Dukan diet: what you need to know

Can you eat sushi on the Dukan Diet?

Is it possible to eat sushi on the Dukan diet? Those who like to enjoy this exotic dish that came to us from Japan often ask.

To answer this question, let's look at what it consists of. Sushi usually includes:

  • Fish and seafood;
  • rice;
  • seaweed.

Of these ingredients, only rice contains quite a lot of carbohydrates, the consumption of which is limited by the Dukan diet. After all, this nutritional scheme is based on the fact that the majority of the diet contains proteins and fats. That is why rice is used with caution and in small quantities.

But we should immediately make a reservation that there is little of it in the sushi itself, and the Dukan diet is divided into certain stages, implying a different diet.

And if in the first two of them - Attack and Alternation, rice is completely prohibited, then in the next two - Consolidation and Stabilization, it is allowed to consume 200 g of it 2 times a week.


In addition, at each stage there are “weekends” during which you can also treat yourself to your favorite dish.

But, if you are interested in whether it is possible to eat sushi or rolls on the Dukan diet, you still need to, first of all, think about how to ensure that the weight loss process is effective, and introduce forbidden foods into your diet when your weight has already returned to normal.

But if you are not using a specific weight loss system, but are trying to reduce the calorie content of your diet and eat right, then sushi for weight loss will not harm you, but, on the contrary, will be beneficial, because:

  • rice is rich in fiber, and the carbohydrates it contains are complex and are represented mainly by polysaccharides, which are absorbed very slowly;
  • fish and seafood are rich in protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6;
  • seaweed is a source of iodine and contains insoluble dietary fiber that will help cleanse the intestines.

And if you consider that sushi is a low-calorie dish that can fill you up with a fairly low energy value, then besides health benefits and weight loss, including weight loss, sushi will not bring anything else.

Not surprisingly, there is even a special sushi diet for lovers of Japanese cuisine. Its essence is that for one week you need to eat only sushi, observing the following rules:

  • There should be 3 meals a day;
  • sushi should be chosen according to classic recipes with a minimum of ingredients;
  • sushi with cheese is allowed to be eaten only once a day, and for breakfast;
  • drinking regimen – 2 liters of liquid per day, including still water, tea and coffee without sugar.

The effectiveness of the diet, which lasts 1 week, depends on the amount of sushi consumed, so one serving should not exceed 200 g.

As you can see, your favorite foods can help you lose weight, the main thing is not to abuse them, but to keep yourself in good shape, eat right and lead an active lifestyle.

The most interesting

Source: https://DietWink.com/mozhno-li-est-sushi-na-diete-dyukana/

Lose weight tastefully with Japanese snacks: sushi for weight loss

If you love delicious food and are not afraid to experiment, then you may well try the sushi diet for weight loss.

Getting a slim figure requires exercise and a balanced diet, and the so-called Japanese diet can help you achieve the desired results.

There are just a few things you need to know before you start eating delicious rolls and other delights of Japanese cuisine.


It turns out that you can, like many other dishes that contain nutrients with a minimum of carbohydrates. Sushi and rolls are predominantly protein foods, so such an interesting option as the Dukan sushi diet is quite possible.

Express diets for several days are also well suited for Japanese cuisine, since it diversifies a limited range of products with all kinds of sauces and spices.

Sushi ingredients - rice, seaweed, marine fish meat and fruits and vegetables - are rich in fiber, light proteins, they contain vitamin A, E, C, group of B vitamins, as well as iodine, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, bromine and manganese , which accelerate metabolism and cover the body’s energy consumption during the period of weight loss.

At the same time, fats are represented mainly by a group of healthy lipids - polyunsaturated acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, coming from the meat of perch, tuna, salmon, salmon and trout.


Neither vegetable nor animal fats are used to prepare these dishes, as well as high-calorie foods such as fatty meat, flour, and sugar. Thus, it is quite possible to lose 1-2 kilograms in a few days of the Japanese diet.

Let's stay at a 5-day distance, while strictly limiting flour and sweets, and also adding fiber and vitamins from fruits and vegetables. To keep the body in good shape, we use recipes with low-fat cheese in the first half of the day, and in the evening - low-fat kefir.

On topic: Japanese diet scheme and menu

Approximate daily diet:

  • breakfast: a nutritious set of Philadelphia rolls will give you a boost for an active start to the day; the salmon and hard cheese it contains are not only tasty, but also provide a full portion of proteins and fats that cover the body’s needs;
  • first snack: leafy green salad with additives of your choice - iceberg, romaine, arugula, Chinese cabbage, parsley, celery with soy sauce and flax seeds;
  • lunch: a set of rolls with tuna, eel, salmon or perch, you can also have salmon, the fat content of which will be compensated by a slice of lemon;
  • second snack: sour fruit of your choice - a large green apple, grapefruit or orange; you will have to give up bananas and pineapples - they contain too much sweetness and, accordingly, carbohydrates;
  • dinner: nori seaweed or seaweed in the form of a salad can be ideally complemented with several sushi with shrimp or eel;
  • at night: a glass of low-fat kefir or milk sourdough.

This is an approximate menu that you can change to your taste while remaining within the Dukan protein diet. The difference is that you can eat according to Dukan for a long time, while the sushi diet will give you a fasting week.

You cannot sit on rolls alone for more than 5-6 days, this will affect the functioning of the intestines, and bloating and constipation may appear. And spicy wassabi and pickled ginger, which are consumed in abundance with sushi for safe digestion of raw seafood, are unlikely to be suitable for long-term nutrition for those who are familiar with gastritis and colitis.

Source: https://mjusli.ru/gotovim_vkusno/zakuski/xudeem-so-vkusom-na-yaponskix-zakuskax-sushi-dlya-poxudeniya

Dukan cheesecakes simple recipe with photos 2021

We will need the following ingredients:

  • 1.5 tablespoons oat bran;
  • 1 tablespoon of wheat bran;
  • 1 egg;
  • 4 tablespoons low-fat cottage cheese;
  • Half a teaspoon of baking powder;
  • Sweetener for taste.

New delicious recipes:

  1. 2 types of bran can be ground in a coffee grinder to the state of flour, but Dr. Dukan advises using bran in an unground form. In this case, they retain all their beneficial properties and have a positive effect on intestinal function.
  2. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve to make the cheesecakes more tender and airy.
  3. Mix all ingredients until smooth and form cheesecakes.
  4. Bake in the oven at 180°C for 15 minutes until done. Instead of sour cream, you can pour them with natural yogurt without additives.

Rolls with salmon

In this article you will learn how to prepare salmon rolls at home without spending a lot of effort and money.

You will also learn the calorie content of prepared dishes and some recipes for making rolls.

All the recipes are simple and do not require much expenditure from you, so preparing such seafood food will be not only tasty, but also a very profitable process.

Salmon rolls according to Dukan

Dukan rolls are a real find for those who love seafood delights. Salmon rolls will appeal not only to ordinary fish lovers, but even to the most inventive gourmets, because this food constantly pleases its tasters with its unrivaled taste characteristics.

Ingredients you will need to make this salmon roll recipe:

  • noria leaves;
  • cucumber;
  • salmon – lightly salted 150 grams;
  • cottage cheese – 200 g, low-fat.

Cooking method:

  1. First, cut the cucumbers and salmon into thin, long strips. Then prepare the noria sheets.
  2. Moisten them with water, this is done so that they can stick together and not spill the filling. Place a sheet of noria on the mat. Next, coat it with cottage cheese, evenly, without touching only the edges. It needs to be creamy.
  3. Then lay out the cucumbers and fish, start wrapping, and press well.
  4. Next, wet the knife and cut everything into even slices. Your recipe is ready, you can serve it with famous Japanese sauces: soy, wasabi, ginger. The calorie content of this product will be about 300 kcal per 100 grams.

Salmon with smoked salmon

Now let's prepare a recipe for salmon rolls, but this time the main ingredient will be smoked, the calorie content will be a little less, but the taste of this delicacy is very unusual.

What you will need:

  • Elevator sheets;
  • Crab sticks (a small pack will be enough);
  • Low-fat cottage cheese (creamy);
  • Smoked salmon;
  • Cucumber.


  1. We prepare a sheet of noria, unroll the crab stick and place it on the noria, then grease it with cottage cheese, lay out: fish and cucumber (if you like pepper more, you can replace it with sweet pepper), wrap everything and press it.
  2. Then all this should be put in the refrigerator and cut into beautiful pieces before serving. The calorie content of this dish will be about 150 kcal per 100 grams. Agree, this is a wonderful figure for this dish.

Once you have learned how to make salmon rolls, you can serve them to your family or friends who love this dish just like you. The recipe is quite simple, so it can be prepared both on holidays and on everyday occasions.

These rolls will be appropriate on any table and in any company. It takes very little time to prepare, the main thing is to have the ingredients ready in advance.

The calorie content of this type of dish such as salmon rolls is quite acceptable, so it can be consumed while on a diet.

This dish is best served with wasabi, ginger or soy sauce - to taste. In any case, you will be amazed by the wonderful taste characteristics and will try again and again to please yourself and your loved ones with this dish.

Today, Japanese cuisine, in particular rolls, has become very popular, so many simply cannot resist such a delicacy.

Fortunately, even while on a diet, you can also try this product and at the same time be sure that it will not affect your figure in any way.

In some cases, such food even, on the contrary, promotes proper metabolism, which will be very beneficial for your health.

Source: https://ducandieta.ru/rolly-s-lososem.html

How to replace rice in Dukan rolls

If the filling for rolls does not raise any questions at all - cucumbers, crab sticks, fish and avocado are allowed on the DD, then with rice the situation is more complicated. These are pure carbohydrates and starch, which are prohibited until the Consolidation stage.

In many recipes for Dukan rolls, instead of pure cheese, it is recommended to mix it with grated crab sticks. This will make the mass more juicy and sticky, and the products will curl well.

Crab sticks should be grated on a fine grater, mixed with cottage cheese and, if possible, blended again in a blender. After this, prepare the Dukan rolls, just like regular ones, and the filling can be anything.

In addition, many fans of Dukan rolls make them for the Attack and Alternation stages simply with cottage cheese. But for this it is better to buy President 0.2% low-fat cottage cheese - it does not have a strong taste or smell. Season it, like sushi rice, with vinegar and sugar, and you can make tasty and healthy rolls.

Rolls Dukan style

Even if you are on a diet, no one can cancel your love for Japanese cuisine. Rolls can be prepared taking into account all the features of Dr. Dukan's nutrition system. Let's get started.

Rolls for the Dukan diet:

  • 3 egg whites
  • 2 tbsp. skim milk
  • fresh cucumber, cut into small strips
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped crab meat (crab sticks)
  • 1.5 tbsp. Du-mayonnaise or low-fat Philadelphia cheese
  • 2 sheets of nori
  • soy sauce

Beat the egg whites with milk and pour the mixture into a heated frying pan.

We should end up with a pancake fried in a Teflon frying pan on both sides. Cut the resulting pancake omelet into pieces 1.5 by 4 cm. Mix du mayonnaise or low-fat Philadelphia with crab meat, previously finely chopped. The nori sheets can be cut into four pieces, since we don’t have rice, a strip of nori will be enough for one roll.

Place 1-2 tbsp on a strip of nori one at a time. a mixture of crab meat with cheese or mayonnaise, then cucumbers and 2-3 strips of omelet. We place all this evenly, slightly retreating from the edges (see photo). Then carefully roll up the roll. To prevent them from falling apart, you can use toothpicks :))

On the subject: What is a low-carbohydrate diet

Serve rolls with soy sauce.

Bon appetit!

P/S/ Recipe and photo from the Ducantopia website

Source: https://mydietadukana.ru/rolly-po-djukanovski/

Recipes of Japanese cuisine according to Dukan.

Recipes of Japanese cuisine according to Dukan.
Chirollas (recipe taken from the Internet). Attack stage.

noria seaweed, fish of your choice (I took lightly salted salmon), shirataki noodles, optional cucumber/cheese of the permitted fat content.

Rolls with lightly salted trout and cottage cheese. Alina Torosyan

Trout 100g Soft cottage cheese 0% 150g Liquid cottage cheese 0% 3 tbsp Greens, salt to taste, sesame seeds, soy sauce without sugar Nori 1 sheet Mix all ingredients except nori, sesame seeds and soy sauce. Into a homogeneous mass. Wrap in nori, sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Grind crab meat into crumbs. Be sure to drain the water. Then mix with 0% curd. Lightly wet a sheet of nori and stuff it with the crab mixture. Then wrap it in a roll and refrigerate. You can pour wasabi sauce on top, for the brave ones. Also, the roll goes well with tomato sauce.

Hot rolls with white fish

White fish fillet 300 g Soy sauce 30 ml Chicken egg 1 pc. Nori seaweed (large sheets) 2 pcs.

Clean fresh fish from bones and scales, cut the fillet into cubes about 0.5-1 cm. Add soy sauce. Lightly beat a medium-sized egg, add to the fish and stir. Place a whole sheet of nori on a sushi mat (makisu), place the fish filling on top, laying it in a horizontal stripe in the center. Gently roll the roll using a mat. Do not press too hard so that the filling does not squeeze out around the edges. The rolled rolls can either be boiled in a double boiler or fried over low heat in a frying pan without oil, carefully turning to ensure even frying. Serve warm, cutting into 4-6 pieces with a sharp knife.

California rolls. Alternation.

3 egg whites 1/4 cup cucumber, julienned 1/2 cup crab sticks, finely chopped 1.5 tablespoons low-fat mayonnaise (see recipe albums) 1.5 medium sheets of nori seaweed 3 tablespoons soy sauce

Rolls without rice. Attack stage.

Rolls with salmon from du lavash according to a recipe from our friendly group https://vk.com/retsepti.dukan

Du-lavash. Dough: 160 g soft low-fat soft cottage cheese 0% 200 ml mineral water 4 eggs 0.5 tsp. salt 120 g corn starch

Rolls with shirataki rice. Alternation

sheets of nori, rice, shirataki, sahzam, to taste, a little bit of vinegar, a little bit of cook. starch cucumber cottage cheese 0% (optional) red fish or any filling of your choice.

The rice should be lightly marinated in a mixture of sahzam and a little vinegar. Then drain the liquid, boil the starch on the fire and add this glue to the rice, but be careful not to make a porridge, otherwise everything will become soggy. Let it sit for a while until everything sets and roll into rolls with any filling. Author Svetlana Korelin

"Snack Roll" Stage Attack Author: Ekaterina Alekseeva

Any fish with low salt, I have trout... Cut into thin pieces, put on cling film!! Filling: soft curd 0% Shrimp Greens Finely chop the shrimp and herbs, Mix with the curd and sprinkle a little with lemon. Place on top of the fish and wrap the roll.


How to answer the question: is it possible to eat rolls on a diet?

Many people who want to lose excess weight wonder whether it is possible to eat rolls on a diet; will they become an obstacle on the way to a slim figure? Dishes such as sushi or rolls have long become familiar on the menu of many lovers of Japanese cuisine. This is not only a tasty dish, but also very healthy. It contains elements essential for the body - proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Rolls also contain a lot of iodine.

Sushi is several types of national Japanese dishes (similar in their composition and method of preparation), but in European countries they are combined into one term for ease of perception. There are many options for preparing sushi.

This dish is a small portion of rice with a piece of raw fish or any seafood. Sushi is usually wrapped in nori (seaweed) and topped with sauce. Often the concept of sushi includes Japanese rolls. They look like a roll-shaped filling wrapped in a sheet of seaweed.


Japanese rolls are usually cut into several pieces and served as such.

If we talk about the rolls that are prepared in Japan, their composition differs from those made in European countries. Real sushi is low-calorie, but we have substitutes for many ingredients. For example, raw fish is replaced with squid or other seafood, the same applies to sauces: we can even add mayonnaise, which is unacceptable in Japan.

Ingredients that make up the rolls:

  1. Rice. In Japan it is prepared using a special method, but in our country it is replaced with regular boiled rice soaked in soy sauce or a mixture of vinegar, sugar and salt. The idea that rice is a dietary product is erroneous. It contains a lot of carbohydrates, which eliminate the feeling of hunger for a short period of time. Therefore, even after eating heavily, after some time you will feel hungry again. Due to the large amount of vinegar in the rolls, it is not recommended to eat them too often.
  2. Fish. Most often, raw sea fish is used. But in our country it is replaced with fresh frozen or salted. Fish is a very healthy product, but it must be prepared in such a way that this benefit does not decrease and the calorie content does not increase.
  3. Seafood. Sometimes sushi contains squid or shrimp instead of fish. For our Japanese restaurants, using the most available ingredients is the norm, but for the Japanese it is very important to stick to traditional recipes.
  4. Nori seaweed. This ingredient contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals and has a very high concentration of iodine. It is undesirable to consume nori frequently, as excessive iodine content can have a detrimental effect on human health. An excess of this element can cause problems with the thyroid gland or hormonal imbalances.

The disadvantage of rolls while on a diet is that it is quite difficult to calculate the calorie content of this dish, especially if you order them in a restaurant and do not cook them yourself. With proper weight loss, the basis for a successful result is counting the calorie content of dishes.

With this approach, you can consume those foods that fall into the category of healthy foods. Calculating the calorie content of sushi is not an easy task, since they often use hidden sauces made from high-calorie ingredients, such as mayonnaise or high-fat cream.

Sauces containing hot spices can also add calories.

The calorie content of the roll is increased by frying it breaded in vegetable oil. This dish will be equivalent to ordinary fish cutlets. In order not to prohibit yourself from going to a Japanese restaurant while on a diet, use the following recommendations:

  • order rolls that contain avocado or cucumber;
  • give preference to miso soup, which includes seafood, seaweed and salmon;
  • do not order dishes that are cooked in tempura, as they will contain a lot of fat;
  • limit your consumption of shrimp during your diet, as they are usually marinated in honey sauce;
  • feel free to order seaweed salad;
  • control the composition: rolls should contain only fish (salmon, tuna, eel, sea bass), rice and seaweed;
  • limit your consumption of soy sauce as it retains fluid in your body;
  • Let your rolls contain only dietary ingredients; they should not contain cream cheese.

For Japanese people, sushi is an ideal dish, as they prepare it correctly and use natural ingredients. Our people should not limit their diet to only such foods, due to the fact that they are unbalanced and contain too much sodium. Frequent consumption of sushi can cause harm to the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, such a diet cannot be called complete, varied and rich; it is rather a fashionable trend. The calorie content of such a menu depends on the type of sushi, and which rolls are the healthiest is not entirely clear to many people.

Nutritionists and sushi masters can create a complete diet based on sushi, since the variety of ingredients and recipes for these dishes allows this to be done.

But for us, preparing a roll for weight loss will look like an ordinary mono-diet, which is unbalanced in its composition and can lead to unpleasant consequences for the body: increased fatigue, lack of vitamins, constipation, problems with the stomach or intestines.

While eating, try to chew your food as slowly as possible; you can add arugula, lettuce or other greens to the seaweed salad; you can season it with lemon juice.

Such nutrition is contraindicated for people who suffer from diseases such as gastritis, peptic ulcers, and allergies to any components of Japanese dishes. White rice in sushi is not recommended for people prone to constipation and hemorrhoids.

A great way to diversify your diet are natural rolls. Culinary sites are full of their recipes, and you can choose the one you like and prepare a tasty and healthy dish at home. To do this, use these tips:

  1. Buy fresh fish from places where product controls are in place. To do this, it is better to buy salmon in the supermarket, even if it is a little more expensive there.
  2. Whenever possible, buy ocean-caught fish rather than farm-raised fish.
  3. Use rice vinegar without added sugar, miso without sugar or preservatives.
  4. Choose dense sheets of nori seaweed that are richly colored.
  5. When choosing a sauce, be guided by the need for low sodium content, or dilute regular sauce with water.
  6. An unusual method of steaming fish will bring greater benefits to your body than raw fish for rolls, which can often contain parasites or their eggs.
  7. For more effective workouts in the gym, complex carbohydrates are needed. They are found in homemade rolls. Use them before classes or physical activity.
  8. Do not limit your diet only to rolls; such monotony of low-calorie foods can provoke breakdowns and overeating.

We arrange fasting days

Preparing a weight loss roll involves using high-quality and natural products. And in our sushi bars they skimp on dishes by adding unnatural soy sauce, fish of dubious quality, vegetables preserved with chemical additives. Of course, such food will not benefit the body not only during a diet, but also in a regular diet.

On topic: Diet for weighted people

Such a tasty and exotic dish as sushi has become a favorite delicacy for many of our compatriots, but it is still not worth replacing your usual diet with it. It’s better to sometimes arrange fasting days for yourself with the help of rolls, or, when replacing main meals, do not order ready-made rolls, but make them yourself.

Source: https://1PoDietam.ru/produkty/mozhno-li-est-rolly-na-diete.html

Rolls on the Dukan diet

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according to the Dukan diet

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2. Cut the fish, crab sticks, cucumber and pepper into long strips.

Place a sheet of nori on the mat

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Are there any rolls? I'm on rotation. And if not, can you tell me what I can order at the sushi bar? Let's go with friends

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