Anabolic steroids (anabolic steroids)

In American bodybuilding, the use of anabolic steroids by ordinary gym goers is quite common. Like, for example, using protein or creatine.

In the post-Soviet space, it was mainly coaches and their athletes who knew about the existence of “prohibited” drugs, using them quietly.

They have become widespread in gyms relatively recently. And despite the abundance of information, there are still many questions about steroids. We will now consider some of them.

Application in sports

In short, over the 70-year history of the existence of anabolic steroids, a more effective means for gaining muscle mass and increasing strength has not yet been invented.

Just one example: all world and Olympic records in strength sports froze at around the 70s of the last century. And all because there is strict doping control and in the last 20-30 years, anabolic steroids have almost completely disappeared from the training of Olympians.

No, they are still using illegal hormonal drugs. But only those who are not caught during doping control. For example, growth hormone, insulin and peptides. However, they are far from steroids in terms of increasing strength and muscle mass.

And the opposite example is modern bodybuilding , strongman and powerlifting - non-Olympic sports that officially fight steroids. But in practice the situation is the same as in “big” sports in the 70s. Athletes continue to take anabolic steroids, getting the necessary results, and no one punishes them for this.

Bodybuilders nowadays are much bigger and more defined, and strongmen demonstrate cosmic levels of strength and continue to break records every month. And all this thanks to regular use of anabolic steroids.

List of steroids for gaining muscle mass

Medicines in the form of anabolic steroids are synthetic, that is, artificial, analogues of the male sex hormone - testosterone. In the male body, it is produced in the testicles, in an amount of approximately 5-7 mg per day.

The main function of testosterone is sexual. It is responsible for libido and the development of primary sexual characteristics, and also stimulates the growth of muscle mass and strength.

When taking medicinal anabolic steroids, the level of testosterone in the body increases several times. Accordingly, the rate of growth of muscle mass and strength accelerates several times.

Absolutely all types of steroids help increase muscle volume and strength. And if you follow a strict diet, they also have fat-burning properties.

However, there are a large number of varieties that specifically affect the development of one physical quality.

Let's name the best anabolic steroids for gaining muscle mass:

  1. Testosterone (testosterone enanthate, cypionate, mixes of testosterone esters - Sustanon 250 and its analogues)
  2. Nandrolone decanoate (Deca-durabolin, Retabolil) and nandrolone-phenylpropinoate
  3. Methandienone (Dianabol, Anabol, Naposim and their analogues)

This is the “golden three” of the most powerful anabolic steroids for the fastest muscle growth.

Next come the drugs, which are also quite effective, but still inferior in terms of results in terms of weight gain:

  1. Oxymethelone (Anaprol 50 and its analogues)
  2. Chlordehydromethyltestosterone (Turinabol)
  3. Trenbolone acetate (Parabolan) and trenbolone enanthate
  4. Boldenone undecylenate (Boldenone, Equipoise)
  5. Stanozolol (Winstrol - injection form)

The best steroids for gaining muscle mass

Pharmacology for sports

Greetings to blog readers, Alexander Bely is with you. Today we will touch on a topic called steroids for gaining muscle mass. Initially, I want to say that the article is purely informational, cautionary in nature, and you should not immediately swallow mountains of steroids as this is definitely harmful to your health. But considering that the blog is on a sports topic, and the topic of steroids in sports is very relevant, I cannot ignore this material.

In this article we will look at the most effective steroids that will help you build a large amount of muscle mass in a short period of time. This article will be of interest to beginners and experienced chemists, as well as to people who want to learn a lot of new things.

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Let's go over the basics

Anabolic steroids are pharmaceutical drugs that are used to increase body weight and strength and are sold strictly by prescription in pharmacy chains. Due to their chemical structure, they are derivatives of testosterone, the male sex hormone. The main effect of steroids is that they help accelerate the process of protein production in cells, and also give the body an artificial portion of testosterone, due to which muscle mass grows.

However, anabolic steroids change hormonal levels, which can cause harm and side effects to the body if used incorrectly. In addition to the anabolic effect, steroids have an androgenic effect, which I will talk about now.

During a course of steroids, muscle mass increases, this occurs due to additional artificial testosterone that enters the body. But many AS have androgenic activity, which produce the production of female sex hormones, which forms gynecomastia, which manifests itself in the form of swollen nipples, and excessive flooding with water is also often observed. But all this can be avoided with the correct use of steroids, timely PCT, and tests.

Types of steroids

After we have looked at the general description of steroids, I would like to talk about the most popular steroids that are used in the CIS countries.

1. Methane (methandrostenolone) is also called danabol. You've probably seen pink square tablets before, so this is methane. He is taken to courses to quickly gain muscle mass. It goes well with injectable steroids, most often used in a course of 8-12 weeks. Among the side effects, acne, waterloggedness stands out, and has a relatively average level of reversal.

But in order to minimize harm to the body, you should take Clomid or tamoxifen on PCT - drugs that neutralize the transformation of male sex hormones into female ones.

2. Turinabol. An oral steroid (tablets) that is great for beginners. Unlike Danabol, it allows you to gain lean muscle mass. The only disadvantage is the higher price relative to the same methane. This steroid is one of the safest. The optimal duration of a turinabol course is 5-7 weeks.

3. Deca Durabolin. An injectable anabolic steroid that is used in conjunction with any testosterone ester. Also a good option for the deca+methane course. For amateurs, the optimal dosage of deca per week would be 300-400 mg. If the dosage is exceeded, a number of unwanted negative side effects may occur. In general, this steroid gives a good increase in muscle mass, improves strength performance, and also provides good pumping.

4. Testosterone propionate is the best testosterone ester. This anabolic steroid is used by many professionals and amateurs in various sports. Due to its composition, it provides a good increase in muscle mass, helps increase strength and endurance. Testosterone propionate not only allows you to gain muscle, but also promotes the appearance of relief. A course of testosterone propionate can be used either solo or in combination with other speakers, which will give better results. The optimal dosage is 100-200 mg every 2-3 days.

If the dosage is exceeded, congestion and gynecomastia may appear, however, if propionate is used correctly, it is almost completely safe. In order to block estrogen, it is recommended to take anastrazole - you can buy it at any pharmacy.

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5. Sustanon. Which contains long (long-term absorption) and short testosterone esters. Sustanon is taken both in weightlifting and in martial arts, its main purpose is to increase muscle mass and strength. If you want to achieve maximum results, you can use it with a soundboard, optionally adding methane or turinabol. Side effects can only appear if the dosage is exceeded or with non-sterile injections. After the course you should take anastrazole.

6. Trenbolone enanthate. Surely you have heard of the saying steroid rage? It is this steroid that gives this aggression. In terms of its chemical composition, it exceeds propionate several times. As for the harm and benefit, this steroid helps to build lean muscle mass, gives an increase in strength, but the negative can include excessive excitability and aggression. Also, like other AS, it suppresses cartisol, a stress hormone.

The optimal dosage of trenbolone is 200-400 mg per week, for more experienced ones you can use 500-1000 mg. To minimize withdrawal after a cycle, proper PCT is recommended. Buy Clomid and use it as directed.

What to pay attention to

Now that we have looked at the most popular steroids, I would like to share some valuable tips that will help you.

1. Get tested. Before and after the course, you need to take tests, thanks to which you can monitor your health.

2. Seek help from experienced people. Before starting the course, it is recommended to consult with a familiar bodybuilder or trainer who has the relevant knowledge. It is not recommended to practice pharmacology on your own.

3. Give only sterile injections with clean hands. This is necessary to avoid infection.

Calculate your ideal sports weight!

4. Never forget about PCT. After a course of therapy, it helps to neutralize harm to the body, suppresses female hormones, and reduces rebound.

5. Don’t forget that strength, health and beauty at the same time can only be found in natural sports.

This article has come to an end, in it you learned about the most popular steroids, dosages, I shared valuable information that will undoubtedly help you, be sure to watch the video that I attach. If you liked the article, you can share it with your friends on social networks. Thank you for attention.


Steroids for strength development

Steroid medications to improve strength levels include the following:

  1. Testosterone
  2. Methandienone
  3. Nandrolone decanoate
  4. Trenbolone
  5. Stanozolol (tablets and injections)
  6. Turinabol
  7. Drostanolone propinoate (Masteron)

As you can see, the top three steroids for strength are the same - Testosterone, Methane and Deca.

And this is not surprising, since they contribute to the gain of muscle mass, and according to science, muscle strength is directly proportional to its physiological diameter.

That is, the larger the muscle, the stronger the person. That is why in strength sports there is a division into weight categories. The bigger and more massive the athlete, the stronger he is.

If you are limited in weight gain (a certain weight category) or need an increase in strength without a significant increase in muscle mass, then your option is Trenbolone, Winstrol, Turinabol and Masteron.

These drugs increase strength without significantly increasing muscle mass.

List of steroids for relief

Among the most effective drugs are the following:

  1. Testosterone propionate
  2. Stanozolol (Winstrol tablets and injections)
  3. Trenbolone acetate (Parabolan)
  4. Oxandrolone (Anavar)
  5. Turinabol
  6. Drostanolone propinoate (Masteron)

As you can see, other drugs are already leading here - Testosterone propionate, Winstrol and Trenbolone. These are classic steroids for drying the body in bodybuilding. As a rule, they are taken directly in this bundle, that is, simultaneously.

The peculiarity of such drugs is that they do not retain water in the body, unlike mass-gaining drugs. As a result, the muscles take on a more rigid appearance.

The most versatile steroid

If you rank steroids, testosterone will be in first, second and third place in any case.

Any of its esters (propionate, enanthate, cypionate, mixes) has the most powerful effect on the body compared to other types.

The thing is that any anabolic steroid, with any active ingredient, is converted into testosterone in the human body.

When absorbed in the body, an anabolic drug that is not initially testosterone loses some of its working properties. It also increases the load on the organs that perform this transformation (liver and kidneys).

So it turns out that all other steroids are an order of magnitude weaker than testosterone in its pure form. Strength, mass, relief - this drug will be number one everywhere.

Its only drawback is its injection form.

The prospect of injecting yourself on a regular basis discourages many people from using it.

True, they even produce testosterone patches and gels, but they have a very low concentration of the active substance, which is unsuitable for building muscle mass and strength.

Anabolic steroids (anabolic steroids)

general description

Anabolic steroids (anabolics) are drugs synthesized on the basis of the male sex hormone testosterone.

  • The most common anabolic steroids include drugs such as: Retabolil (synonyms: Nandrolone Decanoate, Deca-Durabolin, Turinabol-Depot, Northestosteronedecanoate, Phenobolin (Nerobolil, Turinobol, Durabolin, Nandrolone-phenylpropionate), Silabolin, Methandrostenolone (Nerobol, Dianobol, Methandinone ), Methylandrostenedione (Methandriol, Methasterone)
  • Synonyms and slang names: o Russian: anabolics, AC, food

Steroids are substances of animal or plant origin that have high biological activity and regulate vital processes in animals and humans. Steroids include the steroid alcohol cholesterol, cholic acid, etc. contained in the human body. The group of steroids also includes the so-called cardiac glycosides - substances of plant origin obtained from digitalis and lily of the valley plants.

Anabolic steroids include drugs synthesized on the basis of the male sex hormone testosterone, which is responsible in the body for the formation of a male muscular figure (the so-called androgenic effect).

In medicine, drugs of this group are used during the period of rehabilitation after serious illnesses and injuries that cause general exhaustion of the body, as well as to accelerate the healing of wounds and burns.

Anabolic steroids facilitate the absorption of substances necessary for cell growth, thereby stimulating weight gain and increased muscle strength. It is this property that has become the basis for the widespread non-medical use of anabolic steroids in sports.


According to some reports, already at the ancient Olympic Games, athletes used stimulants to improve athletic performance.

In 1865, there was the first officially registered case of doping in swimming competitions. And already in 1866, the first death associated with doping was registered. But, despite this fact, stimulant drugs of various effects are used almost everywhere in sports today.

However, the most widespread use of doping in sports began with the creation of synthetic testosterone in 1935 by A. Butinandt and L. Ruzicka. According to sports historians, the resounding success of German athletes at the 1936 XI Olympic Games in Berlin, when the German team won 33 gold medals, was ensured by the use of this particular drug.

In the 1950s-1970s, a large number of synthetic testosterone derivatives with reduced androgenic and increased anabolic properties were produced. Among them are Dianabol, Nerabol, Nerabol, Retabolil, Duranobolin, etc. These steroids were called anabolic.

At first, synthetic steroids were intended for medical purposes and were widely used to treat a number of diseases - cathexia, muscular dystrophy, pituitary dwarfism, burns, various injuries, anemia, cardiac weakness, etc. Then anabolic steroids began to be used to increase muscle mass and strength in horses, after which they attracted the attention of athletes. They are increasingly being used to increase muscle mass and physical strength of athletes. At the same time, the dosages of the drugs differed significantly from the therapeutic ones. In the early 60s, a craze for bodybuilding spread in the United States, and here anabolic steroids came in handy.

In the 50s, the drug methandrostelone was released, which actually revolutionized sports. The production of this drug in the former USSR was established in huge quantities, and almost all athletes involved in strength sports took it regularly.

In 1968, on the initiative of Prince Alexandre de Merode, an active participant in the Olympic movement, compulsory doping control was introduced for the first time at the Mexico City Olympics. When prohibited drugs, including anabolic steroids, were detected in the blood of athletes, athletes began to withdraw from competitions.

Usage and effects

  • Directions for use:

Anabolic steroids are produced in dosage forms both for oral use - in the form of tablets, and for intramuscular injection - in the form of solutions.

  • Action:

The main effect of anabolic steroids is to enhance the process of metabolism and production of substances that go towards building organic tissues. Because of this, they are also called building hormones. By retaining potassium, phosphorus and sulfur in the body, which are necessary for the synthesis of protein molecules, steroids stimulate protein production in the body.

At the molecular level, the androgenic effect of the anabolic steroid molecule is due to the fact that, when it enters the cell, it binds to the androgen receptor, activating it. In turn, the receptor acts on certain parts of the DNA molecule, triggering information about which protein should be produced. Thus, steroids “force” the cell to intensively produce muscle proteins, thereby promoting an increase in muscle mass.

The effectiveness and duration of action of the steroid depends on the chemical structure of the particular drug. For example, the anabolic effect from a single injection of phenobolin lasts up to two weeks, and the injection of the most powerful drug in this group, retabolil, affects the body for three months.

Harm and addiction

Most anabolic steroids have primarily hepatotoxic properties - that is, they negatively affect liver function. Therefore, such drugs are usually taken together with drugs that improve the functioning of this organ. In general, regular use of steroids contributes to hormonal imbalance in the body, which can lead to many pathologies. In men, they can be expressed in decreased sperm production, impotence and the development of prostate tumors. In women, the menstrual cycle may change, muscles and voice may become rougher, male-pattern hair growth may appear, etc. Regular use of steroids by teenagers can be especially dangerous: among other things, they sometimes cause premature cessation of growth.

In addition, with hypertrophied muscle development and due to increasing loads, there is a danger of rupture of ligaments and tendons.

As for addiction, anabolic steroids, having a tonic effect on the body, cause serious psychological addiction. Refusal to take them after prolonged use can lead the patient to deep depression.

Diagnosis and treatment

Symptoms of an overdose of anabolic steroids can include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, high blood pressure, cardiac dysfunction, as well as loss of appetite, increased aggressiveness and irritability.

Side effects from use

People probably know even more about the side effects of taking anabolic steroids than about their benefits. But in fact, this is the same group of drugs as any other.

Synthetic steroids were created for medical use to treat people for a number of diseases.

Like any other medicine, their use may or may not provoke negative reactions in the body.

To minimize the risk of side effects (and maybe even avoid them completely), there are medical recommendations for use that relate to dosages and duration of use.

The problem with bodybuilding is that doses taken here are several times higher than medical ones.

Well, the higher the dosage and duration of the course, the greater the likelihood of developing negative reactions in the body.

The most common side effects from taking steroids include:

  1. Increased blood pressure
  2. Increased blood viscosity (risk of cardiovascular disease)
  3. Additional stress on the liver and kidneys
  4. Acne
  5. Gynecomastia (breast enlargement)
  6. Suppression of the production of your own testosterone
  7. Testicular atrophy
  8. Premature baldness
  9. Negative effects on the psyche (steroid rage)

If you decide to use these drugs, take the issue seriously. Consult your doctor and plan a course with a competent specialist.

Are there AAS without side effects?

It should be said right away that all steroids have a certain set of negative effects. You can find many articles on the Internet that some drugs in this group do not pose a danger to the body, for example, Oxandrolone or the drug Turinabol. We can agree with this statement, but only partially.

It is important to remember that the safety of any AAS depends on its use. Beginning athletes should strictly follow the recommendations and not exceed the indicated dosages. In addition, after each course it is necessary to conduct PCT. All drugs included in this top, if used correctly, will not cause side effects. This is the only reason they can be considered safe. However, the risks of negative effects should not be completely excluded.

Are there safe anabolic steroids?

There are no completely safe steroids. There are “soft” drugs that were created for the treatment of children and women. Such, for example, as Anavar and Primobolan.

If healthy men take them in medical dosages, there are no side effects at all. But the growth of muscle mass and strength is very weak. The results are comparable to taking sports nutrition supplements (creatine, protein, etc.), and essentially not worth it.

To achieve a pronounced effect from mild drugs, it is necessary to increase the dosage several times compared to medical ones. And this is where the risk of adverse reactions increases.

As for the most effective anabolic steroids for gaining muscle mass and strength, the use of Testosterone, Methane and Deca is a 100% guarantee of side effects to a greater or lesser extent (depending on your luck).

In general, the following pattern is observed: the better the steroid works, the higher the risk of developing negative consequences. And vice versa, the less gain in mass and strength the drug provides, the lower the risks.

The safest steroids for gaining muscle mass

Despite the lack of absolute safety and confidence in steroids for gaining muscle mass, there are a number of proven drugs that inspire confidence and, if the dosage is observed, do not cause harm to health.

Let’s go through the list of “steroids without side effects” and find out their characteristics.

1. Oxandrolone. The most powerful safe steroid in all respects. It has long taken the position of a drug that gives maximum progress with minimal side effects. At the same time, the athlete’s muscle mass increases without disturbing the structure of the muscles.

The positive features of Oxandrolone are as follows:

"Excellently burns subcutaneous fat; » does not spread its burning effect to the joints; » has no effect on the liver, subject to dosage; » is well excreted from the athlete’s body.

Oxandrolone is a synthetic analogue of male testosterone. It has a very low androgenic index, that is, the tendency to side effects is almost zero. But it should be remembered that very high doses and use of the drug on an ongoing basis can still cause a number of negative consequences for the athlete’s body.

2. Stanazolol (Winstrol). This steroid comes to the rescue when an athlete needs to improve the visual image of his body. Muscle definition is the main goal of the drug. It does not increase muscle mass in the body, but at the same time it strives for aesthetics.

The main positive characteristics of the product:

» helps increase overall body endurance; »works on the strength qualities of the body; » makes the muscles dry; » acts as an active burner of fat cells.

Despite the positive image of the drug, taking Stanazolol has pitfalls. Along with drying the muscles, the joints and ligaments dry out. With long-term use of steroids of this type, injuries cannot be avoided. Side effects, such as acne, occur after taking large doses.

3. Oral-turinabol. This drug, although considered safe, nevertheless, in excess of the norm, has a negative effect on the liver. Its main goal is to actively gain muscle mass. Unlike other anabolic steroids, Turinabol is persistent: after stopping the drug, loss of muscle mass in the body is not observed for up to 1 month. Athletes respect the product for this feature.

4. Trenbolone. The steroid is designed to increase the body's strength characteristics. Used to build muscle mass. If the dosage is not observed, the drug increases blood pressure in athletes. May cause attacks of aggression and disruption of proper sleep. Do not be alarmed, such consequences are only possible when taking decent doses of Trenbolone.

5. Boldelon. Like most steroids, it is used to gain muscle mass. The drug copes with this task quite quickly, and it does not retain excess fluid in the body.

Promotes the following processes:

» increases the level of red blood cells in the blood, stimulates the formation of new ones; » is involved in protein synthesis; "Improves the athlete's appetite.

The following can be said about the side effects: negative consequences are observed extremely rarely; if the rules of administration are not followed, baldness may occur.

6. Masteron. One of the most commonly used drugs. Associated with the beauty of muscle relief. With its help you can achieve a low percentage of body fat. At the same time, he works on the body’s endurance and adds energy to the athlete.

7. Primbolan. Most often, tablet versions of the drug are used, and injections are not for everyone. It behaves carefully with the liver, which means that with the correct dosage it will not harm. Included in the general course while drawing muscle relief.

Top three in the “safest steroids” ranking:

» Oxandrolone » Stanazolol (Winstrol) » Oral-Turinabol

They have a gentler effect on the athlete’s body, but at the same time persistently perform their main functions.

And so we found out that more or less harmless anabolic steroids exist. But at the same time, the dosage of drugs and the duration of taking a course of steroids, even the safest ones, must be observed. Otherwise, the most seemingly harmless remedy turns into a slow destroyer of human health.

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