A unique sports equipment - a barbell for weight loss: exercises, recommendations

Experts have long been convincing those who want to lose weight that they should do exercises with a barbell rather than running. Indeed, a well-designed set of exercises with this equipment helps not only to lose weight, but also to make your figure slim and toned. For overweight people who have 20 - 30 or more kilograms of excess weight, exercises with a barbell will be much more useful and effective than running.

Benefits of barbell exercises for weight loss

Both women and men can do the barbell; you just need to choose the right set to achieve your goal. There are several advantages of this method of getting rid of extra pounds:

  • Barbell exercises are a slow but effective method of losing weight. While performing them, a person begins to breathe actively, his lungs absorb a lot of air, and blood circulation accelerates. All tissues are saturated with oxygen, which leads to the burning of calories. The same effect can be achieved by running, but it is difficult and, for some people, dangerous.
  • With regular exercise, muscle mass increases. In terms of weight loss, this is very useful because the muscles themselves burn calories. Even if a person is at rest, independent weight loss occurs. As a person gains muscle mass, he or she will need more calories for an active lifestyle, eliminating the need to adhere to strict diets, limit food intake, and give up favorite foods.

Group exercises with barbells

  • Ligaments, joints, tendons work in comfortable conditions. Any exercises are performed calmly, without jerking, there is no need to “tear” the muscles. After just 15 minutes of intense exercise, a person becomes tired, feels tension in the muscles, and sweats increase. To achieve the same effect, you need to perform at least 100 abdominal exercises and run on a treadmill for at least 40 minutes at high speed.
  • Just 2 - 3 exercises make all the muscles of the body work. This means that you don’t need to devote separate time to your abs, buttocks, and waist. By performing a set of exercises, you can lose weight in all parts of the body at once.

And one more advantage of such weight loss is that if you perform the exercises correctly and follow the trainer’s recommendations, you will not need to fight loose, sagging skin. And this moment confuses many, forcing them not only to carry out expensive and complex cosmetic procedures, but also to turn to plastic surgeons - “extra” skin inevitably appears when losing weight.

We recommend reading about a vacuum massager for weight loss. You will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of a vacuum massager, their types and features, and rules of use. And here is more information about electric massagers for weight loss.

Barbell Tips

Successfully lifting the barbell while you're already tired is an important skill for any CrossFitter. Even if an athlete came to CrossFit from Olympic weightlifting, this does not mean that he is able to effectively lift a barbell while very tired.

At weightlifting competitions, athletes do not begin the exercise after a kilometer run or several dozen pull-ups, as is the case in CrossFit. As a rule, each lift in other disciplines is carried out after proper rest periods, unlike CrossFit, where the athlete is given no more than a minute to rest between exercises.

Working with an empty bar

Unless you are a professional weightlifter with good prior training, you should not underestimate the importance of working with an empty bar. Play with many random complexes. Set yourself the time you will spend working with the bar, but do not set the exact bar at 5-10 minutes. Try different positions, vary the width of your grip. Do different variations of exercises, immerse yourself in training, discarding everything unnecessary.

Once you stop getting tired with an empty bar, add some weight. You will find that as you become more and more fit, turning the bar into an extension of your body, you will be ready to attack the heavy lifts.

Don't be afraid of a high heart rate

Another important skill for CrossFitters is the ability to work effectively at a high heart rate. Don't be afraid to do this. Of course, if you've never trained like this before, things can end badly, especially if you come across WODs that include exercises like double jump ropes, rowing, skiing or burpees before weightlifting.

If you've never practiced lifting heavy weights when your heart rate is too high, you're bound to have difficulty doing similar lifts in competition or training. Therefore, gradually practice performing such diverse exercises in a row.

The importance of proper breathing

Don't forget about proper breathing during training. Focus on this the next time you do weightlifting exercises. You will be surprised how much this helps you perform the complex and delay the onset of complete fatigue.

Often, athletes barely breathe or hold their breath while lifting the barbell, especially on exercises such as thrusters. Inhale at the top of the thruster as you press and lock the bar. This will help you establish the desired rhythm and ensure optimal levels of oxygen in the blood. The effort should be made while exhaling.

An effective breathing practice is to inhale only through the nose and exhale through the mouth. As soon as you inhale through your mouth, it is as if you are taking a little rest. This stabilizes breathing in critical situations.

When breathing returns to normal, you can breathe only through your nose again. It is not advisable to use such a breathing technique during WODs at tournaments, but it is very worth using this method in practice during training. This will make you think more about your breathing and improve your breathing habits.

In exercises where the barbell must be lifted off the floor, effective technique is extremely important. When performing deadlifts from the floor with straight legs, the back bends and the chest collapses, which makes it much more difficult to expand the lungs. Bend your knees slightly so you can stay more upright and thus breathe better.

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Another benefit of such training is that it will teach you to better understand your body and move more efficiently. Proprioception is your personal perception or awareness of the position and movement of your own body. Compression clothing can be a great way to improve your proprioceptive abilities. It also helps keep your muscles warm during long workouts, which is important for reducing the risk of injury.

Staying warm is important during barbell exercises as it will help keep your joints flexible and reduce the risk of injury. Wearing a sweater or tracksuit, even if the room is warm, is ideal for such an occasion.

A set of exercises for women

If a woman has to lose weight, then she should perform only a certain set of exercises with a barbell. This will help make her figure harmonious, without “bulging” muscles, toned and slender. What is included in this complex:

  • Deadlift . This exercise uses the leg muscles to the maximum. You need to do a half squat with your legs spread wide apart, your pelvis should be pushed back so that your knees are in line with your toes. In this position, the barbell is taken, arms extended in front of you. Slowly raise your pelvis, straighten your back, then return to the starting position at the same pace.

The advantage of this exercise is that you can “take” light weight, the back muscles are safe, since there is practically no load on them.

  • Squats . This is generally one of the most effective exercises with a barbell for weight loss, because all the muscles of the body work, regardless of the weight of the equipment. The barbell can be placed on the chest or shoulders. In the first case, the muscles of the legs, back and abdominals will be worked, in the second the main load goes on the back muscles.

During the exercise, your legs stand wider than your shoulders; you need to perform movements only with a straight back and at a slow pace.

  • Chest press . The woman stands straight, her legs are wider than her shoulders, she takes the barbell in her hands and places it on her chest. Exhale - straighten your arms, inhale - return the bar to your chest. The exercise is performed slowly, breathing should be deep and preferably through the nose. At the top point, when the barbell is raised, you need to hold for 2 - 3 seconds and only after that the exercise continues.

The chest press works the muscles of the back, shoulder girdle, and chest. Hands on the bar should be palms up.

  • Bend forward . The barbell is placed on the shoulders, the legs are spread wide, the back is straightened. The bends are performed forward, the barbell is not removed from the shoulders, the back should be straight.

This exercise helps to make your waist slimmer and has a good effect on the strength and elasticity of the muscles of the back and forearm.

  • Lunges . The barbell is placed on the shoulders and is grasped with the palms facing up. The woman takes a wide step forward, bends the knee of her exposed leg until the thigh line is parallel to the floor. At this time, the back leg bends at the knee, but does not touch the floor. When performing the exercise, you need to alternate legs.

Lunges are the only barbell exercise that works the muscles of the buttocks and hamstrings. Thanks to it, it will be possible not only to burn fat, but also to get rid of cellulite in these places.

For a set of exercises with a barbell for weight loss, watch this video:

Bent-over barbell row

Technique : Grasp the bar with a shoulder-width grip, bend your knees slightly and bend over so that your torso is at an angle of 45° to the floor. Pull the bar towards you, touching your stomach, and then slowly lower it back. If your upper body moves during the exercise, your weight is too heavy.

Target muscles : biceps, lats, core

You should spend the same amount of time training your back as you do your chest. The main exercise here is the bent-over row, as it is an effective way to develop upper body strength and add dimension to the back. Not only does it require significant pulling power, but also the ability to maintain a stable flexed position, which helps strengthen the erector spinae muscle, which is part of the core.

Watch the position of your shoulder blades

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If you want to lift heavy weights and effectively train all the target muscles, you must pay special attention to the starting position. As you begin the bent-over row, tighten your shoulder blades and pull them back and down, and stick your chest out so your elbows can move freely along your sides. You can also try a partial grip (thumbs on top of the bar), which will allow more active use of the latissimus dorsi muscles.

Common Mistakes

“First, many lifters use their biceps rather than their lats to pull weights,” Wright says. – Secondly, the weight chosen is too heavy, which leads to poor technique and reduced range of motion. Doing repetitions too quickly can also hinder progress. Remember that in order for a muscle to grow, it needs to be under tension for about 40 seconds.”

Underhand grip

Once you learn how to perform the movements correctly, you can start experimenting with different variations of the exercise. For example, if you want to build bigger lats and strengthen your lower back, try using an underhand grip with a narrow hand placement. It also allows for more active use of the biceps. By the way, bent-over barbell rows are more effective for building the latissimus dorsi muscles than lat pulldowns to the chest.

Perform one-arm dumbbell rows

“This is my favorite complementary exercise to the bent-over row,” says Wright. – Take a dumbbell in one hand, place the other on a bench and spread your legs wide. Pull the dumbbell back and up so that it moves in a curved path towards the lower part of the chest. This exercise allows for a greater range of motion and is great for developing your core and obliques.”


Technique : spread your feet shoulder-width apart and grab the bar so that your hands are on the outside of your legs. Keeping your back straight, push your pelvis forward and lift the barbell. Lower the barbell slowly, although once you start lifting heavy weights, you may want to drop it to the floor at the end of the last rep.

Calculate your ideal sports weight!

Target muscles : all muscle groups of the body

The deadlift is the best exercise for developing strength. It allows you to lift more weight than any other barbell exercise and works all of your posterior chain muscles.

More about the technique

Although the deadlift may seem like a simple exercise at first glance, there are many mistakes made when performing it. “Poor technique fails most average athletes and can lead to serious injury,” says Wright. – When lifting weights, move your shoulders back, push your chest forward, and squeeze your shoulder blades together. This creates tension in the back, which helps prevent the lower back from rounding or pushing the pelvis forward too early. Also, tighten your buttocks and push off the floor with your heels.”


Even if you are a beginner athlete, you will progress quickly and will soon reach 100 kg in your working weight. And then the question of the correct technique will become especially important. If you have a limp, then perform deadlifts in a power rack, placing the barbell at a height of about 30cm from the floor. This way you will develop strength through a shorter range of motion. Once you can perform each repetition correctly, you can increase the speed at which you lift the barbell.

To improve your speed, perform heavy kettlebell swings. This will help you strengthen your buttocks and thighs, which will have a positive effect on your deadlift results.

Squats with a barbell on your shoulders

Technique : Place the barbell on the racks and stand under it so that the bar is on your shoulders. Take 2 large steps back and place your feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointed slightly outward. Keeping your back straight, lower yourself into a squat as if you were sitting in a chair until your hips are below your knees. Stand up, pushing off the floor with your heels.

Target muscles : quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings

“Whether you like it or not, strength will always be determined by your squat performance,” says Wright. “The reason for this is the fact that this exercise works both the lower and upper body at the same time.”

Avoid partial repetitions

You've probably seen people in the gym putting huge weights on the bar and doing partial reps. In fact, they are wasting their time. For a proper squat, your hips must go down to at least knee level. If you do partial repetitions, the muscles will not receive the proper stimulus to grow. Warm up for 5-10 minutes before you begin squats to ensure you move through a full range of motion with proper depth to improve results and avoid injury.

Benefits for all parts of the body

Although squats are primarily a leg exercise, the upper body also participates and plays an increasingly important role as weight increases. “A simple way to make sure it's done correctly is to make sure your back is straight and your chest is facing forward,” Wright says. – You can also lower the bar just below your shoulders and point your elbows forward to reduce the stress on your legs and core. You will be surprised at how the nature of the exercise changes.”

Do Bulgarian split squats

A strength imbalance between the left and right sides of the body will most likely lead to poor technique and ultimately injury. To avoid such negative consequences, perform unilateral exercises. “After the classic squats, move on to the Bulgarian split squat,” says Wright. – Holding dumbbells in your hands, take one leg back and place it on the bench. Lower yourself into a squat, keeping your front shin upright. This exercise develops your leg muscles as well as your balance, which will help you when performing squats with a barbell on your shoulders.”

Training according to a special program for men

To lose weight, a man must perform a slightly different complex. The barbell can be replaced with two dumbbells, but instructors do not recommend doing this at the beginning of your journey to the ideal weight. In one workout you need to do:

  • Bench press. Lie on your back, take the equipment in your hands so that your palms “look” up, and place the barbell on your chest. The press is performed slowly, 15 - 20 times in a row.
  • Seated barbell press. The exercise involves lifting and lowering an apparatus onto your chest, but in a sitting position. It is important to sit on a hard surface, straighten your back and place your feet wider than your shoulders, spreading your knees to the sides.
  • Standing arm extension. You need to take a stable standing position - spread your legs wider than your shoulders, straighten. Take the barbell in your hands - the starting position is when the limbs are lowered down. Then 15 lifts of the barbell to the chest are performed, bending and straightening the elbow joints.
  • Lunges with a barbell on the shoulders. They are done in the same way as in the women's training complex - one leg is put forward, a squat is done, but exactly until the thigh is parallel to the floor.

In order for a man to lose weight and build muscle, three additional exercises must be included in the complex:

  • running on a treadmill for 10 - 15 minutes;
  • working out the abdominal muscles;
  • lifting the legs at right angles while hanging on a horizontal bar or wall bars.

For a set of exercises with a barbell for weight loss, watch this video:

Rules for performing weight loss exercises with a barbell

It is important not only to regularly perform the recommended exercises with the apparatus, but to do it competently. There are a number of rules, the observance of which gives excellent results in a fairly short period of time:

  • There should be at least 3 workouts per week. It’s better to do them in the gym, where there will be an instructor nearby who will point out mistakes. But exercises at home will also be effective.
  • Before the main weight loss exercises, you need to warm up. This involves light cardio, such as running on a treadmill or vigorous walking on the same machine. 15-20 minutes of such a load is enough to prepare your body for more severe tests.
  • Each exercise is performed 15-20 times by both women and men. If you perform fewer repetitions, you will not lose weight, but build muscle. Since they are “hidden” under adipose tissue, there will be no effect from training at all.

  • If you are starting a lesson for the first time, then you need to start with a minimum repetition of each exercise. Let it be 2 - 3 times, but they will bring results. Subsequently, you need to increase the repetitions and bring them to the required number.
  • You need to add weight to the bar gradually; a large mass at once will make it impossible to perform the complex correctly and effectively. But if the exercise is too easy, then adding weight is necessary.
  • Between each exercise, the break should be no more than 45 - 60 seconds. Experts say that the shorter this gap, the more effective the weight loss workout will be.
  • You can and should drink water during classes. This is done in small sips, slowly and as often as the body requires.

Training Tips

The course of exercises for men, performed in domestic conditions, consists of stages of ascension from initial performance to a complex version, from light weight to heavy equipment. Exist

standards that allow checking physiological indicators. So, a well-developed guy is required to perform a one-arm biceps curl with a weight that is equivalent to 20% of his own body weight, and a bench press with a weight that is equivalent to 75%. Compliance with the standard requires competent preparation, which can be achieved at home by systematically performing the next exercise program.

Below is an exercise program that is suitable for those representatives of the stronger sex who do not plan to significantly change their lifestyle for the sake of playing sports. However, this fact does not make home exercises any less useful. Remember that sport is a good disease prevention. The main rule of classes is that you need to start them with a warm-up, including exercises for morning exercises. In addition, you need to prepare a training schedule - a list of days on which you will train. Don't do this every day, let your muscles rest between sessions. Systematically ventilate the room in which you train. In good weather, leave the window open during classes. Do the exercises in a predetermined sequence and stick to it.

Features of nutrition after intense squats and other exercises with a barbell

Many trainers recommend combining exercise and the use of special sports nutrition - protein bars, drinks. But this is only necessary if the goal is to build muscle mass. To lose weight with a barbell, there are other recommendations regarding nutrition for women and men:

  • You need to give up sweets. If this is problematic, then all fatty confectionery products are replaced with dried fruits, honey, marshmallows and marshmallows with marmalade. These sweets are considered the safest for your figure, but you don’t need to get carried away with them either.
  • The diet must contain proteins, so a vegetarian diet in combination with barbell exercises is unacceptable. Meat, fish, dairy products, eggs - they can be consumed daily, but with minimal added fat.

For example, it is better to boil or bake meat, eat eggs raw or boiled, and stew fish in its own juice with vegetables.

  • The last meal before training should take place no later than an hour and a half before. It is better if the meal includes an egg omelet cooked in the oven, cottage cheese with sour cream, a boiled piece of meat, and a milkshake.
  • After training, you are allowed to drink a cup of tea without sugar, but eating can be done no earlier than one and a half to two hours after training. And it’s better if it’s vegetables, fruits, and dairy products.

If you regularly lift weights, but do not change your usual diet, then there will be no weight loss effect.

We recommend reading about Hot shapers weight loss breeches. You will learn about the features and rules of wearing Hot shapers, contraindications, choosing a size, cost. And here is more information about the myostimulator belt for weight loss.

Barbell exercises for weight loss are really effective. They must be performed using the correct technique; it is better to do this under the supervision of a specialist. A barbell is not always mountains of muscles; exercises help both women and men lose weight effectively and safely.

Useful video

For information on how to eat after a workout, watch this video:

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