Products containing succinic acid

Succinic acid is an active participant in metabolism in the human body. It comes from outside with food and is synthesized in the body, and in fairly large quantities. At the same time, it does not accumulate in the organs, but is immediately spent on various needs.

What is succinic acid, what role does it play in metabolism and should it be taken in addition to the usual diet? What are the benefits of the drug and can it cause harm to health if used incorrectly? Let's figure it out.

What foods contain succinic acid?

First, let's find out which products contain succinic acid. Its sources are:

  • The cheese contains succinic acid;
    black bread;
  • dairy products;
  • light grapes;
  • aged wines;
  • beer (brewer's yeast);
  • seafood (in particular, shellfish);
  • sauerkraut;
  • cheeses;
  • gooseberry;
  • turnip;
  • barley and sunflower seeds.

Under normal conditions, the synthesis of succinic acid in the body completely covers its needs. But with some diseases, increased physical activity, poor diet, premature aging processes and other stresses, a deficiency of this substance may occur.

What products does it contain?

To compensate for the lack of succinic acid, it is enough to adjust the diet by adding some types of products to it. Moreover, the list is not so big:

  • Hawthorn.
  • Cheese.
  • Sugar cane.
  • Sunflower seeds.
  • Turnip.
  • Barley.
  • Seafood.
  • Grape.

Since the list of products containing this substance in sufficient quantities is small, doctors additionally prescribe various medications to patients for proper nutrition.

Interesting fact. In stressful situations, the need for butanedionic acid increases several times.

What are the benefits of succinic acid for the body?

The body of a healthy person produces up to 300 grams of succinic acid per day. A significant amount of it comes from outside with vegetables and fruits, dairy products. What is succinic acid used for? It is involved in many metabolic processes associated with the consumption of oxygen by tissues and the production of intracellular energy. It also neutralizes free radicals formed in the body, which are factors of aging.

By normalizing metabolism, the drug increases the rate of breakdown of many toxic substances, has an antioxidant and antihypoxic effect, and protects cells from harmful decay products.

Succinic acid for humans is one of the means of improving metabolism, which in practice leads to the following beneficial effects:

  • stimulation of the liver and kidneys, their effective counteraction to toxins;
  • improved energy supply to the heart and, as a result, better blood supply to tissues;
  • increasing immunity;
  • additional supply of oxygen and nutrients to the brain.

Modern researchers come to the conclusion that succinic acid is a good remedy for the prevention of cancer. Due to its effect on intracellular energy structures - mitochondria, the drug leads to a decrease in the growth of cancer cells. Also, many scientists believe that this substance is capable of restoring damaged cells and thereby rejuvenating them. In older people, taking the drug for 20 days improves well-being, normalizes blood pressure and heart function, and relieves insomnia.

Succinic acid in its pure form is a white powder with a lemon taste, highly soluble in water. It is produced in the form of tablets and is included in many medications in combination with other organic acids or enzymes. Salts of succinic acid are called succinates.

Succinic acid - what is it?

One of the organic carboxylic acids necessary for the smooth functioning of the body. In the isolated state it is colorless and odorless crystals, highly soluble in water.

The substance was first obtained in the 17th century by distilling amber. It is found in the body in the form of salts and esters. They are called "succinates" from the Latin "succinum" - amber.

With proper nutrition and lifestyle, the compound is produced in the body independently in the required quantity. If there is a lack of it, your health worsens. A systematic lack of a substance leads to deterioration of health.

Indications for use of succinic acid

The use of succinic acid in medicine is quite widespread. Here are the indications for taking the pure substance in tablets.

  1. Complex therapy for external and internal poisoning of various causes.
  2. Complex treatment of infectious diseases.
  3. Reducing the negative effects of drugs on the liver and kidneys during long-term use of drugs (antibiotics and others).

For these purposes, it is prescribed to be taken after meals, 1 tablet three times a day.

The drug is also used in other situations.

  1. Increased physical activity.
  2. Alcohol poisoning of the body.
  3. Heart failure.
  4. Allergy.
  5. Brain stimulation.
  6. Stressful conditions that cause fatigue or drowsiness.

How to take succinic acid for a hangover: an hour before the feast, 100 mg, after 2-3 hours another 100 mg. Next, take tablets every hour, but not more than 600 mg (6 tablets) per day. If you need to relieve a morning hangover, then drink 2-3 tablets at once, then two hours later another one, and then every hour until the symptoms disappear.

Can pregnant women take the drug?

Taking succinic acid during pregnancy promotes proper restructuring of the body and improves immunity to infectious diseases. The drug has a beneficial effect on the developing fetus, improves blood supply, eliminates oxygen starvation and protects the baby and mother from various toxins.

Studies have shown that taking the drug during pregnancy reduces the risk of developing gestosis, minimizes complications during childbirth, promotes rapid recovery of the mother and increases the amount of milk.

Succinic acid in sports

Succinic acid is indicated for athletes as a means of increasing immunity, which suffers during significant physical exertion. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, providing it with the necessary energy and oxygen. Since succinic acid is a natural stimulant of metabolic processes, is produced in the body and is not able to accumulate in organs and tissues, no side effects from its use are observed.

The reception schedule for athletes is as follows:

  • 500 mg once a day in the morning after meals;
  • after improvement of the condition, reduce the dose to 100–250 mg per day, which can be divided into 2–3 doses.

Often athletes set an individual dose based on how they feel. When consuming an increased amount of succinic acid (1500–3000 mg), the period of taking the drug should not exceed 10 days.

Increased doses can be taken in courses: drink for three days, then take a break for two days, and so on.

Succinic acid in cosmetology

The regenerating and rejuvenating properties of succinic acid are used in cosmetology. It is widely used in procedures such as peeling, masks and massage. Use pure substance in powder form. Face masks with succinic acid have a rejuvenating effect, cleanse the skin and never cause allergies. This drug is also included in various creams and cosmetic milk.

For hair, succinic acid is used in the form of masks or shampoo. The mask softens curls, gives them elasticity and firmness. You need to keep it on your hair for two hours. To get amber shampoo, simply add a few acid crystals to your regular shampoo and wash your hair. Regular use of such products improves hair growth and restores dull, damaged curls.

Succinic acid - E363

Succinic acid, butanedioic acid, E363

Succinic acid is a dibasic carboxylic acid that has both natural and chemical origin. Succinic acid is included in the group of food additives-antioxidants (antioxidants), in the international classification the substance is assigned the index E363.

Succinic acid is an almost transparent, colorless, crystalline substance, odorless, with a slightly bitter, salty taste. It is highly soluble in water, has a melting point of 185 °C, chemical formula C4H6O4. Obtained in the mid-17th century during the distillation of amber, the current extraction method is the hydrogenation of maleic anhydride. Almost all plants and animal organisms contain succinic acid; for example, the cells of the human body “drive” through themselves up to 1 kilogram of succinic acid per day.

Succinic acid is necessary for the human body, as it takes part in cellular respiration, neutralizes free radicals and is a restorer of energy reserves. Athletes use Succinic acid together with glucose before important competitions to maintain tone. Initially, Succinic acid was used only as a medicine that strengthened the immune system and improved the functioning of the cardiovascular system, brain and liver. In addition to neutralizing many poisons entering the body, succinic acid has anti-radiation properties and protects against the occurrence of tumors. The daily intake of E363 is set no higher than 0.3 g, although the food additive is considered harmless and is allowed to be given to children.

Like any acid, the E363 supplement in overdose can significantly damage the mucous membranes, so you need to carefully read product labels and prevent Succinic Acid in tablet form from getting into the hands of children.

E363 is used in the food industry as an acidity regulator and acidifier. Most often, E363 can be found in alcoholic beverages - vodka, beer and wine, as well as dry drink concentrates, soups and broths. In addition to the food industry, succinic acid is used for the production of resins and plastics, and many medicines.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the use of E363 Succinic acid is permitted as a food additive-antioxidant, subject to daily consumption standards.

Group: Antioxidants (antioxidants)

Effect on the body: Unknown

Succinic acid for weight loss

Succinic acid itself does not have a fat-burning effect. But reviews from those who are on a diet indicate that taking the drug significantly facilitates and accelerates the process of losing weight. Here are several reasons to use succinic acid during this difficult period for every woman:

  • the drug relieves fatigue;
  • improves kidney function, has a mild diuretic effect and reduces swelling;
  • improves the absorption of nutrients and their processing into energy rather than fat;
  • promotes good brain function and relieves nervous tension.

For those who have already lost weight, succinic acid will be useful if added to body cream. This balm increases skin firmness and elasticity and helps reduce stretch marks.

There are several schemes for taking succinic acid for weight loss.

  1. For two weeks, three tablets three times a day. Then take a week break and repeat the course.
  2. Monthly course. For a month, drink a solution of succinic acid daily - 1 gram of the drug per glass of water. You should drink the mixture through a straw so as not to destroy tooth enamel, and rinse your mouth after taking it.
  3. Long-term use. For a month they take three tablets a day, in cycles of 3/1 - they take the drug for three days, then a day off.

With long-term use, you need to focus on your feelings and adjust the dosage as necessary.

succinic acid

Succinic acid (butanedic acid, ethane-1,2-dicarboxylic acid) is a dibasic saturated carboxylic acid. Colorless crystals, soluble in water and alcohol. Contained in small quantities in many plants and amber. Stimulates growth and increases plant yield, accelerates the development of corn. In industry, succinic acid is obtained mainly by hydrogenation of maleic anhydride.

Without succinic acid, the human body cannot exist. Interestingly, the compound and its derivatives are participants in metabolic processes, an intermediate product of the reaction of saccharides, complex fats, and proteins. Every day, the human body produces 200 grams of acid per day, which is used to maintain life cycles.

The interaction of succinates with oxygen is accompanied by the release of a large amount of energy necessary to accelerate metabolism and maintain physical activity.

To determine the body's daily need for succinic acid, a person's body weight must be multiplied by 0.03 grams. The resulting product will be considered an individual norm recommended for daily use.

Interestingly, succinic acid does not cause addiction or allergies, because it is present in the human body almost all the time. Studies have shown that the compound is a natural adaptogen. It increases the body's resistance to adverse environmental influences.

Factors that increase the need of internal organs for succinic acid:

  • Colds. They create an additional burden on the human immune system. Therefore, during illness, acid consumption should be increased.
  • Sport. The amber supplement stimulates the endocrine system and promotes rapid recovery of muscle tissue after intense training.
  • Hangover. Additional intake of the compound facilitates the functioning of the liver and kidneys and promotes detoxification of the body.
  • Allergy. Consuming succinic acid reduces the production of natural histamine.
  • Heart failure. The product supplies myocardial cells with additional energy.
  • To stimulate brain function (improves oxygen supply).
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Skin problems (dermatitis, acne, inflammation).
  • Diabetes.
  • Excess body weight.
  • Old age, when the body loses the ability to independently replenish the level of succinic acid.

Useful properties of succinic acid:

  • Regulates cellular respiration, promotes the rapid movement and absorption of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, which ensures the strengthening and normal functioning of body tissues.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the adrenal glands and hypothalamus.
  • Reduces the harmful effects of stress, restores the nervous system.
  • Increases body tone, improves concentration, gives strength, vigor, and increases labor productivity.
  • Strengthens the body's protective reserve, helps resist viral diseases and nervous disorders.
  • Maintains water-salt metabolism within normal limits, accelerates fat burning, allows you to lose extra pounds, maintaining body weight at the desired level.
  • Absorbs dangerous toxins, including after ethyl poisoning.
  • Fights colonies of pathogenic bacteria in the intestinal flora.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Prevents the growth of tumor cells.
  • Regulates the functioning of the heart muscle and normal cholesterol levels in the body.
  • Fights feverish conditions, inflammation, swelling.
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