How to get rid of a beer belly for a man: 6 simple tips that work

Beer belly in men: 3 main reasons for its appearance

Beer belly is the common name for male abdominal obesity. Theoretically, the presence of excess visceral fat in the abdominal area can provoke metabolic problems.

  • FAQs How to get rid of belly fat? 3 tips recommended by scientists Techniques that work.

However, contrary to the name, the appearance of a “beer belly” is in no way directly related to beer (and only beer). Here are three main factors that can transform your six-pack into a soft, tactile belly.

Alcohol consumption

Beer itself does not create a belly. But although foam can boast the lowest calorie content among other alcoholic drinks (on average only 40 kcal/100 ml), let's face the truth: not everyone can limit themselves to just one glass or even a liter per evening.

Simple math: three liters of beer contain a minimum of 1,200 calories, which is half the average daily requirement for a guy aged 19-30 years old who leads a sedentary lifestyle.

Let's add to this a dependence on alcohol that gradually develops with abuse, in which you start drinking not just once a week, but much more often.

  • Bar Beer alcoholism in men: what is dangerous and how to recognize the insidious enemy Short-term and long-term consequences of beer abuse and the first signs of alcoholism.

High calorie food

Burgers, pizza, hot wings, sausages, fries, chips, after all. These are all delicious dishes that usually go well with a cold beer. It's the combination of these high-calorie foods with alcoholic drinks that increase your appetite that makes your waistline grow.

A study published in the journal Obesity examined how foods containing macronutrients affect energy intake and weight gain. The results showed that greater consumption of foods high in fat and/or simple sugar led to overeating and weight gain.

Where your body stores fat

Sex hormones often determine where fat will be located on the human body. Men most often “carry” excess weight in the abdominal area (and most of it is not under the skin, but between the internal organs).

Do you need to stop drinking to get rid of your beer belly?

Of course not, but you have to be mindful of the quality and quantity of what you drink. Experts recommend that men limit their alcohol consumption to two drinks per day.

One alcoholic drink can be:

  • 350 ml regular beer;
  • 150 ml wine;
  • 45 ml 80% distilled alcohol.

Remember, it takes more than just reducing the amount of beer you drink to see progress.

  • FAQs Not a beer belly: 8 main reasons why men gain weight sharply

Lifestyle changes, including diet and exercise, are more important than giving up beer completely. These healthy habits can help you reduce your intake and burn extra calories, which promotes weight loss.

What problems can a big belly cause in men?

They can be divided into 2 groups:

  • Physiological (deterioration of health);
  • psychological (lowered self-esteem).

At the same time, these groups constantly interact: low self-esteem leads to a deterioration in well-being, and poor health reduces the perception of oneself in one’s own eyes.

Thus, this detrimental relationship will increasingly increase excess weight, making it difficult to fight it later, causing more and more problems.

How to get rid of a beer belly for a man: 3 simple diet changes

Advertising inserts and Instagram bloggers often say that you can quickly remove a man’s “beer belly.” However, it is not.

Firstly, there are no special techniques for fighting fat in any specific area, isolated from the rest of the body. And secondly, getting rid of excess weight in a matter of days will not be possible without harm to your body.

As you begin to lose weight through healthy habits, your beer belly will likely shrink, but it will take some time and effort. Here are some key diet tricks to help trim your waistline.

Cut down on calories

Counting calories can be painful, but it is a basic principle of weight loss that you must burn more calories than you consume to lose weight. You need to burn about 3,500 calories to lose 450 grams of fat.

So, making minor changes to your calorie intake (combined with exercise) can help create a calorie deficit to help you lose belly fat.

  • FAQs How to create a calorie deficit? Two simple steps for healthy weight loss Elementary and useful mathematics.

But cutting calories doesn't mean you have to feel hungry. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says people become full based on the amount of food they eat, not the number of calories they consume.

So it's more important to limit your intake of high-calorie foods that aren't very good for you nutritionally (like fried foods and foods high in sugar) than to count every calorie.

Eat whole foods

Choose vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean proteins. These foods contain important nutrients such as fiber, healthy fats and antioxidants.

Processed foods (chips, sausages, processed foods) can be convenient for a quick snack, but they also usually contain high amounts of sugar, enriched flour and saturated fat, which can make it difficult to combat beer belly.

Reduce portion sizes

When you put “more” on your plate, you tend to unintentionally consume more calories. Simply switching to slightly smaller portion sizes and eliminating the supplement can make a big difference in the number of calories you eat.

If you still want to treat yourself to beer and snacks every now and then, try cutting down on your portions. Share a plate of onion rings with a friend, and instead of a whole pizza, have just a couple of slices with your beer.

What is the best thing to do at the beginning of the belly fat loss process?

The first and main stage is to start eating right. To remove excess calories you need to drink a lot of regular, still water. Few people know that water restores, and it is thanks to the liquid, together with sweat secretions, that all unnecessary toxins and waste are removed from the body. Water is an essential element of a healthy diet, helps you lose weight, keeps your body toned, and protects against many diseases by helping you avoid cluttering your body with heavy calories.

In addition, in order to normalize your diet, you need to give up fried, floury, sweet or fatty foods.

Eat only those foods that contain large amounts of fiber, which is so necessary for good digestion:

  • fresh vegetables;
  • fresh fruits;
  • cereal porridge;
  • seafood;
  • greens;
  • berries.

The second important stage is a regulated diet. If you eat food in a disorderly manner: irregular or too frequent snacks, they need to stop.

So, the basic principles of proper and effective nutrition that promote weight loss are:

  • eating food in small portions, more times a day, for example, instead of the usual three times - five times;
  • refusal to eat before going to bed, since it is the night mode that will slow down the digestion process, but if you want to have a light snack, take fruits or fresh vegetables.

The third stage is physical activity, which goes hand in hand with proper nutrition, which makes the weight loss process more effective. Remember, to lose weight you don’t have to go to expensive sports complexes or fitness rooms; you just need to lay out a soft mat at home and constantly perform a few basic exercises.

Only sports in combination with proper nutrition restores, strengthens and promotes the health of the entire body. You don’t have to have a lot of time for sports; find some thirty minutes in the morning, or set aside three days a week for regular jogging, and you will see the results quite quickly.

Exercises for a “beer belly” for a man

No matter how much you would like to focus all the exercises on the abs, this is not the case. You can, of course, do crunches and sit-ups to strengthen your abdominal muscles, but much more work needs to be done elsewhere.

Add more activity to your daily life

Look for as many opportunities as possible to be active throughout the day. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park further away when you go to the store, or even take short breaks from work to go for a short walk.

These activities may not seem like real “exercise,” but the truth is that they burn calories, too. Adding these small changes to your daily routine can result in more calories burned over time.

Play sports more often

According to experts, we should get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week, plus two days of strength training. Moderate intensity activities may include activities such as:

  • fast walk;
  • leisurely cycling;
  • playing tennis.

These 150 minutes do not need to be done all at once. This could be 30 minutes a day for five days a week. Try whatever combination works best for you.

Ready to raise the bar? For optimal results, add another 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week. This may include:

  • running/jogging;
  • walking;
  • playing basketball, football or tennis;
  • fast bike rides.

Do high-intensity interval training (HIIT)

HIIT is a broad term for exercise that involves short periods of intense exercise interspersed with periods of recovery. It's also a time-efficient way to perform exercise, as HIIT workouts typically last between 10 and 30 minutes.

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Adding HIIT to your routine can help reduce the amount of fat trapped in the belly area. A review of studies found that HIIT significantly reduced total abdominal and visceral fat mass in both men and women.

Let's look at the main reasons for the appearance of a tummy in young guys and older men.

So, the reasons could be the following:

  • overeating or eating unhealthy foods in large quantities, which contribute to obesity and rapid weight gain;
  • no physical activity, which helps men gain calories faster after 30 years of age;
  • an age category that slows down all processes in the body, including characterized by a decrease in testosterone, which controls the deposition of fat cells;
  • low testosterone levels, which leads to a slowdown of the metabolic process, which in every possible way prevents the removal of excess weight accumulated over the years.

There are no main or additional reasons, there are only those that encourage the body to fill with unnecessary deposits.

How long does it take to get rid of beer belly?

The time frame for losing weight depends on you and your body. If you consistently make changes to your diet, workout plan and lifestyle, you should see results. Healthy weight loss involves losing between 450 grams and 1 kilogram per week.

Experts emphasize that people who strive to lose weight at such a gradual pace are more likely to maintain their progress in the long term.

  • Author: Maria Minaeva

What threatens a big belly and how to deal with it

In the life of a man, no matter how athletic he is, there comes a time when a fold hangs over his trouser belt, and some roundness appears on the sides. And then, instead of this fold, a belly grows, which is popularly called a beer belly. When a man’s waist circumference exceeds 102 cm, this means that he already has a “big belly.”

Rimma Moisenko, chief physician of the Rimmarita aesthetic medicine clinic, told Our Version

, such belly-holders will face very serious problems in the future.

– “Beer belly” is a rather figurative expression, although beer often plays a significant role in increasing the belly. Why does this happen, since beer seems to be a low-calorie drink?

- Yes, it is considered as such. But they drink it at least half a liter (and this is already 250 kilocalories). Plus, this ritual usually takes place in the evening, and with the eating of all sorts of salty and smoked meats! We know that beer is created on the basis of phytoestrogens contained in hops. Estrogens do not participate in the metabolic process, but only accumulate in the fat area. Over the years, they begin to suppress the production of the hormone testosterone, increasing subcutaneous fat. It would be nice if only that was added: internal fat, interorgan fat, which is located under the peritoneum, is added. In addition, against the background of pronounced fermentation of brewer's yeast in the gastrointestinal tract, metabolism is disrupted, and a certain amount of fatty tissue gradually grows on organs such as the liver, pancreas, greater and lesser omentum. The peritoneum enlarges - the functioning of internal organs, the liver is disrupted, intestinal loops are compressed...

- What a horror! Well, what is the first thing that starts to suffer?

– First of all, blood pressure increases. Excess weight puts pressure on the vessels from the outside, compacting them. The vessels lose their elasticity, their hardening begins, and blood pressure slowly begins to rise. After a few years, it becomes permanent, but the person still thinks: well, tomorrow I’ll lose weight and the blood pressure will be normal. Alas, it will no longer be, since from now on it will be forever. The second disease is a disorder of lipid metabolism, in other words, high cholesterol levels in the blood.

– So, blood pressure, cholesterol. This is all?

– No, still breathing problems. And breathing is the saturation of the blood with oxygen and the removal of carbon dioxide. When the abdomen enlarges, the dynamics of the diaphragm decreases, and there are lymph nodes that ensure the removal of toxic elements from the body, and lymphatic outflow is disrupted. And the person begins to notice that his legs are swollen. Meanwhile, the body becomes acidic, and gradual intoxication interferes with brain function. In addition, due to the enlargement of the peritoneum, the diaphragm rises and, as a result, shortness of breath occurs, and at night - sleep disturbances and snoring.

Changes are also taking place in the gastrointestinal tract: food is digested inefficiently, not to its final elements, is retained in certain areas, where the process of rotting begins - additional poisoning of the body against the background of impaired glucose metabolism.

- Also glucose...

– Insulin is a pancreatic hormone that responds to high blood sugar levels. In general, the pancreas begins to respond to a significant amount of food entering the body by releasing large amounts of insulin. The pancreas works in a mode in which it should not work. Such violence against the endocrine system leads to secondary diabetes mellitus. And changes in the endocrine system lead to a decrease in potency. If you look at a blood test, you can see a decrease in testosterone and an increase in the female hormone estrogen. Gradually, the figure becomes pear-shaped, the hair in the beard area decreases, the chest increases, and the voice changes. And the man turns into a capricious and grumpy old man. Or an old woman.

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– Is it possible to be saved?

- Yes. If your waist size is approaching a critical level, you need to sound the alarm and go to the doctor: the stomach will not disappear on its own, so professional help is necessary. You need to start with checking your blood pressure and with an ultrasound examination to find fat in the internal organs. A blood test, liver examination, hormonal levels, and pancreatic function are required.

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During the treatment process you will have to work on your diet. For example, if hypertension appears, we remove salty foods, marinades, canned food from the diet, and limit ourselves to liquids after 19.00. If lipid metabolism is disturbed, it is important to begin to restore liver function - perhaps this will be droppers or nutritional supplements that ensure the removal of bile. It will be necessary to support the pancreas - remove all foods with a high glycemic index. We exclude fats, cheeses, pork, red meat from the diet, leaving only well-cooked veal or beef.

– Is the stomach problem genetically transmitted?

– Yes, because both the distribution of fat throughout the body and the human constitution are genetically determined. But the presence of a genetic factor does not mean that there is no need to fight.

– Is what we’re talking about a purely male problem?

– In women, excess fat is deposited in areas that are aesthetically unfavorable, but safe from a health point of view. Plus they have a different hormonal background. But if a woman does not take care of herself, fat begins to form under the peritoneum, filling the internal organs and moving into the abdominal organs, albeit later compared to a man. Well, then a similar program of self-destruction is activated.

– When did people in our country begin to pay serious attention to this problem?

- Recently. Under socialism, people's health was monitored - there were at least mandatory medical examinations. Then the dashing 90s began, and the direction of preventive medicine - namely, it deals with stomachs - was practically exterminated, because people who often had nothing to do with medicine took on this, offering some kind of nutritional supplements and ultimately instilling in people a distrust of to all medical structures and to the obligation to undergo a preventive examination.

Only now everything is beginning to be revived, and the future lies in preventive medicine, preventative disease, as Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky said. In some countries this has already been implemented: believe me, no one needs people who are always sick and on sick leave. By the way, in Japan, if the body mass index is higher than the norm, a person simply will not be hired until he loses excess weight. If such strictness were introduced in our country, we would have many more healthy people.

How are they

In the West, the situation with obesity is also not the best, especially in the USA. Many Americans are doomed to have this belly fat. There society is divided into higher education and everyone else. If the upper class is, with rare exceptions, thin, athletic people who take care of their health and monitor their diet, then the second category (middle class and below) are people who are too trusting, consuming what the mass market offers, where they conduct some tests of newfangled products. And their market offers very unhealthy things with a large amount of vegetable fats, trans fats, using GMOs, which are very dangerous from the point of view of abdominal obesity. But in Italy and throughout all of Southeast Asia - Japan, Korea, Vietnam - there are fewer problems with this. People work hard there, the mentality, food, and climate are different.

What are the consequences of fat formation in the abdominal area?

A big belly in a thin man threatens its owner with health problems.

  • An enlarged belly negatively affects the spine. Overstrain of this organ leads to back diseases.
  • Fat in the abdominal area puts pressure on the diaphragm, limits the blood supply to the heart muscle, and provokes a heart attack.
  • One of the causes of diabetes is obesity of the abdominal organs.
  • Reduced testosterone production due to abdominal problems is often the cause of impotence.

How to remove belly fat for a man

Of course, it is better to avoid a situation where a person already has a very large belly, which prevents him from living a normal life. But if this has already happened, it is important to take action as soon as possible. The most important thing is to change your diet, since 80% of successful weight loss lies in food.

There is no need to radically throw yourself into all seriousness, forbid yourself to eat and starve, as this has a short-term effect. Gradually, you should eliminate fast food, sweets, fatty, fried, spicy, and alcohol from your diet. Instead, add good, proper carbohydrates, for example, eat buckwheat, durum wheat and be sure to lean meat. You only need to follow one rule: you need to eat less than you burn.

The second component is physical activity. It’s better, of course, to go to the gym at least three times a week, but regular daily walks are also suitable for starters. Then you can start light, small workouts and begin to create a muscle corset. You shouldn’t believe that there are certain exercises that remove beer belly; it’s the last thing to lose weight. Therefore, it is important to take a comprehensive approach to improving your body.

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