Proper breathing exercises for weight loss by Marina Korpan

How to lose weight with minimal effort? This question concerns most women, and men often suffer from excess weight. Of course, you all know the recommendations - eat less and move more. But all people are different, for some, life is already full of stress, and they are not going to give up cookies and sweets for tea. Others cannot play sports due to objective reasons, chronic diseases and contraindications. At the same time, both have the same chance to look and feel much better, while saying goodbye to those ill-fated kilograms and centimeters. Hundreds of people have been helped by breathing exercises for weight loss by Marina Korpan.


This method was not born today, or even yesterday. Yogis have known about the healing power of breathing since ancient times and used it widely. No asana is performed on its own. Even before starting the exercise, a person must master proper breathing. I would like to immediately say that Marina Korpan’s breathing exercises for weight loss are not suitable for everyone. Despite its versatility, there are still adherents of strength training, which can only be done in the gym. But this is an excellent option for a mother on maternity leave, when time is sorely lacking. Breathing techniques are a great help for those who, due to health conditions, cannot withstand sports stress.

The path to harmony

This is exactly how this direction can be characterized. If intensive weight loss by increasing sports activity is a kind of violence against your body (due to which the result appears quite quickly), then completely different mechanisms are triggered here. Yoga is a holistic system that brings harmony to the entire body, gradually normalizes the functioning of organs and systems, which ultimately contributes to the normalization of weight. But do not despair, this does not mean that you will have to wait for years. And you will notice a change in your condition for the better within a few days. Breathing exercises for weight loss by Marina Korpan significantly improve your overall well-being and give you a huge amount of energy.

Breathing exercises for weight loss Bodyflex

The beauty of this gymnastics is that to master its technique, it is not at all necessary to visit expensive fitness centers: just watch the training video a couple of times, and you can do it at home, on your own. Of course, training with an experienced instructor is always a plus, even if it comes to fifteen-minute breathing exercises, but... As they say, it’s better in the fitness center, but better at home.

The essence of this gymnastics for weight loss is to combine deep breathing with exercises to develop the flexibility of the muscles of the whole body. Yes, yes, you still have to make an effort to lose weight, moreover, it is recommended to carry out this gymnastics exclusively in the early morning, and nothing else! So you won’t envy the inveterate owls here: whether you want it or not, you’ll have to get up in the morning.

But if you are not afraid of these difficulties, then in a month of training you can achieve amazing results. It has been noticed that girls who continue to eat incorrectly (cakes and all that) decrease by one clothing size. Those who, having taken up Bodyflex, also begin to limit themselves in calories, climb into clothes two whole sizes smaller! How do you like this motivation?

This in no way means that to achieve maximum results you need to starve or go on a diet: on the contrary, you must eat, otherwise your metabolism will slow down greatly. But you can stop overeating on fried potatoes and cakes - it will be as good for your health as it is for your waistline.

However, if your ideal figure is painful thinness with protruding collarbones, then Bodyflex breathing exercises will not help you. This clever system will stop burning fat the moment your body deems your weight optimal. Of course, you will be able to continue losing weight by doing strength exercises, but it’s worth thinking: maybe, well, these are model parameters, and you are good at your normal, “human” weight?

Women with fairly large fat deposits, as well as those who, for various reasons, are not “friendly” with sports, lose weight most effectively using this respiratory system. If you are an avid visitor to fitness centers, and you only need to lose a couple of kilograms before becoming completely perfect, then Bodyflex most likely will not help you.

Due to the fact that Bodyflex breathing exercises are based on long breath holds, this technique has a very impressive list of contraindications:

  • High or low blood pressure;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Any head injuries;
  • Glaucoma;
  • High intracranial pressure;
  • Arrhythmia, heart failure;
  • Hernias;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Pregnancy (any period);
  • Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • Gallstone disease with stones larger than five millimeters;
  • Increased body temperature.

If you are at risk, then you should seriously think about whether the extra centimeters on your waist are worth your health. And if the desire to do this gymnastics is irresistible, then be sure to consult with your doctor. Better yet, pay attention to another breathing exercise from Marina Korpan: Oxysize.

Acceleration of metabolism

Often, the problem of excess weight is not even that a person eats too much, eats too fatty foods, or doesn’t move enough. More precisely, the last point becomes key: due to a passive lifestyle, metabolism slows down, and fats remain folds on the sides because the body simply does not have time to “get to” them. The next portion of food arrives, and since your gastrointestinal tract is also lazy, it takes only what is easiest to digest - carbohydrates. Everything else remains in reserve again.

Breathing exercises for weight loss by Marina Korpan help correct the situation. If you devote just 15 minutes a day to exercise, then within a week you will notice that your well-being has changed. More energy appears, drowsiness disappears, that is, the body goes into full working mode. And this is reflected in increased energy demand. Now everything you consume will be consumed and not stored on the sides.

Official medicine

This is a rare case when the conclusions of scientists and doctors completely coincide with alternative health practices. Yoga itself is difficult to classify as such, since it is an entire philosophy based on the deepest study of our body, as well as the relationship between the physical and the spiritual. Today, scientists are again finding confirmation that the process of losing weight is closely related to the complete saturation of the body with oxygen. Why today (especially among urban residents) problems arise with this:

  • People mostly sit, move by car, subway, which means they deprive themselves of the opportunity to breathe deeply.
  • Oxygen levels in the atmosphere are slowly decreasing due to environmental pollution.
  • Constant stress in the life of a modern person significantly changes the way we breathe: about 90% of all people take shallow, shallow breaths, which limits oxygen saturation.

How it works

First of all, we are interested in physiology, that is, how, at the cellular level, Marina Korpan’s breathing exercises for weight loss help to get rid of excess weight. Any nutritionist and fitness instructor will confirm that aerobic exercise is necessary for the process of fat breakdown to begin. It is worth citing the facts here so that the reader can understand for himself the basis for this conclusion:

  • Oxygen ensures the absorption of nutrients in the intestines. The digestive system is equipped with villi, which require oxygen more than many other organs and systems. But with shallow breathing there is too little of it, which means that most of it is spent on maintaining brain function. As a result, the absorption of nutrients is reduced by 70%, which means that the deprived body will again and again torment you with a false feeling of hunger. Metabolism slows down by 30%.
  • Breathing exercises for Marina Korpan’s weight loss are also necessary in order to remove harmful substances (preservatives, pesticides) that accumulate in fat cells. That is, the body uses fat as a storage facility for harmful substances, which means it will actively replenish its volume. Moreover, more than 70% of all harmful substances can be converted into gases by taking deep breaths.
  • Oxygen oxidizes fat deposits.
  • Breathing reduces the level of stress hormone in the blood. Many are accustomed to “seizing” troubles. And if there are fewer stress hormones, then the need will disappear by itself.

All this confirms the high effectiveness of breathing exercises for weight loss by Marina Korpan. In reviews, doctors recommend it as one of the simplest and mildest of similar systems, which also has no contraindications.

Oxysize or bodyflex

Surely the second name is more familiar to you, and it is possible that you have already tried this technique. The essence is the same, but the execution is somewhat different. In particular, bodyflex is characterized by noisy exhalations that can frighten a sleeping baby. In addition, there are a number of contraindications. Disease of the cardiovascular system, high blood pressure, previous spinal surgery, tumors, pregnancy, bleeding - all this is a reason to abandon the system called bodyflex. Breathing exercises for weight loss by Marina Korpan have no contraindications; expectant mothers can also use it. In addition, breathing exercises can be performed at any convenient time, not necessarily on an empty stomach.

Features of oxysize

Oxysize is a type of breathing exercises that is not prohibited from being performed even during pregnancy. Gymnastics is only prohibited for women with cardiovascular diseases. Oxysize exercises are somewhat similar to bodyflex exercises, but they differ in the possibility of using numerous improvised or special sports equipment.

Breathing exercises from Marina Korpan using the oxysize method are presented in the following sequence:

  • Get into a standing position with your hand on your stomach.
  • In this position, take several breaths in and out, but not with your chest and lungs, but with your stomach.
  • Breathing is free, but the chest remains motionless, only the stomach works.

For successful weight loss, it is recommended to exercise at least 2 times a day. The entire session should take no more than 10-15 minutes - this time should be enough to saturate the body with oxygen. In the future, the process of burning fat cells will go much faster. According to Marina Korpan, the presented breathing exercises with additional food restrictions will help you lose at least 3 kg of excess weight in 10 days.

The restrictions include only the following features:

  • Drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day.
  • Avoid fatty foods and mostly eat low-calorie foods.
  • During the day, it is recommended to eat food at least 5 times a day, but in small portions.

You can learn more about oxysize from the video.


Despite the benefits of breathing exercises, you should observe the presence of contraindications, which include diseases of the respiratory system, critical days and colds. Limitations also include pathologies of the cardiovascular system, thyroid gland, kidneys, and chronic diseases.

This is interesting: Often, attending physicians prohibit women from starting bodyflex exercises developed by Marina Korpan. But in this case there is a way out - you can turn to breathing exercises of the oxysize variety.

What does this system promise?

Many people are afraid of the process of losing weight because it requires a half-starved existence. Using breathing exercises, you will be relieved of this inconvenience. You should only give up fatty, sweet and fried foods, and the daily diet can be 1700 kcal. In this case, the process of losing weight will be comfortable.

The second big advantage is the development of exactly those areas that are most important to you. Moreover, this is not the merit of the “smart system”, but your own, because by performing certain exercises, you yourself direct oxygen exactly where it is most needed. Training using the oxysize method makes it possible to lose 2-3 kg in the first three weeks. In addition, the system actively fights cellulite in problem areas, improves mental health and increases libido levels.

Basic Breathing

Let's now look at what Marina Korpan's breathing exercises are. Express weight loss is based on daily simple exercises. It takes no more than 15-20 minutes. The first thing you need to do is smile broadly and take a quick, sharp breath through your nose. Relax - this exercise should bring positive emotions. Now exhale smoothly.

Don't expect to get it right the first time, but gradually you will learn how to do the oxysize. Breathing exercises for weight loss by Marina Korpan cause dizziness at first, but soon the body will get used to the changes. Perform the second approach as follows. As you inhale, pull your stomach in as much as possible. Inhale, rock your pelvis and tighten your buttocks and pelvic floor muscles. Now exhale smoothly.

Now you can try to complete the exercise completely. To do this, inhale air through your nose and repeat this procedure two more times. That is, now divide the process of inhalation through the nose into three parts. Tighten the muscles of your abs, buttocks and pelvic floor, form your lips into a tube and begin to gradually blow air, as if through a straw. At the end, take three more sharp exhalations without lowering your head or relaxing your muscles. This is the correct breathing exercise for losing weight by Marina Korpan.


This is Marina Korpan’s first breathing exercises for weight loss, the improvement of which began in 2000. Suitable for those who move little, beginners in such techniques and advanced ones. People with a lot of weight. For those who are prohibited from physical activity due to health reasons. Despite its apparent harmlessness and ease, it is not suitable for everyone.


  • Stones in the gall bladder, kidneys;
  • Diabetes;
  • Ulcer;
  • Problems with the thyroid gland;
  • The period after operations;
  • Heart failure.

What is Bodyflex

Bodyflex is a special breathing exercise. It combines deep breathing (diaphragmatic) with exercises aimed at stretching. Breathing is delayed after a very deep breath, and the concentration of carbon dioxide in the body increases. The arteries dilate, and the cells can fully absorb oxygen.

Thanks to the influx of “extra” oxygen, the process of losing weight is underway, and your well-being improves.

Ideally, the lesson should be done in the morning on an empty stomach. If it doesn’t work out, then choose a time not immediately after eating. If it doesn’t work out at all, then you can even overnight (but this is a last resort). As Marina herself says, “The main thing is to find time for exercise. Daily".

Be sure to read: Effective exercises for a thin waist and flat stomach

Principles of Bodyflex

  1. Everyday classes for a month and a half.
  2. Work out on an empty stomach in the morning. The author notes that during sleep at night, glycogen stores run out. Having received more oxygen, the body will be forced to take fat deposits in the form of energy.
  3. The workout is no more than 25 minutes. Too much oxygen can lead to dizziness and poor health.
  4. Eating 1 hour after class.
  5. Bodyflex cannot be combined with other types of sports activity. This complex will be enough for weight loss: optimal weight loss without harm to health.
  6. Try not to take medications or undergo cosmetic procedures.
  7. Do not change exercises frequently.

Correct breathing in Bodyflex

The most important part of this breathing exercise with Marina Korpan. Consists of 5 stages:

  1. Exhale calmly through your mouth. (Be sure to fold your lips into a “tube”). Completely expel the air from the lungs.
  2. With your mouth closed. Inhale through your nose. Quickly, abruptly, sharply. At the same time, inflate your stomach.
  3. Exhale sharply through your mouth: push out the air with the sound “Pa.”
  4. Pull your stomach in as much as possible.
  5. Do not breathe for 8-10 seconds.

It is important to perform it efficiently, to inhale and exhale with full force. At the same time, you need to perform simple stretching exercises. Each exercise must be repeated 3 times.

A set of exercises for doing Bodyflex

Marina Korpan suggests studying (or at least taking a few lessons) with a trainer who will show you the correct way to perform breathing and a set of exercises. But if it is not possible, then it is possible to train at home.

Lesson 1

  1. Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Hands on hips. 10 seconds (when you don’t breathe) you need to clench your fists. Bring them together so that they are connected by the knuckles. Raise your arms to chest level so that your shoulders are parallel to the floor. Squeeze hard. Hands should not be pressed tightly to the chest.

(Note: To complete tasks without interruptions, it is good to practice in advance, without wasting time. This applies to each exercise).

  1. "Tree". Stand on your feet. Place the feet of the other leg on the supporting knee. The leg is turned clearly to the side. Connect your hands above your head. Reach up. Do the task in this position.
  2. Half squat. The knees do not extend beyond the toes. Pelvis back. Freeze. Complete all 5 steps.
  3. Lie down on the floor. Knees bent, feet on the floor. Arms are parallel to the body. 4 stages of breathing while lying down. Holding your breath, lift your shoulder blades off the floor and stretch your arms toward your legs.
  4. Position on all fours. Keep your back straight, do not bend in the lower back. Do 3 stages of breathing exercises. While holding your breath, pull your stomach in and relax quickly.

Lesson 2

  1. Same as exercise 1 in lesson 1, but do not clench your hands into fists. Put your palms together.
  2. Sit on the floor as in exercise 4 in lesson 1. Holding your breath, raise one leg as high as possible (ideally, if perpendicular to the floor). Keep the other leg suspended, but do not lift it high from the floor. Try to fix it parallel to the floor. Lift your shoulder blades off the floor and reach for your hands. Change leg positions.
  3. Lie on your side. Legs and torso straight in one line. Extend the arm from below in front of you perpendicularly. Raise your head, resting on your shoulder. While holding your breath, lift your shoulder off the floor. At the same time, slightly raise the leg and arm that are on top. Be careful not to lean forward or backward. Lift the limbs straight up.
  4. Stand up as in exercise 5 of the previous lesson. Carry out 4 stages of gymnastics. While holding your breath, round your back as much as possible. Try to pull it up.

Be sure to read: The effectiveness of cycling training for weight loss

Lesson 3

  1. Legs wider than shoulders. Half squat. Place your hands on your hips. Breath. Then move your right leg to the left and back (so as not to lose your balance and stand confidently). The position of the hands is above the head. Then, without lowering your arms, tilt your body to the left. Freeze and not breathe for 10 seconds. Do the same in the other direction.
  2. Get on your knees. Sit with your buttocks on your heels. Holding your breath, turn your body strongly to the side. Alternate turns left and right. Hands on shoulders.
  3. Position on all fours. Move your hands slightly to the left. Holding your breath, raise your leg to the side. The thigh should be parallel to the floor. Fix. If it’s difficult, you can bend your leg, but keep your thigh parallel.
  4. Similar to the previous one, but at the moment of holding your breath, straighten the raised leg, take it back and return it. Make sure that the hip does not drop. There should be a parallel with the floor. 3 exercises for each leg.
  5. Lying with your back on the floor. Knees bent, feet pressed to the floor. Hands behind your head. Palms are connected. Keep your shoulders and shoulder blades suspended while holding your breath. Secure the torso.
  6. Lie down as in the previous exercise. Hands behind head. Lower your legs to the floor to one side. Try not to lift your shoulders. Raise your shoulders off the floor while holding. Do the exercise 3 times on each side.

Lesson 4

  1. Place your legs wider than your shoulders. A small squat. Hands just below the waist. While holding your breath, connect the tips of your fingers at chest level: little finger with little finger, ring finger with ring finger, etc. Palms do not touch. Press hard.
  2. The situation is the same. While holding, move your arms back as far as possible. Palms to the ceiling.
  3. Lie down on the floor. Bend your knees, feet on the floor. Hands lie along the body. In this position, breathe. Holding your breath, slowly rise up, rounding your back. Smoothly. You have to sit down in 10 seconds. Breathe in a sitting position, and while holding, carefully lower to a lying position.
  4. Sit on the floor. Bend your legs slightly, knees “look” up. Hands randomly. While holding your breath, tilt your body back a little and freeze. Feet on the floor. No need to lie down. Stretch your arms in front of you. For greater load, you can cross them over your chest.
  5. The original is similar to the previous one. When holding, lean your body back a little and raise your legs. Hands parallel to the floor.
  6. Do exercise 4 from the second lesson.

Be sure to read: NLP method for losing weight: effective techniques for blocking hunger

The effect of Bodyflex

Losing weight is not the only advantage of performing Korpan breathing exercises. Positive effects (declared by the author of the technique):

  1. Massage of internal organs;
  2. Strengthening the deep-lying back muscles;
  3. Reduced stomach volume;
  4. Lightness of body and vigor;
  5. Lifting up the uterus;
  6. Removing toxins from the gastrointestinal tract and strengthening it;
  7. Rectal cleansing;
  8. Increased peristalsis (wave-like contraction of organs such as the esophagus, intestines, stomach);
  9. Strengthening and rejuvenation of the endocrine system of the peritoneum;
  10. Spinal traction (especially its lower part);
  11. Treatment of certain diseases of the stomach and other internal organs.

Breathing plus exercises

There is no need to force things. For the first week, do only the above exercise. Practice the technique carefully so that in the future everything goes automatically. Every day you need to perform at least 30 breathing cycles. Moreover, they can be combined with a variety of exercises. You can come up with them yourself or find a practical lesson on oxysize and follow it. But even just by tensing the problem muscles with this type of breathing, you will get stunning results in just three weeks. But under-fulfillment is unacceptable; you must complete the training.

Oxysize with Marina Korpan: day 8-9

Add four new exercises the oxysize complex with Marina Korpan If you do each one once, you will get 21 breathing cycles (a description of the breathing technique is here). To increase the number of breathing cycles to 30 per workout, repeat the exercises on the problem areas that interest you.

1. Sumo on a chair

How to do it. Sit on the edge of a chair, spread your legs wide, bend your knees and point your toes to the sides. Lean on the seat of the chair behind you and roll your shoulders back. Tilt your pelvis slightly so that your tailbone area rests on the chair. Push your legs forward, stretching your inner thighs, and pull your knees back. Perform a breathing cycle (description of the breathing technique is here).

Why: burn fat and strengthen the muscles of the inner thighs.

2. Crossing your legs

How to do it. Sit on the edge of a chair, rest your hands on the seat behind you. Spread your legs wide and place your feet on your toes. Tilt your pelvis and bring your knees together, lowering them down. Perform a breathing cycle.

Why: burn fat and strengthen the muscles of the inner, front and back thighs.

3. Chair twist

How to do it. Sit in the middle of the chair, place your feet together, and bring your knees together. Leaning your left hand on the seat behind you, raise your right arm up, twist your body to the left and stretch your arm up in the direction of the twist. Perform a breathing cycle. Repeat on the other side.

Why: burn fat around the waist, strengthen the muscles of the back and abdomen.

4. Leg raise

How to do it. Sit on a chair, press against the back, place your hands on your hips. Lift one leg up, with your toes pulled up, and be sure to lift your hip off the chair. Perform a breathing cycle. Repeat for the other leg.

Why: burn fat in the front thigh area, strengthen the quadriceps thigh muscle.



Breathing exercises for weight loss by Marina Korpan are already quite well-known and popular. It primarily attracts those who lack the time to go to the gym and the willpower to limit their diet. Judging by the reviews, the first classes are quite difficult: you feel dizzy and have painful coughing attacks, but during the first week these symptoms disappear.

All adherents of the system note a surge of strength and energy starting from the second week of classes. And at the same time, the first results appear: the waist decreases in volume, the weight begins to slowly decrease. Very good reviews are left by young mothers who do not have time for long training. According to them, they get the opportunity to return to their former forms while the baby is sleeping.

What are the differences between bodyflex with Marina Korpan and other options?

Marina Korpan significantly modified and improved the original gymnastics:

  • classes with Marina follow the principle of load progression. The student progresses from simple to complex exercises from lesson to lesson, and this gives him the opportunity to progress a little longer than the classic 12 weeks;
  • classes with Marina Korpan also contain other exercises performed without breathing, which allows you to use target muscle groups more actively;
  • training with Marina Korpan is varied, this instructor has an express course and longer classes, everyone can choose something to their liking; Marina improved her breathing. Before taking a breath after holding your breath, she recommends using muscle force to “push away” the anterior abdominal wall, this allows you to get rid of increased pressure in the body cavity and reduces the load on the heart;
  • Those who wish can also do bodyflex for the face.

Otherwise there are almost no differences. You need to train the same way as with Greer, first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. True, unlike the American, the domestic instructor recommends abstaining from food for an hour after finishing the workout. Such recommendations are, of course, quite controversial, but many praise them as they help develop a sense of control.

You can advance from lesson to lesson as you master gymnastics. Marina herself first advises working out in complexes for the whole body, and then moving on to the so-called polishing of problem areas. She also recommends combining bodyflex exercises with oxysize, or rather, alternating both.

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