SuproFit (Supro 760) soy protein isolate - 350 g can.


The mass fraction of protein in the product is at least 90%. In addition, after processing, soybean plant fibers remain, the share of which is about 6%. There is practically no fat in soy isolate (up to 0.5%).

Additionally, the product contains a number of essential elements that help activate metabolic processes and act as antioxidants. These are microelements such as zinc, iron, and macroelements - sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Biological value (digestibility) is the level of anabolic activity of a substance. For soy protein, this figure is relatively low - only 73. While for whey protein this figure is 130, and for casein protein - 77.

Pros and cons of eating protein

Increasing the protein content of your diet through protein products or powder supplements can not only achieve positive weight loss benefits, but also have a number of positive side effects.

There are several positive impacts:

  • the positive amino acid balance is enhanced;
  • when digested, a large number of calories are burned;
  • the proportion of fat in the overall body composition decreases;
  • maintains healthy hair, nails, skin;
  • conditions are created for increasing muscle mass;
  • thinking, attention, memory and mood improve, because the substances responsible for them - mediators - are formed from amino acids, into which protein breaks down;
  • endocrine glands are provided with raw materials for the production of hormones and enzymes;
  • the body recovers faster after exercise;
  • conditions are maintained for the body’s defense systems to work at the proper level;
  • tissue regeneration processes are enhanced.

The benefits of having a high protein diet may somewhat overshadow the disadvantages of such a diet. There are several of them:

  • Possible bad breath;
  • the danger of a lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet;
  • slow bowel function due to lack of fiber;
  • a lot of calcium is excreted;
  • may be dangerous to the kidneys;
  • when switching to a regular diet, there is a risk of gaining weight quickly, since the body is already accustomed to using fat for energy needs;
  • Using protein powder in too large quantities can be harmful to health, since it is not a natural food whose structure is well recognized by the body.

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Disadvantages of Soy Isolate

It is believed that soy protein is the least preferred type of protein for use in sports for the purpose of cutting or gaining muscle mass.

This is due to the following properties:

  • low biological value;
  • incomplete set of amino acids;
  • low rate of absorption;
  • Poor quality isolates may contain substances harmful to the body.

Be aware that most soy isolates are made from genetically modified soybeans. Currently, about 90% of all soybeans grown are subject to genetic modification. It cannot be said with certainty that these products have an increased danger - research in this area is just beginning. Science does not know how the consumption of genetically modified products will affect the human body in the long term.

Soy proteins contain what are called antinutrients or antinutrients. Soy contains protease inhibitors, an enzyme necessary for protein digestion, as well as lectins, compounds that interfere with the absorption of nutrients.

One of the reasons why soy isolates are less effective than whey isolates is the lack of the essential amino acid methionine. It is necessary for complete protein synthesis, normal metabolic processes and plays an important role in the production of the antioxidant glutathione.

In addition, all types of soy isolates contain low levels of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). These are the most important amino acids used in sports, particularly in bodybuilding, to build muscle mass and protect muscles.

Another danger of soy proteins, which is often mentioned in the literature, is estrogenic activity. Soy contains a large amount of isoflavones. This group of substances belongs to the so-called phytoestrogens. Once in the body, isoflavones act like female sex hormones, which disrupts the hormonal balance in men. Estrogens begin to prevail over androgens, which leads to abnormalities in the functioning of the body. High-quality soy protein isolates do not have estrogenic activity.

Various studies have been conducted on the decrease in testosterone levels while taking soy proteins, but they do not have full scientific value due to the small sample size and cannot serve as proof of the fact that taking soy supplements significantly affects hormonal levels.

Thus, in 2007, a study was conducted in the USA with the participation of 12 men, which showed a decrease in testosterone by 4% per month of intake with a daily dose of 56 g of soy protein isolate. However, an independent verification of the results of this experiment showed that a decrease in testosterone concentration was actually observed in only one of the male subjects, and before taking the isolate, his androgen levels were significantly increased compared to other experimental subjects. Over the course of a month, testosterone levels gradually decreased and were the same as those of the rest of the study participants.

It is premature to talk about the high estrogenic activity of isolated soy protein, since there is no confirmed data in this regard. By default, it is believed that isolates do not affect the athlete’s hormonal levels in any way.

Beneficial properties of soy isolate

Manufacturers of quality soy protein isolates strive to remove or minimize the activity of substances that interfere with the digestion and absorption of proteins and other nutrients from the final product.

Quality-conscious manufacturers additionally add methionine to many types of soy protein isolates. This significantly increases their nutritional value and biological activity index. However, the digestibility of whey proteins still remains higher.

Soy protein isolate has a beneficial effect on the production of thyroid hormones. However, changes in the level of these substances are insignificant, and therefore do not have a significant effect on the functioning of the endocrine system.

Some components of isolates give them antioxidant properties. In addition, the elements in such soy food additives stimulate the excretion of heavy metal salts and radionuclides from the body.

Dukan soy protein isolate recipes

Soy isolate: benefits and harms:

  • promotes muscle tissue growth;
  • serves as a source of energy for the body;
  • helps improve the functioning of the nervous, circulatory and endocrine systems;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • stimulates the elimination of “bad” cholesterol;
  • replaces animal proteins;
  • a significant proportion of the raw material for the production of the isolate is transgenic soybean;
  • It is suggested that soy protein may negatively affect the thyroid gland of men.

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Despite its favorable characteristics, the disadvantages of soy protein have made it little in demand among professional athletes. The fact is that it has an order of magnitude less biological value than analogues from whey and egg white. In addition, the composition and properties of soy isolate mean that it takes longer to digest.

However, a number of athletes have this product in their diet. The reason for this is the following advantages of soy protein flour: safety of consumption by people who are allergic to lactose, egg white and the possibility of consumption by adherents of a vegan diet.

The benefits of soy isolate for weight loss

So, why do you need to take protein:

  • to “build” muscles;
  • to increase the efficiency of fat burning;
  • for the formation of muscle relief;
  • to create a positive anabolic background;
  • to enhance cognitive activity;
  • to provide the body with additional sources of energy.

The absorption of this protein does not deteriorate when mixed with other products. Therefore, you can use soy protein isolate for baking.

Effect on the body, use in sports

In sports, various protein supplements are used for both gaining muscle mass and losing weight. This is due to the fact that the additional intake of pure protein into the body stimulates metabolic processes. In addition, protein molecules are the main building blocks of muscle fibers.

Soy isolates are the least effective in this regard, which is due to their low level of biological value, as we have already written about. However, there are still benefits to this type of protein, although not the same as when consuming other types of protein supplements.

They are especially valuable for those who suffer from animal protein intolerance. For athletes with similar problems, protein compounds of plant origin in the form of a dietary supplement are simply a godsend.

Why is it important for an athlete to add protein to his diet?

Today, the diet of most people cannot be called balanced. Due to the crazy pace of life, control of necessary micro- and macroelements fades into the background.

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Daily protein intake is especially important for athletes to monitor. Proteins were created for this purpose. This is a mixture that includes vegetable or animal protein, as well as other useful components. It is thanks to the protein composition that our muscles grow. A wide range of flavors will undoubtedly add variety to your daily diet.

It works like this. When entering the body, protein is broken down into its component parts - amino acids - during digestion. Then, with the blood flow, they enter various

departments. Entering the cells of the body, proteins begin their active work.

Features of application

Soy isolate nutritional shakes are easy to prepare at home. To do this you will need the powder itself and some liquid. Most often, milk or dairy products (kefir, yogurt) are used as a basis. You can take juice and even clean water.

The isolate is not diluted in hot drinks, since the protein coagulates at high temperatures. People who exercise intensively often add nuts and oatmeal to protein shakes. The drink becomes more nutritious and restores strength after training.

Replacing one or two meals a day with soy isolate will help you quickly lose extra pounds. At the same time, the body receives energy, and the person does not feel hungry.

Those who want to lose weight as quickly as possible should keep in mind that it is absolutely impossible to completely give up a nutritious diet and switch to consuming soy protein. Supplements are not a substitute for a nutritious diet, and excessive use can lead to serious health problems.

If soy isolate is taken for weight loss, you should use drinks with a low fat content as a basis for its preparation and do not add anything else to the composition, so as not to increase the calorie content. The effect of using soy protein isolate with other fat burners enhances the effect. These can be whey proteins, supplements with a complex of amino acids or L-carnitine.

If a person does not engage in intense training, then soy protein isolate is taken based on the calculation of 0.85 g per kilogram of body weight. For people leading an active lifestyle and exercising regularly, it is recommended to consume at least 1.3 g per 1 kg of weight.

Athletes who need to get lean and gain muscle mass can also consume soy protein isolate. It is recommended to take the supplement twice daily: about an hour before training, and then during the carbohydrate window, when the body is most receptive to nutrient absorption.

Don't forget that plant protein is absorbed much more slowly than whey protein. It is recommended to drink it between meals and before bed. For better drying and formation of muscle relief, athletes alternate taking soy isolate with fast proteins.

Soy protein: principles of intake for slimness and muscle growth

Recipes with soy isolate for weight loss

The following cocktails use soy milk, which can be made by mixing water and a few tablespoons of isolate:

  • Smoothie. Add kiwi and strawberries to the protein mixture, beat until foamy.
  • Bitter fat burning cocktail. Add red pepper and a spoonful of chopped ginger root to the milk.
  • Herbal cocktail to improve metabolism. Add a spoonful of stevia, chopped mint leaves and 1 kiwi and 20-25 g of isolate to a glass of water.

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Recommended consumption time: between lunch and dinner or before breakfast.

How to take soy protein for mass and cutting

For regular strength training with weight gain, you should consume at least 5 tbsp per 80 kg of weight. dietary supplement per day. One serving of 35-40 g should be taken an hour before classes, and the second should be taken to close the carbohydrate window.

During drying, you should increase the standard dose by 20% and divide the intake of the dietary supplement into three approaches: in the morning, after work in the gym and in the evening. It is important to remember that the healthy formation of a strong body requires that at least ¾ of the total amount of incoming protein comes from food.

Recipes Using Soy Isolate

The additive must be diluted with some liquid. This provides a wide field for experimentation in terms of taste and benefits.

  1. A tasty and nutritious smoothie is made from milk or low-fat yogurt and banana. For a glass of dairy product, take one medium-sized banana and one scoop of isolate. The ingredients are mixed in a blender. You can consume this cocktail instead of one of your meals or 30-40 minutes before training.
  2. Another healthy smoothie recipe includes canned apricots or peaches and oatmeal. You will need several fruits, a tablespoon of finely ground flakes (No. 3) and a glass of clean, preferably boiled, water. The ingredients are mixed using a blender with the addition of one scoop of isolate.
  3. Isolated soy protein is also used in cooking. Popular recipes include beef cutlets with a protein supplement. You will need 0.5 kg of ground beef, a medium-sized onion, 1 chicken egg and seasonings (to taste). After mixing the ingredients, add 3 tablespoons of soy protein isolate. The mass is thoroughly mixed and then cutlets are formed from it. Before frying, they need to be rolled in wheat flour, and then placed in a frying pan greased with a small amount of oil. Fry for 7-8 minutes on each side. The dish is ready to eat. You can additionally stew the fried cutlets by pouring them with a small amount of water and placing them in the oven for 20 minutes (temperature 180-200 degrees).

The best soy isolates

Soy protein isolates are supplied to the market by many manufacturers. It is better to pay more, but purchase a high-quality and well-rectified product.

Popular brands of soy isolates:

  • Jarrow Formulas;

  • Now Sports;

  • GeniSoy Products;

  • NovaForme;

  • Bob's Red Mill.

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