you should undergo an examination and consult with your doctor . Save interesting articles for yourself and be sure to share them with friends!

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Diet for weight loss from Irina Krug

Fans of Irina Krug’s work have long noticed that the singer began to look much better, lost weight, and became prettier. Many were puzzled and interested in how she managed it; it turned out that everything was simple. Irina has 3 secrets to staying slim, which she has consistently used for quite a long time.

More than ten years have passed since that tragic day for Irina when she became a widow. She really changed, became stronger internally, changed externally and lost excess weight.

It all started with Irina being offered to record several songs in memory of her murdered husband, Mikhail Krug, but then, against all odds, she decided to start a solo career for her husband’s sake. For the sake of not forgetting his last name, for the sake of the children, so that there would be an opportunity to raise them with dignity, and then she realized that a woman’s stage image should match so that the viewer would be visually pleased to look at the artist, and she decided to change.

Many ill-wishers believed that she, using her husband’s famous surname, wanted to gain popularity, but Irina was able to prove with her talent that this was not the case. She already has several solo albums and many fans of her work in different parts of the country and beyond.

So, what are the secrets of Irina Krug’s slimness?

The first secret is an oatmeal diet for weight loss, you need to stay on it for a week so that spring begins to melt before your eyes. But you can do it for five days. This is a kind of push for the body to start losing weight. Shock therapy. The bottom line is that all week you need to consume only oatmeal with water or oatmeal jelly in any quantity.

Naturally, porridge or jelly cannot be sweetened or salted, because sugar and salt are prohibited in this monocomponent diet. And due to the lack of sufficient vitamins and nutrients, it is not recommended to “sit” on this diet more often than once every six months. Fortunately, such a diet has no contraindications.

There is another similar diet based on buckwheat porridge. All week you can eat only buckwheat, steamed with boiling water in the evening, without salt, sugar or any seasonings. You should drink green tea without sugar, but you can add lemon to the tea. Tea can be replaced with a liter of low-fat kefir. This is also a kind of mono-diet, but if a person does not like oatmeal, it is very convenient to replace it with buckwheat. Again, it can be used no more than once every six months.

The second secret is proper and healthy nutrition. Irina has long given up flour, smoked foods, coffee, pasta, and fried potatoes. All high-carbohydrate foods are prohibited. And between meat and fish, he will always choose fish. Drinks a lot of green tea. Does not smoke or drink alcoholic beverages.

Prefers natural processing of products. Stewing, baking or using a steamer. Plus, the singer’s daily diet includes a lot of vegetables and fruits, especially kiwi. She eats them in fairly large quantities, because it is believed that this fruit is capable of breaking down fats.

By the way, it would be appropriate to note that kiwi fruits contain a number of useful vitamins, minerals, and fiber that saturate the body and burn fat, but the calorie content of one fruit does not exceed 50 kcal. Kiwi will bring more benefits if you eat it half an hour before the main meal or one to two hours after.

If for some reason you can’t eat emerald fruit or don’t want to, you can replace it with pineapple. It also has fat-burning properties and improves the functioning of the digestive tract, and also does not exceed 50 kcal. It is important to eat fresh pineapples, because in canned ones the bromelain is destroyed due to heat treatment. Which is precisely the fat burner.

It is important to remember that not all fruits promote weight loss, some of them contain a lot of sugar or fat. For example, these are bananas, avocados, durians and others.

This is such a healthy diet. Irina Krug has truly transformed. Especially since the times when she was just the wife of a famous singer. Now she, as a solo artist, looks simply great. You just need to look at the photographs, of which there are a lot on the Internet. And she doesn’t just look thinner, younger, full of strength, and an energetic woman. Who is confident in herself, in her abilities, and can achieve everything she wants.

Of course, it is very important to find your “personal” diet that is ideal for you. After all, there are many women who cannot find such a diet and spend their entire lives choosing it. But those who succeed are simply lucky!

The third secret of Irina Krug is fitness. Popular wisdom says that it is not enough to lose weight on diets, you also need to keep your body in good shape. Therefore, physical exercise coupled with proper nutrition is very important.

Irina Krug lost weight precisely because she does daily fitness with a personal trainer and prefers swimming. And he believes that without physical activity it is very difficult to stay in good shape.

After all, the way Irina looks now is not the result of genetic predisposition, but the result of refusing unhealthy and fatty foods, great willpower and enormous work.

Irina Krug’s secrets obviously work, now she has proven it herself, because for a long time she has kept her figure and appearance in good shape.

The rules that Irina Krug adheres to:

  • permanently eliminate flour products, fried potatoes, smoked foods and sugar
  • constant consumption of green tea, and complete abstinence from coffee and sweet, carbonated drinks
  • reducing fat to a minimum in the menu
  • cooking food in a double boiler, slow cooker or oven, no frying
  • eating a lot of vegetables and fruits, a lot of kiwi
  • compulsory training, sports, swimming
  • massage
  • active lifestyle (for Irina, concert activity just allows it).

To summarize, we can assume that by finding the right approach to your body, you can always look good. There is no need to come up with excuses and put it off until next summer or the new year, or even more so, a new life.

The main thing is to eat right and exercise.

Height, weight, age. How old is Irina Krug

Since her musical debut, Irina has been able to win quite a large army of fans. And many of them are interested in all the details about this woman. Some even like to compare themselves with their idols, which is why they want to know her height, weight, age. How old is Irina Krug? This question is probably quite logical. Because at first glance it seems that she is older than she actually looks.

Now the singer is 41 years old, and she really looks younger. If you look at the photo of Irina Krug in her youth and now, you can see that the difference is very small. A good figure also helps her maintain her excellent appearance - with a height of 166 cm, Irina weighs only 50 kg.

Childhood and adolescence

Irina Krug’s real name is Irina Vladimirovna Vorobyova, and the singer’s maiden name is Glazko. The famous artist was born in Chelyabinsk on March 29, 1976. Irina’s parents did not belong to people of creative professions; her father was a military man, and her mother worked as a draftsman.

Irina Krug in childhood

From childhood, Irina was artistic, showed creative abilities, but she could not choose one thing. One of the future star's hobbies was music; she tried to learn to play the guitar, but, as the singer says, she was not very good at it. In addition, Irina is left-handed, and it was very uncomfortable for her to play. My parents had an old cassette recorder, and it was he who became the little artist’s first teacher.

Childhood photo of Irina Krug

After Ira stopped attending music class, she became interested in acting, but not cinema, like many of her peers, but theater. Arriving at the children's theater studio, little Irina was amazed at how much what she imagined when she heard the word “drama club” differed from reality. According to Irina, in the theater group at the House of Culture, children jumped, pretending to be frogs and dogs, and made strange sounds, which seemed funny and absurd to her. She didn't come to the next lesson.

After finishing nine classes, Irina entered the Chelyabinsk Trade College, but she did not have the opportunity to work as a merchandiser due to her early marriage and the birth of her daughter Marina.

Irina Krug in her youth

Irina studied at the same school with her first husband; he was only two grades older than her. In an interview for the YouTube show “Star Solitaire” on the Chanson TV channel, the artist said that she got married only because she became pregnant. According to Irina, her parents, like the parents of her future husband, were glad that she was expecting a child and began to help the young family.

Irina Krug with her first husband

Irina’s husband worked as a dental technician; he was kind, but weak-willed and quick-tempered, and soon after the birth of her daughter, nineteen-year-old Irina was faced with something for which, according to her, she was not at all ready. Irina learned that her husband was a drug addict when her daughter, Marina, was only a few months old. At first, the woman tried to help her husband get rid of his addiction, but no matter how hard she tried, she still found used syringes at home.

When Irina turned to her husband’s parents, who were doctors, for help, they did not believe her. For some time she struggled with her husband's illness, but he was not going to take any steps towards a cure, and then she left him. In an interview, Irina says that she does not regret making this choice. Now the man is no longer alive.

After her divorce from her first husband, Ira got a job in the Chelyabinsk restaurant “Malachite” and worked there as a waitress for two years. Meeting chansonnier Mikhail Krug turned the life of a young single mother upside down, and in 2001 she married the artist, famous throughout Russia.

Slender and beautiful Irina Krug tours Russia

Irina Krug actively tours different cities of Russia and shares photos and videos taken before and after concerts with her Instagram subscribers. One of the last pictures shows a woman's slimmer figure.

The photo shows how thin Irina Krug has lost. And if some fans admire her beauty, others worry that Ira will lose her individuality in pursuit of an ideal appearance.

“Irina, you are Cinderella who became a queen!!! Very beautiful)), Irina, don’t lose more weight, you’ll lose your attractiveness, don’t dry out your body...” (The author’s spelling and paragraphs have been preserved, editor’s note) - fans write in the comments to the new photo.

Irina became famous after the death of her husband

Many also note that it was Mikhail Krug who made his wife a star. And there is some truth in this, because Irina began singing after Misha’s death. Wanting to show the public songs that Krug did not have time to sing during his lifetime, the brave woman began to slowly publish new and old compositions, singing them in her gentle voice.

Mikhail’s friends helped Irina Vorobyova go on stage, and for many years now, Mikhail Krug’s widow has been performing under his last name.

Since meeting the Circle, not only Irina’s life has changed, but also her appearance. Who would have thought that an ordinary waitress and a real “gray mouse” would gather full houses of fans and turn into a luxurious woman.

In Irina Krug’s personal life, everything is also fine. Four years after Mikhail's murder, she remarried and gave birth to another son.

And Sasha Vorobyov, the heir of Mikhail Krug, who was only a few months old at the time of his father’s death, . Fans of his famous father believe that Alexander is an almost exact copy of Mikhail.

Hello, dear readers! Everyone had already noticed that I had lost a lot of weight, and I was simply inundated with questions about how I managed it. I stopped coping with the influx of personal messages. I try to answer everyone and support you, but at this rate I will have to live on the Internet. Therefore, I decided to write this article and answer everyone’s burning question: How I lost 26 kg. (This doesn’t mean that you can’t write to me and ask something, it’s just that it will be much easier for me).

Death of husband and start of career

Unfortunately, family happiness did not last long. On a fateful summer evening, Mikhail Krug was killed in his own home. At night, criminals sneaked into his house and destroyed the peaceful and quiet life of the family. His wife had a presentiment of trouble - she asked the artist to hire security, Irina was worried about the excessive openness of the Circle - gatherings were constantly taking place at home, the doors might not be locked even at night. But the husband just laughed it off and laughed, did not believe that something bad could happen. As it turned out, it was in vain - on one summer night, not guests, but murderers came to the house. Mikhail selflessly saved Irina from the bullets, but, unfortunately, was unable to save himself. Even in the ambulance, the artist, famous for his cheerful disposition, laughed it off and consoled his uneasy wife. On the way to the hospital, the singer died from his wounds.

After some time, the famous singer-songwriter invited Krug’s widow to sing the material that her deceased husband did not have time to perform. Unexpectedly for everyone, in 2004 Irina Krug released her debut album. Soon the aspiring singer was nominated for the Chanson of the Year award. Irina Krug was presented as the discovery of the year. After some time, in the spring of 2006, the girl released another album, which, like the first, was a success among the general public. Vadim Tsyganov became the producer of Irina Krug.

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