How to lose weight without a gym at home

Exercise for home workouts

Any weight loss fitness regimen has two main parts: aerobic exercise and strength training. Aerobic exercise burns calories, and a calorie deficit is necessary for weight loss. Strength training helps build muscle mass, which increases your metabolism and helps you burn more calories 24/7, even when you're not exercising.

Your at-home weight loss exercise plan should include three to six days of aerobic exercise per week and at least two days of strength training. You can do aerobic and strength exercise separately—say, running and biking three to six days a week, and weight training two days a week—or you can combine them.

Strength exercises for men to lose weight at home

A man's set of exercises for losing weight at home should include cardio and strength exercises. This approach to training is effective both for losing excess weight and for building strength. Cardio exercises perfectly train the circulatory system and increase the overall endurance of the body. The strength complex gives an increase in muscle mass and a beautiful muscle relief.

Effective exercises for men:

  • Jumping rope or jogging are a great option for warming up before a strength training session. To increase physical activity, use an interval approach to training, alternating different paces of exercise.
  • A horizontal bar or parallel bars are effective sports equipment for training all muscle groups. By doing pull-ups or push-ups, you will effectively work out the muscles of your chest, arms and shoulders. In addition, hanging leg raises provide a good workout for the abs and legs.
  • Barbells and dumbbells will help you achieve good definition with isolated exercises for the muscles of the upper body. Dumbbell lifts for biceps from a sitting position or on an inclined bench, Romanian or other types of barbell rows for triceps and back muscles have proven themselves to be excellent. Use different grip styles (hammer, forward, reverse) to engage different muscles during your workout.

Regularly performing these simple and easy exercises will help you achieve beautiful muscle definition, increase strength and endurance. It is enough to devote one hour to training several times a week to achieve good sports results. Thanks to such activities, you can easily keep your body in perfect shape.

What to include in your workout?

What do you like to do? Do you like, for example, walking the dog, hiking, cycling, dancing, skateboarding? Plan to do as many of the things you enjoy as possible.

Don't worry about having to do anything specific. If you hate running sprints, don't run! The best type of workout is the one you look forward to because that's when you'll be consistent.

Get creative with your exercises

Any convenient outdoor location will become your gym. On Monday, for example, go for a run, on Tuesday - ride a bike. On Thursday, go to a nearby track and run sprints (only if you want); Take a friend on a hike on Saturday.

If you have an energetic companion, such as a dog, one or two 30-minute walks daily will keep your pup happy and help you achieve your weight loss goals.

How to lose weight without a gym or diet in 30 days

The process of losing weight can seem painfully slow when you're in the middle of it. You want to wear jeans now, not in three months. But if you're not a fan of restrictive diets, and if the gym isn't your favorite place, is there anything you can do to lose weight without exercising or dieting?

Actually yes. You can lose weight without the gym or crazy diets, and if you are disciplined, you can do it quickly. There is no absolutely easy way to lose weight, but these tips will help you lose weight at home with as little suffering as possible

How to lose weight quickly and easily:

1. Avoid Fast Food If you want to lose weight without spending time at the gym, you'll need to focus on your food intake, and that means cutting out any obvious sources of calories. This includes fast food. Most fast foods are filled with fatty and refined carbohydrates, making them a poor choice when you're trying to lose weight.

2. Avoid Carbohydrates Refined carbohydrates - like white bread, sugar and white pasta - can cause your blood sugar levels to drop. This can make you feel hungry and moody—a bad combination when you're trying to lose weight. Return to whole grains.

3. Cook your own lunch You can save a lot of calories every day by cooking your own lunch. Take meals that contain protein, vegetables and whole grains to keep you full all day.

4. Focus on Vegetables You can eat a lot of vegetables for very few calories, so make them a staple in your diet.

5. Healthy sleep When you are rested, you are less likely to give in to food cravings. Aim for eight hours of sleep at night.

6. More Physical Activity The more you move, the easier it will be to lose weight without going to the gym. Try going to the grocery store or using the stairs instead of the elevator.

7. Eat with Friends When you socialize with friends at dinner, you'll naturally eat more slowly and feel full longer.

8. Use Small Portions This old psychological trick can help you lose weight more easily at home: Simply stock your cupboard with small plates and cups. Filling your plate makes you feel like you're eating more food, even if your portion is actually smaller than usual.

9. No alcohol! Alcohol contains many empty calories. If you want to lose weight quickly, you better avoid this drink.

10. Water Sometimes hunger can actually signal that you are dehydrated. Drink plenty of water every day to keep those false hunger signals at bay.

11. Fiber Fiber, found in vegetables, whole grains, beans and nuts, fills you up for a long time. If you tend to feel hungry between meals, try eating more fiber-rich foods.

12. Healthy Snack Kill temptation by consistently eating healthy snacks. If you have fruits or nuts, you will be less likely to visit the store when you feel hungry.

13. Avoid Sugary Drinks Sugary drinks are a hidden source of empty calories. Skip soda while you're losing weight, or if you really like soda, switch to diet soda. Drink coffee without sugar or use stevia to sweeten it.

14. Don't order food It's too tempting to order food when you're tired after work and don't want to cook. To solve this problem, try prepping your meals ahead of time on the weekends.

15. Reward Yourself Find rewards for yourself that are not nutrition-based. For example, try de-stressing by writing in a journal or going to a museum instead of eating high-calorie foods

Source Translation and adaptation - Fithaker

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Power training

Many people believe that they can't get good strength training without a lot of equipment. Again, you need to think about what strength training is.

Calisthenics exercises are just as effective at increasing strength and building muscle as traditional weightlifting, according to a 2021 study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.

Gymnastics is a particularly beneficial workout for beginners at home because it uses functional movements that train the body how to move. Once you've built a foundation of strength with exercise, you'll be better prepared to start lifting weights if you decide to do so.

The best exercises for the body

There are hundreds of exercises you can do without any equipment, just using your own body weight. These are all compound exercises, meaning they use multiple muscle groups at the same time. They are best for weight loss because they burn more calories while you are doing them. The higher the intensity and the more challenging you are, the more calories you will burn doing them.

Lower body exercises:

  • Squat-jump
  • Single leg squats
  • Jump-lunge
  • Bike
  • Bridge

Upper body exercises:

  • Push ups
  • Pull-ups
  • Falls
  • Handstand push-ups

Basic exercises:

  • Plank
  • Side plank

There are many variations of these bodyweight exercises, but when you're just starting out, the basics are all you need. Once you have mastered these steps, you can begin to enable more complex versions.

An effective set of home exercises for weight loss

You can get rid of excess weight by training at home using complex exercises for different muscle groups. Select physical activity based on your sports training and current well-being. If you have just started training, then 2-3 approaches of 10-15 times will be enough for you. If you have been involved in sports for a long time, then feel free to increase the number of approaches and repetitions to the maximum.

Complex exercises for the abdomen and sides

Fat deposits on the stomach and sides are a headache for many women. You can reduce your waist and remove a flabby belly with simple and easy abdominal exercises. Such regular training is an effective remedy for bulging folds on the sides. They increase the tone and elasticity of the abdominal muscles, making the waist thin and graceful.

A set of exercises for losing belly fat must necessarily include sports elements for the upper abs, lower abs and oblique abdominal muscles. In the article “What exercises should you do to remove your stomach and sides?” We examined in detail the features of training for this problem area. By adding these fitness exercises for losing belly fat and sides to your workout schedule, you will quickly get rid of excess fat deposits.

Workout for slimming legs, buttocks and thighs

Simple and easy fitness exercises will help you get rid of extra centimeters in your hips and tighten your buttocks. Pay attention to such training several times a week and then you will quickly achieve good results. The best exercises for this problem area are:

  • Squats. During these exercises, most of the leg muscles (thighs and buttocks) work. That is why they are the most effective means for losing weight in your legs. The deeper you squat, the more muscles you work. It is recommended to use small dumbbells as an additional load.
  • Lunges are a worthy complement to squats. There are many variations of this exercise: forward, backward, right and left. The lower you squat during lunges, the more effective this exercise is for weight loss. When performing a sports element, make sure that your knee bends at an angle of 90 degrees relative to your hip, and keep your back straight. To maintain balance, grab the back of a chair.
  • Swings are an excellent option for working the core muscles of the legs. You can perform the exercises standing or lying down. If you want to increase the effectiveness of your workout, then combine lunges and swings into one element.

For example, lunge back with your right leg, holding the back of the chair with your hand. As you inhale, lift your right leg forward, and as you exhale, return to the starting position. This version of the fitness exercise provides high-quality work on the muscles of the thighs and buttocks.

Please note that in the next article you will learn about general recommendations on how to lose weight in your legs.

Simple and easy exercises for the back and arms

A straight back, strong lower back muscles, rounded shoulders and beautifully shaped arms give the female figure special beauty, harmony and charm. A set of exercises for losing weight on the back and arms will help strengthen the necessary muscle groups, tone the upper body and burn excess fat:

  • Push-ups are an excellent option for training the muscles of the arms, chest and back. The main resistance in this exercise is body weight. If it is physically difficult for you to do push-ups, then lean on a sports bench or table.
  • Dumbbell curls provide a good isolated load on the biceps and triceps. There are many variations of these exercises. Raises are performed: with a straight or reverse grip in front of you, with arms straight or bent at the elbows, from behind the head, etc. Choose the options as you wish.

To lose weight in your arms, these exercises are recommended to be performed using small dumbbells and many repetitions. For example, 2-3 sets of 50-100 reps with dumbbells 2-3 kg. If you want to work on muscle definition, then you need to do a minimum of repetitions with heavy weights. In this case, the load must be selected individually.

Losing weight without the gym

Circuit training is one of the best ways to build strength and endurance and burn calories. It's ideal for home workouts that don't involve equipment. If you design your workout correctly, you can combine your workouts throughout the day in one fell swoop.

Choose several exercises for all major muscle groups and perform one set of each exercise without resting in between. You can either do a certain number of repetitions—10 or 15, for example—or you can set the timer interval to 30 seconds to one minute. When the timer beeps, move on to the next exercise.

At the end of the round, rest for a minute or two, then repeat. You can start with two rounds and work up to four to six.

30 Minute Workout:

Start by warming up by doing 30 jumping jacks and then jumping jacks - with no rest in between. Then:

10 push-ups (on knees if necessary) 20 lunges (10 on each side) 15 squats 40 bicycles (20 on each leg) 10 squat jumps

Rest for one or two minutes and then repeat two more times.

Another fun and challenging way to do a home workout is a type of high-intensity interval training in which you work hard for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds.

Similar to circuit training, you'll select a few exercises and set a timer. Let's say you're doing squats. When the timer starts, you will begin squatting; after 20 seconds the timer will give a signal and you will rest for 10 seconds. Then you will continue the exercises again, then move on to the next one.

Each round takes approximately four minutes. If you include a one-minute rest between exercises, you can fit six exercises into a 30-minute workout. Or, if you're feeling particularly energized, try a 45-minute or even 60-minute workout.

Setting Up for Success

There are many benefits to exercising at home - it's affordable, personal, time- and budget-saving. However, there are also disadvantages. If you under-execute your workout routine, it can sabotage your weight loss efforts.

If you know you'll be tired after work, try fitting your workout in first thing in the morning before you shower.

Try carving out a dedicated workout space, in a spare room, basement or garage. Make it a place you don't usually go to to relax and unwind. If possible, turn on music or a player with headphones. Favorite music will help you get into the right mood.

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