How we lose weight: 8 stages of weight loss for men and women

Which parts of the body lose weight first?

The peculiarity of our body is that excess weight is smoothly distributed throughout the body. At the same time, it initially appears on the stomach, thighs, and only then we can observe changes in the face and hands. That is, weight gain starts from the lower body.

But here's the paradox - when we start the process of losing weight, the opposite phenomenon occurs. Initially, we can observe the results of weight loss on the face and arms, and only then does excess weight disappear from the main problem areas - the hips, abdomen and sides. That's why everyone says belly fat is the hardest thing to lose. A person cannot lose weight locally, so when losing excess weight, the whole body is involved.

Many people have a question: why does the stomach lose weight last , and the face and upper body lose weight first? The thing is that fat on the stomach has a saving function, and on other parts of the body it has a protective function. In fact, fat appears on the face in order to protect it from frost, winds and other factors.

Which parts of the body lose weight first: more details

Specialists at emphasize that there are no special diets for losing weight around the waist or other parts of the body, and if you find one, you should know that you are being scammed. Weight loss occurs exactly in the order given above, or, more simply, from top to bottom.

Why is the face the first to lose weight? This is where the subcutaneous fat is thinnest, which is why it is easiest to “remove” it from there.

The first signs that “the process has begun” are sunken cheeks and a very pointed nose. Along with fat, water also leaves, so the skin becomes dry, wrinkles may appear (skin tone is lost). Remember this and do moisturizing treatments, masks and drink more water. But the face does not always lose weight first. If you have been on a diet for 2-3 weeks and it still remains the same, swelling may be present.

In this case, try the following steps:

  • Go to the doctor, maybe you have problems with the thyroid gland, kidneys or heart?
  • Don't slouch while walking;
  • Give up the habit of reading while lying in bed;
  • Change the pillow or mattress to orthopedic;
  • Avoid salty foods.

If losing weight in the upper limbs and back can be to our advantage, then this cannot be said at all about deflating breasts. But, unfortunately, there is nothing you can do about it. After all, the mammary glands mainly consist of adipose tissue, which is consumed when there is a lack of nutrients.

To prevent the situation from becoming completely “sad,” combine diet and strength training.

What comes first when losing weight: muscle or fat?

Many who begin the process of losing weight are afraid that muscle mass will go away along with fat. But due to the fact that muscles are much denser than fat and are located behind it, adipose tissue is burned first . Even with intense exercise and a low-calorie diet, your muscles will not go anywhere until all the fat is burned off.

But if the fat layer is already gone, you need to take care of your diet. Not getting enough protein after you've lost weight can cause you to burn muscle mass. Here are the reasons why this happens :

  • lack of essential vitamins
  • lack of protein when switching to a carbohydrate diet
  • improper diet (you need to eat 5 times a day - 3 main meals and 2 snacks)
  • unbalanced diet

Remember, the body must receive enough protein and amino acids. To do this, nutritionists recommend eating more legumes, fish and meat (mainly chicken and turkey). Also, do not forget about low-fat fermented milk products (cottage cheese, yoghurts, etc.).

Special procedures for weight loss

It is recommended to supplement diet and exercise with some procedures that promote weight loss.

Cold and hot shower

Alternating exposure to cold and hot water accelerates metabolic processes in subcutaneous fat tissue. This promotes rapid breakdown of deposits.


To reduce the belly, it is recommended to make honey or mustard wraps: carefully treat the problem area with the selected product, and then cover with cling film. After 40 minutes, the residue should be washed off.

Cleansing enemas

Enemas help to quickly cleanse the intestines. However, this procedure is often not recommended. This can lead to dysbiosis, constipation and other disorders.

Features of weight loss in women and men of different ages

The process of losing weight largely depends on your gender and even age. Have you noticed that losing weight as an adult is much more difficult than when you are young? The thing is that with age, metabolic processes in the body slow down. Thus, tightening problem areas requires more time in women than in young girls.

The peculiarity of losing weight in adulthood is that the production of collagen, which is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin, is significantly reduced. This is where stretch marks and sagging skin appear. Some areas may not go away for a long time, sagging in folds. In this case, it is recommended to help the body and use special medications.

For men the situation is a little simpler. The entire fat layer is gradually absorbed, starting from the lower part of the body. This way the stomach, legs, and then the shoulders and face are tightened. Exception: severe obesity in men. By the way, when losing weight, men are recommended not only diets, but also strength training. This is necessary in order to avoid sagging muscles and the formation of sagging skin.

Differences between women and men

Beer belly in women

Men and women lose weight differently. These differences are explained by the peculiarities of metabolism and the structure of fat cells. Knowing what is the first thing to lose weight when losing weight will help you balance your diet and exercise.

The main difference between the male and female body is the different balance of hormones. The female body contains more estrogen, the main hormone responsible for the process of fat formation. Men have more testosterone, a hormone that promotes faster weight loss. Consequently, they lose excess fat faster.

A man gains fat in the abdominal area during the process of “bulking.”

During the process of “bulking,” a man gains fat in the abdominal area. This is also due to the peculiarities of the male body. Men may gain weight faster. This is due to the fact that they consume much more food at each meal.

Finally, after 30 years, the process of gaining muscle mass slows down significantly. At the same time, the fat mass gradually increases. Losing weight in such conditions can be very difficult. Fat men who regularly drink beer significantly increase the production of adipose tissue. If you weigh them, you can be convinced of the harmful effects of beer.

How to prevent breast loss in women?

Another feature of weight loss in women is breasts. Being overweight can cause girls' busts to shrink significantly, which often confuses them. The thing is that the breast consists not only of mammary glands, but also of adipose tissue. Moreover, there may be more fat. If you do not want your breasts to sag and greatly decrease in size, you need to follow some tips:

  • When dieting, do chest exercises. Exercising 15 minutes a day every day will help you stay in shape.
  • A woman who is on a diet should have a sufficient amount of protein in her diet.
  • Eat split meals - 3 meals and 2 snacks.

If you want to maintain a beautiful breast shape after losing weight, it is also recommended to perform massages and drink herbal decoctions that help strengthen muscles.

User reviews

Svetlana, 29 years old, Rostov-on-Don After giving birth, I couldn’t get rid of my big belly for almost 3 years.
I tried many diets. I learned about the buckwheat diet from a friend who had lost weight. I stuck to it for 4 weeks. All this time I was actively involved in sports. The belly has become smaller. Veronica, 32 years old, Moscow I work in an office, so over time my belly and sides appeared. When this became very visible, I decided to use the Dukan diet. In addition, I started doing abdominal exercises every morning. It was possible to achieve the desired result after 5 months.

Female fatness

A little plumpness in women is due to nature itself. The subcutaneous fat layer in the female body is thicker than in men, since its protective function is very important. And since the main purpose of a woman is to give birth and raise offspring, nature primarily protects the pelvic organs from injury and hypothermia.

That is why most women begin to gain weight from their hips and buttocks, then fat pads on their sides grow, their breasts enlarge, then their shoulders and armpits swell, their face gets better, and their neck grows fat. But this is only a standard option that does not take into account the individual characteristics of the body.

The order of growth of the fat layer in different parts of the body may vary depending on:

  • lifestyle – when sedentary, fat often accumulates on the hips and abdomen;
  • the usual diet - lovers of sweets are spread in all directions at the same time, and those who are accustomed to overeating first blur at the waist;
  • hormonal levels - when the level of estrogen is reduced, obesity occurs according to the male type - first the stomach;
  • diseases - obesity caused by chronic diseases goes according to its own scenario, depending on the diagnosis.

The saddest thing is that it is not the problem area that loses weight first. She is the last one to part with her supplies. That is why, from the very beginning of losing weight, it is necessary to take additional measures to help burn fat deposits in the right areas of the body.

Body shaping while losing weight

The weight loss process can be controlled to reduce unwanted breast volume. The fact is that when fat melts, the stretched skin begins to sag. This usually occurs on the chest, face, and abdomen.

To tighten the facial skin, you can use special facial gymnastics (face building).

Most often, when losing weight, breasts decrease in volume. You can prevent the process of sagging skin on your chest with the help of gymnastics. Push-ups are good, and doing a plank is also useful.

Breast massage also helps, but this should only be done by a specialist, otherwise it can only cause harm.

To prevent the skin on your stomach from sagging, you need to do physical exercises. But you can’t actively pump up your abs, because the muscles will increase in size and create extra unnecessary volume. It will be useful to squat and bend to reduce the size of your belly.

To reduce hip size, you need to walk more. You should not run because the muscles can increase and create extra thigh size. It is also useful to squat at a fast pace.

What parts of the body does weight loss start from?

Here a lot depends on individual characteristics. For some ladies, the face loses weight first, for some, the chest. It depends on your body type and diseases.

For healthy representatives of the fair sex, weight loss begins from the top, i.e. face, chest, etc. It is impossible for the stomach to immediately lose weight while the breasts remain the same size. After all, the fat layer on the abdomen is a kind of life preserver, a reserve of the body that it does not agree to part with immediately. Therefore, fat is burned most slowly in this area.

The process of losing weight

Now let's try to figure out how a woman's body loses weight. And again, the mystery of nature is that fat does not always leave in the same order as it was deposited. Some people first lose weight in their face, while others are upset when they notice that their breasts have significantly decreased in size. And it is almost impossible to predict in advance how the process will go.

Typically, a woman who does not suffer from chronic diseases and does not have hormonal problems loses weight from top to bottom. That is, it is impossible to start immediately from the stomach or thighs. Moreover, it is generally impossible to lose weight in a single zone.

Fat deposits are burned throughout the body at the same time. Therefore, the results are most noticeable where there were the least of them - on the neck, arms and collarbones.

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