Fat burners Lipo 6x and Lipo 6 from Nutrex - composition, instructions for use and side effects

  • Customer Reviews

Author: Kristina Lobanovskaya, doctor, practicing nutritionist Article updated: 04/07/2021

The problem of excess weight is relevant for men and women of any age, because excessive fat deposits spoil not only the figure, but also health. However, getting rid of unnecessary pounds is always difficult, and even athletes have excess fat. It is not without reason that the most common sports supplements include so-called fat burners - drugs that increase body temperature and give a boost of energy by significantly accelerating the breakdown of lipids. Such products are usually intended for bodybuilders, the predominant representatives of which are men. But currently, Lipo 6, a fat burner for women from Nutrex, is becoming increasingly popular in the sports nutrition market.

According to the manufacturer, the product is adapted to the characteristics of the female body, is completely safe for health and is most effective for weight loss. In addition, under this name, today a whole line of fat burners is produced with slightly different compositions, among which you can easily choose the one that suits the needs of a particular body.


The preparations in the “Lipo 6” line are unique capsules with a special structure and specially selected components that provide accelerated fat burning and rapid weight loss. Their uniqueness lies in their 2-stage action system, which ensures maximum efficiency in fat burning and weight loss. Substances released in the first phase provide:

  • a surge of energy;
  • increasing muscle tone;
  • decreased appetite.

The ingredients included in the process in the second phase stimulate:

  • launch of metabolic processes;
  • activation of metabolism;
  • removal of excess fluid.

The specified mechanism of operation of fat burners in this line is ensured by the special structure of the capsule according to the “2 in 1” principle:

  • the first (outer) shell contains liquid, instant substances;
  • under the second (internal) - components consisting of solid particles that dissolve within 24 hours.

Due to this structure, the effect of the active ingredients appears a few minutes after taking and dissolving the first capsule, and then continues throughout the day, thanks to the slow absorption of substances from the second capsule.

Attention! “Lipo 6” is an extremely effective fat burner for women, but it is far from a “magic pill”, so it cannot provide weight loss on its own. Active components help speed up the process of fat breakdown without eliminating the need for a low-carbohydrate diet and increased physical activity.

The more intense the training and the lower the calorie intake while taking the drug, the sooner you will be able to achieve the desired results. The average weight loss under these conditions is usually 5-7 kg in 1 month. More intensive weight loss is not recommended as it can be harmful to health.

The combination of fat-breaking ingredients, according to the manufacturer, was not chosen at random. They work not only separately, but also provide a pronounced synergistic effect. Moreover, each of them is well known and is used as part of most weight loss and fat burning products. However, in this particular line they are assembled according to a unique scheme - in two combined capsules (one inside the other) and work alternately, simultaneously providing first quick and then prolonged results.

The scheme of operation of the active components is as follows:

  1. After the onset of the first phase effect, which is similar to the result of taking a conventional fat burner, a large number of fatty acids that penetrated into the blood from adipocytes (lipid cells), without the presence of a load, return to fat deposits after a certain time.
  2. Ingredients that penetrate the blood in the second phase prevent this by maintaining metabolism at a high speed and not allowing the released fatty acids to return back to lipid cells, but are broken down to release energy.

At the same time, Lipo 6 fat burners for women reduce appetite, increase energy and normalize the emotional and mental state, providing maximum round-the-clock results.

Fat burner Lipo 6x and alcohol

And again the question arises about the possibility of drinking alcoholic beverages during a course of fat-burning drugs. Let us repeat: it is not possible to find a consensus on this matter today. However, experts point out that it is not recommended to take alcohol to a greater extent during a fat burning course. This is explained by the fact that alcoholic drinks have a strong effect on all systems of the body, forcing them to work with double energy. It turns out that energy is wasted, and the amount of fat is definitely not reduced. In addition, alcohol lovers have a high level of appetite, which also speaks against alcohol while taking fat-burning drugs. Well, the choice is yours.

Summarizing all of the above, it is worth saying that fat burners from the Lipo-6 line have proven their professional suitability more than a dozen times. If you are looking for reliable comrades who will faithfully fight for you with annoying kilograms of excess fat, then it’s hard to find better than Lipo-6 or Lipo-6x. These drugs are trusted not just by those who like to push iron in the gym, but also by bodybuilding professionals.


This line of fat burners aimed at women includes the following products:

  • "Lipo 6 Hers";
  • "Lipo 6 Black Hers";
  • "Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate."

In addition to these drugs, the Lipo 6 series also includes fat burners intended for men and athletes - Black, X, Unlimited. They contain some potent substances that were excluded from the “female” capsules to obtain a more gentle effect on the body.

Lipo 6 Hers

When creating this drug for women, the main composition was changed in two components:

  • guggulsterones were completely removed;
  • caffeine concentration decreased significantly.

Due to this approach, it was possible to minimize the impact on the endocrine system. It has also been claimed that Lipo 6 Hers has the ability to fight cellulite, but this claim is not supported by any evidence.

The description of the complex indicates that the composition of the capsules is selected exclusively taking into account the needs of the female body; it provides not only general weight loss, but also the most intensive breakdown of fat in the most problematic areas of the female body. At the same time, under the influence of the active ingredients of the fat burner, a number of positive changes occur:

  • improves mood and overall tone;
  • metabolic rate increases;
  • the feeling of hunger is blocked, appetite decreases;
  • the level of endurance rises, a charge of energy is added;
  • The breakdown of fat cells is activated, and rapid weight loss begins.

Correct combination and precise dosing of all components ensures guaranteed fast, high and long-lasting results.

Lipo 6 Black Hers

The second fat burner for women from Lipo 6 Black Hers differs from its predecessor in that its formula, although it contains the same components, is presented in a slightly different form:

  • Yohimbine – in not one, but three different forms;
  • thyronine - respectively, in two forms.

As it claims, it is intellectually tuned to cellular programming of burning excess fat mass and preventing its subsequent accumulation. This is achieved by stimulating special receptors and accelerating calorie burning. At the same time, double thyronines enhance lipid metabolism, and three types of yohimbine maximize the release of fats. Thanks to such changes, the complex has become much more efficient, but also 1.5 times more expensive.

Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate

This complex is one of the strongest fat burners produced by Nutrex. In terms of the set of components, it does not differ from the “Black Hers” described above, but their concentration is several times higher. Thanks to its ultra-concentrated formula, this product has maximum effectiveness in the fight against subcutaneous fat due to powerful stimulation of the central nervous system and the activity of the thyroid gland.

It is Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate that is considered the best of all the complexes presented in this line of women's fat burners. A course of taking these capsules allows you to get a pronounced effect in the shortest period of time. But you need to take the complex with caution, since its components are quite concentrated and can cause adverse reactions.


Fat burners designed for women's weight loss contain a large variety of components. Each drug in this line is based on 7 powerful substances:

  • synephrine;
  • yohimbine;
  • B-phenylethylamine;
  • folic acid;
  • caffeine;
  • biotin;
  • methylsynephrine.

Each of them is a fairly common ingredient in many fat burners and weight loss products. But the uniqueness of this line lies precisely in the 2-phase release described above and the action of all components.


The main source of synephrine, a plant-derived alkaloid, is the fruit of the wild orange. Synephrine has a similar effect on the adrenal system and increases the metabolic rate, which consumes about 70% of the calories needed to support the body. This increases the amount of energy burned, which leads to natural fat loss and weight loss.

According to studies, synephrine can cause you to burn more than 180 kcal, which is equivalent to a 20-minute run. When taken daily as part of a fat burner for women, it provides the loss of 1300 additional calories, which is more than 100 g of fat mass. Moreover, when synephrine and caffeine are combined in Lipo 6, a synergistic relationship is formed that enhances their fat-burning properties, which leads to even greater fat consumption than when using these components separately.

Additional effects of using synephrine as part of fat burners include:

  • enhancing the thermogenic effect of food;
  • increased energy expenditure of the body;
  • suppressing hunger between meals;
  • destruction of the most difficult fat to break down (on the abdomen, hips, sides).

These actions are explained by the ability of synephrine to influence alpha and beta receptors, as well as enhance the activity of catecholamines.


This is another plant alkaloid that has a stimulating effect and is used by bodybuilders to lose fat and increase libido. Yohimbine began to be extracted from the bark of the Yohimbe tree, native to central Africa, and was later discovered in several other plants.

The product in the fat burner has several pronounced effects:

  • sympatholytic;
  • stimulating;
  • antidepressant;
  • psychostimulant;
  • lipolytic.

Yohimbine is well tolerated, quickly absorbed and eliminated. When consumed simultaneously with fats, it helps reduce their concentration in the blood. Even high doses do not cause adverse reactions and have a mild effect:

  • moderately increase breathing and heart rate;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • improve your mood.

In fat burners for women, yohimbine plays the role of a fat-breaking component, which simultaneously stimulates the central nervous system, improves concentration, and allows you to increase the intensity and duration of workouts.

Sometimes, when using drugs based on yohimbine, some negative symptoms may appear - tachycardia, pressure fluctuations, increased agitation, insomnia, dizziness, headaches, redness of the skin. Contraindications to the use of this alkaloid are hypertension, tachycardia, ischemic heart disease, kidney and liver diseases, mental disorders, individual intolerance.

Before taking the Lipo 6 fat burner for women, you need to not only familiarize yourself with the components included and their individual properties. It is very important to know the consequences that come from combined use, since in a synergistic relationship these substances can enhance each other’s qualities, giving a more pronounced final effect. In addition, we should not forget that the content of the same ingredients in regular “Lipo 6 Hers”, more con and ultracon are completely different, and the instructions for use are the same for all. Therefore, for the first use it is better to choose the weakest fat burner, and then, as you get used to it and in the absence of side effects, move on to stronger options.


β-Phenylethylamine (PEA) is a neuromodulator of psychological energy that improves interpersonal relationships and increases sympathy between people. In the human body, it is secreted together with the hormones of happiness - dopamine and serotonin, but its effect on the emotional sphere is unique. In addition, β-phenylethylamine taken in supplements is very quickly destroyed in the stomach, and therefore requires combination with special substances that prevent this process.

In Lipo 6 fat burners, beta-phenylethylamine performs the following functions:

  • stabilizes the emotional and mental state;
  • increases vital activity and desire to play sports;
  • prevents breakdowns due to nervousness;
  • improves mood, eliminates depression;
  • increases the number of heart contractions;
  • raises blood pressure;
  • accelerates blood flow and delivery of nutrients to muscles.

Side effects from β-phenylethylamine are rare and include headache and dizziness. This substance is contraindicated for persons suffering from phenylketonuria.

Folic acid

Vitamin B9, or folic acid, is produced in small doses by intestinal microflora, and the missing amount must come from food. However, there are few food sources of this valuable vitamin, so most people are deficient. In this regard, many internal processes for which folic acid is responsible are disrupted, including:

  • cell growth and DNA integrity, which leads to the development of tumors;
  • functioning of the immune system;
  • activity of the heart and blood vessels;
  • amino acid synthesis.

A lack of vitamin B9 is manifested by the following consequences:

  • megaloblastic anemia, symptoms of which may include digestive disorders, chronic fatigue, hair loss, and the formation of ulcers on the oral mucosa;
  • infertility - in both sexes;
  • problems during pregnancy - placental abruption, miscarriage or premature birth, fetal pathologies;
  • worsening mood, turning into depression;
  • brain dysfunction - memory loss, insomnia, nervousness, causeless aggression and anxiety.

Vitamin B9 is also essential for hematopoiesis, and its deficiency can lead to anemia. But the most noticeable beneficial effect of folic acid is on the nervous system. In fat burners, this component helps improve mood, increase endurance and performance.

Caffeine anhydrous

Anhydrous caffeine is a psychostimulant and analeptic substance that increases mental performance and physical activity, speeds up reactions, relieves fatigue, and eliminates drowsiness. However, the effect of caffeine is twofold: in small doses it stimulates, and in large doses it suppresses the nervous system.

In general, exposure to caffeine produces the following effects:

  • deepening and rapid breathing;
  • activation of the functions of the vasomotor center, relaxation of the walls and dilation of the blood vessels of the heart, kidneys, muscles with simultaneous narrowing of the blood vessels of the brain, decrease in cerebral circulation and oxygen pressure;
  • activation of the secretory activity of the stomach;
  • moderate diuretic effect;
  • increased basal metabolism - increased glycogenolysis and lipolysis.

Despite the high effectiveness of this component, its concentration in fat burners for women is slightly reduced compared to drugs in this series for men. This is due to a rather strong effect on the main systems and a high probability of developing adverse reactions, in particular:

  • on the part of the central nervous system - excessive agitation, anxiety, sleep disturbance, possible dependence with long-term use;
  • from the cardiovascular system - arrhythmia, tachycardia, increased blood pressure;
  • from the digestive system - nausea and vomiting syndrome.

Contraindications to caffeine consumption are organic diseases of the cardiovascular system, arterial hypertension, glaucoma, excessive excitability, sleep disorders, and old age.

Hoodia gordonia

The South African stem succulent Hoodia Gordonia helps reduce weight due to the presence of a unique P57 molecule. This steroidal glycoside is able to suppress appetite, significantly increase the activity of glucose supplied with food and accelerate the onset of a feeling of satiety. In addition, Hoodia Gordonia, as a component of a fat burner, has a number of other effects:

  • stabilizes blood sugar levels;
  • interacts with vascular receptors, which helps not to feel hungry even with low glucose levels;
  • significantly reduces the number of calories consumed.

The benefits of using Hoodia Gordonii for weight loss include:

  • does not give side effects;
  • does not cause addiction or dependence;
  • does not have a laxative effect;
  • prevents sagging skin after weight loss.

At the same time, the plant normalizes metabolic processes, has a healing effect and has virtually no contraindications (except for individual intolerance, pregnancy and breastfeeding). In general, Hoodia Gordonia is considered one of the safest means for losing weight. It eliminates the main problem of obesity - excess calorie consumption, practically eliminating the need for increased physical activity.


A water-soluble B vitamin (vitamin B7, vitamin H, coenzyme R), biotin, performs a number of important functions:

  • participates in carbohydrate metabolism, interacting with insulin;
  • activates the production of a substance that triggers glucose metabolism - glucokinase;
  • accelerates gluconeogenesis, glycogen synthesis and absorption of their reserves;
  • helps absorb protein;
  • controls fat metabolism;
  • supports the functioning of other B vitamins;
  • improves the breakdown of fatty acids and fat burning.

Another important function of biotin in a fat burner for women is due to the sulfur content, due to which this substance is called a beauty vitamin, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, and nails. Also, the role of biotin is to bind carbon dioxide and purines, which are the guardians of the body's hereditary information. With biotin deficiency, muscle weakness, apathy, drowsiness appear, and over time, the functions of the nervous system are disrupted.

Vitamin H is essential for stable blood sugar levels. Not only increased, but also too low concentrations of sugar are harmful to health, and biotin brings this indicator back to normal and maintains it at the proper level.


This is a new stimulant with important fat burning properties. In Lipo 6 capsules, methylsynephrine provides the following effects:

  • activates metabolism and increases its basic speed;
  • accelerates the oxidation of fatty acids;
  • increases calorie expenditure.

The substance acts similar to synephrine, but is more powerful, especially in terms of fat burning. The second difference is the modification of the structure by the inclusion of a methyl group on the alpha carbon, which increases the affinity of the compound for beta receptors and, therefore, increases its effectiveness.

How to use

When using any complex from the women's line under consideration, you must strictly follow the dosage regimen proposed by the manufacturer. Also, we must not forget about the presence in the “Lipo 6” series of fat burners for men, the instructions for which do not correspond to the instructions for women.

Attention! To understand which drug from the line to choose and how to take it correctly, you need to start with the minimum doses. This will help you check the body’s individual reaction to the components without harm to your health, as well as decide on a further dosage regimen.

The following mode of application is optimal for women:

  • Days 1–2 - 2 capsules: the first before breakfast, the second after 6 hours (before lunch);
  • Days 3–4 - 3 capsules: 2 before breakfast and 1 before lunch (also with an interval of 6 hours);
  • starting from day 5 - 4 capsules: 2 according to the same scheme.

Lipo 6 should be taken 30 minutes before meals with plenty of water. The maximum duration of one course is 8 weeks, the break between courses is 1 month.

At the same time as taking the fat-burning complex, it is recommended to adhere to a low-calorie diet and increase physical activity. You should also completely abstain from alcohol so as not to put excess strain on your heart.

Who is Lipo 6 suitable for?

Lipo 6 is a strong thermogenic. The target audience is experienced athletes, fitness bikini girls and those who are already following a diet. Let's consider special cases:

— You weighed 100 kg, and lost up to 80 kg. The lower the weight, the less progress in losing weight. To avoid getting stuck, you use Lipo 6;

— You are preparing for a fitness bikini competition or for the beach season. You have a moderately low body fat percentage (15 to 20%). Simple diets and workouts do not help get rid of the most problematic areas. Lipo 6 may help by increasing energy expenditure;

— You get tired during training, you can’t concentrate, and the lack of progress reduces your motivation. Lipo 6 could be a push forward.

If you have not learned to control the balance of calories in your diet or exercise, then it is too early to think about taking Lipo 6 and other fat burners.


Despite the unique 2-phase system and high efficiency, “Lipo 6” has not only advantages, but also disadvantages - contraindications and side effects. In most cases, the fat burner is well tolerated, but the manufacturer does not recommend taking the drug in the following situations:

  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • under the age of 18;
  • in the presence of individual intolerance to the components.

Although, taking into account the rather powerful composition, any pathologies of the cardiovascular system, thyroid gland and chronic diseases in the acute stage should be added to the list of contraindications. This addition especially concerns the most powerful drug - “Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate”.

If you violate the instructions and rules for taking the Lipo 6 fat burner, side effects may occur:

  • sudden jumps in blood pressure;
  • headaches;
  • increased excitability;
  • indigestion.

If these symptoms occur, it is necessary to reduce the dose to a comfortable one or completely abandon the drug. It is also necessary to check the expiration date of the capsules.

In addition, if you follow a too low-calorie diet while taking a fat burner for women, side effects may result in a lack of nutrients. Therefore, to preserve muscles from the destructive consequences of catabolic reactions, and immunity, skin and hair from vitamin deficiency, you should take amino acids and a vitamin-mineral complex during fat burning.

Side effects of Lipo 6 – reviews from doctors

Lipo 6 is a strong fat burner, so even when taken correctly in the first days, people report dizziness and pressure changes. Synephrine and caffeine will make you hyperexcited and difficult to sit still. Yohimbine affects blood sugar and blood pressure. It can rise to a high level, causing you to feel apathy, shaking hands, and trembling. And all this against the backdrop of increased heart rate due to stimulants such as caffeine.

Everyone reacts differently to Lipo 6. Most will feel uncomfortable in the first few days of taking it. Therefore, we recommend that you start taking the supplement with half the indicated dosage. After three days, you can gradually increase the dose to normal. Such a smooth transition into the regime will insure you against side effects.

If you exceed the dose, you will get a whole bunch of negative effects, starting with pressure drops and ending with nausea and trembling.


Nutrex products are classified as high-quality and expensive. You can purchase such fat builders mainly in online sports nutrition stores at the following price:

  • Lipo 6 Hers: No. 60 − 450–600 rubles;
  • No. 120 − 1400−1500 rubles;
  • No. 240 − 2000–2100 rubles.
  • Lipo 6 Black Hers:
      No. 60 − 700–800 rubles;
  • No. 120 – 2000–2200 rubles;
  • No. 240 − 3000–3100 rubles.
  • Lipo 6 Black Hers Ultra Concentrate:
      No. 60 − 1450–1600 rubles;
  • No. 120 − 2500–2700 rubles;
  • No. 240 − 4000−4200 rubles.
  • If we take into account how much 60 and 240 capsules cost, then for those who have been taking this fat burner for women more than once, buying a large jar will be much more profitable in terms of the price per 1 capsule. This will significantly reduce the cost of the product and provide you with the necessary supply for 1 course.

    Will Lipo 6 help you lose weight?

    Any fat burner, even a prohibited one, will not provide a long-term weight loss effect. Losing fat mass is a diet with nutrition. If you continue to eat high-calorie foods, no supplements will help you lose weight, since energy does not magically disappear. You and I went through this at school in physics lessons. Section – the law of conservation of mass.

    At the same time, if you maintain a calorie deficit, exercise, and get good rest, taking additional fat burner Lipo 6 for weight loss will not hurt. Provided you have a healthy heart.

    However, the main factor in weight loss remains control of calorie balance (getting less than you spend). Lipo 6 - like all other dietary supplements, is only an assistant. It doesn't start fat burning for you.

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