We lose weight while lying down! A unique Japanese method of losing weight, reviews about it

When you have tried many diets and ways to regain slimness and get rid of a boring belly, it makes sense to try the Japanese method of losing weight with a towel “Lose weight while lying down the Japanese way”, reviews give hope for an excellent result. The method invented by Mr. Fukutsuji is somewhat unusual, but it works.

Gymnastics with a terry towel

The author of the strange method believes that a person gets fat due to the fact that over time his rib and pelvic bones diverge. If they are returned to their original state, then excess fat will disappear, the waist will become narrower and even a person’s height will increase. Japanese gymnastics for weight loss with a roller is based precisely on this idea.

An orthopedic doctor from Japan suggests lying on a piece of terry cloth rolled up in the form of a cushion, tied with a strong thread, and this way you can lose weight. In this case, you need to lie down on a surface that is not particularly hard. For example, a regular sports mat will do. You will need comfortable clothes for classes. You need to choose a towel according to the width of your body to get the right effect.

How to roll a towel into a roller for weight loss?

What does the exercise do?

Despite the fact that Japanese gymnastics is more common as a method of losing weight, initially it is still aimed at the health of the spine. Slimness, a thin waist and lack of sides are just a very pleasant “side effect” of the exercise.

So, what does the technique provide?

  • The correct position of the skeletal bones is formed.
  • Posture becomes smooth and beautiful.
  • The internal organs fall into place.
  • Pain in the spine, back, and lower back disappears.
  • Digestion improves.
  • The position of the ribs and pelvic bones is normalized.
  • The muscular system becomes toned.
  • Muscle spasms and tightness in various parts of the spine are relieved.
  • Visually the chest rises.
  • Breathing is normalized, gas exchange in the lungs improves.
  • Blood circulation in the vertebral arteries improves.
  • The sides disappear, the stomach tightens, and a thin waist appears.

It is important to understand that when performing the exercise, belly fat does not go anywhere . By stretching the spine, it is only distributed in such a way that the silhouette of the female body becomes more toned, slender and feminine . We also recommend using needle mats or Lyapko applicators for beauty and slimness.

In addition to visible and tangible effects on the physical level, one cannot help but mention a significant emotional uplift. If a person has to stand all day and subject the spine to a huge load or sit in an uncomfortable position at the computer, this greatly affects the mood, performance and psycho-emotional state. The person becomes irritable, restless, sleeps poorly, and often experiences depression and anxiety.

When performing the exercise, a significant emotional uplift is achieved.

Working out correct posture helps improve blood circulation, as a result of which the brain receives a sufficient amount of oxygen, chronic fatigue syndrome disappears, performance increases, and a person is more often in high spirits.

In terms of the level of pleasure, exercise with a back roller can be compared to a relaxing massage at the end of a hard day at work.

Lying down and losing weight is the essence of the Japanese weight loss method

What is the Japanese method of losing weight using a roller? Reviews say it's ridiculously simple and you don't actually have to do anything. However, a certain algorithm of actions is present.

Reminder for the Japanese method of losing weight

Here are the 10 steps:

  1. The terry towel is rolled into a tight roll;
  2. The structure is fixed with strong tape or thick thread;
  3. The person losing weight sits on the mat and puts the roll under his lower back;
  4. Then, he lies down on his back, making sure that the twisted fabric lying under his back is at the level of the navel;
  5. The legs are shoulder-width apart, the heels touch the floor, the toes are connected;
  6. Straight arms are placed high behind the head, palms down, little fingers connected;
  7. The body relaxes as much as possible;
  8. The person remains in this position for five minutes;
  9. Afterwards, slowly rolls onto the right side and rests for about a minute;
  10. Moves to a reclining position and carefully stands up.

It turns out that this is how easy it is to remove belly fat with a towel. The reviews are not lying; there is no difficulty in lying down on a cushion for a few minutes every day in a not very comfortable position. True, at first it is uncomfortable and maybe a little painful. After some time, the body will get used to this position, and lying will become comfortable.

Japanese weight loss method with a towel (Fukutsuji method) - reviews

Positive feedback

Greetings to everyone who looked at my review. Who doesn't want eternal youth? Everyone wants it! I’m terribly afraid of old age and wrinkles! I don’t want to become a woman, I always want to remain a girl. I am constantly looking for methods of rejuvenation and weight loss, so in this review I want to share one of the best.

Today I want to talk about a well-known exercise with a roller and options for its implementation. Since depending on the location of the roller, its action and efficiency changes.

But first, I’ll tell you a little about how I came to these exercises.

This year I turn 35 years old, just the age when improper care in youth begins to show itself in all its glory. My first wrinkles appeared after I turned 20, and the area between my eyebrows immediately began to spoil my mood with its aggressiveness. Well, it began: forehead, chubby cheeks, jowls, sagging face, double chin, puffiness under the eyes and nasty wrinkles on the lips. To all this I will add, I am a smoker. Of course, the face won’t say thank you, so I decided to look for a way to prolong the youth of my face and body. I gave up micellar foams, foams, lotions, and other alcohol-containing cosmetics with questionable composition.

Then everything got much more complicated...

To tighten the muscular frame of the face, you first need to put the spine in order. This is where the main assistant is the Japanese exercise with a roller.


********It is necessary to lie on the cushion strictly according to the instructions, i.e. no more than 5 minutes!******


Take a horizontal position on a flat surface, having previously placed a roll of a towel under your lower back. It is necessary to ensure that the roller is located exactly at the level of the navel.

2. Next, place your legs so that they are shoulder-width apart. The correct method of placing your feet is one in which your big toes lightly touch. That is, the feet will have to be partially brought together. This further complicates the procedure for performing the exercises, but is not critical.

3. Hands should be placed under the head, but in such a way that the palms are facing down. In addition, you must try to touch your little fingers.

4. You need to stay in the accepted position for 5 minutes. It can be difficult to lie down for such a long time right away. Therefore, you can start with a small period, for example, half a minute or a minute. Then gradually add 30 seconds per session, bringing the total duration to 5 minutes.

I do the roller exercise every morning. My roller is an ordinary rolled bath towel, but the diameter of the homemade roller felt like it suited me perfectly.

Since the goal of my use of a roller is to rejuvenate the face and neck, the roller is located below the shoulder blades. To be more precise, where our girls fasten their bras) Otherwise, everything is the same 5 minutes.

**************************************My Feelings and Effect.******* *****************************

After the first day of exercise with a roller, there was minor pain in the back muscles. My hunchbacked back began to be indignant) But on the third day I experienced a shock, I sat and read a book with a straight back! Moreover, I noticed this after five minutes, my back automatically began to choose the correct position.

Before I started lying on the cushion, I read a lot of books and testimonies of doctors and cosmetologists. Therefore, I will list exactly my testimony, I will remind you that the cushion lies under my shoulder blades!

* Restoring stable blood supply

* Relief from back pain

* Spinal stretch

* Posture straightening

It is with correct posture that a beautiful neck is formed and the face is tightened.

After exercising with a roller, you will walk straight and straight for at least an hour) I highly recommend trying it, it’s free and useful!

Attention! People with spinal injuries and pregnant women should not!

********************************Bonuses!!!***Bonuses!!!***Bonuses!!! *****************************************

Read how to get rid of a double chin


And I’ll tell you how to rejuvenate your lips, get rid of wrinkles and lift the corners of your lips.

The exercise is performed very gently, without pain!

I’ll quote the technology:

Lips, or more precisely the corners of lips, are our second traitor to age. If you pay attention to them, you can help them stay in place. When you have captured the corners (and this may not work the first time), you will find two clamps. In these clamps you will feel such a ball. Its presence is not necessary, it can be a ball/lump/something that wasn’t there when you were 15) So this stagnant ball is a spasm of a bunch of nerves and all the years of your life. This is what we roll and roll for two minutes.

Honestly! After reading and studying this exercise, I rushed to look for balls) I found it and was shocked. I’ve been massaging them for about a month now and I’ve said goodbye to wrinkles around my lips forever.

I advise and recommend! Get ready to exercise!!!

Of course, I didn’t limit myself to this one exercise; in the complex everything works 100%

Fabulous and stunning results from the procedure

The majority of those who have tested the Japanese method of losing weight with a towel, losing weight while lying down in Japanese, write laudatory reviews. And for good reason. The technique works and gives excellent results:

  • The waist is removed a few centimeters;
  • The figure is improving;
  • The body gets rid of excess weight;
  • The spine is stretched.

If you move the roll higher, under the chest or under the upper ribs, you can get additional effects:

  • Posture is corrected;
  • The chest rises;
  • Growth increases.

Who needs it, can and cannot - indications and contraindications

Ladies who want to quickly remove the sides and make the curves of their body clearer need an original way to form a beautiful waist. The method is available to almost every healthy person. Gymnastics will be a wonderful addition to basic training.

There are also contraindications to exercising using the Japanese weight loss method using a roller. Reviews from doctors confirm this. Doctors categorically do not recommend lying like this for anyone who has back problems, injuries or osteochondrosis. This method is independent work with the spine; having weak back muscles, you need to be as careful as possible to avoid injury to the vertebrae and hip joints.

Execution technique and recommendations

How to correctly use the method for losing weight?

  1. Roll the towel into a tight roll. If you are just starting to practice this method of getting rid of belly fat, it is best to use a small towel. The roller made of it should be at least 5-7 cm and no more than 15 cm in diameter.
  2. Tie the rolled towel with a rope or thick thread.
  3. Lie down on a hard surface (preferably on the floor, you can lay a gymnastic mat).
  4. Place the roller under your lower back (ideally it should be directly under your belly button).
  5. Now you need to straighten your legs and place them shoulder-width apart, bringing your clubfoot together so that your big toes touch. The width between the heels should be about 20 cm.
  6. Your hands should be placed behind your head, palms down. Connect the little fingers together. If you can't straighten your arms completely, it's okay. Every day you will do better.
  7. You need to lie in this position for 5 minutes, but at the beginning of training for weight loss, listen to your feelings. Don't try to last the entire 5 minutes. Start gradually and then increase the time you spend in this pose. At the same time, make sure that your fingers and toes are connected.
  8. Try to relax your spine and feel the stretch in your back.
  9. After 5 minutes you can get up from the towel, but you need to do it correctly. Under no circumstances should you climb as usual. While in this position, the bones and joints move, so you need to stand up very carefully after completing the workout. First, turn on your side and lie in this position for a while. And only then rise slowly. It is very important that all your movements are smooth. This will help avoid dizziness, pain in the back and lower back, and arms. Try not to make sudden movements. Reviews from several women suggest that you can even dislocate your shoulder if you try to immediately take a vertical position.
  10. After the procedure with a weight loss roller, it won’t hurt to perform several static exercises (for example, “Chair”) and take several yoga poses (“Cat”, “Downward-facing Dog”).

People with significant excess weight and diseases of the musculoskeletal system should treat the Fukutsuji method with special caution. If you have a spinal hernia, you cannot use this method of losing weight!

Lose weight and grow up. Japanese technique: video

Agree that the technique of performing this static exercise is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. We invite you to watch a video about the method of losing weight using the Fukutsuji method. From it you will learn not only how to correctly perform the procedure, but also get acquainted with the opinions of specialists and ordinary people about this know-how in the field of weight loss.

A miraculous method - video about the technique

Japanese gymnastics for weight loss with a roller is a good stretch that helps polish the figure in the waist area and straightens the spine. With regularity and correctness of exercises, a pleasant, sustainable result will appear.

However, overweight people will not be able to rid themselves of many kilograms of fat using the Japanese method exclusively. You will need exercise, nutritional adjustments, and for some, hormonal treatment. For other people, the method of lying down to lose weight will give them the opportunity to say goodbye to their belly and become a little taller.

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