Fat burners for men - sports nutrition for weight loss

When planning to build muscle mass, you first need to get rid of excess fat deposits. If you pump up a body that is overweight, then six-pack abs will appear, but will be hidden under the fat layer. Special supplements designed taking into account the physiological characteristics of the male body help bring your figure back to normal.

Differences between men's fat burners and women's ones

in sports nutrition

marketed as an appetite suppressant, metabolism booster and weight loss supplement. Many people believe that there is no fundamental difference between supplements for men and supplements for women. In fact, when creating sports nutrition, the physiological characteristics and needs of the body are taken into account. And among the representatives of the stronger sex they are very different from the fair half of humanity.

What is the difference between men's fat burners and women's:

  1. Men's sports nutrition increases endurance and physical strength. Their main goal is to build muscle mass. Female types are aimed at reducing weight and waist and hip volumes.
  2. Substances that stimulate testosterone production are added to men's fat burners. Women do not require this property.
  3. Nutrition for men acts as an aphrodisiac, attracting the female half of humanity.
  4. Complex supplements increase potency, stimulate erection and help eliminate the problem of early ejaculation.

Women's fat burners act more gently without affecting reproductive functions. Supplements for men have a whole range of actions.

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The effect of male fat burners

Do fat burners work?

for men in several directions:

  1. They give energy and improve mood.
  2. Speed ​​up metabolism.
  3. Increases the effectiveness of training.
  4. Increase thermogenesis.
  5. Normalize hormonal levels.
  6. Remove excess fluid and fat from the body.
  7. Suppresses appetite.
  8. Reduces the absorption of carbohydrates and fats.
  9. Stimulates protein synthesis necessary for muscle growth.

Product effectiveness

depends on the composition. If it contains a complex of vitamins and minerals, then as a bonus it strengthens the immune system, protects against inflammatory and infectious diseases, and increases potency.

But the main thing is that the additive increases speed

growth of muscle mass. Of course, you shouldn’t expect positive results without training, but if you give up fat burners, your muscles will grow much more slowly.

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Testosterone is usually presented in the form of testosterone esters (testosterone enanthate, testosterone propionate, etc.).

What does the steroid Testosterone do?

Testosterone (oddly enough) increases testosterone levels in the body. This has a significant impact on the human body. One of the positive results that people get from testosterone is increased muscle mass and weight loss.

Benefits of Testosterone

The benefits of testosterone are:

  • Extra Strength
  • High efficiency

Side Effects of Testosterone

Using testosterone is dangerous because it can cause hormone imbalance. Additionally, it is not recommended for women. Women may face problems with skin, baldness and hair growth. Testosterone can also lead to diseases such as:

  • Degeneration of the heart muscle
  • Heart arythmy
  • Diabetes risk

Testosterone dosage

Given the fact that testosterone esters can differ in their properties, it is impossible to describe a universal course of its use. Long esters (enanthate) have a long half-life, so they are given rarely (once a week). Short esters (propionate) are given more often, for example, once a day. Short esters are usually used for drying. The total dosage of the active substance (not to be confused with the mass of the entire solution) for beginners is on average up to 250 mg per week.

Types of fat burners for men

Fat burners for weight loss for men

are available in several varieties:

  • anorectics – block the feeling of hunger, are responsible for food saturation;
  • cortisol blockers – block cortisol (stress hormone), the production of which provokes weight gain;
  • blockers of carbohydrates and fats – are responsible for preventing the growth of fat;
  • lipotrophics - trigger fat burning processes during physical activity;
  • omega-3 – stimulate metabolism, which is responsible for weight loss;
  • thermogenics – increase body temperature, which promotes fat burning.

Most often, men choose thermogenics. They work effectively and have low cost.

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Rating of the best thermogenic fat burners

Here is a rating of thermogenics that have already made a name for themselves in the world of bodybuilding:

Lipo-6 Black (Nutrex)

The price for 120 capsules of Lipo 6 is 1500 rubles. This is one of the most popular supplements for weight loss. Main characteristics:

  • due to liquid filling: rapid absorption and long-lasting effect;
  • decreased appetite;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • removal of fatty acids and excess moisture.

This drug is “unisex”, but thermogenics for women are represented by Lipo-6 Black Hers. The advantages are: brand, proven components, effectiveness. The downside is that 1 serving is 3 capsules.

We described in detail the effect of the drug Lipo-6 in this article.

Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite (MuscleTech)

100 Hydroxycut capsules can be bought for 1800-2000 rubles. Its effect is aimed at fighting fat and preserving muscle mass.


  • A safe range for increasing body temperature, which helps speed up metabolism and trigger thermogenesis. As a result, the fat layer is “under attack.”
  • Increased energy and concentration. It contains anhydrous caffeine, so it adds a powerful energy boost to thermogenesis.
  • Pros: power, natural composition, brand.

Animal Cuts

Animal Cuts (Universal Nutrition). The cost of 42 bags is 3100 rubles. Like all thermogenics for men, Animal is indicated for all athletes who seriously train in the gym and are cutting. For women, it is advisable to halve the dosage, and if the effect does not suit you, you can take the full dose. Effect on the body:

  • increased metabolism;
  • increased thermogenesis;
  • getting rid of excess fluid;
  • concentration of attention;
  • release of energy;
  • maintaining muscle and burning fat.

Like many other sports supplements, Animal is intended for healthy people over 18 years of age. Pros: acts comprehensively, popular manufacturer, natural composition; The only downside we can mention is the high cost.

Black Mamba Hyperrush

Black Mamba Hyperrush (Innovative Labs) is sold in capsules. 90 pieces cost 2490 rubles. It contains highly effective thermogenic compounds:

  • CoreX (Brand Ephedra Extract) is a neurostimulant that stimulates the sympathetic nervous system.
  • Caffeine speeds up and optimizes the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Beta-aminoethylamine - similar to geranium extract, improves performance in sports.
  • Sida Cordifolia is a plant extract that normalizes digestion and suppresses appetite.
  • Yohimbine + Evodiamine + Synephrine - have a pronounced thermogenic effect and work well in combination.

This remedy is indicated for professional athletes, so you should carefully study the side effects before starting the course.

Thermogenic Fat Burners

110 capsules of Thermogenic Fat Burners cost 1000 rubles. This product is based on l-carnitine, plant extracts and chromium. Acts gently and effectively:

  • accelerates fat burning processes;
  • increases heat production without harm to health;
  • normalizes the function of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • reduces appetite;
  • the fat disappears, and a beautiful relief appears.

Composition of men's fat burners

Fat burners for men include the following components:

  • caffeine – stimulates the nervous system, gives a boost of energy and helps fight fatigue;
  • 1,3-Dimethylamylamine – stimulates the central nervous system, improves mood;
  • ephedra – improves metabolism, stimulates the nervous system, increases endurance, suppresses appetite. This component is included in thermogenics due to its ability to slightly increase body temperature;
  • Yohimbine is a natural component that burns fat in problem areas;
  • synephrine – improves thermogenesis, helps to recover faster after training;
  • green tea – removes toxins and waste, cleanses the body, speeds up metabolism.

To improve taste perception, flavorings are added to fat burners. Choose a product that contains only natural extracts of berries and fruits.

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How to choose the right fat burner for a man

When choosing a fat burner, you should first of all pay attention to the composition. It should contain the components listed above without harmful additives. Only a supplement with natural ingredients can reduce body weight without harming your health.

The second point is the manufacturer. Research which company makes the best fat burners for men

, read the reviews. Buy only those supplements whose effectiveness has been proven to be in demand in the sporting goods market.

Before purchasing, decide on your purpose. If your plans are only to lose weight, then choose thermogenics. When you need to stimulate the nervous system and increase the body's endurance, give preference to lipotrophics or cortisol blockers.

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Contraindications and side effects

Before you start taking a fat burner, study the side effects and contraindications

specified in the instructions. You should not buy this type of sports supplement if you have the following conditions:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • prostatitis, prostate adenoma;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • minor age;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the supplement.

Side effects are rare. The reason for their appearance is non-compliance with the rules of administration, an independent increase in the permissible dosage, and ignoring contraindications. Also, negative consequences occur when taking a low-quality product rich in chemical additives.

Side effects include:

  • avitaminosis;
  • insomnia, agitated state;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • sweating;
  • loss of appetite;
  • dyspepsia (stomach upset);
  • tachycardia;
  • headache;
  • tremor of the limbs.

In case of overdose, symptoms of intoxication appear: nausea, vomiting, increased body temperature.

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Strict adherence to the dosages specified by the manufacturer is not recommended, but mandatory. Exceeding the recommended daily intake will not only not increase the effect of the diet pill, but will also cause a number of negative consequences (nausea, dizziness, anxiety, tremors of the limbs, etc.). In the evening, a portion of the supplement should be consumed no later than 4 hours before bedtime. All effective fat burners for eliminating body fat include central nervous system stimulants, which can cause insomnia.

If the manufacturer indicates the average calculated body weight for one serving, the man needs to adjust the dosage. For example, if the dosages correspond to the norms of athletes weighing 100 kg, an athlete weighing 80 kg should drink no more than 1 serving per day (minimum dosage). If a sports fat burner does not contain weight instructions, stick to the basic instructions.

How to take a fat burner for men

To avoid unpleasant symptoms of overdose, you must follow the instructions for use. It indicates the size of one serving and the number of doses per day, depending on the weight category.

It is recommended to take all fat burners twice a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and 4-6 hours before bedtime. The course lasts from 3 to 8 weeks, after which there is a break of 6 months. You are allowed to take 2 courses using fat-burning drugs per year.

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Side effects

Many novice athletes are interested in whether fat burners have side effects for men. In most cases, after consulting a doctor and following the instructions for use of the drug, fat burners have no side effects.

However, in some cases, buyers note the following negative consequences of taking drugs:

  • disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • insomnia;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • decreased blood pressure, dizziness;
  • decreased effectiveness due to addiction.

Fat burners have no side effects in most cases.

Rating of men's fat burners

The best fat burners for men

produced by large sports nutrition companies. Their products have proven to be some of the highest quality on the market. Let's look at the TOP 5 best men's fat burners.

  1. Optimum Nutrition Thermo Cuts
    . One of the best sports nutrition manufacturers offers a high-quality fat burner. It is a thermogenic that promotes the rapid burning of fat and converting it into energy. Contains chromium, a proprietary mixture of Thermo Cuts, L-carnitine and other components.

  2. Universal Nutrition Super Cuts 3
    . Second place in the ranking deservedly goes to the fat-burning supplement Super Cuts 3 from Universal Nutrition. This is a thermogenic fat burner containing calcium, chromium, L-carnitine, vitamin B6, inositol, green tea extract and other components beneficial to the body.
  3. Biotech Super Fat Burner
    . A thermogenic fat burner that accelerates metabolism and strengthens the cardiovascular system. An ideal supplement in terms of quality and composition that helps you lose excess weight and build muscle mass without harm to your health.

  4. APS Nutrition Phenadrine 2.0
    . A sports fat burner designed for active men. The main active ingredient is acacia leaf extract. This supplement improves mental and physical abilities and helps in weight loss.

  5. Weider Thermo Caps
    . Thermogenic fat burner based on L-carnitine, green tea extract, guarana extract. The supplement acts gently on the body, quickly reducing weight and helping to keep the body in good shape.

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Lipotropics: slimming with benefits for the liver

Lipotropic fat burners (lipotropics) stimulate the liver, helping it effectively burn fat cells. The components of the supplement increase the activity of enzymes responsible for “processing” fats into energy.

The advantage of lipotropic fat burners is that they have a positive effect on the liver and do not affect the nervous system.

Lipotropic fat burners include: carnitine, chromium, inositol, CLA, methionine, betaine

Effects of taking:

  • starts the process of lipolysis;
  • protects against catabolism and enhances anabolism;
  • increases energy potential during training.

Important! Lipotropics are not always well tolerated by the gastrointestinal tract; sometimes use may be accompanied by flatulence, constipation and diarrhea.

Features of taking lipotropic fat burners:

  • the dose is divided into two times a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and before training;
  • it is important to combine the intake with physical activity;
  • You need to follow a drinking regime and consume enough water.

Such supplements have a smooth and gentle effect and are suitable for those who regularly exercise and do not want to lose weight in a short time. But for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle and want to lose excess fat, lipotropic fat burners are not suitable.

Examples of lipotropic fat burners:

  • Super Cuts 3 Universal Nutrition;
  • Mega fat Burner Biotech Nutrition;
  • Lipo Lady Genetic LAB.
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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