Vegetable smoothie recipe. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.

Cocktail with banana, spinach and broccoli

The taste will be very delicate and unobtrusive.

  1. Place 1 ripe banana, 1 cup of washed spinach leaves and 100 g of broccoli into a bowl. It’s better to take defrosted one; it itself is quite soft and will be finely chopped.
  2. Whisk everything together.
  3. If you want to make the taste more expressive, add ½ kiwi or the same amount of sour green apple.

*Cook's Advice If you are systematically losing weight, remove the banana from this recipe, completely replacing it with an apple, or take one that is not too ripe. The difference in calories and carbohydrate content between a slightly greenish banana and one that has begun to darken is huge!

Vegetable smoothie with broccoli and spinach

If you love greens and vegetables, and also love to experiment, then the recipe for such a diet cocktail is definitely for you! For it you will need 300 grams of broccoli - you do not need to cook the broccoli first, you can use fresh or defrosted vegetables. To the broccoli, add the juice of half a lemon or lime, a bunch of spinach and a green apple cut into slices. Beat all the ingredients thoroughly with a blender, and garnish the finished drink with mint leaves - the ideal low-calorie and healthy dessert is ready!

Nutritional value

The main features of the nutritional value of vegetable-based smoothies:

  1. Vegetables have a reduced level of energy density, which means they are low in calories;
  2. Due to the fact that vegetables contain a high level of fiber, liquid, and a low level of fat, they can be used to lose excess body weight. All high fiber foods take less time to fill the stomach and make you feel full quickly;
  3. Vegetables contain vitamins, nutrients, minerals, and beneficial components that are necessary for the full functioning of all internal organs.

Mechanism of weight loss

Weight loss during a liquid diet occurs due to the body's attempts to adapt the energy shortage to conserve energy. The first phase of losing weight on juices is characterized by relative losses of proteins. The body spends proteins contained in the gastrointestinal tract and liver, digestion is normalized.

You can reduce the percentage of body fat by gradually making changes to your daily diet. Increasing consumption of vegetables reduces fat accumulation by normalizing intestinal function. A large number of minerals and vitamins, which are found in leafy vegetables, seeds and fermented milk products, affect the physiology of weight loss.

Sometimes people report weight gain after they start drinking a lot of smoothies, which are predominantly fruit-based. This happens for a logical reason. If someone is trying to improve their health by adding lots of healthy fruits to their diet drinks, they need to be careful with their calorie and carbohydrate intake. Vegetables contain much less calories and carbohydrates than fruits.

Many fruits have natural sugar levels that are higher than root vegetables. Most vegetables have little or no natural sugar. One reason to choose smoothies with leafy greens over smoothies with lots of fruit is to avoid gaining weight. The rate of fat burning with an unbalanced liquid diet is zero, so before cooking it is necessary to calculate the number of calories of all ingredients included in the recipe.

Beneficial properties of smoothies for weight loss

Translated from English, smoothie (from the word smooth) means “homogeneous, soft, pleasant.” A drink (cocktail) is a mixture (thick or liquid) prepared from various vegetables, herbs, spices, fruits, and berries. Often contains fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, milk, cottage cheese).
Juices, sugar, jam, and honey can be added to berry and fruit smoothies, but such cocktails cannot be called dietary. For weight loss, however, specifically vegetable ones are suitable. The drink is prepared using a blender or food processor, which grinds the ingredients until smooth. The beneficial properties of vegetable cocktails are:

  1. Saturation of the body with a large amount of vitamins, minerals, microelements and nutrients (vegetable proteins, fiber, amino acids).
  2. Supporting the body's water-salt balance thanks to the large amount of liquid in vegetables.
  3. Strengthening the immune system.
  4. Removing cholesterol, cleansing the walls of blood vessels from plaques.
  5. Replenishing the lack of energy and vitality.
  6. Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) thanks to dietary fiber present in vegetables.
  7. Cocktails are quickly absorbed, do not cause heaviness in the stomach, and help relieve nervous tension.
  8. Fermented milk products included in vegetable drinks normalize digestive processes and intestinal motility.

Cocktail for weight loss

For weight loss, it is better to mix a cocktail for a light dinner.

Preparing this cocktail is very easy: wash and clean (if indicated in the recipe) the ingredients, put them in a blender bowl, whisk thoroughly and dilute with the juice of one of the ingredients (or water, milk, kefir, yogurt, whey, etc.).

Very simple! You need to beat the mixture for at least a couple of minutes to sufficiently enrich the cocktail with oxygen, which also helps burn fat.

Smoothies for weight loss contain mainly products with negative (zero) calorie content, i.e. those foods for which the body spends as much energy to digest as these foods give to the body.

Table of useful products

Before you prepare a smoothie for weight loss, let's study the list of healthy foods with negative calories:

VegetablesCalorie content, cal/100 gFruitsCalorie content, cal/100 g
White cabbage23Lemon (lime)21
Brussels sprouts12A pineapple40
Salad11Peach, apricot44
Green onion18Kiwi61
Parsley41Red currant43
Garlic89Black currant45

This is not the entire list of “live” products that you can use in smoothie recipes for weight loss or health cocktails.

The table does not include herbs such as basil, mint, coriander (cilantro), oregano, dandelion, dill, tarragon, bamboo, etc.

Benefits of smoothies

If you prepare a smoothie in a blender for weight loss using available vegetables and fruits, you will get a tasty, satisfying dish that will help not only lose weight, but also improve your body’s health. Benefits of smoothies for weight loss:

Good functioning of the digestive system. Kefir is a valuable source of beneficial bacteria that help the intestines function normally. A kefir smoothie does not leave a feeling of heaviness in the stomach

The presence of dietary fiber in vegetables and fruits is an additional reason to pay attention to this drink. Enriching the body with vitamins and minerals. The addition of vegetables or fruits to smoothies and the absence of sugar make this dish a real storehouse of nutrients. Cleansing the body

Smoothies are a source of antioxidants, substances that counteract the effects of free radicals and toxins that negatively affect health. Variety of tastes. Smoothies can be made with any vegetables or fruits you have on hand. Depending on the “filling” you will get both a main dish, a snack or a dessert. You can also make the drink with milk. Adjustment to the characteristics of the body. Thanks to the large selection of products, this dish can be prepared based on the individual problems of the body. Do you want to improve your vision and lose weight at the same time? A kefir smoothie with carrots is what you need. Ease of preparation. Just a few steps with a knife, pressing the blender button and the drink is ready.

Calorie content of Smoothie. Chemical composition and nutritional value.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of “Smoothie”.

The table shows the nutritional content (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 grams of edible portion.

NutrientQuantityNorm**% of the norm in 100 g% of the norm in 100 kcal100% normal
Calorie content352 kcal1684 kcal20.9%5.9%478 g
Squirrels12.3 g76 g16.2%4.6%618 g
Fats6.2 g56 g11.1%3.2%903 g
Carbohydrates61.8 g219 g28.2%8%354 g
Alimentary fiber6 g20 g30%8.5%333 g
Water12 g2273 g0.5%0.1%18942
Ash1.7 g~
Vitamin B1, thiamine0.45 mg1.5 mg30%8.5%333 g
Vitamin B2, riboflavin0.1 mg1.8 mg5.6%1.6%1800 g
Vitamin B4, choline40.4 mg500 mg8.1%2.3%1238 g
Vitamin B5, pantothenic1.12 mg5 mg22.4%6.4%446 g
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine0.24 mg2 mg12%3.4%833 g
Vitamin B9, folates23 mcg400 mcg5.8%1.6%1739
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE1.6 mg15 mg10.7%3%938 g
Vitamin H, biotin20 mcg50 mcg40%11.4%250 g
Vitamin K, phylloquinone2 mcg120 mcg1.7%0.5%6000 g
Vitamin RR, NE4.6 mg20 mg23%6.5%435 g
Niacin1 mg~
Potassium, K330 mg2500 mg13.2%3.8%758 g
Calcium, Ca52 mg1000 mg5.2%1.5%1923
Magnesium, Mg129 mg400 mg32.3%9.2%310 g
Sodium, Na20 mg1300 mg1.5%0.4%6500 g
Sera, S88 mg1000 mg8.8%2.5%1136 g
Phosphorus, P328 mg800 mg41%11.6%244 g
Chlorine, Cl73 mg2300 mg3.2%0.9%3151 g
Iron, Fe3.6 mg18 mg20%5.7%500 g
Yod, I6 mcg150 mcg4%1.1%2500 g
Cobalt, Co5 mcg10 mcg50%14.2%200 g
Manganese, Mn3.82 mg2 mg191%54.3%52 g
Copper, Cu450 mcg1000 mcg45%12.8%222 g
Selenium, Se28.9 mcg55 mcg52.5%14.9%190 g
Fluorine, F45 mcg4000 mcg1.1%0.3%8889 g
Zinc, Zn3.1 mg12 mg25.8%7.3%387 g
Digestible carbohydrates
Starch and dextrins60.1 g~
Mono- and disaccharides (sugars)1.2 gmax 100 g
Essential amino acids
Arginine*0.82 g~
Valin0.63 g~
Histidine*0.27 g~
Isoleucine0.45 g~
Leucine0.71 g~
Lysine0.47 g~
Methionine0.14 g~
Methionine + Cysteine0.45 g~
Threonine0.43 g~
Tryptophan0.22 g~
Phenylalanine0.6 g~
Phenylalanine+Tyrosine1.09 g~
Nonessential amino acids
Alanin0.54 g~
Aspartic acid1.02 g~
Glycine1.14 g~
Glutamic acid2.18 g~
Proline0.72 g~
Serin0.57 g~
Tyrosine0.5 g~
Cysteine0.32 g~
Saturated fatty acids
Saturated fatty acids1.4 gmax 18.7 g
14:0 Miristinovaya0.02 g~
16:0 Palmitinaya1.31 g~
18:0 Stearic0.06 g~
Monounsaturated fatty acids2.15 gmin 16.8 g12.8%3.6%
18:1 Oleic (omega-9)2.14 g~
Polyunsaturated fatty acids2.33 gfrom 11.2 to 20.6 g20.8%5.9%
18:2 Linolevaya2.28 g~
18:3 Linolenic0.05 g~
Omega-3 fatty acids0.05 gfrom 0.9 to 3.7 g5.6%1.6%
Omega-6 fatty acids2.28 gfrom 4.7 to 16.8 g48.5%13.8%

The energy value of the Smoothie is 352 kcal.

Primary Source: Created in the application by the user. Read more.

** This table shows the average levels of vitamins and minerals for an adult. If you want to know the norms taking into account your gender, age and other factors, then use the “My Healthy Diet” application.

Fasting day with smoothies

Long-term consumption of fruit and vegetable mixtures is not suitable for every body, so most nutritionists advise trying to lose weight not on a long-term diet with such a diet, but with the help of a fasting day. It won’t give you a plumb weight of 5 kg, but it will be a good impetus for the subsequent loss of kilograms on a strict diet and:

  • stimulates intestinal function;
  • will start the process of cleansing the body;
  • removes waste and toxins;
  • will give a daily rest to the digestive tract;
  • will “shake up” the body (can be used as a stress boost during the main diet).

Keep in mind that on a fasting day, the body receives little energy from vegetable or fruit smoothies, since the calories supplied are not enough for full functioning. For this reason, it is advisable to deload on the weekend, not schedule a workout for that day, and not give yourself difficult mental tasks. This method of losing weight is not suitable for people who have:

  • stomach or intestinal ulcer;
  • acute liver diseases;
  • heart diseases.

The fasting day lasts a day and is repeated no more than once a week. Its essence is to consume only smoothies, preferably exclusively vegetable or fruit ones (without adding cottage cheese, cereals, but kefir, milk or natural yogurt are allowed). They take 5-6 meals, since the diet is very hungry. In addition to such cocktails, you are allowed to drink water (including mineral water) and weak green tea. Sugar and honey are not allowed in weight loss cocktails during a fasting day.

How to follow a smoothie diet?

  • One of the best ways is to stick to proper nutrition and replace one of your meals with a smoothie. Such a diet will diversify your diet and help reduce the calorie content of your daily diet without much loss.
  • Fasting days can be considered another way to have a safe and effective smoothie diet. It is recommended to carry them out no more than once a week. You should consume diet shakes, water and green tea throughout the day.
  • A strict seven-day diet involves eating 5 times a day exclusively with shakes for one week. It is necessary to prepare for such a diet and exit it gradually. And in order to maintain the result, it is recommended to switch to proper nutrition and replace one meal with a cocktail.
  • A gentle diet is to replace 3 meals with cocktails; for the remaining meals you can consume boiled chicken meat, porridge without salt, and low-fat kefir. Steaming dishes should have a big advantage.

A smoothie diet will be effective if you make your diet varied. You should not endure the feeling of hunger and dizziness; it is difficult to achieve a good result with exhausting hunger strikes. Proper nutrition and exercise are the key to good health.

Rules and benefits of the smoothie diet

The smoothie diet involves drinking low-calorie smoothies instead of a traditional breakfast or dinner. As a result of this diet, you can get rid of 4 to 7 kg, which directly depends on the duration of the diet. The order, quantity and other rules for taking smoothies for weight loss that must be followed are quite simple, but at the same time the benefits for the body are quite high.


Smoothies can really help you lose weight. Its competitive advantage is its liquid consistency, due to which it is easily absorbed by the body, and its composition is literally full of useful elements. In addition, diet smoothies contain a low calorie content and a number of other advantages, such as:

  • rapid weight loss in a short period of time;
  • increasing immunity;
  • excellent tolerability;
  • a huge variety of tastes;
  • cleansing the body;
  • practically no consequences;
  • composition rich in useful elements;
  • good digestibility;
  • long lasting effect.

We would also like to highlight the fact that the smoothie diet helps you get used to proper nutrition. This is facilitated by daily consumption of fruits, berries and vegetables, which contain all the necessary nutrients. And balanced portions of the drink do not increase the size of the stomach, which also teaches the body to be satisfied with less food.

How to Make and Take Diet Smoothies

Not all smoothies are equally healthy and help you lose extra pounds. For example, there are fruits and berries that are quite high in calories in themselves, which means that cocktails with their direct participation will also be very, very “heavy”. In addition, due to the liquid consistency of the smoothie, sometimes you want to drink it all in one fell swoop. And if you do this, then the impulse of satiety from the stomach to the brain will reach the brain later, and during this time you can “stuff yourself” with something else that will cause overeating.

So, for such cocktails to really help you lose weight, you need to follow some rules:

  1. Take only low-calorie fruits, berries and vegetables for smoothies.
  2. It is better not to drink it, but to slowly eat it with a teaspoon, so that the feeling of fullness is not delayed.
  3. Do not add refined sugar to tea, coffee and other drinks, or at least reduce its consumption as much as possible.
  4. Eat meals every 2-3 hours, and between these intervals drink plain water or green tea.
  5. Consume only light dairy products not exceeding 1% fat.
  6. You should not eat fatty, smoked, fried and dried meat, as well as cheese products, pickles and alcoholic beverages. With a less strict diet, you can afford porridge and lean broths.

To switch to a smoothie diet without stress on the body, it is recommended to do the following:

  • over 3-4 days, gradually reduce the usual amount of food intake;
  • drink about 1.5-2.5 liters of ordinary water;
  • start eating more fresh vegetables, berries and fruits;
  • Try to eat food every 2-3 hours, but in small portions.

Following these simple recommendations will help you lose weight. To make it easier for you, we will describe in detail effective smoothie recipes for weight loss that can be easily prepared in a blender.

How to lose weight with smoothies

Before you start preparing your own mixture for weight loss, you need to understand some rules and recommendations of the diet. So, for the drink to help in the fight against excess weight, you need:

  1. Avoid using ice. When the cocktail is cold, the receptors do not have time to recognize its taste, which threatens overeating.
  2. Give preference to low-calorie ingredients, especially fruits. For satiety, you can add high-calorie fruits (for example, grapes, bananas), but only in small quantities.
  3. Do not use sugar in preparation, because such a drink will not help in the difficult fight against excess weight. In addition, you should not add chocolate, ice cream, or raisins.
  4. Use healthy fruit mixtures as a complete meal - for breakfast or dinner. It is not recommended to enjoy cocktails too often or mix them with dishes - this will stop weight loss.
  5. The fruit/vegetable mixture should be chewed, not swallowed. The drink contains a lot of plant fibers that need to be chewed.

Strict three-day diet

It is useful to repeat such a diet once a month - in just a few days, about 2 kg of excess weight is lost, while the body is cleansed of harmful substances and excess fluid, metabolism improves, and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized. The menu of a strict three-day diet includes exclusively fruit and berry mixtures, diluted with water or low-fat kefir: the portion for breakfast/lunch/dinner should be no more than 250 ml. During this fasting you can only drink water.

Gentle diet with fruit smoothies for 7 days

Weight loss when following this regimen for a week is about 3 kg. This diet involves replacing only second breakfast and afternoon snack with a serving of fruit cocktail, which does not exceed 250 ml. The rest of the meals should be complete, and the menu should look something like this:

  • breakfast – buckwheat, oatmeal or millet porridge (serving – 150 g), apple or other fruit;
  • lunch – light chicken broth (300 ml);
  • dinner - 200 g of boiled or fresh vegetable salad, dressed with olive oil;
  • before bed – a tangerine or a glass of low-fat kefir.

Rules of use

There are several rules and principles that must be followed for smoothies to be beneficial.

A properly made drink contains 3 ingredients. These are liquids to make the consistency less thick, easier to whip and digest, solid foods that are crushed, and additives used to enrich the diet. Products used to prepare the drink must be completely natural and do not contain chemicals, GMOs, or artificial (synthetic) additives. Since no store can give an exact guarantee of the naturalness of vegetables, fruits and berries, preference should be given to seasonal crops. If store-bought ingredients are used, they should be thoroughly washed and peeled before use. The composition of the drinks should be quite varied and at the same time not contain many ingredients

Combinations must be selected wisely; it is important that the components harmonize well with each other in terms of taste and degree of absorption by the body.

The percentage ratio (proportions) between vegetables and fruits should be chosen in accordance with your own preferences, on average it should be 50 to 50. In the process of preparing cleansing green smoothies, leafy greens should account for 60-70% of the composition. It goes well with berries and fruits. The blender must have a power that corresponds to the degree of hardness of the products: the harder they are, the stronger the device should be

Whisks will not work; it is best to use an attachment with blades. You can use any product as a base - water, milk/kefir, juices. It is enough to drink one serving of smoothie per day, which is equal to from 250 to 400 ml, depending on the person’s body weight and height. You can drink in larger quantities provided there is no allergic reaction. You should enjoy a cocktail in the first half of the day, when your stomach is just waking up. You can drink a glass of drink before breakfast, during it or in the afternoon.

The drink should be consumed in small sips. There is no need to rush anywhere. One glass of 300 ml can be stretched for an hour. Only if it is gradually introduced into the gastrointestinal tract can the product be well absorbed and bring practical benefits.

immersion blender

Homemade smoothie recipes

Oatmeal-banana smoothie for weight loss


  • Low-fat yogurt;
  • Banana;
  • Half a cup of rolled oats;
  • 1/4 spoon of cinnamon;
  • Honey.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind Hercules.
  2. Slice the banana.
  3. Beat the ingredients in a blender.
  4. Add yogurt and beat again.

Vegetable smoothie with broccoli and parsley


  • A glass of ayran;
  • Broccoli;
  • Parsley and dill.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil broccoli.
  2. Chop the greens.
  3. Place in a container and beat.

Consume immediately after preparation.

Celery and apple cocktail


  • A couple of apples;
  • A couple of cucumbers;
  • Four stalks of celery;
  • Fresh mint;
  • A handful of hazelnuts;
  • 2 tbsp. lemon juice.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the skins of vegetables and fruits.
  2. Squeeze juice from half a lemon.
  3. Chop the ingredients and beat with a blender.
  4. Add 2 glasses of water to them.
  5. Cool with ice cubes if desired.

fat burning cranberry smoothie


  • 100 g cranberries;
  • Pear;
  • Celery;
  • Cucumber;
  • Bunch of spinach;
  • Apple.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the components.
  2. Cut into pieces.
  3. Place in a bowl and whisk
  4. Garnish with cranberries.

Green smoothie for weight loss from spinach


  • Banana;
  • Bunch of spinach;
  • 1 tbsp. low-fat milk;
  • Ice (optional).

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the components.
  2. Place in a blender and blend until smooth.
  3. Add milk and beat again.

Fat burning celery smoothie


  • Carrot;
  • Small apple;
  • Two stalks of celery;
  • Honey (to taste).

Cooking method:

  1. Peel carrots, apples, and celery.
  2. Cut vegetables into pieces.
  3. Beat with a blender.

dietary smoothie made from fruits and ginger


  • Half a grapefruit;
  • Green apple;
  • One kiwi;
  • Ginger root;
  • Green unsweetened tea;
  • Honey (to taste).

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the fruit and ginger.
  2. Grate the ginger on a fine grater.
  3. Place in a blender bowl and blend.
  4. Add tea, honey (optional).
  5. Mix again.

Pear and avocado cocktail


  • 1 avocado;
  • 2 pears;
  • Parsley;
  • Cilantro;
  • Low-fat kefir.

Cooking method:

  • Whisk all ingredients.
  • Add 150 ml chilled green tea.
  • Add lemon juice and ginger powder and beat again.

Vegetable smoothie recipes

Not everyone likes vegetables, much less raw ones. But vegetable smoothies mostly contain raw ones. Cauliflower, broccoli, cucumbers, etc. These vegetables make up a healthy diet.

With celery

Celery contains a huge amount of minerals and vitamins. This vegetable is an indispensable assistant for weight loss. Celery smoothie for weight loss speeds up metabolism and quickly burns excess weight.

This cocktail will lower cholesterol levels and have an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. These mixtures are healthy and tasty.


  • greens (1 cup);
  • celery (2-3 pcs.);
  • olive oil (1/2 tsp);
  • low fat kefir (200 ml).

How to make celery smoothie at home? It’s very simple: chop the greens and celery stalks using a blender. Add butter and kefir to this mixture and beat again. Ready! Calorie content per 100 g is 62 kcal.

Fruit and vegetable smoothie

To make the transition from vegetable to berry-fruit cocktails seamless, we recommend trying a fruit-vegetable smoothie. Yes, you yourself can throw what was in the refrigerator into the blender, but we cannot guarantee the result.

Therefore, here is a time-tested recipe for a smoothie made from pear, cabbage, kiwi and spinach. This cocktail combines the benefits of both vegetables and fruits. Therefore, you can have no doubt about its benefits and help in losing weight.


  • About two hundred milliliters of water;
  • 90-110 g of the most ordinary cabbage;
  • One kiwi;
  • 2 tbsp. l. low-fat cream;
  • One pear;
  • 50-55 g spinach;
  • One tbsp. l. seaweed.


It is necessary to remove the skin from pears and kiwis and cut them into small slices. White cabbage and spinach need to be chopped. Now you can throw all this together with the seaweed into a blender and grind. Having done this, add water, add cream and blend a little more.

Vegetable smoothies

Vegetables contain more nutrients; below are recommendations on how to prepare smoothies from vegetables for weight loss:

"Broccoli Soup"

Broccoli is an excellent dietary product that contains large amounts of vitamins and antioxidants. Regular consumption of this vegetable slows down aging and promotes weight loss. Broccoli is especially beneficial for people with diabetes. Preparing such a dinner will not take much time. Calorie content of broccoli soup is 95 kcal/100 ml.

  • What you will need: 150 grams of broccoli, 1 glass of kefir, salt, herbs.
  • Preparation: Broccoli must be divided into inflorescences and boiled until tender in salted water. Mix broccoli, kefir and herbs in a blender. The soup is best served warm.

"Vegetable boom"

The bright color and taste of this smoothie will not leave indifferent even those who do not like vegetables. A smoothie with celery promotes weight loss. The calorie content of the finished smoothie is 68 kcal/100 ml.

  • What you will need: 1 peeled tomato, 2 stalks of celery, 150 grams of carrot juice, 100 grams of beet juice.
  • Preparation: Squeeze the beet juice and let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Puree the tomato and celery in a blender, add juice and beat.


This smoothie has a smooth and rich taste. Despite the non-standard composition, this combination will appeal to many. This smoothie is perfect as a post-workout snack. The calorie content of the drink is 115 kcal/100 ml.

  • What you will need: 100 gr. cabbage, 1 large pear, spinach - 50 gr., 1 tbsp. seaweed, 1 kiwi, 1 glass of rice milk, 1 glass of water.
  • Preparation: Cut the cabbage into cubes, peel the pear and kiwi. Beat all ingredients in a blender.


This method of preparing smoothies is aimed at rapid weight loss and saturating the body with vitamins. This drink is good for an evening snack.

  • What you will need: 100 grams of Chinese cabbage, a stalk of celery, 100 grams of water, ½ avocado, 4 stalks of asparagus.
  • Preparation: All ingredients must be mixed until smooth.

Preparation and ingredients

To prepare a smoothie for weight loss, you should add:

  • Vegetables: cucumbers in any form, tomatoes, celery leaves, cabbage, carrots, broccoli, bell peppers, onions;
  • Greens: basil, parsley, dill, cilantro, mint leaves, spinach, sorrel;
  • Berries: gooseberries, cranberries, blueberries, blackberries, wild strawberries, strawberries, watermelon, raspberries, currants;
  • Fruits: apples, cherries, cherry plums, apricots, peaches, plums, cherries, limes, pears, kiwis, pineapples, grapefruits and other citrus fruits;
  • Dairy products: low-fat kefir, cottage cheese and milk, natural yogurt drinks without granulated sugar;
  • Drinks: natural juices, green tea;
  • Seeds and nuts: flaxseeds, sprouted wheat grains, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, small quantities of walnuts, pine and Brazil nuts;
  • Cereals: oat flakes, bran cereals;
  • Spices and herbs: hot spices, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger.

How and when to drink a cocktail

What rules should you follow when losing weight with smoothies:

  • The cocktail should not be drunk immediately; it is recommended to eat it with a small spoon. As a result of this, the feeling of satisfying hunger will come much faster;
  • Before starting a diet for weight loss, you need to do a three-day fasting based on drinking smoothies. This will help increase metabolism and ensure complete cleansing of the body from harmful components;
  • Those losing weight should use this dish to replace lunch or dinner, or both;
  • Out of 7 days, you should choose a day when you only drink smoothies. This will increase the loss of excess weight, without having a harmful effect on health and beauty;
  • These cocktails should be prepared only from natural ingredients, without adding granulated sugar;
  • If you add natural fat burners to your smoothies, this will enhance your weight loss process without causing any harmful effects on your digestive system.

The principle of the green smoothie diet

The author of the book “The Green Smoothie Diet,” Dr. Robin Openshaw, claims that smoothies do more than just help you lose weight. If you create a menu and diet based on them, you can:

  • Improve the functioning of the body;
  • Strengthen the immune system, feel a surge of strength;
  • Develop the habit of eating healthy fruits and vegetables;
  • Lose weight and maintain the result;
  • drinks facilitate the process of processing food and saturate the body with useful components;
  • Get used to eating small, liquid and crushed food;
  • Diet cocktails do not stretch the stomach, so they are effective for those who want to lose weight. and reduce the size of the stomach. It is recommended for an adult to consume at least two kilograms of vegetables and fruits every day. Smoothies provide the opportunity to eat healthy foods not separately, but together, greatly facilitating the work of the organs and harmoniously combining with other ingredients;
  • People who suffer from chronic constipation will get effective results when consuming semi-liquid cocktails;
  • Due to the fact that the cocktails are a pure synthesis of beneficial substances and vitamins, they contain no preservatives. Liquid drinks help remove waste and toxins from the human body;
  • Vegetable or fruit smoothies are low in calories.

If you follow a green smoothie diet for two weeks, you can easily lose 5-7 kilograms. As a result, you need to drink them with every meal. Preferably five times a day. Instead of individual fruits and vegetables, make single or multi-ingredient drinks. There is no need to prepare cocktails in advance. They will lose most of their vitamins

To increase effectiveness, it is important to consult a doctor before use for contraindications and personal intolerance to certain products.

Menu for the week

How to make a smoothie? Just choose any fruits and vegetables and grind them in a blender with a small amount of water.

To lose weight with a diet you can use:

  • fruits;
  • berries;
  • vegetables;
  • greenery;
  • pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds.

To lose weight in a week, you need to create the right menu based on dietary natural drinks.

For a diet, the following menu is suitable, based on healthy green smoothies:

The first day:

  • breakfast: apple-banana smoothie;
  • lunch: vegetable cocktail: (spinach, parsley, cucumber, celery stalk, broccoli, 2 apples);
  • dinner: fruit and vegetable smoothie (apple, carrots).

Second day:

  • breakfast: orange-grapefruit cocktail;
  • lunch: green smoothie: (spinach, 2 tomatoes, carrots, parsley);
  • dinner: cocktail based on apricots, peach and apple.

Day three:

  • breakfast: a drink based on pineapple, orange, apple and kiwi;
  • lunch: vitamin drink (celery stalk, cucumber, 1 green apple);
  • dinner: carrot drink.

Day four:

  • breakfast: berry smoothie from any seasonal berries;
  • lunch: vegetable drink (pumpkin, carrots);
  • dinner: drink with raspberries, kiwi and apple.

Day five:

  • breakfast: smoothie based on pineapple and banana;
  • lunch: green vegetable drink: spinach, cucumber, tomato, celery and greens;
  • dinner: drink made from banana, strawberry, orange.

Day six:

  • breakfast: apple smoothie;
  • lunch: banana and carrot drink;
  • dinner: orange-grapefruit drink.

Day seven:

  • breakfast: smoothie with banana and apple;
  • lunch: tomato smoothie;
  • dinner: apple cocktail.


Smoothie recipes for weight loss include:

Cucumber Tomato Green Smoothie Recipe

Cucumber-tomato green smoothie

Take one cucumber, tomato, a quarter of a bell pepper, herbs and lemon juice. Place all ingredients into a blender. Puree until the ingredients form a homogeneous mixture.

Banana Strawberry Drink Recipe

Banana-strawberry smoothie

Take a ripe banana, 20 grams of strawberries, a glass of orange juice, a bunch of mint and a handful of nuts. Finely chop the solid component and chop the mint. Place ingredients into blender bowl and blend until smooth.

Vegetable smoothie

Green vegetable smoothie

Take a bunch of spinach, two cucumbers, greens, green onions, peanuts. Grind the last ingredient and chop the greens. Mix the ingredients in a blender until smooth.

People who cannot follow a strict liquid diet to lose excess weight are recommended to do fasting days. The peculiarity of drinking drinks even a day or two a week will allow you to lose weight and cleanse the body.

Vegetable smoothie diet

Having studied the recipes for vegetable smoothies, the general rules for their preparation and consumption, you can experience for yourself the effectiveness of a diet based on such drinks. Before you start following her diet, you need to prepare your body: reduce the usual portions of food, give up sweets, starchy foods, fatty foods, salty foods, and fast food. An important condition for this weight loss system is the daily consumption of 1.5–2 liters of clean still water. Most of the diet should consist of vegetables and vegetable cocktails; you can diversify the menu with fruit drinks.

Express diet for 3 days

Within three days of a vegetable detox diet with cocktails, you can get rid of 3 kg of excess weight. A sample menu might look like this:

Breakfast Smoothie made from sprouted wheat, greens and 1 citrus fruit
Lunch Vegetable salad
Dinner Drink made from berries, almond (rice) milk, banana
Afternoon snack 1 apple, berry-pear smoothie
Dinner Cocktail of bran, banana, yogurt
Before bedtime A glass of kefir

Diet for 7 days

Losing weight on vegetable and fruit cocktails cannot be carried out for longer than seven days, since the diet of the system is poorly balanced. In a week, your result will be minus 5–6 kg of excess weight. The menu for such a diet may look like this:

1st day 2nd day 3rd day 4th day 5th day 6th day 7th day
Breakfast Oatmeal (steamed), cocktail (orange + pineapple) Rice porridge with banana, orange juice Oatmeal (steamed), salad (pumpkin + pear + yogurt), cranberry juice 1 kiwi, any porridge (100 g), peach tea Oatmeal with apricot, peach, banana, strawberry yogurt, grape juice Rice with carrots, oatmeal with fruit, herbal tea Cottage cheese with oatmeal, green apple, herbal tea
2nd breakfast Vegetable celery soup, berry jelly Tomato soup, herbal tea, orange jelly Greens, fruit and milk drink Cocktail (apricot + kiwi + apple), pineapple juice Onion soup, 2 any fresh vegetables, cucumber juice Celery soup, rice water Milk cocktail with strawberries, sesame
Dinner Fish broth with fillet pieces, unsweetened tea Mushroom soup, cucumber juice Chicken broth with chicken pieces, muesli with berries, jelly A serving of rice with boiled chicken breast, herbal tea Vegetable cocktail (from any vegetables), boiled turkey (piece), herbal tea Bean soup with chicken broth, strawberry smoothie Any porridge (100 g), beef broth, fruit tea
Afternoon snack Drink made from apple, beets, dill, carrots, spinach, oat decoction Low-calorie fruit, walnuts (handful), milkshake Lettuce with vegetables, carrot juice Cottage cheese with fruit, apple juice Fruits, milkshake Fruits, berry drink with milk Mushroom soup, cucumber juice
Dinner Salad of vegetables, olive oil, apple juice (in the form of puree) Cottage cheese, pudding with oatmeal, fresh berries, smoothie (pineapple + green apple + kiwi + grapes) Puree (apple + celery + lettuce + olive oil), curd mass with blueberries, pineapple juice Cream of mushroom soup, beef broth, herbal tea Rice with fresh vegetables and herbs, pineapple juice Puree stewed vegetables, orange juice Puree (apple + celery + lettuce + olive oil), lime-orange cocktail

Beneficial properties of vegetable smoothies

Liquid diets gained popularity in the 1990s, although health food stores in the United States began selling thick shakes in the 1930s.

This was when the electric blender debuted in the United States. Ice cream vendors and stores began selling smoothies served with fruit or dairy products. Vegetables were sometimes used but were not the main ingredient. After eco-shopping came into fashion in the late 20th century, vegetable drinks became popular. Drinking vegetable smoothies every day for breakfast or dinner will improve your overall health.

Simple drinks of green leafy vegetables combined with nutrient-rich fruits and liquid base provide many benefits. By starting the day with liquid meals, a person prepares the body to work. A large amount of vegetables in the diet is useful for normalizing stool, weight and sleep. Not only will this contribute to your overall health, but it will also help you lose weight.

Dietary properties:

How many calories are in a smoothie, what dietary properties it has, all this is of great interest to those who lead a healthy lifestyle and monitor their health and figure. So we will try to answer these questions in the next article.

So here it is:

A smoothie is a thick cocktail made from a mixture of fruits, vegetables and various juices. Peeled and chopped ingredients are ground in a blender until smooth.

The drink, which is extremely popular these days, appeared in the late 30s of the last century in California (USA), but it became especially popular only 30 years later, in the wake of interest in healthy eating.

Smoothies are undoubtedly a very healthy drink; thanks to the preparation technology, all ingredients completely retain valuable substances. Modern blenders can grind even nuts and ice into a homogeneous mass. Typically, these smoothies contain a variety of herbs and leafy vegetables, which make them a rich source of vitamins and minerals.

There are several secrets to making smoothies. The key to success is uniformity. For this you need a powerful blender. The combination of products is also important in smoothies. For example, a banana or avocado will give the drink a creamy texture, but with the latter you will have to add a sweetener. You should not mix dark greens and berries in one cocktail, otherwise the drink will turn out to be an unattractive “swamp” color.

Berry and fruit smoothies

Perhaps the most familiar to people in the post-Soviet space are berry and fruit smoothie cocktails. If fresh berries and fruits are always available to you, great; if it’s difficult to buy them, then frozen ones will do.

"Banana-apple union"

Banana is quite high in calories, so cocktails based on it are well suited to replace a morning or evening meal. In addition, it goes perfectly with apple, and the ingredients for such a smoothie are available all year round.


  • One banana;
  • Orange juice, but another citrus juice will do in the amount of 100 ml;
  • One apple;
  • 190-210 g yogurt;
  • If desired, you can add a couple of ice cubes.


We cut the banana and apple into slices and blend them. Pour in the juice, yogurt and beat a little more. As a rule, ice is added before immediate consumption.

"Citrus mix"

Citrus fruits contain a lot of vitamin C, which significantly increases metabolism, gives you energy and helps you lose excess weight.


  • Whole grapefruit and orange;
  • Half a lemon;
  • One apple;
  • Half a banana;
  • If desired, you can add a couple of ice cubes.


All citrus fruits must be removed from peels, veins and seeds. Peel the apple and banana and cut into small slices. Now throw everything into a blender and grind. Add ice before drinking.

Properties of fruit smoothie

Nutritional value and composition | Vitamins | Minerals

How much does a fruit smoothie cost (average price for 1 liter)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

300 rub.

The cool fruit smoothie got its original name from the English word smoothie, which literally means “uniform or smooth.” Smoothies refer to non-alcoholic and fruit cocktails. The first smoothie cocktail appeared in the 30s of the last century in the sunny American state of California. The 60s saw a boom in the popularity of smoothies as a vitamin and dietary drink, which began to be sold in health food and organic food stores throughout the United States.

A fruit smoothie has three main ingredients - milk, ice and fruit juice. Often, fresh fruits or berries are used for smoothies, which are ground in a blender with ice and milk. As a rule, smoothies contain berries such as strawberries, raspberries, cherries, currants or lingonberries, as well as blueberries, blackberries and wild strawberries. Of the fruit components of the drink, the most popular are bananas, mango, watermelon, melon, grapes, apples, kiwi, pineapple and others.

Currently, there are a large number of smoothie recipes that, in addition to classic ingredients, use additives in the form of nuts, syrups, honey, tea or herbal infusion. In addition, a new type of vegetable smoothie is gaining momentum these days. The calorie content of a smoothie depends primarily on the composition of the product. The usual calorie content of a smoothie with milk does not exceed 86 Kcal per 100 grams of product. A fruit smoothie will be even lower in calories, which cannot be said about drinks with chocolate, nuts or sweeteners.

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