Amino acids - harm and side effects

What are amino acids?

In this article we will talk about Amino Acids.
All cells in the human body, including muscles, are made of protein. Protein is formed from a set of amino acids. Thus, amino acids are called the building material for proteins in the human body. They help the formation of muscles, ligaments, tendons. Healthy skin and hair are also their merit. It is from amino acids that our body builds new cells and restores all damaged tissues. Amino acids also help strengthen the body and promote the production of various hormones, antibodies and enzymes.

These organic compounds have the structure of multicomponent chains. In the stomach, these chains break down under the action of enzymes. In this form, amino acids are absorbed by the small intestine and enter the liver. In the liver they are distributed according to their destination. For example, the synthesis of hormones or maintaining immunity.

At the moment, there are 20 amino acids that make up protein. Everyone has their own role. So, looking at your lifestyle or type of activity, you can determine which amino acids you need more and which ones less.

Why are amino acids included in sports nutrition?

For sports, the most important are the building functions of amino acids: the synthesis of proteins and other important substances (creatine), the function of regulating nervous activity, the ability to stimulate processes that are useful for sports (muscle growth, the release of anabolic hormones, protecting the nervous system from overstrain) or inhibit dangerous ones (destruction). muscle proteins, fat deposition in blood vessels and adipose tissue).

Sports nutrition includes not only proteinogenic amino acids, but also others, for example, beta-alanine, citrulline, agmatine, GABA, D-aspartic acid, etc. However, the most popular are BCAA - amino acids with molecular chain branches.

This group includes 3 proteinogenic essential amino acids - leucine, isoleucine and valine. For muscle growth, this supplement is perhaps the most effective, rivaling protein. It is these amino acids that not only provide the raw material for the construction of muscle proteins, but also directly stimulate protein synthesis in muscles through the mTOR mechanism, and also suppress the action of cortisol (a stress hormone that destroys overworked muscles). This amino acid complex has well-proven effectiveness and has been tested by many generations of athletes.

Beta-alanine and glutamine help athletes recover. The first of them increases the amount of carnosine stored in the muscles, which neutralizes lactic acid released during muscle work - i.e. it both extends the time of effective work, increasing strength and endurance, and reduces muscle damage, reducing the recovery period. And glutamine is not only a raw material for the formation of proteins, but also stimulates the regeneration of muscle tissue, and also strengthens the immune system, which is weakened by intense training.

GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter, an amino acid that helps the brain calm down, relax and unwind, saves from nervous tension and insomnia, and stimulates the secretion of growth hormone.

5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is similar to GABA. It is produced in the body from tryptophan and provides the secretion of serotonin and melatonin - hormones that calm, bring satisfaction and help you sleep. But for many, more importantly, 5-hydroxytryptophan suppresses appetite, helping you eat less and more successfully fight excess weight.

D-aspartic acid (DAA, D-aspartate) regulates the production of testosterone, the main male anabolic hormone that ensures performance, endurance, good muscle growth and an active lifestyle.

Citrulline, agmatine, arginine are nitrogen donors that differ in properties. Of these, only arginine can be part of proteins. Citrulline is its precursor, and agmatine, on the contrary, is the result of the processing of arginine. These amino acids are responsible for pumping - the sensation of filling working muscles with blood. Increasing the volume of blood pumped through the muscles, in addition to purely subjective pleasure, improves the supply of oxygen and nutrients to cells, accelerates the elimination of harmful waste products, i.e. It simply improves their efficiency. Agmatine also has nootropic properties, i.e. improves brain function.

Amino acid supplements in sports nutrition, in addition to their main function, play another important role - due to the fact that many of them are a product of microbiological or enzymatic synthesis of amino acids, and therefore do not have animal origin - they are suitable for vegetarians, helping them to successfully pump up muscles and maintain good health. health, while avoiding meat and dairy foods.


Nonessential amino acids usually enter the body through food or are produced independently.

AlaninRegulates blood sugar. If there is a deficiency, the body extracts amino acids from the muscles. This means it is important to keep them focused.
AsparagineSupports immune function. Reduces the amount of ammonia in muscle tissue after prolonged physical activity.
GlycineHelps produce essential amino acids, creatine. Deficiency leads to fatigue.
GlutamineDuring active motor activity, this amino acid is activated. Takes part in metabolism.
OrnithineStarts metabolism and breaks down fat.
ProlineForms connective tissue and creates collagen. Used as an additional source of energy.
SerinEnsures normal functioning of the nervous system. Plays a role in the body obtaining energy. Lack of serine manifests itself in the form of impaired attention and memory
TaurineIncreases physical activity and helps to cheer up.
CysteineIt is an important component in hair growth and cleansing the body.
CitrullineHelps remove ammonia and has an important role in protein metabolism.


Essential amino acids cannot be produced by the body on its own. To replenish their supply, it is necessary to eat food containing essential amino acids.

ViewRoleWhat does it contain?
ValinHelps increase muscle mass. Promotes tolerance of high or low temperatures. In various animal products (chicken, fish, rice and legumes)
IsoleucineStores energy in muscles. Preserves muscle mass and also produces hemoglobin. Helps restore damaged tissue. Any type of meat, fish, eggs and nuts.
LeucinePerforms a protective function and is an important component of the immune system. Participates in reducing the period of protein breakdown and helps to recover from fractures. Eggs, chicken, legumes, fish, soy
LysineForms carnitine, helps muscles improve oxygen consumption.Meat of any kind, milk, legumes.
MethionineRestores the liver and kidneys.Milk, eggs, soy products, meat, nuts.
ThreonineFilters the liver.Nuts and eggs, milk.
TryptophanControls appetite, sleep and fatigue.Meat, bananas, dairy products.
PhenylalanineForms ligaments and cartilage. Reduces appetite. Eggs, beef, nuts, dairy products.

Conditionally replaceable

Such organic substances can be produced only when necessary from essential amino acids. For this reason, in order to saturate the body with conditionally replaceable substances, you need to take special nutrition.

ViewRoleWhat does it contain?
ArginineThanks to these amino acids, muscle growth occurs. Cleanses the liver and stimulates the immune system. Various cheeses, milk, meat.
HistidineAffects the growth of muscle tissue and produces blood.Soy, fish and pork
TyrosinePrevention of stress and depression.Bananas, milk and nuts.
CystineDisinfects the body after taking tobacco products or alcohol.Milk, cheeses, peas, meat, nuts and fish.

What amino acids are best to take?

It is not always possible to fully saturate the body with the necessary amino acids. In such a situation, special nutritional supplements help.

However, among specialized nutrition you can find many fakes and ineffective products. It is very important to choose the right manufacturer. A time-tested, well-known product will help solve this problem.

Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date and quality of packaging. The consistency and color of the substance must fully correspond to the description of the product.

You may also find that you don't know which amino acids to take. We have compiled a list of the best amino acids that will help you achieve certain goals.

Let's take a closer look at L-Carnitine. It plays an important role in the production of cellular energy. Most of it is found in muscle tissue, which must quickly create large amounts of energy. It is especially important to take L-Carnitine if you do not eat meat.

If you engage in physical training, these amino acids will reduce pain after exercise and speed up recovery.

L-Carnitine is convenient to take in liquid form, capsules or tablets. As an example, consider dietary supplements from NOW and Metagenics.

The next important name for amino acids is L-Arginine. It is used to prevent many diseases of internal organs, as well as to compensate for the deficiency of substances in people leading an active lifestyle.

So, for example, the food supplement “L-Arginine tablets, 180 pcs/3500 mg” promotes the fat burning process and converts fat into energy. Plays an important role in strengthening the immune system and recovering from injuries.

To have a beneficial effect on muscle mass, you can include the amino acid L-Glutamine in your diet. This substance will also help you recover from exercise or stress. Strengthens the immune system.

Want to add the amino acid L-Glutamine to your food? What medications should I take in this case? As an example, consider the manufacturer NOW. The nutritional supplement is available in capsules convenient for oral use. On the website you can purchase a package of 120 capsules (1000 mg or 500 mg).

Let's also consider L-Tryptophan. The benefit of these amino acids is that they can compensate for the deficiency of hormones in the body that affect the psycho-emotional component of a person. A lack of melatonin and serotonin, which L-Tryptophan generates, can lead to depression, irritability, insomnia, etc. The body does not produce this amino acid on its own, so it must be obtained from external sources. This could be special foods or supplements.

For example, the dietary supplement “L-Tryptophan 500 mg 120 capsules” normalizes sleep, strengthens the immune system and gives a good mood. Also, against stress, this drug is often purchased as a fairly effective remedy.

To improve the condition of hair, skin and nails, it is recommended to take the amino acid L-Cysteine. The dietary supplement “NOW L-Cysteine ​​500 mg 100 tablets” is easily absorbed by the body and is suitable for use by vegetarians. In addition, this drug has antioxidant properties. Helps get rid of toxins and free radicals. Beneficial properties also include strengthening blood vessels, burning subcutaneous fat, and maintaining metabolic processes.

Why do athletes need amino acids?

Of course, one of the most important and fundamental functions of amino acids for sports, which explains why these supplements are needed by men and women, is their amazing ability to stimulate muscle growth processes, as well as help in recovery after the training process and reduce muscle fatigue. But the matter does not stop there. The beginning of the training process is associated with the fact that biochemical reactions occur in the body, accompanied by the release of intermediate substances that provoke the appearance of fatigue. For example, an amino acid such as L-Glutamin (glutamine), which acts as a source of nutrition and additional energy for the body, helps to cope with this effect.

That is why adding amino acids for sports will be relevant not only for those who are working on the quality of their muscle structure. Amino acids must be in the diet of all people who adhere to an active lifestyle, regardless of whether it is a professional or amateur sport to maintain physical fitness.

If you ask why women who don’t seem particularly interested in building muscle mass need amino acids in sports, the answer will be another important function of this supplement. The fact is that amino acids help get rid of excess fat in the body, which means they contribute to weight loss. Thus, one study demonstrated that the group in which women ate a healthy diet rich in amino acids lost extra pounds much faster than the second.

Amino acids. Benefits and harms

Before taking certain amino acids, you should know about the benefits and harms of the product. The benefits of amino acids are undeniable. They produce antibodies that fight various infections or viruses. Provide biochemical reactions by producing enzymes. They take part in the metabolic process and strengthening the immune system. And also many other useful properties that we described above in the article.

However, it is quite possible to get harmed from amino acids. If you already have serious problems with your internal organs, then taking additional substances may worsen the situation. To avoid this, you should definitely consult your doctor. Only a specialist, taking into account your illnesses, can give the go-ahead for taking amino acids, or prohibit them altogether.

There is a certain norm for taking amino acids. You should not forget about this, even if your health allows you to take biological supplements.

With an overdose of amino acids, side effects manifest themselves in impaired kidney function, disruptions in the normal functioning of the nervous system begin, and sleep and wakefulness patterns are also disrupted.

Therefore, always carefully read the instructions for the drugs and follow the dosage. In this case, it is almost impossible to get harmed.

Which amino acids are suitable for women?

Women can purchase amino acid complexes, BCAA complexes, as well as isolated amino acids (arginine, glutamine, tryptophan, etc. are produced separately).

Amino acid complexes include all the amino acids women need. The correct proportion of the individual components of this product guarantees the absence of side effects (if the dose is significantly exceeded, bloating, flatulence and other gastrointestinal problems are possible).

Even though women need the same amino acids as men, there are certain nuances. For example, female hormonal levels are highly dependent on the level of branched-chain amino acids in the blood. If a woman lacks leucine and isoleucine, the synthesis of sex hormones estrogen will worsen, and this will negatively affect both the internal state and appearance. That is, taking amino acids, in particular BCAAs, is not only possible for women, but also extremely necessary.

BCAAs make up about 70% of the total muscle fiber mass. Among their main biochemical functions:

  • construction of new muscle fibers;
  • fast recovery;
  • acceleration of protein synthesis;
  • decreased feeling of hunger;
  • suppression of catabolic processes in muscles.

In addition to amino acid complexes and BCAAs, girls need the following amino acid supplements (they are often found in isolated form):

  • L-carnitine is a compound produced in the body based on lysine and methionine. It is involved in fat metabolism, promotes the release of energy from fat reserves, and increases the production of nitric oxide.
  • L-glutamine is a conditionally essential amino acid that affects protein synthesis, accelerates muscle recovery, and supplies the body with energy. Glutamine can often be found in conjunction with the BCAA complex, due to the fact that they have a similar effect. Dose – no more than 4-8 g.
  • The amino acid arginine strengthens the immune system, stimulates the production of growth hormone and accelerates fat burning, and is involved in the delivery of nutrients. Arginine should be taken no more than 9 g per day.
  • Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that affects a person’s emotional background, improves well-being and quality of sleep. Since tryptophan produces melatonin (the sleep hormone), it should be taken directly at night. Usually this amino acid is already included in the sports complex, so there is no need to buy it separately.

Advice: it is better not to spend money on purchasing individual amino acids, but to take BCAAs or a complete balanced complex of amino acids for women, which will contain all the amino acids most necessary for the female body. In addition, a comprehensive intake will protect you from incorrect dosages of individual amino acids; it is enough to measure out the required portion once and drink it at the appointed time.


Amino acids, like vitamins, are an important component for maintaining human health and strength. Their lack has a very sad effect on well-being.

By consuming amino acids, you can significantly improve your sports training, enrich your organs and muscles with nutrients, and at the same time shorten recovery periods. However, it is additionally necessary to adhere to a healthy diet, because amino acids do not replace nutritious food.

Supplements are non-addictive and safe for use in normal dosages. Based on your goals, you can choose an amino acid that will help you achieve them.

Amino acids are no different from ordinary food products in their action, beneficial and harmful properties for your body. Nutritional supplements only simplify the process of obtaining these substances by the body. To do this, he does not need to break down protein, for example, chicken breast, in order to extract all the necessary microelements from there.

Thus, the benefits of amino acids for the body are very great. You just have to be careful and careful with their use.

Which amino acids to choose

Complexes from UltimateNutrition have an excellent price-quality ratio and contain whey protein hydrolysate.

SuperiorAmino 2222 from OptimumNutrition has also proven itself on the positive side. They are available in two forms - capsules and tablets. Capsules contain whey protein hydrolysate, and tablets also contain whey protein concentrate.

Complexes from Perfomance are not easy to find on our market, but it’s still worth looking, since these amino acids have a very high concentration and are effective in use.

The following products are popular in the CIS.

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