How to take succinic acid for weight loss?

Succinic acid: what is it?

Global warming, triggered by the onset of the Tertiary period, forced plants to begin producing a new substance that could resist diseases and pests. Later, people called it succinic acid, in honor of the mineral of biogenic origin - amber.

This crystalline substance has several other names: butanedioic acid, sodium succinate. In its pure form, it is found in a number of food products and can be isolated from amber. This was first done by Georg Agricola, and this event happened back in the 15th century.

Physical properties, chemical composition

Succinic acid is a white crystalline powder, highly soluble in water and alcohols, odorless. The substance tastes vaguely like citric acid. To obtain an “ideal” solution, without suspension, you need to dissolve 78 g of powder in a liter of water.

The powder melts at a temperature of 1880 C, boils at 2450 C. Density - 1.56 g/cm3. Molecular weight – 118 g/mol, specific gravity – 1.56.

At its core, it is a dicarboxylic compound, since its formula contains 2 carboxyl groups, between which there is a divalent radical. In abbreviated form, the chemical formula looks like this: C4H6O4 or: HOOC (CH2)2 COOH. It is noteworthy that the chemical composition of succinic acid includes a small percentage of impurities. Basically, these are iron sulfides and chlorides, and their presence does not affect the properties of the substance.

Let's dot the i's

First of all, it is important to understand that the basis of diabetes treatment is hypoglycemic drugs: insulins (mainly for type 1 diabetes) and oral hypoglycemic drugs (for type 2 diabetes). Biologically active food supplements can be classified as additional means that doctors and/or patients themselves sometimes include in a comprehensive treatment regimen. In Western countries, there is a special concept of complementary medicine - it (as opposed to alternative medicine) is used in conjunction with official medicine.

Instructions and scope of application

In medicine, cosmetology and dietetics, succinic acid is used as a dietary supplement. The drug can be purchased at a pharmacy. Pharmacological form - powder or tablets. The first option is less common. The recommended daily dosage when taken orally cannot exceed 1 g.

Tablets or capsules are taken with meals, powder is dissolved in moderate temperature drinks. Succinic acid does not belong to the category of drugs, therefore, there is no clear dosage. The dose can be adjusted during administration.

Mainly, sodium succinate is used for:

  • improvement of mental activity;
  • losing weight;
  • reducing withdrawal symptoms;
  • prevention of cancer, including female reproductive organs;
  • helping the body with bronchitis, ARVI and influenza;
  • reducing the manifestations of allergies;
  • support of the heart and blood vessels;
  • eliminating the consequences of stressful conditions.

During pregnancy and lactation, taking succinic acid is not prohibited. Indeed, during these periods, a woman’s body experiences enormous stress and needs support. It helps to increase and accelerate oxygen metabolism, the proper development of the fetus and the formation of its organs.

The substance is especially recommended for pregnant women experiencing stress and unreasonable anxiety. Doctors recommend consuming succinic acid in reasonable quantities - no more than 250 mg per day. This will reduce the likelihood of anemia and speed up the process of removing waste and toxins from the body. You cannot take dietary supplements on your own initiative - only with the consent of your doctor.

What to drink after coronavirus for recovery

Doctors are ambivalent about drug rehabilitation after SARS-CoV-2. As a rule, potent and quite toxic antiviral drugs, antibiotics, and corticosteroids are used for treatment (especially in severe cases). Therefore, to reduce the drug load on the liver and kidneys, the required minimum of medications is left during the rehabilitation period. This:

  • means to prevent blood clots (mandatory for patients over 45–50 years of age, in other situations - according to indications);
  • medications to correct metabolism;
  • vitamins (D3, group B, ascorbic acid, Omega-6 complex), microelements (zinc, iron, etc.);
  • “mild” plant-based sedatives, amino acids (in particular, glycine), but if necessary, after examination by a psychotherapist, it is possible to prescribe antidepressants and tranquilizers.

Increasingly, publications are appearing on various forums that SARS-CoV-2 is no worse than a common cold or flu (by the way, it is also not easy to regain strength after it). However, the situation is much more serious. Doctors are already talking about severe post-Covid syndrome, and every day the statistics of complications are changing for the worse. Therefore, regardless of the severity of the disease, rehabilitation should never be neglected. You can get detailed advice by calling +7 24/7.

Contraindications and side effects

Succinic acid tends to irritate the walls of the stomach and can cause heartburn. This substance is contraindicated for persons suffering from individual intolerance, coronary artery disease, glaucoma and hypertension. It should not be taken for peptic ulcers, urolithiasis or excessive excitability.

You should not consume succinic acid before bed, as it can cause insomnia. If the body reacts inadequately to this substance, then its use should be stopped.

Contraindications for use

A girl should start taking any drug by visiting a doctor. Most products have a number of contraindications, which, if ignored, can lead to health problems. Only a doctor is able to competently assess the condition of the body and come to a conclusion about whether a fashionista can take the drug or whether she should refrain from the procedure. Succinic acid is no exception to the rule. To lose weight without problems, a girl must take into account a number of contraindications, in the presence of which the use of the drug is prohibited.

You should not drink succinic acid for weight loss if the girl has:

  • individual intolerance to the drug,
  • urolithiasis,
  • coronary heart disease,
  • hypertension,
  • stomach ulcer,
  • duodenal disease,
  • glaucoma.

Ignoring contraindications can aggravate existing problems and lead to serious health problems. For this reason, you must strictly follow the recommendations and read the instructions included with succinic acid before starting use.

Beneficial properties for weight loss

Succinic acid is present in all cells; without it, vital processes such as tissue respiration, metabolism, and glucose breakdown are impossible. It is an antioxidant, an activator of gastric juice production, and a stimulant of mental activity. Sodium succinate helps reduce the toxic effect of toxins and remove them from the body. Dietary supplements really promote weight loss because:

  1. Normalizes the amount of oxygen consumed by cells and accelerates lipid oxidation.
  2. Increases the number of calories burned.
  3. Accelerates the breakdown of fats into simpler substances.
  4. Improves metabolism.
  5. Debugs the functioning of internal organs and systems.
  6. Eliminates swelling and prevents the appearance of new ones.
  7. It is an excellent prevention of cellulite.


Reviews of succinic acid indicate an amazing effect in losing weight. Despite the effectiveness of the drug, it is important to follow the instructions without violating the dosage regimen. Also, the substance is not recommended for inclusion in the diet on an ongoing basis. If it enters the digestive tract, it increases acidity, which leads to irritation and deformation of the mucous membrane. Regular use can lead to a number of side effects:

  • excessive production of gastric juice;
  • hypertension;
  • cramps in the abdominal area;
  • dizziness, nausea;
  • disruption of nervous regulation processes, increased excitability or, conversely, apathy.

Succinic acid is synthesized in the human body, but there are still a number of restrictions on the use of the synthetic form.


  • drug intolerance;
  • pregnancy;
  • increased acidity;
  • digestive system dysfunction;
  • gastritis;
  • pathologies of the excretory system;
  • glaucoma;
  • heart failure.

Conditions for weight loss

There is no magic pill that can “melt” fat. Regular use of succinic acid normalizes metabolic processes. At the same time, this substance provides the body with good energy supply, which is why those losing weight do not experience serious discomfort.

But positive results will only come if you demonstrate physical activity and adhere to basic nutritional standards. It is impossible to lose weight without revising your diet and daily exercise. Succinic acid:

  1. Promotes gradual weight loss, without a pronounced feeling of hunger.
  2. Participates in the synthesis of adenosine triphosphoric acid, which is responsible for the energy activity of cells.
  3. Accelerates energy exchange at the cellular level, which makes a person more resistant to mental and physical stress.
  4. Slows down the aging process and does not prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the skin.

Reviews of succinic acid for weight loss

Let's take a closer look at reviews of people who have lost weight using succinic acid.

Marina Dubkova, 44 years old:

“For a long time I tried to get rid of the extra pounds that had accumulated after pregnancy. No amount of hard training or mono-diet helped achieve the desired goal. The nutritionist explained to me that the reason is that the body is polluted and lacks important elements for normal metabolism. He advised me to correct these problems with the help of a natural and most importantly safe remedy - succinic acid. This inexpensive dietary supplement helped me lose extra pounds and also significantly improve my health. I advise everyone who wants to lose weight to try the drug, but first it is better to consult a specialist and clarify the rationality of taking it.”

Evgenia Lyubimova, 36 years old:

“I made a serious decision - to lose weight by the summer, no matter what it costs me. You always want to look beautiful, especially on the beach in a swimsuit. But after several days of grueling training and diet, the body malfunctioned. This did not surprise me; I have been suffering from problems with the digestive system for a long time. I read on the Internet about safe and effective dietary supplements and decided to try succinic acid. The drug did not raise any doubts, as it is popular for its use for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. After taking the product, my general condition improved significantly, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract stabilized, and the lower numbers on the scales were pleasantly pleasing.”

Katerina Lebedeva, 39 years old:

“A friend advised me to try succinic acid to improve the condition of my hair. During the period of use, I began to feel more energetic, so I decided to resume fitness classes, which I had previously persistently put off due to lack of time and energy. Every day I drank 3 tablets and exercised for half an hour. At the same time, I did not limit myself in food and ate exactly as much as my body required; I did not do fasting days. I managed to lose 5 kg in this mode in a month and not only fit into my favorite jeans, but also look attractive in them. The hair became manageable and silky, as expected, and another bonus is a reduced number on the scale. I am completely satisfied with the drug, I advise everyone to try it, not only for the purpose of losing weight, but also to improve their well-being.”

Rules and methods of application

If succinic acid is available, presented in powder form, then prepare a solution: dilute 1 g of the substance in 250 ml of boiled water at room temperature. The solution must be drunk half an hour before breakfast, on an empty stomach, and preferably through a straw.

The fact is that acid negatively affects tooth enamel, and in any case, you need to rinse your mouth after drinking the drink. Admission is a course course, for 4 weeks, after which there is a two-month break. In the absence of powder, its functions can be taken over by tablets that simply need to be crushed. Persons who have the slightest stomach problems should not drink the solution on an empty stomach.


The drug, presented in tablet form, is sold in paper or metallized packaging. There is a simple way to use diet pills: 1 pc. consumed 30 minutes before each meal and washed down with a glass of water. The duration of the course cannot be more than two months.

There is also a dosage regimen - with breaks: you need to take 4 tablets for 3 days in a row, and one day is set aside for “rest”. It is better to make this day a fasting day. By the way, one fasting day is equal in effectiveness to three dietary days. Taking “amber” with breaks is also a course, and the course cannot exceed 1.5 months.

Taking succinic acid for weight loss is the very case when the manufacturer’s instructions can be ignored. To solve other problems not related to weight loss, it is recommended to take a maximum of 1 tablet three times a day after meals.

Vitamins and microelements that can influence glucose levels

Supplements used for type 1 and type 2 diabetes often include several vitamins and minerals that can directly affect carbohydrate metabolism. Let's take a closer look at which vitamins for diabetics are most closely related to glycemia.


An essential microelement found in brewer's yeast, mushrooms, liver, potatoes, and beef. Enters the body in the form of chloride, nicotinate and picolinate. The latter form is best absorbed [10].

The daily intake of chromium is 35 mcg for men and 25 mcg for women.

The exact mechanism of action on carbohydrate metabolism is not clear. However, chromium is known to potentiate the effects of insulin and support pancreatic beta cell activity. Dietary supplements intended for use in diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2 may contain 200 mcg of chromium or more. According to some data, it is most effective to take chromium for diabetes mellitus at 1000 mg per day [16].

The mechanism of action is not well understood, but a number of clinical studies confirm the ability of chromium to have a beneficial effect on the course of diabetes. A meta-analysis of 25 randomized controlled trials demonstrated the hypoglycemic properties of chromium in diabetes, and also confirmed that its intake reduces the level of glycated hemoglobin [10]. Good tolerance of trivalent chromium has also been confirmed.

What should the client pay attention to?

Chromium can interact with iron, so it is best not recommended for clients taking iron supplements [10]. In addition, antacids and proton pump inhibitors may reduce chromium absorption [17].


Magnesium deficiency is a typical problem with carbohydrate metabolism disorders. According to research, low magnesium levels in type 2 diabetes are detected in 25–38% of patients and are generally characteristic of patients with uncontrolled diabetes [18].

Magnesium is involved in normal insulin secretion and its effects on body tissues. According to a systematic review, 8 of 12 studies found that magnesium supplementation for 6 to 24 weeks in type 2 diabetes and prediabetes lowered blood glucose levels compared with placebo. Moreover, every 50 mg increase in magnesium intake results in an additional 3% reduction in glycemia in patients with magnesium deficiency [19]. The average daily dose of magnesium for type 1 and type 2 diabetes is 250–350 mg.

What should the client pay attention to?

To improve magnesium absorption, it is best to take magnesium supplements with meals [19]. Products containing magnesium may interact with diuretics and antibiotics.

Contents in products

There are foods and drinks with a high content of succinic acid in their composition. Persons planning to start taking it in tablet or powder form are advised to exclude from the diet: leeks, cocoa, black tea, chocolate, instant coffee, rhubarb, spinach, sesame, tofu. Also, there is a list of products with an average content of succinic acid:

  • offal;
  • dairy products;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • sage, parsley, cinnamon and a number of other herbs and spices;
  • flax seed;
  • legumes;
  • fruits, except apples, bananas and watermelons.

A small amount of succinic acid (less than 2 mg per serving) contains: mushrooms, almost all vegetables, cereals, meat, fish, poultry, bakery and pasta products.

Benefits for the body

To determine the body’s daily need for succinic acid, it is necessary to use the simplest formula: body weight * 0.03 g. The need for this substance increases if a person:

  • experiences chronic fatigue;
  • is overweight;
  • works a lot mentally and physically;
  • suffers from diabetes;
  • has skin problems;
  • preparing for old age retirement.

A lack of succinic acid can cause a decrease in immunity, a constant feeling of fatigue, the appearance of acne, decreased brain activity, and excess weight gain. An excess of the substance in the body causes kidney problems, disruptions in the digestive system, thinning enamel and increased tooth sensitivity.

The advantages also include:

  1. Stimulates energy production in cells.
  2. Rejuvenates the body, restoring functions lost with age.
  3. Improves and accelerates the process of oxygen absorption by cells.
  4. It neutralizes free radicals, therefore it is considered an excellent remedy for the prevention of cancer and other dangerous ailments.
  5. Restores the energy resource of each cell.
  6. Normalizes the functioning of all organs and systems.
  7. Protects against radiation (50 years ago a series of experiments was carried out, during which it was found that under the influence of radiation the body begins to intensively produce succinic acid).

Preparation of a “sun cocktail” and tincture

If you are not allergic to bee products, you can prepare a “sunny cocktail”:

  1. Crush the optimal number of tablets (1-3 pieces) into powder.
  2. Dilute the powder in 250 ml. warm water and add 2-3 tsp to the mixture. honey.
  3. Take in equal portions throughout the day according to the “with a break” scheme: 3 days of intake, 1 day of “rest”.

To prepare the tincture, you will need natural amber, preferably unprocessed. That is, it has not undergone heat treatment, cutting, polishing or other operations. Grind the stones in a coffee grinder or grind them in another way so that you end up with 3 tbsp. l. crumbs that need to be poured with a glass of vodka or alcohol. Infusion time is a month. After this, the mixture is filtered and poured into a dark glass bottle. Directions for use: no more than 10 drops per glass of water in case of loss of strength and deterioration of health.

Non-drug methods of recovery after coronavirus infection

Rehabilitation specialists offer the following efferent therapy methods:

  • ILBI and NLBI (intravenous and supravenous blood irradiation). This is a universal procedure that has virtually no contraindications or side effects. This technique allows you to quickly cleanse the body of toxins, improve blood circulation, activate tissue respiration, and reduce the risk of blood clots.

  • Oxygen therapy. A course of inhalations, supplemented by regular use of oxygen cocktails, will help restore tidal volume and maintain cell saturation with oxygen at the proper level. Oxygen therapy helps to avoid fibrotic changes in the lungs, helps strengthen the immune system, and cope with shortness of breath that occurs even with minor physical exertion.
  • Diet therapy. Nutrition should be high enough in calories to restore strength and energy after Covid, contain all the necessary vitamins, macro- and microelements, but at the same time be gentle on the liver, pancreas, and cardiovascular system. During rehabilitation in a specialized clinic, a qualified nutritionist will help you create a diet. The patient is given a detailed menu taking into account his preferences and wishes (even the time required for cooking), and diet are taken into account.
  • Physical training. The intensity of physical activity is increased gradually. They start with short sessions with simultaneous strict control of saturation and pressure. Quite simple exercises will help strengthen muscles and increase endurance: planks, leg raises, squats, lunges, bends. Outdoor walks and cardio exercises are required.
  • Breathing exercises. There are a huge variety of different methods, but before starting any complex you should first consult with a pulmonologist. Some elements are dangerous after mechanical ventilation or barotrauma.
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