Delicious food. Tibetan medical science of the art of food


The monks' diet is based on a complete ban on meat and meat products. The daily menu consists of plant and dairy foods, which is why the diet is called lacto-vegetarian (or lacto-vegetarian), although fish is also allowed.

Proper nutrition consists not only in the selection of foods, but also in the procedure for eating. There are rules that are recommended to be followed to ensure that food brings more health benefits:

  1. Eat slowly and chew food thoroughly. To avoid a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, you should eat in small portions, about 200 grams per meal. Snacks are prohibited.
  2. Drink more mineral still water.
  3. Eat fresh foods.
  4. The most optimal preparation is steamed, you can stew, bake, but do not fry.
  5. Do breathing exercises and physical exercises.
  6. Don't eat right before bed.

Advice! It’s good to create a pleasant environment during a meal - turn on meditative music, it creates harmony in the soul and promotes proper nutrition.

Food of Tibetan monks. Separate meals for Tibetan monks

In addition to performing exercises that require incredible strength, the monks adhere to healthy eating principles with impressive consistency.

Llamas are vegetarians, eating eggs, butter and cheese, thereby maintaining normal functioning of the brain, muscles and nervous system.

The majority of llamas' meals consist of one dish. This is also one of the secrets of their phenomenal health. They never combine proteins with carbohydrates. The chemical reactions that occur in the stomach during the digestion of such food can cause bloating and even indigestion, which, according to the monks, reduces the quality and length of life. The principles that guide Tibetan monks correspond to the fundamental rules of certain diets known in the West.

Often a monk's meal consists solely of bread, one type of vegetable, or one type of fruit.

Tibetan monks have an interesting view on egg consumption. There are days when the lamas do not do any physical work. On such days they eat only egg yolks, without whites. It turns out that protein is used exclusively by muscles. It follows that it should not be consumed when no manual labor is expected. Egg yolk is rich in elements for the proper functioning of the brain, nerves and organs of the body. Therefore, it gives physical and mental strength.

Eat slowly and chew thoroughly

Another important principle in the diet of Tibetan monks is to eat food slowly and chew it thoroughly. The chewing stage is extremely important for digestion and easy absorption. Greedy swallowing of large pieces leads to unpleasant consequences for the stomach.

From a biochemical point of view, carbohydrates begin to be broken down in the oral cavity, while proteins are processed by the body longer. Thus, protein foods such as meat, poultry and fish should not be consumed with carbohydrates, and proper preparation increases the absorption of nutrients and vitamins.

In what cases do they resort to the Tibetan diet?

Diet of Tibetan monks
The diet of Tibetan monks, when properly combined with walks in the fresh air, adherence to sleep and rest, and meditation, helps well with many diseases, as well as for improving the general condition of the body:

  • increases immunity;
  • improves mental state;
  • promotes good sleep;
  • the nervous system is strengthened;
  • the body is cleansed.

Another important property of the diet of Tibetan monks is that it helps fight excess weight. It is known that excess weight not only spoils the figure, but also negatively affects the functioning of all internal organs - there is a risk of developing diabetes mellitus, Alzheimer's disease, problems with the heart and blood vessels, and depression occurs. A person seeks to get rid of such a “bouquet” and the effective diet of the monks of Tibet will help him with this.

Results: weight can be reduced by 4-5 kg ​​in a week, while digestion improves, the body is cleansed, metabolism accelerates, and other changes for the better occur.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Tibetan diet has many more advantages than other diets for weight loss. Key benefits:

  • the absence of meat products reduces the calorie and fat content of the diet, reduces the body’s contamination with metabolic waste;
  • the technique shows good results - losing 4-5 kg ​​in 7 days of eating plant foods and avoiding unhealthy foods;
  • the body is completely cleansed of toxins, free radicals, salts, and excess fluid;
  • metabolic processes in the body are improved due to easily digestible products;
  • productivity increases, brain function, spiritual and physical condition improves;
  • During the Tibetan diet, the body is mineralized and vitaminized;
  • the functioning of internal organs improves due to products of plant origin;
  • body cells are restored due to healthy food;
  • you can get rid of diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular and excretory systems;
  • The diet is combined with physical activity, which guarantees skin tightening during weight loss.

A huge list of positive qualities inspires confidence. There are only three disadvantages:

  1. Meat lovers may experience weakness as a result of completely avoiding animal protein.
  2. A low-calorie diet provokes a slight feeling of hunger.
  3. You cannot lose many kilograms at once on this diet; you will have to repeat it or change your usual diet.

What are the pros and are there any cons?

Dishes of Tibetan cuisine
Healthy nutrition has, according to scientists, a significant number of positive aspects:

  • the body becomes younger - the face becomes fresh, the figure becomes toned, the person feels ease of movement;
  • there is no need to starve - the diet is quite sufficient for adequate nutrition;
  • minimum financial budget - products are the most affordable;
  • easy to comply with, has few prohibitions;
  • effectiveness - you can get rid of up to 5 kg in a week;
  • metabolism is normalized;

Disadvantages: you will have to prepare food daily, fast food and semi-finished products are prohibited; you need to give up your favorite drinks, cigarettes and alcohol; It is forbidden to eat meat, and some people find it difficult to refuse.

Go inside yourself and never come back

The miracles of Tibetan monks have long amazed the whole world. Monks keep their secrets securely. How did you, Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich, manage to penetrate this mysterious world?

Svyatoslav Medvedev: It took a long time to penetrate, frankly speaking. I first met the Dalai Lama in 2009 when I was at a conference in India. He made a strong impression on me. I had an idea: to start collaborating to try to understand what is behind the amazing abilities of Tibetan monks. But for various reasons it didn’t work out then.

And in 2021, I participated in a dialogue between the Dalai Lama and Russian scientists on the topic “Understanding the World.” He remembered our previous meeting, we talked for a long time, and he suddenly said: “I would really like you to try to study the state of post-mortem meditation - tukdam, from the perspective of Western science.”

What is tukdam? What doesn't the Dalai Lama himself understand?

Svyatoslav Medvedev: In Buddhist sources, numerous testimonies describe states when the body of an experienced practitioner after his physical death does not decompose for many days or even several weeks. This is believed to occur when a practitioner dies during "deep" meditation. Actually, the word “tukdam” means post-mortem meditation. The Dalai Lama said that he would very much like to conduct a scientific study of this phenomenon: what causes it, what happens to the body, how a meditating monk can end up in this state.

I had heard about this before, before our conversation, but, to be honest, I didn’t believe it, I thought it was mysticism. In religion there is often wishful thinking. But then, in the process of working in monasteries, we began to collect eyewitness accounts, monks who observed this phenomenon. The abbot of one of the monasteries said that his teacher, realizing that the time had already come to leave this world, gathered his students, began to meditate and left within about an hour. Moreover, as he sat in the lotus position, he remained in it - with a straight back and head.

Later, our scientific group had the opportunity to directly observe and study these states. I myself saw the bodies of deceased practitioners - they did not have any cadaveric signs, the complete impression was that a living person simply fell asleep, you could even take him by the hand, raise him, lower him.

That is, you are allowed into the holy of holies of the shrine. Why?

Svyatoslav Medvedev: This is what the Dalai Lama said: “If I see that Buddhist dogma contradicts scientific fact, I think the dogma needs to be changed.”

This itself already sounds like a miracle... Why does he need this?

Svyatoslav Medvedev: He says that they have a lot of what are perceived as miracles: “When we explain a phenomenon from the point of view of our religion, people can believe us or not believe us, but we cannot prove anything, we have no significant arguments. If science confirms this, then no one will be able to doubt it. We want our knowledge to be tested by scientists.” When I heard this, I was shocked.

But the tukdam phenomenon has long been known. Has no one studied this miracle yet?

Svyatoslav Medvedev: I haven’t studied it. Moreover, invasive research was not allowed even by the world’s most authoritative expert on Tibetan practices and the physiology of Buddhism, the American Richard Davidson, who has been studying Buddhist meditation for many years.

Why is there such distrust of a famous American who, as you say, has been studying Buddhist practices for a long time, and, conversely, trust in newcomers to this problem?

Svyatoslav Medvedev: Not exactly. Davidson, while studying meditation, obtained very interesting results. But it is important to note that he did most of his work not on monks, but on Western people who meditate.

Why did this happen? He began his research more than thirty years ago, when the Tibetan Buddhist community was not yet ready to cooperate with Western researchers. In the book “The Emotional Life of the Brain,” he talks about his first contacts with famous lamas in India, and how at first they generally refused to participate in research.

Now times have changed, and almost all monasteries teach the basics of Western sciences - physics, mathematics, brain sciences. Therefore, the attitude towards research is different. Now we are collaborating with Davidson’s group on tukdam research, exchanging results, discussing them, and have begun to jointly study specific cases.

But if we talk about trust in our group, then most likely our approach to organizing research was decisive. After all, practicing monks are special people from a different culture, and it was required that during the experiments they be as open as possible so that they feel very comfortable. And we decided that the best option is to prepare a group of research monks who will contact practitioners during the experiment. We selected and invited a group of young monks to Russia, trained them to work with modern technology, which we then equipped in laboratories opened last year in India. And these students of ours began to conduct experiments with more than a hundred monks who kindly agreed to participate in the research. Of course, under the leadership of Russian scientists.

I understand that your research only recently started, and then the coronavirus intervened and confused all the cards. But are there any first results? Are you at least half a step closer to the solution: why does the body not decompose?

Svyatoslav Medvedev: This is the situation now. At first we had a version that after meditation the monk’s brain does not die, some activity remains in it, and it keeps the body in good shape. However, all attempts to fix it ended in nothing. There is no brain activity.

And I, like the Dalai Lama, do not believe in miracles. What could it be then? Another version has emerged: under the influence of meditation, some substances are released in the monk’s body that protect cells from decomposition. This is what we have to check. First of all, answer the question: what processes occur in the body of a practitioner who performs certain types of meditation during life, immediately during dying, and then after physical death, if the state of tukdam is recorded. These are three stages of long-term interdisciplinary research on a large group of monks.

Therefore, invasive studies are necessary - take blood, biological fluids to see what has changed there, why the tissues do not disintegrate. Until now, Buddhists have not given permission for such research, but now, with the support of the Dalai Lama, I hope this will succeed. Of course, we cannot cope with this task alone, so the team consists of MSU specialists under the leadership of Professor A.Ya. Kaplan, Institute of Medical and Biological Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences under the leadership of Professor Yu.A. Bubeeva.

Now about the first results. We studied 94 monks who performed a certain type of meditation, when the practitioner seems to “withdraw into himself,” isolate himself from the outside world, and do not react to any external signals. But how does he manage to do this? After all, the reaction to an external stimulus is one of the main functions of the brain. One might say, the key to our survival. Ancient man became alert at any unexpected sound; it was a danger signal. This mechanism is inherent in us by nature, it works - and this was shown, among other things, during research at our institute - even in people in a coma. And most importantly, this mechanism, as previously thought, is absolutely not controlled by consciousness. You cannot turn it off by any force of will. And now for the first time we saw that this happens during certain meditations.

For the first time, we saw how monks turn off a system that, as previously thought, was absolutely not controlled by consciousness

What exactly does this “miracle” look like?

Svyatoslav Medvedev: During meditation we record an electroencephalogram. It shows how an ordinary person reacts to a sudden signal that appears against the background of a series of standard signals to which the brain is already accustomed. You and I have a normal reaction, prescribed by nature: the signal increases sharply. And for monks, during meditation used to go into tukdam, it is much less. For some, it even disappears completely. This is the first time we have observed such a phenomenon. How they manage to do this, what happens in the body, remains to be studied.

What is the practical significance of this research?

Svyatoslav Medvedev: In general, any new scientific knowledge is practical, even if it is not visible now. The atomic bomb was detonated just ten years after Rutherford declared the practical impossibility of using atomic energy. First of all, we hope to gain new knowledge about the brain, which may help us get closer to solving the mystery of how it works. And of course, we hope to gain new knowledge about human capabilities.

Science has gained access to the unique knowledge of Tibetan monks. Photo: Igor Yancheglov

Information about the mechanisms of consciousness is extremely important for practice. This includes the formation of crews, say, of an airplane or a spaceship, and the maintenance of a moral climate in society. Note that most accidents are now caused by human error. Airplanes crash, land and water transport accidents. And all because I didn’t concentrate, didn’t attach importance, didn’t notice. Meditation is control of consciousness, control of self-control, concentration. Try sitting still for several hours and concentrating on a specific activity without interruption. Can't you? But monks can. This means that if we understand the mechanisms of their meditation, we will understand how an ordinary person can effectively control his emotional state, and possibly the entire body. In addition, fundamentally new knowledge will probably be obtained, as is always the case when studying a completely new and incomprehensible phenomenon, in particular, the existence of tissues in extreme conditions.

How does it feel for you, a person of completely European culture, and even more so a scientist accustomed to certain methods of cognition, to enter a completely different world, where completely different principles work?

Svyatoslav Medvedev: Incredibly interesting. Indeed, you open up a new world. This is the society, the atmosphere in monasteries, which are significantly different from ours. This is another world of ideas and ideas, which makes a great impression even on a person who does not share Buddhist views. I am currently preparing a new edition of my book “Brain vs. Brain” and have already written a chapter about my impressions.

About miracles

I can’t help but ask, have you seen the “loud” miracles that are most often written about in connection with Tibetan monks - flying in the air, sitting in boiling water?

Svyatoslav Medvedev: No, I haven’t seen it. You touched on a very important, even fundamental point. I will say something that may be paradoxical for many, but I am sure of it: when starting such research, you cannot trust yourself. This is a unique civilization, which is more than two thousand years old, and which did not “notice” the collapse of many empires, nor Alexander the Great, nor the Crusade and other events that radically changed the course of history. But Tibetan civilization was not interrupted. For more than two thousand years, she actually dealt with one thing - methods of influencing consciousness. And she has achieved very impressive success in this. We look at their achievements and do not understand their essence, we do not understand how they do it. In such a situation, it is not difficult for them to prove that I see something. As a rule, you see what you are being prepared for. If an ordinary magician can confuse me and hundreds of spectators, then why should I be confident that I can figure out what the monks are doing just by watching them. The only thing you can trust is the instrument readings.

By the way, once upon a time, on behalf of the Central Committee of the CPSU, a commission of academicians studied the phenomenon of the famous Kulagina, who claimed that she could move objects by force of will. And our best minds did not understand how she deceived them.

Svyatoslav Medvedev: The easiest person to fool is an academician. He is absolutely convinced that he knows everything, and therefore does not even admit the thought that he can be simply deceived.

About pseudoscience

Aren't you afraid of accusations that you are doing pseudoscience?

Svyatoslav Medvedev: The essence of our research is distantly related to religion in general and Buddhism in particular. We study objectively existing altered states of consciousness. Not their religious component, but their physiological nature. Altered states of consciousness exist - this is an objective fact. They occur in humans, for example, during sleep, under the influence of severe stress, or psychotropic drugs. Meditation is also a type of altered state of consciousness, and we study its psychophysiological mechanisms.

As for tukdam itself, such cases have already been a registered fact, and at least by two independent scientific groups, ours and Richard Davidson’s. What is its physiological and biochemical cause? In essence, these studies are no different from psychophysiological studies of a human operator and pathological studies of dead bodies. No mysticism.

Menu for seven days

Remember! Despite all its usefulness, Russian nutritionists do not recommend following the diet for more than a week when first used.

After familiarizing yourself with the basic principle of the diet, you can easily create it yourself. Portions should be 200-250 g.

First day
  • Tea, grain bread, fruit, some cheese.
  • Steamed fish, stewed vegetables, 120 g of cottage cheese.
  • Grated carrot and apple salad, buckwheat porridge without oil, compote.
Second day
  • Matsoni with bun, apple, juice.
  • Fruit salad, vegetable soup, bran bread.
  • Baked eggplants, cheese, grain bread, tomato.
The third day
  • Tea, cottage cheese casserole, pear.
  • Cabbage soup, salad of cucumbers, green onions and sweet peppers, fruit drink, bread.
  • Beetroot salad with garlic and cucumber, dressed with yogurt, bran bread, steamed chicken cutlet.
Fourth day
  • Curd soufflé, crackers, glass of tea.
  • Steamed fish, red cabbage salad with cucumber, bread, compote.
  • Stewed red beans, apple, mineral water.
Fifth day
  • Omelette, croutons, fruit salad.
  • Sweet pepper salad with tomatoes and garlic, plums.
  • Boiled fish, stewed Brussels sprouts with carrots, mineral water.
Sixth day
  • Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms, mineral water, plums.
  • Vegetarian cabbage soup, grain bread, Chinese cabbage salad with cucumber and carrots, fruit juice.
  • Steamed chicken meatballs, sour milk, bread, berries.
Seventh day
  • Kefir, 2 crackers, rice porridge.
  • Seafood, fruit salad.
  • Omelette, stewed beans, vegetable salad, mineral water.

The diet is balanced, it is well tolerated, and therefore has almost no contraindications.


The Tibetan diet lasts 7 days and involves a complete abstinence from meat products. In the classic version, this is a dairy-vegetarian diet, but today there are several variations:

  • on rice;
  • on porridge;
  • on herbs.

In fact, each of these methods only complements the classic version of the diet of Tibetan monks.

Classic version

The weekly diet consists exclusively of vegetables, fruits, cereals and dairy products.


  • First breakfast: a cup of milk.
  • Second breakfast: oatmeal with water – 250 gr.
  • Lunch: rice – 250 g, stewed vegetables – 250 g.
  • Afternoon snack: one small apple.
  • Dinner: boiled beans – 250 gr.


  • First breakfast: a glass of milk.
  • Second meal: oatmeal with water – 250 g.
  • Lunch: lean fish – 250 g, steamed broccoli.
  • Afternoon snack: fruit salad.
  • Dinner: tomato salad – 250 gr.


  • First breakfast: a glass of milk.
  • Second meal: steamed three-egg omelette.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup – 350 ml.
  • Afternoon snack: sandwich (whole grain bread, hard cheese, butter).
  • Dinner: boiled green beans – 250 g, grated carrot salad – 150 g.


  • First breakfast: green tea with honey.
  • Second meal: rice porridge – 250 g.
  • Lunch: noodle soup – 350 ml.
  • Afternoon snack: steamed vegetables – 350 gr.
  • Dinner: cottage cheese – 250 g.


  • First breakfast: a cup of milk.
  • Second meal: salad (leaf lettuce, sesame seeds, olive oil, feta cheese) – 350 gr.
  • Lunch: tomato soup - 350 ml.
  • Afternoon snack: vegetable salad from seasonal vegetables – 350 gr.
  • Dinner: yogurt – 250 g.


  • First breakfast: a cup of milk.
  • Second meal: boiled beans – 250 gr.
  • Lunch: borscht – 350 ml.
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese – 350 g, dried apricots – 5-6 pieces.
  • Dinner: fruit salad – 250 g.


  • First breakfast: green tea with honey.
  • Second breakfast: fruit salad – 250 gr.
  • Lunch: vegetable stew – 350 ml.
  • Afternoon snack: beet salad with raisins – 350 gr.
  • Dinner: cottage cheese – 250 g.

During the entire week of the Tibetan diet, it is important to remember to drink enough water. If you have a strong feeling of hunger, you can eat nuts, dried apricots, prunes, dried fruits, but in moderation.

On rice

This is a powerful program for cleansing the body. With the help of rice, wastes and toxins are removed, and the level of “bad cholesterol” is reduced. To carry out the rice detox diet, you will need unpolished or brown rice, prepared in a special way.

Option 1 (classic)

You need to take 5 small glass containers (you can use baby puree) and stick stickers with numbers from 1 to 5 on them.

Rinse two tablespoons of rice and pour into jar No. 1. Cover loosely with a lid and refrigerate overnight. The next morning, the rice from the first jar is washed well and filled with new water. And a new portion is poured into jar No. 2. Thus, starch is removed from the cereal, it becomes “porous”, perfectly absorbs toxic, carcinogenic compounds, salts, and then removes them from the body.

The manipulations are repeated until all 5 jars are filled. On the sixth day, in the morning, rice from jar No. 1 must be washed and eaten raw or cooked without salt. The rice is eaten, and a new portion is poured into jar No. 1. And so on in a circle.

Duration of the cleansing diet: from 10 days to 2 months.

Option 2 (express)

In the morning on an empty stomach, eat raw rice grains in an amount equal to your age.

The duration of this version of the Tibetan diet: from 7 days to 1 month.

Option 3 (gentle)

In the morning, half an hour before meals, you need to drink a glass of water. Breakfast consists of rice porridge without salt, sugar or butter.

Duration: from 7 days to 1 month.

For any of the cleansing options, do not eat or drink for three hours after eating rice.

After cleansing, nutrition should be as “correct” as possible.

Be sure to take potassium and calcium supplements, eat dried apricots, prunes, baked potatoes, and figs, because along with harmful salts, healthy ones will be washed out of the body.

On porridge

In the morning on an empty stomach, eat 200 grams of any porridge prepared without salt and oil. Green buckwheat, oatmeal (not cereal), wheat, corn, and barley are suitable. After the diet, adhere to proper nutrition and drinking regimen.

On herbs

To improve vision and reduce weight, you need to mix dry herbs in one container:

  • birch buds – 100 g;
  • chamomile – 100 gr;
  • St. John's wort – 100 gr;
  • immortelle – 100 gr.

Then 1 tbsp. l. pour 100 ml of boiling water over the mixture, leave for 25-30 minutes, add a teaspoon of honey.

Take 2 times a day 20 minutes after lunch and dinner.

Course duration: 30 days.

Milk and garlic for blood pressure

Milk and garlic for hypertension
Garlic has long been used in folk medicine to treat hypertension. This is a gentle way to reduce blood pressure and improve the condition of blood vessels using natural products. There are several known methods for preparing the medicinal product.

First way:

Finely chop a few cloves of garlic and pour in hot milk, leave for 3 hours.

Application: 1 table. spoon 2-3 times a day for a week. After a few days, repeat the procedure.

Second way:

Take three cloves of garlic, pour in 120 g of milk, cook for half an hour. Strain the cooled broth, add a pinch of chicory.

Application: 1 table. 3 tablespoons of the product daily for two weeks after meals, repeat the procedure after 14 days.

Raw rice diet

Raw rice with vegetables in Tibetan
The effect of eating raw rice is achieved by the absorption properties of removing salt, improving the condition of the body as a whole, as well as:

  • improves metabolism;
  • the skin is cleansed and becomes more youthful;
  • waste and toxins are removed;
  • the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized;
  • swelling disappears;
  • loses up to three kilograms per week.

How to cook: add water to the rice and change the water every day, rinsing the grains and adding water again. On the 6th day, this rice is poured with hot food and eaten.

The point of the diet is that cereals are consumed after 6 days of soaking, pouring a new portion of the product every day.

Our body is not accustomed to such food; in this case, you can lightly boil the product in a small amount of water.

For stomach problems, it is more effective to eat rice raw.

Directions for use: eat for breakfast, drink 250 ml of water 25 minutes before meals.

Important! After breakfast, do not drink for four hours.

Element of a healthy diet #1: food quality

These days, products often contain what we call chemicals. For example, antibiotics in the body of animals whose meat we eat, as a result of biochemical reactions, can reduce the “fire” of digestive processes and ultimately have a destructive effect on the human immune system. The same situation is typical for nitrates and phosphates: when they enter the body with products of plant origin, they gradually accumulate and over time worsen the immune system, leading to indigestion, constipation, obesity and other problems.

Today we increasingly hear calls to return to nature - people are aware of natural products and are trying to purchase them. The best choice is vegetables, fruits, grains, meat, spices, they contain all five primary elements.

“The first rule of life is respect for all people. The second is modesty. Third is honesty. Always keep your promises and be laconic. Then others will respect you too.”

Meat in Tibetan medicine is a very important part of the diet. It contains protein, which is very important for the body. Recently, substitutes for dietary supplements have appeared, which contain amino acids, vitamins and microelements. However, in Tibetan medicine it is believed that it is preferable to obtain all this from natural products, including meat. For example, if there is not enough calcium in the body, a Tibetan doctor will recommend a thick meat broth.

It is important to make it a rule never to eat spoiled and unripe vegetables and fruits, as well as burnt, undercooked and undercooked food, not to mention dishes that have been sitting in the refrigerator for some time. All food is good when freshly prepared.

Tibetan diet with herbs and milk mushroom

Milk mushroom diet with herbs
Herbal infusions help improve vision and skin condition. The duration of the procedure is one month.

To prepare a medicinal collection, you need to take 100 g of chamomile flowers, birch buds, bloodworm and goldenflower herbs and 50 g of honey herb - stevia.

Preparation: Mix the plants in equal quantities, one tablespoon at a time, and brew with boiling water. Let it brew for half an hour, strain and take morning and evening after meals.

Diets with milk mushroom:

The mushroom has unique properties: removes excess salt, fights heart disease, normalizes blood pressure, resolves benign tumors, optimizes the effect of medications, and acts as an antiallergic agent.

How to prepare: pour warm milk (250 mm) into a tablespoon of mushroom grains, leave to ferment for 24 hours, then strain.

Consume 200-250 milliliters per day. Last dose an hour before bedtime. Take for three weeks, take a break and repeat the course.

Nutrition in Tibetan medicine

Tibetan medicine distinguishes 3 groups of people with more or less similar characteristics of organisms - these are the so-called constitutional types: “wind”, “bile” and “mucus”. In all recommendations from the point of view of Tibetan medicine for treatment, prevention, nutrition and lifestyle, all 3 constitutions must be taken into account.

“Wind” is responsible for nervous regulation, “bile” is the digestive system, “mucus” is the endocrine and lymphatic systems. All three physiological components are all present in each of us, and as long as they are in harmony, a person is healthy. External and internal factors also influence human health. External factors include climate, nutrition, and lifestyle. Internal is the psycho-emotional state of a person, also the state of a person’s energy. The influence of food on a person is studied through taste, therefore in Tibetan medicine, when prescribing diet and medicine, great importance is attached to taste. During the day, a person should receive all 6 types of taste - bitter, sour, salty, spicy, sweet and astringent.

Tastes in food

  • Sweet suppresses Wind and Bile, but strengthens Mucus.
  • Sour suppresses Mucus, but enhances Bile.
  • Salty suppresses Wind and Mucus, but strengthens Bile.
  • Bitter suppresses Bile, but enhances Mucus and Wind.
  • Burning (acute) suppresses Wind and Mucus, but enhances Bile.
  • Astringent depresses Bile and stimulates Mucus and Wind.


“Slime” is a combination of the elements of water and earth, therefore it is a stable cold and heavy system. Provides its owner with physical endurance, strength and inertia. The digestion of people of the “Mucous” constitution is slow and they can often do without breakfast, so the appetite may initially be increased, and subsequently become moderate and even decreased. The process of eating for “Sliz” people brings pleasure and pleasure, so “Sliz” people prefer everything that tastes good, that is, they love everything sweet. Therefore, “Slime” people are prone to excess weight.

The “Slime” Constitution refers to the cold Yin Constitution, so food must be warm, and also, according to its heat capacity, everything must be entered into the body in a warm form. Recommended for people "Slime" pungent taste, sour taste, salty taste, warm and hot food. In terms of heat capacity, foods should be warm, neutral warm, and “Slime” people are recommended to eat boiled, stewed, baked, and steamed foods.


The “Bile” constitution is yang, hot, so the liver is activated and releases a large amount of endogenous waste (cholesterol complexes, bile pigments) into the blood. People of the “Bile” constitution love everything fried, spicy, fatty, so there may be an indignation of the “Bile” constitution.

The largest gland in the body is the liver, and when a large amount of bile is released, this condition in Tibetan medicine is called “an increase in big bad blood” and leads to the development of atherosclerosis, emotional instability and increased blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, cholelithiasis, chronic cholecystitis and pancreatitis.

People of “Bile” are recommended to eat warm, cool food, raw, salads, fresh berries and fruits, sweets - juices, compotes, fruit drinks, spices - preferably coriander, fennel, dill.


One of the main reasons for the indignation of “Wind” is poor lifestyle and nutrition. Therefore, people of “Wind” are prone to actions without any system, so they have difficulty following the regime. People of the “Wind” do not adhere to any diets and are also not recommended to eat sandwich food, on dry food, in a hurry. If you eat unevenly, unloaded, this can lead to disturbance of the “Wind”, that is, our nervous system can become indignant. Recommended for Vetra people: spicy, sweet, sour, salty.

Power multiplicity

  • 4-6 times a day, avoid long breaks in meals
  • Fasting is prohibited
  • You can't eat in a hurry
  • While eating, do not be distracted by reading, TV, or excited conversation.
2 to 3 times a day
  • 3-4 times a day, last meal at 18.00-19.00
  • Eat slowly, tasting to fill yourself up and enjoy less food
Sweet, sour, spicy salty tastesBitter, sweet, astringent tastesSpicy, sour, salty tastes
Food should be high in calories and appetizingAverage calorie content Avoid fatty, fried, smoked foods.

Food should be low in calories

Tibetan medicine uses procedures such as deep acupressure, acupuncture, moxotherapy, vacuum therapy, and stone therapy. The founder of the Naran clinic, Svetlana Galsanovna Choyzhinimaeva, wrote the book “Delicious Nutrition”, where you can find information on all three constitutions, as well as how to eat properly and follow the regime. We also recommend reading her book “Nutrition and Health.” It is very important to pay attention to proper nutrition, since nutrition and lifestyle have a great impact on the human body and health. Therefore, try to always eat on time; there should be no fasting, because in this case the body gets stressed. When a person is hungry, the “Wind” constitution is indignant, and the “Bile” and “Mucus” constitutions are also indignant. The trigger is stress, because when a person fasts during stress and anger, the liver produces bile, which causes an imbalance in the digestive, endocrine, and nervous systems.

In case of indignation of the “Bile” constitution, we recommend the “Five Amrit” fees. They calm the nervous system, there are herbal teas for baths. If you are upset about the “Mucous” constitution, we recommend tea for weight loss, since these people prefer fatty, sweet, and carbohydrate foods. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates should be supplied to the body in moderation and depending on the constitution.


The monks' diet has a small number of contraindications.

It is not recommended to use:

  1. For chronic diseases.
  2. During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  3. Children and elderly people.
  4. Allergic reaction to components.
  5. Hypertension and some heart diseases.
  6. Diabetes.
  7. During high physical activity.

There are some disadvantages - it can be difficult to give up meat products in your diet, and muscle mass may begin to deplete. It is necessary to drink large amounts of water. A person does not always achieve the desired results without following clear rules.

Recommendations from nutritionists and how to go out correctly

The classic version of the diet is quite balanced and nutritious, it can be used for a long time.

When returning to your normal diet, add porridge and eggs; you can add poultry, rabbit, veal, and liver to the vegetable side dish.

Do not snack, do not eat before bed, drink more still water and exercise. Minimize the consumption of baked goods, fatty foods, and alcoholic beverages.

Reviews from doctors about the Tibetan method of losing weight are positive; this is a remedy that has virtually no contraindications, and at the same time acts carefully and effectively.

Nutritionists recommend eating more nuts and seeds; the diet contains few animal fats, and vegetable fats do not fully replace them. You should be aware of contraindications and strictly follow the advice.

The Tibetan diet is healthy, effective and harmless. Doctors approve and recommend trying it for yourself if you have problems with excess weight.


From most of the reviews taken, we can draw the following conclusion: - The diet should be applied in summer-autumn; in winter, food should consist of higher-calorie foods due to heat transfer. — The properties of rice to take potassium from the body, which means you need to include potassium-containing foods (pumpkin, parsley, dried apricots, prunes). — Necessary compliance with the drinking regime. In the morning on an empty stomach, a glass of clean water; after eating rice, you need to drink it three hours later, because the rice will already be able to absorb all the decomposition products in the gastrointestinal tract. — While eating, try to chew the rice thoroughly, this will have a positive effect on cleansing.

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