Victoria frozen calorie content. Chemical composition and nutritional value.

Calorie content

The origin of strawberries goes back to America, but modern varieties are already so regionalized for each area that they are grown almost everywhere. Each variety has its own characteristics, but they are all equally tasty, aromatic and healthy. It is used fresh for food, as well as in the form of jam, compotes, desserts, and so on.

Fresh berries contain a small amount of calories, which is about 36 kcal per hundred grams of product. For this reason, they are included in many weight loss diets. And thanks to its complete vitamin and mineral composition, doctors very often recommend consuming strawberries as part of therapeutic diets.

The consumption of strawberries can only be limited by the body's allergic reaction to it.

The calorie content of strawberry preparations is also low:

  • the calorie content of fresh strawberries is no more than 30 kcal per 100 grams;
  • frozen berries – approximately 32 kcal;
  • calorie content of strawberries with sugar – 165 kcal;
  • dried strawberries – 289 kcal.

The nutritional value of winter preparations per 100 g is (Table No. 1):

Table No. 1.

Workpiece nameProteins, mgFats, mgCarbohydrates, mg
With sugar50303890
Dried strawberries20208420

Experts say that frozen berries do not lose any of their nutritional properties, so in winter you can safely provide yourself with strawberries that are complete in their composition.

Nutrients and their benefits

Strawberries have a rich composition, which includes various minerals and trace elements. They have a beneficial effect on all internal organs, improve their functioning, increase immunity and strengthen the body.

It is worth highlighting the main nutrients found in fruits:

  • Iron. Source of hemoglobin. This component protects against anemia and prevents the appearance of anemia.
  • Bor. It is considered an essential component of blood cells, muscle and bone tissue.
  • Iodine. Normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Copper. Has a strong disinfecting effect.
  • Fluorine. Increases the strength of tooth enamel and prevents its destruction.

Strawberries contain organic acids. These components dissolve kidney stones.

Valuable dietary properties

Strawberries are not only aromatic and tasty berries, but also very healthy, especially for those who keep their weight under control. It contains minimal calories and a complete complex of natural vitamins and minerals, which makes any diet easy and absolutely safe. Eating 10-15 pcs. per day, you can replenish your supply of vitamins in the amount of the daily requirement.

Fresh strawberries contain the daily requirement of ascorbic acid. Among garden crops, only black currant is richer than it. If you compare strawberries and oranges, the garden berry will have the advantage in vitamin C.

Strawberries also hold the lead among country crops in terms of vitamin B9 content. It is present in significantly smaller doses in raspberries and grapes. The daily inclusion of strawberries in the diet menu allows the immune system to work much more efficiently.

Many nutritionists include fresh strawberries in medicinal nutrition. This is due to its powerful anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. Strawberries are especially recommended for many stomach diseases. And the unpleasant odor from the mouth can be perfectly neutralized by a few strawberries. This wonderful berry has another excellent quality - it effectively fights the influenza virus. That is why all doctors advise using it in the treatment of various viral colds and including it in the patient’s menu for a quick recovery.

Garden strawberries contain a lot of iodine, so the lack of this microelement is well compensated by eating them. Each piece contains a whole complex of vitamins and microelements that allow you to cope with any vitamin deficiency.

However, the most valuable property of strawberries is the ability to lower blood sugar levels. This allows people who suffer from diabetes to consume the berry. This helps to diversify the menu for this category of citizens.

Advice. Among other things, it is recommended to consume strawberries for gallstone disease, as well as for anemia. The high iron content greatly contributes to this.

Beneficial properties of roots and leaves

The garden "Victoria" has useful properties not only of its fruits, but also of its roots and leaves. These components of the plant are often used to prepare various medicinal products that treat many diseases and improve health.

Among the main beneficial qualities of the roots and leaves of the plant are:

  • The composition contains a high level of tannins. For this reason, remedies from roots and leaves improve digestion, they have an astringent, hemostatic, and anti-inflammatory effect. They alleviate the condition of diseases of the stomach, intestines, and respiratory organs.
  • Eliminate swelling and remove excess fluid from the body due to its diuretic effect.
  • They have a positive effect on the nervous system. Decoctions and teas relieve stress, fatigue, neuroses, depression, normalize sleep, and eliminate insomnia.
  • Bring blood pressure levels back to normal.
  • Eliminate pain in the throat, relieve cough syndrome, and have an expectorant effect.
  • Helps quickly cope with diarrhea, stomach and intestinal upsets.
  • Normalize blood circulation, vascular and heart function.
  • Decoctions, infusions, teas from roots, sepals, leaves have a beneficial effect on hair, skin, and nail plates.

Folk recipes

To improve the functioning of internal organs, increase immunity, strengthen the body from roots, leaves, sepals, it is worth doing the following:

  • Decoction of leaves. Place a handful of leaves into a container and add a glass of warm water. Afterwards it is placed on the fire and boiled for 10-15 minutes. Next, remove the container, leave it to stand for half an hour, and then strain. It is recommended to drink with high blood pressure, to prevent cardiovascular pathologies, strengthen the body, and can also be used to gargle for colds.
  • Infusion. 2-3 tbsp is poured into a jar or thermos. spoons of strawberry leaves and pour in 500 ml of hot water. You need to insist for 30 minutes. You should drink it if you have diarrhea.
  • Tea made from leaves or tails. You can put a handful of leaves or tails into a teapot and fill it with hot water. It should be brewed in the same way as regular tea. The drink helps with high blood pressure, heart and vascular problems, it improves sleep, eliminates depression, overwork, and neuroses.

Strawberry diet

Strawberries are a low-calorie berry, containing a little more than 30 kcal per hundred grams. This allows you to include it in various diets without fear of ruining your figure. There are no restrictions on the number of berries consumed. One of the pleasant properties for those who are on a diet is the possibility of strawberry fasting days. During this period, it is allowed to eat up to 1.5 kg of strawberries per day.

It is very easy to lose weight with strawberries, as they are very tasty and healthy. After all, the low-calorie content of berries goes well with other beneficial properties, for example, it reduces blood pressure, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and serves as an excellent product for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

And yet, one of the main advantages is the most effective fight against extra pounds. Strawberry diets increase vitality and mood.

In just 4 days, the strawberry diet helps you lose three kilograms of weight, while receiving all the necessary nutrients in the right quantities.

On all days of the diet, breakfast includes about one hundred grams of strawberries with milk. Lunch consists, for example, of chicken with vegetables. Dinner includes a salad with herbs and vegetables, and for dessert again strawberries and cheese. On other days, the diet is not much different from the first day. Eggs, greens, vegetables and fish are allowed. At night you can eat strawberries and drink kefir.

This diet is not at all burdensome for a person, it maintains calories at the proper level, and it consists of your favorite foods. It is not possible to go hungry on such a diet, since the nutritional value is sufficient to not feel hungry.

Advice. Nutritionists advise sticking to strawberry fasts in the future so as not to exceed caloric intake on these days. And for winter unloading, the berries are frozen in the summer.

Harm and contraindications of strawberries

The berry has contraindications:

  1. Allergy. Personal intolerance is manifested by red skin rashes that cause itching.
  2. Gastritis, colitis, ulcers, other problems of the stomach and intestines.
  3. Intolerance to pharmaceutical aspirin.

For a healthy person, strawberries can be harmful only if they are unripe, full of nitrates or poorly washed. Or consumed in kilograms at a time.

What makes garden strawberries an allergen is the pollen of other plants, which clings to the seeds on the surface. To neutralize it, pour boiling water over the berries in a colander or sieve before use. The procedure will not affect the taste and usefulness.

Methods of use

Many people are accustomed to strawberries being served either fresh or as jam. But this berry can also be frozen, made into puree, jam, confiture, and salad. You can combine it with various foods, but best of all with cheese, nuts, as well as whipped cream and ice cream. In any form, the berry contains a minimum amount of calories, even pureed strawberries with sugar, and under no circumstances will spoil the figure.

You can also eat dried strawberries. To do this, take 1 kg of fresh berries and fill them with 0.4 kg of sugar. All this is put in the refrigerator for 20 hours. Then a syrup is prepared from 0.35 sugar and the same amount of water and chilled strawberries are poured into it. Cook the berries this way for about eight minutes. Then the water is drained, and the berries are placed on a baking sheet and placed in the oven for 25 minutes. After this, mix the berries and put them in the oven again, but at a temperature of 75 degrees. This is how you get dried strawberries.

And also almost all people love dumplings with strawberries. This all comes from childhood, when a large number of berries ripen in the garden, and mothers and grandmothers try to feed their children and grandchildren healthy and tasty dishes. You can never have too many strawberry dumplings, because the berry is so aromatic and tasty that children and adults like it.

Gardeners always brag about garden strawberries. Everyone tries to breed a variety that will be better and tastier than the neighbor’s. Therefore, in summer cottages there are always large strawberry plantations.

It must be remembered that the calorie content of frozen strawberries is lower than fresh ones. This must be taken into account when drawing up a dietary menu.

Canned compotes are very aromatic; they are often cooked in winter, when the body needs vitamins to resist colds.

Strawberries are useful in any form, but the main thing to remember is that various additives increase the calorie content of the final product. Therefore, eating fresh is always more useful and advisable.

Application in cosmetology

Strawberries are often used in cosmetology to prepare various products for skin and hair. The berry improves the skin, makes it more elastic, fresh, and stimulates hair growth.

Strawberries can be used to prepare the following homemade cosmetics:

  • Mask. It can be made from strawberry pulp. It tightens pores, cleanses the skin, makes it elastic and firm. The cover is saturated with vitamins, becomes fresh and velvety.
  • The pulp can be mixed with honey. The mask will moisturize the skin and make its structure uniform.
  • A mask made of strawberry pulp and white clay will smooth out fine wrinkles and have a softening effect.
  • The juice has a whitening effect and removes freckles and age spots.
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