Chocolate diet - losing weight with pleasure! Reviews from nutritionists and users about the chocolate diet

The chocolate diet is a specific nutrition system that allows you to get rid of excess weight in a small amount in a short period of time. It is perfect for the modern pace of life. This diet has both positive and negative aspects. You need to follow it for at least one day. Depending on how you feel and the desired result, the chocolate diet can be extended for 3 days or a week.

If you want to quickly correct the shape of your body and fit into your favorite dress again by the next holiday, then this nutrition system is what you need. Reviews indicate that in addition to the fact that such a diet is quite effective, it is very pleasant to “sit” on it. But before you start this diet, you need to weigh the pros and cons. This article will discuss several menu options for a food system based on chocolate, as well as all its nuances.

What kind of chocolate should you use?

The chocolate that contains the largest number of kilocalories is milk chocolate: 550 Kcal per 100 grams of product. In dark chocolate, which does not contain any additives, this figure is not much lower - 539 Kcal. A nutritional system aimed at weight loss involves the use of this product, which contains at least 70% cocoa. The chocolate diet does not allow the use of confectionery products containing raisins, nuts, and various fillings for weight loss purposes, since they contain significantly more calories.

How to lose weight on a chocolate diet

The chocolate diet shows good results in weight loss (despite the high calorie content of the main product), if you approach it wisely and adhere to the basic rules.

The result is stunning - up to minus 7 kilograms in a week. On average, a person loses from 500 grams to a kilogram per day.

The essence of the diet is to consume chocolate, coffee, green tea and water. Drink only 2 hours after meals, at least two liters per day. The water should be ordinary, non-carbonated. Do not add sugar to drinks. Completely avoid salt; its deficiency will help remove excess fluid from the body.

The system provides for mandatory physical activity: running, gym, swimming pool, yoga, fitness.

Basic recommendations for a diet for weight loss:

  • discuss and get approval for following a diet from a doctor;
  • give up sweets, flour, fatty foods, fast food in a week;
  • The daily intake of chocolate is 100 grams, which is 539 kcal, divided into 4-6 doses;
  • take vitamins to compensate for the lack of nutrients;
  • You can add milk to coffee, lemon to tea;
  • stop following the diet if the condition worsens.

To prepare your body for a week-long diet, try doing it for one or three days first. Did you like the result, did your health suffer? You can safely stick to the system for a week.

What kind of chocolate can you eat on a chocolate diet?

Nutritionists insist on eating bitter, dark chocolate. It must contain at least 33% cocoa butter, 55-75% cocoa, and natural sugar.

It is prohibited to consume dietary chocolate without sugar, milk chocolate, white chocolate, sweets, and bars.

Cocoa contains antioxidants, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and unsaturated acids. The rich composition has a beneficial effect on the immune system, mental activity, improves mood, removes cholesterol, and prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Features of nutrition during the diet

During the chocolate diet, sugar and salt are excluded from the diet. It is recommended to avoid juices (both those made from concentrates and natural ones) or limit their consumption to a minimum. It is required to completely remove carbonated water and appetite-inducing drinks from the menu. Among other things, during the chocolate diet all vegetables and fruits are excluded from the diet. The consumption of alcohol and drinks containing it is strictly prohibited.

How often is the chocolate diet used for weight loss? Reviews from nutritionists and therapists indicate that it is possible to repeat a course of such a nutritional system no earlier than a month after the previous one. This is explained by the fact that the chocolate diet used more often can cause a significant blow to the health of the body. At the same time, you are allowed to choose the timing of meals and the number of meals at your discretion.

Basic Rules

The chocolate diet requires compliance with certain rules, but the most important rule is constant physical activity. They can be small, but it is more important that they be regular. The rules will help you lose more kilograms without harming your body:

  1. Choose dark chocolate.
  2. A 100 g bar is divided into three parts, eaten in 3 doses, washed down with black coffee.
  3. When drinking liquid, follow the drinking regime: at least 1.5 liters of water.
  4. Hot chocolate, cocoa, and cocktails are allowed.
  5. In order not to starve yourself, vegetables rich in vitamins are added to the menu.
  6. Pasta made from durum wheat is allowed.
  7. It is forbidden to dilute drinks with sugar, eat fried foods, and dilute vegetable salads with oil. You cannot eat fruits or juices from them. Carbonated and alcoholic drinks are excluded.

What kind of chocolate can you eat?

With a chocolate diet, the most important rule is to choose a suitable main product. All nutritionists agree on one thing: dark chocolate has a positive effect on weight loss. This is explained by the fact that this product has a low glycemic index. You can often come across comments that with such a diet, many people replace dark chocolate with milk chocolate, but in this case the result will not be as desired. It is very good when meals are taken 30 minutes after eating dark chocolate: it reduces appetite, speeds up metabolism, which leads to a person’s normal weight.

Positive effects of diet

What are the advantages of the chocolate diet? Reviews from nutritionists confirm the fact that its undoubted positive result, first of all, is a decrease in body weight in the shortest possible time. What will also please those with a sweet tooth is that the diet is based on one of their favorite confectionery products.

Another positive aspect of this nutritional system is that chocolate stimulates brain activity and the immune system. This product is recommended for use by people suffering from anemia and colds. Among other things, chocolate contains a large amount of antioxidants, which prevent premature aging of the human body.

Quitting the chocolate diet

At the end of the diet, you need to return to normal nutrition very carefully, observing the calorie content and weight in portions. In order not to gain weight again, you need to follow certain rules. When leaving the shock diet, it is recommended:

  1. On the first day, drink juices or fresh juices without sugar.
  2. Do not overuse salt.
  3. Over the next three days, add boiled vegetables to your diet. It is best to use cabbage.
  4. Introduce several new products every day: fish, buckwheat porridge, boiled breast, rice.


Naturally, the shock diet is strictly prohibited for use by people with diabetes of any type. It does not matter whether the disease is congenital or acquired. This food system is also dangerous for those who have pronounced allergic reactions to cocoa.

The chocolate diet is contraindicated for liver diseases, cholelithiasis, and arterial hypertension. Moreover, a person may not even be aware of the latter pathology, since its initial symptoms are similar to ordinary overwork. In the case of hypertension, the decisive prohibitive factor is not the dark chocolate itself, but its high caffeine content.

Pros and cons of the chocolate diet

Every diet, without exception, has positive and negative aspects. A diet whose main component is chocolate is no exception.


  • rapid weight loss;
  • has a beneficial effect on brain activity;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • fat deposits are burned.


  • high probability of failure;
  • without constant nutritional monitoring, the risk of weight gain increases;
  • negatively affects the digestive system, the stomach suffers greatly.

It is forbidden to use this system for people suffering from hypertension, cholelithiasis, or liver diseases.

There are many options for chocolate diets. They can be both strict and gentle. Each will help reduce body weight. Try a soft diet first, then extend it to three days, and then a week. Listen to your body, no amount of slimness will compensate for lost health.

One fasting day with chocolate

How is the one-day chocolate diet used? Its menu is quite simple. During the day you are allowed to eat only 100 grams of chocolate, dividing it into three doses. In this case, the addition to the sweet product should be coffee without added sugar.

The result of this way of eating within one day will be getting rid of 200-300 grams of excess weight. A prerequisite for achieving a greater effect is physical activity and drinking large amounts of fluid.

Diet menu

In order to safely follow a low-calorie diet, it is important to create a balanced menu. The chocolate method is based on a strict diet: there are a lot of restrictions. Therefore, it is important to think through your diet so that there is not only weight loss, but also the stomach works correctly. It is not enough to reduce the daily calorie intake; you should ensure that you receive the microelements and vitamins necessary for energy production. This is possible by adding vegetables to your diet.

As for meals, breakfast, lunch and dinner are very similar: dark chocolate, coffee or a cocktail drink are chosen for the main food. If there are other permitted products on the menu, then a chocolate bar, divided into three parts, is eaten 30 minutes before meals. A couple of hours after eating, you can drink water or green tea. Drinking water is mandatory.

For 3 days

This type of chocolate diet lasts three days. After finishing, you must take a break and exit it very slowly and carefully. This diet is suitable for those who urgently need to lose three kilograms, as happens before important events. Main requirements:

  1. Only 100 g of chocolate is eaten per day.
  2. The bar can be divided into three parts or eaten in one sitting. All washed down with black coffee.
  3. Drinking green tea is acceptable. Other drinks are prohibited.
  4. Between meals, drink a lot of clean still water.
  5. Quitting alcohol.

The complexity of such a mono-diet lies in its strict restrictions. The weight loss effect is achieved by avoiding salt and sugar. After three days, the result is clearly visible also due to the fact that excess fluid is removed from the body. The disadvantage of this diet is that protein and other nutrients do not come from food. This can negatively affect the condition of the skin and hair.

For 7 days

The authors of the method call it Italian chocolate because it was invented by Italian nutritionists. A beautiful name immediately attracts attention. A 7-day chocolate diet involves eating 30 g of dark chocolate per day. The advantage is that during this period you can eat other foods, for example, pasta, sauces, low-fat gravies. Lemon juice or low-fat yogurt is used as a dressing for salads; it should not be seasoned with vegetable or olive oil. The menu includes vegetables and fruits, except grapes, bananas and potatoes. Be sure to drink water.

The 7-day diet allows for the use of vitamins for increased fatigue. It is important to combine products correctly. A sample menu is as follows:

  • breakfast: salad, oatmeal porridge;
  • 2nd breakfast: 10 g dark chocolate and 1 fruit;
  • lunch: pasta and salad, dressed with lemon juice;
  • afternoon snack: 10 g dark chocolate and 1 fruit;
  • dinner: tomato paste, vegetable salad or boiled vegetables;
  • 2nd dinner: 10 g dark chocolate.

Drinking for 7 days

The drinking diet is distinguished by the consumption of liquid chocolate, cocoa or chocolate cocktails. To start the weight loss process, you need to drink at least 6 cups of 200 ml drink per day. In addition, you should drink about two liters of water. The chocolate drink should be warm. After 7 days, weight can decrease by 6-7 kg.

There are two types of drinking diet. The first is to use only cocoa or liquid chocolate drink (if desired, you can dilute it with low-fat milk), the second is to use dark chocolate, green tea or coffee. To reduce calorie content, it is recommended to dilute the liquid drink with water (ratio: 1 to 1). Cocoa is prepared with water and milk. Powder is added to taste, but the optimal amount is: 3 tablespoons per 1 liter of liquid (plain water, formula or skim milk).

Italian diet based on chocolate

This is the only diet that includes the consumption of other foods in addition to chocolate. Therefore, it is the safest and most beneficial of all similar nutritional systems for the human body. Moreover, it is no less effective than a mono-diet. Reviews from those who have used it claim that if it is followed, a person’s body weight can decrease by about 3 kilograms. During the process of losing weight, the body does not lose elasticity, especially if you engage in physical exercise. You can re-apply this diet a week after the previous weight loss course.

You can eat food during the Italian chocolate diet at any time. Food should be taken in small quantities 4-5 times a day. In this case, the following products and dishes are allowed on the menu:

  • fresh vegetables and salads containing them, seasoned with vegetable oil;
  • diet sauces;
  • boiled pasta made from coarse varieties of wheat;
  • popcorn without adding additional ingredients;
  • sour berries and fruits.

Of course, the main component of such a diet is chocolate. It should be eaten 30 grams between meals. We should not forget about drinking plenty of fluids. You can follow this diet for 5-7 days.

Shoko drinking diet for 7 days

Using this method you can lose up to 7 kilograms of excess weight. The maximum possible period is 15 days. This period cannot be exceeded. Otherwise, there may be serious health problems. The following products should be included in the diet:

  1. Filtered water.
  2. Hot chocolate without sugar.
  3. Cocoa, which is prepared with low-calorie milk.

Prepare your body a few days before starting the diet. To do this, gradually reduce the volume of portions. You can drink up to 7 cups of hot chocolate or cocoa and 2 liters of clean water per day.

Try to exit the diet smoothly. During the first few days, you should eat fruit puree, and then stewed or boiled vegetables. After a few days, introduce porridge boiled in water with a small amount of butter into your diet.

After porridge, add fish and meat little by little. You will be able to return to your normal diet in another 2-3 days. But the portions should be small.

The advantages of this method of losing weight are:

  1. Loss of body weight.
  2. Improved mood. Thanks to chocolate, the hormone of happiness is produced.
  3. Cleansing the body of waste and toxins, if this method is used on fasting days.
  4. Improves the well-being of a person who suffers from bronchitis and asthma, since cocoa contains substances that are beneficial for the respiratory tract.
  5. Rejuvenating and tonic effect due to the presence of theobromine and antioxidants in cocoa.

Contraindications for this technique are:

  1. Kidney failure.
  2. Diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Allergy to components of main products.

Exit with choco

We are leaving our sweet diet on protein foods. Kefir days, banana + milk, and yogurt days are also suitable. The exit lasts the same number of days as you spent on the shoko. 1 day – 1 day of release, 3 days – 3 days of release, etc. Do not load your stomach with bulky heavy food after finishing the diet.

Good luck!

The article was prepared by Svetlana Istomina, who tried this and other diets and lost 15 kilograms.


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What is the choco diet?

Chocolate is a favorite treat for many. Its consumption promotes the production of serotonin, known as the “happiness” hormone. The Choco diet is an effective method of losing weight based on a low calorie diet. You are allowed to eat only one bar of chocolate per day, and therefore the daily calorie content of the menu will not exceed 700 Kcal.

Dark chocolate = 517 Kcal;

Milk chocolate = 545 Kcal;

White chocolate = 522 Kcal.

The shown amount of chocolate should be divided into 4-6 meals, that is, you need to eat every 2-3 hours. It is allowed to drink brewed coffee or green tea during the day, but without sugar and additives, as well as 1.5-2 liters of still water.

Types of chocolate diet:

  1. 90 grams of any chocolate (bitter, milk, with various additives) and brewed coffee (without sugar, cream and other additives) in unlimited quantities.
  2. 90 grams of any type of chocolate and green tea without sugar in any quantity.
  3. 100 grams of dark chocolate. Unlimited coffee, tea and water.
  4. 4 small chocolate bars (Mars, Snickers, Bounty, etc.). Tea, coffee, water without restrictions.
  5. Any protein bars (total daily calorie content no more than 700 Kcal) in combination with the liquid shown.
  6. 1 bar of dark chocolate (100 g). You can add 100 ml of skim milk and a sweetener to your coffee.

Sample menu for a month

The undeniable advantages of the diet include the variability of the menu, where it is possible to combine and alternate products based on your well-being and taste preferences. The technique is subject to only one firm rule that cannot be broken - the diet must consist of liquid food. The menu includes low-fat drinking dairy and fermented milk products, natural juices, jelly, cocoa, smoothies, and, of course, blended soup, the preparation of which does not take much time and can be done by the most inexperienced housewife.

Vegetable puree soup

Add vegetables to a liter of boiling salted water: potatoes, small carrots, ½ onion, bell pepper, broccoli or cauliflower. Once the vegetables are soft, use a slotted spoon to transfer them to a separate saucepan. Gradually adding vegetable broth, chop the vegetables with a blender. Add liquid until the product has a thin consistency. Before use, add 1 tsp to the mixture. olive, flaxseed or sesame oil.

Menu for 30 days

For more variety, you can add some berries to the yogurt - strawberries, raspberries or blueberries. In this case, the products are whipped with a blender. It is also allowed to change the order of dishes. Between meals, drink plain water. In case of a strong feeling of hunger, experts allow “snacks” - black tea with milk, green tea with a few spoons of honey, weak coffee without sugar.

To read: Diet for high cholesterol in women

Several times a week you can prepare soups cooked with chicken breast or with a piece of lean fish - cod or hake.

Particular attention should be paid to bowel function. If the urge to evacuate does not occur within several days, or, conversely, persistent indigestion occurs, then the drinking diet should be stopped immediately!

Pros of the diet

The biggest advantage is the quick result. By the end of the week, volume and weight have dropped significantly. Therefore, the method is good when you urgently need to lose weight in order to fit into your favorite dress on the first date or look chic in a new swimsuit at sea.

One of the advantages is the opportunity to enjoy sweets without any twinges of conscience. It is more difficult for many to give up dessert than the first or second course; on a psychological level, it is easier for some people not to eat anything other than their favorite delicacy, even in small quantities.

Cocoa butter is rich in antioxidants that slow down aging, so dark chocolate will be more beneficial than milk chocolate and will improve immunity. The product has a positive effect on incipient coughs and relieves asthma attacks.

Reviews and results:

Elena: I took a three-day course, but couldn’t take it anymore. Although they write that the feeling of hunger is interrupted by chocolate, apparently not for me. But in 3 days I managed to lose 4 kg. So I was pleased with the result. I will recommend it to my friends.

Svetlana: judging by the reviews, the chocolate diet for weight loss is very effective. But it won't suit me because I have allergies. I will look for other options.

Maria: I survived 7 days, but I probably won’t be able to repeat it. I constantly wanted to eat something, probably some kind of psychological addiction. Constant psychological discomfort, anxiety. In seven days I lost 6 kg. In principle - normal.

Anastasia: the main thing is to use real, dark chocolate. I use this diet regularly. I repeat the seven-day course every three months. I also sometimes have a fasting chocolate day. I'm satisfied with the results. The first time I lost 7 kilograms. Now there are no more than 3 per course, but I don’t need more.

Daria: The chocolate diet for weight loss is contraindicated for people leading an active lifestyle. If you move a lot, then already on the second or third day of the diet you will experience terrible weakness. Therefore, either limit physical activity. Or free up your days to go on a diet. I myself took a seven-day course, and on the third day I could barely get out of bed. But the result was impressive - I lost 7 kg, as promised in the diet description.

Main stages of the diet

The strict drinking diet is designed for a month (30 days) and involves three main stages of ridding the body of excess weight and toxins:

To read: Quick weight loss on a vegetable diet

  1. The first stage (10 days) – the load on the pancreas and the entire digestive system is reduced, the intestines are freed from fecal deposits. The period of adaptation of the body to new conditions is characterized by headaches, a feeling of malaise and the formation of a gray-green coating on the tongue, which is regularly recommended to be cleaned with a toothbrush.
  2. The next ten days there is an active cleansing of the liver ducts and kidneys, accompanied by spastic pain, bitterness in the mouth, and frequent urination.
  3. At the third stage, the body gets used to the liquid diet. According to reviews, on the 20-30th day of the diet marathon, discomfort completely disappears, lightness appears, mood and general well-being improve.

Only women with a strong character, pre-motivated and psychologically prepared can withstand the first days of food restriction. After about 4–5 days, the feeling of hunger subsides, and the process of cleansing and unloading the body goes much easier, without presenting much hassle!

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