Hydromassage and countercurrent - tools for creating an ideal body

Such a useful physiotherapeutic spa procedure as hydromassage was popular about half a century ago and today has received a fundamentally new interpretation.

In this article, we propose to get acquainted with the features of hydromassage in a swimming pool, known for its healing properties, and also want to talk about the features of counter-current bowls, which are an excellent option for carrying out independent water training and receiving relaxing treatments.

Therapeutic benefits of hydromassage

The procedure has become a kind of healthy lifestyle trend - the benefits of hydromassage in the pool are obvious and do not require special proof.

Indeed, directed jets of water and air not only have a general strengthening and healing effect on the body, but also have an extremely beneficial effect on the nervous system.

The list of obvious advantages of the procedure includes:

  1. Elimination of negative consequences from acute stress or clinical depression. In this regard, undergoing a course of procedures from time to time will be relevant for most residents of large cities. Everyday life is filled with conflicts and stressful situations, and intense work activity often leads to chronic fatigue syndrome, increased sensitivity and irritability.

    According to statistics, more than 70% of office workers around the world are prone to emotional burnout. Water procedures with massage gently relieve fatigue and tension, allow you to completely relax after a busy day at work and help counteract the onset of depression.

  2. Strengthening the effect of physical activity. Hydromassage in a counter-current pool will be an excellent addition to any sports activity. The procedure perfectly tones the muscles and relieves tension after a grueling workout.
  3. Normalization of blood circulation. The procedure increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the internal organs.
  4. Production of the hormone of happiness - endorphin. A gentle relaxing massage with water streams triggers the process of production of natural anesthetics in the body, which reduces existing pain and has a calming effect on the nervous system.
  5. Strengthening the immune system. Regular exercise in a hydromassage pool has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the lymphatic system, which, in turn, helps improve the functioning of the immune system.
  6. Cosmetic effect. Even one session works wonders for our skin, which after a course of procedures not only acquires an even, fresh color, but also becomes more even and smooth. In addition, the procedure helps remove toxins from the body, reduce fat deposits in problem areas and fights cellulite. The directed flow of water enhances the outflow of lymph, which relieves swelling.
  7. Improved sleep. Stress and workload in all areas of life often provoke insomnia, which further worsens the physical and psycho-emotional state. Air and water jets have a relaxing effect on the nervous system, normalize blood pressure and respiratory rhythm, thereby helping to stabilize sleep.

In official medicine, hydromassage has long been recognized as an effective procedure, which is actively prescribed by many specialists for preventive and health purposes.

What are the benefits of hydromassage?

Properly done hydromassage is very beneficial - you will begin to feel how it works even before the end of the session. Powerful jets of water stimulate blood circulation and lymph flow throughout the body. The high temperature of the water opens and cleanses the pores, so after the procedure your skin will look cleaner, fresher and healthier.

Hydromassage relaxes, soothes and relieves pain in joints and muscles. After the procedure, people often feel quite tired, but sleep very well. In addition, sleep improves due to changes in body temperature (during a massage, due to stimulation and exposure to hot water, it increases and then decreases).

Watsu is a type of hydromassage and Japanese shiatsu massage, which is performed when a person lies in warm water. This underwater massage uses acupressure techniques and longitudinal, slow rhythmic movements. Stretching is also done during the session. Massage movements combined with warm water promote deep relaxation and help relieve muscle pain.

There is also aromatic hydromassage - using essential oils, and mineral hydromassage - during this procedure salts and minerals are used that have a beneficial effect on the body.

Currently, hydromassage is usually done in special baths; direct contact with the hands of the massage therapist is not required. The person being massaged lies or sits in a bathtub and is massaged by jets of water - their strength, rhythm and direction of movement can usually be adjusted.

Hydromassage has many beneficial properties. It combines the healing qualities of warm water and massaging movements.

Pain relief

Hydromassage can be used as a pain reliever for many conditions. These include various soft tissue injuries, arthritis, chronic pain, temporomandibular joint disease, multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease, fibromyalgia, lupus, tendonitis, and many others. Hydromassage helps relieve pain, as warm water and massaging movements increase blood circulation, due to which the body begins to more effectively restore damaged tissue.

Stress relief

Hydromassage is also an effective stress reliever. It may be especially beneficial for people suffering from insomnia, anxiety, and stress-related problems. The massage itself relaxes the body, and the water promotes internal relaxation. In addition, hydromassage helps remove toxins accumulated in muscle tissue and releases endorphins, which are responsible for relaxation. After the procedure, the person feels much less stressed both psychologically and physically.

Strength and Flexibility

With the help of hydromassage you can maintain and increase the strength and flexibility of the body. Relaxation and increased blood circulation helps increase the range of motion of joints and improve the condition of muscle tissue. For this reason, doctors often recommend hydromassage to patients who, for various reasons, are temporarily unable to move normally. Hydromassage helps prevent the negative consequences of prolonged immobilization and maintain muscle tone.

Indications for use

The benefits of hydromassage in a swimming pool have been proven in the treatment of many chronic diseases.

Here we can talk about the effectiveness of the procedure both as part of complex therapy in the fight against various types of severe pathologies, and in the elimination of minor cosmetic defects.

A course of procedures will help cope with problems such as:

  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • nervous exhaustion;
  • swelling of various kinds;
  • decreased skin and muscle tone;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • negative consequences of physical activity and many others.

In particular, the procedure is indicated for people with musculoskeletal disorders.

The role of hydromassage in losing weight is quite high. Two to three sessions per week will be enough to see results. The effect of exercise is especially obvious on the hips and buttocks.

Water foot massage helps strengthen the immune system. In addition, if you are faced with the problem of swelling and pain in your legs at the end of the working day, then hydromassage can be a real solution to the problem. High heel lovers will also definitely appreciate this relaxing format. Jets of water and air affect biologically active points on the feet, which heals and relaxes not only the feet themselves, but also has a beneficial effect on the internal organs.

Benefits of the procedure for cellulite

Hydromassage for cellulite is one of the most pleasant, effective and safe procedures with a pronounced anti-cellulite effect.

Carrying out a water massage gives several effects at once:

  • Waste and toxins come out of the intercellular spaces and subcutaneous layers in problem areas (buttocks, thighs, abdomen);
  • The flow of blood and lymph is activated;
  • Metabolic processes are normalized;
  • The production of your own collagen and elastin improves.

A course of hydromassage increases skin elasticity, eliminates sagging, helps smooth out the relief, that is, the tubercles and pits characteristic of cellulite disappear or become noticeably smaller. Weight loss is also noted, so water massage is often used for obesity.

The undoubted advantage of hydromassage is that vibrating water flows affect not only areas with cellulite, but also the entire body as a whole. This helps strengthen the immune system, stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system, has a positive effect on the condition of the spine, relieves chronic fatigue and increases overall tone.

Contraindications for procedures

Do not forget that hydromassage is a medical procedure that can be harmful in certain cases. Before starting the course, it is worth visiting a specialist and clarifying the presence of possible contraindications.

The procedure should not be performed in the following cases:

  • in case of thrombosis - a targeted impact with a stream of water can provoke the detachment of a blood clot;
  • for vascular and heart diseases, hypertension;
  • with bleeding;
  • for skin infections, as water can cause them to spread;
  • for urolithiasis, cholelithiasis;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • for oncological diseases.

Of course, in the absence of the above contraindications, hydromassage in the pool is extremely useful, but there are also technical nuances that are worth knowing about.

Benefits and harms

Hydromassage can bring enormous benefits to the body:

  • relax or tone;
  • increase performance;
  • improve sleep quality;
  • normalize the functioning of internal organs;
  • relieve pain, eliminate spasms;
  • activate blood supply and lymph flow;
  • get rid of extra pounds (accelerate the breakdown of fats, remove toxins, speed up metabolism);
  • improve the condition of the epidermis (eliminate dead cells, add smoothness and youth);
  • stabilize the digestive tract, etc.

A hydromassage session eliminates muscle tension, gives complete rest and neutralizes stress. No harm has been found from such a procedure, if, of course, it is performed taking into account indications and contraindications. It is worth emphasizing that hydromassage is safe in certified institutions where complex and multi-stage disinfection of equipment is carried out.

Special tips before the procedure

Below we will give you a number of useful recommendations that must be followed before a hydromassage session:

  • You should not go for the procedure immediately after eating or drinking alcohol;
  • You should not stay for a massage longer than recommended;
  • It is not recommended to dive headlong - a powerful stream of water can damage hearing and vision;
  • Physical activity after the session is not advisable - it is better to just rest.

If you follow these simple rules, the procedure will bring you exceptional benefits and pleasant sensations.

What is counterflow?

Innovative specially designed systems are being introduced to equip swimming pools with counter-current and hydromassage. One of the advanced achievements of the German company FLUVO, the counterflow system of the same name, was created in collaboration with medical scientists, and each element of this mechanism was tested on unique specialized equipment.

The internal structure is extremely primitive - a directed flow of water is supplied in the pool in a given direction using a pump, the power of which determines the intensity of the flow.

Counterflows are presented in two formats:

  • installed directly during the construction of the pool;
  • mounted, which can be installed at any time in an already functioning pool.

Design solutions make it possible to integrate mounted countercurrents into the sides of the pool as accurately as possible, without compromising the design and cladding.

The device is also divided into one- and two-jet. The latter are characterized by a wider and more powerful flow. In this case, the strength of the jet and its direction are adjusted individually.

The counterflow is equipped with a pneumatic button with an electrical package, which allows you to control all parameters remotely from anywhere in the pool room, which is very convenient. The design of the device also includes an air flow regulator, which is responsible for saturating the water jet gushing from the nozzle, giving it the necessary softness.

An effective tool for creating an ideal body is combining therapeutic training with countercurrent procedures and active hydromassage FLUVO. The countercurrent reliably imitates the force of the natural flow of water, which requires serious muscle work. By combining these flows, an effective and universal sports zone is created, reminiscent of the principle of operation of an exercise bike - a person swimming against the current can actually remain in place without moving forward, but at the same time feel the same load as if he were swimming at a decent pace.

The system allows you to set individual settings. You yourself control the flow power and flow speed.

Setting up your own massage pool

With the help of additional technical devices in your pool it is possible to recreate the atmosphere of a unique warm spring and natural geyser.

Hydromassage equipment turns simple bathing and swimming in the pool into a more healing and relaxing procedure.

A personal spa space functions quite simply: using a pump, water from the pool is supplied to special nozzles, from where it is returned back to the bowl under pressure. During this pumping process, the water flows are enriched with air, which provides a pleasant aeromassage effect.

The mechanism is designed in such a way that the system independently regulates the temperature of the supply of water-air jets emanating from the nozzles.

Arranging a counterflow and hydromassage in the pool bowl is a task that professionals can do. The installation process involves a large number of technical nuances - it is not recommended to take this path on your own without having the necessary specialized knowledge.

Hydromassage at home

Typically, professional hydromassage can be done in a sanatorium or in another similar medical institution. Sometimes large cosmetology clinics are equipped with hydromassage rooms. However, sanatoriums and super-sophisticated beauty salons are not always nearby, but you always want to be beautiful. What to do?

You can buy and install a hot tub at home. The choice of such plumbing fixtures is huge, and the list of massage functions performed is even larger. However, the cost of such a miracle is also considerable, and the bills for consumed water are unlikely to please. There is a more economical, but no less effective way to make hydromassage at home - buy a special massage shower head. It is easily installed on the hose instead of a standard nozzle - and you can do hydromassage at home.

Professional countercurrents for athletes

In addition to developments that are suitable for home pools and small bowls in hotels and spas, the German company FLUVO has created devices for professional swimmers. The latter require a higher speed of water-air flows and a degree of load, which allow them to practice specific exercises and maintain muscles at a certain quality level. Installation of professional countercurrents is possible in specialized training pools with a large bowl volume.

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