Weight gain medications, nutritional supplements.

The role of vitamins in weight gain

The problem of lack of weight worries many, especially those who are actively involved in sports. The main condition for gaining additional kilograms is normal metabolism. Metabolism is a very complex biochemical process in which vitamins play key roles. Therefore, if you are missing a few kilograms, review your diet and make adjustments so that your body receives all the necessary vitamins.

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What factors influence weight gain

Your body strives for stability, so both losing and gaining weight can be quite difficult. And while there are many ways to lose weight that allow you to do it in the shortest possible time, weight gain always happens quite slowly. However, there are ways to help you gain muscle faster.

  • Workout. Since you are unlikely to want to increase body fat, you need to gain weight at the expense of muscle mass. This process is impossible without active and regular physical activity.
  • Protein food. Protein is indispensable in the process of “building” muscle tissue. Make sure your diet includes foods rich in proteins (meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, etc.).
  • Sufficient amount of calories. Plan your menu for three balanced meals a day and make sure you consume more calories than you burn. Your diet should include proteins, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates.
  • Vitamins. A whole complex of nutrients is involved in the metabolic process, and vitamins have a number of beneficial properties, in particular they promote tissue growth and strengthen bones. Vitamin deficiency will not only prevent you from gaining weight, but can also cause serious health problems.

Causes of underweight

  1. Metabolism is too fast. This is a hereditary factor, which can usually be overcome by increased carbohydrate consumption.
  2. Hormonal disorders. This is usually caused by problems with the thyroid gland.
  3. Lack of nutrition. A common problem for girls who have “overdone” weight loss. This factor must be taken under control; malnutrition can lead to serious eating disorders.
  4. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas. In this case, it is better not to try to solve the problem yourself, but to consult a specialist.

Indications for weight gain

Taking vitamins for weight gain is necessary for the following health problems:

  • dystrophy;
  • lipid or protein metabolism disorders;
  • anorexia;
  • avitaminosis.

Common causes of vitamin deficiency are:

  1. Poor appetite.
  2. Poor nutrition.
  3. Inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or dysbacteriosis. In such cases, many nutrients are not sufficiently absorbed by the body, which affects weight.

Most often, people involved in athletic disciplines are interested in building muscle mass. Achieving the desired shape requires not only regular training and sports nutrition, but also the consumption of the vitamins necessary for this. Their deficiency leads to poor recovery after exercise, oxidative stress and underweight.

The role of vitamins for weight gain cannot be underestimated for a child’s growing body. Their deficiency can cause problems not only with physical development, but also with mental or psycho-emotional development. In addition, increased doses of these vitamins are needed during stress and strain, as well as pregnancy and spring vitamin deficiencies.

Causes of lack of muscle mass

Before starting a course of weight gain, you need to identify the reason that led to thinness, otherwise the program may be unsuccessful. The main factor influencing muscle formation is metabolism. Each organism requires a different amount of energy in order to maintain vital processes. If the metabolism is accelerated, then it is very difficult to gain weight, since even in a calm state a lot of energy is consumed. This leads to the fact that fat does not accumulate, but is immediately spent on the needs of the body. In this case, you will need to follow a special diet.

Before you find out which vitamins can make you gain weight, it is worth knowing that one of the reasons for exhaustion is increased carbohydrate metabolism, and this is a hereditary predisposition. Thin people need an increased amount of carbohydrates in their daily menu. They should make up at least 60% of the total calorie content of food. If there are not enough carbohydrates in the diet, then a metabolic imbalance is observed, cells decrease in volume, and as a result, body weight decreases.

Another reason lies in insufficient caloric intake. When carbohydrate metabolism is increased, the body needs a large amount of calories for general metabolism. The need is determined as follows: weight is multiplied by 40.

Another reason is disturbances related to the functioning of the digestive tract, namely the reduced production of enzymes that help break down foods into:

  • carbohydrates, fats and proteins;
  • macro- and microelements;
  • vitamins.

If they are deficient, food is poorly absorbed, so you need to know which vitamins can cause weight gain.

Hormonal imbalances, such as hyperthyroidism or thyroid dysfunction, lead to underweight. Too much thyroid hormone causes increased oxygen consumption by tissues, and this leads to increased fat, protein and carbohydrate energy metabolism. If a person eats little, this also leads to thinness. There are vitamins for weight gain, and without them this problem cannot be solved.

Ways to gain weight

To gain weight and maintain good health, you need to make sure your body is getting all the nutrients it needs. There are several ways to do this.

  • Vitamins from food. The easiest and most organic way to get all the substances you need to gain weight is from food. Adjust your diet so that it contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates in sufficient quantities, and as many vitamins as possible.
  • Dietary supplements. If you can't get enough essential nutrients from food, dietary supplements can come to your rescue. Pay attention to sports nutrition - these supplements are often designed for specific purposes and promote mass gain.
  • Medications. If your lack of weight is associated with certain diseases, you need to consult a specialist and possibly take medications. You can indeed increase muscle mass with the help of pills, but you should not resort to this method on your own.
  • Vitamin complexes. These are the most harmless nutritional supplements that will greatly simplify the process of obtaining many vitamins. This method is universal - there are vitamin complexes for any age, for women and men.

Brewer's yeast

A dietary supplement that stimulates appetite and improves the absorption of nutrients from food. The B vitamins and amino acids contained in brewer's yeast in large quantities are responsible for these properties.

The energy value of the product is 75 kilocalories per 100 grams.

Depending on the form of release, the additive can be raw or autolyzed. The first option is used infrequently for weight gain, since such yeast is contraindicated for people with problems with the gastrointestinal tract. They can also cause allergic reactions and candidiasis.

Autolysate does not activate fermentation processes in the intestines, and all beneficial substances are contained in an easily digestible form.

The supplement should be taken as directed. Autolysate in powder form is consumed 1-3 grams 2-3 times a day. Before use, the substance must be mixed with water. Take 3-5 tablets three times a day.

Consequences of being underweight

Inadequate nutrition and excessive thinness have a number of negative consequences for the body and can cause serious and even irreparable harm to health.

  • Decreased immunity and susceptibility to viral infections
  • Weakness, fatigue
  • Disorders of the menstrual cycle and reproductive function in women
  • Reduced sperm production in men
  • Slow development in children
  • Abnormal sugar levels and risk of diabetes
  • Disorder of the endocrine and hormonal systems
  • Kidney diseases
  • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Decreased performance and mental activity, deterioration of psycho-emotional state

How to gain weight correctly

There are several important factors that are involved in weight gain.

  • Balanced diet
  • Power training
  • Proper rest and proper sleep

Only if all these points are followed will you be able to see the desired numbers on the scales. And don’t rush to jump on fast food and other junk food - after all, you hardly want to gain weight due to fat deposits.

Remember that gaining weight is a much slower process than losing weight. If you are underweight, you should not expect to be able to get back to normal in a week. It's a long journey that requires hard work.

Rules for gaining weight for women

It is especially important for women not to increase fat mass when gaining weight. To do this, you should adhere to several basic rules:

  1. Eat 3-5 times a day. It is necessary to divide all daily food into several meals. You cannot eat your entire daily calorie intake at one time, otherwise you will feel hungry throughout the day. It is also not advisable to snack between meals.
  2. Slightly exceed the calorie allowance. The required number of calories per day is calculated based on height, weight, physical activity and other factors. If your goal is to gain weight, feel free to add 125 calories to this norm. But don't overdo it - you probably don't want to gain weight from fat.
  3. Exercise. Gaining muscle mass is impossible without active training. To gain weight, you should give preference to strength training, diluting it with cardio or yoga.
  4. Balance the menu. Your diet should contain complex carbohydrates, healthy fats and sufficient protein as building material for muscles. And don’t forget about vitamins - if you lack them in your food, you can resort to nutritional supplements.

Rules for gaining weight for men

The basic principles remain the same - balanced nutrition, training, proper regimen. The main difference is that men need more calories (daily value + 250) and more vigorous strength training to gain weight.

The optimal percentages of BJU will be approximately the following: 40% proteins, 50% carbohydrates and 10% fats. If there is not enough protein in your diet, pay attention to dietary supplements (BAS) and sports nutrition.

Weight Gain Rules for Teens

Lack of weight in teenagers is a completely normal phenomenon associated with a period of rapid growth. With a high degree of probability, this problem will go away on its own when muscle mass catches up with growth. However, this process can take years, during which time teenagers are concerned about the desire for a beautiful figure, and parents are concerned about the child’s thinness. You need to make sure that your teenager's diet contains enough proteins and carbohydrates. Training will have a positive effect - at a young age it is much easier to gain muscle mass.

An important point is also the psychological state. Adolescence is difficult for many people to endure, and teenagers are often susceptible to stress, mood swings, and, as a result, loss of appetite. Girls very often have thoughts about their own imperfection and they begin to limit themselves to strict and completely unnecessary diets. These factors should be taken into account in order to normalize your weight.

Rules for gaining weight for children

Gaining weight in a child is particularly difficult, since it is often difficult to convince children to change their usual diet, and strength training is still out of the question. If your child is eating well but is underweight, it is worth consulting with a specialist about possible problems and getting advice on appropriate nutrition. If you need to add calories to your child's diet, this should be done gradually.

Children who are underweight are often prone to hypovitaminosis, so pay attention to the amount of vitamins your child takes. Your diet should include enough fruits and vegetables, and you can also try vitamin supplements designed for children.

Differences in weight gain rules:

Women Men Teenagers Children
Main causes of underweight Restricting yourself in food, unhealthy diet, hormonal disorders Accelerated metabolism, unbalanced diet, lack of physical activity Fast growth Poor nutrition, genetics
Optimal number of calories 2100-2500 calories per day 2500 - 3000 kcal per day 2200 - 2500 kcal per day 1800 – 2400 (depending on age)
Necessary workouts for gaining weight Strength training interspersed with cardio or yoga Active strength training supplemented with cardio Active sports, body weight exercises General strengthening exercises, active sports

The indicated calorie intake is approximate. You can calculate the one that is suitable for you based on your parameters and physical activity.

What vitamins should a man take?

Exchange processes (metabolism) involve enzymes and many other substances produced by the body. An important role in metabolism belongs to vitamins that come from outside - with food. Their deficiency often leads to metabolic problems and interferes with the normal course of biochemical reactions. It is therefore quite natural that successful weight gain is also only possible if there is no vitamin deficiency.

Many articles and recommendations have been written about what vitamins a man should take to gain weight. The main vitamins that promote weight gain are widely known for other indications:

  • Vitamin A - promotes the normal course of metabolic processes and the appearance of new cells;
  • Vitamin B (the whole group) - cellular nutrition, fat absorption, normalization of redox processes, protein synthesis (just what you need to gain muscle mass);
  • Vitamins E, C - act as antioxidants, accelerate the occurrence of oxidation and reduction reactions.

All of these vitamins can be obtained from food. They are found in many foods, but some of them are considered essential components of a bodybuilder's diet:

  • chicken meat, especially breasts, is additionally used as an excellent supplier of easily digestible protein;
  • boiled eggs also contain a lot of protein (in addition to vitamins);
  • dairy products - vitamins and protein needed for weight gain;
  • seafood - a lot of vitamins and microelements;
  • porridge, especially buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • pasta;
  • fruits and vegetables - they are especially rich in vitamins.

An excellent effect is achieved by combining slow (complex) carbohydrates with proteins. This also contributes to the training process. You can get a lot of calories and fatty tissue by eating seeds and nuts - at least five times a day. More than half of the daily food intake should be consumed in the first part of the day.

If a man wants to quickly make up for the lack of kilograms, then he should adhere to this type of diet. However, it is not uncommon for situations where such an opportunity simply does not exist. In this case, you should pay attention to special preparations and vitamin complexes.

What vitamins to take for weight gain

List of vitamins involved in growth processes and helping to gain weight:

  1. Retinol (A). Important for cellular development and metabolism, participates in the formation of many body tissues, antioxidant. It also has a beneficial effect on vision, skin, hair growth and the reproductive system. Its deficiency causes night blindness. Most vitamin A is found in liver, meat, eggs, and fish oil. Its precursors are carotenoids, which are found in carrots, red peppers, tomatoes and pumpkin. Fats are required for its full absorption.
  2. Thiamine (B1). Participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates and is necessary for full physical and mental development. Its deficiency causes beriberi disease and Korsakoff-Wernicke syndrome, characterized by weight loss and damage to the nervous system. Its sources are cereals, legumes, spinach, red meat, organ meats, and brewer's yeast. When heat treated outside an acidic environment, it quickly collapses. Its absorption is ensured by the intestinal microflora.
  3. Riboflavin (B2). Participates in redox reactions, regulates growth, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair, reproduction and thyroid function, and saturates the blood with oxygen. Its deficiency causes lesions of the mucous membranes near the lips, photophobia, vision problems, anemia and muscle weakness. Sources of riboflavin are liver and kidneys, brewer's yeast, eggs. This useful element is also found in mushrooms, dairy products, cabbage, buckwheat, and meat.
  4. Nicotinic acid (B3 or PP). Required for many biosynthetic processes. Can be produced in the intestinal flora. A lack of this acid causes various problems, including rapid weight loss. It is found in black bread, mushrooms, meat and offal, buckwheat, beans, and beets.
  5. Pyridoxine (B6). Actively participates in metabolic processes and is necessary for the entire nervous system. Can be synthesized in the intestines. Most of it is found in nuts, spinach, cereal sprouts, cabbage, and potatoes. It also contains legumes, meat and offal, fish and eggs, various vegetables and fruits. A deficiency of this substance is rare and is manifested by dermatitis, anemia and disorders of the nervous system.
  6. Tocopherol (E). It is an excellent antioxidant, strengthens the body, and takes an active part in the production of protein compounds and hormones. Found in seeds, nuts and their vegetable oils, as well as in liver and avocados.
  7. Vitamin C. An antioxidant involved in synthesis and metabolism, reduces the need for other vitamins and is necessary to strengthen the immune system. Its deficiency manifests itself as a disease such as scurvy. Sources are rose hips, sea buckthorn, black currants, spinach, red peppers, herbs, citruses.

If the question is about the growth and weight gain of a child, then do not forget about vitamin D. Sources include fish oil, fish, some types of mushrooms and yolk. It is formed in the human body under the influence of sunlight.

Pre-workout supplements for weight gain

The classic pre-workout complex does not directly affect muscle growth, but mainly on strength indicators. Such supplements increase endurance and give vigor, because most often they contain stimulating substances - caffeine, taurine, guarana. On the one hand, this is useful because it allows you to mobilize all the efforts of the body.

But on the other hand, they all put a strain on the heart and blood vessels, which is quite harmful and even sometimes dangerous. In addition, addiction develops to them, and with regular use you have to increase the dosage. This, to put it mildly, is not good for health.

Meanwhile, new generation pre-workouts are most often a complex of amino acids and supplements for athletes, including those that increase muscle growth. The most common of them:

  • Arginine stimulates the growth of muscle mass - accelerates the production of testosterone and growth hormone. Due to this, it reduces the level of subcutaneous fat, improves muscle definition, and stimulates pumping. Reduces the level of bad cholesterol, increases the level of nitric oxide, that is, arginine improves vascular tone. It is a powerful antioxidant and strengthens the immune system.
  • Beta-alanine increases the intensity of muscle contractions, allowing you to achieve greater intensity of movement during training. Reduces fatigue and delays the onset of “muscle failure.” Regulates blood sugar levels and prevents the breakdown of glycogen. Alanine is indicated for athletes with low blood pressure and hypoglycemia to increase endurance.
  • Creatine, which is responsible for supplying muscles with energy and increasing strength during training. We’ll talk about it in more detail below – or read our earlier article.
  • Glutamine promotes the synthesis of other amino acids, thereby participating both in muscle recovery after training and in the construction of new muscle fibers. It has a slight stimulating effect, gives a boost of vivacity and energy for effective training. Strengthens the immune system.

Let's say the Amino Power pre-workout complex contains 3.8 g. BCAA, 3.8 g. arginine, 3.8 g. beta-alanine and 1.8 grams of creatine per serving. It increases your strength and endurance safely for the cardiovascular system, gives you energy before training and allows you to recover as effectively as possible after. It can be called a sports supplement for gaining muscle mass.

How to eat to gain weight

In addition to the above vitamins that promote tissue growth, mineral components such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, copper, iron, zinc, and vanadium are needed. At the same time, the body must receive a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, since without them it is impossible to gain weight. The following foods are most likely to contribute to weight gain:

  1. Cottage cheese. Contains casein, essential minerals, vitamins A, C, D.
  2. Salmon. Source of proteins and omega fats, fat-soluble vitamins.
  3. Beef. Contains protein elements, including collagen, elastin, iron, phosphorus and B vitamins.
  4. Turkey. Its proteins are easily absorbed by the body. Contains vitamins A, B, D, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium.
  5. Chicken. Dietary meat, a source of amino acids and B vitamins. Chicken breast is the most useful.
  6. Eggs. They contain a large amount of easily digestible protein compounds, vitamins A, C, B, D, minerals, omega fats.
  7. Porridge. The most beneficial are oatmeal and buckwheat. They contain slow carbohydrates and some easily digestible proteins. Great for energizing.
  8. Vegetables. You should pay attention to such sources of carbohydrates, essential vitamins and minerals as potatoes, broccoli, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, spinach and other greens.
  9. Nuts. Contains valuable vegetable proteins and fats. They contain many useful vitamins and minerals.
  10. Milk. Can be consumed both in liquid and dry form. It is a good source of protein, as well as beneficial elements necessary for cell growth.
  11. Bananas. This is an excellent source of carbohydrates that support strength during physical activity. Contains a lot of silicon, required for collagen production, as well as other nutrients.

To get better, in addition to a healthy diet, you need to adhere to a healthy lifestyle:

  • get enough sleep;
  • avoid nervous stress;
  • engage in sports or vigorous physical activity;
  • eat small meals;
  • drink enough water;
  • eliminate alcohol and smoking;
  • avoid unhealthy foods (confectionery, carbonated drinks, canned food, smoked meats, fast foods).

Causes of vitamin deficiency

Why do we, in modern life, generally have to face such a problem as a lack of vitamins? Let's start with the fact that we began to move much less, and therefore, energy was wasted by an order of magnitude less. To restore it, we quite logically do not eat in volumes that are sufficient to replenish the daily need for vitamins and minerals.

Here I would add the fact that modern food is inherently poor in these beneficial nutrients. Almost all products are now purified, improved, refined, and tried to be preserved through pasteurization and other tricks with preservatives. All this has a very negative impact on the quality of products, and in particular, on the content of useful substances in them.

Ready-made vitamin complexes for weight gain

The correct choice of the necessary drugs is an important point in the formation of a beautiful athletic figure. This choice largely depends on the age category, gender, indications for use and possible contraindications. It is imperative to clarify what percentage of the daily dose of the substance consumed is covered by the chosen product. If the daily menu contains a large amount of fats, carbohydrates, vegetable fiber and proteins, then a value of 50% will be sufficient. Complexes for women, men and children will differ in composition and dosage.


The following complexes have been developed for women:

  1. Multivitamin for Women. Contains 12 vitamin components, 14 antioxidants, 11 minerals.
  2. Swisse Women's Ultivite. This drug, in addition to gaining muscle mass, normalizes sleep, increases endurance and helps avoid stress.
  3. Opti-Women. This dietary supplement includes 17 plant components and 22 vitamin and mineral substances. It is suitable for women who are actively involved in sports, as well as with increased mental or physical activity. The drug saturates the body with energy, improves immunity, metabolic and recovery processes.

For men

The following medications are recommended for men:

  1. Allmax Zma. This dietary supplement improves activity and saturates with energy. Contains magnesium, zinc and vitamin B6. A balanced selection of components promotes muscle growth.
  2. Hi Tec Vitamin AZ. Contains a large list of vitamins and minerals. Their balanced amount helps to increase muscle volume. This drug has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system of men.
  3. Mega Mass 4000. The composition of this dietary supplement includes proteins, calcium, iodine, iron, phosphorus, zinc, creatine, vitamins (B, C, E). This complex allows you not only to gain weight, but also to recover after physical activity.

For children

For your child’s development, it is better to buy the following vitamin and mineral complexes:

  1. "Vitrum Baby". Contains 3 vitamins and 11 minerals.
  2. "Pikovit." The drug is in the form of a syrup containing a complex of vitamins for the development of children 1–14 years old.
  3. "Alphabet". Tablets that contain 11 vitamins and 8 minerals.
  4. "Supradin Kids". They contain not only a vitamin-mineral complex, but also lecithin and Omega-3.

With a low weight, a child can eat well, but immediately lose weight due to high activity. In this case, vitamins may not be needed. But if children are underweight and are accompanied by poor appetite, lethargy and weak immunity, then they can be taken in courses.

Pharmaceutical drugs for weight gain

Pharmacy drugs for weight gain
According to the mechanism of action and type of effect on the body, tablets sold in pharmacies are divided into:

  • hormonal;
  • increasing appetite;
  • restoring metabolic processes;
  • increasing endurance, energy and strength;
  • sedatives;
  • protein mixtures, etc.

Regardless of whether a person wants to make up for the lack of kilograms or build muscle mass, before using medications, you need to undergo an examination, clarify the dosage and contraindications in order to avoid adverse reactions.


The active substance dydrogesterone is an analogue of natural progesterone.

The drug is intended for women with a lack of gestagens, planning pregnancy, and during menopause to reduce the risk of proliferation of the endometrium of the uterus.

When taking pills, hormonal levels are stabilized, which promotes the natural process of fat deposition and weight gain.


The medicine is an anabolic sex hormone, originally created for tissue regeneration after burns and restoration of bone tissue.

Due to its weak androgenic effect, it is considered the mildest steroid; the drug is approved for use by women. Oxandrolone promotes the growth of muscle tissue, increases strength indicators, and increases the level of growth hormone.

Recommended for athletes with sufficient muscle volume and normal subcutaneous fat content to give definition and beauty to the body.


A high-protein nutritional mixture containing vitamins C, A, D, group B, as well as microelements: potassium, iron, fluorine, zinc, etc.

The product is available in the form of a sterile powder or a ready-made drink for tube feeding, the energy value is 100 kcal/100 g of medicine.

The medicine will not cause harm in the absence of galactosemia and individual intolerance to the components.

Reviews about its effectiveness are mostly positive; the composition is suitable for use by women and men after consultation with a doctor.


A group of medications containing psychoactive substances that have a sedative, hypnotic, and anti-anxiety effect.

In medicine, tablets are used to eliminate anxiety, nervous excitement, and insomnia. Weight gain when taking benzodiazepines occurs due to increased appetite.

Be sure to read: Beta-alanine: how to take it, release forms, what it is needed for, side effects

The drugs reduce activity and are addictive when taken long-term, so this method is not suitable for everyone, but is prescribed according to indications.


An antihistamine is indicated for the prevention and reduction of allergies, has a sedative effect, and is available in the form of tablets or syrup.

The drug activates appetite, improves food absorption, so it is prescribed for weight gain in anorexia. Additionally, it is recommended to include easily digestible and high-calorie foods in your diet.

Glutamic acid

A non-essential amino acid is a neurotransmitter and is involved in nitrogen metabolism, the synthesis of proteins and other amino acids.

Taking an organic compound does not directly affect the number of kilograms, but training or weight correction therapy involves the use of the drug.

Glutamic acid has the ability to:

  • stimulate blood circulation and saturate cells with oxygen; improve nerve cell metabolism;
  • regulate metabolism;
  • increase the penetration of potassium into muscles;
  • remove decomposition products.

As a result, immunity is increased, the ability to tolerate physical activity is increased, redox reactions are accelerated, which promotes the growth of muscle fibers.

The best medications for weight gain

Now in stores you can find a large list of drugs that promote weight gain when playing sports or losing weight. Let's look at the most popular of them:

  1. "Diabeton." The drug is produced in the form of tablets. Helps athletes gain muscle volume with the help of hormones necessary for anabolism. The main component is insulin. This drug is considered a good alternative to special injections for weight gain.
  2. "Calcium glycerophosphate." It is popular among bodybuilders due to the fact that it fully provides the necessary amount of calcium and promotes better absorption of proteins. It increases appetite well, which leads to weight gain, so when taking these pills you need to adhere to the diet recommended by experts.
  3. "Potassium Orotate". Thanks to the presence of orotic acid, metabolic processes for the absorption of protein substances are improved. This allows you to form a beautiful athletic figure when playing sports. Taking these tablets also helps the body recover after intense physical activity.
  4. "Asparkam." This drug is a source of potassium and magnesium ions. Promotes the formation of a beautiful athletic figure, improves metabolism to build muscle volume, and also helps to avoid the appearance of cramps, which often occur during increased physical activity.
  5. "Riboxin" Helps enhance energy metabolism. It should be taken together with medications such as potassium orotate. This drug is often used to improve the contraction of the heart muscle and prevent arrhythmias. Due to the presence of easily digestible omega fats, it successfully replaces the Omega-3 supplement in special nutrition for athletes. These substances are necessary for better absorption of medications that promote muscle gain. It fills the body with essential fats and carbohydrates, which are actively involved in metabolic processes. In addition, it contains vitamins A and D.
  6. "Hematogen". These are popular bars that allow you to quickly replenish energy after physical activity. They are excellent for increasing the level of red blood cells, iron, and various vitamins and minerals. “Hematogen” has a high amount of calories, which helps you gain the necessary kilograms faster. It is sold in pharmacies and other retail outlets without a prescription.
  7. "Brewer's yeast". This dietary supplement contains 40% easily digestible proteins and amino acids, which contributes to faster weight gain. Thanks to the presence of vitamins B, P and D, brewer's yeast fills the body with the necessary elements to improve metabolism. To increase weight, this yeast is taken after meals. At the same time, you need to drink at least 2.5 liters of water throughout the day.

Safe Supplements for Muscle Growth

People who engage in sports and strength training require a balanced diet for muscle volume, rapid recovery, increased endurance and strength.

Be sure to read: Nutrition for gaining muscle mass for men: basic diet rules, list of products

To obtain a complete set of microelements, vitamins, amino acids, proteins and carbohydrates, additives, which are concentrated compositions of essential nutritional components, contribute to obtaining a complete set of microelements, vitamins, amino acids, proteins and carbohydrates.

Sports supplements are not doping, they are a supplement to the main food, they have a high energy potential, and are quickly broken down and absorbed.

The food is considered safe and non-addictive; concentrates are allowed to be included in the diet of people with an ectomorphic physique in order to gain weight.


A high-calorie supplement containing mainly carbohydrates (simple and complex), as well as protein.

Additionally, the structure of gainers includes vitamins, minerals, and sometimes creatine. The selection of components provides the athlete’s body with energy, which is necessary during periods of intense physical activity, and provides an increase in muscle fiber.

The complex is suitable for people with accelerated metabolism and difficulties with weight gain, as it compensates for the need for calories.

Endomorphs should be careful when it comes to nutrition, as there may be difficulties with the development of fat deposits.


Protein is a building material for cells, so without complete protein it is impossible to build sculpted muscles.

In addition to building muscle, the function of protein is to prevent catabolic reactions after intense exercise.

Protein concentrates are made from whey, egg or vegetable protein and are produced in the form of bars or powder from which a cocktail is prepared.

Amino acids

Amino acids are a product of protein breakdown and perform the following functions in the human body:

  • tissue restoration;
  • increasing endurance;
  • protecting muscles from the destructive effects of cortisol, which is produced under increased stress;
  • synthesis of chemicals responsible for the functioning of brain cells and endocrine glands.

When playing sports, the need for organic compounds increases; to compensate for the deficiency, complexes with essential amino acids are used: leucine, isoleucine and valine.

Digested proteins in their prepared form are absorbed quickly, so they are used during and after workouts.


The organic amino acid is found in muscles and is involved in the energy metabolism of nerve cells and skeletal muscles.

When consuming creatine, a person’s strength and endurance increase, and protein synthesis increases, which allows them to more actively increase muscle volume.

Be sure to read: What is a gainer for gaining muscle mass, which one is better, the difference from protein?

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